Friday, August 06, 2021

On the frontline: Afghan woman governor recruits anti-Taliban militia

Issued on: 06/08/2021
Female district governor Salima Mazari is on a mission -- recruiting men to fight the Taliban 

Charkint (Afghanistan) (AFP)

Salima Mazari sits nonchalantly in the front seat of a pickup as it cruises through a rural district of northern Afghanistan; a popular local song belts out from a loudspeaker stuck on top of the vehicle.

Mazari, a female district governor in male-dominated Afghanistan, is on a mission -- recruiting men to fight the Taliban.

"Homeland... I sacrifice my life for you," the song goes -- and, these days, she is asking her constituents to do just that.

The Taliban have swept through much of rural Afghanistan since early May, when US President Joe Biden called time on America's longest war and ordered his troops home.

Life has changed little in many areas the insurgents have captured, but in Charkint -- the ruggedly remote district of mountains and valleys that Mazari governs, about an hour south of Mazar-i-Sharif in Balkh province -- the stakes are higher.

"Taliban are exactly the ones who trample human rights," she said.

Under Taliban rule women and girls were denied education and employment, but even after the militants downfall in 2001 attitudes have changed slowly 

Under Taliban rule women and girls were denied education and employment, but even after the militants' downfall in 2001 attitudes have changed slowly.

"Socially, people were not ready to accept a female leader," Mazari told AFP, her head modestly covered with a butterfly-patterned shawl, her eyes hidden behind oversized sunglasses.

- Targeted community -

Mazari is also a member of the Hazara community -- most of whom are Shia Muslims, who the Sunni Taliban consider a heretical sect.

They have been regularly targeted by the Taliban and Islamic State fighters, including an attack on a school in the capital in May that killed more than 80 girls.

Half the district Mazari nominally governs is already under Taliban control, so she spends a lot of time recruiting fighters to defend the rest.

A member of Mazari's volunteer force keeps watch against a backdrop of a starry sky in Charkint district, northern Afghanistan FARSHAD USYAN AFP

Hundreds of locals -- including farmers, shepherds and labourers -- have joined her cause, at enormous cost.

"Our people didn't have guns but they went and sold their cows, sheep, and even their land, to buy weapons," Mazari said.

"They are on the frontline every day and night without getting any kind of credit or salary."

District police chief Sayed Nazir believes the only reason the Taliban haven't taken over is because of this local resistance.

"Our achievements are due to our people's support," he told AFP, still smarting from a leg wound he received recently fighting the Taliban.

Mazari has so far recruited some 600 locals to supplement the conventional security forces in the district -- including Sayed Munawar, 53, who took up arms after 20 years of farming.

"We used to be craftsmen and workers until they attacked our villages," he told AFP at an outpost manned by police and local volunteers.

"They took a nearby village and raided their carpets and goods... we were forced to buy weapons and ammunition."

- Studies put on hold -

Faiz Mohammad, 21, is another volunteer -- putting his political science studies on hold to fight the Taliban.

He hadn't seen combat until three months ago, but since then has fought three battles.

A member of Mazari's volunteer force keeps watch from a hilltop machinegun post in Charkint district, northern Afghanistan 

"The heaviest fight was a few nights ago when we had to repel seven attacks," he told AFP, dressed in civvies and listening to mournful Hazara music on a cheap Chinese-made cellphone.

In Charkint, villagers still have bad memories of life under the Taliban before the hardline Islamic regime was toppled by the 2001 US-led invasion.

And Governor Mazari knows if they return, they would never tolerate a woman in such a leadership position.

"Women would be banned from educational opportunities and our youth would be deprived of employment," she said, leading a meeting with militia commanders at her office, preparing for the next fight.

© 2021 AFP
Sky News Australia faces Senate grilling over Covid videos

Issued on: 06/08/2021 
YouTube suspended Sky News Australia for one week over covid misinformation 
Robyn Beck AFP

Sydney (AFP)

Sky News Australia will face a Senate inquiry after serving a week-long suspension by YouTube over Covid-19 misinformation concerns, the senator in charge of the hearing said Friday.

The Rupert Murdoch-owned news channel faces a Senate panel hearing on August 13.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, chair of the upper house's media diversity committee, said her panel had called Sky News Australia executives, YouTube, and the Australian media regulator to appear.

"Australians are rightly worried about the promotion and dissemination of Covid lies and conspiracy theories that put lives at risk and undermine public health," she said.

