Wednesday, July 27, 2022

From COVID care to cancer, there's a pattern to Danielle Smith's 'alternative' medical thoughts

UCP leadership candidate's health views aren't


But she doesn't need mainstream Alberta to 


From fellow conservatives and New Democrats, to cancer survivors and medical practitioners, Danielle Smith's comments that cancer before Stage 4 is 'controllable' have been roundly condemned. (Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)

It's not a candidate's ideal day on the campaign trail when one must issue a video that takes pains to assert that, no, you did not intend to besmirch cancer patients and survivors in your video from a few days ago.

Danielle Smith, who seems to lead the race to become United Conservative Party leader and then Alberta's premier in October, got into the factually-dubious murk in a lengthy campaign video discussion with a naturopath about cancer being preventable and "completely within your control" until the disease reaches Stage 4.

Outrage ensued from the NDP ("cruel and wrong," said Rachel Notley) and UCP leadership rivals ("irresponsible" — Travis Toews, "hurtful" — Brian Jean), as well as medical practitioners and those who've survived cancer or lost loved ones to it.

When Smith tried to clarify her comments, she didn't walk them back; rather, she reiterated that the "first three stages of cancer are more controllable in terms of what complete care is available to a patient," and insisted that mainstream medicine and naturopathy alike agreed with this point.

We can dissect these comments shortly, but know what's clearly more preventable? Getting into this sticky situation by injecting alternative or contrarian medical arguments into a political discussion.

But this is par for the course with Smith, going back a few years.

She said what? — a retrospective

Her Twitter feed was completely within her control in the early days of the COVID pandemic, when she used a single study and something she'd read on some blog to proclaim that "hydroxychloroquine cures 100 per cent of coronavirus patients within six days of treatment." That would later be proven quite wrong. The bosses of her AM talk radio show took action, and Smith apologized and deleted that tweet.

Smith later gained more control of her own messaging by leaving Global News' radio show. On an online podcast, she'd also give lengthy airing to doctors she reported she wasn't allowed to host on her mainstream program — men who doubted much of the science of COVID, including one who called it "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated."  She'd also advocate for wider use of ivermectin as coronavirus treatment, though it remained unapproved and would later be discredited and debunked.

A patient is prepared to undergo radiation therapy at a hospital in Kitchener, Ont. Oncologists treat cancer with radiation, chemotherapy or surgery at various stages of cancer, not only at Stage 4. (Provided by Grand River Hospital)

Her own apparent curiosity on the fringes of established medical science brought her here, well before Smith was in a leadership race and cultivating a base of the same sort of pandemic-rule skeptics and detractors who rose up against Premier Jason Kenney's leadership of the UCP. 

She now speaks often of the "vaccine choice movement," which would include anti-vaxxers and those forced reluctantly to get vaccines due to mandates. At a Calgary rally, she invited as her special guest Theo Fleury, the conspiracy-minded former hockey player who told her crowd the trauma from his sexual abuse was akin to the trauma of government pandemic rules.

Smith's supporters cheered for Fleury's message, and for hers.

These positions stray from the mainstream of Alberta opinion — and expertise — as does her "sovereignty act" proposal to stop enforcing in this province any federal laws a Premier Smith-led government deems run afoul of Alberta's jurisdiction.

But Smith doesn't need most Albertans to buy into her agenda. She just needs a select number, in the tens of thousands, to be UCP members by Aug. 12 and vote for her.

The whole reason she wound up gabbing for a full hour on video with a naturopath (including that bit about cancer being "controllable") was in support of her campaign promise to give every Albertan a $300 health spending account. 

Like the supplementary health benefit packages that some employers offer, residents could spend it on areas the publicly-funded system doesn't cover, like vision care, dental care, massage therapy — and (in some plans) naturopathy, a field that many conventional medicine experts say suffers from lack of evidence and pseudoscience, although it is a regulated profession in Alberta.

The former radio host's podcast-style interview of Calgary naturopath Christine Perkins is largely promotional and complimentary of her field. Smith even at one point muses that the Alberta government needs, alongside a chief medical officer of health like Dr. Deena Hinshaw, a chief of integrative medicine and a chief of functional medicine — two "alternative" fields to traditional medicine.

Naturopathy has served to offer questionable alternatives for people who doubt mainstream health care and COVID science. Perkins tells Smith her naturopathic regulatory college won't allow her to discuss COVID matters, which the politician says "concerns" her.

Sometimes, backlash follows political comments taken out of context. That doesn't appear to be the case here.

Danielle Smith posts a video July 25 to explain earlier remarks about early-stage cancer being 'completely within your control' for a patient. (Twitter/@daniellesmithAB)

Twenty minutes into their chat, Perkins says naturopaths are better than mainstream medicine practitioners at dealing with prevention, a point that physicians who preach good diets, non-smoking and sunscreen (as well as vaccines and face masks) would likely argue. Without discussing cancer stages specifically, the naturopath says she acknowledges the need for chemotherapy or surgery for patients with advanced cancer, but wonders what happened in the body to allow that tumour to form, and whether prevention was possible.

