Thursday, May 05, 2022

World Bank Reviews Alleged Abuses by Cambodian Microlenders

Gavin Finch and David Kocieniewski
Thu, May 5, 2022, 

(Bloomberg) -- The World Bank is reviewing a complaint by two Cambodian human rights groups alleging that microlenders backed by the development bank’s financing arm have engaged in predatory debt-collection practices, including pressuring borrowers to sell their land.

The Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, or Licadho, and Equitable Cambodia accused the World Bank’s International Finance Corp. of failing to adequately vet six microlenders before committing to lend $400 million to the firms in the past five years. The complaint, filed with the IFC’s compliance ombudsman in February, alleged that money was used for projects that violated the bank’s exclusion list, which prohibits investments that involve child labor or infringe on indigenous peoples’ land rights.

“The IFC’s reckless investments and lack of due diligence regarding its microfinance projects have destroyed lives and wrecked communities across Cambodia,” Naly Pilorge, Licadho’s outreach director, said in a statement posted Tuesday on the group’s website. “They must take steps to offer real relief to these borrowers.”

The announcement came on the day Bloomberg News reported that the IFC and other development banks have invested hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds into microfinance companies that charge high interest rates and engage in aggressive collection practices in developing countries including Cambodia.

Cambodia is one of the only countries in which microlenders require borrowers to post collateral such as land titles. Licadho has documented dozens of cases in the past three years in which women have been coerced into selling their land and homes to repay microlenders funded by the IFC. In a 2019 report, the group alleged numerous other human rights abuses linked to microfinance, including debt-driven migration, children being taken out of school to earn money and bonded labor.

A spokesperson for the IFC’s Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, or CAO, confirmed that an assessment was underway “to clarify the issues raised in the complaint.” The CAO, the spokesperson said, has not determined the merit of the issues and isn’t conducting an investigation of any microlenders at this point.

The IFC “will provide full support” to the CAO during its assessment, said Elena Gex, a spokeswoman for the development bank. She said the IFC “works with its clients to promote responsible lending practices in the microfinance industry.”

The IFC previously told Bloomberg it had received assurances from government regulators that there hadn’t been any forced land sales in Cambodia. It said that it vets all recipients according to strict guidelines regarding responsible finance, particularly in overheated markets like Cambodia. “We have become much more selective about who we do business with in Cambodia” and have stopped funding some lenders, said Martin Holtmann, an IFC microfinance official, declining to identify which lenders were cut off.

Two of the companies cited in the Bloomberg story and named in the complaint are LOLC Cambodia and Prasac. In March, the IFC said it would lend Prasac as much as $50 million, according to the development bank’s website. LOLC Cambodia has received tens of millions of dollars from the Microfinance Enhancement Facility, which counts the IFC as a major shareholder and co-founder.

LOLC Cambodia said in a statement that it welcomes IFC “to conduct an independent verification of these allegations and will provide our fullest corporation.” The company said it wasn’t “involved in human rights violations including coerced land sales.” Prasac didn’t respond to a request for comment.

“The IFC already has systems set up to prevent harm,” said Natalie Bridgeman Fields, founder and director of Accountability Counsel, an organization that supports communities harmed by international finance. “To meet its mission, and to respect the rights of communities, the IFC must not only follow its own rules, but also adopt a long-overdue remedy framework to address harm people experience when those rules are broken.”
Lou Coatney: Russia now left with no choice but nuclear war

Lou Coatney
Tue, May 3, 2022

The Register-Mail

I was a junior in Rock Island Senior High during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when we almost did have a nuclear war with Russia then, but this is infinitely worse, with weapons far more powerful and instantaneous and computerized retaliation systems like Russia’s Dead Hand.

In Juneau in the '80s, I strongly defended national defense and nuclear deterrence when we were on the defensive, but we have since become the aggressor. In 1992, I was at Gorbachev’s end of the Cold War speech at Westminster College in Missouri, and we were all so happy the fear was OVER, and we could welcome the Russians as the friends they wanted to be.

Instead, our “liberal/humanitarian interventionists” and “neoconservatives” — the revolution, coup-, and war-spreading opposite of conservative who are utopians like their older members were once openly Trotskyists — have since wrecked everything: Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine/Russia.

