Sunday, August 21, 2022

Some LGBTQ Afghans Are Finally Safe. Thousands Are Not.

-August 20, 2022


It was “so hard” to leave his family in Afghanistan, Talha told The Daily Beast. Then he began crying, recalling the desperate dash to get out of the country, and saying goodbye to his loved ones. “I cried. My family cried. They were happy and also sad.”

Speaking by phone from Canada where he has now been resettled, Talha said, “Having to leave Afghanistan when you are LGBTQ is like having to cut your hands even though you love your hands. You use your hands, you need your hands, but you have to cut your hands. If you don’t, someone else will cut your hands. That’s what it’s like for LGBTQ Afghans right now.”

“My family helped me pack my things,” Talha recalled. “My mum hugged me and told me, ‘Goodbye my son. Leave this country because this country will not be safe.’ She doesn’t know I am LGBTQ but knows the Taliban harass the Hazara people—she, like me, is Hazara. We hugged and said goodbye. I cleaned my phone of everything in case the Taliban stopped me. I sat on the bus thinking, ‘Why is it like this? Why do we have to leave this country? Why are we in this situation?’ There were so many ‘whys’ in my brain. I was also so scared the Taliban would stop the bus and harass and beat me. I hid behind my mask and scarves.”

During his escape, aided by the advocacy group Immigration Equality, Talha reached a friend’s house, stayed there for the night, and then made his way to the airport, terrified again of being captured—and what would happen if the Taliban arrested him. “At that moment you accept the possibility of death, but you want to leave Afghanistan and live.”

Talha is far from alone. Since the Taliban takeover of last August, just over 5,400 queer Afghans have reached out to Rainbow Railroad, an organization that helps LGBTQ people escape state-sponsored violence—“an overwhelming number,” said Dane Bland, the organization’s director of development and communications. The Taliban’s persecution of LGBTQ people is relentless and vicious.

Rainbow Railroad has provided support to 648 queer Afghans to date, including 247 that they have so far successfully evacuated in a refugee-sharing agreement between Canada and the United States; 150 of that number have been resettled, with 50 more soon to do so, said Bland.

Bland said there were another 300 LGBTQ Afghans, who are ready to travel to the West with all necessary documents, certified and vetted, presently in camps—or awaiting resettlement—in countries like the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan.

“I’m an Afghan gay man who recently came to Canada. In Afghanistan I couldn’t study, work or be free,” one Rainbow Railroad client said. “I couldn’t dress as I like, because I’m a gay man. I was beaten twice by the Taliban because I ‘act like a girl.’ They kept me from going to university, and called me ugly names. I fled the country when the Taliban came to Kabul. I was scared because I know they kill people like me. Rainbow Railroad helped me get to a neighboring country. Now, I live in Canada, and I am so happy. But my friends are still in Afghanistan, and they can’t leave.”

Rainbow Railroad says they are ready to work with any Western government to take in these refugees, but the system has become paralyzed with LGBTQ Afghans unable to flee their home country or stuck in refugee camps or in so-called “third countries” unable to move to Western countries. Advocacy organizations like Rainbow Railroad and Immigration Equality want LGBTQ refugees to be defined as a priority population under the P-2 program presently reserved for those Afghans who worked with the United States.

Most queer Afghans have been resettled in Canada, with “only a handful,” said Bland resettled in the United States. Canada had promised to resettle 40,000 Afghans; just over 17,000 have been resettled to date. The Biden administration set a cap of resettling 125,000 refugees in the last year, but only 15,000 refugees have been resettled in the U.S. since last October.

“Even if we go to the moon, Afghanistan is our country. We love our country. Our country is like a mother.”
— Talha

After a period of time in a camp in a neighboring country, Talha made it to Canada. “Emotionally I feel free here. I can be what I am and,” Talha’s voice broke. He began crying again and the line was silent for some minutes before he could speak again. “It was so hard… for us. We left our families, our country, our friends. And now we are safe we can be whatever we want and we can live here without any harassment, without any fear. People accept us. We don’t have any worries, we are not scared. We can be like a bird that’s free, that has its freedom and can fly everywhere it can go.”

Talha misses his home country acutely. “Even if we go to the moon, Afghanistan is our country. We love our country. Our country is like a mother. We miss our families. But we had to leave, and now we are safe, and I am so happy for that.”

Another gay man, C, who The Daily Beast spoke to last December, finally arrived in Canada this summer—aided by Immigration Equality—after spending 10 months in a refugee camp. “Very happy,” he is presently living in a hotel as he waits for various immigration-related documents to be finalized. He cannot use his real name, he says, because his family is still in Afghanistan, and he worries about both their rejection and what the Taliban would do to them if his identity were known.

At his camp, he didn’t have access to basic needs like food, and there was a lack of resources. “I faced discrimination based on my sexuality. People would not want us LGBTQ near them, and they spoke about us behind our backs. There were 14 other LGBTQ people in the camp, and they were teased a lot too. They remained in their rooms all the time, and would just come out for 10 minutes a day when no one else was outside, so they would not be harassed.”

Ahmad Qais Munhazim, assistant professor of global studies at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, told The Daily Beast that LGBTQ people in Afghanistan were “engulfed by the hopelessness of a dark present and dark future. They have no idea what is going to happen to them.”

Munhazim, an Afghan-born scholar, queer activist, and political scientist, has aided many LGBTQ Afghan refugees, and is also in regular contact with many queer Afghans still living in the country, as well as those in camps still awaiting onward travel to safe countries.

“Having the bare minimum is not a dignified way to live. Those stories are not sent back to LGBTQ people in Afghanistan who are continuously struggling to get out.”
— Ahmad Qais Munhazim

“The so-called success stories of those who left have resulted in those who remain in Afghanistan feeling not worthy enough,” Munhazim said. “It is also important to note that the narrative that those who have left now have flourishing lives is not true. Some are facing other struggles in their new countries, or facing racism and xenophobia in third countries. Some are on the verge of homelessness in their new countries. They do not have enough money to live. Having the bare minimum is not a dignified way to live. Those stories are not sent back to LGBTQ people in Afghanistan who are continuously struggling to get out.”

Bland said Rainbow Railroad was still in the midst of helping many LGBTQ Afghans who want to flee the country. “Processing delays disproportionately impact LGBTQ refugees, who face serious dangers as they await resettlement,” said Bland. Rainbow Railroad is the lead funder of the largest LGBTQ safe house for those escaping Afghanistan, situated in a neighboring country. Over 150 LGBTQ Afghans have already passed through it.

“We helped set it up because people are not safe in the neighboring countries. We want to support people in a specifically LGBTQ-friendly space,” said Bland. “They are still afraid of going outside the grounds in case they are harassed or pursued by law enforcement—especially for trans and non-binary people facing violence and persecution on the streets.”

