Thursday, May 23, 2024


Birdsong and human voice built from same genetic blueprint

Syrinx and Larynx evolution figure 



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Humans have been long fascinated by bird song and the cacophony of other avian sounds — from coos and honks to quacks and peeps. But little is known about how the unique vocal organ of birds — the syrinx — varies from species to species or its deeper evolutionary origins.

A trio of recent studies led by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin is changing that.

The studies include high-resolution anatomical scans of syrinxes from hummingbirds and ostriches — the world’s smallest and largest bird species — and the discovery that the syrinx and larynx, the vocal organ of reptiles and mammals, including humans, share the same developmental programming.

According to Julia Clarke, a professor at UT’s Jackson School of Geosciences, this genetic connection between the vocal organs is an exciting new example of “deep homology,” a term that describes how different tissues or organs can share a common genetic link.

“To me, this is as big as the flippers-to-limbs transition,” said Clarke, who co-led or co-authored the studies. “In some ways, it’s even bigger because the syrinx is not a modified organ with a new function but a completely new one with an ancient and common function.”

The three studies are built on a foundation of collaborative and interdisciplinary syrinx research with physiologists and developmental biologists that Clarke has been leading for over a decade. The research got its start in 2013 when Clarke, a paleontologist, discovered a syrinx in a fossil of a duck-like bird that lived in what is now Antarctica during the Late Cretaceous. The specimen is the oldest syrinx to be discovered. But when she tried to compare the fossil syrinx to the syrinxes of modern birds, she found the scientific literature lacking. Many of the studies dated back to the 19th century, before the advent of modern scientific imaging, or cited claims from those older studies made without double-checking them.  

This set Clarke on a mission to modernize — and maximize — syrinx data collection.

“We had this new three-dimensional structure, but we had nothing to compare it to,” said Clarke, describing CT imaging data of the fossil syrinx. “So, we started generating data that did not previously exist on syrinx structure across many different groups of birds.”

Over the years, Clarke and members of her lab have developed new methods for dissecting, preserving and CT-scanning syrinxes that have helped reveal the syrinx in more detail. These enhanced views of the ostrich and hummingbird vocal organ have shown that bird behavior may be just as important as the syrinx when it comes to the repertoire of sounds these birds produce.

For example, in the study of the ostrich syrinx, the researchers found no significant differences in syrinx anatomy between adult male and female birds (previous studies focused only on male ostriches.) However, even though both sexes have the same vocal equipment, male ostriches tended to make a wider variety of sounds than female ostriches, with the sounds often associated with aggressive behaviors between rowdy males. On a visit to a Texas ostrich farm, the researchers recorded 11 types of calls, ranging from high frequency peeps and gurgles in baby ostriches to low frequency boos and booms in adult males. These included a few call types that had never been recorded before. The only sounds definitively recorded from adult female ostriches were hisses. What the females lacked in range, they made up for in attitude said Michael Chiappone, who became involved with the ostrich research as an undergraduate student at the Jackson School and is the lead author of the study.  

“They were quite prolific hissers,” said Chiappone, who is now a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota.

For the hummingbird study, the researchers compared the hummingbird syrinx to the syrinx of swifts and nightjars, two close relatives, and found that all three birds have similar vocal folds in their syrinx despite having different ways of learning their calls. Swifts and nightjars work with a limited repertoire of instinctive calls while hummingbirds are able to elaborate on calls by learning complex songs from each other, a trait called vocal learning.

According to Lucas Legendre, a Jackson School research associate who led the hummingbird research, the findings suggest that the common ancestor of all three birds also had a similar vocal fold structure — and that it may have helped lay the groundwork for the evolution in vocal learning in hummingbirds.

“Having all of the [vocal fold] structures already present before vocal learning was acquired by hummingbirds probably made it easier for them to acquire vocal production learning,” he said.

Before the study, it was uncertain if swifts even had vocal folds. As part of the research, Legendre created a 3D digital model of the swift vocal track that takes viewers down the windpipe to the syrinx and to the vocal folds that rest near the top of each branch of the syrinx. The model — dubbed the “magical mystery voyage” by Clarke — shows the advances in anatomical knowledge of syrinx that her lab is leading.

“This is a structure that wasn’t known to exist outside of hummingbirds, but our CT scans revealed that swifts have these vocal folds in the same position,” Clarke said. “This is the kind of voyage we needed to go on to get these answers.”