Ukraine war: 'It's heartbreaking': Former Galesburg resident reflects on invasion of her native Ukraine

In 1999 we broke our promise — documented — not to push NATO east, when we added Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Russia-hating Poland. Then, we forced our Kosovo bombing war on the Serbs with Rambouillet Appendix B which made betrayed and enraged Russian democrat Boris Yeltsin turn Russia back over to its national security community: Putin.

See George Shultz’s Dec. 11, 2020, Washington Post column about the Russians’ trust we had and threw away.

In 2014 we broke our Budapest peace agreement with the Russians with our Kyiv coup — not a “revolution” for four obvious, objective reasons — threatening them at their throats with NATO which became an aggressor with Kosovo and then Libya — no longer a legitimate defensive alliance.

In 2016 was a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — World War 3 then. In the final 2020 debate, Kristen Welker wouldn’t ask Biden the most dangerous question and issue: whether he would push for adding Ukraine to NATO as he has long wanted.

By Nuremberg starting/causing a war is the worst war crime of all, begetting all the war crimes which follow. And Biden and Blinken stubbornly and decisively opposing the Russians getting the security treaty they need (and we owe them after our broken promises/agreements) caused this war, making them at least as responsible for any war crimes which have happened.

Zelensky himself specifically triggered the war when — pumped up by the Europeans at Munich — he indicated Ukraine would be open to getting nuclear weapons. The next day, the Russia invaded.

It was always known the Russians could not win a conventional war with us/NATO which this now is. Just as we left them with no choice but war, they are now left with no choice but nuclear war.

The Russians have real civil defense and some chance of survival. We do not, except for our war-eager elites, of course.

Ukraine opinion: Roundtable: What U.S. actions in Ukraine would you support?

Parents and grandparents should be strongly telling Congress that we do not want nuclear war and that it/they should instead be pushing Ukraine to sign a treaty to end this Ukraine War, before it becomes the nuclear holocaust my generation has always lived in dread of.

I cannot believe this is happening, and I deeply fear for my children and grandchildren.

Lou Coatney was born in Galesburg and grew up in Rock Island. He was a volunteer U.S. Army draftee in NATO in West Germany. His WIU thesis about the 1940 Katyn Massacre (and others) as a Cold War issue can be read on ibiblio. He is a retired Carl Sandburg College librarian over in Norway for his two younger Norwegian-American children.

This article originally appeared on Galesburg Register-Mail: Ukraine invasion: Russia now left with no choice but nuclear war
China Orders Government, State Firms to Dump Foreign PCs

Bloomberg News
Thu, May 5, 2022,

(Bloomberg) -- China has ordered central government agencies and state-backed corporations to replace foreign-branded personal computers with domestic alternatives within two years, marking one of Beijing’s most aggressive efforts so far to eradicate key overseas technology from within its most sensitive organs.

Staff were asked after the week-long May break to turn in foreign PCs for home-made alternatives that run on operating software developed domestically, people familiar with the plan said. The exercise, which was mandated by central government authorities, is likely to eventually replace at least 50 million PCs on a central-government level alone, they said, asking to remain anonymous discussing a sensitive matter.

The decision advances China’s decade-long campaign to replace imported technology with local alternatives, a sweeping effort that covers everything from semiconductors to networking gear and phones. It’s likely to directly affect sales by HP Inc. and Dell Technologies Inc., the country’s biggest PC brands after local champion Lenovo Group Ltd.

Lenovo erased losses to climb as much as 5% on Friday morning in Hong Kong, while software developer Kingsoft Corp. also recouped its earlier decline to gain 3.3%. On mainland Chinese exchanges, Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., a Chinese server maker, gained 6% while peer Dawning Information Industry Co. jumped more than 4%.

The replacement effort reflects Beijing’s growing concerns around information security as well as a confidence in homegrown hardware: the world’s biggest laptop and server makers today include Lenovo, Huawei Technologies Co. and Inspur Ltd., while local developers such as Kingsoft and Standard Software have made rapid strides in office software against the likes of Microsoft Corp. and Adobe Inc.

The campaign will be extended to provincial governments later and also abide by the two-year timeframe, the people said. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and State Council Information Office didn’t respond to faxed requests for comment.

China has been encouraging use of home-made IT products in government agencies for at least a decade, regularly barring certain products from government procurement lists. In response, U.S. IT giants such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. and Microsoft have set up joint ventures with firms backed by the Chinese government, to secure orders from the richest state-owned companies.