To which Smith says: "Once you've arrived and got Stage 4 cancer, and there's radiation and surgery and chemotherapy, that's an incredibly expensive intervention — not just for the system but also expensive in the toll it takes on the body. I think about everything that built before you got to Stage 4 and that diagnosis, that's completely within your control and there is something you can do about that that is different." Perkins replies: "Sure."

In a video Smith posted on Twitter four days later, she attributes the backlash almost solely to the NDP, and also attributes the statement she made to her naturopath interviewee:

"For over an hour, I listened to Dr. Perkins on her medical opinion, and she's quite correct. The first three stages of cancer are more controllable in terms of what complete care is available to a patient. But once you get to Stage 4, that's when the patient's less in control, and only traditional medicine, chemotherapy and radiation and surgery and other difficult therapies are available as a course of treatment. Naturopaths and Western medicine are in agreement on this and of course everyone knows it to be true, except apparently for the NDP."

Western medicine responds

The comments have both perplexed and infuriated cancer experts. There's consensus around the fact that some cancers are related to behaviours like smoking, diet and environmental exposure, but the relationship isn't always a straight line and many cancers have no clear root causes. 

A cancer's stage refers to its spread within the body. Recommended or required treatment can range more based on the type of cancer than the stage, says Dr. Christina Kim, a medical oncologist at Cancer Care Manitoba, and an associate professor at the University of Manitoba.

"We use radiation, chemotherapy, surgery or any combination of those in early stage disease, and we may also use them in Stage 4 disease," Kim says. "It's false to think early stage cancers can be cured without those things."

To Kim, Smith's repeated remarks about patient control sounded awfully like blaming the patient. 

"If you talked to any patient who has had cancer, I'm sure they would tell you that having a cancer diagnosis is not something they had control over."

In case it needs stating, Danielle Smith is not a doctor. She is a former political opposition leader, business group advocate, and a former radio broadcaster who has spoken to many doctors, ranging from those who have touted conventional life-saving medicine and those who have pooh-poohed it.

She is now running to lead Alberta's governing party and become premier, and to give more legitimacy to alternative health-care ideas — including her own — and those who promote them. That stands to excite some people, horrify others, and potentially change the way 4.4 million Albertans live, get sick and die.

Jason Markusoff
Opinion and Analysis Producer, CBC Calgary
Jason Markusoff analyzes what's happening — and what isn't happening, but probably should be — in Calgary and sometimes farther afield. He's written in Alberta for nearly two decades with Maclean's magazine, the Calgary Herald and Edmonton Journal. He appears regularly on Power and Politics' Power Panel and various other CBC current affairs shows. Reach him at

Braid: Danielle Smith turns her love of fringe views to cancer care

This mind in the premier’s office, having its way with modern medicine, could wreak havoc

Author of the article:Don Braid • Calgary Herald
Publishing date:Jul 25, 2022 • 

Danielle Smith speaks at a leadership campaign event on July 14. 
Bailey Seymour/Special to Postmedia
Article content

UCP leadership candidate Danielle Smith’s dabbles in quackery are sometimes almost funny. This one is dangerous.

Her bizarre statement about cancer care could encourage patients not to seek “mainstream” or “traditional” care until their cancer is at stage four. By which time, in many cases, the patients will die no matter what care they get.

If I’d followed her prescription, I might very well be dead, too. We’ll get to that.

Smith talked to a naturopath for an hour on a campaign video. The shared assumption was that mainstream medicine does little to foster wellness or prevent illness. For that, it seems, we must turn to alternate, non-traditional medicine.

False. AHS has many prevention and wellness programs. Physicians’ primary care networks routinely refer patients to nutritionists, mental health consultants and other specialties. Health care usually pays for initial appointments.

I have nothing whatever against naturopaths. They are an accepted, regulated profession in Alberta.

But Smith’s casual acceptance of counter-mainstream claims is downright creepy. This mind in the premier’s office, having its way with modern medicine, could wreak havoc.

Smith said: “Once you’ve arrived and got stage 4 cancer, and there’s radiation and surgery and chemotherapy, those are incredibly expensive interventions, not just for the system, but also expensive in the toll it takes on the body.

“I think about everything that built up before you got to stage 4 and that diagnosis, that’s completely within your control, and there’s something that you can do about that that is different.”

She later fudged this but did not back away from her statement.

The response on Twitter and other social media was incandescent.

“Yeah, I encourage @ABDanielleSmith to visit a pediatric oncology ward and explain to those kids what they should have done differently,” Steve Lillebuen said

Smith’s opponent Brian Jean responded: “When it comes to cancer you don’t know what you are talking about.

“Having lost a child and other family members to cancer I think I can speak on behalf of many parents and loved ones.

“You saying to someone that their cancer is ‘completely within your control’ before stage four is insensitive, hurtful and outright untrue.

“Please stop.”