YouTube temporarily cut Sky News Australia from its 1.87 million subscribers last week, saying it had removed some videos and "issued a strike" against the channel.

Without citing specific video content, YouTube said it does not allow medical misinformation about Covid-19 that contradicts health authorities' guidance.

Sky News Australia's posts, including some questioning whether there is a pandemic and the efficacy of vaccines, are widely shared on social media forums around the world that spread virus and vaccine misinformation.

It returned to uploading videos this week under the headline: "Uncancelled: Sky News Australia Set Free."

YouTube has a "three strikes" policy on violations, with the first resulting in a one-week suspension, a second strike within 90 days producing a two-week ban, and a third leading to permanent removal from the platform.

Sky News Australia was not immediately available to comment on Friday evening.

Following the initial YouTube suspension, a spokesperson for the channel said: "We support broad discussion and debate on a wide range of topics and perspectives which is vital to any democracy".

"We take our commitment to meeting editorial and community expectations seriously."

Hanson-Young also said Australia's television regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, appeared to have been "sitting on its hands".

"If information is too dangerous for the internet, surely it's too dangerous to be on our TV screens," said the senator, who has been a long-time critic of Murdoch-owned media outlets.

The Senate committee has also called the nation's chief medical officers to answer questions about the dangers posed by medical misinformation, she said.

© 2021 AFP
French wine production faces historic low after frost disaster

Issued on: 06/08/2021 - 

A spring cold snap caused devastation in French vineyards 

Paris (AFP)

France's wine output this year will go on record as one of the worst in history, if not the worst, after severe spring frosts devastated vines, the agriculture ministry said on Friday.

France, the world's second-largest wine producer after Italy, is likely to see its production drop between 24 and 30 percent in 2021, taking it to a "historically low" level, the ministry said.

It is already certain to fall below output seen in 1991 and 2017, the two most recent years of disastrous harvests amputated by bouts of late frost.

"For now, it looks like the yield will be comparable to that of 1977, a year when the the vine harvest was reduced by both destructive frost and summer downpours," the ministry said.

Several nights of frost in early April caused some of the most damage in decades to crops and vines across the country, including its best-known and prestigious wine-producing regions from Bordeaux to Burgundy and the Rhone valley to Champagne

Overall output, also affected by an onslaught of mildew prompted by heavy summer rains, is projected to come at in between 32.6 and 35.6 million hectolitres, the ministry said.

As well as wine producers, growers of kiwis, apricots, apples and other fruit have been badly hit along with farmers of other crops such as beet and rapeseed.

Apricot production is headed for its worst year in more than four decades, the ministry said, falling by half from its average seen over the previous five years.

Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie has called the frost attack "probably the greatest agricultural catastrophe of the beginning of the 21st century".

Some scientists say that climate change has sharply increased the odds of such events happening again.

World Weather Attribution, an international organisation that analyses the link between extreme weather events and global warming, said in a study in June that a warmer climate had increased the probability of an extreme frost coinciding with a growing period by 60 percent.

© 2021 AFP

French wine production faces lowest output in decades after cold spells, heavy rains

Issued on: 06/08/2021 - 
French vineyards have been severely hit by this spring's freezing temperatures, followed by heavy downpours this summer. © Clotaire Achi, REUTERS


France’s wine production could slump by as much as 30% this year, to its lowest level in decades, after vineyards were hit by spring frosts and summer downpours, its farm ministry said.

Champagne producers have warned that harvest potential has been cut by about half due to severe spring frosts followed by torrential summer rain that caused mildew fungus.

In its first outlook for 2021 wine output, the French farm ministry on Friday projected wine output at between 32.6 million and 35.6 million hectolitres, 24-30% less than last year.

A hectolitre is the equivalent of 100 litres, or 133 standard wine bottles.

“Wine production in 2021 is forecast to be historically weak, below levels in 1991 and 2017 that were also affected by severe frost in spring,” it said in a report.

“Yields are expected to be close to those of 1977, a year when the harvest was cut by damaging frost and summer rainfall.”

The impact on market supply and prices, however, could be limited by inventories built up during the coronavirus pandemic.

Champagne producers also say their longstanding practice of using stocks from previous seasons will prevent any spike in prices of the sparkling wine.

Overall production would be the lowest since at least 1970, ministry data showed, with nearly all production hit by frosts.

Meanwhile mildew disease spawned by soggy summer conditions had affected areas including Champagne, Alsace and Beaujolais.


Cuba's Julio la Cruz wins Olympic heavyweight gold

Issued on: 06/08/2021
Cuba's Julio la Cruz celebrates winning Olympic gold in the men's heavyweight division Luis ROBAYO AFP

Tokyo (AFP)

Cuba's Julio la Cruz, who was shot during a robbery just a few years ago, won his second Olympic gold on Friday with victory in the heavyweight boxing final.

The 31-year-old defeated Russia's Muslim Gadzhimagomedov on unanimous points to add the Tokyo title to his Rio 2016 light-heavyweight crown.

La Cruz, a four-time world champion at light-heavyweight, was held up by armed robbers in 2014 in Cuba and shot in the hip.

The boxer, who has credited doctors with saving his career, collapsed flat on his back in the ring when his victory was announced.

In the men's lightweight semi-finals, there was disappointment for Australia's Harry Garside, a certified plumber who is also into his ballet and sported painted fingernails after his bout in the quarter-finals.

The 24-year-old lost on unanimous points to Cuba's impressive Andy Cruz, but Garside still takes home bronze -- Australia's first Olympic boxing medal in 33 years.

Cruz goes up against Keyshawn Davis, with the talented American one win away from securing a first men's Olympic boxing gold for the USA since Andre Ward in 2004.

In the women's middleweight, Britain's Lauren Price -- who is also a footballer who has represented Wales -- narrowly defeated Dutch boxer Nouchka Fontijn on split points and will face China's Li Qian for gold.

With two more days of boxing left in Tokyo, Cuba have won three golds in the sport, the Russians one and Japan one. Eight more titles remain to be decided.
McCain builds upon its rich past to map out a greener future

McCain Foods' Farm of the Future in Florenceville-Bristol seeks to sustain potato production and battle climate change in the years and decades ahead by drawing on the McCain family's rich heritage and ingenuity from past years and decades.

"Nothing is more important to us than our heritage as a family company," said Jess Newman, McCain's senior director of agriculture and sustainability, "as a company founded by farmers right here in Florenceville."

It's not an accident that the first of three Farms of the Future planned for different corners of the globe by 2025 sits in Florenceville-Bristol, N.B., near the heart of McCain Foods' vast farming and food processing global enterprise.

Newman explained the Farms of the Future, like the one which began operation this year in New Brunswick, will serve as a testing ground for innovative practices aligned with regenerative agriculture.

She said the farm would share its successfully proven practices with McCain's potato producers across the region and around the world.

"Our commitment is to implement regenerative agriculture practices on 100 per cent of potato acres," Newman said.

Globally, she added, the frozen French fry giant draws from 320,000 potato acres. Eventually, she said, information garnered from the experimental farms will improve the sustainability of all potato production.

"Our Farm for the Future in our hometown of Florenceville is our first one, but we have plans for more to come because practices are highly regional," Newman said.

She explained that research on a full-scale farm operation, rather than a small lab demonstration, will help ensure the accrued knowledge is transferable to potato producers.

Newman said the commercial field farms would help demonstrate that the successful financial and environmental farm practices developed on the Farm of the Future will work on any farm.

She explained the Farm of the Future operates like any full-scale potato farm, complete with diversification and crop rotation.

Over a four-to-six-year rotation, Newman said, the farm will rotate crops already found on most potato-growing operations, including barley, alfalfa, winter wheat, corn and others, along with potatoes.

A key element of the farm is discovering regenerative practices and increasing crop resiliency, citing last summer's drought as an example of challenges that may become more common as the climate changes.

Newman said experts would research improvements dealing with soil compaction and water retention.

During its first year, McCain's Canadian Farm of the Future will seek to incorporate precision agriculture technologies like remote sensing, experimenting with seeding practices and implementing controlled traffic, a ground-breaking shift in approach that significantly limits the time a tractor and other heavy machinery spends on a field.

Through the research, Newman said, McCain growers will remain partners in the research and improvements.

"The reason we're so excited about this work and so committed is we've seen the effect of climate change on our growers' livelihoods first, like we saw last year in New Brunswick," she said. "For us, our growers are the most important. They're our partners, and our success is inextricably linked. For that reason, we're really excited to do this together and collaborate. We want their input on our regenerative agenda. We want to be moving forward, hand in hand."

The Farms of the Future is only one part of McCain Foods' overall commitment to reduce carbon emissions and battle climate change on a significant scale.

"We have a goal that by 2030 we'll be 100 per cent renewable electricity," said Newman.