That process has long been dogged by inadequacies in Chinese-developed software and circuitry, forcing users to rely on imported equipment. That changed in recent years, as local champions such as Inspur and Lenovo gained global market share, though their products still rely on cutting-edge American components such as processors from Intel Corp. or Advanced Micro Devices Inc. As of Friday, HP-branded machines were still available for purchase on a website used by central government procurement bodies, though it’s unclear if transactions would go through.

The latest central government directive is likely to cover only PC brands and software, and exclude hard-to-replace components such as processors from Intel and AMD, the people said. China will mostly encourage Linux-based operating systems to replace Microsoft’s Windows. Shanghai-based Standard Software is one of the top providers of such tools, one person said.

Certain agencies, including state-owned media and cybersecurity bodies, may continue to buy advanced foreign equipment under special permits as they always have, one of the people said. That permit system could be tightened in future, the person said.
Dolphin found tangled in illegally-placed fishing net off Texas coast, officials say

U.S. Coast Guard District 8

Kaitlyn Alanis
Wed, May 4, 2022, 5:00 PM·1 min read

A bottlenose dolphin was tangled up in a fishing net that is illegal in Texas waters, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Fortunately, someone in a charter boat spotted the dolphin and called for help.

Crews with Coast Guard Station South Padre Island were called to the net at about 10:30 a.m. May 4, according to a news release from the agency.

Alongside the dolphin were 10 bonnethead sharks, a blacktip shark, 20 catfish and a redfish, officials said.

“This incident clearly exemplifies the negative impacts of illegal fishing gear used in U.S. waters,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Drew Ferguson, a Station South Padre Island boarding officer, in the news release. “Not only does it impact marine life, but the entire ecosystem as a whole. Thankfully, we were able to free the dolphin and remove the gillnet before it trapped and killed any additional marine life.”

Gillnets — “consisting of a wall of netting with mesh designed to trap fish’s head” — are a major cause of marine animal deaths, according to the Coast Guard. The nets are illegal in Texas waters.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries says gillnets are used to target fish including salmon, tuna and sea bass. They can also catch whales, dolphins, sea lions and other marine mammals.

If a marine mammal is tangled up for too long, officials say they can drown.

“A variety of regulations and factors determine the mesh size, length, and height of commercial gillnets, including area fished and target species,” according to NOAA.
Wildlife Photographer Captures Tender Moment Between Tiger Mom and Her Cubs in India

People Staff
Wed, May 4, 2022,

A British wildlife photographer recently captured a tiger mother tending to her cubs on camera.

Guide and conservationist Paul Goldstein spotted the striped feline family resting in the trees at Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India, during a visit in April.

Goldstein, from Wimbledon, England, believes the tiger mom was in the shade to escape the hot morning after a night of suckling her ten-week-old cubs.

"'I have worked with local guides in Bandhavgarh for well over 20 years. My dear friend Pappu often jokes that mums keep their cubs from me," Goldstein told SWNS, adding that this changed "when we found the mother who initially looked tired. It was unsurprising as she had probably suckled several times in the night, and although early, it was fearfully hot."

Goldstein and the group with him spotted four cubs with the adult female tiger.

"My group was ecstatic, as was I. To watch them cuddle their mother's muzzle would move even the most cold-hearted," Goldstein said.

"It is hard enough for mum to raise four of them, but when you consider what is happening to tigers elsewhere, these kittens have a decent chance of reaching adulthood," he added.

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According to SWNS, the photographer is dedicated to conserving wildlife, especially tigers. In late May, he will run the Everest Marathon in Nepal in a tiger costume. This will be Goldstein's 20th time running a marathon in the outfit. He has raised hundreds of thousands for tiger conservation through these events.

"My charity campaign is called Worth More Alive, and they really are, which is why I will be running my final marathon in the rarefied air of Nepal on the 29th of this month, having trekked to basecamp," Goldstein said.

RELATED: Two Curious Wallaby Joeys Pop Out of Their Moms' Pouches for the First Time at English Zoo

"A man in his late fifties running a marathon 5,500 meters up, in a tiger suit, what could possibly go wrong? However, during the tougher moments, I will certainly be thinking of this gorgeous one-parent family," he added.
Rescue Group Working to Save Dozens of Golden Retrievers and Corgis from Slaughter in China

Kelli Bender
Tue, May 3, 2022

China Rescue Dogs is rushing to save a large group of canines from the slaughterhouse.

