Monday, May 10, 2021

Opposition, Ottawa, media looking for COVID-19 disaster: Alberta justice minister

EDMONTON — Alberta’s justice minister says a COVID-19 disaster is what the provincial Opposition, the federal government and the media "were looking for and want" in the 

© Provided by The Canadian Press

Kaycee Madu, in Facebook comments posted Friday, said the province can't risk giving the disease a chance to "overwhelm our health-care system, then create public panic, and see Albertans in field and makeshift hospitals gasping for breath because we have run out of ventilators, manpower etc.

“I don’t think it will be responsible to simply wait until we have a disaster on our hands,” he added.

“That’s what the NDP, the media and the federal Liberals were looking for and want.”

Madu was not made available for an interview Monday.

His spokesman, Blaise Boehmer, said in a statement: “The minister was referring to the increasing tendency of different groups, including the NDP, to exploit the pandemic for their own political purposes.

“We see this every day with the NDP’s overcooked and incendiary rhetoric both in the legislative assembly and on social media.

“The minister won’t apologize for stating the obvious.”

NDP health critic David Shepherd said "what we want, and what we've wanted for the last 14 months, is to see responsible action from (the United Conservative) government … so that we would not be in the position now of Alberta being the worst jurisdiction in North America for COVID-19 new cases."

Political scientist Jared Wesley said Madu's comments raise concerns about the line in politics between respecting opponents while trying to defeat them politically versus trying to delegitimize them altogether.

"When you start accusing your opponents of literally wishing death on Albertans, that's a bridge too far,” said Wesley, who's with the University of Alberta.

"When it comes to being a minister of the Crown, when you are governing on behalf of the entire population, there's an extra onus on you to rise above that type of tribalistic rhetoric and behaviour."

Kenney’s government, in recent weeks, resisted calls for new health restrictions as Alberta COVID-19 cases climbed to record levels and doctors were given guidelines on how to triage patients should the health system become overwhelmed.

Kenney acted last Tuesday, sending all schoolchildren home to learn online while imposing sharper restrictions on capacity in businesses and in worship services.

The province also promised a renewed effort at enforcement. On the weekend, police made arrests and handed out violation tickets in Calgary and in central Alberta for public gatherings that violated health rules.

Madu's comments came days after Kenney, facing criticism that his government waited too long to react to the third wave, said no one should point fingers and politicize the fight against COVID-19.

Kenney and his minsters have repeatedly accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government of hamstringing the relief effort and, as late as April 29, Kenney blamed Alberta's entire third wave on Ottawa for a slow vaccine rollout.

Trudeau reached out last week, offering extra help if needed. Kenney declined the offer.

On Monday, Alberta recorded 1,597 new COVID-19 cases for a total active case count of 25,438. There are 690 people in hospital. Of those, 158 patients are in intensive care — the highest since the pandemic began.

Also Monday, Alberta opened up vaccine bookings for those as young as 12, with thousands getting processed soon after the online bookings went live at 8 a.m.

Alberta Health Services said it had booked almost 130,000 appointments by 4 p.m.

The expanded eligibility means that 3.8 million Albertans, out of a population of 4.4 million, are eligible to get vaccinated.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 10, 2021.

Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press
Air pollution: Animal-based food production on farms linked to 12,700 deaths each year, study says

By Isabelle Chapman, CNN

Air pollution from food production in the United States is linked to an estimated 15,900 premature deaths each year, according to a new study published Monday in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
© Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images Beef cattle eat grain-based rations at a ranch in Texas. A new study links thousands of premature deaths to particle pollution generated by agricultural production.

Of those, an estimated 12,700 deaths -- around 80% -- are connected to production of animal-based foods.

Scientists have known for years that farming contributes to harmful air pollution, but experts say this study offers the first full accounting of deaths connected to the production of certain types of food.

"When we think of the big sources of air pollution in the U.S., our imagination usually turns to smokestacks and tailpipes," said Joshua Apte, an assistant professor at the University of California-Berkeley, who was not involved in this study. "But it turns out that agriculture is also a major contributor to our air pollution and therefore we should care about it for our health."

The study focused on a specific type of tiny pollution particles known as PM2.5.

They linger in the air we breathe and measure barely a fraction of the diameter of a human hair. But despite their small size, the particles have been linked to millions of premature deaths globally, as well as serious cardiovascular and respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly.

PM2.5 particles kicked up into the air by tilling and fuel combustion in farm equipment are part of the problem, but the study found the majority of premature deaths are linked to ammonia emissions from livestock waste and fertilizer. Airborne ammonia reacts with other chemicals to form dangerous particulate matter.

"(It happens) mostly through ammonia, which is released when farmers use nitrogen fertilizer -- which they use a lot of -- or is released from animal manure," said Jason Hill, a professor at the University of MInnesota and a co-author of the study.

The premature deaths connected to pollution from agriculture are heavily concentrated in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and along the Upper Midwest's Corn Belt, the study found.

The researchers identified ways that both consumers and farmers can help reduce this type of pollution.

Eating less red meat and shifting toward plant-based diets could have huge health benefits, the study shows.

