Tuesday, July 07, 2020

On Syria river, craftsmen revive famed water wheels

Issued on: 07/07/2020 -
The water wheels or "norias" of Hama were used for centuries to bring water to gardens and buildings on the shores of the Orontes River MAHER AL MOUNES AFP
Hama (Syria) (AFP)

On a riverbank in Syria's Hama, Mohammed Sultan tinkers away on a giant water wheel, one of a dwindling number of artisans able to restore the city's ancient wooden landmarks.

Used for centuries to bring water to gardens and buildings on the shores of the Orontes River, the water wheels or "norias" of Hama are believed to be unique worldwide, according to UNESCO.

The touristic landmarks have largely been spared by Syria's nine-year war, but some have fallen into disrepair or seen part of their timber stolen or burnt.

"It's our duty to bring them back to life," the 52-year-old said, sweat forming on his forehead after hammering a tenon into a freshly cut wood beam.

Nearby passers-by pose for pictures at the feet of the huge dark wooden wheel he is fixing, the city's largest and oldest, known as the Mohammadia.

Twenty-two metres (72 feet) in diameter, the wheel rises high above the water level and is believed to date back to the 14th century.

"The norias are Hama's spirit," Sultan told AFP, as children splash around in the Orontes.

"Without them, the city would be dead and drab."

- 'Giving back to my city' -

Clambering up and down a stone staircase to the wheel's centre, Sultan replaces some wood along one of its massive spokes.

"When I work with my colleagues to fix the norias, I feel like I'm giving something back to my city," said the artisan, who has 22 years of experience in his unique field.

"I forget how tired I am as soon as one starts turning again."

Hama city, north of the capital Damascus, was mostly spared fighting during the war, though battles did at times rage in the nearby countryside.

In other parts of Hama province, 10 of the region's 25 norias have in recent years stopped their slow, creaking rotation above the waterline.

The water wheels are believed to have originated in the Arab medieval era, but a mosaic dated 469 BC suggests they could have existed even earlier, UNESCO says.

Held together by an assortment of walnut, pine, poplar and oak wood, they once carried small wooden boxes that scooped up water each time they plunged into the river.

The wheels drew from the Orontes to irrigate nearby gardens, as well as supply water to mosques, public baths and homes on its banks.

Though no longer the case today, the wheels remain the pride of the city, drawing in droves of tourists before the war and featuring on Syrian banknotes.

"We continue to give great importance to restoring these historical relics in view of their symbolic value," Hama mayor Adnan Tayyar said.

"It's impossible to visit Hama without stopping by the norias," he added.

- Last of the noria craftsmen -

Ahd Saba al-Arab, head of the Hama noria authority, said he hoped visitors would soon flock back to the city.

But maintenance of the water wheels was becoming increasingly difficult, he said.

This was because the right wood had become expensive and in short supply, and there was now "a great scarcity of artisans with the right know-how".

The number of suitably skilled craftsmen has fallen from 35 to just nine, after many died or emigrated during the conflict.

Ismail, another of the last surviving experts, says he is proud to be able to carry on a tradition "all done by hand".

"The norias are the city's backbone," said the bespectacled man in his fifties.

But, moving agilely from one side of the Mohammadia to the other, he is worried about the next generation's lack of interest in the profession.

"Our craft is transmitted from father to son, but today we can no longer pass it on to our children," he said.

Record Temperatures and Record Low Sea Ice in Siberian Arctic

Wildfire smoke and seasonally low sea ice extent, eastern Laptev Sea, June 24 (NASA Worldview)


[By Mark Serreze]

The Arctic heat wave that sent Siberian temperatures soaring to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day of summer put an exclamation point on an astonishing transformation of the Arctic environment that’s been underway for about 30 years.

As long ago as the 1890s, scientists predicted that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to a warming planet, particularly in the Arctic, where the loss of reflective snow and sea ice would further warm the region. Climate models have consistently pointed to “Arctic amplification” emerging as greenhouse gas concentrations increase.

Arctic amplification is now here in a big way. The Arctic is warming at roughly twice the rate of the globe as a whole. When extreme heat waves like this one strike, it stands out to everyone. Scientists are generally reluctant to say “We told you so,” but the record shows that we did. As director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center and an Arctic climate scientist who first set foot in the far North in 1982, I’ve had a front-row seat to watch the transformation.

This Arctic heat wave has been unusually long-lived. The darkest reds on this map of the Arctic are areas that were more than 14 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in the spring of 2020 compared to the recent 15-year average. Joshua Stevens/NASA Earth Observatory

Arctic heat waves are happening more often – and getting stuck

Arctic heat waves now arrive on top of an already warmer planet, so they’re more frequent than they used to be. Western Siberia recorded its hottest spring on record this year, according the EU’s Copernicus Earth Observation Program, and that unusual heat isn’t expected to end soon. The Arctic Climate Forum has forecast above-average temperatures across the majority of the Arctic through at least August.