According to a release from the nonprofit, 46 adult golden retrievers, 22 corgis, and numerous golden retriever puppies are waiting in Shanghai, China, for a fresh start. The Shanghai Animal Rescue reached out to China Rescue Dogs for help after finding the canines at a breeding farm, which planned to sell the dogs to slaughterhouses and the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, per China Rescue Dogs.

"The living conditions at this dog breed farm are just awful," Jill Stewart, the president and founder of China Rescue Dogs, said. "It is heartbreaking that this breeder was going to just discard their entire inventory of dogs to be slaughtered. We had to do something. Doing nothing was not an option."

China Rescue Dogs started rescue efforts immediately after learning about the needy animals and has saved 29 golden retrievers and their puppies from the breeding farm. The dogs are resting and receiving vet care at a sanctuary where there is no risk of getting sent to the slaughterhouse.

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The nonprofit is now focused on moving the farm's remaining dogs to safety. Once all of the golden retrievers and corgis are out of harm's way, China Rescue Dogs will start finding homes for the pets in the U.S.

China rescue dogs

China rescue dogs

The rescue of the dogs at the breeding farm is more complicated than previous similar missions due to the COVID lockdown restrictions in Shanghai and the year-long ban the U.S. placed on the importation of dogs from over 100 countries in July 2021.

China Rescue Dogs told PEOPLE that WeatherTech and the company's founder and CEO, David MacNeil, have played a pivotal part in helping these dogs find safety.

RELATED: Mass. Animal Rescue Looking for Homes for 8 'Critically Endangered' Cows Saved from Neglect

Those interested in learning more about China Rescue Dogs' Shanghai rescue effort can stay updated on the nonprofit's Facebook page and website.



Brian Kilmeade Questions Why A Pregnant Woman Got An 'Important' Job

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade said he doesn’t understand why the government would give an important job to a pregnant woman.

On “Fox & Friends” Thursday morning, Kilmeade criticized the rollout of a new advisory board in the Homeland Security Department ― the Disinformation Governance Board ― which intends to counter the spread of Russian and other disinformation.

Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation expert who has managed programs for Russia and Belarus for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and advised the Ukrainian government, was appointed to lead the unit.

But for some reason, Kilmeade couldn’t understand why she was appointed.

“Then, we find out who is in charge of it ... Nina Jankowicz, who’s about eight-and-a-half-months pregnant, so I’m not sure how you get a job and then you just – you can’t do a job for three months,” he said.

“I’m not faulting her, but I don’t know why you would give someone a job that you think is so important.”

His co-host Ainsley Earhardt pushed back, asking, “How long has she had this job?”

“About two months, it looks like,” Kilmeade replied.

“Well, I’ll defend her on that one, Brian,” Earhardt said. “She has the right to have a baby and have maternity leave.”

It is illegal to discriminate based on pregnancy for any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, promotions and pay.

This is not the first time Kilmeade has attacked Jankowicz for getting a job while pregnant. “If you’re going to take over a brand new bureau, shouldn’t you not need maternity leave the first few weeks in?” he said last month.

Kilmeade has a history of making sexist remarks on air. In 2012, he said Fox News hires female hosts by checking the “Victoria’s Secret catalogue” and asking, “Can any of these people talk?” In 2020, referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, he said: “I’m not getting into gender, but she is emotionally losing it in every public event.”

Karine Jean-Pierre to replace Jen Psaki, becoming first Black woman and openly gay White House press secretary

·Senior White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON — Karine Jean-Pierre will make history by becoming the first Black woman, and first openly LGBTQ person, to hold the job of White House press secretary, President Biden announced on Thursday afternoon.

“Jill and I have known and respected Karine a long time and she will be a strong voice speaking for me and this Administration,” the president said in a statement.

Jean-Pierre will replace Jen Psaki, who was originally expected to serve for only the first year of Biden’s term. New coronavirus variants and the war in Ukraine kept her in the job for several months beyond that self-imposed limit.

