Sunday, December 05, 2021

Chapman's anti-vax boycott officially a failure as people buy freezer loads of ice cream

A boycott of Chapman's Ice Cream totally backfired on anti-vaxxers and the company is now feeling the love from all across Canada.

In November, Chapman's, an Ontario ice cream company based in Markdale, announced they'd be giving a $1 raise to all employees who were fully vaccinated and asked all unvaccinated employees to take a rapid test, on the company dime.

The $1 raise was meant to balance out the costs of doing the rapid tests. In response, a small group of people decided to start a boycott.

The company was flooded with hateful emails, phone calls and even regular mail. But then a counter-movement started with people buying Chapman's Ice Cream just to anger those who started the boycott.
And people have been buying freezers full of ice cream, Ashley Chapman, vice-president of Chapman's Ice Cream tells blogTO.

"We've been getting pictures from people who are going out and they're clearing out the freezers at their local stores, and they're taking pictures and sending it to us," Chapman says.

One group of older ladies got together and decided to buy all the ice cream in their local supermarket.
"They all got together and headed up to the store and cleaned out the entire section in their Loblaws," he says.

Typically November can be a slow month for ice cream sales but this month sales are up. There were promotions this time last year but not this year and the company was expecting a dip in sales.

"We figured that this November, we would be down and we were up a little bit," he says.
The negative messages are still coming in.

"There's still some very, very hateful people out there saying some really horrible stuff," he adds. "Just a few days ago, we had someone actually write in to say, they hope my children get cancer and die."

But the messages have been slowing down and Chapmans is not wavering on their policy.

"We are not we are not backing down ever since the first day of the pandemic our number one focus was to keep our employees safe and our community safe," he says.

The majority of Chapman's 850 employees are vaccinated or nearly fully vaccinated, and in the end only two people left on unpaid leave. He adds that he has received nice comments from unvaccinated people who appreciate the company providing an opition for rapid testing.
The boycott attempt has been a total failure.

"We would just like the bad comments to stop…[but] the more that we get, the better our sales are and the better our company is. So it is really kind of blowing up in the face of these people trying to put us out of business."

Right now, the support and love for the company is outweighing the negativity.

"The outpouring of support from coast to coast, every corner of this country has been overwhelming," says Chapman. "The anti-vaxxers have been a pithy dribble. And the people who love us and what we do and what we try to do have been, it's really been overwhelming."

Sweet vindication for Chapman’s Ice Cream

By Record Editorial
Waterloo Region Record
Thu., Dec. 2, 2021

If you have the good fortune to visit Markdale, Ont., you will appreciate just how different Grey County is when compared to Ontario’s hectic urban environment overall. It’s a slower, gentle, more tranquil pace and place.

How odd, then, that the community — home to the admirably benevolent Chapman’s Ice Cream, purveyor of soothing frozen treats since 1973 — has emerged as an unlikely, though certainly flavourful, flashpoint of the COVID-19 civil war.

The family-run Chapman’s, one of Canada’s largest ice-cream producers, an employer of about 850 people, recently took the praiseworthy step of rewarding its vaccinated workers with a $1-an-hour pay raise.

This was not the first time the company had supported the local community in the battle against COVID-19.

At the end of 2020, when it became known that the first vaccines developed against coronavirus required sub-zero storage, Chapman’s was quick to offer up two medical-grade deep freezers.

It turns out the Markdale mainstay — which has donated millions of dollars to local hospitals, schools and sports facilities — had been approached decades earlier about emergency use of its cold-storage facilities in case of a public-health emergency and it was more than ready when the call came.

And grit? You want to see grit?

In 2009, the company’s century-old wooden creamery building was destroyed after a spark from welding work caught in the rafters.

Where some might have called it quits, Chapman’s built back, recovered and expanded to employ about twice the workers it once did.

This is not an age, however, in which decades of reputation, generosity, local history or context won’t be incinerated in a firestorm of toxic online recrimination.

After the raise became public, when a photo of the bulletin announcing it was posted online, Chapman’s became the target of chronically aggrieved anti-vaccine groups who were outraged at the very thought.

Local divisions of the small and tattered anti-vax army were inflamed at this outrageous assault by Chapman’s on their right to be fools and mounted an online campaign to boycott the company’s products.

The company said it received 1,000 or more emails and attacks on its Facebook group. Much of it was despicable. Inevitably, absurd analogies to Naziism were tossed about.

But, in addition to being rather stoutly anti-science, it appears the anti-vaxxers have no particular flair for numeracy or imagination.

A quick glance at public-opinion surveys or published vaccination rates should have made clear that in the boycott battle they would be hugely outnumbered and were charging off to near-certain defeat.

At Chapman’s itself, fewer than a dozen employees had chosen to remain unvaccinated and been required to go on unpaid leave.

Well, the entirely predictable result soon came to pass.

Voices of reason pushed back, lavishly praising and thanking the company, which saw sales jump and inquiries arrive from far and wide as to where its ice cream could be purchased.

The hashtag #IStandWithChapmans became the call to arms, and seldom was such a thing so delicious.

On its website, Chapman’s is now promoting its “Holiday Moments Collection,” urging the sweet-toothed to “Enjoy a taste of the holiday in each and every bite.”

So, let’s add a tip of the old double-scoop ice-cream cone — waffle, if you please — to Chapman’s for its good corporate citizenship, community-minded initiatives and delightful products.

Long may you prosper.
For a failed presidential candidate, Bob Dole left a memorable pop culture impact

Dole will at least be remembered for the times Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons made fun of him

By Sam Barsanti

Bob DolePhoto: JOYCE NALTCHAYAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Bob Dole, who spent decades as a Republican Senator and ran for president against Bill Clinton in the ‘90s, died today. He was 98 and had been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer earlier this year. You can go elsewhere, like The New York Times, for an obituary that highlights his status as an “old soldier and stalwart of the Senate,” but here at The A.V. Club we believe it’s more appropriate to highlight the surprising impression that Dole left on popular culture—though it’s not surprising because it’s massive, it’s mostly surprising because it exists at all.

Dole wasn’t exactly a charismatic or easily likable figure (and he was a dedicated Trumper long before the Republican establishment embraced that horrific ideology), making him more like a John McCain type without the “I’m a maverick!”-streak that he liked to play up. Still, that made it easy for shows like Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons to poke fun at him.

Norm Macdonald’s impression on SNL was popular enough that Dole actually stopped by for a self-aware cameo in which Macdonald broke character and talked to him about potentially running for president again just so they could keep doing sketches about him falling down. Dole (or whoever ran his social media account) even marked Macdonald’s death earlier this year with a reference to the SNL impression.

Over on The Simpsons, Harry Shearer played Bob Dole opposite Phil Hartman’s Bill Clinton in the now-iconic “Citizen Kang” segment of Treehouse Of Horror VII. A before-it-was-cool satire of the kind of both-sides-ism we deal with a lot these days, the segment involved Clinton and Dole being replaced by aliens and then forcing the American people to still choose between two presidential candidates who will both… take over the world when elected.

Shearer’s Dole gets a couple of standout lines (“What the hell is this, some kind of tube?”), but the former presidential candidate’s greatest contribution to American culture will probably end up being Homer’s reaction to the election: “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”

The world's two top chess players are stuck in stalemate hell

The FIDE World Championship is currently entering Game 6 with zero wins for either competitor

By Andrew Paul
Thursday 1:00PM

It’s starting to get a bit awkward.Photo: GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP (Getty Images)

The FIDE Chess World Championship currently underway in Dubai is either a near-perfect showdown between two genius players in their prime, or an absolute hell collision between two immovable monoliths currently showing no signs of progress. Yesterday saw Game 5's conclusion end in a stalemate between the appropriately named reigning champ, Magnus Carlsen, and his aspiring usurper, Ian Nepomniachtchi...again. In fact, neither have one a single round so far, something that has somewhat enthralled the world of professional chess.

“While neither grandmaster has won a game, their match remains impressive in its own right: It appears to be the most accurate world chess championship ever played, the closest to achieving the game’s Platonic perfection,” explains Oliver Roeder of FiveThirtyEight.

Now, we’ll be totally honest with you: Contrary to our recent chess-related coverage, we aren’t the best chess players out there—we certainly don’t follow the professional sport with any regularity. A bit of additional reading reveals that nobody has actually “won” a world championship regulation match in over five years. But that said, this year’s bouts between Carlsen and Nepomniachtchi have been possibly the most accurate in championship history.

This is thanks in large part to players learning from supercomputer advancements that provide increasingly precise chess strategies and movements. Actual checkmates, when they do occur at this top tier, are generally owed to human error—but, as Roeder succinctly puts it, “these players simply haven’t made mistakes.”

Various solutions have been suggested to break the current chess championship cycle. The simplest change circulating for years now is to shorten the length of time each player has to make their move, thereby increasing the chances of human error and reaction. For his part, Carlsen supports the amendment, although his opponent reportedly isn’t on board for such a break from tradition. In any case, Game 6 is scheduled for tomorrow at 7am EST, so that should be a real nail biter (in the sense that people are waiting for something, anything at all to happen).
A decade of marketisation has left lecturers with no choice but to strike

The shake-up of universities has led to lower pensions, job insecurity and cuts to courses

‘Higher education is one of the most heavily casualised industries in the UK.’ A picket at University College London. 
Photograph: Guy Smallman/Getty Images

Sat 4 Dec 2021

Along with tens of thousands of university workers at 58 institutions across the UK, I have been on strike for three days this week over pensions, pay and conditions. For workers at Goldsmiths this national strike has fallen in the middle of an epic, local three-week strike of our own – over management proposals to sack 52 staff, as part of a cost-cutting plan financed by big banks.

The national action and our local strike are connected: the factors that led to a vote for strike action by more than 70% of University and College Union (UCU) members nationally are the same ones that have produced a dramatic confrontation at Goldsmiths. Indeed, the situation at Goldsmiths, a small University of London college specialising in arts, humanities and social sciences, could be a window on to the future of higher education nationally: a future of casualisation, swingeing cuts and the possibility of troubling interventions from financial institutions.

The national dispute encompasses a wide range of elements, the most high-profile of which is pensions: like public sector workers before them, university staff face an attack on our defined-benefit retirement schemes. The employer, Universities UK, is attempting to cut our pensions by more than 30%, using a reportedly flawed valuation taken at a low point in the economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic. The dispute amounts to a cluster of grievances over working conditions known as the “four fights”: pay, equalities, workload and casualisation. Higher education is one of the most heavily casualised sectors in the UK, with two-thirds of researchers and half of teaching staff employed on fixed-term (ie temporary) contracts.

For many younger academics it is casualisation that has spurred us to take action in the national dispute. I spent seven years on seven different casual contracts across three institutions before I got my first permanent position at Goldsmiths this summer. Many of these contacts are desperately low paid; at times I was taking home just £2,000 a year from teaching, and having to work three jobs to survive. But it is also the insecurity that is crippling: it is impossible to plan your career trajectory and life in general without knowing if you’ll be in work next year. Casualised staff are also the first to be laid off in a crisis: Goldsmiths attempted to release nearly 500 of us at the start of the pandemic last spring, though we fought back.

On the picket line at Leeds University: ‘I will strike for as long as it takes’

Read more

The national dispute is the result of what has been called “a decade of marketisation” in higher education. And it is marketisation – the move to turn education from a public service into a commodity – that laid the conditions for our local dispute at Goldsmiths. The overhaul of higher education funding in 2010 by the coalition government, particularly the removal of most direct government funding for courses, meant universities became heavily reliant on the volatile and unpredictable stream of income from student tuition fees. Humanities departments outside of the elite universities have been under pressure ever since, with several (such as politics and history at Kingston) being shut down altogether. Universities have sought to cut staff costs through redundancies and increased use of casualised contracts.

The 2010 reforms also empowered a new generation of university senior managers who see their role as combining “streamlining” and cost-cutting measures with management speak about social justice and inclusion. Goldsmiths’ senior management is archetypal in this respect, with the warden, Frances Corner, dressing up a 2019 plan to axe staff as part of a mission to “secur[e] our legacy as a beacon of progressive, critical thought and in the vanguard of social justice”.

Goldsmiths’ latest move in this direction involves a plan to cut 52 jobs across professional services, English and creative writing, and history courses, centralising administration and likely cutting courses in the process. An alarming aspect of the plan is the mooted role of the banks: Lloyds and NatWest are thought to have insisted on reductions in staff costs as a condition of loans given to the university. If this is the case, it raises the worrying prospect of private banks dictating terms to a public university: an eerie echo of Gary Shteyngart’s 2010 novel Super Sad True Love Story, which imagined a character “studying art & finance at HSBC-Goldsmiths”.

The possibility of an alliance of cost-cutting senior management and finance capital has provoked a heartening response from a militant union branch and a politicised student body: 86% of Goldsmiths’ UCU members, on a 70% turnout, voted to strike. The three-week period of industrial action has featured a varied programme of teach-outs run jointly by students and staff, a march on local branches of Lloyds and NatWest, and a huge solidarity rally addressed by former shadow chancellor John McDonnell.

Unless marketisation can be resisted at a national level, the situation at Goldsmiths – in which funding volatility linked to the 2010 reforms has allowed banks to exert influence – will become much more common. These are two struggles we have to win.

Jacob Mukherjee is a lecturer in media, communications and cultural studies, and co-secretary of Goldsmiths UCU
Opinion: Alberta's cuts to post-secondary education based on bad data

Author of the article:Trevor W. Harrison, Richard E. Mueller
Publishing date:Dec 04, 2021 • 
Members of multiple post-secondary unions for staff and students were protesting across Alberta including the Minister of Advanced Education's, Demetrios Nicolaides Constituency office in Calgary on Saturday, January 30, 2021. 

On April 29, 2021, the Alberta government released Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs, a document outlining a 10-year strategy for transforming the province’s post-secondary education system. Alberta 2030 purports to arise out of a report, commissioned by the government, from McKinsey and Company at a cost to taxpayers of $3.7 million. This report — financed by taxpayers — has still not been made public and the devil is often in the details.

In the tradition of “what is old is new again,” much of Alberta 2030 replicates part of the Klein government’s 1994 White Paper, New Directions for Adult Learning in Alberta. That paper also set out a 10-year plan for the province’s post-secondary system. Overshadowed by fiscal concerns, New Directions detailed plans for increased tuitions, more applied learning, and performance indicators, while also threatening collective bargaining and hinting at doing away with tenure.

These also form key elements of Alberta 2030, but like much of the UCP’s plans for spending (or rather lack thereof) it is sold to the public as necessary to deal with Alberta’s deficits and debt, and is supposedly indicative of the government’s taxpayer-friendly and fiscally responsible approach. In order to sell this broad package to the public, the UCP seems bent on convincing Albertans that their public services, post-secondary education in this case, are more costly than those in the three largest provinces — comparisons first made in the 2019 MacKinnon report.

Because that report is still cited in government documents as justification for the draconian public funding cutbacks to Alberta’s post-secondary institutions, it is important to know if its data is correct. If that data were misleading, would the public still stand for this attack on the province’s universities, polytechnics and colleges?

Our recent report shows the disparities between Alberta and her comparator provinces, as reported in MacKinnon (and repeated in other government documents that followed) are largely overstated. MacKinnon says Alberta spent between $5,000 to $15,000 more per student than the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Using 2018-19 Statistics Canada data, the most recent at hand, we were able to provide a better and more nuanced comparison of expenditures between Alberta’s publicly funded post-secondary institutions and their counterparts in these other jurisdictions.

Our analysis showed that per-student expenditures for university students in Alberta were not quite $4,000 more than in Ontario and Quebec but actually $2,700 less than British Columbia, figures much at odds with those cited in the MacKinnon report. Why this difference? Because MacKinnon lumps all institutions together and averages the expenditures system-wide. This is misleading. The big difference is found regarding expenditures per student at Alberta’s colleges and polytechnics which, relative to the three comparators, are a whopping $9,000 to $15,000 higher than in the other three provinces.

These differences are likely smaller today, given the Kenney government’s draconian cuts since 2019. The key point is that our data is more recent — and likely more accurate — than those in the MacKinnon report which continue to be used to justify government policy.

Alberta’s colleges are some of the province’s most expensive institutions per student. We expect research-intensive universities — those with expensive and specialized programs such as engineering and veterinary medicine — to be expensive, but small colleges with enrolments of less than 2,000 students and with multiple campuses often rival the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary in expenditures per student.

Is this a problem? Not necessarily. Many of these institutions were either established or expanded since the 1960s with the purpose of servicing remote locations and with other economic and social development goals in mind. This is far from a bad policy, but one that is costly and needs to be considered when making budget decisions about the post-secondary system.

Our report makes several criticisms of Alberta 2030. One major one, however, is that the government misuses data — perhaps intentionally — in its attack on Alberta’s post-secondary education system. Good data makes for good policy. The government is using outdated and misleading data for an assault on post-secondary education disguised as fiscal prudence. Why? We will have more to say about this in future op-eds.

Trevor W. Harrison is professor of sociology and Richard E. Mueller is professor of economics, both at the University of Lethbridge.

Use of NDAs has created 'culture of silence and fear' on UPEI campus, former prof says

Multiple sources say non-disclosure agreements used to

 silence harassment allegations

A university campus is no place for non-disclosure agreements that prevent victims of harassment from speaking out and warning others, women's advocates say. (Wayne Thibodeau/CBC)

The University of Prince Edward Island has used non-disclosure agreements to create "a culture of silence and fear" on campus, resulting in a toxic workplace where staff would sooner leave the province than speak out, says a former professor.

Kate Tilleczek, who served as the Canada Research Chair in Child/Youth Cultures and Transitions at UPEI before leaving the institution in 2018, said she supported three women who ended up signing non-disclosure agreements, or NDAs, after they came forward with complaints of sexual harassment on campus. 

For that, Tilleczek said she herself experienced retaliation from university administration.

"I don't think a post-secondary institution is any place for an NDA," said Tilleczek, who's now an instructor at York University in Toronto.

"We're there for intellectual openness and freedom and discovery and innovation… and I don't see how NDAs have any place whatever."

In 2013, the university acknowledged it had reached settlement agreements with two employees who had filed complaints of sexual harassment with the P.E.I. Human Rights Commission. Those complaints centred around the conduct of university president Alaa Abd-el-Aziz, who has held his post since 2010.

Two settlements were reached in 2013 involving allegations against University of Prince Edward Island president Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, shown in this photo as the university was planning 50th-anniversary celebrations in 2019, (Brittany Spencer/CBC)

Neither the commission nor the university would provide specifics around the complaints — but at the time the chair of the UPEI Board of Governors, Tom Cullen, told the Charlottetown Guardian they involved inappropriate comments. As part of the settlement, the university said it couldn't comment on what costs or conditions were involved.

Tilleczek said a third settlement was reached with a former university student regarding the conduct of a professor — not the president — and she said all three settlements included NDAs.

No response from UPEI

CBC News asked the university multiple times about its use of NDAs — whether they had been used and in what circumstances, whether there is a policy to direct their use, and how much money has been included in related settlement agreements

The university did not provide a response.

CBC reached out to the three people believed to have signed the agreements, which in such cases require both parties to agree not to speak to others about what happened, and could involve compensation for what a victim has been through. Two responded to say they could not provide comment. The third person did not respond.

After the issue of non-disclosure agreements was raised in the P.E.I. legislature earlier this year, another person reached out to CBC to provide information similar to that provided by Tilleczek. She described being harassed herself at UPEI. Fearing retaliation, she did not make a formal complaint. (CBC has agreed to protect her identity.)

People are afraid to speak out and the university is using public and student money to do this.- Woman who says she was harassed at UPEI

NDAs "are being used to silence victims of harassment and to protect the most senior [staff]," the woman told CBC.

She said some staff "have been workplace bullied and left and took the NDA because they needed the money. People are afraid to speak out and the university is using public and student money to do this."

While working on this story, CBC contacted more than two dozen current and former students, faculty and staff.

Some said they had no knowledge of the university signing NDAs in cases of harassment. Others said they could neither confirm nor deny the practice. Some said they had a general understanding that NDAs had been included in one or more of the settlement agreements, while some said they had specific knowledge of one or more of the NDAs referenced in this story.

One staff person did say they had signed two NDAs, pledging to not disclose financial details and human resources information to which they were privy, as is common in large organizations.

Another pointed to confidentiality requirements written into the university's fair treatment policy. That policy requires complainants in cases of harassment and sexual harassment to maintain "the degree of confidentiality necessary to ensure… congenial and collegial relations among members of the University community."

Limits placed on future deals

A new law which passed unanimously in the P.E.I. legislature in November is set to make the province the first jurisdiction in the country to limit the use of NDAs in cases of discrimination and harassment when it comes into effect in May.

Most of the restrictions will affect only future NDAs, but the bill includes measures ensuring those who have signed NDAs in past cases of alleged harassment or discrimination are always free to speak about their experiences with health care professionals, law enforcement personnel and prospective employers.

Julie Macfarlane, a retired law professor with the University of Windsor and co-founder of a global campaign to end the use of non-disclosure agreements to silence victims, said their use has become "standard practice" in Canadian universities, "much as it has been standard practice for many years in the church" when it comes to allegations of sexual misconduct.

Julie Macfarlane has been campaigning for universities to stop condoning the use of non-disclosure agreements in harassment cases, calling it 'a discredited, immoral practice.' (Submitted by Julie Macfarlane)

NDAs allow offenders to be shuffled between institutions while preventing any warning from being issued to potential victims on the receiving end, Macfarlane says.

"I mean this is something that is absolutely common sense to women who've experienced sexual harassment," she said. "You do want to be able to say to another woman who is working with the same person… 'You need to be careful around this person. You need to be careful about being alone with this person.'

"That's what NDAs are stopping us doing."

Silence interferes with healing: council

The P.E.I. Advisory Council on the Status of Women says NDAs further harm victims of harassment by silencing them.

"Any resolution that does not allow someone to continue to speak about their experience and access the help that they need continues the harm," said Jane Ledwell, the council's executive director.

'Any resolution that does not allow someone to continue to speak about their experience and access the help that they need continues the harm,' says Jane Ledwell, the executive director of the P.E.I. Advisory Council of the Status of Women, of non-disclosure agreements. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)

Ledwell said survivors should be able to decide for themselves whether to talk about their stories.

"The survivor who is cut off from their own story and unable to share it loses the opportunity for healing and restoration within the community," she said.

Ledwell said there's an imbalance of power when an institution enters into a legal agreement with an individual who may have been a victim of abuse, and it's up to institutions to ensure that imbalance of power "not be used as power over someone to silence them into the future."

Allegations of retribution

Tilleczek said she believes she faced retribution for supporting the women who filed complaints about sexual harassment on the UPEI campus.

Kate Tilleczek, shown in a 2016 file photo, provided support for three women who signed non-disclosure agreements during her time at UPEI. (CBC)

As an example, she said university administrators on two separate occasions tried to move her research lab from Dalton Hall into a basement location. The second time, she said, the decision was made without telling her, and was overturned only when the university's vice president of research intervened. 

Tillleczek said the victims themselves also became targets of retaliation from university administration; one had a sabbatical denied. 

Tilleczek said all three victims left the campus, and that retaliation was a factor in her own decision to leave in 2018.

"Why would one stay in a position in a place that allows such harassment and toxicity to go unchecked?" said Tilleczek. 

"It does affect you. It affects your kind of pride in place, particularly in the institution. And you're kind of concerned that could happen to other people, to other women when there are NDAs, and this then buys silence [to protect] the persons who are harassing.

"It switches the culture in a way that for women doesn't really feel safe or welcoming at all."