UCP MLA-elect Brian Jean speaks to supporters at his Fort McMurray campaign office after winning the Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche byelection on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Vincent McDermott/Fort McMurray Today/Postmedia Network

When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer about eight years ago, I immediately got excellent advice about how to take care of myself, what to eat and not eat, how much to drink, how to lose weight. All of it came from “mainstream” experts.

Older men with low-grade prostate cancer are often called “watch and wait” cases. The reason is not flattering. “At your age you’ll probably die with the cancer rather than of it,” one doctor said.

Nonetheless, my doctors watched me like hawks over a gopher.

I had regular tests, constant wellness reminders. I quit drinking and eventually lost nearly 60 pounds.

The cancer paid no attention. Over a few months two years ago, my PSA reading — the key metric for tracking prostate cancer — vaulted from seven to 17. An urgent biopsy showed a dangerously aggressive cell at work.

At this point I was at stage two, far short of stage four. The cancer was still contained. I was given hormone therapy, which checks the cancer’s growth while giving you the dawning sensibility of a woman (and I mean that seriously.)

Then began a month of radiation therapy — 20 blasts on a Tom Baker table from super-skilled docs and technicians. This is a demanding regime and it does come with awkward after-effects.

But three months after it ended, my PSA level had plunged to 0.3. There it has stayed for more than a year. I was declared cancer free.

My point is: I did everything I was advised to do, including wellness and prevention help, and the cancer still broke loose. It was not in my control no matter how hard I tried to run it off.

I am well today precisely because I got regular “mainstream” assessments at every step, and therapy started at the first sign of serious danger.

Please, do not take your medical advice from Danielle Smith. The candidate is prone to quackery.

Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald.
Twitter: @DonBraid

UCP leadership candidate Danielle Smith under fire by all political stripes for cancer comments

Tyson Fedor
CTV News Calgary Video Journalist
Follow Contact
Updated July 26, 2022

Danielle Smith, the former Wildrose party leader and UCP leader hopeful is under fire after she hosted a podcast over the weekend with naturopathic doctor Dr. Christine Perkins talking about healthcare and the need for both mainstream and naturopathic medicines.

Smith and Perkins began talking about cancer patients, specifically those with stage four of the disease.

While listening to Perkins, Smith said she believes some of the blame falls at the hands of the patient.

“Once you’ve arrived and got stage four cancer and there’s radiation and surgery and chemotherapy, that is incredibly expensive intervention — not just for the system, but also expensive in the toll it takes on the body,” said Smith.

“But, when you think everything that built up before you got to stage four and that diagnosis, that’s completely within your control and there’s something you can do about that that is different.”

The pair talked about prevention with naturopathic medicines, before using mainstream medicine, such as chemotherapy and radiation, which they compared with being a ‘heroic’ medicine.

On Monday, Smith doubled down, saying the NDP attacked her for her comments.

“She (Dr. Perkins) is quite correct, the first three stages of cancer are more controllable in what complete care is available to a patient but once you get to stage four, that's when the patient is less in control,” said Smith in a Twitter video.

“Apparently everyone knows it to be true, except apparently for the NDP who want to use it as a wedge issue to attack me. I think that's beneath even them, and Albertans are tired of this.”

Smith responding to several politicians who have blasted her for spreading misinformation, including NDP leader Rachel Notley.

But she is also facing blowback from fellow UCP leadership contenders, with almost all coming out and criticizing her viewpoints.

Brian Jean tweeted a reaction to Danielle Smith's comments about cancer patients

Leadership hopeful Travis Toews said he was surprised by the comments.

“Cancer is such an emotional issue, there have been so many families that have been touched by that disease, I don’t want to further politicize it,” said Toews.

Fellow UCP leadership candidate Leela Aheer also tweeted

For Rebecca Schulz, who is also seeking the leadership she believes these statements are what leads to a divided province.

“Saying things like this that are untrue, absolutely going to lead us to an NDP government on a silver platter,” she said.

Rajan Sawney tweet, July 25, 2022

Timothy Caulfield, an expert in health law and policy at the University of Alberta, said these comments frustrate healthcare professionals.

“There is no evidence to support her claims,” he said.

“In fact the evidence tells us that alternative medicine, there have been a number of large studies on this, alternative medicine is associated with worse outcomes.”

He suggested that it's Smith who is politicizing cancer.

“You would think that a politician would be more sensitive more careful about spreading misinformation, health misinformation like this. We don’t need to legitimize pseudoscience, we need more good science,” said Caulfield.

He added that he does agree that lifestyle choices such as exercise, not smoking and eating well are alternative medicines in themselves to hopefully prevent deadly diseases.

Smith’s campaign did not make her available for an interview on Tuesday, referring CTV back to her podcast and video statement.

UCP leadership candidate Danielle Smith is under fire for remarks she made about people with cancer
Canadian Pension Fund loses $150 million in Celsius investment bet

6 days ago

While the troubled cryptocurrency lending firm Celsius continues to incur significant losses for its investors after freezing client withdrawals and filing for bankruptcy during the crypto market rout, a Canadian pension fund came out with a confession that it too made an investment in the failed crypto lender.

