Saturday, October 15, 2022

Alex Jones mocks $1 billion Sandy Hook verdict, but his fellow conspiracy theorists freak out

David Neiwert
Daily Kos Staff
Friday October 14, 2022 · 
5:24 PM 

Alex Jones mocked the verdict in the lawsuit brought by families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting, which found him liable for nearly $1 billion in damages

Alex Jones, who long ago demonstrated his estrangement from reality, has been putting on a brave front in the wake of this week’s jury verdict in Connecticut awarding the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre nearly $1 billion in damages for having smeared them relentlessly after the tragedy. Going on both his Infowars program as well as other talk shows, he’s been busily mocking the verdict: “Do these people actually think they’re getting any money?” he told his audience.

His fellow conspiracy theorists, however, have registered an apocalypse-level freakout over the news, certain that the verdict is a sign that “the regime” (that is, the “globalists” they all believe secretly run the world) is about to start rounding them all up—even though this was a civil verdict. None of any of these reactions, however, bear any relationship to the complicated legal realities that are about to unfold.

The judgement—totaling $965 million for the eight families of the victims who filed the lawsuit—reflects both the real outrage arising from the facts of the case and the abysmal failure of Jones and his legal team to even attempt to mount an effective legal defense. From the very first day of the tragedy—on Dec. 14, 2012, when a young man named Adam Lanza embarked on a shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 20 children and six teachers and staff members—Jones had not only proclaimed the entire event a “false flag” operation by “globalists” intended to inspire a crackdown on gun ownership, but spent much of the following decade claiming the young victims and their parents were fake “crisis actors.”

The ensuing torrent of harassment and abuse against those families grew to such monumental proportions that Jones consequently ended up facing four lawsuits: the first two, decided in August by a Texas jury, ended with a $45.2 million judgement, which was dwarfed by the size of the judgement in the third lawsuit in Connecticut. The fourth lawsuit, filed in Texas by Sandy Hook parent Scarlett Lewis, is ongoing. Jones also faces a lawsuit filed by the families against Jones and his parent company, Free Speech Systems, claiming that he has been using shell companies to hide his assets in an effort to avoid paying the judgements against him.

As the verdict was being rendered, Jones went on his Infowars program live, mocking the huge dollar amounts as well as the families, who could be seen on live broadcasts weeping while the judgement was read aloud. He called the verdict a “joke,” saying he was only worth a few million. And then he pitched a fundraiser to help with his appeals, vowing that none of the money donated would wind up in the hands of the families.

“This is hilarious,” he said, as the separate awards were listed. “Do these people actually think they’re getting any money?”

“Ain’t gonna be happening, ain’t no money,” he told his audience as the dollar amounts were read aloud for the eight families. “Now remember, I’m in bankruptcy, we’ve got two years of appeals, the money you donate does not go to these people. It goes to fight this fraud, and it goes to stabilize the company. They want us shut down. That’s why the ambulance chasers did this, why they used these families.”

He added: “You want somebody to fight for you, I’m doing it, you see what they do. So you want to fight? That’s fine. It’s your decision. But that’s where we are, that’s the whacked-out system of the left.”

Jones told his audience the liberal Democratic establishment wanted to destroy him, and that “your pennies counter their millions.” He announced he would hold a 16-hour “emergency” broadcast to “save Infowars,” he said, and beckoned his viewers to “flood us with donations.”

“For hundreds of thousands of dollars, I can keep them in court for years. I can appeal this stuff,” he said.

Jones later talked about the verdict with Infowars host Owen Shroyer, dismissing the amounts in the judgement as unimportant. “Quite frankly, the way inflation is going, the way it accelerates towards the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe—in 10 years, there’s such inflation a billion dollars will be like a thousand dollars.”

He added: “No, I’m not scared. I am disgusted. And I really feel proud of myself, because I’ve told the truth about this, I’ve said when I was wrong, they have created this whole synthetic identity for me, the straw man, and then they sat there and had to lie to a jury and suppress the truth and tell them I was guilty, and rid this kangaroo court. So I myself can hold my head tall.”

Jones was interviewed on the right-wing outlet Newsmax, and voiced confidence that he’d eventually prevail in court. “We are very, very sure, that this thing is such a joke, this is such a fiasco, such a kangaroo court, such a railroad job that these will be overturned, both the Texas rulings and the Connecticut rulings,” he said, indicating he would take the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court if he had to. “But it doesn’t matter. I don’t have $10 million cash,” he added.

The legal realities of the verdict, however, are much more complicated—particularly when it comes to extracting anything resembling $965 million from Jones’ conspiracy-theory media empire. The biggest complication involves determining just how much money he really has.

Testimony at an earlier defamation trial showed that Infowars raked in $165 million between 2016 and 2018. Yet Jones claimed Wednesday that he has less than $2 million to his name. He has repeatedly refused to make his financial information public.

A forensic economist who testified in the Texas trial estimated Jones’ combined net worth with his business entities at somewhere between $135 million and $270 million. Some legal experts say this is why the size of Wednesday’s verdict was so immense as to render it largely symbolic.