Arctic temperatures have been rising faster than the global average. This map shows the average change in degrees Celsius from 1960 to 2019. NASA-GISS

Why is this heat wave sticking around? No one has a full answer yet, but we can look at the weather patterns around it.

As a rule, heat waves are related to unusual jet stream patterns, and the Siberian heat wave is no different. A persistent northward swing of the jet stream has placed the area under what meteorologists call a “ridge.” When the jet stream swings northward like this, it allows warmer air into the region, raising the surface temperature.

Some scientists expect rising global temperatures to influence the jet stream. The jet stream is driven by temperature contrasts. As the Arctic warms more quickly, these contrasts shrink, and the jet stream can slow.

Is that what we’re seeing right now? We don’t yet know.

Swiss cheese sea ice and feedback loops

We do know that we’re seeing significant effects from this heat wave, particularly in the early loss of sea ice.

The ice along the shores of Siberia has the appearance of Swiss cheese right now in satellite images, with big areas of open water that would normally still be covered. The sea ice extent in the Laptev Sea, north of Russia, is the lowest recorded for this time of year since satellite observations began.

The loss of sea ice also affects the temperature, creating a feedback loop. Earth’s ice and snow cover reflect the Sun’s incoming energy, helping to keep the region cool. When that reflective cover is gone, the dark ocean and land absorb the heat, further raising the surface temperature.

Sea surface temperatures are already unusually high along parts of the Siberian Coast, and the warm ocean waters will lead to more melting.

The risks of thawing permafrost

On land, a big concern is warming permafrost – the perennially frozen ground that underlies most Arctic terrain.

When permafrost thaws under homes and bridges, infrastructure can sink, tilt and collapse. Alaskans have been contending with this for several years. Near Norilsk, Russia, thawing permafrost was blamed for an oil tank collapse in late May that spilled thousands of tons of oil into a river.

Thawing permafrost also creates a less obvious but even more damaging problem. When the ground thaws, microbes in the soil begin turning its organic matter into carbon dioxide and methane. Both are greenhouse gases that further warm the planet.

In a study published last year, researchers found that permafrost test sites around the world had warmed by nearly half a degree Fahrenheit on average over the decade from 2007 to 2016. The greatest increase was in Siberia, where some areas had warmed by 1.6 degrees. The current Siberian heat wave, especially if it continues, will regionally exacerbate that permafrost warming and thawing.

A satellite image shows the Norilsk oil spill flowing into neighboring rivers. The collapse of a giant fuel tank was blamed on thawing permafrost. Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2020, CC BY

Wildfires are back again

The extreme warmth also raises the risk of wildfires, which radically change the landscape in other ways. Drier forests are more prone to fires, often from lightning strikes. When forests burn, the dark, exposed soil left behind can absorb more heat and hasten warming.

We’ve seen a few years now of extreme forest fires across the Arctic. This year, some scientists have speculated that some of the Siberian fires that broke out last year may have continued to burn through the winter in peat bogs and reemerged.

A disturbing pattern

The Siberian heat wave and its impacts will doubtless be widely studied. There will certainly be those eager to dismiss the event as just the result of an unusual persistent weather pattern.

Caution must always be exercised about reading too much into a single event – heat waves happen. But this is part of a disturbing pattern. What is happening in the Arctic is very real and should serve as a warning to everyone who cares about the future of the planet as we know it.

Mark Serreze is a Research Professor of Geography and the Director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado Boulder.

This article appears courtesy of The Conversation and may be found in its original form here.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.

Russian Space Agency aide detained, accused of treason
Ivan Safronov's arrest "could be connected with his previous publications about the military," according to a report. He joined Roscosmos in May this year as policy adviser to the agency's chief Dmitry Rogozin.

A former journalist and current policy advisor to the head of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, was detained on Tuesday accused of treason, the organization announced.

The charges Ivan Safronov faces relate to the passing of state secrets to a NATO country, the RIA news agency said, citing Russia's security service (FSB).

Read more: UK sanctions Russians, Saudis, and their 'blood money'

The FSB allege Safronov passed on classified military data, as well as defense information, to the other country.

Meanwhile, Roscomos said an investigation was underway and that it was "fully cooperating with the investigative authorities."

Press mobilizes in Safronov's defense

There has been an outpouring of support for Ivan Safronov from within the Russian media sector. Journalists gathering outside the FSB building in Moscow to protest his arrest. Several demonstrators were arrested, though one-man pickets do not have to be authorized in advance in Russia. Many of the assembled protesters told reporters that they were convinced that Ivan Safronov had been arrested for his independent journalism.

Representatives of several well-known media outlets including Safronov's former employer Kommersant and the opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta, have published official statements of support for Safronov, vouching for his high professional standards.