Indeed, Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec (CDPQ) had invested $150 million in Celsius back in October 2021, as part of a $400 million funding round co-led by WestCap Investment Partners LLC, Bloomberg’s Mathieu Dion reported on July 20.

According to an emailed statement by CPDQ’s spokesperson Maxime Chagnon:

“We understand that our investment in Celsius raises a number of questions. (…) This is something that we take very seriously, and we will provide further comment at the appropriate moment. Celsius is currently engaged in a complex process that will take time to resolve.”

Reportedly, CPDQ’s October contribution increased Celsius’s valuation by over $3 billion, and Chagnon stated that his company was “making every effort to preserve our rights,” without providing any more details on this effort.

‘A very small portion’ involved

That said, he did explain that a portion of the fund’s portfolio was indeed committed to risk assets that have the possibility of high yield, but that some of these investments, e.g. the one in Celsius, aren’t panning out as CPDQ had expected:

“A very small portion of our overall portfolio is invested in new technologies, which feature innovative, high-growth companies in riskier sectors that offer the potential for superior returns — and have provided outstanding returns to our clients over a number of years. (…) However, some of our investments, such as the one in Celsius, are not performing as expected.”

At the time of the investment, CPDQ’s Chief Technology Officer Alexandre Synnett referred to Celsius as “the world’s leading crypto lender with a strong management team that put transparency and customer protection at the core of their operations.”

Accusations of Ponzi-like con job

Meanwhile, Celsius has been slapped with a class action suit accusing it of selling unregistered securities in a Ponzi-like scheme and convincing investors to purchase its financial products at inflated rates.

In early July, Celsius’s former investment manager Jason Stone also filed a lawsuit allegedly claiming that his ex-employer was involved in crypto market manipulation without implementing basic accounting measures to protect customer deposits, as Finbold reported.

Disruption Warning As Lufthansa Ground Staff Set To Strike On Wednesday


The warning strike is set to worsen the woes of Lufthansa as it struggles to cope with increased demand and limited manpower

Germany's national carrier is about to face more disruptions to operations as a labor union has called on Lufthansa ground staff to conduct a one-day industrial walkout on Wednesday. While it might only be for one day, the call to strike applies to all Lufthansa bases within the country and will see tens of thousands of employees walking out on the airline over a 9.5% pay claim.

Call to action

Germany's main union Ver.di, announced on Monday that the main airports of Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne-Bonn, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, and Stuttgart would be affected by the strikes. The union, which represents some 20,000 employees of Lufthansa, said in its statement:

“Verdi is calling the one-day strike to raise pressure on the employer to make a much-improved and acceptable pay offer in the next round of talks."

The action at Frankfurt, Germany's largest airport, is scheduled to strike first from 03:30 on Wednesday till 14:30 on Thursday and will mark yet another strike at Frankfurt Airport. However, this time it is between Ver.di and Lufthansa and not the Federal Association of Aviation Security Companies.

Lufthansa employees involved in ground and freight handling, administration, maintenance, and security, are all expected to participate in the industrial walkout. Away from Frankfurt, Ver.di plans for the strikes at other major airports to start from 03:45 on Wednesday and end no later than 14:00 the following day.

Strike Call by the German Union Verdi for Lufthansa Ground Staff on July, 27 2022

Due to a planned strike by the German Union Verdi, representing Lufthansa ground personnel, on Wednesday, July 27, flight disruptions and cancellations are likely to occur during the whole day also at Frankfurt Airport. Lufthansa passengers are advised to check the status of their flight prior to departure via the Internet at
Information regarding your flight is available on your airline’s website or by calling 01806-FRAINFO (01806-3724636 – flat landline rate of 0.20 euro cents per call; costs of 0.60 euro cents per call from a mobile network within Germany), as well as at

Lufthansa feels pressured

The two parties are at odds in negotiations on improving salaries and working conditions for the same employees who have been called to strike. With that many employees from various ground positions involved in the planned industrial walkout, flight operations will face massive disruptions. Ver.di is well aware of this and hopes Wednesday's warning strike will further increase pressure on the German carrier.

Michael Niggemann, Member of the Executive Board Chief Officer Human Resources Deutsche Lufthansa AG, said:

"After only two days of negotiations, Ver.di has announced a strike that can hardly be called a warning strike due to its breadth across all locations and its duration. This is all the more incomprehensible given that the employer side has offered high and socially balanced pay increases – despite the continuing tense economic situation for Lufthansa following the Covid crisis, high debt burdens and uncertain prospects for the global economy."

Warning strikes are a common tactic in German labor negotiations and typically last from several hours to a day or two. Photo: Tom Boon | Simple Flying

Back to the table?

The next round of negotiations is scheduled for August 3rd and 4th, but it remains uncertain if Lufthansa will be changing or enhancing its current offerings in an attempt to avert Wednesday's strikes. Among other things, Lufthansa had previously presented a package with the following components:

At the beginning of this month, with a term of 18 months, each employee would receive:An increase in basic pay of €150 ($153.17) per month as of July 1st, 2022,
a further basic pay increase of €100 ($102.10) per month as of January 1st, 2023,
an additional 2% increase in compensation as of July 1st, 2023, depending on how Lufthansa's business develops.

Ver.di has said that these offers from Lufthansa fall considerably short of its demands, which include a 9.5% salary increase this year. The deputy chairwoman of the union, Christine Behle, highlighted the needs of Lufthansa's employees by saying:

"They urgently need more money and relief — for themselves and passengers. The employers' offer is not enough for that."

Thus far, Lufthansa has avoided industrial walkouts affecting its European rivals such as Ryanair. 

A growing burden for passengers

Considering the mass scale of disruptions across so many airports and that many employees, Lufthansa has been unable to share the estimated number of flight cancelations for Wednesday and is still working on re-planning.

Unfortunately for the Star Alliance member airline, Wednesday's cancellations will add to an already long list of flights canceled over this chaotic summer season and further dampen the joy of flying for several passengers.

Niggemann reiterated the potential significance of the walkout, commenting:

"After the enormous efforts to stabilize our flight operations, this represents a renewed, substantial, and unnecessary burden for our passengers and employees beyond the strike day."

Lufthansa is a relative stranger still to strikes when compared to some of its European rivals, such as Ryanair. However, the German national carrier could soon be getting its fair share of experience. Apart from Wednesday's upcoming industrial walkout, the pilots' union, Vereinigung Cockpit, is also currently holding a vote on whether to move forward with a call to strike on Lufthansa. Should the voters favor the strike, Lufthansa and its passengers will inevitably see more cuts to scheduled flights, further deepening the chaotic state of European summer travel.

Charlotte Seet 
Journalist - Charlotte is currently pursuing a full-time undergraduate degree majoring in Aviation Business Administration and minoring in Air Traffic Management. Charlotte previously wrote for AirlineGeeks. Based in Singapore.


Physicists Have Developed a Method for Predicting the Composition of Dark Matter


Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

An artist’s rendition of big bang nucleosynthesis, the early universe period in which protons “p” and neutrons “n” combine to form light elements. The presence of dark matter “χ” changes how much of each element will form. Credit: Image courtesy of Cara Giovanetti/New York University

A new analysis offers an innovative means to predict ‘cosmological signatures’ for models of dark matter.

A method for predicting the composition of dark matter has been developed by a team of physicists. Dark matter is invisible matter detected only by its gravitational pull on ordinary matter and whose discovery has been long sought by scientists. 

The new work centers on predicting “cosmological signatures” for models of dark matter with a mass between that of the electron and the proton. Previous methods had predicted similar signatures for simpler models of dark matter. This research establishes new ways to find these signatures in more complex models, which experiments continue to search for, the paper’s authors note. The paper was published on July 6 in the journal Physical Review Letters.

“Experiments that search for dark matter are not the only way to learn more about this mysterious type of matter,” says Cara Giovanetti, a Ph.D. student in New York University’s Department of Physics and the lead author of the paper. 

“Precision measurements of different parameters of the universe—for example, the amount of helium in the universe, or the temperatures of different particles in the early universe—can also teach us a lot about dark matter,” adds Giovanetti, outlining the method described in the Physical Review Letters paper.

In the research, the physicists focused on big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)—a process by which light forms of matter, such as helium, hydrogen, and lithium, are created. The presence of invisible dark matter affects how each of these elements will form. Also vital to these phenomena is the cosmic microwave background (CMB)—electromagnetic radiation, generated by combining electrons and protons, that remained after the universe’s formation. The work was conducted with Hongwan Liu, an NYU postdoctoral fellow, Joshua Ruderman, an associate professor in NYU’s Department of Physics, and Princeton physicist Mariangela Lisanti, Giovanetti, and her co-authors.

The team of scientists sought a means to spot the presence of a specific category of dark matter—that with a mass between that of the electron and the proton—by creating models that took into account both BBN and CMB.

“Such dark matter can modify the abundances of certain elements produced in the early universe and leave an imprint in the cosmic microwave background by modifying how quickly the universe expands,” Giovanetti explains. 

In their research, the team made predictions of cosmological signatures linked to the presence of certain forms of dark matter. These signatures are the result of dark matter changing the temperatures of different particles or altering how fast the universe expands. 

Their results showed that dark matter that is too light will lead to different amounts of light elements than what astrophysical observations see. 

“Lighter forms of dark matter might make the universe expand so fast that these elements don’t have a chance to form,” says Giovanetti, outlining one scenario.

“We learn from our analysis that some models of dark matter can’t have a mass that’s too small, otherwise the universe would look different from the one we observe,” she adds.

Reference: “Joint Cosmic Microwave Background and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Light Dark Sectors with Dark Radiation” by Cara Giovanetti, Mariangela Lisanti, Hongwan Liu and Joshua T. Ruderman, 6 July 2022, Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.021302

The research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (DGE1839302, PHY-1915409, PHY-1554858, PHY-1607611) and the Department of Energy (DE-SC0007968).