According to The New York Times, the verdict’s fallout is likely to follow one of the three paths available for attorneys on both sides. In the first, the families could end up being entitled to Jones’ future earnings and obtain garnishments to pay off the judgment, although this would also permit Jones to remain in the business of smearing them and many others. The second option would involve the families selling their claims to hedge funds or other investors—giving them cash up front, though only at a fraction of the claims’ value—while the new owners would then attempt to make profits from them by investigating Jones’ assets. The third scenario would involve the liquidation of Jones’ businesses by the bankruptcy court, selling off their assets for cash.

Attorneys for the Connecticut families have vowed to pursue Jones. “We will be active down in Texas in an action we brought to track fraudulent transfers of assets he’s made, and in bankruptcy court where we are now very significant creditors of Alex Jones and Free Speech Systems,” said Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the families. “We are going to enforce this verdict as long as it takes, because that’s what justice requires.”

Meanwhile, Jones’ longtime cohorts and enablers on the right—particularly those who have built careers like his, peddling conspiracy theories and catering to the lowest common denominator of right-wing politics—were not so cheerily brazen as Jones. Many of them took to Twitter and other social media to indulge in a panic over the totalitarian crackdown they believe the ruling portends.

White nationalist conspiracy theorist Darren Beattie—best known for concocting the risible claim, amplified by Tucker Carlson, that the FBI secretly planned and coordinated the Jan. 6 insurrection—penned a piece for his far-right outlet Revolver News headlined: “Love Him or Hate Him, the War Against Alex Jones is a War Against All of Us.”

“It’s all about the bullhorn—that is, all about making sure that the Regime is in exclusive possession of the megaphone, and any non-approved person who dares speak non-approved narratives to the public gets crushed,” he wrote, adding: “The aggressive use of defamation law is just the latest tool in the Regime’s arsenal to silence dissent.”

Beattie also posted a warning on Twitter to “never ever question the regimes official story or we’ll fine you a billion dollars.” He then stoked paranoia that the government will “kill you” if “you have video proof.”

Benny Johnson, a conspiracist host for Newsmax, whined on Twitter: “Just like deplatforming, this isn’t about Alex Jones, it’s about silencing political enemies,” he wrote. “The regime is setting a precedent that if you speak out, they will come after you & try to destroy you.”

Florida legislator Anthony Sabatini, a Republican conspiracy theorist who earlier demanded that his state kick out the Justice Department after Donald Trump’s mansion was searched by the FBI, complained that “Beltway libertarian cucks talk about LIBERTY! but only end up defending leftist debauchery.” He had a suggestion: “Alex Jones should be appointed as next president of the University of Florida—not Ben Sasse.”

Mike Cernovich, one of the main progenitors of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theories and multiple other fraudulent claims and currently an Infowars host, posted on Twitter that Jones had “killed no one” and had “apologized for his erroneous reports, of which there weren’t many.” He added: “Stalin’s ghost has returned.”

Cernovich retweeted a post from a right-wing account that asked: “How much does CNN owe us for the weapons of mass destruction allegedly in Iraq?” He also retweeted a post from the publisher of the right-wing Post Millennial, Libby Emmons, proclaiming: “[They] decided to hold Alex Jones responsible for the horrible deaths of those school children in 2012.”

Jack Posobiec, the white-nationalist provocateur, called the verdict against Jones an “obvious attack on freedom of speech.” He claimed on Twitter that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow faced a similar lawsuit in 2019 that was dismissed because “courts ruled she was obviously an opinion show and she couldn't be held liable for what she said on air, even if exaggerated.” Posobiec argued that Jones’ different outcome was “not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy.”

Posobiec’s most recent cohort, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, said Jones “owes a billion dollars for saying mean things on his show” before questioning “how much should the propagandists at CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and The New York Times pay” for promoting COVID-19 vaccination.

“This isn't about calculating real damages from Alex Jones,” Kirk tweeted. “This is about sending a message: If you upset the Regime, they will destroy you, completely and utterly, forever.”

Kirk also posted a video in which he ruminated on the meaning of the verdict. “It is not about whether you like Alex Jones,” he said. “It is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is, do you think that the law industrial complex, in collusion with the media, can work in harmony to obliterate someone financially, for saying something wrong and then apologizing afterwards! Oh, so they’re gonna go for Mike Lindell next. Or are they gonna go for Steve Bannon, or are they gonna for this program, or are they gonna go for Tucker Carlson? The New York Times says this now holds lessons. This is practice for them. This is a spring football game. This is Spring Training.

“Alex Jones is not the destination,” he added. “Alex Jones is getting them refined to be able to do what they actually want to do to all of us.”

In reality, the verdict was simply a long-overdue measure of accountability within the framework of the nation’s longstanding network of laws designed to prevent people from being harmed by irresponsible smear artists, particularly in the media. “The judgment also sends a message to anyone thinking of deliberately deploying disinformation to disrupt people’s lives for financial gain: Think twice—or risk being hit with a similarly large damages payment,” observed Chris Stokel-Walker at Wired.

“There has to be some message sent here to people like him that this is simply not acceptable in a civilized society,” NYU journalism professor Stephen D. Solomon, the founding editor of First Amendment Watch, told Stokel-Walker.

