Monday, May 06, 2024

'Revolution' in air as Hungary opposition holds rally in Orban stronghold

Emerging Hungarian opposition leader attracts tens of thousands

Lawyer, former government insider and Hungarian opposition figure Peter Magyar speaking on Sunday.
 Photo: Attila KISBENEDEK / AFP.

Pounding the campaign trail ahead of European elections, emerging Hungarian opposition leader Peter Magyar drew tens of thousands on Sunday in a stronghold of nationalist leader Viktor Orban.

Speaking just before him was well-known screen actor Ervin Nagy, whose support Magyar has managed to grab to lend celebrity power to his campaign as his own star rises.

Magyar shot to prominence in February on the back of a scandal that hit Orban, posing the most serious challenge in his 14 years in power.

In Magyar's latest rally in Hungary's second biggest city, Debrecen, tens of thousands of people cheered on the former government insider who is now one of its fiercest critics.

"Change can be stopped for a few days, a few weeks, but no one in history has ever stopped it and neither can they," Magyar told the crowd.

Accusing the government of populism, cronyism and corruption, Magyar's campaign is raising hopes for a "system change", said actor Nagy, known from Hungarian films such as the historical horse-racing adventure "Bet on Revenge" and Oscar-nominated drama "On Body and Soul".

"Time has come for change... We have simply had enough," Krisztian Kovacs, a 29-year-old accountant, told AFP at the Debrecen rally.

Magyar, 43 and a self-declared conservative, since last month leads a political group, which aims to be "neither right nor left" to challenge Orban.

The campaign is growing so fast, Nagy had to lend the politician his pick-up truck to stand on for a speech at one spontaneous rally.

"We didn't have time to get a stage," said Nagy, 47.

"There's a revolutionary mood, like in 1956," he said -- a reference to the historic uprising against Hungary's Soviet-backed communist rulers.


Magyar seized the initiative in February when an ally of Orban, Katalin Novak, resigned as president after it was revealed she had pardoned a convicted accomplice of a child abuser.

Magyar's TISZA (Respect and Freedom) party has already eclipsed the rest of the opposition heading into the European elections on June 9.

A recent survey by pollster Median showed the party had 25 percent support.

Nagy says he had not been involved in politics before -- but Magyar only took an hour to convince him to join the campaign.

He believes the EU member country under Orban has been turned into a "kind of dictatorship-lite".

Sunday's EU election campaign rally attracted tens of thousands. 
Photo: Attila KISBENEDEK / AFP.

Since returning to power in 2010, Orban, 60, has changed laws to restrict independent media, civil society, arts and culture.

"If someone is defiant, if they go into opposition, or at least criticise the powers that be, there are consequences," Nagy told AFP.

He says he himself has been blacklisted after making a comment critical of a senior member of Orban's Fidesz party.

One producer was told that their film would not get financing if Nagy was in it, the actor said.

Nagy said Magyar could reach "millions of people who have (so far) preferred to stay away and not participate in the democracy just because they were so apathetic and frustrated".

Tough battle ahead

But Magyar faces tough resistance.

Orban has brushed off the challenge, but nonetheless "Fidesz has been making serious efforts to nip this movement in the bud," said political analyst Zoltan Lakner.

Posters commissioned by Fidesz have sprung up across the country, depicting Magyar as "Brussels' humble servant" alongside other opposition politicians.

He also faces negative coverage by media close to Fidesz, ranging from serious domestic abuse accusations, which he denies, to sneering at his "woman's sunglasses".

Last month, he said he came under investigation by the Sovereignty Protection Office, a controversial new government agency set up to curb foreign influence.

Magyar's supporters say his strength lies in knowing the system from the inside.

A lawyer by training, he worked for years as a diplomat in Brussels.

His ex-wife is a former Orban ally: former justice minister Judit Varga.

Magyar's biggest challenge, said Lakner, is to quickly build up his party, finding qualified people who do not pose a political risk causing "a lot of trouble later on".

"But if Magyar manages to unite opposition voters behind him, he can present a viable alternative for dissatisfied voters."

Thousands protest Hungary’s Orban in government stronghold

May 05, 2024 
By Associated Press
Peter Magyar, a rising challenger to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, addresses people at a campaign rally in the rural city of Debrecen, Hungary, May 5, 2024.

A rising challenger to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held what he called the largest countryside political demonstration in the country’s recent history Sunday, the latest stop on his campaign tour that has mobilized thousands across Hungary’s rural heartland.

Some 10,000 people gathered in Debrecen, Hungary’s second-largest city, in support of Peter Magyar, a political newcomer who in less than three months has shot to prominence on pledges to bring an end to problems like official corruption and a declining quality of life in the Central European country.

Supporters endured a brief but unexpected rain shower ahead of the afternoon demonstration, turning the city's central square into a sea of umbrellas. They waved Hungarian flags bearing the names of towns and villages across the country from which they had come.

“Today, the vast majority of the Hungarian people are tired of the ruling elite, of the hatred, apathy, propaganda and artificial divides,” Magyar told the crowd. “Hungarians today want cooperation, love, unity and peace.”

Magyar, a former insider within Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party, has since February denounced the nationalist Orban as running an entrenched “mafia state,” and declared war on what he calls a propaganda machine run by the government.

His party, TISZA (Respect and Freedom), has announced it will run 12 candidates in the June 9 European Union elections, with Magyar appearing first on the party list. TISZA has also announced it will run four candidates in local council elections in the capital Budapest.

His appearance Sunday in Debrecen, a stronghold of Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party, reflected the focus his fledgling campaign has placed on the Hungarian countryside, where Orban is popular.

The Mother’s Day event was the latest stop on a tour of the country where Magyar has appeared in dozens of cities, towns and villages, often drawing thousands of supporters — numbers that few Orban opponents have ever been able to mobilize in rural areas.

Addressing the crowd, he said that “government propaganda” had tried to discredit his movement as "just a downtown Budapest media hack,” and criticized Hungary's traditional opposition parties as having abandoned rural Hungarians.

“We’ve heard for 14 years from the opposition that it’s impossible in these circumstances to defeat Orban, that it’s not worth traveling to the countryside, that young people aren’t interested in politics, that you can’t break down the walls of propaganda,” he said. “But look around! What’s the truth?”

Katalin Nagy, who traveled several hours to the rally, said she finds Magyar credible “because he comes from the inside.”

“He’s aware of the things that are really causing problems in this country, and I think he can provide solutions to problems so that we can come out of the hole that this country is currently in,” she said.

Recent polls show that Magyar’s party may have become the largest opposition force in little more than a month before the election. Pollster Median this week measured TISZA at 25% among certain voters, with Orban’s Fidesz well ahead at 45%.

Governing party politicians have dismissed Magyar, who describes himself as a moderate conservative, as a leftist in disguise, and suggested that foreign interests lie behind his rise.

Orban and has party have ruled Hungary with a constitutional majority since 2010.

Easter Vigil Peaceful In Georgia Following Nights Of Mass Protests

Georgians gather in Tbilisi on May 4 for an Easter vigil, with many shouting, "No to the Russian law."

Anti-government protests were held in a mostly calm atmosphere in the early morning of May 5, as Georgians marked Orthodox Easter in a rainy capital city following three nights of mass rallies that were often met with violence by security forces.

Several thousand Georgians marked Easter with a candlelight vigil outside the parliament building late on March 4 and into the morning with no disturbances or arrests reported.

Tens of thousands of Georgians have been protesting in recent days against the ruling Georgian Dream party's plan to introduce what's been called a "Russian-style foreign agents law," which critics say mirrors one used by the Kremlin to silence dissent.

The bill states that media, nongovernmental organizations, and other nonprofits must register as "pursuing the interests of a foreign power" if more than 20 percent of their funding is derived from abroad.

Explainer: Why Are Mass Protests Shaking Tbilisi?

The government insists the law would be in line with EU standards and is only intended to increase "transparency" and prevent "harmful foreign influence" in the country's political scene.

European Union leaders say implementation of the law would adversely affect Georgia's hopes of eventual EU membership, and condemnation has also come from the United States -- the former Soviet republic's biggest backer in recent years.

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Following three nights of mass protests in which more than 100 people were arrested and dozens injured, demonstrators late on May 4 gathered along Tbilisi's Rustaveli Avenue, blocking traffic on the capital's main road, as an Easter vigil was conducted at the Kashveti Church.

Many were holding Georgian and EU flags and singing Easter songs, while activists were seen distributing food and traditional Easter eggs and cakes.

"It is the most extraordinary Easter I have ever witnessed," activist Lika Chachua was quoted by AP as saying.

"The feeling of solidarity is overwhelming, but we should not forget about the main issue," she added, referring to the government's proposed legislation, which is likely to have its final reading in parliament on May 17.

Lawyer Lasha Tkesheladze told RFE/RL that three of his clients arrested during a May 2 rally had been released.

Tkesheladze, a member of the United National Movement, alleged that many detainees had been "inhumanely" treated and kept in isolation while in custody.

Many detainees were "abused by the police. This violence equals torture," he said.

The allegations could not be independently verified.

In at least eight cases during May 1 protests, victims claimed that, in addition to water cannons and tear gas, police also used rubber bullets. RFE/RL gathered eyewitness accounts, photographic evidence of injuries, interviewed three of the injured, and filmed the rubber bullets at the scene where they were reportedly fired.

'Rubber Bullets And Beatings': Victims, Eyewitnesses Talk Of Violence Against Protesters

The authorities denied the use of rubber bullets.

Georgia Dream attempted to introduce the law in 2023 but was forced to back down following mass protests. It is pushing it through parliament again following minor wording changes.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili has split with the government and has voiced support for peaceful protests against the legislation.

She has described the bill as "a Russian law by essence," and said the government was "prone to making concessions to Russia" and was attempting to replicate "the way Russia has managed to really repress the civil society."