At the same time Clarke and her team were developing methods to preserve and capture syrinx anatomy across bird species, they were collaborating with Clifford Tabin, a developmental biologist at Harvard University, on investigating the evolutionary origins of the syrinx by tracking the gene expression that accompanied vocal organ development in the embryos of birds, mammals and reptiles.

The research published in Current Biology is a culmination of that collaboration. The study details how scientists discovered the deep connection between the larynx and the syrinx tissues by observing that the same genes were controlling the development of the vocal organs in mice and chicken embryos, respectively, even though the organs arose from different embryological layers.

“They form under the influence of the same genetic pathways, ultimately giving the vocal tissue similar cellular structure and vibratory properties in birds and mammals,” said Tabin, a co-lead on the study.

The study also analyzed syrinx development across bird species — which involved observing gene expression in embryos from 14 different species, from penguins to budgies — and found that the common ancestor of modern birds probably had a syrinx with two sound sources, or two independently functioning vocal folds. This trait is found in songbirds today, allowing many to create two distinct sounds at the same time. The research suggests that that the common ancestor of birds may have been making similarly diverse calls.  

These results may shed light on the syrinx’s origins but it’s still unknown when the syrinx first developed and whether non-avian dinosaurs — the ancestors of today’s birds — had the vocal organ, said Clarke. No one has yet found a fossil syrinx from a non-avian dinosaur.

According to Clarke, the best way to understand the possibilities for ancient dinosaur sounds is to continue studying vocalization as it exists today in birds, the dinosaurs that are still with us, and other reptile cousins.

“We can’t start talking about sound production in dinosaurs until we truly understand the system in living species,” she said.

This research was supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors Program and the Jackson School of Geosciences. Chad Eliason, a senior research scientist at the Field Museum of Natural History and former postdoctoral scholar at the Jackson School, was also a major contributor to these syrinx projects and others.

Julia Clarke on Vega Island in Antarctica. 


Julia Clarke/ The University of Texas at Austin

Researchers from the Clarke Lab at The University of Texas at Austin record ostrich sounds on a farm in Texas. Carlos Antonio Rodriguez-Saltos (left) holds recording equipment while Michael Chiappone takes photos.


Michael Chiappone


Crows demonstrate keen counting skills through controlled vocalizations


Crows can control the number of vocalizations they produce, “counting” up to four in response to visual and auditory cues, researchers report. The findings suggest that the birds are capable of using a non-symbolic approximate number system, showing a level of vocal control that mirrors the early counting skills of human toddlers. Counting out loud – reciting “one, two, three,” and so on, for example – requires understanding numerical quantities and purposeful vocal control. Humans use speech to symbolically count and communicate quantities, a complex skill developed in childhood. Before mastering symbolic counting, where specific words relate to specific quantities, toddlers will often produce a number of speech sounds that match the quantity of objects they see, using these sounds as acoustic tallies to convey the corresponding number. This early behavior in humans reflects non-symbolic competencies shared with animals. Several animals have shown their ability to discriminate between different numbers of objects and to convey information through differing numbers of vocalizations. However, whether non-human animals have the ability to “count” by deliberately producing specific numbers of vocalizations remains unknown. Here, Diana Liao and colleagues investigated whether carrion crows (Corvus corone) – one of the few bird species possessing both numerical competency and volitional vocal control – can control the number of vocalizations they produce to solve complex vocal response tasks. Liao et al. trained 3 crows to produce 1 to 4 vocalizations in response to both visual (colored numeral) and auditory (distinct sound) cues, which were associated with numerical values. In each trial, crows had to produce a target number of vocalizations and indicate the end of the vocal sequence by pecking at a target. The authors found that the crows could produce specific numbers of vocalizations successfully and deliberately in response to specific cues – a degree of control not yet observed in other animals. According to the findings, the birds used a non-symbolic approximate number system, planning the number of vocalizations before starting. Further analysis showed that the initial vocalization's timing and features predicted the number of subsequent vocalizations, and different acoustic features in vocalizations indicated the “number” within a given sequence. “This competency in crows also mirrors toddlers’ enumeration skills before they learn to understand cardinal number words and may therefore constitute an evolutionary precursor of true counting where numbers are part of a combinatorial symbol system,” Liao et al. write.