How much do people earn in different NWT communities?


Data from the 2021 census illuminates the amount of money people can expect to earn in different Northwest Territories communities.

Published last week, the figures show residents of Norman Wells and Yellowknife in general have the most earning power. They also show a gulf between larger and smaller communities that largely is not closing.

The data measures median incomes. In other words, if you took everyone’s income in a community and stretched the numbers in a line, the figures shown here would be in the middle of each line.

We’ve chosen to focus on two types of income:

  • personal income, which shows the median value for the income each individual earns in a community; and
  • household income, which shows the median value for the income each household earns in a community.

Aklavik has the lowest figures on each of those lists for 2020, the year measured in the latest census.

In Aklavik in 2020, the median personal income was $28,000 and the median household income was $55,200.

Fort Liard, the Kátł’odeeche First Nation, Fort McPherson and Ulukhaktok are among other communities with similarly low annual incomes.

This table sets out the latest data. Twenty-two communities are included – the others are considered too small for the data to be released. Click any heading to sort the columns:

The Canada-wide median personal income is $41,200, according to Statistics Canada, and the nationwide median household income is $84,000.

Only six NWT communities listed above exceed the Canadian median personal income. In terms of household income, however, most communities exceed the national average. That may be in part because more people occupy each household in the NWT (2.7 people per household in the territory compared to 2.4 across Canada, according to the same census).

The latest data can be compared to past census results to get a sense of how income is changing in each community.

These figures aren’t adjusted for inflation, which in general causes income to grow over time as costs rise. Prices rose around 44 percent between 2000 and 2020, but that doesn’t necessarily mean incomes did the same.

Incomes in many small communities actually more than doubled in those two decades, according to the census data, but that also doesn’t reflect the changing cost of living, which statisticians say can be difficult to measure and track in isolated areas.

The Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the territory’s 2020 figures.

Pandemic relief benefits helped the NWT’s median earnings to grow by 5.6 percent that year, whereas Canada-wide the media income fell by 2.1 percent, the NWT Bureau of Statistics said.

That may mean some communities see income growth falter, or reverse itself, by the time of the next census.

In some communities, personal income was already on slide between 2015 and 2020 despite the impact of pandemic benefits. Take a look at Norman Wells, the highest line, and Fort Simpson in purple in the chart below.

The median personal income fell in both of those communities over that five-year span, but rose everywhere else.

Łútsël K’é, in particular, saw a significant bump in personal income between 2015 and 2020, almost doubling from around $22,000 to just under $41,000.

The reasons for changes like that are not easy to precisely pin down, but it’s worth noting that the Thaidene Nëné protected area opened during that time. Thaidene Nëné was envisaged in part as a means of bolstering Łútsël K’é’s economy through tourism revenue.

Despite some examples of smaller communities’ fortunes improving, in general, the bigger regional centres are maintaining higher incomes and the gap is not shrinking.

Here’s how household incomes have changed.

At first, the distance between communities’ household incomes may look smaller than for their personal incomes.

But the extremes are startling.

The median household in Norman Wells was earning $160,000 in 2020. In Aklavik, the median household was earning barely a third of that.

Overall – driven largely by Yellowknife’s large population and healthy income figures – the NWT has the highest median personal and household incomes in Canada.

The NWT’s median personal income is $56,800 (versus the Canadian figure of $42,100) and the territory’s household equivalent is $127,000 (versus Canada’s $84,000).

But in many communities, residents’ income is nothing like as healthy and the cost of living far greater than in larger centres.

US resurrects green energy loan program that helped put Tesla on the map

First loan since 2010 goes to GM’s battery joint venture

By Andrew J. Hawkins@andyjayhawk 
 Jul 25, 2022,
Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

The Department of Energy’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program, which famously helped put Tesla on the map, is set to hand out its first loan in over a decade. The department will announce a $2.5 billion loan to a joint venture of General Motors and LG Energy Solution to help fund the construction of a new lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility, the company confirmed. (The news was first reported by Reuters.)

The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program, or ATVM has attained almost mythical status in the EV startup world thanks to its timely $465 million loan to Tesla, which is credited with helping save the company from an early death. Since then, a number of cash-strapped EV startups have also requested loans but to no avail; the program has basically been dormant since 2010.


The ATVM program was created by Congress under the administration of former President George W. Bush, allocating $25 billion “to provide low-cost debt capital for fuel-efficient vehicle and eligible component manufacturing in the United States.”

Other recipients include Ford and Nissan, both of which received much larger grants than Tesla. Ford got $5.9 billion to renovate factories across the country and improve its vehicles’ energy efficiency, and Nissan was given $1.45 billion to support production of its Leaf electric car. (Tesla and Nissan have both paid back their loans.)

Not all recipients are doing as well. Like Tesla, Fisker Automotive was once a promising producer of luxury electric cars. In 2010, the Department of Energy granted it $529 million, but funding was frozen in 2011 after it failed to meet milestones. Since then, the company has filed for bankruptcy, was later purchased by a Chinese auto parts supplier, and relaunched as Karma.