Georgian President Urges EU Support As Protesters Gather At Easter Vigil

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called the plan to reintroduce the law "a very concerning development" and warned that "final adoption of this legislation would negatively impact Georgia's progress on its EU path."

The EU in December officially granted Georgia candidate status to join the bloc. Polls have suggested that support for EU membership among Georgians last year stood at nearly 90 percent.

Russia remains a sensitive topic in Georgia. Its forces invaded Georgia in 2008 in support of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, two breakaway Georgian regions that Moscow subsequently recognized as independent states.
With reporting by RFE/RL's Georgian Service and AP



Full text of Xi Jinping's signed article on French media


A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Carrying Forward the Spirit that Guided the Establishment of China-France Diplomatic Relations, Working Together for Global Peace and Development" was published Sunday on French newspaper Le Figaro upon his arrival in Paris for a state visit to France.

Here is the full text of his article.

Carrying Forward the Spirit that Guided the Establishment of China-France Diplomatic Relations, Working Together for Global Peace and Development

Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

I am delighted to pay my third state visit to France at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron.

France holds a special fascination for us Chinese. This country has produced a galaxy of philosophers, writers, and artists with global appeal who have inspired all humanity. Over 150 years ago, French nationals helped China found its Fujian Navy Yard and the Fujian Naval Academy. France was also the first country to welcome government-sponsored students from China. A century ago, a number of young Chinese traveled to France for further education. Some of these young patriots went on to make remarkable contribution to the founding and development of New China. France was also the first major western country to enter into formal diplomatic ties with New China.

The year 2024 is of special significance. I will visit France bringing with me three messages from China.

—China will work with France to carry forward the spirit that guided the establishment of their diplomatic ties, build on past achievements and open new vistas for China-France relations.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of China-France relations. Six decades ago, General Charles de Gaulle, with a strategic vision based on the trend of the time, resolved to establish diplomatic relations with New China. It wasn't easy to make this independent decision at the height of the Cold War, but it has proven to be right and foresighted. With the establishment of China-France relations, a bridge of communication between the East and West was built, and the international relations were able to evolve in the direction of dialogue and cooperation.

In these six decades, China-France relations have stayed abreast of the times. Our two countries took the lead in establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership and launching institutional strategic dialogue in China's relations with Western countries. We spearheaded cooperation in aviation and nuclear energy and on third-party markets. We were among the first to mutually open cultural centers and start cultural year activities, providing guidance for mutual learning between civilizations. China-France cooperation contributed to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, boosting strongly the implementation of the global climate agenda.

History is our best teacher. We live in a world that is far from being tranquil and is once again facing a multitude of risks. China is ready to work with France in the spirit that guided the establishment of our diplomatic ties to forge a stronger comprehensive strategic partnership between our two countries and make new contributions to stronger cooperation of the global community.

—China will open even wider to the world and deepen cooperation with France and other countries.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Through 75 years of perseverant hard work, the Chinese people have turned China from an impoverished country into the second largest economy in the world. Several hundred million people in rural areas were lifted out of poverty, a miracle in the history of humanity. The Chinese economy registered 5.2 percent growth in 2023, and is expected to grow by around 5 percent in 2024 with greater progress toward high-quality development. China will remain a source of global growth and create opportunities for all countries.

One thing that has made China's development possible is our firm commitment to opening up. We welcome more quality French farm products and cosmetics to the Chinese market to meet the ever-growing needs of the Chinese people for a better life. We welcome investment by companies from France and other countries to China. To this end, we have fully opened up China's manufacturing sector, and will move faster to expand market access to telecom, medical and other services. We also have a 15-day visa-exemption policy for visitors from many countries including France, and we have taken further measures to facilitate travel and payment by foreigners in China.

While opening up itself, China also encourages Chinese companies to go global. France is advancing re-industrialization based on green innovation, whereas China is accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Our two countries can deepen cooperation on innovation and jointly promote green development. Some Chinese companies have set up battery plants in France. The Chinese government supports more Chinese companies in investing in France. And we hope that France will ensure that they operate in a fair and equitable business environment.

—China will strengthen communication and coordination with France to uphold world peace and stability.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Seven decades ago, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai put forth in full the five principles for the first time —"mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence." Through 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been widely accepted and recognized by countries across the world. They have become an important norm governing contemporary international relations.

China has faithfully practiced the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Over the past 70-plus years since its founding, New China never provoked a war or occupied an inch of foreign land. China is the only country around the world that includes in its Constitution the commitment to the path of peaceful development, and China is the only country among the major nuclear-weapon states that is committed to no-first-use of nuclear weapons.

I have proposed in recent years the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. As part of China's efforts to help improve global governance and resolve tough question regarding human development, the three initiatives have won the support of more than 100 countries and international organizations.

China understands the repercussions of the Ukraine crisis on the people of Europe. China did not start the Ukraine crisis, nor is it a party to or a participant in it. Nonetheless, China has been playing a constructive role in striving for peaceful settlement of the crisis. I have made many appeals, among others, observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and addressing the legitimate security concerns of all sides. I have stressed that nuclear weapons must not be used, and a nuclear war must not be fought. China has delivered to Ukraine many shipments of humanitarian aids, and sent its special representative many times to mediate among the countries concerned. The longer the Ukraine crisis drags on, the greater harm it will do to Europe and the world. China hopes that peace and stability will return to Europe at an early date. We stand ready to work with France and the whole international community to find a reasonable way out of the crisis.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict pulls on our heartstrings as well. The fundamental solution lies in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. History has repeatedly shown that the recurrent Palestine-Israel problem is rooted essentially in the failure of actual enforcement of relevant UN resolutions, in the continued erosion of the foundation for the two-state solution, and the deviation of the Middle East peace process. China and France have many in common on the Palestine-Israel issue. It is thus critical that we strengthen cooperation and help restore peace in the Middle East.

Confucius observed that "a man of true moral integrity is one who is both friendly but independent, and who does not compromise his principles, and who is independent without any bias or taking sides. How unflinchingly firm he is in his strength!" French writer Romain Rolland said that "it is so much easier to allow oneself to be guided than it is to think for oneself. This abdication is the kernel of the mischief." Both China and France value independence as two major countries. Our interactions in the long course of history have released tremendous energy swaying the trajectory of the world. Now we are standing at another historical starting point. Let us join hands together on this new journey toward greater progress in China-France relations to the benefit of our two countries and the world!


Inside Trump’s plan to deport ‘nearly 20 million’ illegal migrants from the US

Donald Trump has vowed to deliver the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if he gets back into office next year, targeting millions of illegal migrants across the country.

The 45th president has frequently spoken about his deportation agenda, and recently indicated in a TIME Magazine interview that he would leverage local law enforcement, the National Guard and the military to carry out his plan — similar to the dragnet-style sweeps of “Operation Wetback” under former President Dwight Eisenhower that shipped more than 1 million migrants out in 1954.

The Trump 2024 campaign has not gotten into the details of what resources would be needed to find, detain and deport the “nearly 20 million” illegal migrants they say are currently in the US.

Trump has vowed to carry out the “largest” deportation operation in American history.via REUTERS

But carrying out an operation that large would require a massive expansion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, collaboration with the State Department and a boost in funding from Congress, former ICE officials tell The Post.

The 20 million claim from the Trump campaign is “not an unreasonable estimate” given the fluctuations and record-breaking number of migrants entering the US under the Biden administration, Eric Ruark, NumbersUSA’s director of research, told The Post.

“There’s probably between 15 and 20 million, given the number of people we’ve seen coming over,” Ruark said, contrasting with the official estimate of 11 million from the US Census Bureau.

Tom Homan, former acting director of ICE under Trump, said the agency has “systems in place that are very good at identifying people,” but the speed of the deportations would depend on the resources on hand.

“A lot of that is going to be up to Congress … We need officers, we need detention beds, we need transportation contracts … because [we would have] more flights heading out of the country and more bus removals down to the border,” Homan said.

“We would still prioritize criminals and national security threats first, they are the most dangerous for the country.” he added. “But I would say no one is off the table. If you’re in this country illegally… then we’ll remove you.”

Guatemalan migrants arrive on a deportation flight from U.S., at the La Aurora Air Force Base airport, in Guatemala City, Guatemala December 27, 2023.REUTERS
Guatemalan immigrants deported from the United States arrive on a ICE deportation flight on February 9, 2017 in Guatemala City, Guatemala.Getty Images

Asked by The Post whether he would go back to work in a second Trump term, Homan said he would “strongly consider” taking a job if asked.

Jon Feere, former ICE chief of staff under Trump, said “there’s no doubt that ICE would benefit from a significant increase in officers, agents and detention space” and that a Trump administration would “undoubtedly” make that request known to Congress.

But, Feere argued, ICE already has the capacity to detain more migrants than are currently being held under the Biden administration.

“This effort will likely include city-wide operations where officers from different parts of the country are brought in to conduct work site investigations and make arrests within the course of weeks within in any given jurisdiction,” he added.

“This will require a whole government approach,” Feere went on. “Every part of the government that has a nexus to immigration has a role to play here. From Health and Human Services, to the State Department, to US Citizenship and Immigration Services, every part of the government can assist in reducing illegal immigration.

Feere also said that “I’m sure I will be” involved “in some capacity” if Trump takes office, but did not say what role he might play.

Asylum-seeking migrants from Central America, who were airlifted from McAllen to El Paso, Texas, and deported from the U.S., sit inside a van of local government employees to be transferred to a shelter in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico March 18, 2021.REUTERS

Apart from the reluctance of a possible Democratic-run Congress to fund enhanced enforcement operations, a Trump administration could run into hurdles deporting migrants to their countries of origin if those governments refuse re-entry. That problem would have to be solved through the work of the State Department, along with a hardline foreign policy, the ex-officials told The Post.

Feere argued the Statement Department could use the Section 243(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to issue visa sanctions against countries that refuse to take back their citizens.

“When a country hears that the United States will not allow its residents in if they don’t take their people back, those countries quickly cooperate,” he told The Post.

Martires Molvan-Figeureo, 54, a Dominican national wanted for murder, is escorted by Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers February 9, 2017 in New York, via an ICE Air Ops charter flight to Louisiana.AFP/Getty Images

ICE must also work around the problem of sanctuary cities who refuse to co-operate with removal operations, Feere said.

“ICE would prefer that all states and cities cooperate with federal law enforcement,” he warned. “But those that choose not to are going to see an increase in operations within their communities. ICE will have no choice but to conduct large operations.”

Madonna's biggest concert brings estimated 1.6 million to Rio's Copacabana beach


May 5, 2024  / AP

Madonna put on a free concert on Copacabana beach Saturday night, turning Rio de Janeiro's vast stretch of sand into an enormous dance floor teeming with a multitude of her fans.

It was the last show of The Celebration Tour, her first retrospective, which kicked off in October in London.

The "Queen of Pop" began the show with her 1998 hit "Nothing Really Matters." Huge cheers rose from the buzzing, tightly packed crowd, pressed up against the barriers. Others held house parties in brightly lighted apartments and hotels overlooking the beachfront. Helicopters and drones flew overhead, and motorboats and sailboats anchored off the beach filled the bay.

"Here we are in the most beautiful place in the world," Madonna, 65, told the crowd. Pointing out the ocean view, the mountains and the Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city, she added: "This place is magic."

Madonna performed her classic hits, including "Like A Virgin" and "Hung Up." For the introduction to "Like A Prayer," her head was completely covered in a black cape, a rosary gripped in her hands

Madonna performs in the final show of her The Celebration Tour, on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, May 4, 2024.

The star paid an emotional tribute to "all the bright lights" lost to AIDS as she sang "Live to Tell," with black and white photos of people who died from the illness flashing behind her.

Later, she was joined on stage by Brazilian artists Anitta and Pabllo Vittar.

Rio spent the last few days readying itself for the performance.

An estimated 1.6 million people attended the show, G1 reported, citing Rio City Hall's tourism agency. That is more than 10 times Madonna's record attendance of 130,000 at Paris' Parc des Sceaux in 1987. Madonna's official website hyped the show as the biggest ever in her four-decade career.

In recent days, the buzz was palpable. Fans milled outside the stately, beachfront Copacabana Palace hotel, where Madonna is staying, hoping to catch a glimpse of the pop star. During the sound check on the stage set up in front of the hotel, they danced on the sand.

By midday Saturday, fans crowded in front of the hotel. A white-bearded man carried a sign saying, "Welcome Madonna you are the best I love you."

Flags with "Madonna" printed against a background of Copacabana's iconic black and white waved sidewalk pattern hung from balconies. The area was packed with street vendors and concert attendees kitted out in themed T-shirts, sweating under a baking sun

Madonna performs in the final show of her The Celebration Tour, on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, May 4, 2024.BRUNA PRADO / AP

"Since Madonna arrived here, I've been coming every day with this outfit to welcome my idol, my diva, my pop queen," said Rosemary de Oliveira Bohrer, 69, who sported a gold-colored cone bra and a black cap.

"It's going to be an unforgettable show here in Copacabana," said Oliveira Bohrer, a retired civil servant who lives in the area.

Eighteen sound towers were spread along the beach to ensure that all attendees can hear the hits. Her two-hour show started at 10:37 p.m. local time, nearly 50 minutes behind schedule.

City Hall produced a report in April estimating that the concert would vinject 293 million reals ($57 million) into the local economy. Hotel capacity was expected to reach 98% in Copacabana, according to Rio's hotel association. Fans hailing from across Brazil and even Argentina and France sought out Airbnbs for the weekend, the platform said in a statement. Rio's international airport had forecast an extra 170 flights during May 1-6, from 27 destinations, City Hall said in a statement.

"It's a unique opportunity to see Madonna, who knows if she'll ever come back," said Alessandro Augusto, 53, who flew in from Brazil's Ceara state — approximately 2,500 kilometers (1,555 miles) from Rio

Fans wait for the start of Madonna's last show of her The Celebration Tour, on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, May 4, 2024.BRUNA PRADO / AP

"Welcome Queen!" read Heineken ads plastered around the city, the lettering above an image of an upturned bottle cap resembling a crown.

Heineken wasn't the only company seeking to profit from the excitement. Bars and restaurants prepared "Like a Virgin" cocktails. A shop in the downtown neighborhood famed for selling Carnival attire completely reinvented itself, stocking its shelves with Madonna-themed costumes, fans, fanny packs and even underwear.

Organization of the mega-event was similar to New Year's Eve, when millions of people gather on Copacabana for its fireworks display, local authorities said. That annual event often produces widespread thefts and muggings, and there was some concern such problems might occur at Madonna's show.

Rio state's security plan included the presence of 3,200 military personnel and 1,500 civilian police officers on stand by. In the lead-up to the concert, Brazil's navy inspected vessels that wished to position themselves offshore to follow the show.

A number of huge concerts have taken place on Copacabana beach before, including a 1994 New Year's Eve show by Rod Stewart that drew more than 4 million fans and was the biggest free rock concert in history, according to Guinness World Records. Many of those spectators also came to see Rio's fireworks show, though, so a more fitting comparison might be to the Rolling Stones in 2006, which saw 1.2 million people crowd onto the sand, according to Rio's military police, the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo reported at the time.

Ana Beatriz Soares, a fan who was at Copacabana on Saturday, said Madonna has made her mark across the decades.

"Madonna had to run so that today's pop artists could walk. That's why she's important, because she serves as an inspiration for today's pop divas," Soares said.

"And that's 40 years ago. Not 40 days, 40 months. It's 40 years," she said.
What happens next after the successful strike against poverty in Greece?


Wednesday 17 April saw one of the biggest strikes in Greece in recent years: 100% in transport, 70% in construction, big numbers in businesses and two-wheeler deliveries. But virtually nothing in the supermarkets, which are at the heart of the accusations of exploitation of misery. It has to be said that recently, trade union repression, which also affects the public sector, has been stronger than ever, with threats to contract renewals.

The reason the turnout was so high is that Greece is almost the most expensive country in Europe. The figures given by GSEE, the single private sector confederation behind the strike, are edifying: in three years, the price of olive oil, a basic product in Greece, has risen by 87%, dairy products by 34% and electricity by 39%. In the face of poverty, the KEPE Centre is proposing the introduction of free school meals for all children. Evictions of indebted homeowners are on the increase, despite frequent opposition from neighbours. For 6 out of 10 households, the monthly income is enough for just 19 days, and the various forms of “aid”, despite the staging, are a bluff, and even a scandal: the Minister of Health is introducing a “special service” for operations in the public sector... for which a charge is made. And while the government rejoices in the country’s attractiveness as a tourist destination, the revenue generated (20 billion over the first 11 months of 2023) is not being used in any way to combat this terrible impoverishment.


GSEE had been absent from the recent mobilizations, although the public sector federation ADEDY joined in, and ended up calling for mobilization - although ADEDY did not! - to demand decent wages and the restoration of collective agreements. While the strike was successful - particularly in certain branches of the public sector - the demonstrations were less so! One of the reasons was division: on one side, PAME, the trade union current of the KKE (Greek Communist Party) with an anti-GSEE as well as anti-Right stance; on the other, the rank-and-file unions and part of the radical left; and finally GSEE, with its radical accents strictly for show, and with it part of the radical and reformist left.


As Prin, the newspaper of the NAR group, says of the demonstrations in Thessaloniki, “the rallies had their lowest turnout for many years, and this proves the crisis of the current trade union movement and the absence of a militant project and a framework that make workers want to fight”. This observation applies to the whole country, even if we can see once again that the call from the GSEE bureaucrats led to a successful strike. Thanks to the massive student assemblies and the “All Together” demonstrations, it was able to overcome the divisions to last and, even if it has not yet won, it has shown the way.

20 April 2024

Translated by International Viewpoint from l’Anticapitaliste.

ATTACHED DOCUMENTSwhat-happens-next-after-the-successful-strike-against_a8504.pdf (PDF - 905 KIB)
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Andreas Sartzekis is active in the Fourth International Programmatic Tendency, one of the two groups of the Greek section of the Fourth International.
Capitalism carries war and authoritarianism like the cloud carries the storm...


For months now, we have been blinded by the glare of bombs in the windows of the media and social networks. We see them falling on Gaza or Ukraine. We continue on, astonished, dazed even, by the sound of cannon fire echoing in the distance.

As the shadow of war spreads, our governments are preparing for it and intend to throw us into it with all their might. And behind them, the Bolloré, Dassaut, Peugeot and other gun merchants are licking their lips, calculating their next profits.


Globalized capitalism under the domination of the United States and its allies has entered a multidimensional crisis of inextricable contradictions. Environmental crises (droughts, floods, pandemics), financial and economic crises (subprimes, debt, etc.) and the crisis of hegemony of the capitalist system are combining and reinforcing each other. This economic system is on its last legs, reinforcing exploitation and inequality, and fanning the flames of hatred, racism and the far right... and war. The proof is in the rise in military budgets around the world, along with the authoritarianism of governments and the rise of extreme right-wing ideas.

This situation gives wings to all forms of colonialism, starting with Israel’s colonial project, which consists of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians in order to seize the massive gas deposits on the shores of Gaza and the land and water on the West Bank. In Ukraine, Russia intends to get its hands on natural resources, immense arable land and nuclear power stations. In the United States, the war is concentrating financial and economic flows in order to maintain hegemony over globalization and remain the imperial centre. And in France, the return of a warlike imperialism is delighting the ‘captains of industry’ and financiers. For the French state, the aim is to regain a foothold in Africa and the Middle East, to regain the markets and positions it has lost over the last twenty years.


Before the war, the “war economy” and “rearmament” had been called for by capital’s lackeys, court economists and prefecture intellectuals. It’s not their children who will live in misery and die under bullets. So Macron is opening gunpowder and cannon factories with great fanfare, while the champagne is flowing in the gilded salons of the Republic. He intends to spend €413.3 billion on the armed forces between 2024 and 2030. And to do all that, the people have to be brought to heel. You have to teach them discipline and sacrifice. Attal has therefore decided to lock up young people for 10 hours a day, every day, by turning secondary schools into barracks and introducing uniforms, following the introduction of the SNU.


For their part, Darmanin [Interior Miniuster] and Dupont-Moretti [Justice Miniter] are hunting down any talk of environmental or social protest.

The repression is particularly zealous towards expressions of solidarity for the Palestinian people under genocide. At the end of January, the Ministry of Justice counted 626 proceedings for “apology for terrorism” in connection with the war in Gaza. The secretary of the local CGT in the North has just been given a one-year suspended prison sentence for a leaflet; Rima Hassan, a candidate on the LFI list for the European elections, has been summoned by the judicial police for “apology for acts of terrorism”, as have activists from the Solidaires ÉtudiantEs section of the EHESS, SUD-Rail, journalist Sihame Assbague, our own publication director and dozens of others... and now MP Mathilde Panot.

Finally, because we’ll have to pay for the cannons and the champagne, Le Maire [Finance Minister] is announcing total austerity, with deep cuts in the education, health and social protection budgets.

But for how long? Will we agree to march in step and send our children to the slaughterhouse? Or will we turn our guns on our own generals? It is high time we raised our heads and refused censorship and repression. To reject the authoritarianism of the Macron government and the war that is coming.

War on war! Solidarity and freedom for all peoples! Freedom for Palestine! Freedom for Ukraine! More anti-capitalist and internationalist than ever! That’s what we’ll be saying on 1 May.

24 April 2024

Translated by International Viewpoint from l’Anticapitaliste.

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Thomas Rid
Thomas Rid writes for l’Anticapitaliste.


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Google SGE's embarrassing AI advice, 'drink urine to pass kidney stones quickly' shocks internet

By HT News Desk
May 06, 2024 

Many users slammed Google for its outrageous result to a basic medical query, ‘Google did you fire your QA team?’ asked a user.

In a jaw-dropping and quite embarrassing turn of events, the latest AI-driven iteration of Google Search, dubbed Google SGE (or Search Generative Experience), has been caught dispensing advice straight out of a science fiction novel. When a user Googled how to bid farewell to those pesky kidney stones pronto, he received a recommendation that's, well, downright outrageous: guzzling down a couple of gallons of your own pee every day. Yes, you read that correctly.

Google SGE's embarrassing AI advice on how to pass kidney stones quickly: drink urine((Screenshot shared by Barry Schwartz))

The revelation came to light when a post on X, courtesy of @dril showcased this mind-boggling response. “Perfect, Redy to Go. Ship it out” he wrote and what followed was a barrage of comments Google wasn't happy about.

“With all due respect, this is not a good product,” commented tech genius Mic King.

“Half a century of building the entire discipline of data science and computer organization and we're going to set it all on fire for AI marketing and short term scam profits,” wrote a reader.

“I know I for one, when I am googling for answers, want randomly generated legal and medical advice. Finance ghouls who run the tech industry have bought up everything useful and replacing the internet's usefulness as the world's greatest library with a magic eight ball,” commented another.

When several others ran to Google to search for the same query, it did show similar results.

Now, while Google has had its fair share of eyebrow-raising moments in the past, this latest gaffe from the SGE squad might just take the cake. However, now the search engine has changed its answer to the question and may not provide similar results.

Also Read: All About Kidney Stones, prevention and cure

If you want to know the correct answer, this is it - You must drink more water (aim for 2-3 liters), especially in hot weather or after heavy labor. Watch your diet; cut back on salt and vitamin C supplements. Keep infections in check, manage obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular risks. And if they're too rowdy, urological interventions like lithotripsy or endoscopic surgery can evict them.
Kristi Noem blasted for chastising ‘fake news’ host Margaret Brennan over bizarre interview: ‘Stop playing victim’

ByShweta Kukreti
May 06, 2024 

Kristi Noem has claimed in a post on X that she was unfairly grilled by CBS host Margaret Brennan during an interview.

It seems there is no end to 'puppy killer' Kristi Noem's controversies. The South Dakota Governor recently appeared on CBS' Face of Nation to clear the air about her falsely claimed meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and to suggest that President Joe Biden's dog Commander should be killed.

During the CBS interview, Noem felt the heat as she asked the interviewer, “Why am I being treated differently than every other person that you’ve interviewed? You don’t interrupt other people. You let them talk.”(AP)

After getting candid with CBS host Margaret Brennan, Trump's potential VP contender garnered much limelight as she started trending on social media, including X, for her interview. However, Noem took U-turn on Sunday to complain about Brennan, alleging that she was unfairly grilled by her.

She went on to say that her Democratic colleagues like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would never have been exposed to such harsh interrogation.

“This morning in our 15-minute interview, Margaret Brennan interrupted me 36 times—once every 25 seconds on average," miffed Noem posted on X. In contrast to her claims, the host was seen interrupting or questioning her at a few moments, prompting the governor to change the topic or move ahead without answering the question.

During the interview, Noem felt the heat as she asked the interviewer, “Why am I being treated differently than every other person that you’ve interviewed? You don’t interrupt other people. You let them talk.”

To make her point clear, she continued on X, “In the fake news media, there are two sets of rules, and conservative[s] are always treated differently. That’s why Americans don’t trust the Fake News.”

Also Read: US House lawmakers form ‘Dog Lovers Caucus’ after Kristi Noem calls puppy shooting report ‘fake’ news

Exploring why Noem decided to target Margaret Brennan

Notably, Noem's post on X came after she faced backlash over her remarks in the interview, with MSNBC host, saying "No bad dogs, only bad people."

Meanwhile, Former GOP Rep Joe Walsh told to CNN: “I served with Kristi Noem; she wasn't like this. Every one of my former Republican colleagues has learned to be like Trump. To be cruel. To lie. To never, ever apologise.”

"Kristi Noem, Trump’s potential VP nominee, says that she wants to put down President Biden’s dog. These people are lunatics and we cannot let them near power," a handle named Biden's Win tweeted.

Some of the X users even commented on Noem's post, asking her to “stop playing the victim card”.

“We all watched the interview, and you were not rudely interrupted, but you did lie an awful lot. At least it kept you busy so you couldn't kill any more dogs for a few minutes,” one of her followers commented.

What went wrong for Kristy Noem during the interview?

Noem was basically grilled about her upcoming book 'No Going Back'. When Brennan openly asked her if she really met Kim Jong Un, the governor refused to talk about her “specific” encounters with world leaders.

However, she admitted the error in her book and the publisher will make the edits before its release. Meanwhile, publisher Center Street announced on X that they have removed the passage in question, but added, "Further questions about the passage should be referred to the author".

The governor, who tried to defend killing her 14-old-month dog 'Cricket', seemed to suggest on-air that Biden's troubled dog Commander should meet a similar fate.

After removing Commander from the White House for biting several Secret Service personnel, Biden decided to send his dog to his relatives in order to reach a perfect resolution.

Is Commander next? Kristi Noem suggests Biden’s troubled dog should be killed just like 'Cricket'

ByShweta Kukreti
May 05, 2024 

Kristi Noem now come up with a bizarre suggestion that President Joe Biden's troubled dog 'Commander' should be killed too.

It seems 'puppy killer' Kristi Noem has no shame after admitting to a murder of 14-month-old dog 'Cricket'. She has now come up with a bizarre suggestion that President Joe Biden's troubled dog 'Commander' should be killed too.

Following the reports that Commander drew blood from a Secret Service agent, the White House in March said that Biden handed over the German shepherd to his relatives due to repeated biting incidents.(X/@ImMeme0)

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Noem stood firm by her admission of killing a dog in her upcoming memoir and quipped that Commander would say “say hello to” Cricket.

The South Dakota Governor, 52, stressed that Biden's pup, who was shifted from the White House last fall after he reportedly bit dozens of people, had raised safety concerns for staffers and Secret Service agents.

“Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people. So how many people are enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?” Noem asked.

“That’s the question that the President should be held accountable to,” the potential Trump VP added.

Moderator Margaret Brennan promptly asked if “You’re saying he should be shot?”

“What is the number?” Noem replied before attempting to change the topic.

Where is Commander?

Following the reports that Commander drew blood from a Secret Service agent, the White House in March said that Biden handed over the German shepherd to his relatives due to repeated biting incidents.

Noem, whose name has been touted as a potential vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump, has come under fire after she admitted to killing her dog in a new book 'No Going Back', which will hit the shelves on May 7.

"I hated that dog," Noem said in her book, as per the copy obtained by The Guardian. "[Cricket was] dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."

Noem then recalled shooting the “disgusting, musky, rancid” goat, which she claimed used to chase her kids.

Also Read: Kristy Noem finally clears the air if she really met with Kim Jong Un amid fresh controversy

Meanwhile, a group of US House members have joined hands to form a "Dog Lovers Caucus" in a bid to promote harmony among people who appreciate man's best friend.

This move is blatantly directed at the South Dakota Governor for defending her claims of killing her mischievous puppy due to its "aggressive personality".
Did Trump ignore Kristi Noem?

Trump met with a group of potential vice presidential candidates at the Republican National Committee's spring conference in Palm Beach on Saturday.

NBC claimed that Noem arrived there but left early as her name was not mentioned among the contenders who joined Trump onstage in the RNC's readout of the event.


Kristi Noem falsely claims she met Kim Jong Un in new book after puppy killing controversy

'Who kills a puppy?' CNN panel blasts Kristi Noem's murderous streak

'I hated that dog': Kristi Noem recalls gunning down family's 'worthless' pup

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