Friday, November 25, 2005

Dead Blog

So I thought I would check out the Globe and Mails pick of the blogs, the usual mix of liberal and right wing bloggers along with the usual MSM suspects, on their website under 'Blog Spotting. Our Favorites'.

I found this blog by CTV Reporter David Akins.
David Akin's On the Hill Working notes by a Canadian politics reporter.

Now Mr. Akin has not posted since July!!! Hello Globe and Mail if this is your favorite well yer outtadate.

Mr. Akin says he is offline for a bit, lets see four months is a bit much in the blogosphere.
Friday, July 22
View Article Administrivia
This blog is offline for a bit and, until it's online again, I've turned off the ability to comment on articles here or provide trackbacks.

Guess no one's checking their links over at the Mop and Pail.

Bouchard's Bankrupt Nationalism

This should come as no surprise except perhaps to those leftists that still see Quebec Nationalism or Soverignty as the road to socialism. In fact Quebec nationalism is merely the creation of another capitalist market to compete with other national capitalisms in North America. In this case Bouchard true to his bourgoies roots as a nationalist and a capitalist, who came out of the Mulroney Tories to create the BQ wanted to move the PQ to the right. A merger of the right wing ADQ with the PQ would be like the merger of the old Reform/Alliance with the NDP. His recent manifesto from the right shows that this is his agenda still. Once again Quebec Nationalism offers nothing to the working class in Quebec except the rule of petit-burgoise shop keepers, carrerists, and opportunists.
The sooner they learn this the better off we all will be, as this is one of the most militant working classes in Canada. A militant working class that could unite the rest of the country in rebellion.

Bouchard eyed PQ-ADQ merger

Quebec — Just before he became Quebec premier, Lucien Bouchard invited the Action démocratique du Québec party to merge with the Parti Québécois after the 1995 referendum on sovereignty, ADQ Leader Mario Dumont says in a book released yesterday.

The statement underscores Mr. Bouchard's conflicting views with his party.

In the book, Mr. Dumont, 35, writes that Mr. Bouchard, who became PQ leader in early 1996, offered him a cabinet position -- which "would have meant the disintegration of the ADQ" -- in a bid to transform the PQ into a moderate nationalist party seeking political autonomy rather than independence.

Car Courtesy Kills

Canadians, with some exceptions, are cautious and polite drivers, which is why this is such a sad tale of self sacrifice. Obviously they need a better traffic infrastructure in Afgahanistan, some traffic lights or at least a traffic cop or two.
Canadian soldier swerved to avoid collision: sources
Ottawa — The accident that killed a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan on Thursday occurred when the driver of his armoured vehicle swerved to avoid a head-on collision with an oncoming car, The Canadian Press has learned.

Military sources said the LAV-3 — its inherent tippiness exaggerated by armour plates added recently to protect soldiers from explosions — rolled over after a civilian car with no headlights suddenly appeared out of the dark.

"It was a reaction by a driver who at the last second had to make a move to avoid a collision with an oncoming car that had no headlights on."

Now had this been an American military patrol the civilians would have been crushed.

Prehistoric Vaudville

Yoiks the Flintstones had it right.


November 25, 2005 -- Take my loincloth — please! Cavemen invented slapstick — predating the Stooges and Groucho by a mere 2 million years.

Our ancestors laughed to relieve stress from continuous hunting and gathering, say Binghamton State University biologists David Sloan Wilson and Matthew Gervais.

A study of cranial evidence found that cavemen communicated through slapstick before language evolved.

Scientists from Binghamton University, New York, have revealed that cavemen invented slapstick humour two million years ago, with their funniest visual gag being something like 'tripping over a rock'.

Nearly four million years ago they turned to humour to relieve stress from all that hunting and gathering - and were grunt-like 'play panting'. It took another two million years before their face muscles developed enough for laughter. They perfected slapstick to communicate feelings before proper language evolved.

"Laughter was used for a number of things including conveying embarrassment," The Sun quoted Professor David Sloan Wilson as saying.

And after that humour became a subversive antinomonialistic activity of humans facing oppression, thus the creation of the carnival, the Saturnalia, and April Fools. To embarass and make fools of self appointed leaders.

Which is why the Marx Brothers are a sheer anarchist delight. Surrealism itself is found in the art of humour and silliness of the Marx brothers, especially in there word play which was based on the very real immigrant experience that they portrayed on screen.

I sent the club a wire stating,
Groucho Marx

"Don't you know what duplicates are?"
"Sure. There's five kids up in Canada."
"Well, I wouldn't know about that.
I haven't been to Canada in years."
Groucho and Chico Marx in A Night at the Opera

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.
How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.
Then we tried to remove the tusks. The tusks.
That's not so easy to say. Tusks.
You try it some time.
As I say, we tried to remove the tusks.
But they were embedded so firmly we couldn't budge them.
Of course, in Alabama the Tuscaloosa,
but that is entirely ir-elephant
to what I was talking about.
Groucho in Animal crackers (Movie)

Minister: "We need to take up the tax"
Groucho: "I'd like to take up the carpet."
Minister: "I still insist we take up the tax."
Groucho: "He's right -
you've gotta take up the tacks
before you can take up the carpet."
Groucho in Duck Soup (movie)

Coming out of Vaudville onto the Silver Screen the mayhem and disorder of the Marx Brothers with their disrespect for all authority reminds us of the Rennisance Carnivales that Mikhail Bakhtin deconstructed and revealed their lusty subversive nature. Not merely a bazaar or market place, the carnivale was the topsy turvy world of rebellion against the established order.

Rabelais and His World

Bakhtin highlights the happy activities of the commoners during the Renaissance - a subject matter and time period as intriguing as it is unexamined in popular literature. Few books can claim to be more captivating than one that describes the intimate details of the folk carnivals during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a time of rebirth for much of Europe. The carnival culture that surrounded the Renaissance rebirth externalized this gaiety.

Bakhtin's point of departure is François Rabelais, a French writer in the 16th Century. Pre-Bakhtinian writers previously dismissed Rabelais' work as vulgar. Bakhtin has dusted off the pages of Rabelais' long misunderstood novels and transformed them into the most illuminating works the study of folk culture has seen. Bakhtin insists that within the scatological writing of Rabelais exist the necessary evidence to discover the history of folk humor, as well as the shocking practices of the Renaissance carnival.
Rabelais wrote Gargantua and Pantagruel between 1532 and 1552

The immediate goal of Rabelais and His World is to uncover the peculiar language and practices of the carnival environment. Bakhtin is quick to distinguish the carnival culture of old from the holiday culture that exists now. The carnivals that exist today pale in comparison to the unbridled lusting, crazed bingeing, and even physical mutilation that occurred in the carnival environment of days past. The carnival that Rabelais wrote about is quite unlike the modern carnival. In fact, so distinct are they that they share little more then just their common name. The Renaissance carnival culture involves the "temporary suspension of all hierarchic distinctions and barriers among men and of the prohibitions of usual life." (p15) Those that lived the carnival immersed themselves in the frolicking physical mutilation, bingeing and primordial gaiety that was the carnival.

Bakhtin divides the carnivalesque into three forms: ritual spectacles, comic verbal compositions, and various genres of billingsgate or abusive language. Although Bakhtin separates the forms of the carnivalesque, they are often conjoined within the carnival.

Mikhail Bakhtin analyzes the folk culture using an immense array of evidence from both historical and literary sources. Literary references that express the emotive and descriptive aspects of the carnival are legitimized by historical accounts that document carnival events, such as the marketplace cries of street salesmen. Because the material Bakhtin deals with is both unusual and often offensive to modern demands of literary taste, historical sources serve to legitimize Bakhtin's scholarship to those who might otherwise doubt Bakhtin's scrupulousness. Bakhtin surely recognized the risk that many people would disrespect his work. Undaunted by this worry, Bakhtin published this book to further the study of a crucial part of human social development, namely the development of humor and sarcasm; a study that has been mostly ignored by both literary and historical scholars.

George Orwell maintained we didn't know when humour began but he identified it as social embarassment, as upsetting the social order. With the discovery of prehistoric humour, we can say that he was right, and it was as true then as it is now.

George Orwell

Funny, but not Vulgar

A thing is funny when — in some way that is not actually offensive or frightening — it upsets the established order. Every joke is a tiny revolution. If you had to define humour in a single phrase, you might define it as dignity sitting on a tin-tack. Whatever destroys dignity, and brings down the mighty from their seats, preferably with a bump, is funny. And the bigger they fall, the bigger the joke. It would be better fun to throw a custard pie at a bishop than at a curate. With this general principle in mind, one can, I think, begin to see what has been wrong with English comic writing during the present century.

Capitalism=Climate Change

The apologists for capitalism, including the President of the US and the President of the Christian Broadcasting Network, keep calling global warming and climate change junk science to avoid the uncomfortable conclusions that capitalism kills.

While climatologists use the euphamistic 'human acitivity' lets note that the activity is the industrial revolution, the origins of capitalist society. Since capitalism is rapacious in its need to constantly expand and make a profit, it is capitalism and its child industrialization that have created global warming, along with cancer, and other environmental problems that affect us as individuals and as members of the global community.

Humans have existed for thousands of years with appropriate levels of technology that did impact on the environment as Engels points out in the essay below.

However this is nothing like the impact that capitalist transformation of agriculture and its industrial modernism have had in the last 100 years. As this irrefutable evidence from the Anarctic proves.

Core Evidence That Humans Affect Climate Change

  • Ice drilled in Antarctica offers the fullest record of glacial cycles and greenhouse gas levels.

  • By Usha Lee McFarling, Times Staff Writer

    An ice core about two miles long — the oldest frozen sample ever drilled from the underbelly of Antarctica — shows that at no time in the last 650,000 years have levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane been as high as they are today. The work provides more evidence that human activity since the Industrial Revolution has significantly altered the planet's climate system, scientists said. "This is saying, 'Yeah, we had it right.' We can pound on the table harder and say, 'This is real,' " said Richard Alley, a Penn State University geophysicist and expert on ice cores who was not involved with the analysis.

    A long term research effort known as the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica, or EPICA, recovered the new ice core from a site in East Antarctica called EPICA Dome C.

    The Part played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man

    Frederick Engels 1876

    Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. Each victory, it is true, in the first place brings about the results we expected, but in the second and third places it has quite different, unforeseen effects which only too often cancel the first. The people who, in Mesopotamia, Greece, Asia Minor and elsewhere, destroyed the forests to obtain cultivable land, never dreamed that by removing along with the forests the collecting centres and reservoirs of moisture they were laying the basis for the present forlorn state of those countries. When the Italians of the Alps used up the pine forests on the southern slopes, so carefully cherished on the northern slopes, they had no inkling that by doing so they were cutting at the roots of the dairy industry in their region; they had still less inkling that they were thereby depriving their mountain springs of water for the greater part of the year, and making it possible for them to pour still more furious torrents on the plains during the rainy seasons. Those who spread the potato in Europe were not aware that with these farinaceous tubers they were at the same time spreading scrofula. Thus at every step we are reminded that we by no means rule over nature like a conqueror over a foreign people, like someone standing outside nature -- but that we, with flesh, blood and brain, belong to nature, and exist in its midst, and that all our mastery of it consists in the fact that we have the advantage over all other creatures of being able to learn its laws and apply them correctly.

    And, in fact, with every day that passes we are acquiring a better understanding of these laws and getting to perceive both the more immediate and the more remote consequences of our interference with the traditional course of nature. In particular, after the mighty advances made by the natural sciences in the present century, we are more than ever in a position to realise, and hence to control, also the more remote natural consequences of at least our day-to-day production activities. But the more this progresses the more will men not only feel but also know their oneness with nature, and the more impossible will become the senseless and unnatural idea of a contrast between mind and matter, man and nature, soul and body, such as arose after the decline of classical antiquity in Europe and obtained its highest elaboration in Christianity.

    It required the labour of thousands of years for us to learn a little of how to calculate the more remote natural effects of our actions in the field of production, but it has been still more difficult in regard to the more remote social effects of these actions. We mentioned the potato and the resulting spread of scrofula. But what is scrofula compared to the effects which the reduction of the workers to a potato diet had on the living conditions of the popular masses in whole countries, or compared to the famine the potato blight brought to Ireland in 1847, which consigned to the grave a million Irishmen, nourished solely or almost exclusively on potatoes, and forced the emigration overseas of two million more? When the Arabs learned to distil spirits, it never entered their heads that by so doing they were creating one of the chief weapons for the annihilation of the aborigines of the then still undiscovered American continent. And when afterwards Columbus discovered this America, he did not know that by doing so he was giving a new lease of life to slavery, which in Europe had long ago been done away with, and laying the basis for the Negro slave trade. The men who in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries laboured to create the steam-engine had no idea that they were preparing the instrument which more than any other was to revolutionise social relations throughout the world. Especially in Europe, by concentrating wealth in the hands of a minority and dispossessing the huge majority, this instrument was destined at first to give social and political domination to the bourgeoisie, but later, to give rise to a class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat which can end only in the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the abolition of all class antagonisms. But in this sphere too, by long and often cruel experience and by collecting and analysing historical material, we are gradually learning to get a clear view of the indirect, more remote social effects of our production activity, and so are afforded an opportunity to control and regulate these effects as well.

    This regulation, however, requires something more than mere knowledge. It requires a complete revolution in our hitherto existing mode of production, and simultaneously a revolution in our whole contemporary social order.

    All hitherto existing modes of production have aimed merely at achieving the most immediately and directly useful effect of labour. The further consequences, which appear only later and become effective through gradual repetition and accumulation, were totally neglected. The original common ownership of land corresponded, on the one hand, to a level of development of human beings in which their horizon was restricted in general to what lay immediately available, and presupposed, on the other hand, a certain superfluity of land that would allow some latitude for correcting the possible bad results of this primeval type of economy. When this surplus land was exhausted, common ownership also declined. All higher forms of production, however, led to the division of the population into different classes and thereby to the antagonism of ruling and oppressed classes. Thus the interests of the ruling class became the driving factor of production, since production was no longer restricted to providing the barest means of subsistence for the oppressed people. This has been put into effect most completely in the capitalist mode of production prevailing today in Western Europe. The individual capitalists, who dominate production and exchange, are able to concern themselves only with the most immediate useful effect of their actions. Indeed, even this useful effect -- inasmuch as it is a question of the usefulness of the article that is produced or exchanged -- retreats far into the background, and the sole incentive becomes the profit to be made on selling.

    Classical political economy, the social science of the bourgeoisie, in the main examines only social effects of human actions in the fields of production and exchange that are actually intended. This fully corresponds to the social organisation of which it is the theoretical expression. As individual capitalists are engaged in production and exchange for the sake of the immediate profit, only the nearest, most immediate results must first be taken into account. As long as the individual manufacturer or merchant sells a manufactured or purchased commodity with the usual coveted profit, he is satisfied and does not concern himself with what afterwards becomes of the commodity and its purchasers. The same thing applies to the natural effects of the same actions. What cared the Spanish planters in Cuba, who burned down forests on the slopes of the mountains and obtained from the ashes sufficient fertiliser for one generation of very highly profitable coffee trees-what cared they that the heavy tropical rainfall afterwards washed away the unprotected upper stratum of the soil, leaving behind only bare rock! In relation to nature, as to society, the present mode of production is predominantly concerned only about the immediate, the most tangible result; and then surprise is expressed that the more remote effects of actions directed to this end turn out to be quite different, are mostly quite the opposite in character; that the harmony of supply and demand is transformed into the very reverse opposite, as shown by the course of each ten years' industrial cycle -- even Germany has had a little preliminary experience of it in the "crash"; that private ownership based on one's own labour must of necessity develop into the expropriation of the workers, while all wealth becomes more and more concentrated in the hands of non-workers; that [... the manuscript breaks off here ...]

    Of Mice and Ice

    Ok science fans here is another bit of 'awe' some news (as in the universe around us strikes me with awe) about singing.

    Earlier this month it was about singing male mice today its about singing ice bergs.

    In Hinduism Shiva creates the universe from a single note, the universal AUM. Perhaps they were onto something. Oh yeah and Hinduism is nother form of monism.

    Nataraj: Shiva as Lord of the Dance

    Ultimately, in Hinduism, there is only one reality, often identified as Brahman. Brahman encompasses all there is in the universe, and everything that isn't, as well. Beyond form or formlesness, it cannot be spoken of with words nor does it possess any characteristics. Because Brahman, the One without second, without form and yet not formless, is difficult to understand, Hindus sometimes just say "Neti-neti", meaning that for anything we can name, Brahman is "Not that, not this." Representations of divinity are like signposts, (to use Joseph Campbell's phrase); they point the devotee toward the mystery of Brahman; they are not it.

    Scientists discover singing iceberg in Antarctica

    BERLIN (Reuters) - Scientists monitoring earth movements in Antarctica believe they have found a singing iceberg.

    Sound waves from the iceberg had a frequency of around 0.5 hertz, too low to be heard by humans, but by playing them at higher speed the iceberg sounded like a swarm of bees or an orchestra warming up, the scientists said.

    The German Alfred Wegener institute for polar and marine research publish the results of its study, done in 2002, in Science magazine on Friday.

    Between July and November 2002 researchers picked up acoustic signals of unprecedented clarity when recording seismic signals to measure earthquakes and tectonic movements on the Ekstroem ice shelf on Antarctica's South Atlantic coast.

    Tracking the signal, the scientists found a 50 by 20 kilometer iceberg that had collided with an underwater peninsula and was slowly scraping around it.

    "Once the iceberg stuck fast on the seabed it was like a rock in a river," said scientist Vera Schlindwein. "The water pushes through its crevasses and tunnels at high pressure and the iceberg starts singing."

    "The tune even goes up and down, just like a real song."

    Picking out the faint notes of Die Fleder-Mouse
    Researchers hear the silent serenades that male rodents use to woo mates

    Mice can sing.

    Humans can't hear it, but researchers say the ultrasonic songs of male mice trying to woo females are comparable to the musical trills produced by songbirds.

    That mice make noise is nothing new to those who have had them in their houses, and scientists have known for decades that male mice will make sounds when they are near females, or exposed to female pheromones. Now they say that those utterances are love songs.

    Researchers add mice to list of creatures that sing in the presence of mates

    This finding, to be published Nov. 1 online by the journal Public Library of Science Biology, adds mice to the roster of creatures that croon in the presence of the opposite sex, including songbirds, whales and some insects.

    "In the literature, there's a hierarchy of different definitions for what qualifies as a song, but there are usually two main properties," says lead author Timothy E. Holy, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy. "One is that there should be some syllabic diversity—recognizably distinct categories of sound, instead of just one sound repeated over and over. And there should be some temporal regularity—motifs and themes that recur from time to time, like the melodic hook in a catchy tune."

    The new study shows that mouse song has both qualities, although Holy notes that the ability of lab mice to craft motifs and themes isn't quite on a par with that of master songsmiths like birds.

    Cosmic Conundrum

    The universe is like a Zen Koan or perhaps a Taoist joke. It goes like this; what is the 'space' the universe fills as it expands?

    What is the nothingness that the universe comes from, orginates in and fills? Einstein a hundred years ago fudged his figures to prove the universe was constant in its expansion.
    Scientists in Toronto have found that dark matter/ energy which is the doppelganger of the universe is that constant.

    Hmm dark matter, fudge, the universe is Willy Wonka's Choclate factory. Once again the monist idea of the universe, dialectics by any other name, is proven by science. That there is A and Not A means they are the same. Or as Lao Tzu would say it is all part of the great Tao the way, that is not the way. The yin and yang are one not two.

    Was Einstein's 'biggest blunder' a stellar success?

    New study links physicist’s cosmological constant to mysterious dark energy

    Nov 22/05
    by Nicolle Wahl

    The genius of Albert Einstein, who added a “cosmological constant” to his equation for the expansion of the universe but later retracted it, may be vindicated by new research.

    The enigmatic dark energy that drives the accelerating expansion of the universe behaves just like Einstein's famed cosmological constant, according to the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS), an international team of researchers in France and Canada that collaborated with large telescope observers at Oxford, Caltech and Berkeley. Their observations reveal that the dark energy behaves like Einstein’s cosmological constant to a precision of 10 per cent.

    “The significance is huge,” said Professor Ray Carlberg of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at U of T. “Our observation is at odds with a number of theoretical ideas about the nature of dark energy that predict that it should change as the universe expands, and as far as we can see, it doesn’t.” The results will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    Dark Matter And Dark Energy May Be Different Aspects Of A Single Unknown Force

    The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
    The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
    The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
    The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
    Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
    Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
    These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
    this appears as darkness.
    Darkness within darkness.
    The gate to all mystery.

    Overcoming our limitations

    Book Briefs, by Drollene Brown

    Most of us are limited by certain conventions of thought. Some of these limitations are as simple as the oft-used phrase: "I can't help it. It's the way I was raised."

    Another such phrase said only half in jest: "It's against my religion."

    Religion has the capacity to raise us to the heights, but it can also constrain us to keep us on the ground. It can help us be the best we can be, and it can cause us to take beliefs to such an extreme that we commit unspeakable crimes.

    A Christian who abhors abortion and kills people who work at abortion clinics is an example of religion gone wrong.

    A Muslim who believes the world should be run according to the tenets of Islam and so plants a bomb to rid his corner of the world of infidels is not merely constricted by his religion, he is twisted by it.

    Wait! Don't stop reading. You have no idea what is coming next. The book review this week is not for a Muslim book; it is not for a Christian book. It is for all religions and no religion. It is a roadmap for taking one's own religion, whatever it may be, and going beyond the ordinary perceptions of what it teaches.

    Expanding the Boundaries of Self: Beyond the limit of traditional thought, discovering the magic within ((c) 2005, Global, 201 pages), by Oliver H. Jobson, will show you what your limitations are. Then it will guide you to overcome them.

    Such a book would expose many, for the first time, to the concepts he uses to describe-in his words-a synergy of being that fuses mankind, nature, and the entire universe into a unifying power of One, called monism.

    Why this site is best viewed with Firefox


    Well besides the fact that Microsoft IE screws up the page layout forcing you to scroll down and down and down to see the is the real reason everyone should use the free secure Firefox....see link in the left hand column....

    Microsoft investigates IE flaw 12:58PM Microsoft is investigating reports that a flaw thought to pose little threat is actually extremely dangerous and that there is already publicly available exploit code.

    Researchers Publish Code for Critical IE Bug
    Security experts are warning Internet users to be careful where they click owing to a nasty unpatched bug in the way Microsoft's IE browser handles the JavaScript computer language. The bug is of particular concern because security researchers in the UK have published "proof of concept" code showing how hackers could exploit the problem and possibly take over a MS Windows PC

    Alberta Home of Hate Crimes

    The right wing loves to wave the red flag of Law and Order whenever they find themselves challenged on social issues. The Federal Conservatives, the majority from Alberta, and their provincial counterparts, along with the right wing media pundits like Dave Rutherford, love to talk the talk about getting tough on crime. Especially violent crime.

    According to a new StatsCan study the motivation behind much violent crime is sexism, racism, and homophobia. Funny that...its the right wing that opposes immigration and aboriginal rights thus feeding racism, they oppose womens rights and of course gay marriage and gay rights. The social intolerace of the right is the source of the social acceptance of violence against women, gays and people of colour.

    It is no surprize that in macho born again Alberta these crimes are the highest. After all we have a Premier who attacks the poor, homeless and disabled, who opposed gay marriage, and opposes pubic daycare. His government fails to fully fund womens shelters leaving victims of domestic violence with no place to call home.

    The next time some right wing whiner starts beaking off about getting tough on crime not so gently remind them that their ideology of intolerance is criminal. After all they should accept their 'responsibility' for promoting violence against the people they denounce.

    Simply put all right wing blather is hate speech looking for victims. Just ask Hitler.

    StatsCan Report on Crime in Canada
    More often, hate was cited as the motive for violent crimes compared with other offences.
    Statscan said about 8 per cent of violent crimes were linked to hate. By comparison, about 2 per cent of household offences were thought to be hate crimes. “The most common motive was the individual's race or ethnicity, which represented two-thirds of hate-motivated incidents,” Statscan said. “About one-quarter of those incidents were believed to be motivated by the victim's sex, followed by religion and sexual orientation. These results were similar to those in 1999.” By region, residents of the Western provinces generally reported higher rates of victimization, with the exception of Nova Scotia. That province's rate of 157 incidents for every 1,000 residents was among the highest for violent crime, ranking near Alberta's rate of 160 incidents for every 1,000 people. Quebec residents reported the fewest incidents of violent crime. The risk of falling victim to a violent crime was higher among people aged 15 to 24, among city dwellers and among those out after dark. The report also suggested that incidents of hate-motivated crimes remained stable, accounting for about 4 per cent of all self-reported occurrences. The agency said that, among the 1 per cent of those identifying themselves as gay or lesbian, the rate of violent victimization was 2.5 times that reported by straight people.

    Thursday, November 24, 2005

    When the Union is the Boss

    Fired union whistleblower wins job challenge in Supreme Court
    Private sector Business Unions in the building trades are notorious for being bad employers especially for their female support staff. Women workers have faced abuse and harassment in the workplace, due to the sexist attitudes of craft/trades men. You know the attitude I work and the little woman stays home. In Alberta OPEIU which represents women office workers in private sector unions filed charges against several building trades unions over this.

    A woman who was fired from her job after blowing the whistle on alleged misspending by her superiors has won her case in the country's top court and now wants to go back to work. In a 6-1 judgment released Thursday, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of Linda Merk, who was ousted as bookkeeper and office manager for a Saskatchewan local of the Iron Workers Union.

    The Iron Workers Union like other private sector business unions like the Labourers International, Carpenters, Hotel Employee and Restaurant Employees (HERE), Teamsters, etc. have alleged connections with organized crime. And their officers often act as if they were Padrones.