Notably, the ATVM program went dark around the same time that Republicans were ramping up their criticism of former President Barack Obama and his administration for its handling of another Department of Energy loan to Solyndra, a clean energy company that later went bankrupt. Ironically, Tesla was once derided as a “loser” by then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who compared the company to Solyndra. Tesla CEO Elon Musk now says he plans on voting for Republican candidates in the next election.


But in ensuing years, Democrats have lost their trepidation over handing out government-backed loans to clean energy companies. President Joe Biden secured $5 billion for electric vehicle charging as part of his bipartisan infrastructure plan, much of which will be paid out in loans to EV charging companies (including Tesla). And while much of Biden’s climate agenda remains stalled in Congress, the resurrection of the ATVM program is a pot of money that’s still available to the administration to fund some of its priorities.

Unsurprisingly, GM is the recipient. Biden has lavished attention on the automaker, praising its plans to expand its manufacturing footprint and even test-driving the GMC Hummer EV. (“One hell of a vehicle,” Biden concluded.) GM formed the joint venture Ultium Cells with South Korea’s LG Energy Solution with the purpose of building new facilities in Ohio, Tennessee, and Michigan.

“These facilities will create more than 5,000 new high-tech jobs in the United States,” a spokesperson for Ultium Cells said in a statement. “We are grateful for the consideration and look forward to working with the Department of Energy on next steps.”

“[Loan Program Office’s] conditional commitment to Ultium Cells is the latest proof point of the Department’s ongoing efforts to help build a domestic supply chain to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles,” Jigar Shah, director of the DOE Loan Programs Office, said in a statement. “These new manufacturing facilities will create thousands of good-paying jobs across three states while enabling improvements in existing lithium-ion battery technologies.”

U.S. Energy Department set to loan GM battery joint venture $2.5 bln

David Shepardson
Publishing date:Jul 25, 2022 

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Energy Department on Monday announced it intends to loan a joint venture of General Motors Co and LG Energy Solution $2.5 billion to help finance construction of new lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing facilities.

The conditional commitment for the loan to Ultium Cells LLC for facilities in Ohio, Tennessee, and Michigan is expected to close in the coming months and comes from the government’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) loan program, which has not funded a new loan since 2010.

The plan, first reported by Reuters, would mark the Energy Department’s first loan exclusively for a battery cell manufacturing project under the vehicle program.

The program previously provided low-cost government loans to Tesla Inc, Ford Motor and Nissan, which included some cell manufacturing.

President Joe Biden has set a goal of 50% of U.S. auto production by 2030 being electric or plug-in electric hybrid vehicles.

“We have to have vehicle manufacturing capacity but also battery manufacturing capacity,” Jigar Shah, who directs the Energy Department loan program office, told Reuters in an interview. “This project provides one of the newest additions to battery manufacturing scale in this country.”

Ultium said in a statement the “facilities will create more than 5,000 new high-tech jobs in the United States. We are grateful for the consideration and look forward to working with the Department of Energy on next steps.”

In total, GM and LG are investing more than $7 billion via the venture to build three battery plants. Production at its Ohio battery plant is expected to begin in August, an Ultium spokeswoman said. The plant in Warren, Ohio currently has 700 workers.

Production is set to begin at its Tennessee plant in late 2023 and in Michigan in 2024.

“The goal is to… help these companies move faster and farther than they otherwise would have,” Shah said. The loan agreement requires Ultium to offer employees the local prevailing wage and fringe benefits.

In April, the Energy Department said it had issued a conditional commitment for a $107 million loan to graphite miner Syrah Resources to expand an electric vehicle battery parts plant in Louisiana.

Shah said the department has received more than $18 billion in loan requests from the auto program and expects at least another $5 billion in requests that are being actively prepared.

“I do think there will more loans issued,” Shah said, declining to offer a precise timeline.

The program currently has $17.7 billion in lending authority available. Shah said “for motivated borrowers, they can close these loans rather quickly.”

Australia-based Syrah plans to use the loan to expand the Louisiana plant that will process graphite mined from Mozambique into anodes, the positively charged electrode of a battery. The facility is expected to produce enough anodes for 2.3 million EVs by 2040.

In February, the Energy Department said it plans to provide $2.91 billion in grants to boost production of advanced batteries, fund battery materials refining and production plants, battery cell and pack manufacturing facilities, and recycling facilities.

 (Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington Editing by Mark Potter and Tomasz Janowski)

A huge Canadian tech company just cut thousands of jobs in Toronto

Tons of massive tech and other companies have flocked to open offices in Toronto in recent months, but as much as the sector may be thriving, not everyone's ambitions for growth are realistic in the post-COVID landscape.

The city is indeed an internationally-renowned hub for tech brands and startups, with companies like Adaptavist, Amazon, DoorDash, Google, Netflix, Nitro, Pinterest, Reddit, Stripe, TikTok, Uber, Wayfair and more setting up shop here in the last few years.

But one company — a Canadian one at that — appears to have been a little to heavy-handed with its Toronto expansion.