Parents of the year: Scavenging raptors lead a collaborative home

Male and Female Chimango Caracaras 



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News Release

Journal of Raptor Research

For immediate release


Contact: [Zoey T. Greenberg]



Parents of the Year: Scavenging Raptors Lead a Collaborative Home Life 


Let’s face it, scavengers have a bad reputation. However, according to a new paper published in the Journal of Raptor Research, pairs of scavenging falcons called Chimango Caracaras (Milvago chimango) demonstrate an endearing level of collaboration while raising their chicks. In their paper, “Biparental Care in a Generalist Raptor, the Chimango Caracara in Central Argentina” Diego Gallego-García from the Center for the Study and Conservation of Birds of Prey in Argentina (CECARA), and co-authors, share results from a two-year study on the nesting behaviors of Chimango parents. This is the first study of its kind for the species. As a group, caracaras remain relatively unstudied, yet they are notably curious, creative, and charismatic birds. The existing knowledge gaps on topics of caracara life history limit our collective understanding of their population dynamics, ecological contributions, and species-specific conservation status. More studies like this one could expand our caracara consciousness.


Chimango Caracaras are common across central Argentina where this study occurred, and they are one of nine species of living caracaras, all of which live in the Americas and nowhere else. Generally, raptor species with a large size difference between the sexes exhibit a clear division of parental responsibility — the larger female incubates the eggs, takes care of the nestlings, and defends the nest, while the smaller male hunts for prey. Chimango caracaras, however, show little difference in size between the sexes and are both predators and scavengers, which means their food sources are relatively unpredictable. Therefore, dividing the workload of feeding and caring for young could be the best path to success. This is what Gallego-García’s team set out to investigate.


The team observed 70 Chimango Caracara nests during the breeding seasons of 2016 and 2017 and confirmed that pairs shared most parental responsibilities at the nest, namely incubation, brooding, and food deliveries. In addition to splitting the workload, the male and female chimangos in this study demonstrated a detailed understanding of their chicks’ needs throughout all stages of development. For example, during the early days of nestling development, when they could not thermoregulate properly, parents devoted more time to brooding in the morning, when temperatures were lower. Additionally, as chicks grew, they underwent an uptick in food requirements during peak development, and the chimango parents matched this by bringing in more food.


Studying the home lives of raptors can help illuminate the big picture of how food webs are faring. According to Gallego-García, “the importance of studying raptor reproductive biology goes beyond the conservation of the species themselves. Raptors occupy the highest position in the food chain, and thus control populations of prey species below. We need to know what happens during reproduction, which is one of their most important and fragile life stages.” Gallego-García also says that many landowners in the area are happy to learn more about their backyard caracaras, a trend that will hopefully continue. “Most of them call us when they find an injured chimango, or a dead nestling, or a new active nest. In return, we invite them to attend banding days with nestlings.”


Gallego-García and coauthors suggest future research on reproductive success across larger parts of this specie’s range and would like to delve into survival estimates of fledglings after they disperse from the breeding area and become independent. Hopefully more support for such research will lead to a stronger foundational knowledge of these unique raptors and their contributions to ecosystem health, the details of which we are just beginning to understand.

Adult Male Incubating (IMAGE)



A chimango nestling at its nest.


Mikel Larrea


Diego Gallego-García, Mikel Larrea, Claudina Solaro, and José Hernán Sarasola "Biparental Care in a Generalist Raptor, the Chimango Caracara in Central Argentina," Journal of Raptor Research 58(2), 176-184, (2 May 2024).


Notes to Editor:

1. The Journal of Raptor Research (JRR) is an international scientific journal dedicated entirely

to the dissemination of information about birds of prey. Established in 1967, JRR has published

peer-reviewed research on raptor ecology, behavior, life history, conservation, and techniques.

JRR is available quarterly to members in electronic and paper format.


2. The Raptor Research Foundation (RRF) is the world’s largest professional society for raptor

researchers and conservationists. Founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization, our primary

goal is the accumulation and dissemination of scientific information about raptors. The

Foundation organizes annual scientific conferences and provides competitive grants & awards

for student researchers & conservationists. The Foundation also provides support & networking

opportunities for students & early career raptor researchers.