As Southern Poverty Law Center reporter Jason Wilson put it:

Punishing Alex Jones is less important than destroying the business model that allows people like him to profit by pumping toxic horseshit into the national discourse. Let's hope this accomplishes both.

Good judges are more important now than ever. In some states, judges are on the ballot this November. Tune in to The Downballot to listen to Justice Richard Bernstein talk about what being on the Michigan Supreme Court has been like, and how his re-election campaign is shaping up.

Watch: The moment Joe Biden bought tacos in Los Angeles store and paid...

Published on Oct 14, 2022 

Joe Biden: US President Joe Biden picked up his order, paying

nearly four times the bill.

Joe Biden: US President Joe Biden in Los Angeles, California, US.(Bloomberg)
Joe Biden: US President Joe Biden in Los Angeles, California, US.(Bloomberg

US President Joe Biden on Thursday stopped for tacos and quesadillas during a visit to Los Angeles. Grinning widely, the US President picked up his order, paying nearly four times the bill, telling the server that the extra money should be used to pay for the next customer.

Joe Biden visited the restaurant alongside California Representative Karen Bass and LA County supervisor Hilda Solis and bought two quesadillas and six tacos, including chicken quesadillas for himself.

Watch the video here:

After ordering, the server told Joe Biden that he had received a 50 percent "public service" discount on the bill, with the total coming to $16.45.

Joe Biden handed over $60 in cash at a time when he has been battling criticism over rising prices in the United States.

A consumer price report showed costs were up 0.4 percent in the last month, AFP reported with the annual inflation in US now stands at 8.2 percent.

Wait! A Nuclear War with Russia?

Robert Ford 
Friday, 14 October, 2022 - 11:30

President Biden shocked me when he said on October 6 that we are closest to a nuclear war since 1962 and the Cuba Missile Crisis. Biden pointed to President Putin and stated that it is hard to stop an escalation from using smaller, tactical nuclear weapons to total nuclear Armageddon. Excuse me, but this seems more urgent than OPEC reducing oil output by five percent or the private life of the Republican candidate for senate in the state of Georgia, topics that the American media has focused on for a week.

Americans like me remember drills in school where we dived under our classroom desks in case of nuclear attack. (We all would have been incinerated anyway.) We welcomed nuclear arms reductions agreements with the Soviet Union and then Russia. Even though Russia and China could hit us with nuclear weapons, until just the past months no one here worried much about a nuclear war. And then Biden made the possibility real again. My goodness!

Biden is known sometimes to exaggerate or use the wrong words, and the White House and the Pentagon hurried on October 7 to emphasize that there was no intelligence information that Russia was preparing to use nuclear weapons. Neither Russian nor American nuclear missile forces were on special alert, they reassured us. Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan, who is a very calm and careful thinker, said in late September that the Americans take Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons seriously and was sending clear warnings to Moscow in private channels. There is a reality, however, and Biden was speaking about it.

Vladimir Putin is by nature a secretive person. We do not completely understand his red lines. Sometimes in foreign policy there are bluffs mixed with threats. We do not know if Ukraine will recapture all the territories that Russia officially annexed on September 30, and we do not know if Putin would accept a humiliating defeat without using weapons of mass destruction. We do not know if Khrushchev would be removed or face death if Russia suffers a humiliating defeat and if he would use weapons of mass destruction to escape such a fate. We do know that Russia has implicitly defended Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons, and we also know that Putin doesn’t care about civilian casualties – ask any Syrian or Chechen. Biden distrusts Putin and that is why the American president is worried about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons.

The Biden administration has not defined in public how it would respond to Putin using weapons of mass destruction. Jake Sullivan stated that Washington would act “decisively” and the results would be “catastrophic” for Russia. It is smart for Washington to be ambiguous in public and clearer in private; too much detail in public will make it more difficult for Russia to retreat from its threats to use “all available means” to protect Russian territory, including the four regions annexed on September 30. Former general and CIA director David Petraeus on October 2 predicted that in response to Russian fire-use of tactical nuclear weapons, the US would lead NATO in attacking and destroying Russian ground forces in Ukraine and the sinking of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. That sounds to me like an American military plan for action, not yet a final decision that Biden has made in case Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons.

Biden and his White House team recognize the limits of American public interest in Ukraine. An opinion survey of 2,000 Americans in early September by the Eurasia Foundation showed that the top goal of Americans for the Ukraine war is to avoid a direct war with Russia. Defending democratic countries or weakening Russia were lower on Americans’ list of priorities in the opinion survey. Thus, to avoid direct war, the Biden administration could implement tougher sanctions against Russia’s economy and pursue diplomatic efforts to separate China and India further from Russia. It is also possible that the Biden administration might provide more advanced weapons to Ukraine that could even hit targets in Russia. In this case, it would be Ukrainians using the weapons, not Americans or other NATO countries.