Shopify, headquartered in Ottawa, opened up a sprawling nine-floor, 180,000-square-foot office in Toronto in 2019, their second in the city, with plans for a third in the Well once the development is finished. It also made plans to double its workforce by this year.

But today, the e-commerce brand announced that it is laying off approximately 1,000 people, or 10 per cent of its staff, immediately.

The positions impacted include "over-specialized and duplicate roles," as well as some in recruiting, support, and sales.

"When the Covid pandemic set in, almost all retail shifted online because of shelter-in-place orders. Demand for Shopify skyrocketed. To help merchants, we threw away our roadmaps and shipped everything that could possibly be helpful," the company's CEO wrote in a release today.

He added that, given the steady growth of e-commerce, the firm made a "bet" that the industry would jump ahead by five or 10 years.

"We couldn't know for sure at the time, but we knew that if there was a chance that this was true, we would have to expand the company to match," reads the release. "It's now clear that bet didn't pay off... Ultimately, placing this bet was my call to make and I got this wrong. Now, we have to adjust."

The affected employees will be cut by the end of Tuesday, with the company assuring those remaining on board that Shopify is not in trouble, but will "grow into something more focused, more driven, and more singular in mission."

'I got this wrong:' Shopify CEO announces plan to lay off 10 per cent of staff

The Canadian Press
Updated July 26, 2022 

Canadian tech giant Shopify Inc.'s share price fell by more than 14 per cent Tuesday after revealing it will lay off 10 per cent of its workforce because the company misjudged the growth of the e-commerce sector.

The Ottawa e-commerce company's stock closed at $40.69 after chief executive Tobi Lutke said in a blog post that most of the staff impacted by the cut work in recruiting, support and sales. 

Shopify will also eliminate "overspecialized and duplicate" roles as well as groups that Lutke said were "convenient to have but too far removed from building products."

Shopify did not share a total number of workers affected by the cuts, but its most recent management information circular shows it ended 2021 with 10,000 employees and contractors, including 3,000 added last year alone. Ten per cent of that total would encompass 1,000 workers.

The company is carrying out the cuts because the COVID-19 pandemic created a surge in demand for Shopify's software as consumers shifted to making a higher number of purchases online, Lutke said.

Shopify bet the amount of shopping people did online instead of at brick-and-mortar retailers would leap ahead by five or 10 years from pre-pandemic predictions.

"We couldn't know for sure at the time, but we knew that if there was a chance that this was true, we would have to expand the company to match," Lutke said.

"It's now clear that bet didn't pay off."

Shopify has recently seen people are reverting to pre-pandemic shopping habits. While e-commerce is still growing steady, Lutke said it doesn't amount to a five-year leap ahead, forcing Shopify to make cuts.

"Ultimately, placing this bet was my call to make and I got this wrong. Now, we have to adjust," said Lutke.

"As a consequence, we have to say goodbye to some of you today and I'm deeply sorry for that."

Incorrect assumptions are largely to blame for Shopify's follies, said Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData, in a note to investors.

"Put bluntly, this was a huge strategic mistake that was driven by an insufficient understanding of customer behaviour, a lack of rigour in analyzing the market, and a bit of hubris," he said.

Yet Shopify is not alone in laying off workers. Over the last few months, Wealthsimple, Klarna, Twitter and Netflix have all shed staff as investor exuberance around tech stocks has faded, inflation has soared to an almost 40-year high and recession rumours have loomed.

Data aggregator has counted 401 global startups that have laid off a collective 57,552 employees so far this year.

Amid a broad market sell-off that has particularly weighed on the tech sector, the price of Shopify's stock has sunk more than 78 per cent since its late 2021 peak of $222.87. The company completed a 10-for-one share split earlier this year.

The cuts coupled with Shopify's recent performance increases the likelihood the company will lower its outlook, when it releases its latest earnings Wednesday.

RBC Capital Markets analyst Paul Treiber told investors that he expected Shopify to revise its full-year expectations. The company previously suggested the number of merchants using Shopify's software would be comparable to that of 2021 and that merchant solutions revenue growth would be more than twice the rate of subscription solutions revenue growth on a year-over-year basis.

Those affected by Tuesday's layoffs will get 16 weeks of severance pay, plus an additional week for every year of tenure at Shopify. The company will also remove any equity cliff -- a minimum amount of period workers have to stay at a company before they can start receiving equity.

Laid off workers will get access to career coaching, interviewing support, resume crafting services and Shopify will cover some of their internet costs during the severance period.

Workers will also be able to keep their home office furniture the company gave them a stipend for earlier in the pandemic and will give a "kick-start allowance" that can be used to buy new laptops.

But Shopify needs to do more than cut workers, Saunders argued.

He wrote, "With Amazon ramping up its services to merchants and opening its solutions to businesses that are not part of its platform, Shopify needs to work harder to appeal to new businesses and retain those existing clients using its services."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 26, 2022.

The Ottawa headquarters of Canadian e-commerce company Shopify, on May 29, 2019.