The study found that substituting poultry for red meat could prevent roughly 6,300 of the annual deaths tied to farming air pollution, and even larger reductions of 10,700 to 13,100 deaths could be achieved each year with large-scale shifts toward vegetarian, vegan, or flexitarian diets.

"It's probably healthy for them (to switch) and healthy for other people, because other people are not breathing polluted air," said Julian Marshall, another co-author of the study and a professor of environmental engineering at the University of Washington.

The study points to a few ways for farmers to cut down on the production of ammonia. Using fertilizer more precisely in order to maximize crop production can help. Farmers can also reduce the amount of ammonia produced from manure by covering animal waste and injecting manure into fields instead of spraying it.

Ian Faloona, an associate professor at the University of California-Davis, who published a study in 2018 on agriculture's production of nitrogen oxides -- another type of air pollution -- said that making these changes can also be good for farmers' bottom lines.

"In the end, it's going to be cost effective because you're making the process more efficient," Faloona said.

A spokesperson from the American Farm Bureau Federation questioned the study's results.

"On first review, it seems filled with data gaps and giant leaps to stretch the definition of cause and effect," the spokesperson said. "US agriculture is continually doing more using fewer natural resources and we're proud of that progress."

Hill said that he hopes that the report will show consumers and farmers alike that there are ways to reduce this problem.

"That's the message of hope here -- that we can actually do something about this," Hill

© Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images Eating less red meat is one of the biggest ways consumers can help reduce the pollution generated by agriculture, a new study finds
1.4B but no more? China's population growth closer to zero

BEIJING — China’s population growth is falling closer to zero, government data showed Tuesday, adding to strains on an aging society with a shrinking workforce as fewer couples have children.

© Provided by The Canadian Press

The population rose by 72 million over the past 10 years to 1.411 billion in 2020, the National Bureau of Statistics announced after a once-a-decade census. It said annual growth averaged 0.53%, down by 0.04% from the previous decade.

Chinese leaders have enforced birth limits since 1980 to restrain population growth but worry the number of working-age people is falling too fast, disrupting efforts to create a prosperous economy. They have eased birth limits, but couples are put off by high costs, cramped housing and job discrimination faced by mothers.

Reflecting the issue’s sensitivity, the statistics agency took the unusual step last month of announcing the population grew in 2020 but gave no total. That looked like an effort to calm companies and investors after The Financial Times reported the census might have found a surprise decline.

China, along with Thailand and some other developing Asian countries that are aging fast, faces what economists call the challenge of whether it can grow rich before it grows old.

China’s working age population of people aged 15 to 59 is declining after hitting a 2011 peak of 925 million. That is boosting wages as companies compete for workers. But it might hamper efforts to develop new industries and self-sustaining economic growth based on consumer spending instead of trade and investment.

Thursday's announcement gave no details of births last year, but earlier data showed the annual number falling since 2016.

“We are more concerned about the fast decline in the working-age population,” said Lu Jiehua, a professor of population studies at Peking University.

The working-age population was three-quarters of the total in 2011 but will fall to just above half by 2050, according to Lu. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security said in 2016 that group might shrink to 700 million by then.

“If the population gets too old, it will be impossible to solve the problem through immigration,” said Lu. “It needs to be dealt with at an early stage.”

Young couples who might want to have a child face daunting challenges. Many share crowded apartments with their parents. Child care is expensive and maternity leave short. Most single mothers are excluded from medical insurance and social welfare payments. Some women worry giving birth could hurt their careers.

“First, at the interview, if you are married and childless, they may ask, do you have plans to have a kid?” said He Yiwei, who is preparing to return from the United States after obtaining a master’s degree.

“And then when you have a kid, you take pregnancy leave, but will you still have this position after you take the leave?” said He. “Relative to men, when it comes to work, women have to sacrifice more.”

Japan, Germany and some other rich countries face the same challenge of supporting aging populations with fewer workers. But they can draw on decades of investment in factories, technology and foreign assets.

China is a middle-income country with labour-intensive farming and manufacturing. The International Monetary Fund is forecasting Chinese economic growth of 8.4% this year following a rebound from the coronavirus pandemic.

The ruling Communist Party wants to double output per person from 2020 levels by 2035, which would require annual growth of about 4.7%.

The ruling party is making changes, but it isn’t clear whether any are big enough to ease strains on an underfunded retirement system.

The party took its most dramatic step when restrictions in effect since 1980 that limited many Chinese couples to having only one child were eased in 2015 to allow two.

However, China’s birth rate, paralleling trends in South Korea, Thailand and other Asian economies, already was falling before the one-child rule. The average number of children per mother tumbled from above six in the 1960s to below three by 1980, according to the World Bank.

Demographers say official birth limits concealed what would have been a further fall in the number of children per family.

The one-child limits, enforced with threats of fines, loss of jobs and other pressure, led to abuses including forced abortions. A preference for sons led parents to kill or abandon baby girls, leading to warnings millions of men might be unable to find a wife, fueling social tension.

