Sunday, August 27, 2006

McGuinty Corporate Welfare

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you, guess it was a good thing Daltons pal Buzz missed this photo op.....

He left the family Honda at home, but Premier Dalton McGuinty was greeted by more jeers than cheers yesterday in the middle of an Oshawa General Motors assembly plant.This after being named "personality of the year" last week by
Foreign Direct Investment magazine, a U.K. business publication, for his astute business acumen and passion for research and innovation.Some workers who joined in the catcalls said they were still angry with the premier for calling a 4,000-strong GM job cut "a little bit of contraction" in the auto industry last November. On hand yesterday to mark GM's plans to relaunch the Camaro, to be built in the plant for the 2009 model year, McGuinty was accused of taking advantage of a photo opportunity.Poor reception for McGuinty at GM

While amongst the right wing business types this corporate welfare is being denounced, quite humourously by Andrew Coyne, as another big tax hand out. Which it is and of course Coyne is right it's to produce the ultimate sixties gas guzzler; the Camaro.

So how come Dalton didn't tie his corporate welfare to production of hybrid and alternative energy automobiles, a green car? Oh because thats the NDP platform.....

Green backs for Green production...what a radical concept, it's called industrial ecology. A better environment plan than going nuke and banning coal...which is the other brilliant environmental policy of the McGuinty team in Canada's industrial heartland.

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Social Ecology

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Katrina Mission Accomplished

A year after Katrina,just like Iraq, it is Mission Accomplished for the Bush team and their disaster/war profiteer pals....while they blame the victims for fraud.....
A review of congressional testimony and other documents by Gulf Coast Reconstruction Watch found a total of at least $136.7 million in corporate fraud in Katrina-related contracts. In addition, government investigators have highlighted contracts cumulatively valued at $428.7 million that they found troubling because of lack of agency oversight or misappropriation.Profiting from Disaster: Greed Has Stallled Gulf Coast Recovery ...

Taxpayers around the nation who urged the federal government to pay for relief and reconstruction after Hurricane Katrina probably didn’t expect their money to be spent on $279 meals and $2,500 tarps. But according to a newly released report, corporations hired by the federal government have not only inflated costs but committed labor abuses and delayed the reconstruction process, making millions while local companies and workers have been left behind. Katrina Recovery Funds Wasted by Contractors, Govt.

NOLAEver wonder what happened to all the foreign donations given to the United States in the aftermath of Katrina? It's not good news. It turns out that, like so much of the federal response to the crisis, the largest influx of foreign assistance to the US in memory was met with foot-dragging and clumsy bureaucracy. None of the donated funds has actually made its way to evacuees. What happened to the foreign cash for Katrina victims?

More Than Half of Congress' Katrina Money Unspent

Katrina Victims See Scant Evidence of Bush Funds in New Orleans

See Internationl Relief scams and scandals plaque the US just as they did the victims of the Tusanami in Indonesia and the earthquake in Pakistan. The difference is that under state capitalist regimes in Asia it is government inefficiency in the U.S. it is just the opposite.

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Post Katrina Monster Executed

This hundreds of years old behemoth, compare the size of the guy and the gator, arose from his/her slumbers awakened by the hurricane last year only to arise and surface to be killed for their efforts.

Some days it is better to not have gotten out of bed.

And while this photo and story about the gator in Texas circualte this is also claimed to be a photo from Flordia from a year ago.

Both versions of this story can't be true, obviously — the big gator couldn't have been shot in Texas and Florida — but the emailed image of game warden Joe Goff striding beside the hulking alligator he shot and killed in April 2005 is authentic.
Giant Gator Bagged in Texas (or Florida) - Netlore Archive

Of course the reality is all about photoshop and perspective. Sort of like what the Tories have done on their webpage.