Bridget Crawford, legal director of Immigration Equality, told The Daily Beast that the organization heard from LGBTQ people in Afghanistan and neighboring countries “constantly begging for help. People who are in hiding. Reports of people who have been hunted by the Taliban. People who have been outed to the Taliban by a family member. People who are in fear of their lives.

“We have had reports of people being sexually assaulted and raped by Taliban members. The situation is dire. A small number who have been lucky have fought hard and suffered a lot and reached safety in a few countries. Yes, there have been success stories, and we are really grateful for the work of the United States government, the State Department, Canada, and other governments. But it’s simply not enough.”

““His family told him, ‘The Taliban came. They shot him in the head. Now they are after you because they saw pictures of you on his phone, and if they don’t kill you, we will.’”
— Bridget Crawford

Crawford told of one group of LGBTQ Afghans in a refugee camp who were harassed and threatened; one was sexually assaulted in the shower. Another was beaten. “And this was a group on the U.S. government’s radar, supported by us. Imagine how dire the situation is for people who don’t have that level of support.” Like Rainbow Railroad, Immigration Equality is calling on governments to help un-block the process, and work more closely with them to get LGBTQ refugees to safety.

“Where I come from, homosexuality is considered a disgrace and my family would have the right to kill me to protect their honor,” a Rainbow Railroad client said. “When I was 15, I was outed to my family. I was beaten by my family, and they trapped me at home. After enrolling at university in Kabul, I met my partner. At the time, I worked on LGBTQI+ advocacy online with a friend. We researched LGBTQI+ issues, and translated and posted information on social media to help others in Afghanistan.

“I was terrified that the Taliban would find out that I am gay and worked on LGBTQI+ advocacy. They would kill me. I managed to escape with help and got to a neighboring country. Rainbow Railroad supported me while I waited to get to Canada – and made my journey possible. Now I feel safe and can be myself without fear.”

One of Crawford’s Afghan clients from a rural area had a gay relationship with a neighbor, conducted in total secret. Over the years his family became suspicious; he did not marry a woman and seemed “different.” The couple was fearful of a cousin affiliated with the Taliban.

After the fall of Afghanistan last year the client fled to the border to get to Pakistan, and bring his boyfriend there. He called his boyfriend, but couldn’t get hold of him. Then he called his family to ask if they knew anything. “His family told him, ‘The Taliban came. They shot him in the head. Now they are after you because they saw pictures of you on his phone, and if they don’t kill you, we will.’” The man fled to Pakistan where he went into hiding before getting arrested. He was told he would be deported back to Afghanistan if he didn’t get out of the country. Now he is in hiding in Iran.”

“It is heartbreaking. We must bring people to safety”

“For a long time, I didn’t see any sign of hope of one day leaving the camp I was in, so I was very happy when the time came for me to leave that camp for Canada,” C told the Daily Beast. “I hope to finally be able to live in the United States, but I am just happy not to be in Afghanistan, and not in the camp anymore.”

“I don’t know much about my surroundings, so I am being cautious dealing with people,” said C. “Obviously the culture is different. I am focusing on learning English, gradually adjusting to the environment, and moving forward from there.” His partner of many years is still in Afghanistan and has applied for a Special Immigrant Visa to enter America. “I try my best to be with him,” C told The Daily Beast. “I want to be together with him again.”

Taliban members have been harassing C’s partner, who has taken to constantly moving and changing address to evade them. “He is very desperate to leave. He is missing me too. We talk with each other, and we are trying to find a way to be together again. This is my dream. Life is very difficult without him. My message to anyone who has influence or power is this: LGBTQ people in Afghanistan do not have the chance or hope to live as they want to. Please try to help evacuate them from Afghanistan so they can live a free life.”

Jill Kelley, a former honorary ambassador to U.S. Central Command who helped evacuate hundreds—including C—during the chaotic dash to leave the country when the Taliban took control, said it was “so rewarding” to see him safe. Kelley said the U.S. and other governments needed to “make LGBTQ Afghans and other LGBTQ refugees, a priority. People in danger because of their religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity must be prioritized. I think a lot of people do not think about the special dangers LGBTQ refugees are in. We must not forget them.”

“The story of LGBTQ Afghans does not end with his story, and the small number of other success stories. All governments need to do more to help so many more people.”
— Mark Pfeifle

Mark Pfeifle, deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and global outreach at the White House from 2007 to 2009, also helped in C’s evacuation. Pfeifle said pressure should be continued to be applied to the State Department and governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to make LGBTQ Afghan refugees a priority.

“Stories like C’s should be an enormous, necessary spotlight,” Pfeifle said. “There are untold numbers of people who are still living in extraordinary danger. It is heartbreaking. We must bring people to safety. I am so glad C can have some kind of future, but the story of LGBTQ Afghans does not end with his story and the small number of other success stories. All governments need to do more to help so many more people.”

“The Taliban do not see LGBTQ people as human. If they come to know them, they would stone or kill them.”
— ‘C’

“The LGBTQ people I know in Afghanistan do not have hope to live as a group of people,” C told The Daily Beast. “The Taliban do not see LGBTQ people as human. If they come to know them, they would stone or kill them. LGBTQ people do not feel they can openly express themselves even to each other because the Taliban could be involved. A friend was in contact with someone who asked him to come to his house. When my friend got there, he was sexually assaulted and harassed by 20 guys for two days. He escaped through the bathroom window.”

Bland said “thousands” of LGBTQ people in Afghanistan have told Rainbow Railroad they stay at home or in shelter 24 hours a day to avoid detection. “Every checkpoint on the streets represents the fear that they may be searched and phones examined. They move locations in case they are pursued or tracked by the Taliban.”

Munhazim said queer and trans people, in fear of the Taliban, were cautious in how they presented themselves in public. “But it is important to say that queer people still exist and find ways to get together and live life. Afghans are very resilient. They find underground spaces to get together, and also virtual spaces where they can express themselves, try to survive, and be there for each other.”

Before the Taliban took over, Munhazim told The Daily Beast, queer and trans Afghans had been collectively finding ways to begin to make their presence felt in public, “pushing society to accept them. Now you can’t see that presence in public spaces. Some of their families expect them to get married and start families. Some may be investigated by the Taliban for being feminine or visibly trans. It’s a very complicated situation, and not black-and-white as some western media paints it.”

Some queer teachers, lawyers, and artists Munhazim had spoken to had hoped they might be able to continue their work or education, but the economic crisis gripping Afghanistan had made this impossible, and now they cannot leave. Others have told Munhazim they want to stay, because they could never leave their families. “Afghans are very familial people, and they would feel guilty if they left them. Some are the breadwinners for their families.”

Talha recalled a childhood of playing with girls, relatives being suspicious of this, and within himself a growing consciousness that he was not only different but also not alone in being different, and “that there many people like me.” At school, he was bullied and harassed; at college, he denied the jibes of others that he must be gay, “because I had to hide to be safe.”

Eventually, Talha found a straight bar in the city he lived in which welcomed a queer clientele. “I was a good dancer and loved dancing.” But some people took video of him dancing, posting it on social media, which again made him scared in case it was seen and he was targeted. He endured more harassment by gangsters and thugs, who would beat him and his friends up when they refused to go with the men or give them their numbers. “One of my friends was kidnapped by gangsters who gang-raped and beat him. We were always very scared of people. The government did not accept us. Being LGBTQ was illegal.”

“I have lost so many friends. One was arrested, beaten, and raped by the Taliban. You walk the streets and worry they will see who you are, pick you up, check your cellphone, maybe arrest you.”
— Talha

When the Taliban took over, they closed the bar and took its cameras and video footage away. “So, they knew about us,” Talha said. “I deleted Facebook and Instagram. I changed my number. I left the city and went to my home city. I am not only LGBTQ but Hazara, who the Taliban punish and target. I was scared to go out. When I did, I wore masks and scarves to hide myself.”

Talha says he has “passed so many difficulties, so many dangers, I have lost so many friends. One was arrested, beaten, and raped by the Taliban. You walk the streets and worry they will see who you are, pick you up, check your cellphone, maybe arrest you. I saw so many explosions, so much violence, people beaten in front of my eyes.”

He tried to get on one of the flights out of Afghanistan last summer. “I slept in front of the airport. I thought if I have a 0.1 percent chance of getting out, I had to try. I had to escape from there. After the Taliban came it was not a place for LGBTQ people. If they know you are LGBTQ they will arrest you and kill you in front of people. My friends are in bad situations. One is depressed, he doesn’t go outside. Most LGBTQ people stay home nowadays. They feel someone could knock on the door and arrest them. One person I know was arrested in front of his family.”

“I left Afghanistan because my life was in danger for being gay,” a Rainbow Railroad client said. “I lived in a small village and people made fun of me because I acted feminine. My brother in Pakistan got a letter from Taliban telling him I am gay. They looked for me, but I was in hiding. When I found out about the letter, I knew I had to escape. I don’t know who I can trust, even in my own family.

“I fled to a neighboring country with my friends, but we still weren’t safe there no matter where we hid. Rainbow Railroad helped me get to Canada and it saved my life. I am safe now and I don’t even want to remember what it was like before.”

One client told Crawford the story of a gay couple in his town whose leaders discovered the men were gay and in a relationship and decided they deserved to die. “One man fled, never to be heard from again. The other had his hands tied, he was thrown into a river and drowned.”

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty

“They feel the world has betrayed them”

Over 60 percent of queer Afghans who have contacted Rainbow Railroad “lack basic necessities, funds and resources for life, food shelter, and clothing,” said Bland. “We hear from people who have been cut off from families, or forced from homes, who have suffered violence and beatings, or who have had their identity documents confiscated including passports to prevent them from escaping the country.”

Rainbow Railroad’s ability to help get LGBTQ Afghans out of the country is being hampered by the refugee and immigration system grinding to an effective halt, and the few opportunities to ensure the passage of refugees to safe countries.

“Our hands are genuinely tied,” said Bland. “We provide financial aid and shelter as much as we are able, but these are patchwork solutions to what is really needed—a coordinated effort by governments and civil society organizations to move the wheels in a meaningful way again, and expedite the processing of LGBTQ refugees safely and quickly. Many LGBTQ Afghans are in dire, desperate situations. Governments must recognize this. We know who needs help, we have the lists. Help us get these people to safety.”

“International communities and some human rights activists think that by helping a few queer and trans refugees they have solved the problem. They haven’t.”
— Ahmad Qais Munhazim

Much help for queer Afghans “abruptly stopped” when the media focus shifted from Afghanistan, and “the Ukrainian crisis took over everything,” said Munhazim. “That has already impacted the mental health of queer and trans people in Afghanistan and the way they see the future and what is going to happen to them. They feel the world has betrayed them.

“International communities and some human rights activists think that by helping a few queer and trans refugees they have solved the problem. They haven’t, just like they didn’t solve it when they were in Afghanistan the previous 20 years. They didn’t bring about any kind of change. The only clinic for trans people was run by Afghans themselves. Now it is closed.”

Talha wants Western political leaders and those with power “for one moment to imagine they are LGBTQ in Afghanistan. You don’t have any rights. It is also your home. There is a high risk of danger. What do you do? I want them to imagine being in this position, and in doing so realize they must help LGBTQ Afghans. They are human. You are human. All humans must be equal. Don’t be quiet. Imagine what it is to be LGBTQ there. If you have any power to do so, help these people.”

Presently, the refugee system’s paralysis is all-encompassing. “Where can queer Afghans go to?” said Munhazim. “I have spoken to some people in Pakistan in a very difficult situation. Their visas and passports are expiring. They are stuck. The system is blocked. It’s like other countries are saying, ‘We’re done. We took the ones we wanted to. That was very humanitarian of us. That’s over now.’

“They should really be thinking of how to support the Afghans still in Afghanistan who may eventually help build a new country. One possible way forward is to employ those queer Afghan refugees who have gotten out, and who are activists, to find ways to help queer Afghans still in the country. They know what they need, and how to get it to them.”

Munhazim said to solve the blockage affecting the safe, onward passage of queer Afghan refugees, Western countries “need to do what they did with Ukrainians, and open borders, and welcome everyone who needs to be somewhere else.”

Munhazim said Islamophobia and racism underpinned why Afghan refugees were being treated differently. He had spoken to queer Afghan refugees in Germany who are watched as if they were potential thieves when they go to the supermarket and who, when they sit down on a bus, note that people move away from them. “Countries need to change people’s perceptions of refugees, particularly Muslim refugees. And give them proper housing. You cannot expect a family living in a hotel room for a year to be mentally and emotionally stable. Trans refugees are having a particularly hard time accessing hormones.”

“When he got out of the trunk of the car to go to the bathroom, the trafficker tried to rape him.”
— Bridget Crawford

Crawford recalled one Immigration Equality client trying to escape to Pakistan, not being able to get a visa, then paying a trafficker to transport him in the trunk of his car across the border. “When he got out of the trunk of the car to go to the bathroom, the trafficker tried to rape him. The client ran off and hid under a car. He was waiting in Pakistan to have his application to get to Canada processed when the police picked him up, and he was deported back to Afghanistan. Now we’re desperately trying to get him out of Afghanistan,” Crawford said. “He does have a pathway forward.”

Another gay Afghan client told Crawford about his boyfriend, who had left the house to buy food and got picked up and raped by a group of men. Crawford had heard many reports of Bacha bāzī—the rape and sexual abuse of young boys by older men. “It happened to many clients who were forced to take part in various practices under threat of death. Some of our other clients are terrified of persecution by families, and some are afraid for their families because they fear their families will be targeted if it is discovered they have a trans or LGBTQ child.

“Some of our clients are bisexual or gay, and were forced into arranged marriages to try and fit in. Some have children and wives, who while they may not have romantic feelings for, are still loyal to as their families.”

“Some queer and trans refugees would love to be evacuated with their families. They really suffer by not being with them. Give them that option.”
— Ahmad Qais Munhazim

Munhazim said that the narrative of all families of queer children being homophobic and transphobic was “an Orientalist assumption and not the reality. Afghans have a very queer cultural history, and families have welcomed queer and trans children in many ways. The presence of the Taliban has made those families more vigilant and cautious, and seeking to exert control over the gender and sexuality of their kids.”

Munhazim said some queer and trans people being evacuated from the country would have loved to have brought their families with them, but were not able to. “The western idea” was to ask if they had a partner to evacuate with, but Munhazim said this should be expanded to include family members (if those queer and trans people would like to be with them), especially as those family members “find themselves in danger after their queer family members have left the country. Also, some queer and trans refugees would love to be evacuated with their families. They really suffer by not being with them. Give them that option.”

Dane Bland of Rainbow Railroad was moved recently to see some refugees attend an LGBTQ event in Canada, “who realized suddenly their LGBTQ identities were not just protected but celebrated.

“However, refugees are not treated fantastically in safer countries,” said Bland. “There is xenophobia. There is not much political capital used in welcoming them. It is incumbent on all of us in Canada and America to be more vocally supportive of newcomers and refugees getting to safety here, so politicians recognize it not as a necessary tick in a box of obligation, but doing what is right for the most amount for people as humanly possible.”

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty

“Conveying hope is important—but it’s not enough”

For Crawford, the question for the Biden administration and State Department is clear and blunt: “Why can’t we resettle more queer and trans Afghans here? Some have been, but not in large numbers. They have so much to contribute. We must help them.”

No representative from the U.S. State Department was available for interview. In a statement addressing a number of issues raised in this report, a State Department spokesperson told The Daily Beast the department remained dedicated to protecting vulnerable populations, and recognized “the unique challenges and threats members of the LGBTQI+ community face within Afghanistan. The United States has consulted with Afghan civil society organizations, and LGBTQI+ Afghans, international NGOs, and human rights defenders for many years to address these vulnerabilities. The United States continues to advocate for respect for the human rights of all Afghans, including for members of the LGBTQI+ community.”

The statement said the State Department continued “to identify ways to support Afghans at risk, including women, children, persons with disabilities, members of the LGBTQI+ community, members of minority groups, and journalists. This effort is of the utmost importance to the U.S. government.”

“We call on the Taliban to allow freedom of movement for all Afghans, and strongly encourage Afghanistan’s neighbors and other countries to allow entry for Afghans seeking protection.”
— State Department spokesperson

The statement added that the State Department recognized how hard it was for many to leave Afghanistan, and with other agencies continued “to discuss and troubleshoot issues that arise with groups and individual cases throughout the process of relocation. We are exploring opportunities for increased access to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Process (USRAP) for LGBTQI+ persons to ensure that LGBTQI+ refugees around the world have access to resettlement as a durable solution.”

In the now-urgent present, with many pathways to safety currently closed or blocked, NGOs and civil society organizations are scrambling to do what they can to help refugees in immediate need. Activists insist the system needs a massive, immediate overhaul to help refugees most in need.

“We always try to convey a message of hope and solidarity,” said Crawford of Immigration Equality. “Years ago, I had a client who had been rejected by his family. They had discovered him being intimate with someone when he was 13. His father first tried to drown him. Then his family stopped speaking with him and made him eat with the dogs. He ran away, and preparing his application to get to Canada, asked, ‘When I get to Canada, can they find me a family?’ It was just gut-wrenching.”

Crawford told the man about organizations like PFLAG, and how there were people and allies in America and Canada who supported and celebrated LGBTQ people. “It was a heartbreaking conversation. At the same time, it gave him a lot of hope that there were people out there who cared and were in solidarity with him. Conveying hope is important—but it’s not enough.”

“I hope the Taliban breaks apart, and new people come to govern the country. One day I would like to be in my own country again.”
— Talha

C is looking forward to exploring the LGBTQ scene in the Canadian city he is now living in, but feels he cannot fully express himself as he still lives around other homophobic Afghans. A woman he knows, who helped him enroll in an English course, has also given him information about a forthcoming LGBTQ event he hopes to attend. He wants to continue his education.

Talha has been to his first gay bars, amazed at seeing people able to wear what they want. “I compare this to my own country. Why is there a difference in Afghanistan? Why can’t we as LGBTQ people be accepted like here? I did not cry, but it was an emotional moment to see this, and think about this.”

Talha hopes he can build a career in hairdressing and beauty, then with his income help support his LGBTQ friends in Afghanistan. “I hope my own country one day gets better,” Talha told The Daily Beast. “I hope the people accept LGBTQ people. I hope the Taliban breaks apart, and new people come to govern the country. One day I would like to be in my own country again. After hundreds of years, what a good feeling that would be.”

LGBT+ Afghans call on UK to save them from Taliban violence in Pakistan protest

Lottie Kilraine and Edd Dracott, PA 


A transgender Afghan has called on the UK Government to offer asylum to members of the LGBT+ community in her country after a year of oppression, rape and violence under the Taliban’s rule.

Ozlam, who asked to be referred to by that name, is the leader of a group of Afghan refugees protesting in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, on Thursday to urge the UK to grant asylum to more than 1,000 LGBT+ Afghans attempting to flee Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

Accompanied by the online #LetUsLive campaign, the protest comes weeks after 24-year-old Ozlam was attacked in her home in Kabul by Taliban fighters, in a raid she said claimed the life of one of her four LGBT+ housemates.

Ozlam told the PA news agency her friend was kidnapped, raped and then found hanging from a tree in a park the day after the attack in the Afghan capital.

“Life before the Taliban was already not very good for us but when the Taliban took control, the LGBT+ community began facing problems on a daily basis,” Ozlam said, speaking to PA through a translator.

“People have been harassed, they have been raped, and they have been killed – these are the issues people are facing.

“There are many other transgender Afghans who have been kidnapped and even now we don’t know whether they are still alive.”

LGBT+ Afghans have faced a year of oppression under Taliban rule (Roshaniya/PA)

Organised by Ozlam and humanitarian group Roshaniya, the Islamabad demonstration was initially planned to take place outside the British embassy but pressure from Pakistani police meant it had to be relocated to Lake View Park in the city centre – where a small group gathered with placards, some of them addressed to the UK’s Foreign Office (FCDO).

“Dear FCDO: We do not want your mind games of vanity,” read one sign.

Before the Taliban seized control of Kabul on August 15 2021, Ozlam had been living with her fiancee, but now lives in Islamabad after recently fleeing Afghanistan and working to encourage other LGBT+ Afghans to fight for their right to live freely.

Roshaniya claimed that within two years or less, the entire community of LGBT+ Afghans will disappear as a result of executions and torture inflicted by the Taliban.

“We want to raise our voice for all the people in the LGBT+ community who are still struggling in Afghanistan,” Ozlam said.

“We are a part of this society and we want to have the right to live our lives the way we want to.”

The demonstration in Pakistan had to be relocated to a park in the city centre from outside the British embassy (Roshaniya/PA)

Roshaniya said it is aware of more than 1,000 LGBT+ Afghans and 20 LGBT+ advocates who remain stuck in Afghanistan or left in limbo in Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.

The group is calling on the UK to grant asylum to at least 100-200 of those refugees, but claims the UK Government has repeatedly rejected their calls to help those on their evacuation list.

“We just want to appeal to the world, and especially the UK, to please help us,” she said.

Monday marks a year since the Taliban captured Kabul as US and Nato forces withdrew from Afghanistan, ending a nearly 20-year war against the Taliban’s insurgency.

Western governments have refused to recognise the Taliban’s rule, demanding respect for human rights and tolerance for other groups.

A UK Government spokesman said: “The UK is a fierce champion of freedom and the right of all people to be themselves and love who they want free from persecution.

“We will continue to help evacuate LGBT+ people from Afghanistan and do all we can to help at-risk Afghans leave the country.”

 Leader of 2005 Peru uprising released early from prison

August 21 2022 

Peru leader
Antauro Humala speaks to the press after his release from the Piedras Gordas II prison in Ancon, Peru.


Antauro Humala, the brother of a former Peruvian president and leader of a failed 2005 uprising, was released early from prison on Saturday, hinting at a return to politics.
The sibling of former president Ollanta Humala and an ex-military officer is the leader of Peru’s Ethnocacerist ethnic nationalist movement that seeks to put the country’s Indigenous peoples in power.
The movement is inspired by the ancient Inca empire, a 19th century war hero, as well as a left-wing general who led a coup in 1968.
Antauro Humala served more than 17 years of a 19-year prison term handed down for the 2005 uprising, which sought to force the resignation of democratically elected president Alejandro Toledo.
He and supporters attacked a police station in the southern Andean city of Andahuaylas, leaving six people dead, including four police officers.
“We all feel very proud of what we did in Andahuaylas,” Antauro Humala said after his release from the Ancon II prison in northern Lima.
A handful of supporters waited outside the facility chanting “President Antauro”.
The 59-year-old has long been a media obsession thanks to his wide-ranging eccentricities.
His lawyer Carmen Huidobro hinted at a return to politics after his release, saying: “It is possible that (Antauro) will resume political life, it is likely that he will run for some office.”
Antauro’s sentence was reduced due to time spent dedicated to work and education, the country’s prison authority announced in a surprise decision on Friday night, under a law that allowed him to deduct one year and seven months.
During the 2021 election campaign, current leftist President Pedro Castillo proposed pardoning Humala, but once in power he never spoke publicly about the issue again.
Antauro and Ollanta Humala, a retired lieutenant-colonel, are longtime political rivals but in 2000 they led a rebellion against president Alberto Fujimori, who is serving a 25-year sentence for crimes against humanity committed during his presidency.
Ollanta was president between 2011 and 2016 and repeatedly refused to pardon his brother.
He governed as a centrist, splitting from Antauro’s political positions.
Both Ollanta and Antauro were raised in an upper middle class home in Lima, where their father Ulises pushed them to become political leaders.
Antauro tried to maintain political relevance from prison by making alliances with Peruvian parties.
He still maintains a following and a handful of supporters were waiting outside prison for his release, according to local media.

Leader of failed 2005 Peruvian uprising 

released from prison

A former Peruvian military officer who led a failed 2005 uprising has been released from prison, following a surprise announcement that his 19-year sentence had been reduced.

A lawyer for Antauro Humala, the leader of Peru’s Ethnocacerist nationalist movement, which seeks to put the country’s disenfranchised Indigenous peoples in power, quickly hinted at a return to politics upon the release on Saturday.

Speaking to supporters who chanted “President Antauro”, he praised the 2005 uprising, in which he and his supporters attacked a police station in the Andean city of Andahuaylas in an attempt to force the resignation of then-President Alejandro Toledo. Six people, including four police officers, were killed in a days-long standoff at the station.

“Now we are obviously outside and I can tell you that we all feel very proud of what we did in [our rebellion in] Andahuaylas,” said Humala.

Supporters of Antauro Humala, brother of former Peruvian President Ollanta Humala, wait outside a prison in Peru for his release [Ernesto Benavides/AFP]

Antauro Humala and his brother, Ollanta Humala, also led a smaller rebellion in 2000 against then-President Alberto Fujimori, who was later convicted of ordering massacres during Peru’s two-decade civil war.

Ollanta Humala went on to become Peru’s president from 2011 to 2016, but governed as a centrist at odds with his brother’s ideology and repeatedly refused to pardon him.

Humala’s Ethnocacerist movement combines obeisance to the ancient Inca empire with an anti-colonial movement, but has been accused of having xenophobic and totalitarian aims.

As a candidate, current left-wing President Pedro Castillo had spoken positively of Humala and raised the possibility of pardoning him but fell silent on the subject after taking office in 2021.

© Provided by Al Jazeera

Supporters of Humala and the Ethnocacerist movement stand outside of a prison in Lima, Peru

 [Ernesto Benavides/AFP]

Peru’s prison authority said Humala had been released one year and seven months early due to his time spent dedicated to work and education. It maintained the decision was made independently from the presidency.

Following his release, Humala’s lawyer, Carmen Huidobro, said “it is possible that [Antauro] will resume political life, it is likely that he will run for some office”.

Speaking to supporters outside the prison in Peru’s capital Lima, Humala asked his supporters for “time to think again of all [that] has happened in these 18 years”.

Low water levels on Danube reveal sunken explosives-laden German warships from WW2

Wreckage of a World War Two German warship is seen in the Danube in Prahovo, Serbia, on Aug 18, 2022.

PRAHOVO, Serbia – Europe's worst drought in years has pushed the mighty river Danube to one of its lowest levels in almost a century, exposing the hulks of dozens of explosives-laden German warships sunk during World War Two near Serbia's river port town of Prahovo.

The vessels were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany's Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, and still hamper river traffic during low water levels.

However, this year's drought – viewed by scientists as a consequence of global warming – has exposed more than 20 hulks on a stretch of the Danube near Prahovo in eastern Serbia, many of which still contain tonnes of ammunition and explosives and pose a danger to shipping.

"The German flotilla has left behind a big ecological disaster that threatens us, people of Prahovo," said Velimir Trajilovic, 74, a pensioner from Prahovo who wrote a book about the German ships.

Ivica Skodric, a 37-year old local fisherman, points at the wreckage of a World War Two German warship in the Danube in Prahovo, Serbia, on Aug 18, 2022. 
PHOTO: Reuters

Workers in the local fishing industry are also at risk, including from Romania which lies just across the river.

Months of drought and record-high temperatures have snarled river traffic on vital arteries in other parts of Europe, including Germany, Italy and France.

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'Climate change affects everyone': Europe battles wildfires in intense heat

In Serbia, the authorities have resorted to dredging to keep navigation lanes on the Danube open. 

By Prahovo, some of the hulks have narrowed the navigable section on this stretch of the Danube to just 100 metres from 180 metres.

Strewn across the riverbed, some of the ships still boast turrets, command bridges, broken masts and twisted hulls, while others lie mostly submerged under sand banks.

In March, the Serbian government invited a tender for the salvage of the hulks and removal of ammunition and explosives.

The cost of the operation was estimated at 29 million euros (S$41 million)

Mexico president urges justice in disappearance of 43 students

The truth commission investigated one of Mexico's worst human rights tragedies. It concluded that military personnel bore responsibility, either directly or through negligence in the disappearance's case of 43 students.

The Commission for Truth and Access to Justice was set up to find the whereabouts of 43 students who were enforced disappeared on 26 September 2014. [Getty Images]

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Friday that any soldiers and officials involved in the disappearance of 43 students in 2014 must face justice to prevent the atrocity happening again.

His remarks came a day after a truth commission investigating one of Mexico's worst human rights tragedies said that military personnel bore responsibility, either directly or through negligence, in the case.

"Publicising this atrocious, inhuman situation, and at the same time punishing those responsible, helps to prevent these deplorable events ever happening again" and "strengthens institutions," Lopez Obrador said.

The participation of "bad public servants" did not imply the whole institution was malfunctioning, he told reporters during a visit to the northwestern border city of Tijuana.

"What weakens an institution is if it does not act in accordance with the truth and there is corruption, impunity," he added.


On Thursday the truth commission created by Lopez Obrador branded the disappearance of the teaching students a "state crime" involving agents of various institutions.

"Their actions, omissions or participation allowed the disappearance and execution of the students, as well as the murder of six other people," said the commission's head, deputy interior minister Alejandro Encinas.

Further investigations were necessary to establish the extent to which members of the armed forces participated, he said.

The students had commandeered buses in the southern state of Guerrero to travel to a demonstration in Mexico City before they went missing.

They were detained by corrupt police and handed over to a drug cartel which mistook them for members of a rival gang, the commission said.

According to an official report presented in 2015 by the government of then-president Enrique Pena Nieto, cartel members shot them and incinerated their remains at a garbage dump.

That version of events, which did not attribute any responsibility to the military, was rejected by relatives as well as independent experts.

Lopez Obrador said in March that navy members were under investigation for allegedly tampering with evidence, notably at a garbage dump where human remains were found, including those of the only three students identified so far.

He denied that authorities were withholding important information about the case, which drew international condemnation.
Cuba bids farewell to firefighters killed in fuel depot blaze

Relatives of the firefighters who died in a huge fire at an oil depot in early August cry next to the urns in Matanzas, Cuba August 19, 2022. — AFP pic

Saturday, 20 Aug 2022 12:08 PM MYT

MATANZAS (Cuba), Aug 20 — Thousands of Cubans turned out yesterday to bid a final farewell to 14 firefighters killed while battling a blaze at a fuel depot this month.

A long line of firefighters, soldiers and ordinary citizens solemnly filed past 14 coffins draped in the Cuban flag at a ceremony in Matanzas, some 100 kilometres (60 miles) east of the capital Havana.

Also on hand were several of the island nation’s top dignitaries, including leader Raul Castro, who headed an honour guard featuring President Miguel Diaz-Canel and Defence Minister General Alvaro Lopez Miera.

“A very sad day, it is very sad to say goodbye to those brothers who fought hard battles,” Yunior Exposito, a 32-year-old rescue and salvage technician who escaped the fire, told AFP as he wept.

The blaze broke out on August 5 when lightning struck a tank containing 26 million liters of fuel at a depot on the outskirts of Matanzas, a city of some 140,000 people.

Early the next morning, a major explosion occurred when a second fuel tank caught fire — killing the firefighters already on site.

Two other firefighters had also died in the blaze. Some 130 people were injured, of whom 18 remain in hospital.

It took six more days to bring the fire under control, during which time the 14 firefighters were officially listed as missing.

Four of the depot’s eight fuel tanks were destroyed. Each had a capacity of some 50 million liters (13.2 million gallons).

After missing firefighters’ remains were found, officials said Wednesday the bodies were too charred to allow for DNA identification.

The 14 were honoured yesterday on the second of two days of national mourning announced by Diaz-Canel, who offered his condolences via Twitter Thursday to loved ones of “these brave Cubans.” The Matanzas depot supplies the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, the largest in communist Cuba.

The disaster comes at a time when the island — with an outdated energy network and persistent fuel shortages — has faced mounting difficulties in meeting energy demands.

Since May, authorities have imposed energy blackouts of up to 12 hours a day in some regions — sparking protests around the nation of 11 million people. — AFP
“The RLA needs to be destroyed”: Railroaders denounce pro-company decision by federal board, call for strike action

Our reporters
19 August 2022

Read the statement by UAW presidential candidate William Lehman calling for full support for the rail workers.

The claim by the railroads that “labor does not contribute to profits,” which has sparked outrage among railroad workers, stamped onto the back of a Norfolk Southern safety vest
 [Photo by Railroad worker via Reddit]

Railroaders are continuing to react furiously to a pro-company report issued Tuesday by the Presidential Emergency Board appointed to resolve a nearly three-year-long national contract dispute.

The Biden-appointed body recommended a settlement which includes annual wage increases roughly half the current rate of inflation (a 22 percent increase spread out over five years), eliminates caps to individual health care contributions, and, worst of all, upholds the “right” of management to unilaterally change its attendance policies. This is the mechanism through which the railroads have imposed hated policies such as Hi-Viz and Precision Scheduled Railroading, which have driven tens of thousands out of the industry.

Out of the more than 120-page report by the PEB, no section has incensed workers more than the arguments by the railroads to the board that “capital investment and risk are the reasons for their profits, not any contributions from labor,” and that therefore workers had no claim to share in record profits. The language from this passage has been posted widely in social media memes, printed on t-shirts and safety vests, and distributed by workers in leaflet form in break rooms. Workers know that the massive profits being made by the railroads are being sweated out of their backs, and a common retort is that the companies can therefore have no objection to a strike, since it would not affect their profit margins.
T-shirts made by railroaders containing the infamous claim by the railroads to the Presidential Emergency Board that “labor does not contribute to profits”
 [Photo by Railroad workers via Facebook]

The reporting and commentary on the PEB by the World Socialist Web Site is being widely read by workers all over the country. Over the past three days, the WSWS has received an unprecedented volume of comments from railroad workers. Overarching themes in these comments include: an overwhelming desire for strike action, including in defiance of Congress and the Railway Labor Act; anger with the Democratic Party and the Biden administration, which claim Biden is the most “pro-union president in American history;” and anger with the unions for having called for the PEB and stumping for Biden and the Democrats. Taken as a whole, these comments reflect a powerful segment of the workforce which is being thrust into struggle, but looking for a new perspective and orientation.

We are posting a small selection of these comments below. More will be published in the coming days.
“The only winning move is a nationwide walkout”
Flyers containing the infamous quote distributed in a break room by an anonymous worker.
 [Photo by Railroad worker via Facebook]

Conductor from Idaho: “As a [high seniority] conductor, I say, STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE! And after Congress sends us back to work, then WILDCAT STRIKE. We are fed up!”

Worker from Upstate New York: “We need a nationwide strike, ignoring the PEB! One of the conditions for coming back to work should be its abolition!”

A Colorado BNSF worker: “I work 200-220 hours a month despite trying to work as little as possible. To that you can easily add another 150-200 hours a month sitting in hotels. Lineups are meaningless, and I'm constantly sleep deprived because there is no schedule. Even the ‘fatigue rest cycles’ offered to us don't really work for proper rest. If I get home after a 12-hour work day and take my scheduled two days off, the first thing I want to do is sleep. So I'm asleep for 8 [hours], awake 16 [hours]. Repeat that and now I'm 16 hours awake first out on the board and my phone can ring right as I'd want to go back to sleep. The entire RSIA and fatigue cycles need to be audited for the reality of what we do.

“With the new Hi-Viz policy I am under threat of termination just by getting sick for a few days. New hires don't even have vacation or PLD’s to help save their points from this insane policy. As long as it's in place, I don't see anyone new to the industry being willing to stay. It already takes a special kind of person to be a railroader, but you have people with 10-15 years quitting. Why would some new guy see the current turnover and have any faith in being treated decently?

“The only winning move I think is a nation-wide walkout of every railroader in every craft and be willing to ignore the ‘return to work order.’ The government and these CEOs and shareholders need to understand that we aren't going to put up with it anymore. In the face of the mass resignations already it's astounding that the PEB is confident that we'd be happy with a middle ground and LOSING money. The cost of living in my state has risen two to three times in the last five years and we haven't had a cost of living adjustment either, much less accounting for inflation.

“We need our ability to strike because these companies have done zero negotiating in the last 5 years. Every single thing they don't like is just paved over with a new policy … The unions have done absolutely nothing to oppose anything in the last 5 years.”

A worker from the Texas Panhandle: “I’m tired of getting the short end of the stick every contract while the company has record profits every year! The recommendations by the PEB board are a slap in the face, and probably came from the carriers! I vote to strike, and not to accept the board’s recommendations; we are not gonna take this sub par recommendation! We work longer hours with this PSR that the railroads are doing, so in fact we will be losing money when you factor in the larger amount of time spent at work and away from our families!”

An Indiana railroader: “The RLA[Railway Labor Act] needs to be destroyed and [cost of living adjustments] need to happen every 3 months we're without a contract, to force the carriers to negotiate. Their tactic to draw the contract process out is obvious. This used to be a job where one person sacrificed his life and time for their family. It is why our wives get a pension! For the sacrifice they made! Pay us for our time!”

A Wisconsin railroader: “They [the railroads] say we work an average of 37 a pay period? Pure lies!

“I worked [nearly 60] hours [recently], and most of the shifts were middle of the night calls, that came out of the blue. Two hours of sleep, and then going to work unexpectedly for 12 continuous hours, head bobbing all night long. How is that healthy? Fix the unpredictable work schedule. Zero scheduled days off, what kind of life is that? Yes, we all knew that this is a 24/7 operation when we hired on. But back then we had days off. There were 5/2, 7/3, or some even had a 10/5 schedules back then. The bastards took all that away from us, ZERO days off. They want us to fix and compensate for mismanagement of operation. Then throw in Hi Viz? That alone warrants a 20 percent increase in pay. Modern day slavery.

“WE STRIKE NOW, the PEB recommendation is 100% unacceptable.”
“It’s obvious the unions are in bed with the Democrats, and the Democrats are in bed with the railroads”

An Arizona railroader: “As usual, the politicians sided with the people who have the most influence via the almighty dollar. I work an average of 240-260 hours a month and so do a lot of my coworkers. For the corporation to say that we work less than a full time week is preposterous!

“President Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party failed to fulfill their promise to support us. Maybe our union leaders could have presented a better case if they had bothered to come out and ride some trains to see what is really going on, instead of collecting the salaries we provide as members and sit in an office.”

A Kansas railroader: “‘Most pro union president since FDR.’ What a joke! People were already leaving the railroad in droves because of the way the big railroads treat us employees. A lot of guys were hanging on to see if this contract would make it better. But once Congress shoves this poor excuse for a contract down our throats, there will be a mass walking away from the industry. Start stocking up on your essentials now, because the country is about to shut down. We've had enough of 12+ hour work days, no days off, dealing with broken equipment and all around treated like s***. I hope when Congress orders us back to work after we strike no one listens and we all stay on the picket lines. Enough is enough.”

A railroader from northern Indiana: “As a 20-year-plus member of the BLE, I don’t think that the unions have the best interest of the members in mind when they are negotiating. No back payment? So we have had to work through the pandemic all while the other ‘essential’ workers were being paid double time and/or incentives to come to work, what did we get? Nothing. Now these companies and the unions are basically turning their backs on us. I think they are in this together and we are not getting what we pay for in union dues. Union leaders are weak and it’s time for some new ones.”

A railroader from the Houston, Texas area: “Though I love my job and consider myself blessed, I feel my job does not look at me as a human being. I’m treated like a piece of equipment. My humanity is denied in their decision making concerning work practices. The job itself is scientifically proven to create bad health, so why continue to chisel away at our health benefits we need to combat the medical issues our profession causes? There are times I must choose between being employed and literally being human. The raise the PEB proposed is very disappointing and will not meet the simple cost of living increase, this horrible economy and its inflation, much less the health benefits [cost] increase proposed by the company.

“I believed the false narrative that Democrats stood for the working man. I watch the Biden administration run to the rescue of so many people, countries, and assist certain agendas that the government should have no say in, yet the workforce that’s literally the circulatory system of goods, products and commerce in this country gets no compassion or understanding from this ‘bleeding heart’ administration. I’ll never vote Democrat again.”

A Washington state BNSF worker: “The PEB did not agree on any sick days for us, they believed the lies the company said about being allowed to use our PLD for Doctor appointments, etc. They refused to get involved in the draconian availability policy known as Hi-Viz, they obviously believed every lie BNSF said regarding our 60 hours a week we often work vs the 32 hours they claim that we work. We once were considered essential and now considered worthless. I will never ever believe again that Democrats are for working employees. They sided with the company on damn near everything!”

A Seattle, Washington BNSF worker: “I work in south Seattle, management treats us worse than dogs. They force us to work 12 hour days without a break in 100 degree weather. They preach safety non stop, but really only care about production. Consistently we have over 1,000 pieces in the yard when we only have parking for 700. This is by far the worst company I’ve ever worked for in my entire life.

“This PEB is 100 percent in favor for the company. Why do we spend so much for union dues, when its obvious that the union is in bed with the Democrats, and the Democrats are in bed with the railroad? This whole thing is just the rich helping out the rich.”

First teachers’ strike since 1975 looms in Columbus, Ohio

Nearly 200 Columbus Educators Association members at a picket captain training meeting [Photo by Columbus Education Association]

This Sunday 4,000 Columbus City Schools (CCS) educators are set to vote on strike action as they seek to carry out a long overdue counteroffensive against years of attacks on public education in the city’s schools.

A “Yes” vote and a strike, however, must be just the starting point in the fight. The WSWS urges all teachers to join and build the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee and link up with workers across the US and internationally who are fighting against the same conditions of austerity, neglect of infrastructure, soaring cost of living and the homicidal ruling class policy of allowing COVID-19 and monkeypox to spread unimpeded.

Columbus educators face a particularly horrific and unsafe work environment as a result of decades of bipartisan budget cuts. This includes deteriorating buildings, lack of arts and physical education teachers, standing-room-only classes, lack of functional (much less COVID-safe retrofitting) heating, ventilation and cooling systems, and poor pay.

Educators and students across the city (under Democratic Party control since 2000) are forced to cope with roaches, rodents, freezing cold or broiling hot buildings, unsafe wiring and outright filthy conditions. Teachers report via social media truly appalling conditions for educators, much less children.

Pest traps with cockroaches in a Columbus classroom [Photo by CEA]

Angie Renee posted about rodent infestation in her classroom, one corner of which “was covered in mouse feces and urine. … It was BAD. Everything over in the corner had to be thrown away.”

Karen Kelly wrote, “One year I bought 6 new posters for my walls. The heating pipes busted in my [class]room and the moisture caused them all to fall off the walls. When I came in the next morning there were about 16 of those big critters [water bugs] attached to the tape.”

Just since March, inspectors have flagged 32 schools for health violations. These include “water intrusion, leaking or missing ceiling tiles, lead-based paint that needs [to be] treated or playground equipment or benches that are in need of repair due to concerns.”

Stained and broken ceiling tiles in another classroom [Photo by CEA]

The district, which has also presided over the deadly spread of COVID-19 through the schools, has no intention of meeting even the entirely inadequate “demands” of the Columbus Education Association (CEA). Instead, CCS has provocatively pledged to bring in 600 substitute teachers to staff all-remote classes for its 47,000 students.

The district’s “last, best and final offer” calls for 3 percent per year wage increases, which amount to a substantial pay cut under conditions of 8.5 percent annual inflation.

The Columbus Education Association’s initial demand was an inadequate 8 percent per year, still below inflation. However, on Thursday, union spokesperson Regina Fuentes refused to answer media questions on salary demands. In other words, it is likely that the union has already backed down on pay and other key issues.

By contrast, community members demonstrated their heartfelt support to teachers at the Tuesday, August 16, board meeting. Hundreds of educators, parents and students turned out to protest the district’s stonewalling. Eighth grader Inara Pompi spoke to the board, stating, “My impression of the administration is that they are wage thieves, and they should try to pay our teachers in our schools what they deserve,” according to MSN.

Parent Andrew Kline also denounced the Board’s plans, stating, “Whoever came up with the idea that I’m going to send my first-year kindergarten student to Zoom school with a substitute teacher is completely out of touch with reality.”

CCS nevertheless terminated negotiations Thursday. The abrupt action followed 21 unsuccessful bargaining sessions. On Friday, the CEA stated that the latest offer was “substantially unchanged from their last final offer on major issues, including no contractual guarantees on HVAC or building conditions.”

School is scheduled to begin Wednesday, August 24, with teachers reporting on Monday for school preparation. The union has said picketing will begin Monday if the strike vote passes.

In a clear indication that the National Education Association (NEA) is working feverishly behind the scenes to reach a sellout deal and prevent a strike, Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro and NEA Vice President Princess Moss will also be at Sunday's vote. A particular concern of both the NEA and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is to try to contain the explosive anger among educators in advance of the midterm elections, and attempt to head off a direct conflict of teachers with the Biden administration and the Democratic Party.

Throughout the pandemic, the NEA and AFT partnered with Biden to insist that children and young people return to schools in person, in order to ensure their parents were back on the job and producing profits for the corporations. Instead of fighting to protect educators, students and families from the deadly disease, the teacher unions betrayed the work actions of thousands of workers and students who struck and protested to demand COVID protections, including full retrofitting of HVAC systems.

In fact, the NEA devoted its annual convention in July to solidarizing itself with the Biden administration and its corporatist “Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment,” which was created to crush a growing strike movement and subordinate workers to austerity and imperialist war.

The appalling conditions rife within the CCS are an indictment of the union’s refusal to fight for even the more minimal safety and hygiene over decades. Therefore, Columbus teachers should be forewarned that this bureaucracy will seek to prevent the full power of educators from being unleashed, just as in last March when the NEA worked in tandem with the AFT to isolate and shut down two of the year’s most powerful teacher strikes in Minneapolis and Sacramento. Those teachers were forced back to work with raises of 2 percent (for each of two years) and 4 percent (one year), respectively.

It is time to draw the balance sheet of the experiences of the past period. Educators must break out of the reactionary, pro-capitalist straitjacket of the NEA and AFT and fight independently of the unions and the two political parties of big business. Not only is it necessary to demand the necessary billions of dollars to provide decent wages and benefits for educators and retrofit, rebuild or construct safe schools, but to mobilize the entire working class in defense of public education, against war and social inequality.

The way forward for teachers is to turn out to the powerful movement developing among teachers and other workers throughout the world and join the growing network of rank-and-file committees comprising the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees (IWA-RFC).

On Saturday, August 27, the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee is holding an online meeting, “CDC embraces ‘Forever COVID’: The urgent fight for rank-and-file committees to stop the pandemic.” We encourage teachers, education workers, parents and students to attend.