Soviet Premier Khrushchev warned Washington in the Cuban Missile Crisis: “If you want us all to meet in Hell, it’s up to you.” Historians studying the crisis now know that each side had intelligence mistakes. For example, the Americans didn’t know about the Soviet tactical nuclear weapons in Cuba at the time. In addition, neither Washington nor Moscow controlled every small military step. The world was closer to nuclear catastrophe than it knew at the time. Now, sixty years later, will Putin do as Khrushchev and accept a humiliating defeat or will he escalate again and again?

Robert Ford is a former US ambassador to Syria and Algeria and a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute for Near East Policy in Washington

Iran oil workers strike, say Ayatollah Khamenei is ‘done’

October 14, 2022 

Workers have brought oil production to a standstill. | via IranWire

Workers brought oil production to a standstill in a series of strikes at several sites across Iran this week as the latest battleground emerged in an escalating wave of protests that continue to sweep the country.

The Council of Oil Contract Workers announced that more than 4,000 workers were striking, affecting sites on the Persian Gulf coast, including the Bushehr, Borzovieh, Hemgan, and Asaluyeh petrochemical refinery. The second phase of Abadan refinery and several companies were also hit by the action.

Workers of Asaluyeh petrochemical sites in southern Bushehr city refused to return to work, made makeshift defences of lines of rocks and rubble, and torched objects on the streets to prevent riot forces from reaching the scene.

In videos emerging from Bushehr, angry workers could be heard chanting, “Death to the Dictator,” “Death to Khamenei!” and “This year is the year of blood, Seyyed Ali Khamenei is done!”

“The proud workers of Asaluyeh blocked the roads and joined the strikes,” a man is heard saying as hundreds of workers gathered outside the facility amid plumes of thick smoke.

The refinery and associated petrochemical industries at Asaluyeh are considered one of the most important pieces of economic infrastructure in Iran and a main source of revenue for the government. But the Council of Oil Contract Workers had warned the government last week they would go on strike if security forces continued suppressing protests.

“We will stop working and join the people if you continue killing and arresting people in their protest against compulsory hijab,” the Council said in a statement.

“We, the workers of the oil projects, in unison with people in Iran, once again declare our anger and hatred towards the murder of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the morality police. We support the people’s fight against organized crimes against women, and growing poverty,” it added.

Widespread strikes have been reported in several cities across the country in recent days, especially in Kurdish towns where public outcry was sparked a nationwide protest after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died on Sept. 16, three days after she was arrested in the capital by Iran’s religious morality police.

Traders in the Grand Bazaar, Lalehzar, Sepehsalar Garden, Tajrish Bazaar, and Shiraz Bazaar in Tehran, as well as in markets in other cities in Kurdistan province and other Kurdish towns elsewhere, were already on strike.

“Nothing [bad] will happen to me if I don’t work for a few days. Even if we open our shops, people are not in a good economic situation, and we cannot sell anything,” a trader from Tehran’s bazaar told IranWire.

Iranian authorities have started a crackdown against workers’ rights activists and arrested at least two of them in the capital on Monday.

Intelligence forces stormed the houses of Asad Meftahi and Peyman Salem and moved them to an unknown location, rights groups confirmed Monday.

Unrest was reported early Monday from Sanandaj, the capital of Iran’s Kurdistan province, as well as in the village of Salas Babajani near the border with Iraq. Footage showed heavy gunfire before dawn in the city.

According to reports received by IranWire from the provincial capital of Sanandaj over the weekend, government forces targeted protesters with tear gas and live ammunition. Several protestors were reported to have been killed and many others injured. A source described the city as “a war zone.”

The heavy presence of security forces in the Kurdish cities of Sanandaj, Saqqez, and Divandareh was also reported.

Footage shared on social media showed protests in dozens of cities across Iran, with fierce clashes between protesters and riot police in cities and towns across Amini’s native Kurdistan province.

Authorities in Tehran did not acknowledge any disruption in the oil industry, but Tasnim News Agency described the incident as a salary dispute.

Over 200 people, including at least 19 children, have so far been killed in the unrest.

This is an abbreviated version of an article that originally appeared on IranWire.
Right-wing media is reaching in ever more bizarre ways to stoke fear and disgust in its viewers

Laura Clawson
Daily Kos Staff
Thursday October 13, 2022 · 

Amanda Gorman.

Republicans and the right-wing media are in full swing with a tactic to powerfully bind their followers to them and to each other through a sense that only they are reasonable and the rest of the world is spinning out of control. Painting your political opponents as other is a time-tested technique and one that’s extremely flexible—often, all they really have to do is point to the existence of Black people or LGBTQ people—but right now it’s getting a little ridiculous, and a lot dangerous, as they reach further and further for material.

Take the whole litter boxes in schools thing, for instance. If you’re asking “What litter boxes in schools,” congratulations, you are blessedly removed from the right-wing media ecosystem. But since it’s been repeated again and again by some prominent Republicans, as well as by lesser-known ones as it percolates through their bubble, there’s a decent chance you know what this lie is about.

The litter boxes in schools claim has been circulating since at least January, and if you don’t know what it’s about, here you go: The claim is that students who identify as furries demand to use litter boxes, and schools are obliging them. It is unequivocally false, but it has been repeated by Rep. Lauren Boebert, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the chair of the Michigan Republican Party, a Republican congressional candidate in Illinois, a Nebraska Republican state senator, the Republican gubernatorial nominee in Colorado, the Republican gubernatorial nominee in Minnesota, and more.

