Thursday, September 01, 2022

Two new studies link ultra-processed foods with heart disease, bowel cancer and death

Findings add further evidence in support of policies that limit ultra-processed foods

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Two large studies published by The BMJ today find links between high consumption of ultra-processed foods and increased risks of cardiovascular disease, bowel (colorectal) cancer and death.

The findings add further evidence in support of policies that limit ultra-processed foods and instead promote eating unprocessed or minimally-processed foods to improve public health worldwide.

They also reinforce the opportunity to reformulate dietary guidelines worldwide, by paying more attention to the degree of processing of foods along with nutrient based recommendations.

Ultra-processed foods include packaged baked goods and snacks, fizzy drinks, sugary cereals, and ready-to-eat or heat products, often containing high levels of added sugar, fat, and/or salt, but lacking in vitamins and fibre.

Previous studies have linked ultra-processed foods to higher risks of obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and some cancers, but few studies have assessed the association between ultra-processed food intake and colorectal cancer risk, and findings are mixed due to limitations in study design and sample sizes.

In the first study, researchers examined the association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and risk of colorectal cancer in US adults.

Their findings are based on 46,341 men and 159,907 women from three large studies of US health professionals whose dietary intake was assessed every four years using detailed food frequency questionnaires.

Foods were grouped by degree of processing and rates of colorectal cancer were measured over a period of 24-28 years, taking account of medical and lifestyle factors.

Results show that compared with those in the lowest fifth of ultra-processed food consumption, men in the highest fifth of consumption had a 29% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer, which remained significant after further adjustment for body mass index or dietary quality.

No association was observed between overall ultra-processed food consumption and risk of colorectal cancer among women. However, higher consumption of meat/poultry/seafood based ready-to-eat products and sugar sweetened beverages among men - and ready-to-eat/heat mixed dishes among women - was associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

In the second study, researchers analysed two food classification systems in relation to mortality - the Food Standards Agency Nutrient Profiling System (FSAm-NPS), used to derive the colour-coded Nutri-Score front-of-pack label, and the NOVA scale, which evaluates the degree of food processing.

Their findings are based on 22,895 Italian adults (average age 55 years; 48% men) from the Moli-sani Study, investigating genetic and environmental risk factors for heart diseases and cancer.

Both the quantity and quality of food and beverages consumed were assessed and deaths were measured over a 14 year period (2005 to 2019), taking account of underlying medical conditions.

Results showed that those in the highest quarter of the FSAm-NPS index (least healthy diet) compared with the lowest quarter (healthiest diet) had a 19% higher risk of death from any cause and a 32% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Risks were similar when the two extreme categories of ultra-processed food intake on the NOVA scale were compared (19% and 27% higher for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, respectively).

A significant proportion of the excess mortality risk associated with a poor diet was explained by a higher degree of food processing. In contrast, ultra-processed food intake remained associated with mortality even after the poor nutritional quality of the diet was accounted for.

Both studies are observational so can’t establish cause, and limitations include the possibility that some of the risks may be due to other unmeasured (confounding) factors. 

Nevertheless, both studies used reliable markers of dietary quality and took account of well known risk factors, and the findings back up other research linking highly processed food with poor health.

As such, both research teams say their findings support the public health importance of limiting certain types of ultra-processed foods for better health outcomes in the population. Results from the Italian study also reinforce the opportunity to reformulate dietary guidelines worldwide, by paying more attention to the degree of processing of foods along with nutrient based recommendations.

In a linked editorial, Brazilian researchers argue that nobody sensible wants foods that cause illness.

The overall positive solution, they say, includes making supplies of fresh and minimally processed foods available, attractive, and affordable. And sustaining national initiatives to promote and support freshly prepared meals made with fresh and minimally processed foods, using small amounts of processed culinary ingredients and processed foods.

“Enacted, this will promote public health. It will also nourish families, society, economies, and the environment,” they conclude.


UK health workers were let down by government during Covid pandemic, say doctors

UK response to the pandemic was not always ‘guided by the science’

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Health and social care workers were often let down by the government whose claims that it was ‘guided by the science’ when developing policy to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic were questionable, according to an editorial published online today in The BMJ.

Many questions need to be answered when assessing how well the UK responded to the pandemic, says an opinion piece written by editor in chief of The BMJ, Kamran Abbasi, and Martin McKee and Kara Hanson, both from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London.

The BMJ has commissioned a series of articles to examine how evidence was used to shape the UK’s response to the pandemic as well as how information was sometimes “misused, abused, and manipulated” by some parties.

The first two of these articles, published today, question the evidence behind government decisions on how Covid-19 spreads and children and schools.

In the first article, Professor Trisha Greenhalgh at the University of Oxford and colleagues explore how flawed narratives about SARS-CoV-2 transmission arose and became entrenched early in the pandemic, leading to misplaced policies and avoidable deaths.

They say: “At the root of the UK’s limited success in controlling transmission of SARS-CoV-2 lie flawed droplet-but-not-airborne and situationally airborne narratives.

“These narratives, and the false certainty with which they were conveyed, produced ineffective public health measures, contributed to shocking levels of care home deaths, exacerbated toxic discourse on masking, and justified withholding adequate protection from most health and care staff.”

They invite the inquiry "to consider not just those specific flawed decisions but also the culture of premature scientific conclusions and reluctance to engage with uncertainty."

In the second article, Dr Deepti Gurdasani at Queen Mary University of London and colleagues argue that the UK government relied on evidence that downplayed the seriousness of Covid-19 in children, underestimated the benefits of precautionary measures, and overestimated the harms of vaccination.

They say: “Government policy seems to have been based on three assumptions – namely that children had a minimal role in community spread, particularly to vulnerable relatives; that schools were not loci of transmission; and that children were not harmed by infection.

“However, none of these assumptions is true, and this was knowable early on, when key decisions were made.”

They recommend the public inquiry "should explore why the UK was an international outlier in its approach to protecting children and making schools and communities safer."

In the editorial published today, Abbasi and co-authors say The BMJ’s series of articles will help inform the ongoing UK Covid-19 Inquiry being chaired by Heather Hallett.

That inquiry will document decisions made and examine the reasons for them as well as look at international comparisons and consider the experiences of bereaved families.

It will not be easy, warn the editorial authors who say: “One challenge will be getting at the truth, given the government’s track record of rejecting requests under the Freedom of Information Act, refusals by ministers to attend parliamentary committees, and [Boris] Johnson’s habit of not answering the questions put to him in parliament each week. This is a government that is uncomfortable with scrutiny.”

Another challenge that lays ahead for the inquiry will be assessing how the decision-making process was informed and influenced, they add.

“Throughout the pandemic politicians and their scientific advisers insisted that decision making would be ‘guided by the science’” they say. “However, evidence is socially constructed and can be highly contested. Different sources, and indeed types, of evidence are given different weight in developing policy: it is important to consider whose science counts, and why.”

The editorial says there were some successes in how the pandemic was handled, such as the early stages of the vaccine programme, how the NHS responded to rolling it out, and health service innovation.

However, mistakes were also made, they add, saying: “The evidence that SARS-CoV-2 transmits through the air, in crowded and poorly ventilated places, was clear relatively early on. Even now, many policies ignore this vital fact.

“Children have been harmed through Covid affecting them or family members, and through loss of education. The measures that would protect them, such as vaccination and improved ventilation in schools, attract lukewarm support at best.”

They conclude that the UK’s response should have been better, given the death toll was approaching 200,000 deaths in the UK.

“While debate continues about how best to compare the resilience of national health systems to shocks such as pandemics, there is little doubt that the UK’s response fell far short of its potential,” they say.

Each article in The BMJ series will, say the authors, offer messages to help inform the national inquiry, but they add: “One message is universal and unequivocal: scientists and health workers on the front line of the response, and therefore the public, were too often let down by politicians.”

Double burden of paid and unpaid labor leading to poorer mental health in women, review finds

New research reveals unpaid labor is associated with poorer mental health in employed women, but the effects are less apparent for men

Peer-Reviewed Publication


New research reveals unpaid labour is associated with poorer mental health in employed women, but the effects are less apparent for men

Published in the Lancet Public Health, University of Melbourne researchers have conducted a review – the first of its kind – to bring together and assess the existing evidence examining the gendered association between unpaid labour and mental health. 

Of the 14 studies included – totalling more than 66,800 participants worldwide – five examined unpaid labour (inclusive of care), nine examined housework time and, of these, four also examined childcare.

Researchers found that in addition to the economic penalty women experience shouldering most of the world's unpaid labour load, there is a mental health cost as well.

Overall, in 11 of the 14 studies examined, women self-reported increased depressive or psychological distress symptoms with increasing unpaid labour demands. For men, only three out of a possible 12 studies reported any negative association.

“We found substantial gender differences in exposure to unpaid labour, with women uniformly doing more in every geographical and time setting – in more than 35 countries – around the world,” research lead Jen Ervin said.

“This double burden of paid and unpaid work exposures women to greater risk for overload, time poverty and poorer mental health. Crucially, women are also routinely trading off paid work hours to meet their disproportionally high unpaid labour responsibilities.”

Ms Ervin said the study highlights the need for greater attention and meaningful action to drive greater equity in the division of unpaid labour.

“There is an undeniable mental load that accompanies unpaid labour and family responsibilities. Reducing the disproportionate unpaid labour burden on women, by enabling men to take on their equal share, has the potential to improve women’s mental health,” she said.

In addition, researchers say substantive policy changes, such as universal childcare and normalising flexible working arrangements for men are urgently required to enable real change.

Researchers conclude that this review highlights the need for further high-quality longitudinal research in this area, the need to better understand nuances within different dimensions of unpaid labour, as well as the need for a consistent approach in how unpaid labour is defined and measured.

Robots can be used to assess children’s mental wellbeing, study suggests

Reports and Proceedings


Nao robot and Dr Micol Spitale 



Robots can be better at detecting mental wellbeing issues in children than parent-reported or self-reported testing, a new study suggests.

A team of roboticists, computer scientists and psychiatrists from the University of Cambridge carried out a study with 28 children between the ages of eight and 13, and had a child-sized humanoid robot administer a series of standard psychological questionnaires to assess the mental wellbeing of each participant.

The children were willing to confide in the robot, in some cases sharing information with the robot that they had not yet shared via the standard assessment method of online or in-person questionnaires. This is the first time that robots have been used to assess mental wellbeing in children.

The researchers say that robots could be a useful addition to traditional methods of mental health assessment, although they are not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health support. The results will be presented today (1 September) at the 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) in Naples, Italy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, home schooling, financial pressures, and isolation from peers and friends impacted the mental health of many children. Even before the pandemic however, anxiety and depression among children in the UK has been on the rise, but the resources and support to address mental wellbeing are severely limited.

Professor Hatice Gunes, who leads the Affective Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory in Cambridge’s Department of Computer Science and Technology, has been studying how socially-assistive robots (SARs) can be used as mental wellbeing ‘coaches’ for adults, but in recent years has also been studying how they may be beneficial to children.

“After I became a mother, I was much more interested in how children express themselves as they grow, and how that might overlap with my work in robotics,” said Gunes. “Children are quite tactile, and they’re drawn to technology. If they’re using a screen-based tool, they’re withdrawn from the physical world. But robots are perfect because they’re in the physical world – they’re more interactive, so the children are more engaged.”

With colleagues in Cambridge’s Department of Psychiatry, Gunes and her team designed an experiment to see if robots could be a useful tool to assess mental wellbeing in children.

“There are times when traditional methods aren’t able to catch mental wellbeing lapses in children, as sometimes the changes are incredibly subtle,” said Nida Itrat Abbasi, the study’s first author. “We wanted to see whether robots might be able to help with this process.”

For the study, 28 participants between ages eight and 13 each took part in a one-to-one 45-minute session with a Nao robot – a humanoid robot about 60 centimetres tall. A parent or guardian, along with members of the research team, observed from an adjacent room. Prior to each session, children and their parent or guardian completed standard online questionnaire to assess each child’s mental wellbeing.