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ignatieff NEP Lite

Liberal Leadership candidate Michael Ignatieff (The Man Who Would Be PET) has announced his Green Plan. Ignatieff proposes carbon tax at pump

In Alberta it reminds everyone, government and NDP opposition of the failed Trudeau NEP....not the NDP NEP which created PetroCanada and which rescued the declining petro industry in Calgary and Fort McMurray. But the Liberals tax and grab NEP....of course for Alberta Liberals, Ignatieff's plan reminds them of the NEP so they have been deafingly silent about it.

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Obama Misses The Real Crisis In Kenya

While lecturing Kenyans on AIDs the reality of poverty and famine in his familial homeland was overlooked by Democratic Senator Obama.

On his arrival earlier in Kisumu, he took an AIDS test at a local hospital with his wife Michelle, setting an example for the tens of thousands of Africans who fear the stigma of being tested for the disease ravaging sub-Saharan Africa

AIDs would be less of a problem if this was not happening;
Nightmare of Seeking Medical Care in N Kenya
or this;
The number of Kenyans in need of food aid has nearly doubled to almost four million,

Issues not addressed by the American Senator, showing that despite have his roots in Kenya, his focus is all American view that the only crisis in Africa is AIDS. Not the alarming poverty and cycle of famine that has succoured a mass of deadly tropical diseases, of which AIDS is only one.

U.S. Senator Barack Obama (C) gestures as holds his step grandmother Sarah Hussein Onyango Obama (R) as he returned to his ancestral rural village Kogelo August 26, 2006. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti
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Friday, August 25, 2006

Nuclear Chickens Come Home To Roost

US built major Iranian nuclear facility The Tehran Research Reactor represents a little-known aspect of the international uproar over the country's alleged weapons program. Not only did the U.S. provide the reactor in the 1960s as part of a Cold War strategy, America also supplied the weapons-grade uranium needed to power the facility—fuel that remains in Iran and could be used to help make nuclear arms.

Iran was under the Shah whom the CIA put in place....and whose CIA trained secret police put opposition activists in jail. Of course that was the Cold War and as a result the CIA created the mess in Iran. Just as they created the situation
the mess in Afghanistan; by arming the Mujahadin. Which through internecine conflicts ended up with the dominace of the Taliban and their support from and for Al-Qaeda.

The American occupation of Afghanistan is due to the failure of US Cold War Imperialism.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Oh he is a columnist

The bias at the National Pest is rearing its head again.

In a story on the Liberals Retreat to Vancouver, err retreat in Vancouver, John Ivison of the National Post says this;
Liberals spent the previous evening patting themselves on the back at an event in Surrey, proud of being, in Michael Ignatieff's words, "the progressive social conscience of this country." But Lyotier's message mocks such complacency. That last sentence is an opinion by the writer, but it ran in the paper as a front page story, NOT identified as a column.

Though once you dig through the NP web site you find out that Ivison is listed as a columnist. Except he also is a reporter. So which is he? When is a column a news story and when is a news story a column?

Such media bias should set off the tinfoil hat crowd, except it's not CBC showing bias, it's the national media voice of the right wing. So I guess Scott Taylor won't be complaining about this. Nor will his pal and National Pest blogger Kinsella.

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National Post


Blogging Tories

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A new twist on Computer Crime

The media makes a mountain out of a molehill over the arrest of University of Waterloo Engineering student linked to the Tamil Tigers

U.S. prosecutors allege that Sriskandarajah and Mylvaganam used their studies at the University of Waterloo as a cover for terrorist activities.U.S. officials claim the men approached high-tech companies for equipment they claimed was for "school projects" but was actually for Tamil fighters in Sri Lanka, according to a report in The Globe and Mail.RCMP arrest two more in alleged Tamil plot

Let us pause and see what it is he is accussed of doing. Basically, besides being linked to the attempted purchase of weapons in the U.S., which he was not 'directly' involved with, he is accussed of shipping computer software to the Tamil Tigers. Hello, computer software, not guns. Legally purchased military software. Only illegal because the Sri Lankan government bans access to it by the Tamil Tigers.

And he did this PRIOR to the Conservatives banning the LTTE as a terrorist organization. So his arrest is 'after' the fact. The allegations are that he had organized a support group for the Tamil Tigers, however as far as the FBI accusations of his link to the gun buyers in the US, that is still unclear since their information is sealed. However the accusations he is facing in Canada are that he did something perfectly legal at the time, purchase computer software. The allegation that he supplied it to the Tigers is irrelevant since they were not designated a terrorist organization at the time.

His extradition to the United States should NOT BEALLOWED. This should be challenged on the grounds that a Canadian citizen should not be charged in Canada with commiting an offense in the U.S. which is what he is being charged with.

Here is his home page.

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Sri Lanka A Marxist View

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Tories Green Petro Plan

So where does the Harper Government launch its secret meetings on its Green Plan? In Alberta. And who do they invite? Big Oil and Big Business.

Tories' proposed environmental plan to include strong links to US
The Harper government is developing a major environmental plan that would involve stronger co-ordination with the United States on key aspects of air pollution and climate change policy, CanWest News Service has learned.

In a meeting with Alberta industry representatives last week, senior government officials delivered this message during an eight-slide presentation outlining the highlights of a comprehensive green plan expected to be announced next month. The officials from the office of Environment Minister Rona Ambrose and her department also discussed changes to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to allow federal ministers to transfer powers to the provinces to enforce regulations.

''They clearly indicated this was something they were doing work on,'' said Pierre Alvarez, president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, who attended the meeting. ''It's something that we have been asking for at both the federal and provincial level for years now.''

Who don't they invite....Critics frozen out of Tory environmental briefing

The Harper Green plan is all about Greenbacks.
Tories Put Endangered Species at Risk

Allowing provinces to enforce the rules, oh please gimme a break, they don't enforce the existing rules.
Verbena for Ambrose

Nor does the Environment Minister."No Threat" to Spotted Owls in Canada, says Environment Minister

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CMA are Businessmen

MD group happy with CMA president Of course they are Doctors are businessmen. Real reform of Public Healthcare in Canada will only occur when they are put on salary like other healthcare workers, as I have said before.

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Fighting For Democracy

So what happened to freedom of speech we are supposedly fighting for in Afghanistan, only a day after various pro-war bloggers in Canada wrote about a Canadian Forces blogger, his blog has been censored by the Canadian Military. So much for democracy.

Matt In AfghanistanThe life of an undergrad in a very big desert can be officially listesd as MIA thanks to censorship by the Canadian Military brass. Click on it and see for yourself.

Kinda reminds me of this 'democratically elected' guy
who is allowed to Blog but bans others from blogging.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Kenney is A Funny Guy

Meanwhile, Conservative government spokesman Jason Kenney compared Hezbollah to the German Nazi party yesterday and said Canadian opposition MPs are providing political cover to the banned organization.

This is funny coming from the guy who defended Franco and Hitler in the House of Commons during the debate on the private members bill to end the declaration of Candadian Veterans of the Spanish Civil War as being illegal and not recognized as Veterans.

Mr. Jason Kenney (Calgary Southeast, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, I too am pleased to rise to speak on Motion No. 75. I wish to commend my hon. colleague from Kamloops for having brought this motion before the House even though I disagree with it in principle and will vote against it.
On the other side, it was not simply a uni-dimensional coalition of fascists supported and motivated by Adolf Hitler. Indeed the German and Italian fascists supported elements of the Phalangist cause, but there were democrats, monarchists, catholics and others who opposed the Republican cause because they saw it as an encroachment of a foreign tyrannical political movement, communism, and its threatened imposition on Spain.

As usual with right wingers Kenney sees communism as a greater threat than Fascism.

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Portrait of the Artist As Jack the Ripper

Being a heresiologist I research conspiracy theories and historical who dunnits, one of the cases that will probably never be solved is Jack the Ripper. Who is back in the news this week.

It seems that crime author Patricia Cromwell has hypothesized that Jack
was the artist Walter Sickert, and is donating her collection of Stickland paintings to the Fogg Museum....which seems an appropriately named art gallery... Her theory and her collection of painitngs is not without controversy since Sickert is a well known painter, and it is alleged that in her forensic research she destroyed one of his paintings.

Cornwell was drawn to the idea that Sickert, noted for his scenes of London life, might have been the Ripper because he painted macabre scenes and was interested in the murders.

She bought the Sickerts largely to try to prove that he was the murderer. Cornwell used DNA testing on the paintings to compare it with DNA on what were, allegedly, letters from the Ripper, but to no avail.

Among the paintings Cornwell is giving is Putana a Casa, a picture of a prostitute, that she said “resembled mortuary photographs of (Ripper victim) Catherine Eddowes and is suggestive of the mutilation to the right side of her face”.

More than 170 names have been put forward as the Ripper, including the Duke of Clarence, Montague John Druitt, a barrister who killed himself just after the last murder, and Michael Ostrog, a Russian thief.

Cornwell gives away £3m art of ‘the Ripper’

A conservator from the center traveled with Ms. Cornwell to London last October, where they viewed and scanned correspondence allegedly written by Jack the Ripper. Research on Sickert and Ripper letters was later conducted at Harvard. A spokesman for Harvard University Art Museums confirmed to the newspaper that “although no conclusions have been drawn, the Straus Center compared Sickert’s paintings and prints to the Ripper letters.”

Ms. Cornwell’s identification of Sickert, who was 28 in 1888, as Jack the Ripper has caused a storm in the art world. The theory has been vigorously rejected by Sickert specialists, including Matthew Sturgis, the author of a definitive biography of the artist.The Chronicle: Daily News Blog: Harvard to Get Paintings by Artist

Mornington Crescent nude, contre-jour is one of a series of works that Sickert painted following the murder of a prostitute in Camden Town, the rough North London neighbourhood where he lived and had a studio. It has been argued that the real subject of this work is in fact the effect of natural light. The French term contre-jour means lit from behind that is, almost producing the effect of a silhouette.

Walter SICKERT | Mornington Crescent nude, contre-jour

As I said it is unlikely we will ever know conclusively who Jack was.

And one my favorite writers Colin Wilson, no less a controversial literary figure, has his own theories on who Jack was. In his history of criminology and in Order of Assassins: The Psychology of Murder he points out that Jack is the first 'public' lust murder and the first serial killer, who is identified as such in the press of the day.

As Wilson describes it, Faculty X is the opposite of the normal, dulled state of consciousness. It is our potential to grasp, with an incandescent brilliance and intensity of focus, the actuality of the world, including the reality of other times and places. “Our preconceptions, our fixed ideas about ourselves,” as Wilson puts, “means that we remain unaware of this power.” We trudge along, not engaging the full power of our mental abilities.

Most of us have had similar insights, often while recovering from a bad cold. But the contrast between mental states hit Wilson like a bolt of lightening. In his recent memoir, he writes, “The basic aim of human evolution, I decided, is to achieve Faculty X.”

A few artists are able to summon Faculty X at will. But so, in rather less creative form, do psychopathic killers. For that is the stranger side of Colin Wilson’s work — the part overlooked by The Times, for example, which repeated the standard Wilsonian claim that he was a philosopher of optimism.

Cheerful as that may sound, a very large part of his work over the years has consisted of books about serial murders. They, too, are Outsiders — in revolt against “a decadent, frivolous society” that gives them no outlet for the development of Faculty X. Such an individual “feels no compunction in committing acts of violence,” as Wilson explains, “because he feels only contempt for society and its values.”

These quotations are from his book Order of Assassins: The Psychology of Murder (1972), but they might have been drawn from any of dozens of other titles. Beginning with the Jack the Ripper-sque character Austin Nunne in his first novel, Ritual in the Dark (1960), Wilson has populated his fiction with an array of what can only be called existentialist serial killers. Inside Higher Ed :: A Killing Concept

Following along Foucualts thesis on Sexuality, that sexology developed and contributed to sexual identity and identification of sexuality, including fetishes, upon the publication of texts on sexuality in the 19th century, in particular Kraft Ebbings classic work; Psychopathia Sexualis. In other words the rise of publishing, books and newspapers, created and abetted the rise of the Lust Murderer and Serial Killer of the Victorian and Edwardian world.

The Lust murderer and Serial Killer is still with us today, increasingly so, thanks to alienation of the individual in mass culture of the Metropolis. In fact what made Jack so archtypical was both the mass media and the urban culture of London. What began as a form of sexual deviance; lust crimes; lycanthropy, vampirism, and violent Sado-Masochism,became a social deviance of urban culture.

Jack wanted publicity for his crimes. This has become the modius operandi of serial killers in North America, from the Black Dahlia Case to the Zodiac Killer.

It is not the case with real lust murderers like the Ukranian Vampire, and the cannibalistic Jeffery Dahlmer whose murders were conducted without publicity.

These Jack the Ripper like serial killings are conducted not only out of misplaced passion; lust but in hopes of fame. On this Wilson and Foucualt agree, it is about Power and the Appearance of Power.

Also See:

John Mark Karr's Fantasy

Mexican Murder Cover Up?

The Real Crime In Canada

Crime Comics


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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dark Matters

When is proof not proof....when it is provided by 'empty space' Dark Matter.
Using a host of telescopes, researchers focused on the collision between two galactic clusters. They found that most of the gravitational pull from the aftermath of the encounter comes from a relatively empty looking patch of sky, a strong suggestion that there is something more there than meets the eye.
Astronomers offer proof of unseen 'darkmatter'

Since you cannot have a nothing, or empty set, all is Aleph. א

Ok kiddies that's your math lesson for today, with just a hint of Kabbalah.

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Liberal Anti-Semitism

There is a big controversy over Anti-Semitism occuring in the Liberal Blog-o-sphere. It was kicked off by Jason Cherniak, and includes a chorus made up of 'real liberals' like Warren Kinsella , Small Dead Animals, and Angry In The Great White North.

It appears that Jason is leading a blog purge of Liberal campaign workers and MP's who have dared to question Israel's actions and the Israel lobby in Canada.

Amidst all the sturm and drang over anti-semitic comments I wonder if this qualifies as being anti-semitic, by Jasons standards; "
nutbars like Jewish Women Against the Occupation."

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John Mark Karr's Fantasy

Having posted already about the media frenzy over JonBenet Ramasy where her family was put on trial and found guilty, now we have a similar frenzy over the fantasy confession of John Mark Karr, a pedophile who has a propensity towards studying child rape/murder cases. His confession smelled fishy from day one.

Karr had moved to Petaluma, Calif., the city that had been gripped by the 1993 abduction and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas. According to his brother Nate, by that time Karr was working on a book about men who commit sex crimes against young girls and was preoccupied with the murders of Klaas and Ramsey.The Man Who Says He Did It

Steve Janke has suggested that he was fleeing Thailand and confessed in order to avoid Thai jail. While like Steve I think his confession is less than genuine and a cover for attention, I don't think it has anything to do with avoiding Thai jail.

Child sex exploitation is a major tourism industry in Thailand
, so his being arrested for this is unlikely. Rather I think the cooperation of the Thai police was given to take heat off their failure to do anything about the child sex industry in their country

I think that this is his chance for fifteen minutes of fame. As someone who exploits children he is at it again using the JonBenet case for his necrophillac fantasy, knowing it would create a media frenzy getting him the fame and fortune that other child killers he studied, got. Truly this guy is one sick puppy.

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Harpers Failed Promises

King Stephen is supposedly an economist so this should come as a shocker, or not....Inflation slips in July, but GST impact is minimal yep that's a failed promise, the GST tax cut had no economic impact.....

However a Conservative goverment success is one that rewards it's friends....
Big banks expected to report solid gold earnings

Bay Street gets the cream while main street gets the manure.

Another failure is
Don't hold your breath on wait-time promises

What was that about promise made promise kept?

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Death Of The Family Store

Andrew Young the former UN Ambassador and Mayor of Atlana, apologist for NIKE and big business sweat shops in the U.S. has lost his job at Wal-Mart. For making racist comments, but the reality is that his essential point is true.....In the interview, published Thursday in The Los Angeles Sentinel, a weekly, Young said Wal-Mart should displace mom-and-pop stores in urban neighborhoods.

Capitalism essentially replaces small self employed business with large corporate monopolies. The small self employed farmer and business owner are inefficient producers, whose existence is temporary in the expanding capitalist economy. Corporate farming replaces the inefficient deficit financed family farmer, managing many farms as Archer Daniel Midlands (ADM) does. The local corner store is replaced by the big box mall store, like Wal-Mart, which pays its workers the same as small business, while taking advantage of large scale warehousing and logistics to purchase goods and distrbute them cheaply.

Andy Youngs attack on 'Jews, Korean and Arabs' is typical of some Afro-Americans conspiracy mythology, that immigrants are to blame for their problems. American Blacks have been subjected to competition for work, housing, etc. with new immigrant populations, by the American ruling class. It has allowed that Ruling Class to appeal to their former slaves as being more 'American' than the foreigners, while assimilating immigrants, especially those from Europe, as being 'Whites'.

The attack on other visible minorities such as Jews, Koreans and Arabs, is the attack on the shop keepers who service the ghettos, and who are seen by their neighbours as having some sort of unfair advantage over the indigenous American population. As if they moved there deliberately to exploit the black population, when in fact they share, and have shared the same ghetto existance.

"You see those are the people who have been overcharging us," he said of the owners of the small stores, "and they sold out and moved to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs."

It is racism borne of jealousy, the mistaken belief that the immigrants in the community have an advantage over the indigenous population, that is the Afro-Americans. It is nothing less than good old fashioned American nativism.
And is no less racist than the current White American nativist attacks on latino immigrants.

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Compromise Saves Softwood Deal

While claiming to have gotten more concessions from the Americans what has really saved the Harper Softwood Deal is lowered expectations of Canadian Lumber industry support...... "With Emerson softening his [95-per-cent] threshold requirement for approval, there wouldn't be enough companies to kill it," he said. Like the whole softwood deal this is a case of lowered expectations. And it is the end of Free Trade accords like NAFTA. Mr. Herman noted that for Canadian industry, it does not represent free trade but "managed trade that gives you some years of commercial peace. Many of us are concerned for what this means for dispute resolution under the NAFTA. Obviously it doesn't work," he said.

Also See

American Exceptionalism


Free Trade

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Bigfoot Blog

I found a blog dedicated to the Yeti aka the Sasquatch. The real thing not the ones in commercials for beer or beef jerky. | Controversy brews over BC sasquatch statue

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For more stories on dinosaurs and cryptozoology see my Live Journal Heresiology

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As I predicted

See my Smoking At Home Will Be Banned I was doing a humble Johathan Swift imitation when fiction became fact; Landlords using Quebec's new smoking ban to weed out smokers

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Sri Lanka A Marxist View

I am posting this as a backgrounder on the crisis in Sri Lanka, between the competing nationalist movements of the Sinhalese and Tamils, from a Marxist perspective, one that is not often heard in the western media. The article is well worth reading for the history of this conflict and the role of the Left socialist parties in Sri Lanka. The author has his own website with excellent articles as well.

Whither JVP?
By Vasantha Raja

Thus, a wider campaign to democratically transform Sri Lanka’s post-colonial state structure – the Pandora’s Box that gave rise to all ethnic troubles since independence – would be the most prudent path.

No partial or regional solution that leaves the central government intact will solve Tamil/Muslim problems. On the contrary, a prospective northern Tamil state besieged by southern enmity may well end up as the albatross of all Tamils – rather than a guarantor of their democratic aspirations.