“They meow and they bark and they interact with their teachers in this fashion,” one said. “And now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these children to use. How is this sanitary?” He later apologized—but that didn’t stop the lie from spreading.

“I hear story after story from teachers and school administrators detailing meetings about this 'furry' trend in (Illinois) public schools,” Illinois congressional candidate Catrina Lauf emailed the Daily Herald, refusing to provide examples but railing against a Democratic law to provide free menstrual hygiene products in schools, as well as teachers being forced to refer to children “by whatever pronouns they decide to go by that week.”

”What are we doing to our kids? Why are we telling elementary kids that they get to choose their gender this week? Why do we have litter boxes in some of the school districts so kids can pee in them, because they identify as a furry? We’ve lost our minds. We’ve lost our minds,” Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Scott Jensen recently said.

School systems are constantly having to come out and rebut this claim: Danville, New York. Greenville, South Carolina. Monroe County, Illinois. Des Moines, Iowa. Salem-Keizer, Oregon.

“It is unconscionable that this afternoon I am sending this communication,” the superintendent of one Michigan school system wrote early in the year. “However, our Midland PS stakeholders may be confused about a false message/accusation that has resurfaced this week and is gaining traction in the social media realm.”

”Perhaps someone on social media connected the puddle in a bathroom to this social media trend and took it to another level,” the superintendent in Danville, New York, told the Associated Press. “There are so many important issues in the world right now. I just am baffled by anyone’s reactivation with this kind of nonsense.”

On one level, this is an attack on trans students and schools with affirming policies, saying that supporting trans kids is the same as providing litter boxes for kids who “identify as cats.” On another level, it’s an attack on public schools for allegedly catering to the whims of children rather than leading them, and exposing fragile innocents to the deviance of their peers. This obsessive Republican attack is absolutely those things. But it is also a message to conservatives fearful of a changing world in which people who aren’t just like them are nonetheless seen as fully human. The message? You should be afraid. You should feel disgust. You should layer over your fear and disgust with ostentatious contempt and ridicule to make sure the world gets the message that people who are different from you are abominations. You should feel that the world is spinning out of control and your place in it is under assault from all sides—all sides except the Republican Party and its media outlets and your fellow fearful white conservatives.

The litter boxes in schools lie is among the most persistent and damaging versions of this message in recent months. But it’s one in a long string of them, and they come in versions large and small. Before litter boxes in schools there was “critical race theory,” also something that did not exist in public K-12 schools but became a right-wing fixation. There’s Tucker Carlson on Fox News every night spewing great replacement theory and delivering warnings like, “The point of the exercise is to humiliate the rest of us by forcing us to obey transparently absurd orders.”

“I don’t want to live in a country that looks nothing the country I grew up in,” Carlson has said, getting to the heart of the fear he is urging his viewers to be consumed by. And on Wednesday night, he delivered a rant against two young women who have tried, in their different ways, to change the world: Greta Thunberg and Amanda Gorman.

Carlson’s attack on Thunberg was to two ends at once: railing against efforts to combat climate change and arguing falsely that she, like John Fetterman, is a disabled person being used and exploited by Democrats to gain political advantage. But it was also, very importantly, just an attack on a young woman, still a teenager, for being different from him and for working to bring change. Carlson’s attack on Amanda Gorman, by contrast, was a straight-up ridicule, a gratuitous line tossed in to denigrate a successful young Black woman.

“We’re supposed to accommodate Greta Thunberg’s disability, pretend her words are profound. Just like the fake poet at Biden's administration,” Carlson said. He broke into a mocking tone, saying, as if quoting someone, “’Oh, she was so great. We dare you to say she wasn't,’” then breaking into a high-pitched cackle and adding, “She was ridiculous.”

Gorman is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Harvard, the first National Youth Poet Laureate, and someone who has an auditory processing disorder and a speech impediment but read her own work on one of the biggest possible stages. Her poetry books have made bestseller lists, a rather rare achievement for poetry. To Carlson, she is ridiculous—or so he would have his audience believe. But he’s pairing that insistence that this remarkable person is ridiculous with the implied threat (“We dare you”) that speaking this truth will draw condemnation. The prospect of young women gaining fame for trying to move us past a world dominated by the likes of Tucker Carlson is terrifying to him, and so he tells his audience to greet it with rage and fear and mockery all at once.

The idea that the kids these days are going to ruin everything is a longstanding one, of course, and it’s fodder for a lot of right-wing fretting on things from the enormous to the trivial. Take this:

The youths are mocking you … and also, they’re incredibly oversensitive and speak in their own language and who can understand these weirdos. So remember, everyone, if a young person suggests that something you said was sexist or racist or transphobic or ableist, these are the people who also think a thumbs up emoji is “hostile” and “inappropriate.” That means that your sexism or racism is only on par with the use of an innocent, friendly emoji.