The ruling party says it prevented 400 million potential births, averting shortages of food and water. But demographers say if China followed Asian trends, the number of additional babies without controls might have been as low as a few million.

After limits were eased in 2015, many couples with one child had a second but total births fell in 2017-18 because fewer had any at all.

Some researchers argue China’s population already is shrinking, which they say should prompt drastic policy changes.

Yi Fuxian, a senior scientist in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, says the population started to fall in 2018. His book “Big Country With An Empty Nest” argued against the one-child limits.

“China’s economic, social, educational, tech, defence and foreign policies are built on the foundation of wrong numbers,” said Yi.

Chinese regulators talk about raising the official retirement age of 55 to increase the pool of workers.

Female professionals welcome a chance to stay in satisfying careers. But others resent being forced to work more years. And keeping workers on the job, unable to help look after children, might discourage their daughters from having more.

An earlier government estimate said China's population edged above 1.4 billion people for the first time in 2019, rising by 4.7 million over the previous year.

The latest data put China closer to be overtaken by India as the most populous country, which is expected to happen by 2025.

India’s population last year was estimated by the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs at 1.38 billion, or 1.5% behind China. The agency says India should grow by 0.9% annually through 2025.

Already, populations likely are shrinking in “a few pockets around China,” said Sabu Padmadas, a demographer at Britain’s University of Southampton who consulted on China for the U.N. Population Fund.

Tuesday's announcement said 25 of 31 provinces and regions in China showed population growth over the past decade. It gave no indication whether numbers in the other areas declined or held steady.

In Wenzhou, a coastal business centre south of Shanghai, the number of new births reported last year fell 19% from 2019.

“Eventually, what will happen is, it will spread,” said Padmadas.


Wu reported from Taipei. AP researcher Yu Bing and video producer Liu Zheng in Beijing contributed to this report.

Joe McDonald And Huizhong Wu, The Associated Press

Thousands suspended at Myanmar universities as junta targets education

(Reuters) - More than 11,000 academics and other university staff opposed to Myanmar's ruling junta have been suspended after going on strike in protest against military rule, a teachers' group told Reuters.
© Reuters/STRINGER Students protest against Myanmar’s junta in Mandalay

The suspensions come as the resumption of universities after a year closed due to the coronavirus epidemic prompts a new confrontation between the army and the staff and students who are calling for boycotts over the Feb. 1 coup.

"I feel upset to give up a job that I adored so much, but I feel proud to stand against injustice," said one 37-year-old university rector, who gave her name only as Thandar for fear of reprisals.

"My department summoned me today. I'm not going. We shouldn't follow the orders of the military council."

A professor on a fellowship in the United States said she was told she would have to declare opposition to the strikes or lose her job. Her university authorities had told her every scholar would be tracked down and forced to choose, she told Reuters.

© Reuters/ANN WANG FILE PHOTO: Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi attends Invest Myanmar in Naypyitaw

As of Monday, more than 11,100 academic and other staff had been suspended from colleges and universities offering degrees, an official of the Myanmar Teachers' Federation told Reuters, declining to be identified for fear of reprisals.

Reuters was not immediately able to ascertain exactly what proportion of total staff that figure represents. Myanmar had more than 26,000 teachers in universities and other tertiary education institutions in 2018, according to the most recent World Bank data.

Students and teachers were at the forefront of opposition during nearly half a century of military rule and have been prominent in the protests since the army detained elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and halted a decade of tentative democratic reforms.

Many teachers, like medics and other government workers, have stopped work as part of a civil disobedience movement that has paralysed Myanmar. As protests flared after the coup, security forces occupied campuses in the biggest city, Yangon, and elsewhere.

A spokesman for the junta did not respond to phone calls seeking comment on the suspensions.

The junta-controlled Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said teachers and students should cooperate to get the education system started again.

"Political opportunists do not wish to see such development by committing sabotage acts," it said.


It was not clear to what extent the 11,000 staff suspensions would hamper efforts to reopen colleges but many students are also boycotting classes.

At the public West Yangon Technological University, the student's union published a list of 180 staff who had been suspended to hail them as heroes.

"I don't feel sad to miss school," said 22-year-old Hnin, a student of the Yangon University of Education. "There's nothing to lose from missing the junta's education."

Zaw Wai Soe, education minister in a rival National Unity Government set up underground by opponents of the junta, said he was touched that students had told him they would only return "when the revolution prevails".

Doubts have also been raised over the return to school of younger students, with institutions now taking registrations for the start of a new year. There are nearly 10 million school students in the country of 53 million.

Protesters daubed "We don't want to be educated in military slavery" at the entrance of a school in the southern town of Mawlamyine last week, a phrase that has been echoed at demonstrations across Myanmar by students.

"We'll go to school only when Grandmother Suu is released," read a banner of students in the northern town of Hpakant at the weekend, referring to detained leader Suu Kyi. "Free all students at once," said another sign.

Many students are among at least 780 people killed by security forces and the 3,800 in detention, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners activist group.

At least 47 teachers are also among the detainees while arrest warrants have been issued for some 150 teachers on charges of incitement.

Myanmar's education system was already one of the poorest in the region - and ranked 92 of 93 countries in a global survey last year.