Additionally, by 2030, McCain set a goal to reduce absolute carbon emissions in its supply chain by 25 per cent.

Newman said McCain purchased the 500-plus-acre farm last year and is working collaboratively with the former owner this year. She said it employs a local farm crew to plant, maintain and harvest this year's crops.

The Florenceville-Bristol Farm of the Future is just one aspect of McCain's comprehensive plan for a greener future.

In June, the company released its 2020 Global Sustainability report Together, Towards Planet-Friendly Food, in which McCain pledged to implement regenerative agricultural practices across 100 per cent of its potato acreage — representing 370,000 acres worldwide — by 2030. This transition will restore and protect soil health and quality and look to natural processes to control pests, prevent plant disease and strengthen crops against severe weather events.

"The pandemic has put a spotlight squarely on the precarious nature of our global food system," Max Koeune, Chief Executive Officer of McCain, said at the time of the release. "But the largest challenges we face are related to climate change. It's estimated that a quarter of man-made carbon emissions come from the production of food, and if we have to grow more food to feed more people, that will only intensify. If we don't transform the way we grow food, the whole system is at risk of suffering irreparable damage."

Koeune said McCain will produce an annual sustainability report to measure its progress.

As it released its 2020 report, McCain outlined its commitments beyond its Regenerative agriculture pledge. They included:

McCain has also tracked its progress against commitments it made in its inaugural Global Sustainability Report last year, including:

Jim Dumville, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, River Valley Sun


Proposed ‘Trump Card’ design compared to Nazi Third Reich imagery

A proposed 'Trump card' design, left, is shown alongside a German eagle and swastika at Fort Breendonk in Belgium. Save America and Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Nevertheless, Trump’s most devoted MAGA followers might soon be flashing a “Trump Card” to demonstrate their support for the defeated former president, after his campaign floated the idea in an email on Wednesday.

The email offered up four potential red-and-gold designs for the card, including one with a spelling error and another with an eagle that critics compared to a Nazi symbol. Trump supporters were asked to choose their favourite, although a link on the page reportedly sent users straight to a donation site for Trump’s campaign.

“The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country. They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I’m putting my full trust in you,” one email from Trump’s Save America PAC said.

“We’re about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump’s STRONGEST supporters,” the PAC said in a followup email, according to Business Insider.

Four proposed Trump Card designs are shown.

Four proposed Trump Card designs are shown. Save America

It’s unclear what the cards will cost or what they will be used for aside from showing the user’s devotion to Trump.

The text “Official Trump Card” is featured prominently on all four card designs along with Trump’s signature, the Save America logo and the member’s name and ID in gold.

One card appears to feature part of the presidential seal as a watermark, despite a federal law that prohibits the seal from being used for such purposes. Another prominently features a gold eagle with its wings spread and its head turned to the side.

Some critics on Twitter were quick to compare the bird to the Nazi War Eagle — a symbol used under Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in Germany.

The Nazis used a few different versions of an eagle with its wings out and its claws grasping a swastika. A massive version of the bird once presided over the Nazi-run Reichstag during Hitler’s rule, and the Nazi eagle is now considered a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Various depictions of the Nazi eagle have shown it facing either direction. The eagle facing the viewer’s right is known as the parteiadler (the party eagle), while the eagle facing to the left is called the reichsadler (the imperial eagle)

While some were eager to compare Trump supporters to those who followed Hitler, the ADL also pointed out that the eagle is not exclusively a Nazi symbol. It has been embraced by many cultures and governments over the centuries, including the United States. The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States, and it appears in the presidential seal and on other symbols of the country.

A similar debate erupted around the Trump campaign last year after it started selling a T-shirt with an eagle in a similar pose.

READ MORE: Trump 2020 campaign accused of ‘ripping off’ Nazi eagle logo

Another of the proposed Trump card designs includes a typo, with “official” spelled “offical.”

The Trump cards also provoked conversations about COVID-19 vaccine passports — another proposed card that some Trump supporters have denounced as government overreach.

Neither Trump nor his campaign has publicly commented on the eagle comparisons.

It’s unclear when the Trump cards will be released or how they will be selected, but the former president thinks all four designs are “BEAUTIFUL,” according to his campaign email.

“We should let the American People decide,” he supposedly told his staffers. “They ALWAYS know best!”

The American people chose Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, but Trump has continued to denounce that result with his baseless claims of voter fraud.

His lawyers suffered over 60 defeats in court while failing to prove his claims, but he kept pushing those claims for months after the election, including immediately before his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

The former president was impeached a second time for his role in inciting the attack, and a majority of senators voted to convict him. That vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to punish him for his actions.

Trump has not declared his intention to run for re-election in 2024, though he has continued to solicit political donations and has resumed holding campaign-style rallies with his MAGA faithful in recent months.

He’s also resumed issuing his Twitter-style attacks against his opponents, though those now appear as statements issued on his website and through his spokespeople. On Thursday, for example, he suggested that the U.S. women’s soccer team lost to Canada at the Olympics because they were too “woke.”

Trump remains banned from most social media platforms for egging on rioters prior to the Capitol attack.

Hundreds of his supporters have been arrested and charged in connection with that attack after Trump told them to “fight like hell” to overturn his election loss. Neo-Nazi groups have since been identified as part of that crowd.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” he told supporters before the riot. “You have to show strength and you have to be strong.”

Save America echoed that emphasis on strength in its fundraising pitch on Wednesday, when it said the cards were reserved for Trump’s “strongest” supporters.

It’s unclear whether the accused rioters fall into the category.

3 erupting Alaska volcanoes spitting lava or ash clouds

In this webcam image provided by the Alaska Volcano Observatory, is the Pavlof Volcano in a state of eruption with episodic low-level ash emissions on Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021. Three remote Alaska volcanos are each in a state of eruption, one producing lava and the other two blowing steam and ash. So far, no small communities near any of the three have been impacted, Chris Waythomas, a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory, said Thursday. (Alaska Volcano Observatory via AP)
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Three remote Alaska volcanoes are in various states of eruption, one producing lava and the other two blowing steam and ash.

So far, none of the small communities near the volcanoes have been affected, Chris Waythomas, a geologist with the Alaska Volcano Observatory, said Thursday.

Webcams on Thursday clearly showed episodic low-level ash emissions from Pavlof Volcano, prompting the observatory to raise the volcano’s threat level from yellow, or exhibiting signs of unrest, to orange, indicating an eruption is underway with minor volcanic ash emissions.

Ash clouds were rising just above the volcano’s 8,261-foot (2,518-meter) summit, drifting about 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) to the south before dissipating, Waythomas said.

Pavlov is a "very sneaky volcano,” Waythomas said. “It can get going without much warning.”

He described the peak as an open system volcano, meaning its “magmatic plumbing system is open and magmas can move to the surface really fast and it can start erupting almost with no warning."

Pavlov is a snow- and ice-covered stratovolcano on the southwestern end of the Alaska Peninsula, nearly 600 miles (965.6 kilometers) southwest of Anchorage.

The nearest community is Cold Bay, about 35 miles (56.33 kilometers) southwest of Pavlov, which is considered one of Alaska’s most active volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands arc of active and dormant volcanoes.

Pavlov last erupted in 2016, dropping some ash on another community, Nelson Lagoon.

The observatory on Thursday received reports from people in the community of Adak of a lava fountain at the summit of the Great Sitkin volcano. The reports were later confirmed by webcam.

“The fact that they just happen to walk outside and see it was really great,” Waythomas said.

He said if activity increases, Adak could get ashfall from Great Sitkin, located on an island about 27 miles (43.45 kilometers) away.

“This lava fountain is kind of unusual for Great Sitkin, but it’s been fairly passive at this point,” he said.

Great Sitkin, a stratovolcano with a caldera and dome, is about 1,150 miles (1,851 kilometers) southwest of Anchorage.

Semisopochnoi Volcano, about 150 miles (241 kilometers) away on an uninhabited island at the western end of the Aleutian Islands, has been erupting intermittently and on Wednesday produced an ash cloud that went to about 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) into the air, Waythomas said.

Mark Thiessen, The Associated Press

Minor volcanic eruptions could ‘cascade’ into global catastrophe, experts argue

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Currently, much of the thinking around risks posed by volcanoes follows a simple equation: the bigger the likely eruption, the worse it will be for society and human welfare.

However, a team of experts now argues that too much focus is on the risks of massive yet rare volcanic explosions, while far too little attention is paid to the potential domino effects of moderate eruptions in key parts of the planet.

Researchers led by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) have identified seven “pinch points” where clusters of relatively small but active volcanoes sit alongside vital infrastructure that, if paralyzed, could have catastrophic global consequences.  

These regions include volcano groups in Taiwan, North Africa, the North Atlantic, and the northwestern United States. The report is published today in the journal Nature Communications.        

“Even a minor eruption in one of the areas we identify could erupt enough ash or generate large enough tremors to disrupt networks that are central to global supply chains and financial systems,” said Dr Lara Mani from CSER, lead author of the latest report.

“At the moment, calculations are too skewed towards giant explosions or nightmare scenarios, when the more likely risks come from moderate events that disable major international communications, trade networks or transport hubs. This is true of earthquakes and extreme weather as well as volcanic eruption.”

Mani and colleagues say that smaller eruptions ranking up to 6 on the “volcanic explosivity index”– rather than the 7s and 8s that tend to occupy catastrophist thinking – could easily produce ash clouds, mudflows and landslides that scupper undersea cables, leading to financial market shutdowns, or devastate crop yields, causing food shortages that lead to political turmoil.

As an example from recent history, the team point to events of 2010 in Iceland, where a magnitude 4 eruption from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, close to the major “pinch point” of mainland Europe, saw plumes of ash carried on northwesterly winds close European airspace at a cost of US$5 billion to the global economy.

Yet when Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted in 1991, a magnitude 6 eruption some 100 times greater in scale than the Icelandic event, its distance from vital infrastructure meant that overall economic damage was less than a fifth of Eyjafjallajökull. (Pinatubo would have a global economic impact of around US$740 million if it occurred in 2021.)

The seven “pinch point” areas identified by the experts – within which relatively small eruptions could inflict maximum global mayhem – include the volcanic group on the northern tip of Taiwan. Home to one of the largest producers of electronic chips, if this area – along with the Port of Taipei – was indefinitely incapacitated, the global tech industry could grind to a halt.  

Another pinch point is the Mediterranean, where legends of the classical world such as Vesuvius and Santorini could induce tsunamis that smash submerged cable networks and seal off the Suez Canal. “We saw what a six-day closure to the Suez Canal did earlier this year, when a single stuck container ship cost up to ten billion dollars a week in global trade,” said Mani.    

Eruptions in the US state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest could trigger mudflows and ash clouds that blanket Seattle, shutting down airports and seaports. Scenario modelling for a magnitude 6 eruption from Mount Rainier predicts potential economic losses of more than US$7 trillion over the ensuing five years.

The highly active volcanic centres along the Indonesian archipelago – from Sumatra to Central Java – also line the Strait of Malacca: one of the busiest shipping passages in the world, with 40% of global trade traversing the narrow route each year.

The Luzon Strait in the South China Sea, another key shipping route, is the crux of all the major submerged cabling that connects China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. It is also encircled by the Luzon Volcanic Arc.

The researchers also identify the volcanic region straddling the Chinese-North-Korean border, from which plumes of ash would disrupt the busiest air routes in the east, and point out that a reawakening of Icelandic volcanoes would do the same in the west.    

“It’s time to change how we view extreme volcanic risk,” added Mani. “We need to move away from thinking in terms of colossal eruptions destroying the world, as portrayed in Hollywood films. The more probable scenarios involve lower-magnitude eruptions interacting with our societal vulnerabilities and cascading us towards catastrophe.”

Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are 

Great Sitkin volcano (Aleutian Islands, Alaska):
picture of growing lava dome

Fri, 6 Aug 2021, 09:3009:30 AM | BY: T

Active lava dome of Great Sitkin volcano on 4 Aug 2021 (image: Dave Ward via AVO / facebook)The Alaska Volcano Observatory published a great photo of the active lava dome of the volcano taken a few days ago (see original post on facebook).

It shows the dark mass of fresh viscous lava that has been accumulating on the summit crater since mid July this year, following the re-awakening of the volcano in mid May, when a series of explosions cleared the vent to make way for new magma to reach the surface.

The last explosive event was 25 May 25. Since the arrival of the dome, AVO has been monitoring and using satellite images to measure its rate of growth: It is now over 100m in diameter. At night, Adak residents about 26 miles across the water reported seeing incandescence illuminating the steam plume rising from the dome.

All news about: Great Sitkin volcano
Information about: Great Sitkin volcano
Previous news
Wed, 28 Jul 2021, 03:19
Great Sitkin volcano (Aleutian Islands): new lava dome confirmed

Latest satellite images from 26 July confirmed a new lava dome as reported by the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO). ... Read all

Edmonton's Borden Park Pavilion wins Canada's Best Restroom contest

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If nature calls when you drop the kids off at the pool in Borden Park, you can find some relief nearby at the best toilets in the country.



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The Borden Park Pavilion has flushed out the competition and has been awarded the title of Best Restroom in Canada. Voters deemed the facility the number one place for a number two in Cintas Canada’s nationwide contest. Nominees were judged on cleanliness, visual appeal, innovation, functionality and unique design elements. The city-run facility will receive $2,500 in Cintas’ cleaning products and services to help maintain it.


“It’s really nice to receive an award that really showcases the work that the different teams, crews, Boyle Street ventures and hiregood do to keep this washroom safe and clean for citizens,” she said.


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The city has made efforts to keep many public washrooms open during the COVID-19 pandemic, in some cases adding staff trained to work with vulnerable populations, and keep the spaces clean and safe for everyone, Fraser said.

This 273-metre-squared circular structure is nothing to turn your nose up at.

Honoured by the Governor General for outstanding architecture in 2018, the pavilion’s exterior is camouflaged among the trees with its highly reflective glass panels that make it look much more like an art gallery than a public washroom.

Inside, there’s a seating area with bright white tables and chairs, and a vibrant and colourful mural wraps the interior between the men’s and women’s rooms. You will feel like a monarch on the porcelain throne inside the tidy and accessible bathrooms wiped clean by dedicated staff. In the announcement, Cintas notes some hands-free elements and a stainless-steel trough-style sink that prevents water from splashing on the floor.


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Cintas Canada has been running the contest since 2010.  Marketing manager Candice Raynsford said it promotes the importance of maintaining public washrooms for businesses, especially amid the pandemic as hygiene has their attention.

“The public needs to be able to have access to washrooms, and if a washroom is clean they’re going to want to come back to that business or that facility again,” she said.

She adds that visual appeal is also important and will bring people back: “You really want to make patrons feel comfortable when they’re using your facility.”

Alberta is on a roll when it comes to outstanding bathrooms.

Westview RV Park in Wetaskiwin won the title in 2020, Beaver Hills Shell in Lac La Biche won in 2019, and St. Albert Honda won in 2018. Two of the other five finalists for this year’s contest were also in Alberta: Sweet Market Esso Station in Red Deer, and the ROOFTOP in Calgary.

'Wrapping these buildings in a nice, warm sweater': Edmonton retrofit first of its kind
Liam Harrap 11 hrs ago

© Liam Harrap/CBC Edmonton 

The Sundance Housing Cooperative in Edmonton is an affordable housing community dating from the 1970s.

Bees buzz between tomato plants, rows of Swiss chard and flowering zucchinis. Defend Alberta Parks signs dapple the Sundance Cooperative Housing property, between porches with lines of pegged drying laundry. Scaffolding surrounds one faded colourful townhouse and construction workers compare measurements.

"I've been in construction for 50 years and this is my hardest project," according to Peter Amerongen, managing partner at Butterwick Projects Ltd.

The project in Edmonton's Riverdale neighbourhood is based on Energiesprong, a program from the Netherlands that retrofits buildings to net-zero standards with a minimum amount of construction waste.

© Liam Harrap/CBC Edmonton Peter Amerongen (left), managing partner at Butterwick Projects Ltd. said the retrofit is one of the hardest projects he has worked on during his 50 years in construction.

The co-op's 59 townhouse units will be encased with high-density foam and the existing structures covered with panels that have been pre-fabricated with new windows and doors. Insulation made from recycled newspapers is then blown into spaces between the new panels and the old building.

The homes will also be powered by solar power and other green energy.

"We're basically wrapping these buildings in a nice, warm sweater," Amerongen told CBC Edmonton's Radio Active in a recent interview.

Residents continue living in their homes throughout the construction, expected to be complete in 2022.

Amerongen said a similar project was done in Ontario in the last few years but Edmonton's is bigger and more ambitious.

Almost 30 per cent of global carbon emissions come from the energy used to heat, cool and light buildings, according to World Green Building Council. In addition, construction, renovation and demolition waste in Canada makes up about 12 per cent of the solid waste stream.

The housing complex, built in 1978, is a mixed-income affordable community that provides homes to 150 people.

According to the co-op's website and its residents, the deep energy retrofit made sense.

"If we don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there will not be a livable future," said Sandy Susut, who has lived in the building for over 40 years.

She hopes this project will become a blueprint for others.

"We can act collectively for future sustainability."

The federal government has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

According to Amerongen, up to 80 per cent of buildings that will be in use in 2050 have already been built today. That means retrofits must become common across Canada to meet emission reduction targets.

"If we don't get started and take every opportunity to grow as fast as we can, how are we going to look our kids in the eye?"

He said there are more than 14 million dwellings in Canada that need similar retrofits.

"It's mind-boggling," said Amerongen.

"That's a massive new industry waiting to be had. We'll never have an employment problem again if we do this right."

Michael Singleton, executive director of Sustainable Buildings Canada, said while green construction projects are taking root in Canada, most of the focus is on new builds.

"But it's the existing buildings that are really affecting the energy use and greenhouse gases."

© Liam Harrap/CBC Edmonton One of the newly retrofitted Sundance Housing Cooperative buildings.

Singleton said Canadian buildings tend to be poorly insulated because utility costs are cheap, especially compared to Europe.

"The way to offset a single-pane window is to put a radiator below it and just have this heat barrier."

Electricity in Germany is more than twice as expensive as it is in Canada, according to market data company Statista.

The Sundance retrofit project is estimated to cost approximately $10 million, of which $2.5 million is covered by a federal government grant.

Australia to spend $813M to address Indigenous disadvantage

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s government on Thursday pledged 1.1 billion Australian dollars ($813 million) to address Indigenous disadvantage, including compensation to thousands of mixed-race children who were taken from their families over decades.

 Provided by The Canadian Press

The AU$378.6 million ($279.7 million) to be used to compensate the so-called Stolen Generations by 2026 is the most expensive component of the package aimed at boosting Indigenous living standards in Australia.

The compensation of up to AU$75,000 ($55,400) in a lump sum plus up to $AU7,000 ($5,200) for expenses such as psychological counselling will only be available to mixed-race children who had been under direct federal government control in the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory and Jervis Bay Territory.

Most members of the Stolen Generations had been under state government control when they were separated from their Indigenous mothers under decades of assimilation policies that ended as recently as the 1970s.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the compensation was a recognition of the harm caused by forced removal of children from families.

“This is a long-called-for step recognizing the bond between healing, dignity, and the health and well-being of members of the Stolen Generations, their families and their communities,” Morrison told Parliament.

“To say formally not just that we’re deeply sorry for what happened, but that we will take responsibility for it,” Morrison added.

Pat Turner, the Northern Territory-based Indigenous chief executive officer of the National Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisation, welcomed the compensation, which was recommended in 1997 by a government inquiry into the Stolen Generations.

“Many of our people have passed, including my mother, so it’s a sad day for those who have passed, but it’s a good day for those who have survived,” Turner said. Turner’s mother Emma Turner had been taken from her own mother in the 1920s and they didn’t reunite until the 1970s.

“It will never replace growing up with family, you can never replace that,” she added. “I hope this will give some relief to the survivors of the Stolen Generations.”

Australian states have legislated their own compensation plans for Stolen Generations survivors between 2008 and last year.

But Queensland and Western Australia, states with some of the country’s largest proportions of Indigenous people within their populations, do not have specific Indigenous compensation plans. Anyone who experienced neglect or abuse while in a Queensland or Western Australia state institution is entitled to compensation.

Turner said it was time Queensland and Western Australia also acknowledged the Stolen Generations’ human rights.

“I’m quite happy to say to the W.A. government and the Queensland government: time’s up for redress of the Stolen Generations. You have to follow the other jurisdictions throughout Australia,” Turner said.

Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt, the first Indigenous person appointed to the job, said his own mother Mona Abdullah was separated from her siblings in Western Australia from infancy until they were in their 20s.

“You can’t undo the emotional impact that that has,” Wyatt said.

Among the Stolen Generations members who won’t receive federal compensation is Lorna Cubillo.

In 2000, Cubillo lost a landmark Federal Court case against the Australian government seeking compensation for the abuse and neglect she suffered in a home for Indigenous children in the Northern Territory city of Darwin. She died in Darwin last year at age 81.

Indigenous Australians account for 3% of the population and have poorer health, lower education levels and shorter life expectancies than other ethnic groups. Indigenous adults account for 2% of the Australian population and 27% of the prison population.

A center-left Labor Party government launched the ambitious Closing the Gap initiative in 2008 aimed at achieving equality for Indigenous Australians in health and life expectancy within a generation.

But Morrison’s conservative government last year scrapped the 12-year-old timetable, declaring the policy had failed.

Morrison said that among the most significant achievements of Australia’s pandemic response were the facts that COVID-19 had been kept out of Outback Indigenous communities and no Indigenous Australian had died from coronavirus.

Rod Mcguirk, The Associated Press