Again and again and again, Republicans use lies to advance the idea that their supporters are the only sane, reasonable people out there, but that they are embattled and endangered by a series of threats coming from everyone else, all those other people who think trans kids should be supported or want to fight climate change or use emojis a little differently or are simply young and Black and exemplary. From the outside, it’s often bizarre and more than a little silly, but the effect is to create solidarity among Republicans, to tell them that only people who are like them in every particular way—down to the finest little difference—can be trusted or respected. That the correct posture to take toward everyone else is fear and contempt and aggression. And as we see again and again, the message is received.


Important infographic traces how Tucker Carlson promotes racism and paranoia

Forced birther tells Congress that fetuses are incinerated to generate electricity for D.C.

After an eruption of even more scandals among Republican Senate candidates, FiveThirtyEight’s Nathaniel Rakich returns to The Downballot to discuss the effect these sorts of scandals can have on competitive races; whether Democrats stand a chance to keep the House; and the different ways pollsters create likely voter models.
Roger Stone threatening Jared Kushner and calling Ivanka Trump an 'abortionist b!tch' is on video

Walter Einenkel
Daily Kos Staff
Friday October 14, 2022 

Roger Stone has a big tattoo of Richard Nixon’s face on his back. Stone was convicted of seven felony counts and faced a sentence of 40 months in prison, and then Donald Trump used his powers as chief executive to commute Stone’s conviction. Trump even wrote a glowing letter along with the commutation of Stone’s sentence. It was real bootlicking stuff.

A new video has emerged from film maker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, who shot 170 hours of Stone and friends in the months leading up to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol grounds. The new footage is 22 seconds’ worth of Stone on the phone, in a car, raging after finding out that Donald Trump had not yet granted him a pardon. In those 22 seconds Stone is able to insult bad-at-all-trades Jared Kushner while also calling Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who is bad at advising the president, an “abortionist bitch.”

Most of the footage Guldbrandsen shot was used in the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation. Guldbrandsen tweeted out this new clip on Friday. Stone, uncut, comes across as badly as Stone cut comes across. With no filter, Stone’s antics and profound grotesquery, his abusive nature, and how far off the hinges he can and is willing to go become so stark.

In the clip, Stone seems to be telling whomever is unlucky enough to receive Stone ‘s phone calls that he is going to have Kushner physically expelled from Florida. “Jared Kushner has an IQ of 70,” Stone begins. Wait. Let’s take that in. That’s pretty funny. HAHAHA. Oh man. Okay, where were we?

ROGER STONE: He’s coming to Miami. We will eject him from Miami very quickly. He’ll be leaving very quickly. Very quickly. Very quickly. (Ed note: Yes, three times.) He has 100 security guards? I’ll have 5,000 security guards! You want to fight? Let’s fight. Fuck you and your abortionist bitch daughter.

Stone has promised to sue Guldbrandsen. It seems Stone’s plan of attack is to say that every clip Guldbrandsen releases showing Stone saying or doing something terrible is a deepfake.

Trump Was Betrayed by His Diet Coke Valet

Donald Trump could ultimately be done in by his Diet Coke habit. Not physically (though drinking 12 diet sodas a day doesn’t seem great for your health) but legally. The Washington Post reports that his former White House valet — the man who had to respond every time the president pressed his famous Oval Office Diet Coke button — provided key evidence that led to the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago in August.

A Trump employee told federal agents the former president personally directed them to move boxes of documents from a Mar-a-Lago storage area to his private residence, according to the Post. Hours later, the New York Times said this was corroborated by surveillance footage that showed the aide moving boxes both before and after Trump’s advisers received a subpoena from the Justice Department in May for classified documents taken from the White House. Together, the witness account and the footage provided the most direct evidence that Trump tried to illegally obstruct the government’s search.

The Post’s original report said the witness’s account was a “closely held secret” within the Justice Department and FBI because authorities were “concerned that if or when the witness’s identity eventually becomes public, that person could face harassment or threats from Trump supporters.” But on Friday, the paper identified him as Walt Nauta. Nauta, 39, served in the Navy and worked his way up from being a cook in the White House mess to performing a key duty in the Trump administration: ensuring that the president was properly caffeine and aspartame fueled at all times. Per the Post:

Not long after Trump took office, Nauta left the mess to become one of Trump’s valets, spending some of his workday in a small passageway that connects the West Wing to a private dining room. From there, he had access to a small refrigerator stocked with Diet Cokes, which he brought to the president in the Oval Office when Trump pressed a call button on his desk, said a former White House staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss activities inside the White House.

Nauta frequently served as a kind of gofer, fetching any items the president might need throughout the day and tidying up the roomthe former staffer said. When Trump left the Oval Office for the night, it was Nauta who brought his coat. Their daily proximity meant that the two developed a close professional relationship, and Trump “trusted him completely,” this person added.

Nauta followed Trump to Mar-a-Lago at the end of his term, and campaign-finance records show he was on the payroll of Trump’s Save America PAC, making about $135,000 a year. It seems Trump’s trust wasn’t entirely misplaced; the Post reports that Nauta resisted betraying his boss at first but eventually changed his story:

When FBI agents first interviewed Nauta, he denied any role in moving boxes or sensitive documents, the people familiar with the situation said in interviews before Nauta’s name became public. But as investigators gathered more evidence, they questioned him a second time and he told a starkly different story — that Trump instructed him to move the boxes, these people said.