Even under the leadership of Suu Kyi, who had championed education, spending was below 2% of gross domestic product. That was one of the lowest rates in the world, according to World Bank figures.

Students could have little expectation of progress in Myanmar this year, said Saw Kapi, a founding director of the Salween Institute for Public Policy think tank.

"When it comes to education, I would suggest that instead of thinking about getting a bachelor's degree, you must go to the University of Life with a major in revolution," he wrote on social media. "You can go for a Masters or PhD later."

(Reporting by Reuters staff; Editing by Matthew Tostevin)
Maxime Bernier Held Another Canadian ‘Freedom Rally’ But Got Slapped With Hefty Fines

Duration: 01:00

People's Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier was slapped with a penalty of $2,800 on Saturday, after he went ahead with a "Freedom Rally" in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Group pleads guilty to running bulletproof hosting service for criminal gangs, malware payloads

Charlie Osborne  
ZDNet 10/5/2021

Four individuals have pleaded guilty to running a bulletproof hosting service used by criminals to launch cyberattacks.

The US Department of Justice (DoJ) said that Russian nationals Aleksandr Grichishkin and Andrei Skvortsov, alongside Lithuanian Aleksandr Skorodumov and Pavel Stassi, from Estonia, operated a bulletproof host between 2009 and 2015.

Bulletproof hosting is a service in which a private online infrastructure is offered, and operators will generally turn a blind eye to what customers use their rented domains for.

Copyright infringement notices are ignored, privacy is marketed as a feature of such services, and bulletproof offerings are the go-to for criminal groups seeking the infrastructure to host malware, establish command-and-control (C2) servers, and host illegal content including malicious software and child pornography.

However, being willing to ignore the transgressions of clients does not mean that law enforcement will take the same stance, and in this case, the group has been charged with conspiring to engage in a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO).

According to the DoJ, the group rented out servers and domains that were used in criminal campaigns including attacks against US companies and financial organizations.

Malware including the Zeus and SpyEye Trojans, Citadel Trojan and credential stealer, and the Blackhole exploit kit -- used in drive-by downloads to serve payloads to victims -- were among those hosted by the bulletproof hosting provider.

"A key service provided by the defendants was helping their clients to evade detection by law enforcement and continue their crimes uninterrupted; the defendants did so by monitoring sites used to blocklist technical infrastructure used for crime, moving "flagged" content to new infrastructure, and registering all such infrastructure under false or stolen identities," prosecutors say.

All four have pleaded guilty to one count of the RICO charge in the US District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan and they may each face up to 20 years in prison. Sentencing has been set individually between June and September.

The FBI investigated the case with help from law enforcement agencies in Germany, Estonia, and the UK.

In December 2020 under "Operation Nova," police from the US and multiple countries seized three virtual private network (VPN) services used by cybercriminals. The VPNs were advertised on underground forums as a means to mask the location and identities of ransomware operators, Magecart attackers, and phishing fraudsters.
Previous and related coverage

Law enforcement take down three bulletproof VPN providers

MaxiDed, dead: Law enforcement closes hosting service linked to criminal activity

Why Hydrogen Might Still (Eventually) Make Sense

Steven Cole Smith 

Martin Tengler, Tokyo-based lead hydrogen analyst for BloombergNEF, likes to talk about how we’re on the cusp of at least the fourth pro-hydrogen near-frenzy since 1974. That’s the year Road & Track touted“Hydrogen: New & Clean Fuel for the Future” on its March cover. They probably didn’t mean more than 45 years in the future.

© MediaNews Group/Bay Area News via Getty Images Despite supply hiccups, and past promises that have never quite come to fruition, hydrogen-fuel technologies continue to improve, and the future still looks bright.

The second frenzy came in 2005, when the CEO of Ballard Power Systems, maker of fuel cells, said they’d be selling between 200,000 and 500,000 a year to auto manufacturers by 2010. They did not hit that mark.

And then there was 2009, when multiple auto manufacturers signed a joint letter of intent that by 2014, they would be selling hundreds of thousands of hydrogen-powered cars. That didn't happen, either.

But this next near-frenzy might be different, Tengler believes. Just in the past year, forecast growth, or at least interest, in hydrogen power has grown beyond even recent predictions. While most automakers have announced ambitious electrification plans pegged to plug-in vehicles, Honda recently made sure to include hydrogen-fuel-cell vehicles in its goal to phase out gasoline engines in North America by 2040. Daimler Trucks and Volvo have partnered in Europe to try to help cut costs and make hydrogen make financial sense for long-haul trucking.

Why is Tengler optimistic now? Especially as California, the one place in the U.S. with hydrogen infrastructure, continues to wrestle with supply in the face of even modest demand. Because costs will begin to decrease considerably for hydrogen production, and not just dirty"gray" hydrogen produced by, say, fossil fuels or coal-generated electricity, but of non-polluting green hydrogen.

Tengler thinks those costs could plunge by 85 percent by 2050. Meanwhile, no one is predicting gasoline will decline by 85 percent by, well, ever.