“She is passionate. She is smart and she has a moral core that makes her not just a great colleague, but an amazing Mom and human. Plus, she has a great sense of humor,” Psaki said in a tweet of Pierre, now her top deputy in the White House press shop.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki (R) speaks flanked by current Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a press briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC, May 5, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki (R) speaks flanked by current Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during a press briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC, May 5, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

"Representation matters. She will give a voice to so many, and show so many what is truly possible when you work hard and dream big. And that matters. And we should celebrate that," Psaki said at the White House briefing on Thursday, while also touting Jean-Pierre's resume. "But I also want to make clear what all of her qualifications are. ... She comes to this job with decades of experience."

Psaki’s last day on the job will be next FridayMay 13. She is expected to join MSNBC as an on-air commentator.

Jean-Pierre will take over the podium at a crucial phase in the Biden presidency, with the congressional midterms nearing and a presidential reelection campaign looming.

During the 2020 presidential primary, Jean-Pierre worked for the campaign of then-Sen. Kamala Harris. She has been at the White House since the start of the Biden administration.

The 44-year-old daughter of Haitian immigrants will inherit a position that attracted intense scrutiny during the Trump administration. Psaki has tried to keep the White House briefings free of the kinds of dramatics that, during the Trump years, turned some journalists into celebrities.

Jen Psaki and Karine Jean-Pierre
White House press secretary Jen Psaki, right, with deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, in March. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Biden praised Psaki for “returning decency, respect and decorum to the White House Briefing Room.”

Some thought the job might go to White House communications director Kate Bedingfield, who filled in capably while Psaki was home with COVID-19 last month. The war in Ukraine also raised the profile of Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, and he was also rumored to be under consideration.

Biden also announced that Anita Dunn, a trusted adviser who last year returned to the private sector, was rejoining the White House.

Biden taps 1st Black woman, LGBT White House press secretary

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Thursday named Karine Jean-Pierre to be the next White House press secretary, the first Black woman and openly LGBTQ person to serve in the role. Incumbent Jen Psaki is set to leave the post next week.

Jean-Pierre takes on the role as the White House faces an uphill battle to help Democrats hold onto the House and Senate in this fall's midterm elections, and as the administration struggles to address Americans' concerns about soaring inflation and the state of the economy. She also comes into the job as Biden faces a daunting array of foreign policy challenges, including the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and North Korea's escalating nuclear testing program. Biden is set to visit South Korea and Japan later this month and Europe in June.

Biden is also bringing back longtime Democratic strategist Anita Dunn as his senior adviser. She had served in the Biden White House last year for several months after Biden was sworn into office.

“Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris administration on behalf of the American people," Biden said in a statement praising Jean-Pierre, who has served as his principal deputy press secretary since Inauguration Day.

Psaki, who leaves the White House on May 13, praised her successor as a “partner in truth,” noting the significance of the history-making appointment.

“Representation matters and she is going to give a voice to so many and show so many what is truly possible when you work hard and dream big," Psaki said.

Taking the lectern briefly while Psaki briefed the press Thursday, Jean-Pierre said she was “still processing” the significance of her hire, calling it “an honor and privilege to be behind this podium."

“This is a historic moment, and it’s not lost on me," she said. “It's a very emotional day.”

Psaki said Biden offered the job to Jean-Pierre Thursday in the Oval Office. White House staffers were gathered after the offer and greeted Jean-Pierre with applause, an official said. Two “warm bottles” of champagne were procured for a toast in White House paper cups, the official added, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the internal gathering.

Jean-Pierre had occasionally taken the lectern in the press briefing room instead of Psaki and more frequently held off-camera “gaggles” with reporters when Biden was traveling on Air Force One. She traveled with Biden to Europe last fall and in March instead of Psaki, who had tested positive for COVID-19 before both trips.

Before joining the Biden presidential campaign, Jean-Pierre was the chief public affairs officer of the progressive group and a former political analyst for NBC and MSNBC. She also worked in political affairs in the Obama White House and on his reelection campaign.

The press secretary is responsible for holding daily briefings with the news media and leading a department of more than a dozen staffers who help address queries from the press.

When she took the job, Psaki, who has two young children, said publicly she aimed to remain in the job for about a year. She is expected to join MSNBC later this year. She was expected to remain as the public face of the administration until her departure next Friday.

Biden said Psaki “has set the standard for returning decency, respect and decorum to the White House briefing room."