Nauta’s alleged disloyalty is a crushing blow not just for Trump but also for Downton Abbey fans, who were led to believe over six seasons and two movies that a valet is someone who will hand-wash unmentionables, happily accept their lower station in life, and never, ever tell their wealthy employer’s dark secrets.

Wall Street Journal passes sentence on Trump's 'dereliction of duty on Jan. 6'

Tom Boggioni
October 14, 2022

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump return on Marine One from their Florida vacation early at the South Lawn of the White House Thursday, December 31, 2020. - Pool/ABACA/TNS

Following what could be the last public hearing by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection, the very conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal wrote that they had seen enough and stated that Donald Trump should be held to account for his attack on democracy.

Highlighting new revelations from Thursday's hearings, the board called out the former president's actions before, during and after the assault on the Capitol and hammered him for continuing to lie about it.

Getting right to the point, the board first warned that the clock is winding down on the committee finishing its work and noted that a GOP takeover of the House in November will likely see it shut down by Republicans dead set on protecting Trump.

With that said, they wrote that there is more than enough revealed so far to hold the former president accountable.

"What the committee has accomplished, however, is to cement the facts surrounding Mr. Trump’s recklessness after Nov. 3 and his dereliction of duty on Jan. 6. The Justice Department and Mr. Trump’s own campaign repeatedly told him that his fraud claims were without basis. Whether it was willful blindness or an intentional strategy, he kept repeating them," they wrote.

"That day he riled up the crowd and urged it to march on the Capitol," the editors continued. "Committee members said Thursday they will write a report summarizing their findings. Transcripts of the testimony ought to be released at the same time."

"The Jan. 6 committee probably won’t get Mr. Trump under oath, but the evidence of his bad behavior is now so convincing that political accountability hardly requires it," they concluded.

You can read the whole piece here -- subscription is required.

Is AI text-to-image technology blurring the lines between fact and fiction?

The software can create believable pictures based on a few text inputs and has led to the spread false images on social media

Posted: 14 October 2022 By: Joseph Cummins

Credit: Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash

False images of destruction permeated Twitter following a deadly typhoon in Japan this September.

Three images posted two days after the storm claimed to show flooded homes and streets submerged in mud, water and debris. The caption read: "Drone-shot photos of flood disaster in Shizuoka Prefecture. This is really too horrible."

A 45-year-old man was killed in the city on the southern coast as strong winds and record-breaking rain caused cave-ins and landslides.

However, the images showing the destruction were created using text-to-image software, an AI-driven tool that creates believable pictures based on text inputs. Only after the pictures garnered over 5,600 retweets did people start to question the picture's authenticity.

Twitter users noticed that the flood water seemed to flow unnaturally and the roofline appeared warped. Even local journalists were tricked into resharing the images.

All from nothing

Text-to-image software uses AI to create original images from scratch. The tool is first 'trained' on huge banks of images scraped from the internet and learns to recognise concepts; man, dog, fluffy, Prime Minister, for instance. It then produces a fabricated image that closely matches those concepts.

OpenAI, the creators of DALL-E, one of most widely used text-to-image tools, made its powerful software fully accessible to the public in September. But it is not open source.

Microsoft also said on Wednesday that it would be integrating DALL-E 2 into its Office suite, potentially putting the tool in the hands of millions of users.

Despite Microsoft's limitations on extreme, celebrity and religious content being created, journalists are braced for an uptick in potentially fake images circulating online.

Lecturer in digital media at Australia’s Central Queensland University, Brendan Paul Murphy, said journalists will need to pay closer attention to the small details, such as dates and locations of images.

"The traditional methods journalists use to keep on an even keel will remain the benchmark: seeking multiple sources and verifying information through investigation."

False news

Fact-checkers should be worried about the recent release of Stable Diffusion, a competitor to DALL-E, and its algorithmic improvements to train AI. The creators of these AI tools cannot control the images that are generated.

"The creator cannot usually control how the media they create is used, even if they have the legal right to," said Murphy. He adds that Google's text-to-image product, Imagen, has not been made available to the public because it was deemed too "dangerous".

Under the Limitations and Societal Impact section on the Imagen website, it cites 'potential risks of misuse' and a tendency to reinforce negative stereotypes in the images it creates as the reason for keeping it under wraps.

Stability.AI, the team behind Stable Diffusion, said in a statement that it 'hopes everyone will use this in an ethical, moral and legal manner' but stressed that responsibility for using the software lies purely with the user.

The anonymous Twitter user created the images of the flooding in Japan in less than a minute, inputting keywords 'flood damage' and 'Shizuoka' having previously used the software to create pictures of food.

"I thought [other Twitter users] would figure out the images were fake if they magnified them. I never thought so many people would believe them to be real," the original poster told the Yomiuri Shimbun.

"If I’m called to account for the post, that's the way it has to be. Posting that kind of image can cause a big problem even if it's just done on a whim. I want lots of people to learn from my mistake that things done without careful consideration can lead to big problems."