Costs could dip below $1 per kilogram of hydrogen by then, compared to an average cost of $16.51 per kilogram in 2019. The hydrogen-powered Toyota Mirai averages about 73 miles per kilogram, according to the EPA.

Interestingly, though, this latest hydrogen frenzy has little to do with cars. In fact, Tengler said,“Hydrogen may not be the best fuel for cars.” Compared to electricity, that is.

What has Tengler and his forecasting team excited about hydrogen is its industrial future, making steel, plastic, and cement, which it does now, and powering airplanes, ships and trains, which it doesn’t. At the head of the cost-reduction predictions are, Tengler said, solar PV. Solar photovoltaic, or PV, combines words for light (photo) and electricity (voltaic). Solar PV is how solar converts sunlight into electricity, and the process can also be used to create hydrogen fuel.“Falling costs of solar PV are the key driver,” Tengler said, behind his enthusiasm for hydrogen, which reflects his enthusiasm for solar.

Also, his enthusiasm for China. Most of the electrolyzers, which make hydrogen, are made in China, and the vast majority of solar equipment is made in China, and the overwhelming percentages are expected to grow.

"Such low renewable hydrogen costs could completely rewrite the energy map," Tengler said."It shows that in the future, at least 33 percent of the world economy could be powered by clean energy for not a cent more than it pays for fossil fuels. But the technology will require continued government support to get there—we are at the high part of the cost curve now, and policy-supported investment is needed to get to the low part."

So solar is one potential solution to improving the hydrogen supply. Two others could make their way to California by the end of the year.
WAYS2H: Garbage + Thermochemical Process = Hydrogen

Jean-Louis Kindler, co-founder and CEO of Ways2H doesn't yet practice what he preaches."I drive a gas guzzler," he said."I love my gas guzzler." Sure, he'd like to drive something powered by hydrogen to the nearest Trader Joe's, but the available inventory of hydrogen-powered vehicles doesn’t much appeal to enthusiasts of large or sporty vehicles, but Kindler thinks it’s coming.

And by then, he'll be able to pump processed garbage into its tank.

Kindler's company plans to build relatively small hydrogen refineries near garbage dumps, separate out the metal and glass, and use the rest—from milk cartons to cat litter to what is described picturesquely as"sludge"—to make"blue" hydrogen.

© TODA CORPORATION / Japan Blue Energy Co. Ltd. A nearly finished facility in Tokyo that will convert sewage sludge into renewable hydrogen gas for fuel-cell vehicles. Ways2H plans to bring the technology to California this year.

About 90 percent of today's hydrogen is"gray," made with electricity or fossil fuels. The hydrogen is then loaded into tube trailers towed by tractor-trailers and delivered to refilling stations, the majority of which are in California; that delivery is the most expensive part of the per-kilo price. As clean energies go, blue hydrogen is better. ("Green" hydrogen, the type that could be produced by solar, is the Holy Grail.)

Kindler's refineries use a chemical process to generate the necessary heat—not electricity or petroleum—to 1200-1300 degrees Fahrenheit—in an oxygen-free atmosphere."Entirely plausible," to make hydrogen from garbage, said BloombergNEF’s Tengler."It's being done here in Japan."

Kindler’s first Ways2H refinery is coming from Japan, three containers that will go on the boat in June, and could be producing hydrogen from garbage in California by the end of the year. Where in California? He isn’t ready to say. Larger systems would be built in place, but Kindler wanted to start with a smaller one to illustrate its portability. It will be a modest operation at first, taking garbage from the community where its located, then returning the hydrogen to the city to power.

The standard-sized Ways2H system"processes 24 tons of waste per day, for a 1- to 1.5-ton hydrogen yield," said Kindler, enough to fill the tanks of 200 to 300 passenger vehicles.

"Did you know there are 30,000 hydrogen-powered forklifts in America?" he said. We did not. But it makes sense—no pollution inside the warehouse, and no three to four-hour downtime as they recharge their batteries.

Kindler said the refineries are scalable, and can be made much larger to produce commercial hydrogen that can be marketed. A major customer? The long-haul trucking industry, which is hard at work on hydrogen-powered vehicles.

And, for Kindler, maybe a big, comfortable hydrogen guzzler, as soon as somebody makes one.
POWERTAP: Making hydrogen on-site at gas stations.

If you watched the IndyCar season opener from Barber Motorsports Park in Alabama on April 18, maybe you saw some Andretti Autosport crewmen with"PowerTap" on the back of their uniforms. It was a quiet coming-out for a company that says it plans to have 500 hydrogen refueling stations open in the next few years, starting with 29 in California, at existing stations owned by racer-businessmen Mario and Michael Andretti.

Unlike current stations, PowerTap plans to construct small buildings at the existing stations that will house hydrogen production equipment. It will use natural gas and city water to produce blue hydrogen, capturing and storing leftover carbon.
© PowerTap A rendering of the hydrogen fuel production facility planned by PowerTap.

It's a conventional method—"The technology dates back a hundred years," Tengler said, and China is cranking out inexpensive electrolyzers at an impressive rate, so the buy-in isn't that expensive.

But like Ways2H's Kindler, PowerTap CEO Raghu Kilambi sees a much more immediate path to profit through the 18-wheeler and medium-sized truck market, rather than through automobiles. Yes, he’s aware of battery-powered semis like the proposed Tesla version,"but I don’t believe it's commercially viable now." The size and weight of the necessary batteries, the length of time to charge them, the infrastructure required to recharge semi-trucks—hydrogen is ready now, as soon as truckers have a place to buy it. Toyota is likely to be the first on the road with a hydrogen-powered heavy truck, unless Nikola can get its house in order.

Plus, all you have to do to sell a new type of truck is to be sure it makes business sense."Cars are often emotional purchases," Kilambi said."People don’t buy Ferraris because they generate income. Trucking companies will buy what they need to make a profit." The ability to locate hydrogen production and refueling stations all over the country is a major boon for the hydrogen-powered trucking initiative—no need to transport hydrogen to far-flung places through pipelines, rail or trucking.

Kilambi also said that his stations can produce a kilo of hydrogen for several dollars. If he can sell it for, say, $8 a kilogram, it would nearly halve the price of current hydrogen outlets.

What’s making PowerTap possible is just what Tengler said would be necessary—"policy-supported investment"—or in other words, government money. And California's generous carbon credit system. At one point, Kilambi said, you got carbon credits for what you sold. But now, you can get carbon credits for the infrastructure as soon as you have something to sell, and that plays a big part in PowerTap's financial strategy. Carbon credits are a tradable asset, and their value, under the Biden administration, is likely to blossom, and may spread to other states, Kilambi hopes.

In a chicken-or-egg scenario, it appears the egg is being financed by the government before they sell any chickens. PowerTap will build the stations with largely private capital, and once they are built, they'll collect enough carbon credits to tide them over until the hydrogen market catches up to the new supply.

On paper, it works. We could see how well it works in the real world before the end of the year.
U.S. pipeline hackers say their aim is cash, not chaos

By Raphael Satter and Joseph Menn
© Reuters/Handout . Holding tanks are seen at a Colonial Pipeline 
facility in an undated photograph

WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) -The ransomware gang accused of crippling the leading U.S. fuel pipeline operator said on Monday that it never meant to create havoc, an unusual statement that experts saw as a sign the cybercriminals' scheme had gone awry
© Reuters/KEVIN LAMARQUE U.S. President Joe Biden 
speaks to reporters at the White House in Washington

The FBI accused the group that calls itself DarkSide of a digital extortion attempt that prompted Colonial Pipeline to shut down its network, threatening extraordinary disruption as Colonial works to get America's biggest gasoline pipeline back online by the end of the week

© Reuters/STAFF Holding tanks are pictured at 
Colonial Pipeline's Linden Junction Tank Farm in Woodbridge

A terse news release posted to DarkSide's website did not directly mention Colonial Pipeline but, under the heading "About the latest news," it noted that "our goal is to make money, and not creating problems for society."

The statement did not say how much money the hackers were seeking. Colonial Pipeline did not offer any comment on the hackers' statement and U.S. officials have said they have not been involved in ransom negotiations.

The hackers did not respond to Reuters requests for comment.

The FBI, Department of Energy and White House have all been involved in a rapid response to the hack, and a server used by the gang was shut down over the weekend.

A person familiar with the matter said on Monday that the server held Colonial data and also files stolen in other DarkSide ransomware operations in progress, and that some of the group's other victims were in the process of being notified.

The FBI office in San Francisco, which had already been investigating DarkSide, was now involved in the law enforcement probe into the Colonial attack along with the FBI in Atlanta, near where the pipeline company is based.

The FBI declined comment.

DarkSide's statement went on to say that its hackers would launch checks on fellow cybercriminals "to avoid consequences in the future." It added the group was "apolitical" and that observers "do not need to tie us" with any particular government.

The statement, which had several spelling and grammatical errors, appeared geared toward lowering the political temperature around one of the most disruptive digital extortion schemes ever reported.

Gasoline prices at the pump have already risen 6 cents in the latest week - potentially putting them on course for the highest level since 2014.

On Sunday the largest U.S. refinery - Motiva Enterprises LLC's 607,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) Port Arthur, Texas, refinery - shut two crude distillation units because of the outage at Colonial, according to people familiar with the matter.

Some security experts said the DarkSide hackers were now trying to put some distance between themselves and the chaos they had unleashed.

"This isn't the first time a threat group has gotten in over their heads," said Lior Div, the co-founder and chief executive of Boston-based security company Cybereason.

He said that ransomware groups like DarkSide depended on being able to squeeze their victims discreetly, without attracting too much law enforcement scrutiny.

"The global backlash is hurting their business," said Div. "It is the only reason they are offering a mea culpa."

There is evidence that the DarkSide group operates out of Russia, U.S. President Joe Biden told reporters on Monday. He said that while there was "so far" no evidence that the Russian government was involved, "they have some responsibility to deal with this."

A U.S. official said investigators were still working out the nuances of whether and to what degree the alleged Russian indifference to the cybercriminals was deliberate.

The Russian Embassy in Washington did not immediately return a message seeking comment. The Kremlin routinely denies having anything to do with cyberattacks on the United States.

Tackling the steady drumbeat of ransomware incidents taking American businesses hostage has ranked high on the Biden administration's list of priorities. A senior official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's cyber arm, CISA, said that the dramatic pipeline company hack should serve as a wakeup call well beyond the energy industry.

"All organizations should really sit up and take notice and make urgent investments to make sure that they're protecting their networks against these threats," said Eric Goldstein, CISA's executive assistant director for cybersecurity.

"This time it was a large pipeline company, tomorrow it could be a different company and a different sector. These actors don't discriminate."

(Reporting by Raphael Satter in Washington and Joseph Menn in San Francisco; additional reporting by Stephanie Kelly in New York; Editing by Howard Goller)

Inside the DarkSide Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline

May 10, 2021 
David Bisson

On May 8, the Colonial Pipeline Company announced that it had fallen victim to a ransomware attack a day earlier. The pipeline operations include transporting 100 million gallons of fuel daily to meet the needs of consumers across the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S. from Texas to New York, according to the website of the refined products pipeline company.

“In response, we proactively took certain systems offline to contain the threat, which has temporarily halted all pipeline operations, and affected some of our IT systems,” Colonial Pipeline said in a web statement.

This attack has further blurred lines between nation-state sponsored APT attacks and cybercrime, as attacks of this magnitude are not like the “spray and pray” ransomware attacks of the past. These are RansomOps that are highly targeted and more akin to an APT-style operation.

Considering the potential impact of this shutdown, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued an emergency declaration in which it exempted 17 states and the District of Columbia from certain restrictions relating to the transportation of refined petroleum products by motor carriers and drivers.

Colonial Pipeline also used the web statement to share some details about its response thus far: “Upon learning of the issue, a leading, third-party cybersecurity firm was engaged, and they have launched an investigation into the nature and scope of this incident, which is ongoing. We have contacted law enforcement and other federal agencies.”

It went on to say that restoring its service was its primary focus. With that in mind, the company released an update on May 9 in which it disclosed its work to develop a service restart plan. Its strategy included getting smaller lines operational while some of its main lines remain offline.

All this in service of the goal of “substantially restoring operational service by the end of the week,” reported ZDNet.

Who Was Responsible?

The FBI confirmed on May 10 that the DarkSide ransomware gang was responsible for the attack. DarkSide is a relatively new ransomware strain associated with a new threat actor that Cybereason has been tracking since August 2020. In fact, the security firm has helped more than 10 of its customers to fight the group in the past few months.

Those responsible for DarkSide are very organized, and they have a mature Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) business model and affiliate program. The group has a phone number and even a help desk to facilitate negotiations with and collect information about its victims—not just technical information regarding their environment but also more general details relating to the company itself like the organization’s size and estimated revenue.

DarkSide appears to focus on targeting organizations in English-speaking countries while avoiding those in countries associated with former Soviet Bloc nations. This gang appears to have a code of conduct that prohibits attacks against hospitals, hospices, schools, universities, non-profit organizations and government agencies. No doubt that code of conduct is an effort to establish a level of trust and confidence in victims to enhance the likelihood that they’ll pay.

They are very organized and have a mature ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) business model and affiliate program. The group has a phone number and even a help desk to facilitate negotiations with victims, and they are making a great effort at collecting information about their victims - not just technical information about their environment, but more general information about the company itself, like the organization’s size and estimated revenue.

DarkSide follows the double extortion trend, where the threat actors first exfiltrates sensitive information stored on a victim’s systems before launching the encryption routine. After the ransomware encrypts the target’s data and issues the ransom demand for payment in exchange for the decryption key, the threat actors make the additional threat of publishing the exfiltrated data online should the target refuse to make the ransom payment.

This means the target is still faced with the prospect of having to pay the ransom regardless of whether or not they employed data backups as a precautionary measure. Ultimately, the DarkSide gang demands between $200,000 and $2 million from its victims based on data from previous attacks.

Key Aspects of DarkSide:
Emerging Threat: In a short amount of time, the DarkSide group has established a reputation for being a very “professional” and “organized” group that has potentially generated millions of dollars in profits from the ransomware.

High Severity: The Cybereason Nocturnus Team assesses the threat level as HIGH given the destructive potential of the attacks.

Human Operated Attack: Prior to the deployment of the ransomware, the attackers attempt to infiltrate and move laterally throughout the organization, carrying out a fully-developed attack operation.

Aiming Towards the DC: The DarkSide group is targeting domain controllers (DCs), which puts targets and the whole network environment at great risk. These types of techniques allow attackers to move laterally across the network, and they make it possible to encrypt more data/systems more quickly.

What makes this possible is the amount of work that generally goes into learning about a target beforehand. That’s what makes the Colonial Pipeline attack so peculiar. Lior Div, CEO and co-founder of Cybereason, elaborated on this point for Reuters:

They know who is the manager, they know who they're speaking with, they know where the money is, they know who is the decision maker…. It’s not good for business for them when the U.S. government becomes involved, when the FBI becomes involved. It's the last thing they need.