“I want to say thank you to Jen for raising the bar, communicating directly and truthfully to the American people, and keeping her sense of humor while doing so,” Biden said. "I thank Jen for her service to the country, and wish her the very best as she moves forward.”

Dunn is a partner at the Democratic consulting firm SKDK, and was a senior adviser on Biden's 2020 campaign and previously chief strategist and communications director for President Barack Obama. The White House said she is returning to “assist in advancing the President’s policy and communications objectives.”

Biden’s Team Eyes $125,000 Income 
Cut-off for Student Loan Relief

Jennifer Jacobs and Justin Sink
Tue, May 3, 2022,

(Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden is considering limiting his program to relieve student debt to Americans earning less than $125,000, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday.

Biden said last week he would soon take executive action to forgive some student debt. White House officials have previously said the plan would relieve at least $10,000 of debt per borrower, and that they expected the program would include income restrictions.

Psaki offered $125,000 as a possible threshold in a briefing for reporters traveling with the president to a weapons plant in Alabama.

The president has been prodded by progressives including Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren to forgive at least $50,000 per borrower, but Biden has said he won’t relieve that much debt by executive action. He proposed eliminating $10,000 per borrower during his presidential campaign.

The Biden administration has repeatedly extended a temporary freeze on student debt payments enacted shortly after the pandemic began in 2020.

White House aides have said the president hoped Congress would take legislative action on student debt relief, and that his team has been divided on the merits of broad forgiveness. Some deficit hawks have expressed concern that broad relief would worsen inflation already weighing heavily on Democrats’ political fortunes in November’s midterm elections.

Student loan forgiveness: McConnell 

decries 'student loan socialism'

as Biden mulls move

As President Joe Biden mulls enacting some student loan forgiveness, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) blasted him for even considering such a move.

“Student loan socialism would be a giant slap in the face to every family who sacrificed to save for college, to every graduate who paid their debt, to every worker who made a different career choice so they could stay debt-free,” McConnell said on the Senate floor on Thursday.

The prominent Republican added that instead of “trying to help middle-class families, Democrats are cooking up massive bailouts for Ivy League graduates. You can hardly dream up something more unfair.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) participates in a Pop-Up Conversation with Punchbowl News at the AT&T Forum on March 31, 2022 in Washington, DC.  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) participates in a Pop-Up Conversation with Punchbowl News at the AT&T Forum on March 31, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The president is reportedly considering forgiving at least $10,000 in federally-backed student debt for each borrower with income less than $125,000 or $150,000 as individual tax filers in the previous year (and double the amounts for couples filing taxes jointly).

McConnell argued that cancellation was a misguided policy with inflation pushing up household costs, noting that some American taxpayers who would be paying for the policy did not pursue higher education.

The longtime Republican leader also revisited a period of time in recent history when the president was reluctant to cancel debt via executive action.

“A little more than a year ago, President Biden was saying ‘I don’t think I have the authority to do it by signing with a pen,' McConnell stated, later adding: "But apparently, lackluster poll numbers have the president considering breaking the law and plowing ahead anyway.”

President Biden, who backed broad student loan forgiveness of $10,000 on the campaign trail in 2020 amid more generous proposals from then-rivals Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), had initially been reluctant to forgive student debt through executive action prior to recently.

Then-Vice President Joe Biden and Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell make their way to the House floor for President Obama's State of the Union address on January 12, 2016. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)
Then-Vice President Joe Biden and Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell make their way to the House floor for President Obama's State of the Union address on January 12, 2016. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)

“Democrats want construction workers, police officers, and small business owners in Kentucky to effectively eat the student loans of surgeons, corporate lawyers, and people in New York City who chose to borrow $180,000 for a master’s from the Columbia Film School with no plan whatsoever for paying it back,” McConnell said, seemingly referring to a 2021 Wall Street Journal report that spotlighted the high cost of graduate degrees such as a master's in film from the Ivy League institution.

Biden changed his tune, telling reporters on April 28: "I am considering dealing with some debt reduction. I am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. But I’m in the process of taking a hard look at whether or not there are going to — there will be additional debt forgiveness, and I’ll have an answer on that in the next couple of weeks."

Democratic lawmakers argue that canceling debt has much a more transformative effect than what Republicans believe.