In February 2021, a doctored image circulated of Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato smiling in the wake of a devastating earthquake in Fukushima.

Former American Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have all been the subject of AI-generated video and imagery fabricating speeches or official visits.

Read more: Can AI text-to-video technology help newsrooms get more mileage out of their copy?

In the AI of the beholder

The current limitations of text-to-image tools do provide some indicators that an image has been falsified and give journalists the chance to avoid being duped.

Systems like DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion struggle to render intricate body parts, while Google has admitted Imagen is far weaker when attempting images containing people.

AI is trained to create images 'close enough' to the input, so there are some clues whether an image is fake or not.

Murphy says AI tends to struggle with anatomy, so a close inspection of the hands, ears, eyes and teeth of people within the image can expose a fake.

Generated images can have errors, like duplicate shadows or the wrong lighting for the situation.

Few UK newsrooms have offered their journalists training or guidance on AI-generated imagery. An easy fix is to stop sourcing pictures from social media, and rely on reputable photographers.

Photojournalist Jess Hurd said: "There is always scrutiny of an image because [editors'] jobs and the respectability of their news outlets are on the line.

“If there is an option for a professional photographer, then go with that. [As it becomes harder to tell what is accurate] there is going to be more emphasis on the value of the journalist."
Black hole is 'burping out' a 'spaghettified' star it devoured years ago

By Robert Lea 

The aftermath of the star being "spaghettified" is like nothing astronomers have ever seen. 

An illustration of a black hole spewing material from a star it devoured years ago.
 (Image credit: DESY, Science Communication Lab)

Three years after a black hole shredded and devoured a small star, the cosmic titan is lighting up the night sky with violent emissions as it burps out material from its messy stellar meal.

In October 2018, the black hole — located in a galaxy 665 million light-years from Earth — was observed tearing up a star that had wandered too close. The event itself wasn't surprising to astronomers, who often observe these violent encounters between stars and greedy black holes. These so-called tidal disruption events (TDEs) happen when objects such as stars approach black holes and the massive gravitational influence they encounter generates tidal forces that stretch the star in one direction while squashing it in the other direction, thus "spaghettifying" the stellar body.

As this spaghettified material falls onto the black hole, it heats up and generates a flash of light that astronomers can spot from millions of light-years away. Occasionally, the black hole spits some of this stellar material back out into space. In other words, black holes are messy eaters.

However, there's something unusual about this TDE, designated AT2018hyz: Despite not having feasted on anything since this small star, which has about one-tenth the mass of the sun , the black hole is now spewing the material from its last meal.

"This caught us completely by surprise  —  no one has ever seen anything like this before," Yvette Cendes, an astronomer at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who led the research, said in a statement. "It's as if this black hole has started abruptly burping out a bunch of material from the star it ate years ago."

Cendes and her team determined that this material is being ejected from the black hole at around 300 million mph (480 million kph) — about half the speed of light. For comparison, TDEs usually spit out this material at about 10% the speed of light.

Why it took so long for this black hole to burp out its last meal is also a mystery.

"This is the first time that we have witnessed such a long delay between the feeding and the outflow," study co-author Edo Berger, an astronomy professor at Harvard University, said in the statement.
Bright radio "burps"

The astronomers spotted this event as they were searching for signs of TDEs that have occurred over the past few years. Data they collected in radio waves with the Very Large Array in New Mexico showed that this black hole had mysteriously burst back to life in June 2021. This finding encouraged them to investigate AT2018hyz further.

"We applied for Director's Discretionary Time on multiple telescopes, which is when you find something so unexpected, you can't wait for the normal cycle of telescope proposals to observe it," Cendes said. "All the applications were immediately accepted."

The team studied the event in multiple wavelengths of light and with a range of telescopes — including the VLA, the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile — and found that the most striking observations of AT2018hyz were in radio frequencies.

"We have been studying TDEs with radio telescopes for more than a decade, and we sometimes find they shine in radio waves as they spew out material while the star is first being consumed by the black hole," Berger said. "But in AT2018hyz there was radio silence for the first three years, and now it's dramatically lit up to become one of the most radio-luminous TDEs ever observed."

Study co-author Sebastian Gomez, a postdoctoral fellow at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, studied AT2018hyz in 2018 with visible-light telescopes such as the 1.2-meter (3.9 feet) telescope at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Arizona. At that time, he had considered this TDE unremarkable.


Supermassive black hole gobbled up a star in the 1980s, and high schoolers helped discover it

Black hole kills star by 'spaghettification' as telescopes watch

A hungry black hole devoured a star, and its 'burp' reveals how it chowed down

"We monitored AT2018hyz in visible light for several months until it faded away, and then set it out of our minds," Gomez said in the statement.

Now, the team will investigate whether the delay between feeding and emitting is unique to AT2018hyz or if it's a more common event that astronomers have missed.

"The next step is to explore whether this actually happens more regularly and we have simply not been looking at TDEs late enough in their evolution," Berger said.

The team's work was published Oct. 11 in The Astrophysical Journal.

Robert Lea
Contributing Writer
Robert Lea is a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst