Sunday, September 29, 2024


Where was Amnesty International during the Genocide in Gaza?

Israel is genociding the Palestinians one neighborhood at the time, one hospital at the time, one school at the time, one refugee camp at the time, one ‘safe zone’ at the time
– Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt,
10 August 2024

One would expect that human rights organisations would spring into action during an impending or unfolding genocide – the ultimate violation of human rights. Maybe human rights NGOs actions should be proportional to the level of the crimes they are concerned with. Thus, the more killing, torture, arbitrary imprisonment, bombing…, etc., that is plainly evident, the more action one would expect. So, what is the output of some of the leading human rights organisations in the face of the genocide in Gaza? Below is an analysis of Amnesty International’s press releases and announced actions [1].

Will they come clean?

First things first. To assess the credibility of any organisation, one should know their relationship with Israel and the United States – both participants in the unfolding genocide. On this account, Amnesty International has never come clean about its relationship with the Israeli government. Uri Blau, a Haaretz investigative journalist, recently revealed that Amnesty_Intl.-Israel was taken over and run by Israeli operatives paid for by the Foreign Ministry. [2] They ran interference in reporting on the situation in the occupied territories, participated in conferences, and even set up a "human rights" institute at Tel Aviv university. This was a nice way to co-opt the human rights industry. The principal who ran AI-Israel even gave an interview boasting of his exploits.

And did AI-Israel have a hand editing any Amnesty reports about the situation in the occupied territories or its many wars in the region? Some Palestinian lawyers reported having problematic encounters with AI-Israel officials, to the extent that they refused to have any dealings with it thereafter. One could well imagine AI-Israel officials reporting on Palestinians who reached out to them. So how ethical is it for Amnesty International to expose Palestinians contacting AI-Israel to imminent danger? When will Amnesty International acknowledge this dirty relationship and ensure that it maintains the requisite distance from the Israeli government in the future?

The genocide will be televised

Next, one must establish if what we witness amounts to a genocide. Craig Mokhiber, the former UN official in the High Commission for Human Rights, resigned because his agency was not reacting given the unfolding situation in Gaza, and stated in his resignation letter; "this is a textbook case of genocide". NB: the letter was submitted on 28 October 2023. Mokhiber stated that it is usually difficult to establish whether a genocide is taking place because one doesn’t know the motivation of the leading military and political leadership. [3] In the current context, there is no doubt about the motivation; one only has to listen to Netanyahu, Gallant, Ganz, Smotrich, Ben Gvir… And also most of the parliamentarians – they made genocidal statements in the Knesset; they were competing with each other to see who would be most truculent.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) statement on the case brought in front of the court by South Africa also suggests that we are witnessing a genocide – at least most of the justices urged Israeli action to forestall a genocide.

Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and in particular, the refugee camps exhibit a high population density. The Israeli military is bombing these locations using huge bombs recently delivered by 500+ of American military cargo planes. [4] There is no doubt about this, one can even witness the bombing realtime on Al Jazeera. Civilians are directed to evacuate areas only to be bombed in locations that had been putatively named "safe areas," hospitals, schools, UN compounds, etc. Fleeing civilians were targeted; all bakeries were destroyed; hundreds of wells destroyed; scores of chicken farms ravaged; entire families wiped out…. Thus it is not only the level of killing, but also the destruction of life-sustaining infrastructure that is happening now. The weaponry is very accurate, thus the targeting was done intentionally; so it is not an issue of "collateral damage," but it is intentional and indiscriminate targeting. A principle of International humanitarian law is that actions should be proportionate, but Israeli military and politicians revel at the disproportionate nature of the destruction; it is the Dahiya doctrine applied to Gaza. [5] This doctrine refers to the disproportionate violence perpetrated against the Lebanese population in the Dahiya neighbourhood in Beirut in 2006; the neighbourhood was entirely flattened with huge bombs. Alastair Crooke, the former British diplomat, summarises the situation succinctly: "Gaza is already a monument to callous inhumanity and suffering. It will get worse…" [6]

One thing is certain: if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, then it is genocide. [7] Under these circumstances, one would expect all human rights organisations to spring into action and demand court actions, UN Security Council resolutions, calls for key officials to be held accountable for crimes against humanity, and for the US, UK, Germany… and others to stop enabling Israel’s genocidal actions.

Nature of coverage

A few things are evident when reviewing AI’s press releases: one is struck by the paucity of coverage, the trite and generic form of statements, the unwillingness to call out the nature of some crimes, and unwillingness to debunk some of the crass Israeli propaganda meant to further de-humanise the Palestinians, and to justify Israel’s crimes.

Since 7 October 2023, there have only been 60 press releases – none of any substance. One is struck also that there are a number of press releases about Israel/OPT that don’t mention the ongoing genocide at all! [8] Or the commentary is part of a discussion of human rights in general.


Gaza has been subject to numerous massacres – several not even registering in the media accounts in the so-called West. There were several of the post-2006 attacks (aka "mowing the lawn" operations) usually referred to by their Israeli sugar-coated operation names. After each such operation AI dutifully produced its trite reports, but was rather circumspect in calling out Israeli crimes; and whenever it did issue a statement about a particular crime, it was immediately offset by references to Palestinian crimes.

A good historical starting point to assess the current violations of international humanitarian law would be the Goldstone report (2008) – which documented and established serious Israeli crimes during "Operation Cast Lead". [9] Alas, one is struck by the ahistorical nature of AI’s press releases and reports. It is as if history started yesterday, but then this is the nature of the "rights-based reporting," where there is virtually no reference to history. When it suits Amnesty it will ignore history. [10] Would one’s assessment of a criminal be altered by the fact that he was a serial criminal? If so, then it behooves AI to emphasise Israel’s long history of mass crimes against the Palestinian population. But acknowledging the long history of dispossession and brutality against the native population would suggest that "we" should be in solidarity with the Palestinians. Alas, that is not a position Amnesty is willing to take. It prefers to utter its clucking sounds, and admonish "both sides" as if there were a moral equivalence between the violence perpetrated by oppressor and oppressed.

False balance

Amnesty wants to appear impartial, and clamours for both Palestinian and Israeli rights. Thus AI will issue a report outlining some of the Israeli crimes, but will then issue a report on the "Palestinian war crimes". In general, according to AI, most of the actions perpetrated by the Palestinians are ipso facto war crimes; there is no need for further investigation or discussion. A disgraceful example is an article discussing Palestinian war crimes published on 12 July 2024. Thus after more than nine months of bombings, maybe 186,000+ dead [11], calculated starvation, summary executions and evidence of rampant mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners… Amnesty chose to demand the release of the Israeli hostages! According to Erika Guevara Rosas, AI’s "Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns," holding Israeli civilian hostages is a war crime. [12] Lost in this narrative is an explanation as to why the hostages are held – they are the only means to obtain the release of some of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners. And true to form, a few days later AI released a longish press release critical of the Israeli brutal treatment of prisoners. Producing reports critical of "both sides" are attempts to claim impartiality.

It is rather odd that when Palestinians take hostages, Amnesty considers this a war crime. Yet when Israel imprisons thousands without charges, routinely kidnaps and keeps prisoners in deplorable conditions, then this is not a war crime. In the West Bank, Israeli military take the parents of “wanted” Palestinians hostage, but Amnesty doesn’t condemn this practice to the same extent.

Amnesty ignores the 1960 UNGA resolution acknowledging the right for an oppressed/colonised population to defend themselves – this includes armed struggle; and that Israel has an obligation to protect the oppressed population. The nature of the violence suggests that it is not possible to assume a “neutral” position. Thus, Amnesty’s proclivity to admonish “both sides” is ethically suspect.

Not countering Israeli propaganda

One useful function AI could play would be to debunk Israeli propaganda meant to dehumanise Palestinians to serve as a pretext for its genocidal campaign. The day after the Palestinian incursion, the Israeli propaganda machine was ready to push stories about rapes, babies cooked in microwave ovens, brutal murders, and so on. However, Amnesty has not countered these fabricated stories; in fact it has helped propagate the Israeli narrative. For example, it repeatedly referred to the 7 October attack as "horrific" – a term almost exclusively used to describe Palestinian actions. It doesn’t account for the fact that it was the Israeli military who killed more than half the Israeli civilians on that day. [13] There were no babies cooked to death or impaled on bayonets. Alas, even with a pompous sounding "Evidence Investigation Unit," Amnesty doesn’t seem to care to separate facts from hateful slander. If the latter is meant to dehumanise the Palestinians, then exposing this propaganda would go some way to humanise the victim. It seems that that is not in Amnesty’s purview.

In the press release demanding the release of Israeli hostages, Erika Guevara Rosas stated: "Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza that has resulted in the death of over 38,000 Palestinians". This is factually correct, but contextually challenged. Guevara is using the Palestinian Health ministry’s figures that are based on the actual recovery of bodies; it misses all the victims under the rubble. The Lancet study estimates that about 8% of the Gazan population has been killed – that is in the order of 186,000 dead. Furthermore, the deaths attributable to epidemics, starvation, etc., are also missed in the Health Ministry’s statistics. The London School of Hygiene and Johns Hopkins University have attempted to estimate this mortality rate. [14]. Their estimates and methodology are complex, and it is best to read it directly from their reports. Suffice it to say that the mortality rate has increased dramatically.

Maybe a clearer explanation of the available statistics would be in order.

Lets investigate!

There are plenty of daily criminal attacks, but it is only the particularly outrageous ones when AI feels compelled to utter some comment. The discovery of mass burial sites near hospitals that had recently been invaded by the Israeli military elicited some commentary [15]. Instead of pointing a finger at Israel, and suggesting serious crimes had been perpetrated, it calls for an "independent investigation". If only AI’s sanctimonious investigators could enter the scene, then one could establish what really happened. The other implication of AI’s call for investigation is that it doesn’t value the voice of the victims of Israeli crimes. Thus it is not up to Palestinians to call out their oppressor, but some "independent" body has to take its jolly good time determining whether a crime was committed; a report will follow a few years later. In the meantime, all Israeli crimes are merely "alleged" crimes.

There is a more problematic aspect to AI’s call for investigations, namely, that it is giving credence to Israeli exculpatory claims and justifications for its attacks. Thus bombing the Al Shifa hospital was justified on the spurious grounds that there was an Al Qassam bunker in the vicinity. Or, bombing a location with many refugees in tents by stating that some of the resistance commanders were in the area. Given the history of Israeli lies about all the massacres that it has perpetrated, one would think that Amnesty would be more sceptical of Israeli claims, and to challenge them outright. Instead it calls for investigations. Furthermore, when is it justified to kill 100+ civilians in order to kill two fighters? It is curious that a human rights organisation doesn't reject this outright – there is no need for an investigation. Maybe an analogy could clarify the objection. Imagine that a rapist justified his crime by stating that the victim wore provocative clothing. Amnesty’s actions are akin to investigating if the victim’s clothing was actually sexy.

On 26 August 2024, AI issued a press release on two of the bombings of camps of displaced people killing hundreds. [16] A priori, one would say that it is a welcome report, but one is struck by the fact that these incidents "need to be investigated as war crimes". Amnesty even reviewed the statements made by the Israeli military to justify the bombing. And to add a comic element, Amnesty sent a note to "Ministry of Justice officials," i.e., Hamas, to determine if its fighters were sheltering in the bombed locations. In other words, it is asking the Palestinians whether the Israeli bombings were justified! And to top things off, Amnesty regurgitated its accusation that the Palestinian actions, e.g., taking hostages amounted to clear war crimes. On the one hand, AI asks that Israeli actions be investigated, yet for the Palestinians the accusation is clear: these are war crimes.

Amnesty usefully states that using civilians as human shields is "prohibited under international law." Suggesting that if any fighter mingles with the civilian population, this amounts to a crime. The Palestinian fighters have little choice about where they can operate given that the population is constantly forced to move – the fighters included. But there is a difference between fighters being in close proximity to civilians, and the Israeli practice of placing Palestinian civilians on top of military vehicles or forcing them to enter houses ahead of Israeli soldiers. The difference is the coercion involved, and the fact that the fighters are in the midst of their own people. Thus in the press release, Amnesty wags its finger about fighters finding themselves together with civilians. However, Amnesty has yet to issue one of it missives about the civilians Israeli military forces to act as human shields. We await another press release.

Losing the forest for the trees

The crimes perpetrated against the Palestinians, i.e., genocide, crimes against humanity, and so on, must be described as mass crimes – referent to the population at large. However, Amnesty’s favourite technique to avoid mentioning the mass crimes is to dwell on individual stories to the exclusion of the totality of the crimes. On 19 August 2024, Amnesty issued a press release about the flouting of the Arms Trade Treaty. Thus: "Amnesty International has long been calling for a comprehensive arms embargo on both Israel and Palestinian armed groups because of longstanding patterns of serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, including war crimes…". True to form Amnesty bleats about an embargo on "both sides," as if there were hundreds of military cargo airplanes delivering weapons to the Palestinians. But instead of mentioning the total tonnage of bombs dropped on Gaza, it provides two examples [17]:

  • Amnesty has documented the use of US-manufactured weapons in a number of unlawful airstrikes, including US-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) in two deadly, unlawful air strikes on homes in the occupied Gaza Strip, which killed 43 civilians – 19 children, 14 women and 10 men – on 10 and 22 October 2023.
  • A GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, made in the US by Boeing, was used in an Israeli strike in January 2024 which hit a family home in the Tal al-Sultan area of Rafah, killing 18 civilians, including 10 children, four men, and four women.

According to Euromed Human Rights: "Israel dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza Strip since last October, exceeding World War II bombings in Dresden, Hamburg, London combined." [18] Maybe providing such statistics would be more effective.

Similarly, on 18 July 2024, AI released a rather lengthy report on prison conditions. [19] To its credit, the press release was better than most AI output, but again, after a cursory mention of the total number of cases, it emphasises a few examples of prisoner’s conditions. It is dwelling on a few items to the exclusion of the mass injustice condition.

Long list of neglect

Ever since 7 October 2023, there have been many incidents that didn't elicit a single comment by Amnesty International. Here are a few items:

  • Israel bombed Palestinians waiting to obtain food from a humanitarian aid delivery truck; there were about 210 killed.
  • Triple-tap bombings. Israelis bomb an area killing civilians, and then those who come to rescue them, and those who seek to rescue the rescuers.
  • Al Jazeera showed a video of airplanes dropping supplies in Gaza. A few minutes later Israelis bombed the locations where the parachutes landed.
  • Several hundred medical and emergency rescue staff have been killed; 170+ journalists, and in some cases the journalists’ families were also killed.
  • Destruction of universities, schools and hospitals. Israeli soldiers themselves posted videos of rejoicing soldiers when hospitals and universities were blown up.
  • There is a serious shortage of potable water for most Gazans. The quality and quantity of water available in Gaza was already a serious issue prior to October 2023. Groundwater had saline seepage, and thus the sodium level was above safe limits. With the destruction of wells, and the inoperability of desalination plants, the access to safe water became a serious challenge. Furthermore, the Israeli military are flooding tunnels with sea water, further contaminating groundwater.
  • Israeli military declared a large garbage dump site to be a "safe zone".
  • The Israeli military forced relocations of population from North to South, and later on South to North. And of course more houses were destroyed in the meantime. There are no places where civilians can escape to safety.
  • The condition of prisoners held in Israeli jails is appalling: brutality, neglect, meagre access to food and water. Al Jazeera featured the case of Moazez Abayat [20] A man who suffered torture, brutal treatment, meagre access to food and water. It was clear that Abayat had lost his mind in prison, and this is certainly not an isolated case. In August, soldiers sodomised prisoners… and +972 magazine published an article about the conditions at a military prison with a jarring statement: "The situation there [Sde Teiman detention center] is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo."
  • The Hannibal killings, i.e., Israeli military killed Israelis to avoid having them taken as hostages. Haaretz reported that more than half the Israeli civilians killed on 7 October were killed by the military.
  • Israeli propagandists were ready to make allegations of widespread rape and murder of children. Most of those claims were false.
  • The grand larceny and theft of Palestinian land in the West Bank continues, and in the process hundreds have been killed.
  • Israeli drones broadcast recordings of children in distress to entice people to investigate, and consequently kill them.
  • The day after rulings by international courts (ICJ or ICC), the Israelis engaged in massive bombardments and other destructive actions. It is their means to send a "FU" message. On the eve of Netanyahu’s trip to the US, the Israeli military bombed a refugee camp killing dozens. On the day Netanyahu addressed the US Congress, 100+ Palestinians were killed.The point of this: Israel can do whatever it wants, and it has the US’s backing.
  • On the eve of negotiations, Israel perpetrates particularly serious mass crimes. Early in August the US announced "negotiations," but with meagre Israeli interest. On 10 August, Israel bombed a school killing 100+. Furthermore, Israelis murdered two of the Palestinian negotiators. Who will want to negotiate with Israel now?
  • The lack of medicines is causing the certain deaths of those with chronic diseases. The protracted war is a death sentence to diabetics, renal patients, cancer victims….

Impotence and futility

Amnesty issues a few press releases and maybe a report thereafter, but there is no meaningful action. Thus far Amnesty has organised a petition calling for a ceasefire! One can fill the petition form with gibberish, and press the button however many times, and it will register in this preposterous exercise. [21] Liberal souls will be assuaged.

There have been three instances where AI urged its members to write very polite letters to Israeli officials. Thus mass crimes are happening at present, and these "urgent actions" merely plead for the fate of three individuals. All sample letters start with "Dear General…"; that is the way Amnesty likes its members to address the genocidal creeps. These letter writing campaigns are a means to get young idealistic activists to engage in "actions" that are of virtually no consequence.

Every year Amnesty claims to have more members – in the millions. Appealing to this membership base to do something meaningful could possibly be more effective. Palestinian civil society groups have long clamoured for BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions). Why can’t AI urge its members to boycott Israeli products? The answer is evident: the mega donors (e.g., Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s notorious sex predator and Israel cheerleader; the Sackler Foundation) funding Amnesty’s activities would revolt. [22]

Manifest double standards

Amnesty has produced several press releases advocating intervention in Syria, even using holocaust memes ("never again") to emphasise its point. It even produced a melodramatic multimedia production on the "horrors" at a notorious prison. [23] When it comes to Israel, Amnesty doesn’t call for intervention; it certainly doesn’t refer to holocaust memes as "never again" seems not to apply to the Palestinians. Amnesty also doesn’t produce melodramatic videos on the most notorious Israeli prisons where inmates are tortured, brutalised and killed.

Regarding the situation in Venezuela, Amnesty demands "urgent actions from ICC prosecutor”. [24] When it comes to Israel doesn’t call upon the international courts to prosecute Israel for war crimes or worse. According to Donatella Rovera, a senior AI investigator, Amnesty doesn’t issue such calls. [25] Another standard applies.

On 21 May 2024, Amnesty issued a press release urging the ICC to issue arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Gallant and three Palestinian resistance leaders. What Agnes Callamard, AI’s Secretary General, doesn’t explain is the fact that whereas an arrest warrant was issued for Putin, when it comes to Netanyahu, the prosecutor merely petitioned the court to consider issuing a warrant. Given the uproar and threats issued by US politicians, the ICC quietly dropped the matter – thus there are no warrants issued against Netanyahu and Gallant at present. There is scant evidence of a moral backbone at the ICC. But the ICC statements allows Amnesty to posture by wagging its finger at “both sides”.

On 2 September 2024, Amnesty issued a demand for Mongolia to arrest President Putin, and did so in a rather hectoring tone. [26] And although the ICC no longer seeks to prosecute Netanyahu, this doesn’t stop other organisations to call on governments hosting Netanyahu for his arrest. Alas, Amnesty didn’t send a similar demand to the US. Maybe such a call would have tarnished Netanyahu’s reputation during his recent address to the US Congress.

On the eve of the Gulf War against Iraq, Amnesty produced a report on the purported case of Iraqi soldiers “throwing babies out of incubators”. President Bush appeared on TV showing this report and using it as a justification for war. After the hoax was exposed Amnesty didn’t issue any apology or explanation. But now we face a real situation in Gaza where the Israeli military ordered the evacuation of Gaza’s largest hospital and consequently dozens of newborns had to be taken off incubators or other equipment. The doctor attending the children noted that most of them would die. One would say that this would provide emotive material to campaign to obtain a ceasefire; the plight of babies might resonate with Western liberal souls. Alas, Amnesty was silent in this instance.

And there are blind spots

One must marvel at the long list of press releases and reports Amnesty produces on a regular basis. No corner of the planet is exempt of an Amnesty commentary or reprimand. From commenting on transexual rights in Mongolia, sex workers rights, climate change, migrant rights and discrimination, etc. And many of its missives wag a finger at the offending state with titles including "… must do this". Amnesty frequently waves its human rights magic wand. Somehow they think they have the standing of a UN-like organisation to pontificate on any topic anywhere in the world.

But one encounters blind spots in AI’s coverage. There are very few admonishing press releases regarding US, UK, or Israeli atrocious behaviour. When offending actions are mentioned at all, one finds them couched with terms such as "alleged"; and certainly not calling for a tribunal to hold criminals to account. The war in Ukraine has elicited minor critical commentary except chastising Russia; the US role in causing and fuelling the war are not mentioned. In general, AI’s position on issues aligns with US, UK and Israeli state policy. There is no criticism or even mention of the US’s penchant for forever wars; for waging violent actions in many places in the world. These seem to be just fine by Amnesty’s standards.

The United Nations Security Council has become a joke – where one finds the US and its acolytes brazenly lying, and exhibiting monumental hypocrisy and cynicism. Any relevant resolution delivering a modicum of justice is routinely vetoed. This is plainly evident regarding calls for a ceasefire in Gaza with such resolutions vetoed. On 21 December 2023, the US put forth a "compromise" resolution regarding a ceasefire and humanitarian aid. The curious thing is that on the same day the diplomats acknowledged that Israel would not be bound by the resolution – it was merely an exercise of hypocrisy on steroids. Yet the next day, Agnes Callamard, AI’s Secretary General, stated that: "This is a much-needed resolution…”!
[27]. To her credit, she also stated: "It is disgraceful that the US was able to stall and use the threat of its veto power to force the UN Security Council to weaken a much-needed call for an immediate end to attacks by all parties.”

There is no pushback

An important role any organisation could play would be to confront local supporters of regimes involved in mass crimes. There are notorious cases:

  • Nikki Haley, the failed presidential candidate, went to Israel to express her support to the extent that she wrote “kill them all” on an Israel artillery shell.
  • At the August 2024 Democratic National Convention attendees were active cheerleaders for the Israeli actions.
  • The US Congress welcomed Netanyahu and gave him 57 standing ovations.

Maybe these outrageous statements and actions would elicit critical commentary. It is not only a generic trite statement about what is happening “over there,” but what is also necessary is to challenge the local enablers of mass crimes. Alas, Amnesty would rather consort with US politicians rather than to confront them.

The bane of HR NGOs

In Europe, various governments and NGOs provide scholarships for students to specialise in Human Rights. The courses are offered in several countries, and hundreds of students attend Human Rights centres each year. Italians get to study in Finland for a year…. And we find the grotesque situation of Dutch students studying human rights in Israel; it is a bit like going for education on animal rights to a slaughterhouse. This is all courtesy of EU largesse. The graduates then work for hundreds of NGOs or government agencies. Each of them will then wave their human rights wand over a topic that may be fashionable, invariably gay/trans rights, women’s reproductive rights, sex worker’s rights, etc. Further fuelling the human rights industry is the lavish funding obtained from various lottery funds – much of the profits from such institutions are disbursed to NGOs. The human rights industry experiences subsidised growth. Thus each NGO with its own warped agenda receives funds directly or indirectly. The directors of some NGOs command six figure salaries – a favourite for out-of-office politicians seeking a sinecure. [28]

In the Netherlands where this process has been in place for decades, the human rights lobby has mushroomed in size and now manifests a dysfunctional dynamic, i.e., the NGOs bring incessant lawsuits against the government tying it down in court.

Do NGOs advocating Palestinian human rights get to play in this merry-go-round? Fat chance!

Human rights are for the birds

When confronted with mass crimes what is needed is justice, and not one of its bastardised, neutered, malleable and ineffective substitutes. If one wants justice then it behooves one to speak in terms of justice, and to avoid the human rights mumbo jumbo. This is specially the case when human rights have been cynically exploited and weaponised by the US and UK. [29] A framework that can be used to justify wars, the so-called humanitarian interventions, cannot be a framework that advances justice or motivates people to act against mass crimes. The criminals react accordingly, i.e., they aren’t bothered if they are called transgressors of human rights, but may fear being accused of mass crimes.

The mask comes off

The current wars in Gaza, Ukraine, etc., and the reactions surrounding them has torn off the mask of the American empire revealing its hypocrisy, cynicism and sadism. Many of the "values" so dear to the neoliberals have been shown to be a sham. "Democracy," "International law," "freedom of speech,"…., and of course "human rights” have fallen off their pedestals. The collateral damage of the collapse also tears into the United Nations, the ICC, ICJ, and also the human rights industry because they also have been shown to be so ineffective and compromised. Amnesty International is demonstrably a conflicted organisation steeped in hypocrisy. It is a tool used by the UK and US governments to weaponise “human rights” to suit its own ends: the justification of wars, and the demonisation of "regimes," i.e., the governments that the empire doesn’t like. It has been a conduit for pro-war propaganda in the past, and even calling for so-called humanitarian military interventions.

What is needed are critical voices that highlight the daily massacres, that call for the criminals and their enablers to be held to account, and to sue for a modicum of justice. Calling for a ceasefire is the bare minimum. Alas, most human rights NGOs don’t even fulfil this task. When Amnesty International postures about all sorts of trendy human rights everywhere in the world, but then doesn’t cover genocide and spring into effective action, then let it shut up entirely.

One thing is certain: Amnesty International is not part of the solution, it is part of the problem.


  1. [1] This is an analysis of Amnesty’s press releases and reports. These can be found here: Amnesty’s position are also available on Twitter, but these are not covered here. The press releases and reports by other HR organisations are very similar and exhibit the same bias.
  2. [2] Uri Blau, Documents reveal how Israel made Amnesty’s local branch a front for the Foreign Ministry in the 70s; The Israeli government funded the establishment and activity of the Amnesty International branch in Israel in the 1960s and 70s. Official documents reveal that the chairman of the organization was in constant contact with the Foreign Ministry and received instructions from it; Haaretz, 18 March 2017.
    Neve Gordon and Nicola Perugini, "Israel’s human rights spies": Manipulating the discourse Revelations about Israel’s infiltration of NGOs in the 1970s shocked many, but human rights ‘spies’ are still out there, 22 Mar 2017.
  3. [3] Craig Mokhiber (Director of the New York Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights), The resignation letter.
  4. [4] Avi Scharf, Weapons shipments to Israel: A Dizzying Pace, Then a Drop: How U.S. Arms Shipments to Israel Slowed Down subtitle: Publicly available flight tracking data shows how many U.S. arms shipments have arrived in Israel each month since the Gaza war started, revealing a sharp rise and then gradual tapering off in the pace of deliveries, Haaretz, 27 June 2024.
  5. [5] Israel wants to be feared to maintain its morally bankrupt deterrence policy. Thus any resistance must be smashed with disproportionate power. The Dahiya neighbourhood in Beirut was brutally bombed, and the politicians ordering the bombing were very pleased with the level of destruction. Thus the Dahiya doctrine.
  6. [6] Alastair Crooke, Trickery, Humiliation, Death – and the Timeless Hunger for ‘Honour and Glory’, Strategic Culture, 30 December 2023.
  7. [7] Ilan Pappe, the great Israeli historian, once replied to a question of whether Israel was an apartheid state by stating: "if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, then it is apartheid".
  8. [8] Some examples of AI Press releases about OPT that don’t mention Gaza at all. AI, Dutch Investor pushes for human rights safeguards to stop use of surveillance technology against Palestinians, 4 July 2024. Refers to the intrusive video spying. AI, Israel’s attempt to sway WhatsApp case casts doubt on its ability to deal with NSO spyware cases, 25 July 2024.
  9. [9] Operation "Cast Lead" is a curious name for a military operation. It actually refers to a passage in Deuteronomy where the Hebrews exterminate their opponents to the extent that they pour molten lead down their throats.
  10. [10]Contrast AI’s ahistorical reporting on the situation in Gaza with that of Syria. When it comes to Syria, the history of the “regime” is suddenly an issue.
  11. [11] Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee and Salim Yusuf, “Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential”, The Lancet, Volume 404, Issue 10449, pp237-238, 20 July 2024.
  12. [12] AI, Israel/ OPT: Hamas and other armed groups must immediately release civilians held hostage in Gaza,12 July 2024
  13. [13] By Yaniv Kubovich • Haaretz 7 July 2024 IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive Subtitle: “there was crazy hysteria, and decisions started being made without verified information: Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well”
  14. [14] Crisis in Gaza: Scenario-based Health Impact Projections
  15. [15] AI, Gaza: Discovery of mass graves highlights urgent need to grant access to independent human
    rights investigators, 24 April 2024.
  16. [16] AI, Israel/OPT: Israeli attacks targeting Hamas and other armed group fighters that killed
    scores of displaced civilians in Rafah should be investigated as war crimes, 26 August 2024.
  17. [17] AI, Global: Governments’ brazen flouting of Arms Trade Treaty rules leading to devastating loss of life, 19 August 2024.
  18. [18]
  19. [19] AI, “Israel must end mass incommunicado detention and torture of Palestinians from Gaza”, 18 July 2024.
  20. [20]
  21. [21]
  22. [22] Thomas Frank, Hypocrite at the good cause parties, Le Monde Diplomatique, February 2018. Frank reports that Harvey Weinstein made "AI-USA possible”.
  23. [23] Paul de Rooij, Amnesty International trumpets for another "Humanitarian" war… this time in Syria, MintPress, 23 March 2018.
  24. [24] Amnesty, Venezuela: Scale and gravity of ongoing crimes demand urgent actions from ICC prosecutor, 9 August 2024
  25. [25] Personal communication with Donatella Rovera, January 2003.
  26. [26] AI, “Mongolia: Putin must be arrested and surrendered to the International Criminal Court”, 2 September 2024.
  27. [27]
    Israel/OPT: Adoption of UN resolution to expedite humanitarian aid to Gaza an important but insufficient step, 22 Decemeber 2024.
  28. [28] Irene Khan, the former Amnesty general secretary, received a £533,000 "golden handshake" when she departed.
  29. [29] For some of the background history of Amnesty International, see: Kirsten Sellars, The Rise and Rise of Human Rights, Sutton Publications, 2002. Also, Alfred de Zayas, The Human Rights Industry, Clarity Press, 2023.FacebookTwitter
Paul de Rooij is a writer living in London. He can be reached at proox@hotmail.comRead other articles by Paul.

Killing Hassan Nasrallah

The Illusion of a Solution

The ongoing Israeli operation against Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militia group so dominant in Lebanon, is following a standard pattern.  Ignore base causes.  Ignore context.  Target leaders, and target personnel.  See matters in conventional terms of civilisational warrior against barbarian despot.  Israel, the valiant and bold, fighting the forces of darkness.

The entire blood woven tapestry of the Middle East offers uncomfortable explanations.  The region has seen false political boundaries sketched and pronounced by foreign powers, fictional countries proclaimed, and entities brought into being on the pure interests of powers in Europe.  These empires produced shoddy cartography in the name of the nation state and plundering self-interest, leaving aside the complexities of ethnic belonging and tribal dispositions.  Tragically, such cartographic fictions tended to keep company with crime, dispossession, displacement, ethnic cleansing and enthusiastic hatreds.

Since October 7, when Hamas flipped the table on Israel’s heralded security apparatus to kill over 1,200 of its citizens and smuggle over 200 hostages into Gaza, historical realities became present with a nasty resonance.  While Israel falsely sported its credentials as a peaceful state with dry cleaned democratic credentials ravaged by Islamic barbarians, Hamas had tapped into a vein of history stretching back to 1948.  Dispossession, racial segregation, suppression, were all going to be addressed, if only for a moment of vanguardist and cruel violence.

To the north, where Lebanon and Israel share yet another nonsense of a border, October 7 presented a change.  Both the Israeli Defence Forces and Hezbollah took to every bloodier jousting.  It was a serious affair: 70,000 Israelis displaced to the south; tens of thousands of Lebanese likewise to the north. (The latter are almost never mentioned in the huffed commentaries of the West.)

The Israeli strategy in this latest phase was made all too apparent by the number of military commanders and high-ranking operatives in Hezbollah the IDF has targeted.  Added to this the pager-walkie talkie killings as a prelude to a likely ground invasion of Lebanon, it was clear that Hezbollah’s leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, figured as an exemplary target.

Hezbollah confirmed the death of its leader in a September 27 strike on Beirut’s southern suburb of Dahiyeh and promised “to continue its jihad in confronting the enemy, supporting Gaza and Palestine, and defending Lebanon and its steadfast and honourable people.”  Others killed included Ali Karki, commander of the organisation’s southern front, and various other commanders who had gathered.

Israeli officials have been prematurely thrilled.  Like deluded scientists obsessed with eliminating a symptom, they ignore the disease with habitual obsession.  “Most of the senior leaders of Hezbollah have been eliminated,” claimed a triumphant Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Nadav Shoshani.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant called the measure “the most significant strike since the founding of the State of Israel.”  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated with simplicity that killing Nasrallah was necessary to “changing the balance of power in the region for years to come” and enable displaced Israelis to return to their homes in the north.

Various reports swallowed the Israeli narrative.  Reuters, for instance, called the killing “a heavy blow to the Iran-backed group as it reels from an escalating campaign of Israeli attacks.”  Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr opined that this “will be a major setback for the organisation.”  But the death of a being is never any guarantee for the death of an idea. The body merely offers a period of occupancy.  Ideas will be transferred, grow, and proliferate, taking residence in other organisations or entities. The assassinating missile is a poor substitute to addressing the reasons why such an idea came into being.

A dead or mutilated body merely offers assurance that power might have won the day for a moment, a situation offering only brief delight to military strategists and the journalists keeping tabs on the morgue’s latest additions.  It is easy, then, to ignore why Hezbollah became a haunting consequence of Israel’s bungling invasion and occupation of Lebanon in 1982.  Easy to also ignore the 1985 manifesto, with its reference to the organisation’s determination to combat Israel and those it backed, such as the Christian Phalangist allies in the Lebanese Civil War, and to remove the Israeli occupying force.

Such oblique notions as “degrading” the capacity of an ideological, religious group hardly addresses the broader problem.  The subsequent shoots from a savage pruning can prove ever more vigorous.  The 1992 killing of Hezbollah’s secretary-general Abbas al-Musawi, along with his wife and son, merely saw the elevation of Nasrallah.  Nasrallah turned out to be a more formidable, resourceful and eloquent proposition.  He also pushed other figures to the fore, such as the recently assassinated Fuad Shukr, who became an important figure in obtaining the group’s vast array of long-range rockets and precision-guided missiles.

Ibrahim Al-Marashi of California State University, San Marcos, summarises the efforts of Israel’s high-profile killing strategy as shortsighted feats of miscalculation.  “History shows every single Israeli assassination of a high-profile political or military operator, even after being initially hailed as a game-changing victory, eventually led to the killed leader being replaced by someone more determined, adept and hawkish.”  Another Nasrallah is bound to be in tow, with several others in incubation.FacebookTwitter

Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: bkampmark@gmail.comRead other articles by Binoy.
Lebanon on the Brink of War: Imperialism is to Blame

As the Middle East reaches the brink of war, the imperialist powers — and their unwavering support for Israel, the genocide of Gazans, and the expansion of West Bank colonization — are responsible.

Révolution Permanente
September 23, 2024

In the past week, Israel has brutally intensified its attacks on Lebanon, launching two waves of large-scale terrorist attacks on Tuesday and Wednesday before massively bombing southern Lebanon. Blowing up thousands of communication devices across the country, first pagers and then radio systems, Israel plunged Lebanon into terror, killing around thirty people and wounding several thousand. Overnight from Thursday to Friday, the Israeli air force pounded border regions, indiscriminately hitting dozens of villages. At the same time, the Israeli government continuously threatened Lebanon throughout the week, claiming that “the center of gravity of the war had shifted to the north” and that Israel had “entered a new phase of the war.”

Israel pushed its campaign against Lebanon even further: targeting a Hezbollah leader in Beirut, Israel struck a residential building in the southern suburbs four times, causing dozens of casualties. The target was Ibrahim Aqil, one of Hezbollah’s most important military leaders and a member of the Jihad Council, the leadership of the organization’s military branch. Alongside the new leader of the military wing, ten elite Hezbollah commanders were also killed in the attack.

Humiliated by these recent massive attacks on its members, Hezbollah now finds itself in an impossible position. The party cannot ignore these repeated affronts that destroy its credibility, and retaliated by firing rockets into Israel, targeting a town just north of Haifa on Sunday morning. Israel has responded with another round of bombings — the deadliest attacks by Israel in Lebanon to date — which brings the death toll to at least 274 people and has injured over 1,000 people. According to Lebanese officials, the Israeli attacks have targeted medical centers, ambulances, and cars of people trying to flee.

It is clear that Israel wants to push Hezbollah into war. Clashes with Hezbollah have already forced 60,000 Israelis to leave the region and near-daily Israeli bombings in Lebanon since October 8 have displaced close to 110,000 people. War now seems to be the path favored by Netanyahu. While the Far Right already dreams of recolonizing the region south of the Litani River, the Israeli military openly talks about the need to impose a “security zone” in Lebanon — in other words, an invasion of the country.

Since October 7, the region has never been closer to escalating into all-out war — and the imperialist powers are entirely responsible. For eleven months, they have granted Israel total freedom of action, delivering tons and tons of weapons and ammunition used to massacre the Palestinian people in Gaza. The imperialist powers, led by the United States, have ruthlessly suppressed solidarity mobilizations for Palestine that have ignited worldwide. Militarily, morally, and economically supported by imperialist countries, Israel has been able to continue its massacre in Gaza with impunity, forcing two million Gazans to leave their homes, reducing the area to rubble, almost entirely annexing the West Bank, and bombing nearly all neighboring countries: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iran.

In the Red Sea, these same powers, organized within an international coalition led by the United States, have repeatedly bombed Yemen, directly involving themselves in the escalation. Benefiting from the unwavering support of its imperialist allies, Israel feels emboldened and is now directly attacking Lebanon, crossing all the “red lines” week after week that could have prevented the outbreak of an all-out war. While the Zionist Far Right has put the project of “Greater Israel” — a Jewish state stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates — on the agenda and the government hopes to “solve” its Palestinian problem once and for all, the Israeli state is threatening more than ever to wage a devastating war on Lebanon, for which the population will pay the price in fire and blood.

Despite the recent calls for calm from the Biden administration which fears getting involved in a new conflict on the eve of elections, and Emmanuel Macron’s change in tone in defense of France’s material interests in Lebanon, the imperialist powers cannot hide their responsibility. Faced with the deadly threat posed by the Israeli state to Lebanon, only the struggle of the working class and oppressed of all countries in the region can prevent the impending bloodbath. Israel has embarked on a dead-end path that could be irreversible if Israeli workers do not decisively break with the colonial ambitions of the Zionist Israeli state and mobilize to put an end to the genocide in Palestine. This perspective is all the more central given that, while opposition to Netanyahu is growing in Israel, the massive mobilizations offer no progressive solution in the current situation. In this context, and in a moment when Israel will become even more dependent on supplies from its imperialist allies if it wages war in Lebanon, mobilizations in solidarity with Palestine around the world are indispensable.

End the bombings and Israeli terror in Lebanon! Hands off Lebanon! The United States is responsible: no weapons to Israel! Stop the genocide in Gaza!

Translated and adapted from the original French, published in Révolution Permanente on September 20.
Boeing Workers are Uniquely Situated to Disrupt the Global Economy

In their fight against Boeing, striking IAM members have significant leverage over the boss and the state.

Jason Koslowski and James Dennis Hoff
September 25, 2024
Photo credit: Wall Street Journal

It’s been almost two weeks since more than 33,000 Boeing workers in Washington and Oregon went on strike, crippling one of the largest aerospace companies in the world. Since then Boeing has lost more than $500 million and is losing millions more every day. Thanks in large part to a series of terrible decisions, they seem unprepared to weather a long strike, but the struggle at Boeing has significant international implications as well. Boeing, after all, is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value, the biggest supplier of commercial aircraft in the United States, and one of the main manufacturers of the weapons that Israel is using in both its genocide in Gaza and its war against Lebanon. It is also a key chokepoint in a much larger and still vulnerable global supply chain that extends across the globe.

All of this means that Boeing workers currently have a level of influence and leverage that far exceeds the immediate impact on the company’s bottom line. The union not only has a chance to recoup the major concessions forced on them by years of neoliberalism. They have a chance to throw a wrench into the imperialist machine itself.

In capitalism, the working class always has key strategic power. That’s because the source of all value and of all profit is ultimately exploited work, sucked out of us, vampire-like, by our bosses. We’re the ones who flip the burgers, drive the buses, weld the plane fuselages, teach the classes … and on and on and on. When we go on strike we remove that power — and start stemming the flow of profits made off of our labor.

But Boeing workers in particular are striking at a major strategic nexus of the global economy. It’s a “chokepoint,” and applying force here cuts off huge flows of profit across the system.

To see just how much leverage these 33,000 workers are holding in their hands, it helps to think in terms of concentric circles: the economics of Boeing, its place in the U.S. economy, and then its place in the global economy.
A Crisis of Boeing’s Own Making

Whatever kind of day you’re having, it’s not as bad as the Boeing CEO’s. That’s good news for the working class — and not just in this country.

First of all, Boeing is in the midst of a major crisis of consumer and investor confidence.

Not only is it massively in debt, but for months now, every major newspaper across the globe has been reporting on one Boeing disaster after another, highlighting how Boeing has, time and time again, put profit over the safety of its workers and consumers. In January, for instance, an emergency exit door blew off one of their planes mid-flight, leading to a loss of cabin pressure that could have been catastrophic. It was a 737 MAX 9, produced at the Renton plant outside Seattle, one of their newest models.

This was hardly just a blip on the radar.

In 2018 and 2019, two planes crashed, killing every person on board. This past July, the company’s leaders pled guilty to criminal fraud in those cases. Meanwhile, problems with the Boeing Starliner space capsule have left two astronauts stranded on the International Space Station for months. These astronauts will now not be able to return home until February.

All told, Boeing has already lost something like $1.4 billion in the last three months. It’s shouldering $58 billion in debt. And now there’s a strike.

In other words, the union has tremendous leverage over the boss: Boeing simply can’t afford this strike. If this strike is anything like the last one in 2008, they’re looking down the barrel of losing something like $100 million in lost revenue per day until the strike is settled and workers return to the production lines.

How’d we get here? To see that, we have to take a glance at the last couple of decades at Boeing.

First, it’s worth remembering that in 2004, under then-President George W. Bush, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided that Boeing can regulate its own production. In other words, it would not be regulated by an outside body. This helps to explain why Being was able to cut corners so aggressively in making its planes, to maximize its output and its profits.

The problems with this system of self-regulation were made clear when a whistleblower came forward to detail the many mistakes and safety problems that were being ignored by the company. This whistleblower was reporting exclusively on the production of the 787 at Renton, but the lack of any outside oversight means we can probably assume that these kinds of “cost cutting” procedures are common in making other planes, too. For instance, Fortune has reported that “engineers in the construction of the 777 jets” were also “‘pressured to overlook’ issues. … The complaint … alleges these defects ‘are generally not detectable through visual inspection… [and] could ultimately cause a premature fatigue failure without any warning.’”

Another key plank of this production model is the company’s attempts to undercut the union. Just after the last contract was settled with the IAM — in 2009 — Boeing announced it would be building its newest model of jets in Charleston, South Carolina, far from the unionized main plant outside Seattle. The main reason: the workers there, like so many others in the south, wouldn’t be unionized. That, in turn, meant cheaper workers whose hours and workload could be ramped up without any protections from a union. The move was a powerful blow to the IAM’s leverage, raising the specter that the company could just shut down and move production if the union did not play ball. And unfortunately that’s exactly what the union did. The leadership of the IAM cut a deal a few years later to give huge concessions to the bosses, including giving away the guaranteed pension — one of the main grievances in this current strike.

In the wake of these attempts to undermine the union’s power, union workers have faced even more pressure from Boeing to ramp up production. At the Washington plant, some aircraft “can move down the line with incomplete work in order to maintain speed,” reports Business Insider.

Speaking to National Transportation Safety Board investigators in April, another Renton [Washington] factory employee, who works on seat installation, said there were problems with time management. “You just got to work around it,” he said. “So if like, another crew is behind, we’ll just work on the next plane we need to work on.” … He added that 60% to 70% of the aircraft that come through to his station are still waiting for other work to be done. “They travel defects [defective parts] constantly. The line has to keep going” …

Boeing isn’t very original, though. These practices are part of the wider trend of “just-in-time” production that’s been a key part of capitalism over the last few decades: reduce lag time, increase shipping speeds, reduce warehouse space, and speed up production to its maximum in order to ramp up profits.

In other words, the catastrophic failures of Boeing’s planes aren’t the result of lazy workers; they’re baked into the system. Doors falling off of airplanes is par for the course.

But, as Kim Moody so elegantly explains, what makes this system of just-in-time production so profitable, also makes the company vulnerable. In On New Terrain, Moody says:

The overall picture of the context in which the U.S. working class has taken shape since the early 1980s began as one of decentralized production via outsourcing, increased precarious work, and the experience of fragmentation. As is so often the case in the expansion of capital accumulation, however, the reality of competition has produced an opposite tendency in the increased concentration and centralization of capital in almost every realm of the production of goods and services. As part of this process, more and more aspects of production are tied together in just-in-time supply chains that have reproduced the vulnerability that capital sought to escape through lean production methods and relocation

When these supply chains are broken, when production slows down, even a little, it can have knock-off effects across the industry and often the entire economy. This is why this strike in particular, and similar strikes at other major manufacturing or shipping bottlenecks like the ports, Amazon, or the Big Three auto manufacturers are so powerful. But these workers don’t just have leverage over their bosses. They have significant leverage over the global economy as a whole.
A Chokepoint in the Global Economy

Boeing, after all, isn’t just another corporation. It’s a massive monopoly and is more or less the only major U.S. supplier and manufacturer of commercial aircraft.

Its total revenue last year was an astounding $77.8 billion (up 17 percent from the year before). Though a small portion of the total U.S. GDP, Boeing is just one part of a much larger chain of production that reaches across the entire economy. Making an aircraft, for example, also requires making glass, plastic chairs, fuselages, rubber tires, microchips and entire electronic displays, and so on. The strike threatens to disrupt a long supply chain of goods in the U.S. economy — precisely when it seemed like the supply chain disruptions of the pandemic were smoothing out, and at a time when both Harris and Trump are promising a restored “normal” economy for the ruling class. Since Boeing is one of the largest suppliers of commercial aircraft to U.S. airlines, it also threatens to disrupt the airline industry, leading to potentially higher consumer costs, aka inflation, which has been a significant contributor to the labor struggles, particularly among organized labor, that we’ve seen since the end of the pandemic.

This strike, in other words, doesn’t just hold leverage over Boeing’s bottom line. The workers are holding in their hands a significant chunk of the United States’s overall economic output. All this gives some sense of the leverage of the IAM union at this moment.

And it’s not just in the United States that Boeing has such economic weight. As the single biggest exporter in the U.S., it stands at the center of its imperial agenda. Its main competitor in the world is AirBus and together — as a global duopoly — they corner the vast majority of the world’s aviation economy. With a wobbling Boeing, though, the problem isn’t just that AirBus will take on more market share, increasingly crowding Boeing out of the market. The problem is the United States’s imperialist maneuverings against China. As a symbol of America’s technological leadership, the calamitous state of Boeing’s production process, the safety scandals, and accidents, are yet more signs of the decline of U.S. imperialism.

Both Trump and Biden have made trying to maneuver against China central to their administrations. In this, they were continuing a much longer legacy, which includes Obama’s “pivot” to Asia to try to contain China. When Biden unrolled his “Build Back Better” plan to rebuild the United States’s infrastructure, a key goal was to prepare the United States to compete with China. As it is, though, the Chinese economy is already leading in one key area: electric vehicles. They’re flooding the markets of the world with their models, with the United States struggling to respond. Now the danger to the plan of containing China economically, then, is that, with a struggling Boeing, China could better market its own aircraft abroad.

But Boeing doesn’t just make planes. It makes weapons, too — a lot of them. It’s the fourth largest weapons company in the world, and weapons manufacturing account for a full 44% of its total revenue. And in the last few years it’s also been the single biggest producer of weapons for the State of Israel, fueling the still unfolding genocide, which has completely upended the lives of millons and already led to the deaths of more than 40,000 Gazans.

In this sense, the global impact of an extended strike at Boeing not only threatens capitalist profits, it also directly threatens the imperialist firepower of the United States.

No wonder then that major players in the U.S. state have already sent federal mediators in to settle the strike as soon as possible. Though the union leadership of IAM sees such mediation as being in their favor, the rank and file should not place any trust in the U.S. state or the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to represent their interests or the larger interest of the larger working class. Make no mistake, the federal mediators are not there for the workers but are part of an effort to keep the wheels of imperialism well greased and running smoothly. But the rank and file have a chance to take this strike into their own hands and, alongside the larger working class, use their leverage to build a fight against both the boss and the state.
Strike Boeing for Gaza

Although the workers currently on strike at Boeing are focused mostly on their contract struggle, the strike — as we explain above — has the power to disrupt not only Boeing but also the broader U.S. economy, and even the global economy.

That leverage is a crucial weapon to reverse a long history of concessions to the bosses that led, among other things, to the elimination of IAM’s pension.

There’s much more at stake, too. Not least is our own safety.

We already pointed out that Boeing is a duopoly, and the only U.S. maker of commercial aircraft. It hasn’t just been cutting corners, it’s been slashing at them. Doors are falling off planes; the leaders of the company have already pled guilty to criminal fraud in deadly crashes. The IAM fight, in other words, isn’t just about better conditions and wages; it’s about the safety and integrity of the aircrafts that so many of us have to fly on.

However, in the midst of an unfolding genocide that is being fully funded by the United States, with weapons made by the very same company these workers are fighting against, they are also in a unique position to go further, to take a stand against that genocide, and to demand an end to all weapons shipments and aid to Israel. This is a hugely popular demand among working class people in the United States; it could garner a ton of support for the strike, while at the same time asserting the hegemony of the working class, showing how they can fight for deeply-felt causes in our society.

We already know the old story: Biden, Harris, and the Democrats wave a vague hand at the idea of stopping the slaughter, while continuing to send guns, bullets, bombs, and cash. Boeing’s CEO and its shareholders are cashing in. Stopping the brutality now is going to have to happen because of workers standing at global chokepoints.

In other words, by taking up the fight for Gaza, the workers on the Boeing picket lines have a chance to link up with one of the most militant and dynamic parts of class struggle recently in the United States — to build up wider, and militant, support for the strike.

And this is not just pie in the sky. It is something that several unions have already taken up, including the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the National Education Association (NEA), and the United auto Workers (UAW). While the bureaucracies of these unions have done little more than make statements, the demand, thanks in part to these efforts, has become more mainstream.

In fact, IAMs own Executive Council has already called for a ceasefire — in March of this year!

In cloudy Seattle, we’re seeing thousands of workers on picket lines who have the power to throw a wrench into the local economy, the global flow of profits, and the imperialist war machine — to win their demands and actually do the thing their union leaders, and union leaders across the country, are calling for. It seems clear from the outside the union leaders don’t have much interest in following through on their own call for a ceasefire. In other words, the workers have major leverage, but to be fully used, it’ll have to be wielded by the rank and file themselves.

And even more than this, IAM rank and filers are facing down a chance to set a precedent for the entire labor movement to follow. We’ve seen plenty of our unions in the United States offering fine words — and little action — against the genocide. Taking a stand now, using the strike to fight against the shipment of bombs to Israel, could be the inspiration that other rank and filers need to help them join the fight in their own strikes: to turn words into action.

IAM’s fight is ours too; it belongs to the whole working class. It’s a powerful part of the tooth-and-claw fight to reverse the long decay of worker power and conditions in the neoliberal age. Boeing’s pickets are at the vanguard of that fight today. But IAM’s fight is at the vanguard of the working class’s struggle right now, too — a chance to disrupt the imperialist slaughter that the United States is so good at exporting.

Jason Koslowski

Jason is a contingent college teacher and union organizer who lives in Philadelphia.

James Dennis Hoff

James Dennis Hoff is a writer, educator, labor activist, and member of the Left Voice editorial board. He teaches at The City University of New York.

Dispatch from the Boeing Picket Lines

Here’s what I saw at three Boeing picket lines in Washington and Oregon.

Samuel Karlin 
September 26, 2024

When I booked a trip to the Pacific Northwest back in April, I didn’t think for a second that it would align perfectly with the largest strike in the United States so far this year. I just thought I’d be hiking and see the world’s largest rubber chicken in Seattle.

But then 33,000 machinists at Boeing voted overwhelmingly to strike, despite the International Association of Machinists bureaucracy pushing workers to accept a sell-out contract. Less than a week later I was lucky enough to meet some of these workers on the picket lines. The flight from Newark to Seattle was six hours on a Boeing plane, so even before reaching the picket I was reminded of just how different mine and so many people’s lives would be if not for the machines these workers build.

After picking up a rental car and a quick meal, I went straight to the picket line at the Boeing factory in Renton, WA, just outside of Seattle. As I drove by to find parking, picketers were dancing along the sidewalk. Before my trip was over I’d go there once more and also visit the picket in Portland, Oregon.

September 17 in Renton, Washington

I don’t think I’ve ever strolled up to a more energetic picket line. As I approached the big tent surrounded by a large crew of workers and their families, someone greeted me with “Welcome to the block party!” It sure felt like one, with all sorts of food from pizza to freshly grilled sausages blanketing two folding tables and loud hip hop blasting from a speaker. The energy from the workers was matched by the constant stream of cars passing by and honking in solidarity.

Asian, Black, and white workers were dancing, laughing, and talking with one another. It was a beautiful reminder that despite stereotypical depictions of the working class in the United States as mainly chauvinist white men, U.S. workers are diverse and nothing breaks down the very real racial divisions of our class like a shared struggle on the picket line.

I grabbed a sign and stood at the curb soaking it up. Pretty early on it became clear that vehicles were still regularly driving in and out of the facility, almost always honking or raising their fists in solidarity with the workers on strike. Even though these drivers were still helping Boeing run, the striking machinists seemed to mainly just appreciate the honks from these workers and see them as acting in solidarity.

After about an hour I spoke with a machinist who works at the end of the line, checking the quality of the product. He was practically bursting with excitement to be on the picket line. It was his first ever strike. He was ecstatic that I’d come all the way from New Jersey to support, yelling every few minutes at his coworkers “They came all the way from New Jersey!”

He also said in passing that he was surprised I was there to support because “A lot of people don’t like Boeing.” I see where he’s coming from. Boeing has been in the news lately for planes breaking down, and especially in light of this strike I’ve noticed a media campaign trying to pin the blame on the workers who construct the planes. The truth is, these workers are incredibly talented craftspeople spending long hours making machines that improve countless people’s lives and help the world run. It’s the company and bosses who deserve scrutiny for trying to cut corners and ramp up production to save money which degrades the quality of the planes and thus the safety of the workers making them and the passengers using them.

From the still constant stream of honks from passing cars, it seemed that even if people don’t like Boeing the company, they like workers and agree that for their contributions they deserve the 40 percent raise and quality retirement and healthcare that they’re demanding.

I then talked to another machinist who works at the end of the line. “I’m here for my coworkers,” he said, emphasizing that his highly-skilled position pays comfortably, but that he knows so many Boeing workers who aren’t paid a decent wage and that it was important to him to support them. He also expressed some anger with the union leadership which had tried to sell out these workers and prevent a strike. He talked about the union not managing retirement funds well, and donating to “all sorts of political campaigns.” This point really resonated. Especially in this election year, it’s been clear to me that the role of the union bureaucracies is to align workers with the capitalist parties at a time when the labor movement is becoming much more combative. Along with strengthening the parties of the bosses, this work of the union bureaucracies leads many workers to distrust unions as organizations that can be by and for the rank and file. Unions should be organized from below by people like this machinist who was committed to fighting for his less well-off coworkers, not by bureaucrats beholden to the Democrats.

After spending some time at this main tent, I walked down the road where there were smaller (but still highly energetic) pickets sprinkled outside each entrance to the factory. At one of these spots a group of workers kept yelling “do a wheelie” at the passing cars. They were clearly having just as good a time away from the main tent. Eventually I left to check into my hotel and take a desperately needed nap, but very excited to return.

As I was leaving I walked past signs taped to a large traffic pole, reading “THE UNION SOLD US OUT,” and “2014 ALL OVER AGAIN,” the latter referring to the 2014 contract that passed by a mere 51 percent due to pressure on workers from the union leadership. There were also signs encouraging a no vote on this recent contract that the union had been pushing prior to the strike. Another reminder that if the workers win, it’ll be from the fight that the rank and file puts up.

September 18 in Renton, Washington

I returned the following evening to a much different scene. Maybe it was just a weird day and time for the picket. Maybe it was because this was the day that Boeing and the union returned to negotiations which are closed to the rank and file. Maybe it was the news of Boeing furloughing thousands of white collar employees. Whatever the case, far fewer people were out on the picket line, and the mood was much more passive.

I arrived at the location where there’d been about 80 people celebrating the day before. This time there were just five workers holding it down, not talking to each other much, though occasionally one would crack a joke to another. Despite the small numbers, these workers seemed to be in good spirits.

At one point a pedestrian walked by and while waiting to cross the busy intersection, asked about the negotiations. One of the more talkative workers responded that if they don’t get the 40 percent raise that they’re demanding, then “We’ll vote no again.”

I walked down to some of the other locations. The first one I approached had about ten workers. A child of a worker, maybe about eight years old, sat in a camping chair blasting a horn at passing cars. Some workers stood in clusters making small talk.

I walked to another entrance covered by a small but mighty group of workers who were putting all their effort into getting honks from passing cars and hollering “Just give me my money!” One or two cars flipped off or yelled racial slurs at the workers as they passed, an unfortunate reminder that there’s still people out there who are hostile to class struggle, especially when Black and Brown workers are part of it. Still, only about two people like this passed. Dozens if not hundreds honked in support.

Again, I noticed that whenever vans drove in and out of the factory the drivers tended to honk and express solidarity, and the picketers seemed to appreciate it. I asked a worker about it and he simply said, “Yeah they’re in a different union. I think the forklift drivers?” I thought to myself how powerful it would be to see these drivers join the strike, showing clearly that Boeing is nothing without workers in all points of production, from the machinists building planes to drivers transporting materials. Sadly, labor law has greatly attacked the historical practice of workers in different unions striking in solidarity with their class siblings who go on strike for better pay, benefits, and conditions. But at least at the Renton factory, there’s clearly some driver/machinist solidarity that can be built upon for greater shared struggle.

Later on I heard a younger worker telling his fellow picketers about his typical work shift which starts around 2am and runs through to the morning. He said, “It’s not too bad,” but he and his coworkers joked that if he wants a girlfriend he’ll have to meet her in the factory and take her on a date in the cafeteria. A worker who’d been there a decade at least replied, “I’ve seen this work break up so many families,” referring to the long hours that seem to be the norm for most of the machinists.

While it didn’t come up at these pickets, there has been much reporting on how Boeing uses forced overtime to make workers labor for long hours, with some workers spending 70 hours a week at the factory.

September 21 in Portland, Oregon

After a drive down the 101, I was in Portland where I had the opportunity to check out another picket at a different factory. This one was smaller than the first one I attended, about 30 people maybe, but it ended up being the most overtly friendly picket of the three. Just about everyone along the sidewalk outside the factory was smiling as I pulled up.

I arrived at a small tent with two people and we immediately started talking. I asked how they felt about the strike. One said she’d start looking for work soon because she didn’t want to be sitting around with nothing to do. The other seemed more content, adding “we’ve had years to prepare for this.”

I soon learned from conversations that this factory in particular had about 1,000 workers and while the strike was taking place there were 4 scabs inside trying to fill the tasks of about 30-something people and operate machines that they had no clue how to use. I was also happy to learn that this picket had received support from many other unions including firefighters, representatives from the local AFL-CIO, and Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace, to name a few. Plenty of passing cars also showed solidarity with their horns.

“I think how these negotiations go will affect how all negotiations in the future go,” one worker said. Adding that “If Boeing can get away with cutting retirement, what’s stopping other companies from doing it? If they can go after healthcare, other companies will.” He clearly understood this strike not just as a fight for himself and his coworkers, but for the larger labor movement.

I also learned from talking to another worker that the union was in charge of scheduling who showed up for which picketing shifts, and at least at this factory that meant workers were mostly only scheduled to picket with people they’d typically work with inside the factory. This type of bureaucratic organization of the picket lines is the norm and presents an obstacle to this strike and many others becoming as powerful as possible. Pickets should be spaces that bring out as many workers and community members as possible. In fact, the pickets should serve as spaces where workers have the opportunity to decide how to organize their strike rather than having the union bureaucracy dictate tactics to the workers. These could be spaces where Boeing workers try to convince drivers to join them on strike, affirm their most important demands, and strategize the fight so that the picket can last the long-haul and no contracts skimp out on their demands.

As I headed out I saw some type of box for telecommunications just inside the factory lawn, with “free Palestine fuck Boeing” scrawled across the top. It was powerful to see this message right outside the factory given the role that Boeing is playing in the current Israeli genocide in Gaza. Boeing has long been one of the top weapons manufacturers, and reporting from The Intercept highlights the company’s direct, currently expanding role in Israel’s genocidal campaign.

With no context of who wrote the message or how long it had been there, I don’t want to make too many assumptions. Maybe it was from an unrelated protest. But it made me hopeful that the historic movement for Palestine can find its way onto the picket line in solidarity with these workers fighting for the company to pay them what they deserve. The historic, youth-led movement for Palestine in the United States has shown that imperialist countries should not be written off as sites of struggle against oppression of the world’s most vulnerable people. Meanwhile, the Boeing strike and other recent struggles from the U.S. working class shows the unparalleled role that workers play in making everything, including imperialist companies like Boeing, run. These two struggles, the movement for Palestine and the strike at Boeing, showing up for one another is a scenario that could greatly change how each movement understands its own power and the role that the U.S. working class can play in resisting oppression and all forms of imperialism.

So far, there have only been a few examples of connections being made between the striking Boeing machinists and the anti-imperialist movement for Palestine. The bureaucratic control of the union leadership also is likely to present an obstacle to more militancy in Boeing workers, whether it be the workers taking up anti-imperialist demands or organizing the strike from the rank and file. Despite these limits, I can’t help but feel moralized by these picket lines and what they show about the growing desire of the U.S. working class to fight for everything we deserve.

Samuel Karlin
  is a socialist with a background in journalism. He mainly writes for Left Voice about U.S. imperialism and international class struggle.

From Boeing machinists to cannabis workers, unions are mobilizing across U.S. industries

By Robert Forrant, UMass Lowell

Sept. 27, 2024 


City workers rally at City Hall in Los Angeles in August. 
File Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI | License Photo

What do violinists, grocery store clerks, college dorm counselors, nurses, teachers, hotel housekeepers, dockworkers, TV writers, autoworkers, Amazon warehouse workers and Boeing workers have in common?

In the past year or so, they've all gone on strike, tried to get co-workers to join a union, or threatened to walk off the job over an array of issues that include retirement plans, technology replacing workers and lagging wages as inflation increased.

The array of Americans who are organizing unions extends to the tech, digital media and cannabis industries. Even climbing gym employees have formed a union.

This is happening as U.S. workers in general are finding themselves in an increasingly precarious position. As a labor historian, I believe mobilization is the result of economic disruption caused by the relocation of jobs, the impact of new technologies on work and the erosion of income stability. It's become very unlikely that today's workers will have the same employer for decades, as my father and many men and women of his generation did.

Greatest generation of jobs

My father, a butcher, worked for the same company for 40 years and raised a family of seven on his union-secured wages and benefits. While back in the 1950s and 1960s many working-class Americans took that kind of job security for granted, it's no longer the case. Some career coaches consider keeping a job for many years as a character flaw.

The upsurge in labor organizing is in part a way for workers to gain some sort of say about what happens to their jobs. It's also helping employees plan for the future.

Union members are increasingly using strikes to demand higher wages, better benefits and increased job security. Why should it be, some low-income earners are asking, that in my family we must hold down two or three jobs to make ends meet, while CEO pay goes through the stratosphere?

There were 33 major strikes involving nearly a half-million workers in 2023, the most since 2000. Many labor scholars attribute much of this uptick in organizing to several long-term trends. They include stagnating wages, high out-of-pocket health spending costs -- even for those with insurance coverage -- and growing concerns over job insecurity caused by the expanded use of labor-saving technology.

Precarious work

In many industries, large numbers of the reliable jobs that paid enough for workers to be in the middle class have dwindled. That's largely due to technological advances that replaced labor with automation and manufacturers moving to lower-income places, including Mexico, China and other foreign countries, as well as southern states such as Alabama and Tennessee. These trends have left behind a Rust Belt strewn with decaying buildings that once housed bustling factories and increasing numbers of what are sometimes called "precarious" jobs, which are poorly paid and lack sick leave, vacation time and other basic protections.

This isn't new.

I've researched how New England's textile industry fled cities such as Lowell, Mass., as early as the 1920s for nonunion locations in South Carolina, while precision metalworking plants in Springfield, Mass., sent work to Mississippi and South Carolina starting in the 1950s.

But faced with mounting economic uncertainty, public support for unions is increasing. A 2024 Gallup Poll found that 70% of Americans approve of them -- close to the 71% level seen in 2022, which was the highest approval rating that unions had gotten in half a century.

Support is even rising among Americans who identify as Republicans, a political party that has historically frowned on organized labor: Gallup found it stood at 49% in 2024, down from 56% two years earlier but up from a low point of 26% in 2011.

Hotel workers strike

On Labor Day weekend in 2024, more than 10,000 hotel workers represented by the UNITE HERE union and employed by 24 hotels from Boston to the West Coast to Hawaii went on strike. Their labor actions disrupted travel plans during a busy time.

Most hotel work stoppages lasted for three days and intended to pressure the companies that own hotels as part of a larger labor contract negotiation strategy. Later in September, workers kept walking off the job at other hotels to pressure management to improve pay, expand health insurance coverage, boost retirement benefits and agree to resolve important job security issues.

Although the hotel industry has been booming since 2023, UNITE HERE contends that employment has decreased by nearly 40%, while wages have stagnated. On the picket line, workers have described living paycheck to paycheck and working one or two additional jobs to cover recent rent hikes.

Hotel workers have more bargaining power today because, according to an industry study, 79% of the 450 hotels surveyed looking to hire people said they could not fill open jobs.

That strike shows no sign of ending. Thousands more hotel workers were joining in by late September.

Boeing strike

Unlike the hotel workers' brief rolling work stoppages, the Boeing strike hasn't let up since it began Sept. 13. About 32,000 workers, mainly in Seattle and Portland, Ore., have walked off the job.

Boeing workers declared the strike even though the International Association of Machinists District 751 leadership in Seattle wanted to accept a deal from Boeing's management. But on Sept. 12, 94.6% of all rank-and-file workers rejected the tentative contract their leadership recommended the union accept.

The Boeing strike started the next day; it could last a long time. On Wednesday, the workers rejected what the company had called its "best and final offer" to settle the strike.

This is the eighth time these workers have gone on strike since their union formed in the 1930s. Its two most recent strikes, in 2008 and 2005, lasted 57 days and 28 days, respectively. Boeing's management, already reeling from the company's numerous operational and safety problems, has announced several cost-cutting measures, including furloughs for some nonunion employees.

Boeing's nonunion backup plan

Boeing has assured its shareholders and the public that the strike would not hinder production of the 787 Dreamliner jets at the company's nonunion factory in South Carolina.

International Association of Machinists union members have never forgiven Boeing for deciding to build that assembly plant. Operational since 2011, it now employs roughly 6,000 workers. Most of them would have been union members had Boeing built that plant or expanded production in Washington or Oregon, because the existing labor agreement would have covered the new workers.

However, the agreement did not extend to South Carolina.

At the time of the decision, a Boeing spokesperson said, its contract with the machinists' union "acknowledges our right to locate work elsewhere, and that's what we chose to do in this case because we just couldn't get the terms from them that we needed."

Dockworkers could be next

The timing of the hotel and Boeing strikes makes them perhaps more visible than they might have been because union members' votes are coveted by both major parties in the 2024 presidential election.

Meanwhile, 25,000 dockworkers who belong to the International Longshoremen's Association are planning a possible shutdown of ports from Boston to Houston on Oct. 1, over the union's concern for job loss due to automation.

How job security issues are addressed following this wave of strikes could set the tone for what other hospitality, manufacturing and transportation unions seek when their contracts are up for negotiation again.

Robert Forrant is a professor of U.S. history and labor studies at UMass Lowell.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.