'Clearing of the air' needed

Through the campaign "Can't Buy My Silence," Macfarlane is calling on UPEI and all universities "to release everybody whom they have currently given a non-disclosure agreement to."

She's also asking for universities to declare they will no longer use NDAs "when we're dealing with cases that affect the safety of our employees and students, and those in other universities where they might subsequently work."

Macfarlane says she believes that once one university "is brave enough to stand up and say: 'This is a discredited, immoral practice and we won't do it any longer,' that that will put pressure on other universities — I hope — to follow suit."

The silence and the complicity that went on, and perhaps still goes on at the University of Prince Edward Island... should be spoken about.- Kate Tilleczek

Tilleczek said UPEI should reach out to the victims who signed NDAs and make it clear it will not pursue legal action if they choose to tell their stories.

"I think there should now be a clearing of the air," she said. "This new bill provides a way forward to open up some of those discussions."

Tilleczek suggested an external third party could facilitate such a process.

"The silence and the complicity that went on, and perhaps still goes on at the University of Prince Edward Island… should be spoken about."

CEO Feels Terrible About Laying Off 900 Employees Over Video Chat, Does It Anyway

"If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off," mortgage lender CEO Vishal Garg said.

By Jason Koebler
On the Clock

On the Clock is Motherboard's reporting on the organized labor movement, gig work, automation, and the future of work.

“This is the second time in my career I’m doing this and I do not want to do this. The last time I did it, I cried; this time I hope to be stronger,” Garg says early in the video, before noting that he is laying off "about" 15 percent of the company’s workforce just before the holidays. More than a minute into the call, Garg says, “If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off. Your employment here is terminated effective immediately.”

Garg says in the video that he wishes that the company “was thriving as enthusiastically as we were at the beginning of this year, but that that’s not the case.” He then adds that he is sure that laid-off employees “will leave us and be more successful, more fortunate, and luckier in your next endeavor. I wish you all the best of luck.”

There is, of course, no good way to lay people off, but what makes this video particularly brutal is Garg's focus on his own feelings, rather than those of his employees; his repeated invoking of laid-off employees’ bad "luck"; and, most strikingly, that it has the look and feel of an “if you’re watching this, I’m already dead” video. The twist, of course, is that Garg is fine and his employees are not.

‘F—k you, dude’: Startup valued at $7B gets flack as CEO lays off hundreds over Zoom

Joshua Bote, SFGATE
Dec. 3, 2021

Just days after receiving a $750 million cash infusion, a tech startup that Forbes branded in October as a “unicorn,” valued at $7 billion, laid off hundreds of employees in a manner that some online deemed “brutal.”, a digital mortgage lender with offices in Oakland, laid off 900 employees weeks before Christmas on a mass Zoom call. Only those being laid off were invited. It is a stark tidal shift for the company, which announced it was going public earlier this year.

“I come to you with not great news,” CEO Vishal Garg said in the video, which has since circulated on TikTok and YouTube. “The market has changed, as you know, and we have to move with it in order to survive.”

“This isn’t news you’re gonna wanna hear, but ultimately it was my decision and I wanted you to hear it from me,” Garg added. “The last time I did this, I cried. This time, I hope to be stronger.”

But he gets back to business seconds later, telling those in the Zoom call that they were the ones to be laid off. (A spokesperson for the company later clarified to SFGATE that only 9% of employees were laid off. The discrepancy between Garg's and the official company percentage remains unclear.)

“If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off,” Garg said, citing “market efficiency, performances, productivity” among the reasons for the layoffs.

The person recording the video is seemingly furious. “F—k you, dude,” he says as Garg announces this news.

Garg also offered his hopes that those who got laid off would be “more successful, more fortunate, and luckier in your next endeavor.”

But recently received a substantial cash infusion from its backers. Chief Financial Officer Kevin Ryan said in an internal email, which TechCrunch obtained, that the firm would have “$1 billion of cash on the company’s balance sheet,” thanks to SoftBank and Aurora Acquisition. The company also hired 7,000 people during the pandemic, reported Business Insider.

Meanwhile, Ryan said in a statement sent to SFGATE, “Having to conduct layoffs is gut wrenching, especially this time of year, however a fortress balance sheet and a reduced and focused workforce together set us up to play offense going into a radically evolving homeownership market." CEO Fires Employees In A Cold One-Way Video Announcement

Jack Kelly
Senior Contributor
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Shot of a stressed businesswoman with headache in the office after hearing the bad news 

Running a business isn’t easy. Sometimes market forces work against you, and the company doesn’t do well. In trying times, you see who is a real leader. They should stand strong and show empathy towards the employees who are impacted by the unfortunate turn of events.

Vishal Garg, CEO of ‘unicorn’ mortgage lender startup—after receiving a $750 million cash infusion with a valuation of around $7 billion—bluntly informed his 900 employees that a large number of people will be fired in a cold, awkward one-way video announcement, Thursday.

Looking visibly uncomfortable, Garg said that 15% of the workforce would be laid off. In a monotone voice he said, “This is the second time in my career I’m doing this and I do not want to do this. The last time I did it, I cried; this time I hope to be stronger.”

During the holiday season, it's standard company practices to hold off on bad news such as mass terminations. Instead of waiting some weeks for the staff to enjoy family and friends during the holiday season, Garg dropped the bombshell announcement, “If you’re on this call, you are part of the unlucky group that is being laid off. Your employment here is terminated effective immediately.”

In a video version of the termination call, a presumed disgruntled employee cursed out the CEO saying “F*ck you, dude,” over the announcement. Garg did say, “I wish you all the best of luck,” in their new endeavors.

Kevin Ryan,'s CFO, said in a statement that the company only laid off 9 percent of its employees, and “Having to conduct layoffs is gut-wrenching, especially this time of year, however a fortress balance sheet and a reduced and focused workforce together set us up to play offense going into 

This is not the first time people were let go via a one-sided or cold video announcement. Back in May, 2020, at the early stages of the Covid-19 outbreak, ridesharing app company Uber announced the layoff of 3,500 employees, representing 14% of its workforce. In a sign of the times, with employees working from home, Uber informed the job-loss casualties via an online Zoom call.

The head of Uber’s customer service office, Ruffin Chevaleau, told workers that today was their last day at the company. Chevaleau soberly shared that Uber’s business was hit hard. The company’s business dropped by over 50%. She said, "With trip volume down, the difficult and unfortunate reality is there is not enough work for many front-line customer support employees."

Chaveleau added, "As a result, we are eliminating 3,500 front-line customer support roles. Your role is impacted and today will be your last working day with Uber." Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said of the downsizing, "We're focused on navigating through this crisis that absolutely leaves us in a stronger position, as the world starts to recover." Khosrowshahi announced that he will be forsaking his base salary.

Scooter-sharing startup Bird fired 406 employees in April, 2020 via a “Black Mirror” style video. The unsuspecting workers were asked to log into a one-way Zoom call, after being informed that all other appointments were cancelled. A disembodied voice read a script informing the person that they’ve been laid off. Their Slack and other accounts were shut off and given end dates.

24 Hour Fitness, a privately held national chain of about 430 gyms with 22,000 workers, fired employees via a phone call. The gym’s Chief human resources officer, Tami Majer, sent an email to workers asking them to participate in a phone call to discuss “important company updates,” indicating that they’ll be paid for their time. On the call, the employees were told that they’ve been let go. There wasn’t any in-depth discussion around severance packages, benefits or any other color provided as to what's going on.

Airbnb took a different, more enlightened approach to layoffs during the height of the virus outbreak. The company announced that it would downsize 25% of its workforce. Roughly 1,900 people out of the company’s 7,500 total workforce would lose their jobs. At the time, this was one of the largest layoffs that we’ve seen out of Silicon Valley due to the effect of the coronavirus outbreak. What’s different about Airbnb is the manner in which the company informed employees of its plans.

In a message to staff, Airbnb cofounder and CEO Brian Chesky said, “Some very sad news. Today, I must confirm that we are reducing the size of the Airbnb workforce.” Chesky then advised his employees that he will be transparent and offer details, so that everyone is fully aware of what’s happening.

He was forthright and didn't try to spin the narrative, as he stated, “We are collectively living through the most harrowing crisis of our lifetime, and as it began to unfold, global travel came to a standstill. Airbnb’s business has been hit hard, with revenue this year forecasted to be less than half of what we earned in 2019. In response, we raised $2 billion in capital and dramatically cut costs that touched nearly every corner of Airbnb.”

He also assured the staff that the “decisions are not a reflection of the work from people on these teams.” Chesky thanked his employees by saying, “We have great people leaving Airbnb, and other companies will be lucky to have them.” The chief executive promised that the company will take care of those that are leaving. “We have looked across severance, equity, healthcare and job support and done our best to treat everyone in a compassionate and thoughtful way,” Chesky added.

His message also said, “Employees in the U.S. will receive 14 weeks of base pay, plus one additional week for every year at Airbnb. Tenure will be rounded to the nearest year. For example, if someone has been at Airbnb for three years and seven months, they will get an additional four weeks of salary, or 18 weeks of total pay.” Twelve months of health insurance will be covered through COBRA.

It's important to demonstrate compassion and understanding, as being let go is a traumatic experience. The impacted employees are worried about their financial situation, scared about trying to quickly find a new job, concerned that companies may perceive the firing as if they did something wrong, the loss of identity that’s tied up with your job, and missing the camaraderie of close workmates.

Real leadership is needed in a time of crisis. It's important to show empathy in sharing the bad news. Have everything ready for the impacted workers such as insurance coverage, date of departure, severance packages, recommendation letters, introductions to recruiters who could help with finding new jobs. Actively listen to the staff who are part of the downsizing, and take actions to help them through this difficult transitionary period. CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

Post author By admin

Post date December 4, 2021 CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

2 days ago ·, the SoftBank-backed mortgage startup with a wildly temperamental founder, laid off roughly 10 percent of its workforce today, or about 900 people in the United States and India ... CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

Dec 01, 2021 · Meredith Corp. is being accused of exploiting laid off workers and stiffing them on pay for working on Ayesha Curry's quarterly Sweet July magazine.
Advertisements CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

Nov 20, 2021 · Time’s Up CEO Exits as Most of Staff Laid Off: ‘This Is a Needed Reset, Not a Retreat’ Interim president Monifa Bandele has left the scandal-marred organization just two months after CEO ... CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

May 15, 2021 · The CEO of Kroger, America’s largest grocery store chain, has been criticised for receiving a record $22.4million in compensation after … CEO attacks laid off employees, accusing them of ‘stealing’ by working only two hours daily

Oct 17, 2021 · In 2020, Smith laid off some 1,500 of the 9,000 employees that worked across the company's roughly 100 dealerships. Now, salespeople are moving around 18 cars per month, double the 8-10 they were ...

1.Amazon (company)

Kingdom. In 2001, 850 employees in Seattle were laid off by after a unionization drive. The Washington Alliance of Technological Workers (WashTech) (company)


pandemic in North America, with employees and social media users accusing the company of placing its business ahead of the safety of its staff and customers,

3.JPMorgan Chase

how their CEOs are compensated in comparison with their employees. In public filings, companies have to disclose their "Pay Ratios," or the CEO's compensation Chase

IWGB union says Lockwood Publishing layoffs are illegal

Worker's group says management did not provide adequate consultation for cuts to 33 positions

Jeffrey Rousseau
Staff Writer
Friday 3rd December 2021
Lockwood Publishing

Today the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain called recent layoffs at Lockwood Publishing unlawful.

The IWGB said workers have negotiated with management for weeks about layoffs of about 17% of the company (33 of 200 positions placed at risk) and are going public as "management refuses to engage with the workers seriously."

The IWGB says that with layoffs of this scope employers are required to have collective consultations before proceeding, and it alleges that Lockwood has not done that.

In a press release the employee group said, "Mobile games developer Lockwood Publishing has been conducting an unlawful redundancy process, repeatedly flouting employment law."

It added, "When placing this number of employees at risk of redundancy, a corporation is obligated by law to conduct collective consultations as laid out in the legislation, which Lockwood has failed to do, disregarding the basic rights of its employees."

The IWGB has demanded Lockwood Publishing "abide by employment law, recognize their union and initiate a fair process."

The press release also calls attention to the company's finances, specifically $25 million in funding it secured from Tencent just last year. has reached out to Lockwood for comment.

Mobile Game Publisher Lockwood Accused Of "Flouting Employment Law"


The studio behind mobile game Avakin is said to be secretly laying off its staff, and not even letting them say goodbye to coworkers.

Lockwood Publishing, best known for the popular mobile game Avakin Life, is facing accusations of breaching employment law. This comes from the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain (IWGB), a trade union that represents game workers. This comes despite a big Tencent partnership, and the CEO making over $300,000 a year.

According to the allegations, Lockwood is trying to lay off 33 out of a workforce of 200. Employees are said to have their workplace IT accounts suddenly disabled without warning, before being told they are at risk of redundancy. IWGB says the workforce has not been consulted about this high number of layoffs, which would be a breach of employment law.

RELATED:"Change Will Not Come From The Goodness Of CEO's Hearts", Unions Blast Abusive Conditions In The Gaming Industry

"One day without any previous notice, HR called us into an agendaless meeting", said one anonymous employee. "We were told we were at risk of redundancy but not given any real explanation as to why. Some people had their work accounts deactivated within minutes and were told they couldn’t say goodbye to their co-workers".

This all comes despite a $25 million cash injection last year, courtesy of Tencent. The redundancies are also bizarre given the popularity of metaverse games like Avakin Life over lockdown, which has seen the game reach seven million monthly users, across 250 million accounts.

It was also found that the company's CEO makes £360k, leading many to question if these redundancies are truly necessary.

In response to the lack of transparency regarding such a high amount of employees facing job loss over the holidays, Lockwood workers formed their own union and affiliated with IWGB.

"We are asking management at Lockwood Publishing to halt this unlawful and illegitimate process of redundancies and avoid costly legal and reputational damage in the process", said a representative of The Lockwood Union. "No one should be sacked at Christmas, especially when there are clear alternatives available. Ultimately, we all want the same thing: we want a flourishing organisation that we are proud to work for. To do that, senior management at Lockwood have to start listening to their workers". The union goes on to compare the case to that of Activision Blizzard and Ubisoft, who face their own workplace abuse allegations.

Lockwood Publishing is yet to respond to the allegations.