Sunday, October 03, 2021

Facebook whistleblower reveals identity, accuses the platform of a 'betrayal of democracy'

Lauren Feiner, CNBC

Facebook whistleblower who brought internal documents detailing the company’s research to The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. Congress unmasked herself ahead of an interview she gave to “60 Minutes,” which aired Sunday night.

Frances Haugen, a former product manager on Facebook’s civic misinformation team, according to her website, revealed herself as the source behind a trove of leaked documents. On her personal website, she shared that during her time at the company, she “became increasingly alarmed by the choices the company makes prioritizing their own profits over public safety — putting people’s lives at risk. As a last resort and at great personal risk, Frances made the courageous act to blow the whistle on Facebook.”

Haugen previously worked as a product manager at PinterestYelp and Google, according to her LinkedIn profile. She also lists herself as the technical co-founder behind the dating app Hinge, saying she took its precursor, Secret Agent Cupid, to market.

“I’ve seen a bunch of social networks and it was substantially worse at Facebook than anything I’d seen before,” Haugen told “60 Minutes.”

Haugen told “60 Minutes” she left Facebook in May.

Jeff Horwitz, the Journal reporter who wrote the series of articles based on the leaked documents, also shared Haugen’s identity on Twitter on Sunday night, revealing her as the key source behind the stories.

The documents, first reported by the Journal, revealed that Facebook executives had been aware of negative impacts of its platforms on some young users, among other findings. For example, the Journal reported that one internal document found that of teens reporting suicidal thoughts, 6% of American users traced the urge to kill themselves to Instagram.

Facebook has since said that the Journal’s reporting cherry-picked data and that even headlines on its own internal presentations ignored potentially positive interpretations of the data, like that many users found positive impacts from engagement with their products.

“Every day our teams have to balance protecting the ability of billions of people to express themselves openly with the need to keep our platform a safe and positive place,” Facebook spokesperson Lena Pietsch said in a statement following Haugen’s identity reveal. “We continue to make significant improvements to tackle the spread of misinformation and harmful content. To suggest we encourage bad content and do nothing is just not true.”

Haugen said she decided this year to make Facebook’s internal communications public, saying she realized she would need to do so “in a systemic way” and “get out enough that no one can question that this is real.”

Haugen in turn copied and released tens of thousands of pages of documents, “60 Minutes” reported.

Haugen pointed to the 2020 election as a turning point at Facebook. She said Facebook had announced it was dissolving the “Civic Integrity” team, to which she was assigned, after the election. Just a few months later, social media communications would be a key focus in the wake of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“When they got rid of Civic Integrity, it was the moment where I was like, ‘I don’t trust that they’re willing to actually invest what needs to be invested to keep Facebook from being dangerous,’” Haugen told “60 Minutes.”

Facebook told the news program that it had distributed the work of the Civic Integrity team to other units.

Haugen pointed to Facebook’s algorithm as the element that pushes misinformation onto users. She said Facebook recognized the risk of misinformation to the 2020 election and therefore added safety systems to reduce that risk. But, she said, Facebook loosened those safety measures once again after the election.

“As soon as the election was over, they turned them back off or they changed the settings back to what they were before, to prioritize growth over safety,” Haugen said. “And that really feels like a betrayal of democracy to me.”

In an interview with the Journal published shortly after the “60 Minutes” piece began to air, Haugen said she had found much of the research she took with her in Facebook’s internal employee forum, which she said was accessible to virtually all Facebook employees. She looked for research from colleagues she admired, according to the Journal, which she often found in goodbye posts calling out Facebook’s alleged failures.

Haugen also told the Journal that she openly questioned why Facebook didn’t hire more workers to tackle its issues with human exploitation on its platforms, among other things.

“Facebook acted like it was powerless to staff these teams,” she told the Journal.

Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone told the Journal that it has “invested heavily in people and technology to keep our platform safe, and have made fighting misinformation and providing authoritative information a priority.”

Lawmakers have appeared unmoved by Facebook’s responses to the Journal’s reporting based on Haugen’s disclosures. During a hearing before the Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection Thursday, senators on both sides of the aisle lambasted the company, urging it to make its temporary pause on building an Instagram platform for kids permanent. The lawmakers said they did not have faith Facebook could be a good steward of such a platform based on the reports and past behavior.

The whistleblower is scheduled to testify before the Senate Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection on Tuesday. Facebook’s Global Head of Safety Antigone Davis told lawmakers on Thursday that Facebook would not retaliate against the whistleblower for her disclosures to the Senate.

“Facebook’s actions make clear that we cannot trust it to police itself,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who chairs the subcommittee, said in a statement Sunday night. “We must consider stronger oversight, effective protections for children, and tools for parents, among the needed reforms.”

Haugen said she has “empathy” for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, saying he “has never set out to make a hateful platform. But he has allowed choices to be made where the side effects of those choices are that hateful, polarizing content gets more distribution and more reach.”

She called for more regulations over the company to keep it in check.

“Facebook has demonstrated they cannot act independently Facebook, over and over again, has shown it chooses profit over safety,” Haugen told “60 Minutes.” “It is subsidizing, it is paying for its profits with our safety. I’m hoping that this will have had a big enough impact on the world that they get the fortitude and the motivation to actually go put those regulations into place. That’s my hope.”

Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Herself In ’60 Minutes’ Interview, Says Company Is “Paying For Its Profits With Our Safety”

Ted Johnson 

A former Facebook employee who has, with the release of a trove of internal documents, become a whisteblower over the company’s practices, revealed herself on Sunday on 60 Minutes.

Frances Haugen, a data scientist who until May worked on the company’s efforts to combat misinformation, told correspondent Scott Pelley that the company is “paying for its profits with our safety.” Haugen copied thousands of pages of internal documents, revealing research on how its platform amplifies hate speech and how it can be harmful to teens. She released those documents to The Wall Street Journal, which revealed them in stories last month that immediately triggered criticism from Capitol Hill lawmakers.

Haugen’s attorney also filed at least eight complaints with the Securities and Exchange Commission, on the grounds that the company is making material misstatements that adversely affect investors.

“The thing I saw at Facebook over and over again was there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook,” Haugen said in the interview. “And Facebook, over and over again, chose to optimize for its own interests, like making more money.”

She is scheduled to testify before a Senate Commerce subcommittee on Tuesday.

In the interview, Haugen said that she worked on the Civic Integrity unit at the company. She said that after the election, the unit was dissolved, but “fast forward a couple months, we got the insurrection. And when they got rid of Civic Integrity, it was the moment where I was like, ‘I don’t trust that they’re willing to actually invest what needs to be invested to keep Facebook from being dangerous.'”

She pinned part of the blame on the spread of misinformation and hate speech on how Facebook has chosen to design its algorithm.

Haugen said that they are “optimizing for content that gets engagement, or reaction. But its own research is showing that content that is hateful, that is divisive, that is polarizing, it’s easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions.”

“Facebook has realized that if they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site, they’ll click on less ads, they’ll make less money,” she said.

The company told 60 Minutes that the work of the Civic Integrity unit was given to other units. But 60 Minutes showed how the platform was used to help organize the January 6 insurrection.

In the interview, Haugen said that “no one at Facebook is malevolent, but the incentives are misaligned, right?”

“Facebook makes more money when you consume more content,” she said. “People enjoy engaging with things that elicit an emotional reaction. And the more anger that they get exposed to, the more they interact and the more they consume.”

The company told 60 Minutes that “every day our teams have to balance protecting the right of billions of people to express themselves openly with the need to keep our platform a safe and positive place. We continue to make significant improvements to tackle the spread of misinformation and harmful content. To suggest we encourage bad content and do nothing is just not true.”

The company also told 60 Minutes that “if any research had identified an exact solution to these complex challenges, the tech industry, governments and society would have solved them a long time ago.”

See the segment here.

Click here to read the full article.

Facebook whistleblower to claim company contributed to Capitol attack
Edward Helmore 

A whistleblower at Facebook will say that thousands of pages of internal company research she turned over to federal regulators proves the social media giant is deceptively claiming effectiveness in its efforts to eradicate hate and misinformation and it contributed to the January 6 attack on the Capitol in Washington DC.

© Photograph: Dado Ruvić/Reuters 
Facebook’s vice-president of global affairs Nick Clegg called the claims ‘misleading’.

The former employee is set to air her claims and reveal her identity in an interview airing Sunday night on CBS 60 Minutes ahead of a scheduled appearance at a Senate hearing on Tuesday.

In an internal 1,500-word memo titled Our position on Polarization and Election sent out on Friday, Facebook’s vice-president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, acknowledged that the whistleblower would accuse the company of contributing to the 6 January Capitol riot and called the claims “misleading”.

The memo was first reported by the New York Times.

The 6 January insurrection was carried out by a pro-Trump mob that sought to disrupt the election of Joe Biden as president. The violence and chaos of the attack sent shockwaves throughout the US, and the rest of the world, and saw scores of people injured and five die.

Clegg, a former former UK deputy prime minister, said in his memo that Facebook had “developed industry-leading tools to remove hateful content and reduce the distribution of problematic content. As a result, the prevalence of hate speech on our platform is now down to about 0.05%.”

He said that many things had contributed to America’s divisive politics.

“The rise of polarization has been the subject of swathes of serious academic research in recent years. In truth, there isn’t a great deal of consensus. But what evidence there is simply does not support the idea that Facebook, or social media more generally, is the primary cause of polarization,” Clegg wrote.

The memo comes two weeks after Facebook issued a statement on its corporate website hitting back against a series of critical articles in the Wall Street Journal.

California oil spill: Dead birds and fish wash up on Huntington Beach, officials say

By Alta Spells, Holly Yan and Amir Vera, CNN 

A swath of the Southern California coast is covered with oil after 3,000 barrels' worth gushed into the Pacific Ocean -- devastating some of the local wildlife, officials said.

© KCAL/KCBS The oil has spread between Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, officials said.

A pipeline breach occurred about 5 miles off the coast of Huntington Beach, Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley said Sunday.

"We've started to find dead birds and fish washing up on the shore," Foley said.

"The oil has infiltrated the entirety of the (Talbert) Wetlands. There's significant impacts to wildlife there," she said. "These are wetlands that we've been working with the Army Corps of Engineers, with the Land Trust, with all the community wildlife partners to make sure to create this beautiful, natural habitat for decades. And now in just a day, it's completely destroyed."

A total of 1,218 gallons of oily water mixture have been recovered from the spill, the United States Coast Guard said in a statement.

"This response is currently a 24/7 operation and response efforts are scheduled to continue until federal and state officials determine that the response to the crude oil spill is complete," the USCG statement read.

It said that one oiled Ruddy duck has been collected and is receiving veterinary care and other reports of oiled wildlife are being investigated.

The National Transportation Safety Board announced on Twitter that it's sending investigators to gather information and assess the source of the oil spill. CNN has reached out to the NTSB for further details.

The pipeline is owned by the Houston-based oil and gas company Amplify Energy, its president and CEO Martyn Willsher said at a news conference Sunday afternoon.

"We are fully committed to being out here until this incident is fully concluded," Willsher said, adding the company is working with numerous local, state and federal agencies on recovery efforts.

"Our employees live and work in these communities, and we're all deeply impacted and concerned about the impact on not just the environment, but the fish and wildlife as well," Willsher said. "We will do everything in our power to ensure that this is recovered as quickly as possible, and we won't be done until this is concluded."

An oil sheen was first reported to the US Cost Guard shortly after 9 a.m. Saturday morning, the Coast Guard said in a press release.

"It's probably been leaking longer than we know," Foley told CNN Sunday.

Willsher said his company notified the Coast Guard Saturday morning when employees were conducting a line inspection and they noticed a sheen in the water.

The spill -- equal to about 126,000 gallons of post-production crude -- is a "potential ecological disaster," Huntington Beach Mayor Kim Carr said Saturday.

As of Sunday morning, "the leak has not been completely stopped," the city of Huntington Beach said in a press release. It said preliminary patching has been completed to repair the oil spill site, and additional repair efforts will be attempted.

"Currently, the oil slick plume measures an estimated 5.8 nautical miles long, and runs from the Huntington Beach Pier down into Newport Beach," the press release said.

A sand berm is being built to protect the Talbert Channel from the oil spill washing ashore in Huntington Beach.

"The oil has already infiltrated many of our wetlands in Huntington Beach in the Talbert area, and we want to do everything we can to prevent it from intruding into that area even further," Foley said.

Willsher told reporters Sunday the facilities operating the pipeline were built in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Amplify has owned the pipeline for about nine years. There are about 17.5 miles between the pipeline and shore, Willsher said.

"It is about 4 ½ miles off shore where the potential source of the leak occurred. It is heavy crude oil that is pumped through that pipeline," he said.

The Coast Guard has classified the situation as a major oil spill, Huntington Beach Marine Safety Chief Eric McCoy said.

Huntington Beach officials canceled the final day of the Pacific Airshow and are encouraging people to stay away from the Santa Ana River Trail, Talbert Park and Talbert Marsh areas and the beaches in the impacted areas to prevent contact with potentially toxic oiled areas.

Foley urged residents to avoid the area.

"Please don't go down and try to help. We're not taking volunteers yet," she said. "If you do see oiled wildlife call 1-877-823-6926. That's the best way to help."

© Patrick T. Fallon/AFP/Getty Images
 Oil settles on the beach Sunday in Huntington Beach, California.
© Patrick T. Fallon/AFP/Getty Images 
Boats help clean the oil spill near Huntington Beach on Sunday.

Size of California oil spill called 'worst case' scenario in 2012 pipeline operator report

David Douglas and Tim Stelloh and Yuliya Talmazan 

A 2012 plan prepared by the operator of an offshore oil pipeline that may have dumped thousands of barrels of oil off Southern California described such a spill as a “worst case” scenario that could cause “substantial harm.”

The plan produced by Beta Offshore and obtained by NBC News said that a full cut in the pipeline three miles from shore could release roughly 3,000 barrels, or 126,000 gallons, of oil.

Such a leak could cause “significant and substantial harm to the environment” because “of its proximity to navigable waters and adjoining shoreline areas designated as environmentally sensitive.”

Officials said that roughly 126,000 gallons of oil appeared to have spilled off the coast of Orange County over the weekend, creating a 13-square-mile slick near the cities of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. The chief executive of Beta Offshore’s parent company, Amplify Energy, said divers were investigating a potential source of the leak roughly four miles from shore.

Amplify Energy did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the 2012 plan.

© Provided by NBC News Image: (Ringo H.W. Chiu / AP)

The company’s chief executive, Martyn Willsher, said at a news conference Sunday that the pipeline had been shut down and suctioned. But local officials said the damage may have already been done.

“We’ve started to find dead birds & fish washing up on the shore," Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley tweeted.

Yet only one animal was officially confirmed to have been injured in the spill, a duck found covered in oil, said a spokesman for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Other reports of dead and injured wildlife were being investigated, he said.

Foley said she visited the area Sunday and felt the sting of vapor in the air.

“My throat hurt,” she said at a news conference.

Foley described seeing small clusters of oil along the shoreline that she compared to egg yolk. She pleaded with residents to stay away from the area and not disturb the oil clumps.

County health officials warned residents to be aware of dizziness, headaches and other side effects that exposure to an oil spill can cause. Some sections of the coastline in Huntington Beach were closed Sunday, and the city said in a statement that the spill had "substantial ecological impacts" on the shoreline and wetlands.

The spill forced the city to cancel the final day of its Pacific Airshow because, and skimming equipment and booms were deployed to prevent the flow of oil into ecologically sensitive areas, it said in a statement.

Miyoko Sakashita, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s oceans program, said the spill was a tragic reminder of the devastating threat offshore drilling can pose.

“I’ve seen the aging oil platforms off Huntington Beach up close, and I know it’s past time to decommission these time bombs,” she said. “Even after fines and criminal charges, the oil industry is still spilling and leaking into California’s coastal waters because these companies just aren’t capable of operating safely.”

Californians have been particularly wary of offshore oil spills since the disastrous leak off the coast of Santa Barbara in 1969, when images of birds and other wildlife covered in heavy black gunk helped spark the modern environmental movement.

Willsher said the pipeline is connected to a processing platform 17.5 miles off the coast. The platform is one of three in the area owned by Houston-based Amplify Energy, Willshir said. They were built in the 1970s and ‘80s and have been owned by the company for nine years, he said.

The pipeline is inspected every other year and has been “meticulously maintained,” he said, adding that the most recent inspection occurred last week. The pipeline’s capacity is 126,000 gallons, and Willsher said he did not expect anymore leakage.

California authorities rush to mitigate impact of major oil spill

Issued on: 03/10/2021 
Oil washed up on the shore of Huntington Beach, California on October 3, 2021, after a pipeline breach connected to an oil rig off shore started leaking oil, according to an Orange County Supervisor Patrick T. FALLON AFP

Newport Beach (United States) (AFP)

Authorities in California's beachfront Orange County cities scrambled Sunday to mitigate the fallout from a major oil spill off the coast that caused "substantial ecological impacts."

As of Sunday, the oil slick plume from the 126,000-gallon (480,000 liters) spill of post-production crude was an estimated 5.8 nautical miles (6.7 miles, 10 kilometers) long and stretched along popular shorelines of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, Huntington Beach city authorities said in a statement.

"The spill has significantly affected Huntington Beach, with substantial ecological impacts occurring at the beach and at the Huntington Beach Wetlands," the statement said.

The spill started around 9:00 am (1600 GMT) on Saturday and spread approximately 13 square miles (34 square kilometers), several miles off the coast, the Coast Guard said.

In the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, oil and dead animals had begun washing up on Huntington Beach, a city of around 200,000 people located about 40 miles south of Los Angeles, Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley tweeted.

"We've started to find dead birds and fish washing up on the shore," she said.

Foley said in a statement she would meet with the environmental health office and city representatives on Sunday.

"We are deeply concerned by the events today," she said.

"The ramifications will extend further than the visible oil and odor that our residents are dealing with at the moment. The impact to the environment is irreversible."

- 'Potential contamination' -

Residents were warned to steer clear of the shoreline, and the ocean was closed to swimming and surfing "due to potential contamination," the city said, adding that the final day of the Pacific Airshow had been canceled.

The Coast Guard ran point on a unified command of federal, state, county and city agencies established to tackle the spill, with fire and marine safety personnel deployed to implement environmental containment efforts.

Residents were warned to steer clear of the shoreline and the ocean was closed to swimming and surfing "due to potential contamination" from the oil spill of the coast of Orange County, California Patrick T. FALLON AFP

"The leak has not been completely stopped, preliminary patching has been completed to repair the oil spill site," the city statement said.

"The size of the spill demanded prompt and aggressive action," it added.

Foley said the toxicity of the crude was "concerning enough that the city has deployed a Haz Mat team to further assess the situation."

It was not immediately clear what caused the spill from what Foley said was a pipeline breach connected to an oil rig offshore. An investigation has been launched into the incident, she added.

© 2021 AFP

Oil spill hits California beaches after pipeline breach

An oil spill in Southern California closed beaches and led authorities to cancel the last day of the Pacific Air Show. At least 126,000 gallons (98,420 liters) of oil spilled off the coast of Orange County.

Oil washed up on Huntington Beach Sunday

Waters off the US state of California were hit by oil spill on Sunday after what was believed to be an oil rig pipeline breach.

Authorities closed beaches from Huntington Beach to Santa Ana as crews worked to contain the environmental damage.

California State Senator Dave Min said efforts to contain the spill came too late.

"Unfortunately, the oil spill has reached our wetlands in Huntington Beach, home of many endangered species. This is clearly an environmental catastrophe."

The oil spill trashed popular beaches and destroyed wildlife, such as birds and fish. The US Coast Guard surveilled the damage by air and worked with local and state officials to contain the damage.

Approximately four miles (6.4 kilometers) of coastline remained closed. The final day of the Pacific Air Show, which normally draws thousands to Huntington Beach, was also called off as crews worked to assess and contain the damage.

In a statement, the city of Huntington Beach said at least 126,000 gallons (98,420 liters) of oil contaminated the waters off the coast of Orange County.

"The spill has significantly affected Huntington Beach, with substantial ecological impacts occurring at the beach and at the Huntington Beach Wetlands," the statement read in part, adding, "while the leak has not been completely stopped, preliminary patching has been completed to repair the oil spill site."

Huntington Beach is a city of almost 200,000 residents approximately 30 miles (48 kilometers) south of downtown Los Angeles.

The coast guard deployed skimmers and floating barriers known as booms to prevent further encroachment into the wetlands and the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve.

Surf's up!
The canine competitors each have 12 minutes to prove their surfing skills. They're allowed to ride five waves and are closely observed by the judges. It's not just about their technique — the pups also get points for style.
Carbon storage deep in the sea could be boosted by supercharged compounds

Isabella O'Malley 

Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin are developing a technology that they hope can speed up the rate that the deep sea stores carbon.

Oceans absorb roughly 30 per cent of the carbon dioxide that is released by humans and can keep the captured carbon stored away for hundreds of years. However, this natural process takes time and scientists say that there could be a way to speed this up.

There are two main mechanisms that oceans use to capture this greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide dissolves into the oceans and forms carbonic acid, hydrogen ions, and bicarbonate ions. Some of this carbon is transported to great depths by ocean currents, whereas other carbon is ingested by microorganisms like phytoplankton that eventually die and sink down to the ocean floor.

The University of Texas researchers are working in partnership with ExxonMobil and say that their aim is to increase the amount of carbon that can be sucked out of the atmosphere to prevent the Earth from warming to dangerously high levels.

The researchers mixed carbon dioxide with water at high pressure and low temperature, which causes the water molecules to change their structure and “act as cages” that trap carbon dioxide. The resulting structure is called a hydrate and takes several hours or days to form in the ocean.

Carbon dixoide hydrates in a test tube. 
(University of Texas at Austin/ ExxonMobil)

Magnesium was added to boost this process and the researchers found that this addition caused the hydrates to form as fast as one minute, which is 3,000 times faster than the quickest method that scientists are currently using. The team states that this is the fastest hydrate formation pace that has ever been documented.

"The state-of-the-art method today is to use chemicals to promote the reaction," Vaibhav Bahadur, an associate professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, said in the university’s press release.

"It works, but it’s slower, and these chemicals are expensive and not environmentally friendly."

The hydrates are created in reactors and the team says that they could potentially be placed on the seafloor. According to the press release, the researchers and ExxonMobil have filed a patent application so they can one day commercialize their technology.

Thumbnail credit: David Antoja/ 500px Prime/ Getty Images
NWSL Commissioner Baird resigns amid scandal

National Women's Soccer League Commissioner Lisa Baird resigned after some 19 months on the job amid allegations that a former coach engaged in sexual harassment and misconduct.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Baird's resignation was announced by the league late Friday, a day after The Athletic published the accounts of two former players who claimed misconduct, including sexual coercion, by North Carolina coach Paul Riley.

Riley was fired by the Courage on Thursday and the allegations touched off a wave of condemnation by players that forced this weekend's games to be called off.

Additionally, FIFA on Friday opened an investigation into the case. It is rare that soccer's international governing body gets involved in a controversy involving a member association. U.S. Soccer also announced an independent investigation on Friday.

U.S. Soccer was instrumental in founding the NWSL in 2013 and helped support the league until last year, when it became independent. The federation continues its financial support of the league.

“Player safety and respect is the paramount responsibility of every person involved in this game. That is true across every age, competition and ability level,” U.S. Soccer President Cindy Cone said in a statement. “We owe it to each athlete, each fan and the entire soccer community to take every meaningful action in our power to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.”

U.S. Soccer suspended Riley’s coaching license Thursday after The Athletic published claims of abuse made by former NWSL players Sinead Farrelly and Mana Shim.

FIFA told The Associated Press it was “deeply concerned” by the case and will now be seeking further details from American soccer authorities about the issues raised.

“Due to the severity and seriousness of the allegations being made by players, we can confirm that FIFA’s judicial bodies are actively looking into the matter and have opened a preliminary investigation,” FIFA said in a statement to the AP. “As part of this, FIFA will be reaching out to the respective parties, including US Soccer and NWSL, for further information about the various safeguarding concerns and allegations of abuse that have been raised.”

The alleged harassment of Farrelly started in 2011 when she was a player with the Philadelphia Independence of the now-defunct Women’s Professional Soccer league.

She told the website the harassment continued when Farrelly was with the Portland Thorns. Shim, a former Thorns player, also allegedly experienced harassment. The Thorns said Thursday that the team investigated claims about Riley and passed those on to the league when he was dismissed.

Riley told The Athletic the allegations were “completely untrue.”

Outcry over the allegations rocked the league and forced this weekend’s games to be called off. The NWSL Players' Association said it hoped fans would understand and support the decision.

“It is OK to take space to process, to feel and to take care of yourself,” the union said. “In fact, it’s more than OK, it’s a priority. That, as players, will be our focus this weekend.”

Baird became commissioner of the NWSL in February, 2020, after serving as chief marketing officer of the United States Olympic Committee. She was praised for brining new sponsors to the NWSL and increasing the league's visibility on the national stage.

OL Reign midfielder Jess Fishlock, who has been playing in the NWSL since its inception in 2013, suggested the league, and women’s sports overall, are in the midst of a reckoning.

“I think women athletes specifically have gone through so much over the years, not just women’s football,” Fishlock said. “I think everybody knows what’s happened with USA Gymnastics that has gone on, and this is something that has been happening in women’s sports over and over and over again for years and years and years. And we’ve never felt safe enough to talk about it, and if we ever felt brave enough to talk about it, then it would just get swept under the rug, or we were told that we were in the wrong ... and I think we’re at a point now where we’re just done.”

Riley was head coach of the Thorns in 2014 and 2015. After he was let go by the Thorns, he became head coach of the Western New York Flash for a season before the team was sold and moved to North Carolina.

In its ninth season, the NWSL has been rocked by a series of recent scandals involving team officials.

Washington Spirit coach Richie Burke was fired after a Washington Post report detailed verbal and emotional abuse of players. The league formally dismissed Burke and sanctioned the Spirit on Tuesday after an independent investigation.

Gotham FC general manager Alyse LaHue was fired in July after an investigation connected to the league’s antiharassment policy. She has denied any wrongdoing.

Racing Louisville coach Christy Holly was fired in September but the reasons for his dismissal were not made public.

OL Reign coach Farid Benstiti abruptly resigned in July. On Friday, OL Reign chief executive officer and minority owner Bill Predmore said Benstiti was asked to step down after an undisclosed incident during practice.

Benstiti had previously been accused by U.S. national team midfielder Lindsay Horan of sexist behavior during his time as coach of Paris Saint-Germain. Horan has said she was berated by Benstiti because of her weight.


AP Sports Writer Eddie Pells contributed to this report.


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Anne M. Peterson And Rob Harris, The Associated Press
‘French psychiatry has gone downhill in part because of American influence’

Issued on: 03/10/2021 
In this photo taken on Dec.15, 2019, Vincent Achour, a psychiatry junior doctor on strike sits by a window at La Timone hospital in Marseille, southern France. 
© Daniel Cole, AP

Text by: 

As the French government launches a new mental health drive including reimbursing the cost of therapy sessions, psychiatry professionals are scrutinising a sector that they say has gone from “pioneering and innovating” to faltering – and that American hegemony is partly to blame for the French decline.

"The state of French psychiatry is catastrophic," Marie-José Durieux, a children’s psychiatrist at a Paris hospital, says bluntly. It’s a diagnosis shared by many others in her profession, and one reason why the French government held a two-day conference on mental health and psychiatry this week with industry professionals (l’Assises de la santé mentale et de la psychiatrie) in an attempt to rejuvenate a failing branch of the French medical establishment.

“Just 30 years ago, psychiatry was practised with a lot of interest and excitement,” Durieux says. “We associated psychiatry with imaginative sciences like philosophy, psychoanalysis, sociology and literature, and we pushed the field further.”

Then the use of drugs was introduced in the sector. “They’ve brought with them undeniable progress, but medication alone is not enough to solve existential problems,” she says.

“In the 1980s, American ways of thinking and treatment methods were adopted in France. French psychiatry, which was world-renowned, innovative and pioneering, started little by little to go downhill because of America’s influence.”

At the heart of this tug-of-war between French and American practices is the profession’s bible: the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” or DSM. This manual, compiled by the American Psychiatric Association, lists psychiatric disorders, diagnoses and statistics, and started being used in France in the 1980s. “Over time, the norms outlined in this book took over what had previously been the standard in French psychiatry,” says Durieux.

The reference manual – used in the United States by doctors, researchers and governing bodies as well as insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies – is regularly updated with new data. But its last update in 2013 drew pushback from French mental health professionals, many of whom believe that the manual’s classification systems – although extensive – didn’t leave enough room for subjectivity in a diagnosis.

Many also think the manual is increasingly pushing professionals to resort to medication and that it brainwashes early-career psychiatrists. “Human beings are born with a search for meaning that can’t be suppressed by an injection of antipsychotic drugs or a few anti-depressants,” Durieux declares.

But a heavy-handed approach to medication is not just an American phenomenon: French doctors are known for prescribing freely. France has the highest rate of antibiotic consumption per inhabitant in Europe. A recent study showed that French doctors were prescribing too many drugs for children, with half of children under the age of 2 having taken more than nine medications per year. When it comes to prescribing medication for psychiatric disorders, a 2014 study showed that one in three people in France were on psychotropic medication, including antidepressants. In fact, France regularly ranks among the top global consumers of antidepressants.

An ageing profession, abandoned by young professionals

So are American diagnostics to blame? Durieux says French health authorities also bear responsibility for the decline of this sector.

“Several decades ago, we started taking patients with mental health problems out of hospital wards. That was an excellent thing because they shouldn’t all have been there. Now specialised psychiatry wards have gradually disappeared from hospitals, but they haven’t been replaced by outpatient services or follow-up care,” Durieux laments.

French public authorities have repeatedly slashed funding to the psychiatric sector. As a result, squeezed budgets have led to lower salaries and key positions remaining vacant. When the last round of junior doctors in the country chose their specialisations, 71 psychiatric posts went unfilled. Durieux says that even those in the psychiatric profession itself are to blame because there’s a lack of energy and innovation in the sector. The “average age of psychiatrists is quite high, and many are retiring soon. In just 40 years, the profession has lost 40 percent of its workers”, Durieux says.

These problems are plainly visible at health centres across the country. Patients face a waiting period of a year before a first consultation at a psychological health centre. That trend is even more apparent in rural parts of France or in densely populated areas such as Parisian suburbs, where there simply aren’t enough qualified health staff members to meet skyrocketing demand. According to the latest data from an ongoing government survey into mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic, 15 percent of French people show signs of depression (an increase of five points compared to prior to the pandemic), 23 percent show signs of anxiety and 10 percent have had suicidal thoughts over the last year (double the pre-pandemic levels).

While it is promising that the French are increasingly turning to psychologists and psychiatrists for help when they are struggling with mental health, we have to be serious about provide the funding necessary for the sector, says Durieux.

That is exactly what the government is trying to do. French President Emmanuel Macron announced a series of measures designed to boost the ailing sector, including reimbursing the cost of consultations with psychologists, the creation of 800 jobs in psychological health centres, and extra funding and support for research. But unions have hit back, saying that these measures are not only insufficient, but they threaten the sector’s independence.

One aspect of the new measures has particularly rankled psychologists: patients have to be referred by their GP to take advantage of reimbursed consultations with a psychologist.

“It’s scandalous. It shows a total disregard for our profession and for the population,” says Patrick-Ange Raoult, the secretary general of the National Union of Psychologists (SNP).

Christine Manuel, also from the SNP, told French news agency AFP that the reforms were decided without consulting healthcare professionals. “We would like to be involved and we’re not. They decide everything without our input, with doctors.”

The Hospital Federation of France has responded more positively to the announcements. In a press release, it said the reform was “indispensable to put an end to the historic under-funding” of public psychiatry.

“These measures are going in the right direction,” says Durieux. “But Macron alone won’t be able to fix the industry. Health professionals also need to get interested in psychiatry again and breathe new life into the sector so France can once again excel.”

This article was adapted from the original in French.
Hong Kong's largest pro-democracy labour union votes FORCED to disband

Issued on: 03/10/2021
Hong Kong's opposition has been hit hard by a draconian new national security law
 Peter PARKS AFP/File

Hong Kong (AFP)

Hong Kong's largest pro-democracy labour coalition voted to disband Sunday, blaming threats to its leadership's safety as China imposes a sweeping clampdown on dissent in the semi-autonomous city.

The Confederation of Trade Unions (CTU) has long advocated for labour rights and democracy in one of the world's most overworked and income-polarised cities, but like much of Hong Kong's opposition it has been hit hard by a draconian new national security law.

Its leadership decided to put the group's future to a vote two weeks ago, amid what chairman Wong Nai-yuen said were mounting "threats on the leadership's personal safety" and former chief organiser Mung Siu-tat's decision to resign and flee the city.

The union voted to disband at an emergency general assembly on Sunday afternoon.

"If the authorities focus only on eliminating people who raise questions instead of solving the problems, they might feel powerful for a while but this country and this place won't have any hopeful future," Wong said, lamenting the "grave setback for the independent labour movement."

Vice chairman Leo Tang said the decision was "rational but reluctant".

"We have no regrets about walking alongside workers," he said.

Chinese state media and pro-Beijing newspapers in Hong Kong have in recent weeks stepped up accusations that the CTU represented a "foreign agent" -- charges which can lead to life imprisonment under the Beijing-imposed security law.

The CTU is one of over 50 civil society groups to be disbanded since the imposition of the law last year, according to an AFP tally, with many of Hong Kong's most prominent activists now in jail or forced into exile.

And in a sign of the authorities' confidence in having quashed the opposition, Hong Kong's government Sunday said it would remove protective barriers on its headquarters and other official premises in place since the often violent pro-democracy protests of 2019.

"Hong Kong will fully resume the normal state of safety," Chief Secretary John Lee said, hailing the "national security law and the principle of 'patriots administering Hong Kong'" for the change.

© 2021 AFP

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    • Pandora Papers: Secret tax havens of world leaders, celebrities revealed

      Issued on: 03/10/2021 -
      Jordan's King Abdullah II was among world leaders named to have amassed wealth in secret offshore assets, according to leaked "Pandora Papers" documents published October 3, 2021. 

      Text by: FRANCE 24

      More than a dozen heads of state and government, including the King of Jordan and the Czech prime minister, have amassed millions in secret offshore assets, according to an investigation published Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

      The so-called "Pandora Papers" investigation investigation, involving some 600 journalists from dozens of media, is based on the leak of some 11.9 million documents from 14 financial services companies around the world.

      “This leak is really Panama Papers on steroids,” said ICIJ Director Gerard Rye in a video clip tweeted Sunday referring to the 2016 leak from a Panama law firm and corporate service provider. “These documents, for the very first time, are actually showing the US as a tax haven itself,” added Rye.

      The "Pandora Papers" are the latest in a series of mass ICIJ leaks of financial documents that started with LuxLeaks in 2014, and was followed by the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers and FinCen.

      The leaked documents reveal that Jordan’s King Abdullah II created at least 30 offshore companies in countries or territories with advantageous taxation through which he bought 14 luxury properties in the US and UK for more than $106 million.

      The BBC cited lawyers for King Abdullah saying all the properties were bought with personal wealth, and that it was common practice for high profile individuals to purchase properties via offshore companies for privacy and security reasons.

      Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis placed $22 million in shell companies that were used to finance the purchase of Chateau Bigaud, a large property in Mougins, southern France, according to the documents.

      The secret documents also expose offshore dealings of the presidents of Ukraine, Kenya and Ecuador, and former British prime minister, Tony Blair. The files also detail financial activities of Russian billionaires close to President Vladimir Putin in addition to more than 100 billionaires from the US, Turkey and other nations.

      In total, the ICIJ found links between almost 1,000 companies in offshore havens and 336 high-level politicians and public officials, including country leaders, cabinet ministers, ambassadors and others.

      More than two-thirds of the companies were set up in the British Virgin Islands.

      In most countries, the ICIJ stresses, it is not illegal to have assets offshore or to use shell companies to do business across national borders.

      Leaders who have campaigned against corruption

      But such revelations are no less of an embarrassment for leaders who may have campaigned publicly against corruption, or advocated austerity measures at home.

      Among the other revelations from the ICIJ investigation:
      Family and associates of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev are alleged to have been secretly involved in property deals in Britain worth hundreds of millions.
      Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and six family members are alleged to secretly own a network of offshore companies.
      Members of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's inner circle, including cabinet ministers and their families, are said to secretly own companies and trusts holding millions of dollars.
      Russian President Vladimir Putin is not directly named in the files, but he is linked via associates to secret assets in Monaco.

      The documents behind the latest investigation are drawn from financial services companies in countries including the British Virgin Islands, Panama, Belize, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Switzerland.

      (FRANCE 24 with AFP)

      Millions of leaked documents reveal the financial secrets of how world leaders, billionaires and celebrities use tax havens.

       Tony Blair, Ukraine's Zelenskyy and Shakira are among those named.

      The ICIJ's Pandora Papers open up the box on 11.9 million leaked documents

      The Pandora Papers investigation has revealed that 35 current and former world leaders — including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the king of Jordan and Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta — as well as powerful billionaires were affiliated with companies that use offshore tax havens.

      Offshore accounts are often used to secretly manage and move large sums of money to hide a person's true wealth.

      The investigation, carried out by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and a team of 150 news outlets — including DW's Turkish service — also found that more than 330 high-level politicians and public officials worldwide have ties to offshore accounts.

      The millions of leaked documents examined by the biggest journalism partnership in history show the extent to which secretive offshore operations are entangled in global finance politics.

      The finance ministers of Pakistan, the Netherlands and Brazil all have ties to offshore companies, as do former finance ministers of Malta and France — including ex-International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

      Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is one leading figure mentioned in the investigation

      According to ICIJ, the Pandora Papers show that the power players who could help bring an end to the offshore system are instead benefiting from it — stashing assets in covert companies and trusts while their governments do little to slow a global stream of illicit money that enriches criminals and impoverishes nations.

      Blair to Babis: Europe's elite uncovered

      Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has spoken out against tax avoidance for decades, but the leaks reveal he and his wife were able to own an $8.8 million (€7.6 million) building when they bought an offshore real estate company from the family of Bahrain's industry and tourism minister, Zayed bin Rashid al-Zayani.

      By purchasing the company shares — and not the building directly — Blair and his wife Cherie were able to avoid having to pay property taxes totaling $400,000.

      Both the Blairs and the al-Zayanis said they did not initially know about each other's involvement in the deal. Cherie Blair said her husband was not involved in the transaction. The company is now closed.

      The Czech Republic's Prime Minister Andrej Babis had pledged to clamp down on corruption

      Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, a billionaire who rose to power in 2017 with the promise to crack down on corruption, is also named in the Pandora Papers.

      The leaked records show that in 2009, Babis injected $22 million into a string of shell companies to buy a mansion with two swimming pools and a cinema on a hilltop village in the French Riviera, near Cannes. found that the ownership of the shell companies and homes was not listed in the asset declarations he filed.

      Babis did not respond to requests for comment.

      Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy owned a stake in a shell company

      Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also owned a stake in a shell company registered in the British Virgin Islands. A month before his presidential election win in April 2019, the actor-turned-politician quietly sold off his Maltex Multicapital Corp shares as a beneficial owner — a person who has the power to influence stock transactions — to Serhiy Shefir, a close friend and business partner.

      A document from June 2019 shows that Shefir, a top presidential aide who survived an assassination attempt in September, retained his stake in Maltex Multicapital Corp after he joined Zelenskyy's administration.

      Shefir and Zelenskyy did not respond to ICIJ partners' repeated requests for comment.
      Kenyatta's conundrum

      President Kenyatta, who hails from one of Kenya's best-known political dynasties, had campaigned on an anti-corruption platform and urged transparency in politics. But leaked records show that Kenyatta and his mother are beneficiaries of a secretive foundation in Panama.

      Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged transparency but is implicated himself

      Other family members, including three siblings, own five offshore companies with assets worth more than $30 million, according to the records.

      Kenyatta and his family did not reply to ICIJ's requests for comment.

      Arab royalty: Heavy lies the crown

      The Pandora Papers uncover the true owners of more than 29,000 offshore companies. Some of these companies are used to hide incognito bank accounts, private jets, yachts, mansions, and artworks by the likes of Picasso and Banksy.

      King Abdullah II of Jordan bought three beachfront mansions for a total of $68 million in Malibu through offshore companies amid the Arab Spring, when Jordanians filled the streets to protest against corruption and unemployment.

      The king’s lawyers in a statement emphasized that the monarch did not misuse any public money. They categorically denied any improper ownership of property through offshore companies.

      The secret documents have also unmasked Morocco's Princess Lalla Hasnaa as the owner of a shell company that bought an $11 million home in upscale London, near Kensington Palace. Hasnaa made the purchase using funds from the "Moroccan Royal Family," according to the leaked documents, which listed her occupation as "Princess." She did not respond to questions sent by ICIJ's media partner, Le Desk, to the Royal Palace.

      Princess Lalla Hasnaa of Morocco owns a shell company

      Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates and emir of Dubai, was a shareholder of three companies registered in secrecy jurisdictions.

      The emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, continues to use offshore companies to make investments, manage his wealth and safeguard it for his family's benefit. The Panama Papers had already revealed that his $300 million super-yacht was managed by offshore companies.

      Pop and sports stars

      Colombian singer Shakira and former cricket superstar Sachin Tendulkar from India are just some of the other names linked to offshore assets.

      Shakira's lawyer said her offshore accounts were declared and that they did not provide any tax advantages.

      Tendulkar's attorney said the cricket player's investment is legitimate and has been declared to tax authorities.

      Pop singer Shakira is linked with offshore assets

      Over 130 billionaires exposed

      Populist Czech leader Babis isn't the only billionaire outed: More than 130 others from Turkey, Russia, India, the US, Mexico and other nations have ties to offshore accounts.

      Turkish billionaire and construction tycoon Erman Ilicak had ties to two offshore companies — both of which were listed in the name of his mother in 2014. Both held assets from the family's construction conglomerate.

      One of them, Covar Trading Ltd., earned $105.5 million in income from dividends during its first full year of operations, according to confidential financial statements. The money was stashed in a Swiss account.

      It didn't stay long.

      That same year, the statements show, the company paid almost the entire $105.5 million as a "donation" listed under "extraordinary expenses." The statements do not describe who or what received the money.

      By the time of publication, Ilicak did not respond to ICIJ's requests for comment.

      The Turkish mogul's company, Rönesans Holding, was responsible for building the much-talked-about 1,150-room presidential palace for his country's leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

      Erman Ilicak's company was responsible for building Turkey's new Presidential Palace

      DW Turkish is the only Turkish-language news outlet that took part in the Pandora Papers investigation, as an ongoing crackdown on independent newsrooms and journalists in the country persists.

      Why tax havens are problematic

      Here's how offshore companies work: For prices starting at just a few hundred dollars, providers can help clients set up an offshore company whose real owners remain confidential.

      Alternatively, for a fee of $2,000 to $25,000, they can set up a trust that, in some instances, allows its beneficiaries to control their money while being not legally responsible for their actions. A bit of paper-shuffling and "creativity" help shield assets from creditors, law enforcement, tax collectors and ex-spouses.

      Owning offshore companies and conducting financial transactions through these tax havens are perfectly legal in many countries— but the practice has come under scrutiny.

      People who use these companies say they are needed to operate their businesses. Critics, however, say tax havens and offshore operations must be monitored more closely to fight corruption, money laundering and global inequality.

      According to Gabriel Zucman, an expert on tax havens and associate professor of economics at the University of Berkeley in California, the equivalent of 10% of the world's total GDP is held in tax havens globally.

      Lakshmi Kumar, policy director at Global Financial Integrity, told ICIJ and affiliated news outlets that when the rich hide money through tax evasion, it has a direct impact on the lives of people.

      "It affects your child's access to education, access to health, and access to a home," she said. How much money funnels to tax havens — and where?

      Because of the complex and secretive nature of the offshore system, it's not possible to know the exact amount of wealth that is linked to tax evasion and other crimes and how much has been reported to authorities.

      The total amount of money funneled from countries with higher tax rates into tax havens with significantly lower tax rates is unknown. However, according to a 2020 study by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), at least $11.3 trillion is held "offshore."

      Tax havens are often perceived as in the sunny Caribbean, yet the Pandora Papers show that the offshore system operates all around the globe in places like Singapore, the Netherlands, Ireland, Hong Kong — and even some states in the US.

      How was the leak obtained and verified?

      The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists obtained the trove of 11.9 million confidential files and led a team of more than 600 journalists from 150 news outlets that spent two years sifting through them, tracking down sources, and digging into court files and other public records from dozens of countries.

      The leaked records come from 14 offshore services firms from around the world that set up shell companies and other offshore nooks for clients often seeking to keep their financial activities in the shadows.

      The Pandora Papers are published five years after the landmark Panama Papers investigation, which took the world by storm in 2016. The revelations spawned police raids, lawmakers passed dozens of new laws across dozens of countries and led to the downfall of several top politicians — including the prime ministers of Iceland and Pakistan.

      The ICIJ and media partners contributed to this report. The text was edited by DW's Stephanie Burnett.