"Democrats win when we deliver, and we have to deliver in ways that are impactful, tangible, and transformative, like canceling student debt," Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) said in a Yahoo Finance Presents interview (video above). "This is good policy, and it is also good politics."

‘I believe this is going to happen’: Warren says a minimum tax on corporations is still on table

·Senior Producer and Writer

The Democratic Party's effort to pass a social spending package, formerly known as Build Back Better, is now stretching into its second year with advocates still holding out hope it could happen via a slimmed down version in the months ahead.

On Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) suggested that there may be a consensus forming on how to at least pay for it.

During an event at the progressive Center for American Progress, Warren said that her push to impose a minimum tax on the income that corporations report to their shareholders — rather than their taxable income — remains a real possibility.

“We haven't gotten it all the way through, but anytime you've got something that you can raise revenue on and you've got a majority, I believe this is going to happen,” she said of her push of what she describes as an alternative minimum tax on so-called “book income”.

“We've got 50 Democrats ready to do this,” Warren claimed, before quickly adding a cautionary note. “So they said, I'll feel better when they vote.”

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) listens as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testifies during the Senate Banking Committee hearing titled
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during a Senate Banking Committee hearing in March. (Tom Williams/Pool via REUTERS)

This latest version of Warren’s idea, which she has been pushing since at least her 2020 presidential run, would raise more money from corporate America without changing the 21% corporate tax rate. Of course, the fate of the effort is likely to come down to moderate Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

Sinema, more so than Manchin, has been the most skeptical voice on tax increases, and she's killed previous White House efforts to enact new taxes on both the richest Americans and on corporations. But a corporate minimum tax has been one of the few areas for which she has expressed openness, though it remains unclear if she would be in favor of focusing on book income versus taxable income.

And while talks last winter included a corporate minimum tax and ended up failing, Todd Simmens, BDO National Managing Partner of Tax Risk Management, recently appeared on Yahoo Finance (video above) and predicted that some flavor of tax reform — either changes to the nominal rate or a corporate minimum tax — could still be in the offing. "I do think that the game isn't over yet,” he said, adding that each week as the midterms edge get closer and closer "the likelihood of substantial legislation, I think, fades."

Representatives for Sinema didn’t respond to Yahoo Finance request for comment.

'What really matters is asking why these divergences between book income and taxable income exist'

Warren’s push for this corporate minimum tax has long had its critics. As an early version of idea was being debated last year, the Tax Foundation wrote the idea would “misconstrue why there are differences between a corporation’s taxable income and book income,” arguing that lawmakers enacted the rules to create a gap for specific reasons — such as encouraging research & development (R&D) and spending money on renewable energy production — which lawmakers of both parties support and have identified as priorities.

"What really matters is asking why these divergences between book income and taxable income exist in the first place," Alex Muresianu, a Federal Policy Analyst at the Tax Foundation, said in an interview Thursday. If this were to be enacted, he said, "It would be pretty clear that the directional impact would be negative" when it comes to how much a company is willing to invest in things like R&D.

The renewed focus on the issue comes after a 2021 tax season that saw, once again, a range of America’s biggest companies avoiding the nominal rate of 21% on corporate income. Nineteen companies among the Fortune 100 paid a rate of less than 10% and 4 paid a negative tax rate on last year’s income through tax adjustments from prior years and being able to write off investments.

President Biden has been on board with the idea of a 15% minimum tax rate saying in his State of the Union address it’s “simply not fair” for corporations to avoid taxes. During the speech, Biden also said, “We got more than 130 countries to agree on a global minimum tax rate so companies can’t get out of paying their taxes at home by shipping jobs and factories overseas.”

During her remarks Wednesday, Warren also addressed the ongoing global effort, revealing that she had recently had lunch with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen where the issue came up. "We are very much pinkie-promised together," Warren said on coordinating a 15% minimum book tax domestically with an eventual global rate.

But negotiations on Capitol Hill remain very fluid with many previous efforts on a consensus bill falling short. Manchin recently threw another monkey wrench into the process by announcing support and holding meetings to try and pass the climate and energy provisions of the package via a separate bipartisan bill. Where that leaves changes to the corporate tax rate, which are a non-starter with Republicans, is unclear.

Ben Werschkul is a writer and producer for Yahoo Finance in Washington, DC.