Sunday, November 07, 2021

Wind and solar power could meet most electricity demands of major countries, study says

Anthony Vasquez-Peddie writer
Friday, November 5, 2021

Wind turbines turn behind a solar farm in Rapshagen, Germany, 
Oct. 28, 2021. 
AP Photo/Michael Sohn

TORONTO -- Most of the electricity demand in advanced, industrialized nations can be met with a combination of wind and solar power, according to a recent study, but contingency measures may be necessary in order to fully satisfy requirements.

The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, confronted the question of dependability of electricity systems that rely on intermittent resources. It found the most reliable renewable systems were heavily based on wind and could meet electricity requirements in the countries studied 72 to 91 per cent of the time. By mixing in 12 hours of stored energy, the figure increased to 83 to 94 per cent.

Despite the positive numbers, the researchers caution that even in a system that exceeds 90 per cent of a country's needs, hundreds of hours of unmet demand may occur annually.

"Wind and solar could meet more than 80 per cent of demand in many places without crazy amounts of storage or excess generating capacity, which is the critical point," Steve Davis, study co-author and University of California, Irvine, professor of Earth system science, said in a news release. "But depending on the country, there may be many multi-day periods throughout the year when some demand will need to be met by energy storage and other non-fossil energy sources in a zero-carbon future."

The team of researchers analyzed 39 years of data from 42 countries to determine if solar and wind energy sources could sustain their needs.

They found that large countries closer to the equator could more easily convert to sustainable power resources due to the amount of solar energy available throughout the year. Higher-latitude countries, however, must lean more heavily into wind power.

"Historic data show that countries that are farther from the equator can occasionally experience periods called 'dark doldrums' during which there is very limited solar and wind power availability," Dan Tong, lead author and assistant professor of Earth system science at Tsinghua University.

The researchers also found land mass to be a factor in terms of reliability. Countries with the largest land areas, such as Canada, had the most reliable solar and wind systems.

Smaller countries in regions like Europe, however, do not have the same luxury. The researchers say cooperation between nations in terms pooling and sharing energy may help relieve potential problems.

"Europe provides a good example,” Tong said. “A lot of consistency and reliability could be provided by a system that includes solar resources from Spain, Italy and Greece with bountiful wind available in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Baltic region.”

To meet more demand for electricity, countries could engage in increased capacity overbuilding, the addition of batteries and additional storage methods.

“Around the world, there are some definite geophysical constraints on our ability to produce net-zero carbon electricity,” Davis said. “It comes down to the difference between the difficult and the impossible. It will be hard to completely eliminate fossil fuels from our power generation mix, but we can achieve that goal when technologies, economics and sociopolitical will are aligned.”

Currently, two-thirds of Canada’s electricity comes from renewable resources, according to the federal government. About 59.6 per cent of the total is produced via hydroelectricity, while 5.1 per cent comes from wind and 0.6 per cent comes from solar energy.

Canada also exports about eight per cent of the electricity it generates to the U.S.

Wind and solar could power the world's major countries most of the time

wind power
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

With the eyes of the world on the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, strategies for decarbonizing energy infrastructure are a trending topic. Yet critics of renewables question the dependability of systems that rely on intermittent resources. A recent study led by researchers at the University of California, Irvine tackles the reliability question head-on. 

In a paper published recently in Nature Communications, the authors, including experts from China's Tsinghua University, the Carnegie Institution for Science and Caltech, said that most of the current electricity demand in advanced, industrialized nations can be met by some combination of wind and solar power. But that positive finding comes with the caveat that extra efforts are going to be necessary to completely satisfy the countries' requirements.

Most reliable systems, which are dominated by wind power, are capable of meeting electricity requirements in the countries studied 72 to 91 percent of the time, even without , according to the study. With the addition of 12 hours of energy storage capacity, systems become dominated by solar power and can satisfy demand 83 to 94 percent of hours.

"Wind and solar could meet more than 80 percent of demand in many places without crazy amounts of storage or excess generating capacity, which is the critical point," said co-author Steve Davis, UCI professor of Earth system science. "But depending on the country, there may be many multi-day periods throughout the year when some demand will need to be met by energy storage and other non-fossil energy sources in a zero-carbon future."

The team analyzed 39 years' worth of hourly energy demand data from 42 major countries to evaluate the adequacy of wind and solar power resources to serve their needs. They found that a full conversion to sustainable power resources can be easier for larger, lower-latitude countries, which can rely on solar power availability throughout the year.

The researchers highlighted Germany as an example of a relatively smaller country, in terms of land mass, at higher latitude which will make it more challenging to meet its electricity needs with wind and solar resources.

"Historic data show that countries that are farther from the equator can occasionally experience periods called 'dark doldrums' during which there is very limited solar and  availability," said lead author Dan Tong, assistant professor of Earth system science at Tsinghua University. "One recent occurrence of this phenomenon in Germany lasted for two weeks, forcing Germans to resort to dispatchable generation, which in many cases is provided by fossil fuel-burning plants."

Among the approaches the researchers suggested to alleviate this problem are a building up generating capacity that exceeds annual demand, developing long-term storage capabilities and pooling resources of multiple nations on a continental land mass.

"Europe provides a good example," said Tong, who began her work on this study as a post-doctoral scholar in UCI's Department of Earth System Science. "A lot of consistency and reliability could be provided by a system that includes solar resources from Spain, Italy and Greece with bountiful wind available in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Baltic region."

The researchers found that a  and  system could provide about 85 percent of the total electricity demand of the United States, and that amount could also be increased through capacity overbuilding, addition of batteries and other storage methods, and connecting with other national partners on the North American continent.

"Around the world, there are some definite geophysical constraints on our ability to produce net-zero carbon electricity," said Davis. "It comes down to the difference between the difficult and the impossible. It will be hard to completely eliminate  from our  generation mix, but we can achieve that goal when technologies, economics and socio-political will are aligned."Green hydrogen production from curtailed wind and solar power

More information: Dan Tong et al, Geophysical constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power worldwide, Nature Communications (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26355-z

Journal information: Nature Communications 

Provided by University of California, Irvine 

As Africa’s renewables grow, fossil fuels inventories drop – report

MINING.COM Staff Writer | November 5, 2021 

Wind turbines in South Africa. (Image by Lollie-Pop, Flickr).

In contrast to fossil fuels, Africa’s renewable energy sector shows uptake in generation, capacity, and forecasts, a new report by PwC states.

According to the consultancy, the continent’s fossil fuel inventories show a downturn in production, consumption, and exports between 2019 and 2020, which is largely a result of delays or cancellations of large projects due to the covid-19 pandemic, as well as global investment pressure resulting in the rapid exit of and disinvestment in portfolios.

Looking just at oil, PwC data show that production significantly decreased by 19% to 6.8 mmbbl/d from the prior year. This accounts for 7.8% of global production. Consumption saw a decrease of 14% to 3.5 mmbbl/d from the prior year, and exports saw a drop to 5.7 mmbbl/d.

“Despite companies commencing exploration and development projects, planned capital expenditure in 2020–2021 fell from $90 billion pre-covid-19 to $60 billion,” the report titled Africa Energy Review 2021 reads.

The other side of the coin is renewables, which are on the rise across the continent with an annual growth rate of 21% between 2010 and 2020 and a current total renewable capacity of more than 58 GW – of which hydropower contributes 63%.

The consultancy firm reports that wind energy generation increased by 14% and solar energy generation increased by 13%, while total renewable energy generation increased by 11% in 2020 compared to the previous year. Solar capacity increased by 13%, wind capacity increased by 11% and hydropower increased by more than 25% in 2020 compared to 2019.
Graph from PwC’s Africa Energy Review 2021.

“Most African countries are also increasing investment in solar and hydropower technologies with projects currently under construction estimated to add 33 GW of renewable energy capacity,” the review states.

“Total installed renewable energy capacity in Africa has grown by over 24 GW since 2013. The continent’s capacity is expected to increase again by the end of 2021 with growth led by solar and wind projects in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Ethiopia.”

Despite these positive trends, mid-term forecasts can look daunting, as PwC says that 27.32 EJ of additional renewable generation is needed within Africa’s energy mix by 2050 to compensate for declining fossil fuels. This is a significant increase from the current renewable generation of just 1.79 EJ.

“Africa’s coal and oil energy production are expected to drop by around 96% and 71% respectively by 2050. This will be driven by declining demand for fossil fuels globally with leading international oil and gas companies already refocusing their portfolios to include higher renewables exposure,” the report reads. “Renewable energy is expected to see large gains in Africa over the next three decades. By 2050, energy production from solar and wind is expected to increase by as much as 110 times and 40 times respectively.”

In the view of the experts at PwC, employment levels in the energy sector will depend greatly on the way the energy transition takes place.

They believe that if Africa is pressured into rapidly transitioning to renewables and is assisted in this process through renewable energy funding, the transition of workers away from fossil fuel-related jobs will be much faster. This means that the potential loss of jobs can be mitigated.
Net-zero goals

Although Africa is home to 17% of the global population, it produces less than 5% of global annual emissions and accounts for only 3% of global cumulative emissions.

Yet, 35 out of 54 African countries have made commitments towards net-zero emissions, a goal that is unaffordable for most of them as an estimated $2.8 trillion are needed just to transition to a clean energy mix and reduce its current annual CO2 emissions of 1.62m kilotons of CO2e.

“Investment in low-carbon energy systems in Africa lags global pace, but despite global climate finance commitments from developed economies aimed at $100bn per annum, the allocation to Africa falls significantly short of what the continent requires to meet global targets. The fiscal constraints being experienced across Africa create a challenge for the continent to move with pace on its net-zero journey,” the report reads.

For the analysts at PwC, private partnerships, public-private partnerships and blended finance are key and will need to be deployed together with strong public sector governance and innovative financing instruments to overcome these challenges.
UN at COP26: “Enough of mining…we are digging our own graves”

Frik Els | November 2, 2021

Via Youtube

It did not take long for COP26 to turn into a farce this week with UN Secretary General António Guterres pleading with the gathered highnesses and excellencies to declare enough is enough.

Socialist party ex-PM of Portugal, Guterres delivered a rousing 10-minute speech at the opening ceremony saying (around the 0:45 mark) “we face a stark choice – either we stop it or it stops us”:

“It is time to say enough!

“Enough of treating nature like a toilet, enough of burning and drilling and mining our way deeper. We are digging our own graves.”

Who’s going to tell him?

COP26 will be a colossal mining cop-out

“The International Energy Agency’s annual World Energy Outlook […] is probably the closest thing to a bible in the energy world,” says a Bloomberg article following the publication of the 2021 edition.

Released earlier than usual in time for the Conference of Parties (COP26) starting in Glasgow, this edition – the 44th – “has been designed, exceptionally, as a guidebook to COP26”.

At 386 pages IEA WEO 2021 is quite the tome (download here). Under Section 6.3.1, you’ll find the energy bible’s take on “critical minerals”. It is six pages in total.

Those six pages may be headlined critical minerals, but it’s hard to detect a sense of urgency in Section 6.3.1:

“The rapid deployment of low-carbon technologies as part of clean energy transitions implies a significant increase in demand for critical minerals.”
We have questions

The word “significant” used here contains multitudes (lithium “100 times current levels” according to the IEA’s own calculations) and the Paris-based firm has some questionne:

“The prospect of a rapid increase in demand for critical minerals – well above anything seen previously in most cases – raises questions about the availability and reliability of supply.”

With only six pages to work with, the IEA has to be succinct in its appraisal of the mining industry:

“The [supply] challenges are compounded by long lead times for the development of new projects, declining resource quality, growing scrutiny of environmental and social performance and a lack of geographical diversity in extraction and processing operations.”

Questions raised. Challenges compounded. Take that global warming!

Mining ghost protocol

Edinburgh-based Wood Mackenzie has also been doing some research ahead of COP26.

Woodmac, which beat the IEA by four years, releasing its first oil report in 1973, is expanding its mining and metals practice, most recently with the acquisition of London-based Roskill.

A new report by Julian Kettle, SVP of Woodmac’s metals and mining division, and senior analyst Kamil Wlazly, answers the questions about the availability of supply in the very title:

Mission impossible: supplying the base metals for accelerated decarbonisation

Woodmac is refreshingly blunt in its assessment of mining’s role in fighting climate change:

“The energy transition starts and ends with metals.”

“Achieving global net zero is inexorably linked to base metals supply.”

“Base metals capex needs to quadruple to about $2 trillion to achieve an accelerated energy transition.”

Whoomp, there it is.

The hidden ones

There are many eye-popping graphs in Mission impossible (download here) but this one perfectly illustrates why the decarbonisation goals of the Conference of Parties, without plans for new mines, only add hot air to the warming planet.

Woodmac gets straight to the point: “delivering the base metals to meet [net zero 2050] pathways strains project delivery beyond breaking point from people and plant to financing and permitting.”

Copper, which Woodmac emphasizes “sits at the nexus of the energy transition” stands out particularly.

The 19 million tonnes of additional copper that need to be delivered for net-zero 2050 implies a new La Escondida must be discovered and enter production every year for the next 20 years.

Even if you focus on just one of the obstacles bringing new copper supply online – the time it takes to build a new mine – and leave aside all other factors, net-zero 2050 has zero chance.

Great great grandfathered in

Consider that among the world’s largest copper mines, La Escondida is a relative newcomer – it was discovered in 1981, and only hit 1 million tonnes 20 years later. (MINING.COM’s official measure of copper production is the escondida which equals one million tonnes.)

The weighted average discovery year of the planet’s top 20 biggest copper mines is 1928. US number one mine Morenci (less than half an escondida in 2020) was discovered in 1870. Chile and the world’s number two copper mine Collahuasi (O.63 escondida) dates back to 1880.

When Congo’s Kamoa-Kakula went into production in May this year it was the biggest new mine to do so since Escondida. By 2028 it will produce 840,000 tonnes a year. Kamoa-Kakula is a poster child for rapid mine development, yet Robert Friedland’s exploration team discovered the deposit back in 2003.
Let it be resolved

With ample reserves, the US has a number of uncommitted projects that would support the Conference of Parties and their wannabe cheerleader, the Biden administration, advancing its climate goals.

A top contender is the Resolution project in Arizona, near the town of Superior in the area known as the Copper Triangle.

Contained copper tops 10 million tonnes, making it the sixth-largest measured deposit in the world. It’s an underground high-grade mine that shrinks its environmental footprint.

The world’s number one and two mining companies, BHP and Rio Tinto, have already spent $2 billion on it, including reclamation of a historical mine. The deposit was discovered in 1995 and 26 years later remains stuck in permitting hell.

Looks like a perfect candidate for fast track approval to help with those lofty climate goals and create those millions of promised green jobs.

Right? Trump – five days before leaving office – publishes a pivotal environmental report on the project.

Wrong. Biden rescinds the study and Democrats add specific wording to the $X.X trillion infrastructure bill that would block Resolution from going ahead.

Perhaps not surprising then, the news that BHP and others are looking at the previously shunned African copperbelt.

When central Africa is a friendlier jurisdiction for miners than the US, there may be something wrong with your strat… For more see above and below.

We process, you dig

The White House’s policy is one of relying on other countries to supply metals to the US because “it’s not that hard to dig a hole. What’s hard is getting that stuff out and getting it to processing facilities.”

A strategy that worked so well for the US with rare earths.

Perhaps the White House got the idea from Indonesia, which insists miners build processing plants and refineries to own the entire battery metal supply chain and by extension huge chunks of electric vehicle manufacture.

Tiny difference though: the grand design of Jakarta, like Beijing, Santiago, et al, includes the first link in the supply chain.

And when things go wrong in metals supply for automaking, they go really wrong, as the EU found out this month.

Overburdening overburden

Biden desperately wants a deal before COP26 to brag about all the ways it fights emissions by subsidizing American electric cars, windmills and solar panels overseas lithium, nickel, cobalt, copper, silver, and rare earth mining companies.

As if the permitting process isn’t torture enough, there’s more in Biden’s bill that’ll make miners and explorers gnash their teeth and pull their hair out.

Also included in the reconciliation spending measure is an 8% gross – yes, gross isn’t it – royalty on existing mines and 4% on new ones. New ones? Ha!

There would also be a 7 cent fee for every tonne of rock moved.

This is a particularly confounding proposal. Not easy to find anything in the tax code that shows this kind of ignorance of how an industry operates, but it would not be dissimilar to taxing farmers for every acre ploughed (multiplied by the length of the blades just to make sure you precisely measure the displaced dirt), regardless of any harvest.
What’s another year

It was two years ago almost to the day on the occasion of a Greta Thunberg protest in MINING.COM’s hometown of Vancouver, that this paper declared Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the mining industry’s unlikely heroines.

We urged miners to embrace the goals of the environmental movement and initiatives like the Green New Deal.

With all the glaring holes drilled into COP26’s decarbonisation plans, it sure feels like it was Greta and AOC that copped out of this embrace, not mining.
Tesla to open Canada battery gear factory in Markham, Ontario
Reuters | November 5, 2021 |

View of Markham, Ontario. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Tesla Inc plans to open a factory to produce battery manufacturing equipment in the Canadian city of Markham, Ontario, Mayor Frank Scarpitti said, as the electric carmaker ramps up the production of cheaper, higher-range 4680 battery cells.

Scarpitti did not provide many details. In 2019, the U.S. electric carmaker acquired Canada-based Hibar, which manufactures pumps used in fast-speed battery assembly that Tesla is introducing for its new 4680 cells.

“I’m delighted to share that Tesla Canada is joining our already robust automotive and technology ecosystem by locating a manufacturing facility in the City of Markham,” the mayor of the city near Toronto said on Twitter.

“The facility will be the first branded Tesla Canada manufacturing facility in Canada and will produce state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment to be used at the Gigafactories located around the world in the production of batteries.”

Tesla did not immediately comment on the mayor’s tweet. Last year, Tesla senior vice president Andrew Baglino said at the Battery Day event that its “vertical integration” with Hibar and others would allow them to build batteries faster and scale up production of its 4680 battery cells.

Baglino said last month that Tesla will start delivering its first vehicles with 4680 batteries early next year, but added that “this is a new architecture and unknown unknowns may exist still.”

Tesla currently builds the 4680 cells at its pilot factory in California and plans to start their production at its upcoming factories in Texas and Berlin.

(By Hyunjoo Jin; Editing by David Gregorio)

Tesla Canada to locate manufacturing facility in Markham, Ontario

Markham's mayor welcomed the company with posts on Twitter and Instagram

By Jonathan Lamont @Jon_Lamont
NOV 6, 2021

Markham, Ontario Mayor shared on social media that Tesla Canada would locate a manufacturing facility in the city to produce manufacturing equipment for use at the company’s ‘gigafactories.’

In a post on Twitter and Instagram, Frank Scarpitti welcomed Tesla, calling it a great
addition to “the ‘future car’ cluster of companies” in Markham. You can read the full quote from the image below:

“I am delighted to share that Tesla Canada is joining our already robust automotive and technology ecosystem by locating a manufacturing facility in the City of Markham. The facility will be the first branded Tesla Canada manufacturing facility in Canada and will produce state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment to be used at the Gigafactories located around the world in the production of batteries.
Scarpitti also clarified that the manufacturing facility would be located “just south of Highway 7 west of Warden.”

The mayor’s announcement comes just days after Tesla Canada put out a call for applications on LinkedIn, which also included a recruitment video republished by Tesla North on YouTube.

The video shows a short interview with employees at the Markham location who work on battery development, factory design, charging infrastructure, battery CNC machine programming and more.

Source: Frank Scarpitti (Twitter) Via: Tesla North
Sherritt plans to expand Cuban nickel mine
Canadian Mining Journal Staff | November 4, 2021 

The Moa nickel mine in Cuba is a joint venture of Sherritt and General Nickel.
 Credit: Sherritt International

Sherritt International (TSX: S) is making plans to expand production and lengthen the life of the Moa nickel-cobalt mine in Cuba. Moa is a joint venture of Sherritt (50%) and General Nickel Co. of Cuba (50%).

The plan calls for a multi-phased approach, and work will include a new slurry preparation plant and expansion of other circuits at the mill. Existing equipment at Sherritt’s 100%-owned refinery in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, is part of the plan.

Moa is a lateritic nickel deposit mined by open pit methods. The ore is pressure acid leached on-site and then transported to the refinery in Canada. Finished nickel and cobalt are produced as well as a byproduct ammonium sulphate fertilizer.

The most recent 43-101 resource estimate at Moa was completed in 2019. At that time, the project had 111.9 million measured tonnes grading 1.03% nickel and 0.13% cobalt. The indicated portion was 46 million tonnes at 0.94% nickel and 0.12% cobalt. The inferred resource was 32.6 million tonnes grading 0.89% nickel and 0.13% cobalt.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)
Alberta government unveils goal of becoming hydrogen export superpower

Jason Kenney unveils Hydrogen roadmap -- The Canadian Press
By The Canadian Press

Nov 6, 2021 | 2:29 PM

EDMONTON, AB. — The Alberta government has released its road map to reach a goal of becoming a world leader in hydrogen exports by the end of the decade.

Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta is well-positioned with its existing energy infrastructure to become a global supplier of choice for hydrogen.

And he calls it a “game changer” in the climate change fight, given that hydrogen emits no greenhouse gases when burned.

He says the global hydrogen market is expected to become worth up to $2.5 trillion within the next 30 years.

The plan calls for catching up on clean hydrogen technologies in the short term before moving to growth and commercialization in the long term.

Alberta is already the largest hydrogen producer in Canada at 2.4 million tonnes per year.
Invest Medicine Hat is leading a task force consisting of city officials in Medicine Hat, Brooks, and other partners with the hopes of bringing industry investment to the region.

Alberta unveils plan it hopes will make it a hydrogen export superpower

By Dean Bennett | NewsPolitics | November 6th 2021

#1842 of 1845 articles from the Special Report:Race Against Climate Change

The Alberta government has released its road map to reach a goal of becoming a world leader in hydrogen exports by the end of the decade.

Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta is well-positioned with its existing energy infrastructure to become a global supplier of choice for hydrogen.

And he calls it a “game changer” in the climate change fight, given that hydrogen emits no greenhouse gases when burned.

He says the global hydrogen market is expected to become worth up to $2.5 trillion within the next 30 years.

The plan calls for catching up on clean hydrogen technologies in the short term before moving to growth and commercialization in the long term.

Alberta is already the largest hydrogen producer in Canada at 2.4 million tonnes per year.

Dale Nally, the associate minister for natural gas and electricity, compares the hydrogen revolution to the breakthrough energy boom brought on by the oilsands.

“Hydrogen can absolutely be a game changer for our province on many levels,” Nally told a news conference Friday.

“We have the natural advantages to make hydrogen that is both clean and affordable.”

Along with export potential, the report identifies four leading domestic markets for clean hydrogen, which is hydrogen produced with minimal greenhouse gas emissions.

#Alberta government unveils road map with goal of becoming #hydrogen export superpower. #ABPoli

They include home and business heating, power generation, transportation and hydrogen for industrial use.

Opposition NDP critic Kathleen Ganley says the United Conservative government's plan builds on proposals from the former NDP government but lacks concrete goals, objectives and details.

“This strategy lacks detail and thoughtfulness that would be required to actually attract investment,” she said.

“It sets targets, but it doesn’t actually provide a pathway to achieve those targets.

“It doesn’t even give a commitment to how much investment they are willing to contribute at the provincial level.”

The government said the plan will be revisited in 2025.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Nov. 5, 2021.

Varcoe: Hydrogen has the potential to be Alberta's next oilsands in importance

'This is an opportunity for Alberta to create generational wealth for the province. We have an opportunity to be a leader in clean, affordable energy,' said Associate Natural Gas Minister Dale Nally

Author of the article: Chris Varcoe • Calgary Herald
Publishing date: Nov 05, 2021 • 
Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity, Dale Nally. 
PHOTO BY CHRIS SCHWARZ Government of Alberta

If you want to know how big the potential prize is for Alberta to grow its hydrogen industry, Associate Natural Gas Minister Dale Nally is quick to provide the answer.

Think of the oilsands, he says.

Nally’s new Alberta Hydrogen Roadmap, to be released Friday, details a number of ways to measure success in the province for the emerging sector under a “transformative” future outlook.

It projects tens of thousands of jobs created during the construction of new projects, Alberta’s GHG emissions falling by five per cent and more than $30 billion in capital investment being attracted by 2030.

“For me, that is the minimum. I think we could do well more than that,” Nally said.

“This is an opportunity for Alberta to create generational wealth for the province. We have an opportunity to be a leader in clean, affordable energy.”

There is no denying the keen interest in developing hydrogen in a world acutely focused on decarbonizing energy systems. Hydrogen, which doesn’t directly emit carbon dioxide when used, is seen as a prime energy opportunity for the province.

Several proposed projects provide a tantalizing hint of what could be in store in the years ahead.

In May, ATCO and Suncor Energy announced plans for a project that would produce 300,000 tonnes of hydrogen annually. Air Products rolled out a proposed $1.3-billion net-zero hydrogen production and liquefaction complex in Edmonton the following month.

In August, Petronas and Japan-based Itochu unveiled a development that could see the companies build a $1.3-billion facility in Alberta that would export ammonia as a hydrogen carrier to markets in Asia.

Just last month, pipeline giant TC Energy announced it will work with electric truck manufacturer Nikola to co-develop and operate low-carbon hydrogen production hubs in North America.

More announcements are coming
The Alberta government announces a strategy to expand the natural gas sector, in Edmonton on Oct. 6, 2020, and seize emerging opportunities for clean hydrogen, petrochemical manufacturing, liquefied natural gas and plastics recycling.

Nally compares the potential for Alberta’s hydrogen sector to the opportunity presented to the Lougheed government in the 1970s by the oilsands industry.

“It will not replace the oilsands, but I absolutely believe it could be as impactful as the oilsands, in terms of investment, in terms of jobs, in terms of royalties,” said the Morinville-St. Albert MLA.

The provincial blueprint, which Nally discussed Thursday at a net-zero emissions conference held by Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada, aims to leverage the existing advantages Alberta already has in this area.

Canada is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hydrogen. Alberta produces about 2.4 million tonnes of hydrogen annually, primarily for industrial purposes.

It’s estimated hydrogen could provide up to 24 per cent of global energy demand by 2050 as the world pivots towards a net-zero emissions future.

The roadmap describes Alberta’s hydrogen ambitions in domestic markets — growing in transportation, residential and commercial heating, power generation and storage, as well as in industrial applications.

It has even bigger aspirations for the export market. “With an estimated global market of $2.5 trillion by 2050, hydrogen can be the next great energy opportunity for our province,” Nally told the conference.

The Transition Accelerator, a non-profit group based in Calgary that examines the shift to net-zero energy, has estimated hydrogen could create an estimated $100-billion-a-year market for Canada.

Alberta also has existing expertise in the energy sector, massive natural gas reserves and the geology necessary for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects to sequester emissions created to make so-called blue hydrogen.

(Green hydrogen is produced from water in a process powered by renewable or low-carbon electricity.)

“We are agnostic to the colour of hydrogen, as long as it’s clean hydrogen,” Nally said at the conference. “It will be industry that decides the colour of the hydrogen.”

The minister said one key challenge to overcome will be the cost to produce hydrogen, although the International Energy Agency said recently it’s expected to fall over time as the sector gains economies of scale.

The blueprint identifies several policy pillars for Alberta to pursue.

These include building new demand for hydrogen, enabling cost-effective CCUS projects needed to store emissions, as well as de-risking early investments. The study also focuses on promoting technology, ensuring a modern regulatory framework is in place and pursuing exports.

If hydrogen is widely integrated into Alberta’s energy system, the province could cut its emissions by 14 megatonnes annually by 2030, the blueprint states

Provincial leaders, along with the federal government, are hoping Alberta can build an economy out of hydrogen. 

A separate report released Thursday by the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy says hydrogen and its derivatives can play a key role in some emissions-intensive sectors, such as steel, chemical and clean fuel production, and long-haul transportation.

Hydrogen has the potential for “broad participation” across the country, thanks to the ability to produce hydrogen from natural gas and from clean electricity, the report says.

Another study by the school notes Alberta also has advantages that make hydrogen a feasible way to decarbonize the electricity grid.

Business Council of Alberta president Adam Legge said the province has many strengths to capitalize on, although there are issues to address, such as ensuring the industry has enough skilled workers, providing investment certainty and approving infrastructure needed to get product to market.

Last December, Ottawa put out its own blueprint that aims to establish Canada as a global supplier of hydrogen. Having the federal and provincial governments headed in the same direction is important, Legge added.

“Everybody recognizes there is a huge potential in hydrogen, but we do have to make sure we get some of the key pieces lined up before we really recognize the mass potential,” Legge said.

At the PTAC conference, David Layzell with the Transition Accelerator said another key challenge is to ensure adequate demand for hydrogen is in place as the industry grows supply.

But he agrees Alberta’s prospects for hydrogen are significant because the world needs to embrace major changes to develop net-zero energy sources.

“It is as big an opportunity for Alberta today as perhaps 50 years ago when Peter Lougheed was looking at the oilsands,” Layzell said in an interview.

“We have got to make it work — and we have to demonstrate that it can work.”

Chris Varcoe is a Calgary Herald columnist.


Alberta bullish on hydrogen strategy that relies heavily on carbon capture technology

Province wants to export hydrogen by 2030

The Alberta government says the province's history with natural resource development positions it perfectly to become a global hydrogen energy hub. (Sebastian Kahnert/dpa via AP)

The Alberta government wants the province to become a hydrogen powerhouse by 2030, piggybacking on the natural gas industry to export hydrogen.

The Alberta Hydrogen Roadmap, released Friday, depends heavily on the use of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in its early stages to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and aim for Canada's net-zero goals.

The approach also banks on the federal government helping to fund some of the pricey up-front costs of scaling up CCUS, Premier Jason Kenney said in a news conference Friday.

"Hydrogen gives the world an exciting new tool to build a stronger, more reliable low-emission energy future," Kenney said. "And Alberta is uniquely positioned to become a dominant global player in this burgeoning new technology."

The report paints a picture of a future where hydrogen is integrated into the province's electricity and heating systems, fuels the trucking sector and public transit, used in industrial processes, and exported internationally.

Although the strategy cites $30 billion in capital investment by 2030 as a goal, the government made no specific funding commitments. It points to existing policies, such as the province's lower corporate tax rate, a petrochemical incentives program and loan guarantees for Indigenous-run corporations as carrots to dangle for investors.

Kenney says the plan will be a key driver of economic recovery, create thousands of jobs and position the province to "write a new chapter in Alberta's rich story as a global energy supplier."

Premier Jason Kenney touts hydrogen as a tool in Alberta's stronger, more reliable, low emission energy future with the Alberta Hydrogen Roadmap. 1:32

The report does note the technology to transport hydrogen long distances cheaply and efficiently is still under development.

The strategy lists an annual greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 14 megatonnes per year by 2030 by integrating hydrogen into industrial processes.

In 2019, Alberta emitted nearly 276 megatonnes of greenhouse gases, half of which came from oil and gas.

The report says Alberta would have to rely at first on more emissions-intensive processes of hydrogen production, using natural gas. In time, it could generate more so-called "green" hydrogen using renewable energy to split water molecules.

'Green' hydrogen challenges

Some environmentalists are skeptical of hydrogen produced from natural gas, which is called blue or grey hydrogen, depending how it's made.

Even if the resulting carbon dioxide byproduct is pumped and stored underground, capturing all those emissions is difficult. And the upstream production of the natural gas can be problematic, resulting in leaks of methane, which is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Nina Lothian, Pembina Institute director responsible for fossil fuels, says Alberta's hydrogen strategy is promising, but should emphasize the methods of production with the lowest emissions intensities.

Developing better technology with lower environmental footprints will require public funding to help offset the business risks, she said.

Lothian said Alberta also needs a more comprehensive climate plan that sets provincial emissions targets and creates more local demand for hydrogen, rather than relying on export markets.

Although hydrogen produced from natural gas is more emissions intensive, University of Alberta mechanical engineering Prof. Amit Kumar says investing in blue hydrogen would bring the province closer to making green hydrogen production viable. Transportation and storage methods can be re-used no matter how the gas is produced, he said.

For now, the production costs of green hydrogen are much higher than using natural gas, he said.

NDP energy critic Kathleen Ganley said the United Conservative Party government was sluggish to embrace hydrogen, and that could have already sent investors looking elsewhere.

The Opposition published a hydrogen strategy a year ago that proposes studying the viability of a hydrogen export pipeline and offering royalty incentives to producers.

With files from Andreane Williams, Michelle Bellefontaine and Mirna Djukic


Pembina Pipeline looks to work together with rival Canada carbon capture plans

    Canada’s Pembina Pipeline Corp is asking backers of two competing proposals for carbon capture hubs in the oil-producing province of Alberta to combine efforts with its own plan, the company’s chief executive said on Tuesday.

Pembina and TC Energy Corp said in June they were looking to develop a system to transport and sequester carbon. The Alberta government, which controls underground space for burying carbon, called for expressions of interest this autumn.

Carbon capture facilities are expected to be a key part of global efforts to contain emissions from fossil fuel production. Canada is the world’s fourth-largest oil producer and aims to cut national greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030.

The Pembina-TC plan, called Alberta Carbon Grid, faces competition from at least two others – Oil Sands Pathways, pitched by the largest oil sands producers, and Polaris, a proposal by Royal Dutch Shell.

Pembina has spoken with both groups about joining together and talks remain active, CEO Mick Dilger told Reuters.

“A single, large carbon capture program at scale is by far the most sensible way to do things,” Dilger said. “If everybody works together, we’ll come up with a more cost-effective solution.”

Whether such cooperation happens remains to be seen, Dilger said.

Pembina and TC would need to convince Shell and the Pathways partnership of Canadian Natural ResourcesCenovus EnergyImperial OilSuncor Energy and MEG Energy, of a change in concept, he said.

Pembina and TC proposed a plan that would make use of spare pipelines that they own to reduce costs. The other proposals rely more on new infrastructure, Dilger said.

There is also the unknown of how Alberta will allocate space for sequestering carbon, Dilger said, adding that the provincial government is “reassessing how that might be done.”

The rival companies and the Alberta government could not be reached for comment.

Pembina and TC have picked a reservoir at Fort Saskatchewan, an industrial hub near Edmonton, and not far from where Shell proposes its own carbon sequestration site. Pathways proposes a storage hub at Cold Lake in the oil sands.

Pembina and TC say their plan’s first phase could operate by 2025.

“Normally we like to do things on our own because they’re simpler,” Dilger said. “But carbon capture is something that the sector can and should do cooperatively, with government. We would love to come together.”

Miners look to carbon capture to move beyond net zero

Reuters | October 29, 2021 |

Image from Metso.

(The opinions expressed here are those of the author, Andy Home, a columnist for Reuters.)

The global race to carbon neutrality is a double-edged sword for the metals and mining sector.

The world is going to need a lot more of metals such as lithium, copper and nickel to decarbonise, but the mining sector is itself a big carbon emitter.

Mining contributes between 4% and 7% of man-made greenhouse gases, much of it generated by coal both as a mined resource and as a power source, a 2020 report by consultancy McKinsey found.

The world’s mining companies are rushing to reduce their carbon footprint through electrification and a shift to renewable power.

Carbon capture could allow some to move beyond neutrality to become net carbon negative.

Read more: COP26 will be a colossal mining cop-out

The technology for industrial-scale carbon capture and storage is still in its infancy and largely untested.

But some minerals do it naturally. It’s just a case of having the right rock and speeding up the process.

Miners tend to be the perennial villains in the environmental debate, but they could yet be the unlikely pioneers of large-scale and permanent carbon storage.
Circular carbon

Carbfix, a subsidiary of Iceland’s Reykjavik Energy, has since 2014 captured over 73,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the Hellisheidi geothermal power plant and pumped it underground.

Iceland’s basalt rock formations are perfect for converting carbon dioxide into carbonate minerals, effectively trapping the gas in a stable form for millennia.

Nature does this all the time. Rocks dissolve with rain-water and flow into rivers, picking up other minerals such as calcium and magnesium along the way before settling on the ocean bed eventually to become carbonate minerals such as limestone.

Such rock weathering absorbs around one gigatonne of carbon dioxide each year. Unfortunately, that’s about how much the earth also creates each year in the form of volcanic activity.

The natural process also plays out in painfully slow geological time.

Carbfix’s solution is to inject as much carbon dioxide as possible into the water before pumping it into the basalt, which speeds up the mineral reaction time to under two years.

The process just needs carbon, water and basalt and is a neat way of returning the carbon to the ground from whence it came. And it’s cheap at around 15 euros (US$17.50) per tonne.

Carbfix has just announced a tie-up with Rio Tinto to scale up the technology at the company’s ISAL aluminium smelter, which also sits on basalt rock formations.

The initial injection wells for the Coda Terminal, the world’s first mineral carbon storage hub, will be drilled next year with commercial production due in 2025.

Rio will benefit not only from carbon capture within its smelter and power supplier but also from the carbon credits accruing from its basalt-rich land, a significant asset in a market that is already starting to fracture between low- and high-carbon aluminium products.

Carbon-hungry tailings

It doesn’t have to be basalt and you don’t have to inject carbon dioxide underground for this mineralisation process to work.

As BHP Group has found out at its Nickel West operations in Western Australia.

The tailings at the Mt Keith mine, rich in magnesium oxide, another carbon absorber, have been capturing around 40,000 tonnes per year “accidentally and unknowingly”, according to Greg Dipple, the University of British Columbia professor who led a study on the waste material.

Tailings speed up the weathering process because the rock has been crushed, exponentially increasing the surface area for mineral reaction, he told the Canadian Mining Journal.

BHP is now conducting further studies on its tailings dam to see just how much more carbon might be absorbed by tweaking the natural process.

Nickel is a key metallic input for lithium-ion batteries and BHP signed in July a supply deal with Tesla. The company boasts its nickel carries half the carbon footprint of even the newest producers in top supplier Indonesia.

Its green nickel could become greener still thanks to its tailings dam.

Greener metal

Nickel and precious group metals are often found in the right sort of rock – ultramafic in geologist speak – for carbon sequestration, adding a new dynamic to project financing.

Talon Metals Corp is hoping its Tamarack nickel-cobalt-copper project in Minnesota will not only supply U.S. battery makers with green metal but will actively absorb carbon while doing so.

The company is studying the potential of carbon capture both via tailings and through injection into the surrounding rock formation.

The first can shift the carbon dial down towards neutrality. Mt Keith’s tailings, for example, offset around 11% of its carbon footprint each year, according to Dipple.

The second, actively buying up carbon from nearby industries such as steel makers before injecting it underground, is the way towards becoming net carbon negative.

As with both Rio’s Iceland aluminium smelter and BHP’s nickel operations, this reinforces the green credentials of the product for discerning buyers such as Tesla’s Elon Musk.

But the real significance could be as much about image as economics.

Talon Metals is hoping to fast-track the Tamarack project, which ticks all the Biden Administration’s boxes for enhancing domestic supply chains for critical and battery minerals.

However, steering a new mine through the U.S. permitting process is getting increasingly difficult.

The Twin Metals copper-nickel project, also in Minnesota, is facing a potential 20-year ban on the land it wants to mine. Antofagasta, the project owner, is appealing the U.S. Forest Service’s proposal.

The fate of the Resolution copper project, a long-stalled joint venture between Rio Tinto and BHP, is also now at an appeals court as Native Indians seek a reversal of the original land agreement.

It’s unclear how the Biden Administration can square its green environmental credentials with its vision of a green industrial revival made with domestically-sourced metals.

Carbon capture injects a whole new dimension into the heated debate around new mines and metals plants.

Mining is “the most toxic industry in America”, according to Becky Rom, national chair of The Campaign To Save The Boundary Waters, an environmental group opposed to the Twin Metals project.

Would new projects attract such venom if they could prove that they were part of the environmental solution rather than the problem?

We may not have long to find out.

The idea of a nickel mine or aluminium smelter being net negative in terms of carbon emissions may seem far-fetched, but the reality may be coming sooner than you think.

(Editing by Mark Potter)
The truth about carbon capture technology

Buzz-worthy concepts for carbon removal have been met with both praise and controversy.


Carbon negative technologies may be one of the solutions for sifting carbon dioxide out of the air. Viktor Kiryanov / Unsplash

Climate change is on everyone’s minds this week, as world leaders convene at the 2021 United Nations 

There’s a lot of industry talk about whether applying counter carbon technologies and techniques like carbon storage, carbon capture, carbon conversion, and carbon sequestration could make a sizable impact in removing carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas emitted today.

Here’s a debrief on what these terms mean, the current state of technology, and what they would look like in practice.

Carbon capture

Carbon capture most commonly refers to the process of removing carbon dioxide from various sources like the smokestacks of power plants running on fossil fuels like coal, oil, or gas, as well as from manufacturing and production facilities.

Capture also refers to removing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, called Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), or Direct Air Capture (DAC).

However, the flue gas coming out of a smokestack from the chimney of a power plant or industrial facility carries a much heftier amount of carbon, at around 10 to 15 percent carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the general atmosphere is around 400 to 450 ppm (parts per million), or about 0.04 percent.

“In the atmosphere, we have carbon dioxide that we’re worried about that’s significant from the point of view of affecting the radiative forcing and climate warming. But it’s very dilute from the point of view of capture,” says Harry Atwater, professor of applied physics and materials science at California Institute of Technology. “So people have to develop ingenious methods for capturing and then concentrating the carbon dioxide as a pure stream.”

The Swedish company Climeworks, for example, is one of the leading companies in the carbon capture space. Across Europe, there are more than a dozen direct air capture facilities that use fan-like machines to filter out carbon dioxide from the air and then heat up the captured molecules to pump them underground.

Another company, like Carbon Engineering, mist a basic chemical like potassium hydroxide to bind and draw down the carbon dioxide (which is acidic) from the air.

“There are multiple technologies for doing direct air capture that are being pursued. There’s also capture of carbon dioxide from the oceans,” says Atwater, like the ARPA-E project he’s working on which received funding from the Department of Energy.

Several National Academies reports indicate that technologies that actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere need to be seriously considered as one of the many climate change combating solutions.

[Related: Carbon capture could keep global warming in check—here’s how it works]

“There has been a lot of work on how to separate that carbon dioxide from other gases,” Peter Kelemen, a professor of earth and environmental sciences at Columbia University, says. “Once you have it, of course, you have to store it someplace.”
Carbon sequestration and storage

From Kelemen’s perspective, storage and sequestration are “pretty much synonymous,” except sequestration is used when the storage of the carbon dioxide is “essentially permanent” through methods like geological storage. The Norwegian Sleipner Project in the North Sea, for example, stores dense carbon dioxide fluid under pressure in a pore space under the seabed, Kelemen says.

Carbon sequestration underground has one major flaw, however—the major market for the technology is in enhanced recovery of fossil fuel, Atwater notes, where companies want to pump pressurized carbon dioxide into existing oil and gas reservoirs to get more product out.

For example, someone from the enhanced fracking industry can advocate that they are net carbon negative because they’re technically taking carbon dioxide from the air and injecting it underground. “But of course, what they’re doing is also enhancing the recovery of methane, which is a greenhouse gas, and then carbon dioxide,” he says. So an important question to always ask is whether the whole process a company is employing is net carbon-negative, positive, or neutral.

Iceland is using a combination technology from Climeworks and CarbFix to not only capture the carbon dioxide and pump it underground, but also permanently store it in the form of solids. These carbon-bearing minerals, which are mostly “carbonates” like calcite and magnesite, can store the carbon dioxide for thousands of years.

“If there are favorable strata that allow the conversion of the sequestered carbon dioxide to a solid form, then that renders it much more geologically stable, and we can say that it was safely sequestered without much fear or concern that it’s going to be emitted right back out again,” says Atwater. “CarbFix managed to understand the reaction between the injected carbon dioxide in the mineral strata to create stable carbonates.”

Simply putting extra carbon underground makes less sense than sequestering carbon dioxide into a marketable product that has economic value, says Atwater. Luckily, multiple companies and scientists have turned down this path. Many researchers have considered embedding solid forms of carbon in building materials like steels and cement, an already emissions-heavy industry, says Atwater. “What if we could actually take the carbon dioxide emitted through all the past synthesis of construction materials and then turn it back into materials that we could use like carbon fiber composites and other forms of more benignly stored carbon,” he adds. “That would be an indefinite form of storage.”

In contrast with solid carbon storage, there’s another type of less indefinite form of carbon storage: as fuel.

[Related: If we’re going to capture our carbon emissions, we might as well put them to use]

Fossil fuels, like gasoline (a type of liquid hydrocarbon), combine with oxygen to undergo a combustion reaction in our cars to make carbon dioxide and water. Many scientists have been tinkering with ways of running that reaction backwards, taking carbon dioxide and water and turning it back into fuel and oxygen.

Atwater and Caltech are part of the Department of Energy-sponsored Liquid Sunlight Alliance whose goal is to figure out how to use solar energy to drive that fuel-forming reaction backwards. A big bonus of this method would be the ability to reuse fuel for those tricky-to-decarbonize industries like flight, shipping, and steel production.

“It could be jet fuel you could recycle [and then] reuse in an airplane. It would be zero-carbon in the sense that you would balance the conversion of carbon dioxide into fuel with the combustion of fuel into carbon dioxide,” says Atwater. “That would be a way of producing renewable jet fuel, and that’s something that a lot of airlines are interested in.”

This idea is already well underway. A company based in the Bay Area called Twelve (named after the atomic mass of carbon in the periodic table) is working on converting carbon dioxide back to fuels. A German company called Atmosfair is also making synthetic carbon dioxide-neutral jet fuel by combining hydrogen generated by wind turbines with captured carbon dioxide (its first customer is Lufthansa).
The cost of carbon

Over the next few years, experts have to weigh the pros and cons of some of the options we have for cleaning carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Even traditional methods like planting forests and creating natural biomass to store carbon can be challenging to implement and sustain. “Reforestation in the developing world is politically and ethically problematic because the folks who cut down the trees did so for a reason, and may own the land,” Kelemen says. “Afforestation and biofuel production are problematic because they compete with food production for arable land.”

Also, new forests only remove significant amounts of carbon while the forest, or kelp forest in the ocean, is growing, Kelemen explains. “Once they reach ‘steady state’ (a mature forest, for example), the rate of carbon dioxide uptake due to growth is not much larger than the rate of carbon dioxide emissions due to respiration from living plants and decomposition of ‘dead’ biomass.”

To keep a big forest-based carbon sink going, plants will have to be continuously harvested and protected from decay.

Meanwhile, a huge issue for carbon capture and sequestration technology is the price tag. “If you’re simply going to sequester carbon, it requires citizens and leaders of advanced industrial societies to agree to basically tax themselves to underwrite the cost of storing that carbon,” says Atwater. “There’s no worldwide agreed-upon price of carbon per tonne at the moment, which is one of the problems.”

While carbon credit markets are emerging across the corporate sector, right now, there’s a gap between demand and capacity for storage methodologies. “We simply don’t have enough technologies to meet the demand. We’re in a weird moment,” says Atwater. “There’s literally gigatonnes of demand for carbon credits, and there’s only kilotonnes of capacity.”

Most anti-carbon tech are in their infancy. There’s also no large-scale infrastructure supporting their growth and expansion. “Carbon negative technologies, unless you’re going to just pump that carbon dioxide underground that you’ve captured, they’re going to have to create new products like fuels, specialty chemicals and materials,” says Atwater. “The big markets are for things like fuel, cement, and steels. Those are the things that we make at the gigatonne scale.”

These techniques are sometimes shrouded with controversy—namely because many argue that capture and storage lets fossil fuel companies off the hook for their giant carbon footprints. Atwater says “to reach our condition of sustainable level of carbon in the atmosphere below our current levels and back towards pre-industrial levels, we’re going to need to decarbonize and electrify everything that we can.” But for industries that are “almost impossible to decarbonize,” storage opens up an opportunity to put those emissions to good use.

Charlotte Hu is the Assistant Technology Editor at Popular Science. She covers internet culture, AI, privacy, security, human-machine interactions, the digital economy, and general tech news. She holds a Master's degree from Columbia Journalism School, and her work has previously appeared in GenomeWeb, Business Insider, and Discover Magazine.