Perhaps, the answer is to unite all Tamil parties in a democratic vision, and build bridges to southern movements committed to radical democratic change of the entire state structure.

Above all, profound changes in the Tamil campaign along above lines may help close the JVP-LTTE gap indeed.

For, unlike the two corrupt elitist capitalist parties – the UNP and the SLFP – the ‘Marxist’ JVP understands equality as the focal point of democratization.

In fact, the JVP has suffered immensely under both SLFP and UNP governments, when over 60,000 Sinhala youth were killed. And the JVP knows what post-independence Sri Lankan regimes are all about. So, it would be a misfortune if the Tamils failed to harmonize their aspirations with the southern campaign for social, political and economic emancipation.

But, to win the trust sincere dialogue is necessary. Respecting Tamils’ ‘right to divorce’ should be the starting point to convince them that keeping the marriage is in everyone’s interest.

Perhaps, the time has arrived for all nationalist movements – Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim - to rise beyond narrow nationalist perspectives and merge with the unfolding social revolution to reach a common goal: the democratic transformation of the capitalist state and revolutionising the economy on socialist values.

Also see

Paper Tigers

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Too Much Democracy?

Is democracy a threat to capitalism? Fox News thinks so. On The Cost of Freedom yesterday they actually posited this thesis. That promoting democracy abroad may not be such a good thing cause in the Middle East these guys and these guys get elected. Of course then again they may have a point since at home in Amerika democracy is under threat... from the neo-con right....Losing our Democracy to the "New Authoritarians"

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CIA Reading Your Health Files?

OTTAWA (CP) - Software that will help sort millions of Canadian health records was developed by a company funded through the CIA's venture capital partner, sparking concerns about the confidentiality of patient data. Privacy advocates are raising questions about Canadian use of the Initiate Systems indexing program given its creator's financial connection to In-Q-Tel - a private firm that helps the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency zero in on promising technology.

The CIA has a venture capital company? So we should call them the Capitalist Intelligence Agency, heck why not they have always acted as an outsourcing intelligence company for American Big Business......

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Butt Out

Once again the social fascists and morality squad called City Council in Edmonton are planning to beat up on nicotine addicts.
Smokers may face fines for dropping butts Already forced to huddle outside doorways just to get a hit of nicotine, the much maligned tobacco connoisseur could soon be subject to a new burden -- heavy fines. The result of forcing smokers to throw out butts in the trash would be this;
Cigarette butt blaze costs pub $160,000 EDMONTON - A south-side drinking establishment suffered extensive fire damage early Friday morning when cigarette butts started a fire in a wastebasket.

Instead of fining smokers, how about putting ashtrays out on the street. Nope that would be much to sensible and cost effective.

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Tories Put Endangered Species at Risk

The Harper government is quietly drifting away from protecting endangered species that are standing in the way of economic expansion, a leaked federal document has revealed.The draft policy document from Environment Canada suggests federal officials want to water down the Species at Risk Act in order to allow government regulators to factor in "socio-economic" concerns -- such as forestry, oilsands exploration and residential construction -- when they identify critical habitat areas that require protection. "Obviously that happened under a previous government, but we've accepted the recommendations, and our government is about openness and transparency and accountability and those problems will be solved," said Ms. Ambrose's spokesperson Ryan Sparrow. He added that the government planned to continue consultations before implementing any policy on species at risk.Species at Risk Act being weakened by Tories

Open, transparent acoountable. Yep that's why the Species at Risk Act is being quietly rewritten in the Harper backrooms. And they are consulting with, big oil, big business, and not special interest groups like this: Tories ignoring owl extinction: environmentalists

Yep ignore the owls and have a Sparrow defend our MIA Environment Minister.

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Stephen Lewis for Secretary General

Right whing blogger Jacks Newswatch writes an impassioned defense of Stephen Lewis and calls for him to be elected to be the next Secretary of the UN. No kidding. Watching Stephen Lewis bang his head on a wall Well said Jack.

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