During each session, the robot performed four different tasks: 1) asked open-ended questions about happy and sad memories over the last week; 2) administered the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ); 3) administered a picture task inspired by the Children’s Apperception Test (CAT), where children are asked to answer questions related to pictures shown; and 4) administered the Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) for generalised anxiety, panic disorder and low mood.


Robots can be better at detecting mental wellbeing issues in children than parent-reported or self-reported testing, a new study suggests.


Rachel Gardner

Children were divided into three different groups following the SMFQ, according to how likely they were to be struggling with their mental wellbeing. Participants interacted with the robot throughout the session by speaking with it, or by touching sensors on the robot’s hands and feet. Additional sensors tracked participants’ heartbeat, head and eye movements during the session.

Study participants all said they enjoyed talking with the robot: some shared information with the robot that they hadn’t shared either in person or on the online questionnaire.

The researchers found that children with varying levels of wellbeing concerns interacted differently with the robot. For children that might not be experiencing mental wellbeing-related problems, the researchers found that interacting with the robot led to more positive response ratings to the questionnaires. However, for children that might be experiencing wellbeing related concerns, the robot may have enabled them to divulge their true feelings and experiences, leading to more negative response ratings to the questionnaire.

“Since the robot we use is child-sized, and completely non-threatening, children might see the robot as a confidante – they feel like they won’t get into trouble if they share secrets with it,” said Abbasi. “Other researchers have found that children are more likely to divulge private information – like that they’re being bullied, for example – to a robot than they would be to an adult.”

The researchers say that while their results show that robots could be a useful tool for psychological assessment of children, they are not a substitute for human interaction.

“We don’t have any intention of replacing psychologists or other mental health professionals with robots, since their expertise far surpasses anything a robot can do,” said co-author Dr Micol Spitale. “However, our work suggests that robots could be a useful tool in helping children to open up and share things they might not be comfortable sharing at first.”

The researchers say that they hope to expand their survey in future, by including more participants and following them over time. They are also investigating whether similar results could be achieved if children interact with the robot via video chat.

The research was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.

Scientists discover compound found in trees has potential to kill drug-resistant bacteria

An organic compound could become a critical tool in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a new study suggests

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Researchers have found a naturally occurring compound, known as hydroquinine, has bacterial killing activity against several microorganisms.

Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the greatest threats to public health globally. It occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making it difficult to treat infections. Because of this, there is a pressing need for the development of new antimicrobial drugs to combat infections.

A new study by scientists from the University of Portsmouth and Naresuan and Pibulsongkram Rajabhat Universities in Thailand explored whether hydroquinine, which is found in the bark of some trees, could inhibit any bacterial strains. Hydroquinine is already known to be an effective agent against malaria in humans, but until now there has been little investigation into its drug-resistant properties.

The findings, published in the Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease journal, suggest the antimicrobial properties of the organic compound make it a potential candidate for future clinical investigation. 

Dr Robert Baldock from the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Portsmouth, said: “Using bacterial killing experiments, we found  that hydroquinine was able to kill several microorganisms including the common multidrug-resistant pathogen pseudomonas aeruginosa.

“Characteristically, we also discovered that one of the main mechanisms used by these bacteria to escape killing activity of the drug was upregulated with treatment - indicating a robust response from the bacteria.

“By studying this compound further, our hope is that it may in future offer another line of treatment in combatting bacterial infections.”

Drug-resistant bacteria occur in more than 2.8 million infections and are responsible for 35,000 deaths per year. Common antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” cause diseases including sepsis, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia. Statistics show bloodstream infections with the bacteria - P. aeruginosa are associated with high mortality rates of between 30 and 50%. 

The study recommends further investigation into the antimicrobial resistance properties and side effects of hydroquinine.

Dr Jirapas Jongjitwimol from the Department of Medical Technology at Naresuan University added: “Our future research aims to uncover the molecular target of hydroquinine. This would help our understanding of how the compound works against pathogenic bacteria and how it could potentially be used in a clinical setting.”