Silky shark makes record breaking migration

Silky shark's record-breaking migration of more than 27,000 km on the Tropical Eastern Pacific sheds light on urgent conservation need


Silky shark close up 



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In a recent study, researchers from the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF), in collaboration with the Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) and Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Research Center (SOSF-SRC) at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, and the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD) have documented the most extensive migration ever recorded for a silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis), revealing critical insights into the behavior of this severely overfished species and emphasizing the urgent need for cooperative international management measures to prevent further population declines.

The adult female silky shark, nicknamed ‘Genie’ in honor of late shark ecologist Dr. Eugenie Clark, was tagged with a fin-mount satellite transmitter near Wolf Island to the north of the Galapagos Marine Reserve on July 2021, and soon embarked on a vast journey covering more than 27,666 kilometers over 546 days. This epic voyage, equivalent to crossing the United States from coast to coast approximately four times, included two significant westerly migrations (halfway to Hawaii) extending as far as 4,755 kilometers from the tagging site into international waters - areas of high fishing pressure and minimal regulation.

The study shattered previous movement record almost six-fold, illustrating the shark's extensive use of the open ocean, far beyond national jurisdictions, demonstrating the urgent need to establish regulations to conserve ocean biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction.

Dr. Pelayo Salinas de León, lead author of the study and co-Principal Investigator of the shark ecology project at the Charles Darwin Foundation noted: "Understanding the migratory pathways of silky and other threatened pelagic sharks is crucial for developing effective management strategies to revert ongoing global population declines. Sharks have been roaming the world’s oceans for hundreds of millions of years and the map boundaries we humans have established on paper mean nothing to them. Their long migrations through heavily fished international waters expose them to significant risks, highlighting the need for a coordinated global response to ensure the survival of this highly threatened group of species.”

Silky sharks are particularly vulnerable to overfishing due to their slow growth, late maturity, and the high demand in the global shark fin trade. Classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, they represent one of the most frequently caught sharks in both artisanal and industrial fisheries, and are a conservation priority for CDF and other organizations.

Remarkably, more than 99% of the time Genie was tracked occurred within international waters to the west and south, far outside the Ecuador managed Exclusive Economic Zone around the Galapagos Islands, highlighting the critical need for international cooperation in the protection of these long-distance travelling oceanic sharks.

" Obtaining shark tracks with good location resolution for over a year is difficult at best. In this case, we were able to track Genie for 1.5 years, revealing unexpectedly consistent, repeated travel pathways of massive distances going far offshore, well beyond national management and current marine protected areas. This finding is a call to action for all stakeholders involved in marine conservation and fisheries management to work together to protect these iconic species and the oceanic ecosystems they inhabit," adds co-author, Dr. Mahmood Shivji of the SOSF-SRC and GHRI.

This article published in the Journal of Fish Biology, and freely accessible, serves as a crucial reminder of the interconnectedness of our global marine environments and the collective action required to safeguard ocean biodiversity.

This research was made possible thanks to generous donations from the Save Our Seas Foundation, the Darwin and Wolf Conservation Fund, the Mark and Rachel Rohr Foundation, the Shark Foundation and the Guy Harvey Foundation.


Notes to editors:

  • The female silky shark featured in this study was tagged on July 17th 2021 and its location tracked until January 14th, 2023, covering 27,666 km during these 546 days.
  • Its average travel speed, based on the satellite transmissions, stood at about 50.67 km/day, a rate considerably higher than other large-bodied shark species previously tracked with fin-mount satellite transmitters.
  • This research was funded by the Save Our Seas Foundation, the Darwin and Wolf Conservation Fund, the Mark and Rachel Rohr Foundation, and the Guy Harvey Foundation.
  • The tracks of satellite tagged silky sharks can be followed on an interactive website at: (select Project 22).

About the Charles Darwin Foundation

The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (CDF) is an international nonprofit that has been present in Galapagos since 1959, operating under a special agreement with the Government of Ecuador. Its mission, and that of its Research Station, is to tackle the greatest threats and challenges to Galapagos through scientific research and conservation action, in order to safeguard one of the world’s most important natural treasures. At present, CDF manages over 25 research and conservation projects and is the custodian of more than 135,000 specimens within its Natural History Collections. Our diverse workforce of over 130 individuals is primarily composed of Ecuadorian citizens, with more than 60 % hailing from the Galapagos Islands. For more information visit:

About the Guy Harvey Research Institute and Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Research Center at Nova Southeastern University in Florida

The SOSF SRC is working closely with the Guy Harvey Research Institute to uncover the secret lives of sharks as they wander the oceans. Our researchers attach different types of electronic tracking tags to large pelagic sharks and follow their movements, in many cases in near real-time, via information received from the tags as they report to orbiting satellites. Shark species of current research focus are the shortfin mako, tiger, silky, scalloped hammerhead, whale and oceanic whitetip sharks – all species of high conservation and management concern. The data being collected reveal unprecedented information about the migration patterns of these large, highly mobile species and demonstrate that these animals have a very finely tuned sense of space and time as they swim thousands of kilometres in the ocean. For more information visit: 

About the Save Our Seas Foundation

Founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2003, the Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) is a philanthropic organization whose ultimate goal is to create a legacy of securing the health and sustainability of our oceans, and the communities that depend on them, for generations to come. Its support for research, conservation and education projects worldwide focuses on endangered sharks, rays and skates. Three permanent SOSF research and education centers reinforce its actions in Seychelles, South Africa and the USA. For more information visit: 


Pelagic sharks are in deep trouble. Once a common sighting around the oceanic islands of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, large shivers of silky sharks are becoming rarer due to ongoing global population declines mainly from overfishing.


Pelayo Salinas de León

Ocean travelers. Estimated locations for ‘Genie’ from her tagging location at Wolf Island, the Galapagos Marine Reserve, with a fin-mount SPOT tag and tracked for 546 days.


Save Our Seas Foundation


Continuing study: Tel Aviv University researchers identify the pathogen causing sea urchin mass mortalities in the Red Sea; The epidemic has spread to the Indian Ocean possess an eminent threat to coral reefs

From local epidemic to deadly global pandemic


Infected sea urchin on Reunion Island 



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  • Sea urchins are considered protectors of coral reefs. The researchers warn: This is a global pandemic – which might impact coral reefs all over the world.
  • The Tel Aviv University research team that first discovered the phenomenon in Eilat was able to identify the pathogen responsible for the epidemic which is killing sea urchins in the Red Sea, and now threatens the entire populations of sea urchins across the Red Sea and Indo-Pacific.

A continuing study from Tel Aviv University has found that the deadly epidemic discovered last year, which has essentially wiped out Eilat's most abundant and ecologically significant sea urchins, has spread across the Red Sea and into the Indian Ocean. According to the researchers, what appeared at first to be a severe but local epidemic, has quickly spread through the region, and now threatens to become a global pandemic.


Link to the research Video

The researchers estimate that since it broke out in December 2022, the epidemic has annihilated most of the sea urchin populations (of the species affected by the disease) in the Red Sea, as well as an unknown number of sea urchins, estimated at hundreds of thousands, worldwide. Sea urchins are considered the 'gardeners' of coral reefs, feeding on the algae that compete with the corals for sunshine – and their disappearance can severely impact the delicate balance on coral reefs globaly. The researchers note that since the discovery of the epidemic in Eilat's coral reefs, the two species of sea urchins previously most dominant in the Gulf of Eilat have vanished completely.


The study was led by Dr. Omri Bronstein from the School of Zoology and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History (SMNH), together with research students Lachan Roth, Gal Eviatar, Lisa Schmidt, and May Bonomo, as well as Dr. Tamar Feldstein-Farkash from the SMNH. Research partners throughout the region and Europe also took part in the study, which encompassed thousands of kilometers of coral reefs. The alarming results were published in the leading scientific journal Current Biology.


In addition, by using molecular-genetic tools, the research group at TAU was able to identify the pathogen responsible for the mass mortality of sea urchins of the species Diadema setosum in the Red Sea: a scuticociliate parasite most similar to Philaster apodigitiformis. The researchers explain that this unicellular organism was also responsible for the reoccurring mass mortality of Diadema antillarum in the Caribbeans about two years ago, following the notorious 1983 sea urchin population collapse there which led to the a catastrophic phase shift of the coral reef.


As noted, in December 2022, Dr. Bronstein was the first researcher to identify mass mortality of sea urchins of the species Diadema setosum – the long-spined black sea urchins that were very common in the northern Gulf of Eilat, Jordan, and Sinai. Dr. Bronstein and his team also found that the epidemic was lethal for other, closely related sea urchins from the genus Echinothrix. These results suggest that the once most abundant and significant seabed herbivores in the region are now practically gone. Thousands of sea urchins died a quick and violent death – within two days a healthy sea urchin turns into bear skeleton with no tissues or spines, and most were devoured by predators as they were dying, unable to defend themselves. According to estimates, today only a few individuals of the affected sea urchin species remained throughout the coral reefs of the Gulf of Aqaba.


Dr. Bronstein explains that sea urchins in general, and specifically diadematoids (the sea urchin family affected by the disease)are considered key species essential for the healthy functioning of coral reefs. Acting as the reef's 'gardeners', the sea urchins feed on the algae that compete with the corals for sunshine, and prevent them from taking over and suffocating the corals.


According to Dr. Bronstein, the most significant and widely studied mass mortality of sea urchins to date occurred in 1983, when a mysterious disease spread through the Caribbeans, killing most sea urchins of the species Diadema antillarum – relatives of Eilat's sea urchins. Consequently, the algae spread uncontrollably, blocking the sunlight from the corals, and the entire reef was transformed from a coral reef into an algae field. Moreover, even though the mass mortality event in the Caribbeans occurred 40 years ago, both the corals and the sea urchin populations never fully recovered, with repeated mortality events observed through the years.


The latest Caribbean outbreak in 2022 killed surviving populations and individuals from the former mortality events. This time, however, researchers had the scientific and technological tools to decipher the forensic evidence. A research group from Cornell University was able to identify the responsible pathogen, a scuticociliate parasite.


Dr. Bronstein emphasizes: "This is a growing ecological crisis, threatening the stability of coral reefs on an unprecedented scale. Apparently, the mass mortality we identified in Eilat back in 2023 has spread along the Red Sea and beyond - to Oman, and even as far as Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.


The deadly pathogen is carried by water and can affect vast areas in a very short time. Even sea urchins raised in seawater systems at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, or at the Underwater Observatory, were infected and died, after the pathogen got in through the recirculating seawater system. As noted, death is quick and violent. For the first time, our research team was able to document all stages of the disease – from infection to the inevitable death – with a unique video system installed at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat.

Moreover, until recently, only one species of sea urchins was known to be impacted by this pathogen – the Caribbean species. Today we know that additional species are susceptible to the disease – all belonging to the same family of the most significant sea urchin herbivores on coral reefs."


Dr. Bronstein adds: "In our study we also demonstrated that the epidemic is spreading along routes of human transportation in the Red Sea. The best example is the wharf in Nueiba in Sinai, where the ferry from the Jordanian city of Aqaba docks. When we published our report last year, we already knew of sea urchin mortalities in Aqaba, but had not yet identified signs of it in Sinai. The first spot in which we ultimately did identify mortality in Sinai was next to this wharf in Nueiba. Two weeks later the epidemic had already reached Dahab, about 70km further south. The scene underwater is almost surreal: seeing a species that was so dominant in a certain environment simply erased in a matter of days. Thousands of skeletons rolling on the sea bottom, crumbling and vanishing in a very short time, so that even evidence for what has occurred is hard to find."


According to Dr. Bronstein, there is currently no way to help infected sea urchins or vaccinate them against the disease. We must, however, quickly establish broodstock populations of endangered species in cultivation systems disconnected from the sea – so that in the future we will be able to reintroduce them into the natural environment.


"Unfortunately, we cannot repair nature, but we can certainly change our own behavior. First of all, we must understand what caused this outbreak at this time. Is the pathogen transported unknowingly by seacraft? Or has it always been here, erupting now due to a change in environmental conditions? These are precisely the questions we are working on now."


Link to the article in PDF version.


Link to the images in High-resolution.


Sea urchin mortalities on Reunion Island 

n Diadema setosum before (left) and after (right) mortality. The white skeleton is exposed following tissue disintegration and loss of spines.


Tel Aviv University

Diadema group Zanzibar

The research team 


Tel Aviv University

Dead and dying long-spine urchins in Dahab (00:00 – 02:43) and in Réunion Island (02:44 – 02:54).

Dead and dying long-spine urch [VIDEO] | 


Credit: Annalena Barth and Jean-Pascal Quod.