    In the last decade in Alberta the HERE Local was involved in a scandal over Executive board members, a Father and Son, who embezzled pension funds.
    As business unions these organizations view the workers as their source of cash and capital, much like the boss does.

    And with big pension and benefit funds the temptation for these business agents, International Reps and local executives (who are often appointed by the International or if elected are part of the good old boys network) to dip into the cash drawer can be a bit overwhelming.

    After all they are only doing on the local level what the big wigs in Washington with their shady connections have been caught doing.

    And being good ol' boys they figure that the little woman should know her place, in this case she did, she exposed the rats that stole from the rank and file. The rats in the union executive did what all rats do, they covered up their crime and canned a worker who was doing what was in the best interests of the members (remember them they are the reason the union exists).

    Merk's drawn out legal battle began more than four years ago when she complained about salary and expense payments to two union officers According to the set of facts the high court used in its ruling, Merk first took her complaint to her supervisor and was rebuked.So Merk's father, a former union employee, and three other members wrote a letter to the general president in Washington to complain. After the matter was investigated internally, the local executive authorized Merk's firing. Merk said her family has a long history with the union and she wants to go back to work. "I love my job," she said. "I liked being with the members and the members liked me."

    Good for her, time to clean house and as the Wobblies say "dump the bosses off your back," including the union bosses who view our unions as their personal fiefdoms and cash cows.

    New Home For Red Between The Lines

    Modblog the home of my blog Red Between the Lines is still offline after seven days and counting. Update (11/22/05 @ 7:11PM CT): The ModBlog file server has returned online. And though they say the server is back up, well thats nice but our blogs aren't. So rather than continuing bitching about Modblog, and its sever failures which have occured with unpleasant regularity this past year, I am moving Red Between The Lines here to Blogger. And I have given it an appropriate red background. So I will be posting my short pithy news comments on RBTL instead of here on Le Revue Gauche in a couple of days once I have changed links and notified blog associates about removing the old modblog link for the new site.

    Christian Killers and Rapists

    Recent reports on the sexual assualt, by students at a Catholic School in Toronto along with the recent murder at a funeral at a Seventh Day Adventist Church seemed to miss the neccasary headline monicker that would be added if these events had happened at a Jewish or Muslim or other minority religious insitution.
    So here they are:
    Christian Students Arrested for Sexual Assault
    Christian Kills Christian at Funeral

    Canadian Blog Awards 2005

    The first round of voting is now open in the 2005 Canadian Blog Awards. Of course I have my humble blogs posted under Progressive, Business (for Red between the Lines) and my series Gothic Capitalism under Series. Vote often.

    And speaking of Blog Awards here is an interesting story about the latest MSM blog award:
    Fictional housewife takes top blog prize

    Organizers received more than 2,500 submissions, in nine different languages, for the second-annual competition, which is run by the internet arm of Germany's Deutsche Welle news service. Co-sponsors include, Reporters Without Borders, France's Le Monde and China's Phoenix TV.The jury, with members from around the world, chose eight finalists in each category. Then the internet community was encouraged to vote. According to Guido Baumhauer, editor in chief of DW-World.DE, more than 100,000 ballots were cast through online voting worldwide.

    Gee and how did I miss this? Must be the most underpublicized Blogs Award ever. Oh right its a mainstream blog award.

    Leveling the playing field for tax cheats

    Income trusts are poised to rise Thursday after Ottawa decided not to hit the sector with a new tax regime, but instead level the playing field by cutting taxes on corporate dividends.
    Thats the way to deal with those nasty income trusts that were set up as a tax haven for corporations. Don't tax them nah, just give the other corporations another tax cut. The logic in that is what? Well the government failed to collect millions in taxes from income trusts, mainly because as the Auditor General pointed out, see s All the Newz that didn't Fit, Revenue Canada FAILED to collect what was owed us. Now this tax give away might have served a purpose if it had strings attached, like making sure that dividends were invested back into production. As it is now this is not happening. Instead the money is invested in the stock market by corporate managers to make more money. And thats the real reason that the Income Trusts lost money over the last six months, because so did the stock market.

    King Klein's Grande Tour

    So while the Alberta legislature sits, King Klein leaves the province on his Grande Tour like the aristocracy of old. No need for the Tyrant to be at home, after all what can the legislature do anyways? The opposition can ask questions, and ask some more, and they get no anwsers from the papercutouts in the government backbenches. It is a comfort that the Alberta Government can merely sit for the shortist sessions of any legislature in Canada since all the decisions are made behind closed doors by cabinet, or between legislature sittings, or on the whim of King Klein. Such as his latest announcement of the Klein Legacy Fund, a direct steal from Jean Chretien.

    Alberta Centennial Scholarships giving students across Canada reason to celebrate
    $2005 awards to be spread among students from all provinces and territories

    Hey wasn't he supposed to get this passed in the house? Nah, he knows it will pass. Yep thats royalty for ya. And you thought the aristocractic ruling class was a thing of the past. Not in Alberta, we have the Oil Royalty and their Party of Calgary.

    And not everyone is happy with King Kleins Centenniel Award. After all Alberta students pay some of the highest tuition in Canada.

    Student leaders say money should be used to fix Alberta's needs

    Like Capone, Pinochet gets his

    They may not have been able to get him on human rights violations and murder, just like they couldn't get Al Capone for racketeering and murder, but like Big Al it appears the Chilean people may finally get justice with the imprisonment of Augusto Pinochet for tax evasion. Just like Big Al. Pinochet indicted on tax-evasion charges

    Once a Liberal always a Liberal

    Klein says Harper seen as 'too much on the right,' predicts another Liberal minority

    The reason Ralph wants the Liberals to win is cause he once was one. Ok for the record, all kidding aside, the real reason he wants them to win is that its the Alberta Advantage. With a Federal Liberal government to kick around the Conservatives have stayed in power in Alberta. Ok they stayed in power under the Mulroney Conservative government but look what happened then, along came Son of Socred, Presto Manning, and he started the Reform Party in revolt against Mulroney. Now Harper is leading the Reform/Alliance/Conservative party and Klein is afraid that as closely identified with Alberta as they are, and the fact they are the overwhelming majority of Federal MPs in Alberta, this will spell DOOM for his party's chances in the next provincial election. Seriously. All politics are local, and in this case Klein is seriously worried that without the Liberals in power in Ottawa to be the boogeyman Albertans will begin to look at the replacing the boogeyman in their own back yard. After all Alberta has historically opposed Ottawa, and whoever is in power in Ottawa.

    Wednesday, November 23, 2005

    Child Poverty Forgotten But Not Gone

    What was supposed to be a temporary expansion of the depression era soup kitchens, the Food Bank, instituted when the economy collapsed after the Wall Street crash of 1987 and the decline in oil prices is now a permanent fixture in the social economy. Almost half those using it are children. Say wasn't there a red book promise about ending child poverty in Canada back in the 1993?

    Winter will be hard, food-bank report warns

    Canadian unemployment is dropping, but total food-bank use in March 2005 – the month the dry-goods charity suppliers do their annual count – fell just one-tenth of one per cent from 2004's record high, the HungerCount report said. However, use is still up 24 per cent from 1997 and 118 per cent from 1989. The report says 823,856 Canadians, including more than 300,000 children, visited food banks in March, the report says.

    Ok You Are An Anarchist

    Editor's File When politicians come a-waffling
    By Leo Valiquette, Ottawa Business Journal Staff
    Wed, Nov 23, 2005 4:00 PM EST

    How low would voter turnout have to be in a federal election for it to be sheer absurdity to declare anyone a winner?

    I would say if less than half of the electorate turned out to cast a ballot. The problem is, even if the majority of Canadians abstained from voting, the results of the election would still be valid.

    It's a shame really, for I think a minimum voter turnout in a federal election would provide Canadians with an unprecedented avenue through which to express their discontent. If too few votes are cast, the election is null and void. The previous government remains dissolved and no party can form a new one until another round at the polling stations yields that minimum voter turnout.

    Call me an anarchist, if you will, but a little anarchy appears to be what we need right now to provoke someone to take definitive action.

    Ok you are an anarchist, or at least a Marxist, Grucho Marxist.

    SUN Newspapers Boycott Federal Election

    Politcal fans like sports fans are dedicated, addicted, you need your political fix especially during elections. Well you won't find it in the pages of the SUN newspaper chain in this upcoming federal election. Whooa what's that you say the veritable mouth piece of the right wing won't be following the various party leaders in the upcoming election. Nope. Probably too busy covering Santa Claus and his record trip around the world. Using CP to do their election coverage must be the ultimate in outsourcing. So what are they gonna do with Greg Weston? Maybe he will start doing a column on ice fishing tips.

    Embassy, November 23rd, 2005
    By Sean Durkan

    Sun Media Won't Follow Leaders This Election

    I can't imagine this happening in the U.S. or Britain or any other democratic nation for that matter. Canada's second largest newspaper chain ­ Sun Media ­ will not be unleashing its political reporters on the party leaders in the looming federal election.

    The edict came down last week from the chain's owners Quebecor Media: For the first time in the Sun's history, the chain's Hill bureau team will not be traveling on the leaders' planes. In fact, this is probably the first time that a major news outlet will not have a presence on these planes.

    In order to save money, Quebecor Media is going to leave it to Canadian Press to provide the news from the tour to the papers' readers.

    This is good news for Prime Minister Paul Martin, given that the Suns are the staunchest critics of his Liberal government and provide a major voice for Conservative minded Canadians. I wonder if former Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who is Quebecor's chairman, knows about this.

    Grewal Speaks

    Oh my gawd she actually said something. Nina Grewal, the silent partner in the Conservative husband and wife duo of Grewal and Grewal, actually spoke up in the house today and asked a question. For the record this is not thefirst time since she was elected she actually spoke in the house. But she usually was overshadowed by her flamboynt and goofy husband Gurmant.

    Nina Grewal was first elected to the House of Commons in 2004 for the new riding of Fleetwood-Port Kells. She and her husband, Gurmant, became the first spouses to simultaneously hold elected seats in Parliament

    Yep folks an election is on the way. Cause Nina said something in order to get her name written into Hansard. Just to show here constiuents she is still in the house.

    Gun Violence

    Question Period


    Mr Speaker, record numbers of murders are happening on the streets of BC's lower mainland. Already 34 people have been killed in gun violence this year. Two more were murdered this week.

    Gun violence is not just a Toronto problem – it’s a Canadian problem. While the Prime Minister is holding summits and committing millions of dollars to combat gun crimes in Toronto, British Columbians have had to set-up community groups to tackle gun violence.

    Mr. Speaker when will the Prime Minister scrap the useless gun registry and start investing in more police for our streets?

    Soothesayer Ralph

    Election will bring another Grit minority: Klein

    When Klein was asked by a reporter whether he would put money on a minority Liberal government if he were a betting man, Klein replied: "Unfortunately, if I were a betting man, I would. But I wouldn't want to see that outcome." Ha, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee, that's rich, Ralph claiming not to be a betting man, yet when he was off in Quebec city yesterday, reporters left him after his speech playing the slots. But his prodigitation is correct the Liberals will get in by the skin of their teeth, and the hair on their chinny chin chin.
    Yep Ralph's a betting man and thats why we have a gambling problem in Alberta, just like our Premier.

    Alberta must monitor casino growth: professor
    As much as 35 per cent of gambling revenue comes from problem gamblers, said Williams.

    Post Traumatic Strike Syndrome

    Here is an interesting after effect of the nasty, cruel and totally unneccasary strike at Tysons Lakeside Packing Plant. The Klein Reich threw up their hands and said there was nothing the government could do. The bosses forced the strike, and drew a line in the sand relying on callow racism to divide the workers in the plant between the good ol white boys from Brooks, Alberta from the African Immigrant workers Tyson brought in to fill the jobs in the plant. As usual workers don't want to strike but want a fair deal. The boss doesn't want to deal so the workers are forced to strike. In this case it got very ugly on the picket lines. And the result is a new psychological condidtion the Post Traumatic Strike Syndrome. Now the government which refused to act in the best interests of the workers and thus the taxpayers, will now have to pay for the psychological stress their inaction created.

    Lakeside workers fail to return to jobs
    Last updated Nov 22 2005 10:25 AM MST
    CBC News
    Community workers in Brooks are trying to spread the word that it's safe to return to work at Lakeside Packers now that a bitter strike has ended. Hundreds of employees left town to find other work when the strike started in early October and have not returned. Employees ratified a new deal on Nov. 4 after three weeks of acrimony and violence that saw hundreds of workers cross picket lines. Some workers still living in Brooks can't bring themselves to go back because they can't stand to have more conflict in their lives, says one community worker. Doreen Medway, who runs a counselling service called the Global Friendship Immigration Centre, says many of the employees - who are immigrants from Africa - suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. "Like they haven't left behind the conflict from their country. It's still new to them. Violent behavior was part of their life where they came from," said Medway. "One client, he had a very good job and he has not been going to work. He doesn't want to pick who he should say hello to and who he shouldn't say hello to out there," said Medway. "He just doesn't want to be involved in any of it." Gary Mikelson, a spokesperson for Tyson Foods, says the company doesn't know how many people failed to return to their jobs. James Mutaga, an African immigrant working at the plant, says each conveyor line needs more workers. "Every single line is missing more than five people, so hundreds and hundreds of employees," said Mutaga. While Tyson looks for workers, African community groups in Brooks are holding seminars, trying to get people to spread the word that the conflict at Lakeside is over, and it's safe to return to work.

    Never Say Never, say Homophobes

    Opponents unite to fight gay marriage
    Ontario MP Pat O'Brien - who resigned as a Liberal this year over the legalization of gay marriage - announced Tuesday that he has founded Defend Marriage Canada with a Conservative ally. He and ex-Tory MP Grant Hill say the group will raise money, publish letters, and lobby voters to elect candidates who oppose same-sex marriage.

    Here is the the indefeatable optimism of the reactionary right wing and its stupid belief that marriage is a sacred institution rather than a property relationship. Once again those defeated last spring when Canada accepted same sex marriage want to make it an issue in the upcoming election. Along with their fundamentalist allies of various monthiestic faiths, though predominately the evangelical fundamentalist christian sects, who have attempted to take over the Conservative party with anti-gay candidates, these guys just don't give up, nor do they get it. Its the law stupid nothing you can do can change that.

    "This is very rigidly a non-partisan campaign," said O'Brien, who now sits as an Independent MP and is not running for re-election

    Rigid is right, now clear that thought out of your mind thats not what I meant. Rigid as in implaccable, dogmatic, conservative. And just how non partisan is this lobby campaign?

    "But I can't help but take a moment and commend the leader of the Opposition - Mr. Harper - for indicating his openness to having a true free vote."

    Hill added adamantly that Defend Marriage Canada will not work for any particular party. He also said the group plans to run a positive campaign.

    "We won't be campaigning against anyone. We'll in fact be campaigning for individuals (who oppose same-sex marriage).

    A campaign to deny human and civil rights to a minority group because of your religious intolerance is defined as 'positive'. Yep Orwell would be proud.

    Give it up the law is the law, this is a non-issue, even in the tiny dinosaur brain of King Ralph. And speaking of dionsaurs that is exactly what Grant Hill is.

    Hill, an Alberta MP who was the interim leader of the new Conservative party, retired from politics before the 2004 election.

    He has returned to practising medicine. He made news recently when he reiterated his belief that homosexuals spread disease.

    Hill has also stated his belief that homosexuals allow themselves to be gay and could choose to stop their behaviour.

    Indian Summer in Edmonton

    We have been having a true Indian Summer for the first time in years here in Edmonton. Records have been broken for high tempratures and not a snowflake in sight. In fact yesterday was a record breaker hitting 19 degrees Centigrade, on Nov. 22 sheesh.....


    Max Temp.
    18.8 °C

    Min Temp.
    4.3 °C

    Precip Total
    0.0 mm

    Regional Normals

    Max Temp.
    -4 °C

    Min Temp.
    -13 °C

    Record Values

    In fact November has been warmer overall than July was. On Sunday folks were wearing shorts, sandals and sleeveless shirts...others still bundle up like its winter, hard to get used to feeling like its May instead....

    Now I love this but the niggly little bugger in the back of my mind says 'global warming' sucker. Go away I say, and let me enjoy it while it lasts.....which looks like it will end on the weekend.....damn

    5 Day Forecast from Environment Canada


    • High 13 °C


    Wednesday night

    • Low 5 °C



    • High 10 °C



    • High 9 °C
    • Low -4 °C



    • High -1 °C
    • Low -6 °C



    • High -2 °C
    • Low -13 °C


    Averages and Extremes for: November 23, 2005

    Averages and Extremes Year
    Average Maximum Temperature -2.40°C
    Average Minimum Temperature -10.20°C
    Frequency of Precipitation 30%
    Highest Temperature (1937-2004) 13.30°C 1956
    Lowest Temperature (1937-2004) -28.90°C 1950
    Greatest Precipitation (1937-2004) 16.80mm 1990
    Greatest Rainfall (1937-2004) 2.30mm 1967
    Greatest Snowfall (1937-2004) 17cm 1990
    Most Snow on the Ground (1955-2004) 30cm 1996

    N/A = Not available

    Alberta Cowboys Hijack Health Care

    'Unsustainable' health-care system has to head federal election agenda: Klein

    Yep and its the issue the NDP can run on since the Liberals have failed to protect us from privatization, and the Harper doesn't have so much as a hidden agenda on this but a silent one...he is letting Klein take the flack while remaining silent on what the Conservatives will do to protect health care from privatization....well shucks partner he will leave it up to the provinces of course....

    Klein, Harper discuss private health care

    Alberta Premier Ralph Klein may be following Quebec's lead in finding a solution to his province's health care woes, saying his government has hired a firm to examine whether insurance agencies would be willing to offer insurance for non-essential medical services.

    “We're at point right now where we've hired a firm, a controversial firm undoubtedly, to do an assessment of whether people — as to whether there would be an insurance agency willing to accommodate people who wish to buy insurance for non-essential non-emergency services. That's where we are right now," Mr. Klein said.

    Even before Mr. Klein flew out of Alberta, his scheduled three-day speaking tour raised the hackles of nervous provincial opposition politicians.

    Alberta New Democrat leader Brian Mason has said the outspoken Premier's trip was like "putting a rodeo clown into a bull ring.

    Be afraid, very afraid Canada, the agenda is clear, the right wing provincial governments in Alberta, Quebec and B.C. are pushing to privatize health care, and the Federal Liberals lack the backbone of Trudeau to get them in line.

    And the Harper Conservatives will do nothing to halt the slide towards private medical insurance if they are elected. Harper doesn't have to have a hidden agenda over health care, he merely has to be like the Liberals, and fail to change the Canada Health Act to halt the provinces privatization putsch that King Klein calls the 'Third Way'.

    These guys maybe clowning around but when it comes to public health care they are serious about dismantaling our system in favour of their corporate masters.

    And in a coy move today King Klown Klein says he ain't the only one pushing the privatization putsch in Canada. No siree he has company.

    Alberta not only health-care 'bogeyman': Klein

    Quebec and B.C. have more private health care than Alberta, Premier Ralph Klein said Tuesday, underlining his view that it's unfair to paint him the "bogeyman" of health-care reform."You know, it's not unique to Alberta," Klein told an audience in Quebec City. "B.C.'s been doing the third way for some time, actually some doctors have been practising the third way or other ways for some time here in Quebec."

    Yep thats the Three Amigos of Private Health Care in Canada, Charest, Campbell and Klein, with little Stephen Harper running around begging them not to say 'boo' until after the election. To late the biggest 'boo'gey man of the crew is out and about letting the cat out of the bag. And guess what its a popular message with corporate Canada.....surprize, surprize.....Alberta Premier gets standing ovations from business audience in Quebec

    Simon Jean, who attended the lunch-hour address, said Quebec politicians are reluctant to talk about health care, because "they all know that it would be a good thing to put more in the private sector, in the health care industry, but they don't want to say it because they feel it's such a risk."

    Our Ralph wows 'em in Quebec

    Klein didn't go into detail in his speech about his plans for Alberta, but he told reporters afterward that he wants the federal government to give provinces the flexibility "to do what they deem the right thing to do."

    And he said he wasn't concerned about the perception that his reforms might violate the Canada Health Act.

    "We finally put in place a dispute resolution mechanism to make the determination as to whether a province is in fact violating the act, so let's put it to the test," he said.

    Chamber president Pierre Dolbec, who wore a white Stetson while introducing Klein, applauded the premier for his courage.

    Nationalize the Auto Industry

    Ottawa taking brakes off auto lures
    Ottawa plans to dangle hundreds of millions of dollars in front of car makers in a fresh bid to lure new plants, despite General Motors Corp.'s announcement -- just months after accepting a $435-million government package -- that it will eliminate thousands of jobs.

    Sources say an aggressive push for new plants will be the cornerstone of the government's auto strategy that is expected to be announced in the next two weeks.

    After about a decade of eschewing financial incentives for auto makers, the federal government began relaxing its approach a few years ago and has now decided monetary lures are a necessary evil.

    Yep they did the same thing in the 1980's with the economic downturn when they bailed out the Big Three Auto Makers. And what do we get for this investment? Well GM takes its federal handout and lays off workers. Honda and Toyota take their handouts, and refuse to be unionized.

    If you want a real auto strategy for Canada lets nationalize all of the industry, including the Stronachs non union Magna Corp, and put them under worker and community control. And while we are at it lets do the same for the steel industry which is getting bailed out by Ontario taxpayers.

    Then we would have something to show for it.

    Hip Hop Gun Culture

    Martin meets with black leaders from Toronto
    `National crisis' facing youth, activists warn

    Carnegie-Douglas predicted gun crimes would be an election issue, and blamed part of the problem on systemic racism. "We're saying, aren't the lives of young black men important to the leaders of this country, aren't their lives important to the rest of Canada? And should this not be a priority on everyone's agenda?" she said. "The fact that almost 50 young black men have died this summer is a crisis. That's a national crisis."

    The problem isn't guns, hey we got a billion dollar boondoogle of a registry for that. The problem is the socio economic ghettoization of African Canadians in the housing complexes in Toronto. Thats the issue.

    Guns are a symptom, like gas sniffing is in native communities in the North that are another example of failed social engineering projects of the Federal Government. The Social Welfare state is a failure, because it isolates non white communities, whether in the North or in Toronto, from the rest of the community, leaving them to fester into Clockwork Orange Droogievilles.

    And far from being a national problem, its a local problem. In the rest of Canada the problem with the Hip Hop Gansta culture is its impact on middle class suburban drug gangs regadless of race or ethnicity.

    Again instead of looking at legalizing drugs, and providing a real economic alternative to gangsta culture the right wing calls for more and tougher laws.
    That didn't work before it won't work now. But what's scary is that folks will cling to any solution as long as it is immediate and gives them a sense of security, however false.

    Pastor calls for 'war measures' to combat shootings

    Rev. Al Bowen of the Abundant Life Assembly in the city's northwest corner said Torontonians may have to put up with "the toes of democracy . . . [being] stepped on" so that police have the tools they need to round up the killers of 18-year-old Amon Beckles and scores of other young men -- most of them black -- shot dead on the city's streets over the past several months.

    Gee I hate to remind the good pastor that it was a Christian who killed a Christian in his church over bling bling.....but hey never mind that lets just call for more cops and more power for cops......

    Yep these right wingers have only one solution for social problems more laws to trample our rights, more cops, and more jail time. This is the same BS that the families of the slain RCMP officers in Alberta have also been lobbying for. And against the legalization of marijuana.

    RCMP family members call for justice reform

    Schiemann, a Lutheran pastor, says Canada's justice system is flawed in that it allows dangerous offenders to serve concurrent sentences and be freed on statutory release.

    "It has gotten to the point where we are asking that if our law enforcement officers are not safe while they are doing their jobs, how safe are you?" he said. "There needs to be punitive justice and protective justice for our society."

    Schiemann and the other family members are calling for a complete review of parole criteria and sentencing criteria.

    Among the measures they would like to see brought in are:

    • consecutive, rather than concurrent sentencing;
    • minimum sentences for drug offences and crimes against law enforcement officers; and
    • a three-strike rule for drug offences, crimes against law enforcement officers or any combination of the two.

    Schiemann also called on the federal government to scrap Bill C-17, the bill that proposes to decriminalize pot possession under 15 grams so that arrests would result in only a fine and not jail time.

    The bill will simply encourage more marijuana grow operations, Schiemann says.

    And THATS the national issue, that brings Toronto together with Alberta, the gangsta hip hop culture could not exist as a viable economic market with the legalization of ALL DRUGS.

    Vancouver mayor encourages new drug strategy
    "Addiction is a health problem, a health issue and not a criminal issue," he told the committee, urging politicians not to get "hung up" on the possible introduction of safe injection sites (already set up in about 40 cities around the world).

    Without the lucrative market in drugs in the Ghettos of the USA there would not be the gangsta culture of Hip Hop. A culture that is dominant in both the African Canadian ghettos of Toronto, and in the ethnic suburbs of the rest of Canada, as non white kids identify regardless of socio economic status with ghetto black culture imported from the US.

    Extra officers for cities to fight gangs
    Police say there are forty different gangs operating in Saskatchewan – from large "national" syndicates to small localized outfits. They say gangs are almost exclusively behind the illicit drug trade and most property crimes, and crimes of violence can be linked to criminal organizations.

    Now leaders in the communtiy are calling for a ban on Hip Hop culture, which will only make the outlaws even more attractive.
    MP wants rapper 50 Cent banned for gun violence

    The problem is that the only economic driver in both Toronto's African Canadian community, in the urban native gangs, and in the ethnic gangs in Canada is drugs.
    Hip Hop gangsta culture is just a glorification of this .