No surprise, therefore, that the DarkSide gang issued a press release on its “DarkSide Leaks” website on May 10 in which it seemed to suggest that one of its “partners” had been behind the attack against Colonial Pipeline. It said that it would screen its affiliates’ attacks going forward:

Screenshot of DarkSide’s press release. (Source: Cybereason)

What Organizations Should Do to Defend Themselves

Lengthy detection, investigation and response periods following a successful ransomware attack are simply too little, too late. They risk putting themselves in a situation where they must pay one (or more) ransoms. Prevention is key to defending against ransomware attacks.

In those situations, there is no guarantee that they will get their data/systems restored by the attackers, that there won’t be data corruption, that their stolen information will be deleted from the attackers’ servers or that those responsible won’t follow up with another attack and ransom demand in the future.

Organizations need to detect the attack at the earliest stages and block the threat outright. That’s why prevention is the key to defending against ransomware like DarkSide. This takes a future-ready, multi-layered operation-centric approach where Indicators of Behavior (IOBs) are leveraged to detect earlier and remediate faster than attackers can adapt their tactics.

David Bisson  is an information security writer and security junkie. He's a contributing editor to IBM's Security Intelligence and Tripwire's The State of Security Blog, and he's a contributing writer for Bora. He also regularly produces written content for Zix and a number of other companies in the digital security space.

Rare yellow birds need wild roses to survive in British Columbia: researcher

© Provided by The Canadian Press

VANCOUVER — A little yellow bird's rescue from the brink of extinction in British Columbia hinges on an oft-overlooked wild flower in the province's Okanagan region, according to one Canadian government researcher.

The importance of local wild roses emerged over a nearly 20-year experiment concentrating on the yellow-breasted chat, a tiny bird whose characteristics and precarious status have preoccupied scientists for decades.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the population at one breeding site on the grounds of the Okanagan Valley's En'owkin Centre stood at just one pair.

Today it's grown to roughly 22 pairs, a phenomenon Environment and Climate Change Canada researcher Christine Bishop largely attributes to the rejuvenation of wild roses in the area.

Bishop said human appetite for shoreline development, combined with livestock grazing, led to the depletion of the prickly wild rose bushes she described as providing the birds' ideal nesting conditions.

"They nest in forests along shorelines. And that's one of the key reasons why population declined," she said. "Everybody wants to develop or live near waterfront. ... It's definitely a habitat that's under threat continually."

Bishop said yellow chat populations exist beyond the borders of the En'owkin centre, but have been all but eradicated in Ontario and go largely unmonitored in the Prairies. Bishop estimated B.C.'s total yellow chat population at about 250 pairs.

Environment Canada teamed up with the En'owkin Centre — an Indigenous post-secondary institution — and the Nature Trust of B.C. to try and revitalize chat populations in the southern Okanagan Valley.

They fenced off about 70 kilometres along a stream, resulting in 455 protected hectares.

The results allowed previously trampled wild rose plants to regrow, Bishop said, linking their regeneration to the spike in local yellow chat pairs.

"This is a success story," she said.

Bishop said the birds' preferred habitat in B.C. is wild rose bushes along shorelines with willow and cottonwood forests.

Sometimes they nest in habitats with poison ivy as long as it is intermingled in a thicket of wild rose, she added, noting humans don't often recognize such environments for the vital wildlife habitats they are.

"A lot of times people see these sites with a young willow, cottonwood, and a thicket of rose and other shrubs and they just don't think of it as a forest because they don't see it as big huge ponderosa pines and so on," she said. "And they don't understand that this type of thicket ... is not only used by chats, but many other birds as well as wildlife as cover and food sources."

Bishop said chats have provided no end of scientific puzzles over the years, a fact even reflected in the species name.

Chats produce about 40 distinctive sounds, including imitations of other bird calls and sounds Bishop likens to car horns, but can't be classified as songbirds because they don't sing.

She said their vibrant yellow hue prompted researchers to categorize them as warblers for decades, but that classification was undercut by their roughly 25-gram weight, more than twice the size of an average bird of that type.

"In 2017, they actually created its own family. And it's the only species in that family, because it cannot be classified," she said.

Chats also boast ultraviolet tints in their plumage, which are invisible to the human eye but can help male birds attract mates.

The males are also known to put on a distinctive display when allowed to enjoy their preferred shoreline forest habitats, she said.

"They dangle their feet and then they make this sort of honking sound," Bishop said with a laugh.

"And they're flapping slowly ... dangling their feet and the females down below are watching this and judging his performance."

Researchers are also concerned about the effects of climate change on the chat's habitat.

The watercourses will change into grasslands if it gets too dry in the Okanagan, making it unsuitable for these birds, Bishop said.

They might move to higher elevations if it gets too hot in the valley but that might not be the right habitat for them, she noted.

"So even though we see it as a great success story in terms of expansion of the population so far, the next 20 years will tell us whether or not the population will be able to survive."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 9, 2021.

Hina Alam, The Canadian Press