Speaking in a video from a police van, Kommersant journalist Alexander Chernykh commented that "when journalists are arrested one after the other – that is a very bad sign for our whole country." On Monday, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva was found guilty of inciting terrorism for a column. Some observers have also compared Safronov's case with the arrest of investigative journalist Ivan Golunov last year. He was accused of drugs possession but all charges against him were dropped after a huge public outcry over the case because of a lack of evidence.

Safronov's father, also called Ivan, was an investigative reporter at Kommersant as well. He died in 2007 in murky circumstances having fallen from a high window. An inquiry ruled it was suicide, but some of his colleagues disputed that, saying he had been working on a story about Russian arms deals with Iran and Syria.

Roscosmos: Arrest unconnected to us

The space agency said in a statement that the arrest of Safronov in Moscow had nothing to do with his work at Roscosmos. He joined the space agency as a media and policy adviser in May this year.

A source told news agency Interfax that Safronov's arrest could be connected to his work as a journalist, his previous profession, and that he did not have permission to access state secrets as a member of staff at Roscomos.

Safronov was a journalist and columnist working for the independent newspapers Kommersant and Vedomosti, where he wrote about political issues, the military, and space programs in Russia.

In 2019, Kommersant took down an online article co-written by Safronov about the delivery of Russian jets to Egypt. The decision to remove the column was made in the wake of court proceedings getting under way looking into the disclosure of state secrets.

Safronov was forced to resign from Kommersant in May 2019 after filing a report saying the speaker of Russia's upper house was planning to resign.

The entire politics desk of the newspaper quit in protest against the dismissals of Safronov and a colleague who co-authored the piece.

DW's Emily Sherwin contributed to this report from Moscow.

jsi/rc (AFP, dpa, Reuters)


Hundreds of Russian and Chinese spies in Brussels — report

The EU's de facto capital is teeming with Russian and Chinese spies, according to officials cited by a German newspaper. Diplomats have reportedly been told to avoid certain eateries in the European quarter. (09.02.2019)

Russia and Lithuania swap spies at Kaliningrad border

Lithuania has handed over two convicted Russian spies to Moscow, with three spies headed in the opposite direction. Two Lithuanians were freed, along with a Norwegian border guard, as part of the Cold War-style swap. (15.11.2019)

Why are Russia and the West allowed to spy on each other?

The expulsion of Russian diplomats from the UK, US and several other NATO states has cast a light on the world of espionage. DW looks at why spies are allowed to even operate in a targeted country in the first place. (28.03.2018)

Date 07.07.2020
Related Subjects Vladimir Putin, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Russia, Dmitry Medvedev
Keywords Roscosmos, Space Agency, treason, Russia, NATO

Permalink https://p.dw.com/p/3euCm
Journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva found guilty of 'inciting terrorism'
The freelance contributor for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty had been accused of "publicly inciting terrorism." Prokopyeva, who says she was doing her job, was placed on a list of "terrorists and extremists."

A Russian court on Monday found journalist Svetlana Prokopyeva guilty of justifying terrorism.

Prokopyeva had reported a story about a young man who detonated a bomb inside a government building and faced up to seven years in prison on terrorism-related charges.

The Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) journalist used a radio program in 2018 to discuss the case of a 17-year-old who blew himself up at the office of the Federal Security Service, the successor to the KGB, in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk.

She denied the charge and said she had been put on trial for doing her job.

The court fined Prokopyeva 500,000 roubles (€6,160, $6,952). The journalist's supporters who were present in the courtroom shouted "shame" and "she is not guility" as the judge read out the verdict.

Prokopyeva, who arrived at the court wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan "We will not shut up", said she would appeal the decision.

Prosecutors had asked the judge to jail Prokopyeva for six years and ban her from working in journalism for four years on the charges that carry a maximum sentence of seven years. 

Read more: Prison sentence looms for celebrated Russian director

Dozens of human rights defenders signed a statement published by the Memorial rights group denouncing the case as "openly political" with the goal of "intimidating Russian journalists".

"A journalist is entitled to freely spread information not only on events but also on ideas," the statement read.

Ahead of the sentencing, international press advocacy group Reporters Without Borders urged the Russian authorities to throw out the case saying it set a "dangerous precedent."

Human Rights Watch's Damekya Aitkhozhina — who described the terrorism charge as "bogus" — said Prokopyeva's fine was "another devastating blow to media freedom in Russia."

Starting a riot
All-girl Russian punk protest band Pussy Riot created an international storm in 2012 with a guerrilla performance in Moscow's main cathedral that called for the Virgin Mary to protect Russia against Vladimir Putin, who was elected to a new term as Russia's president a few days later. The protest attracted worldwide attention, and three members of the group were arrested. MORE PICTURES 12345678910111213141516

The rights group last month described the case as a "violation of freedom of expression" that sent a "chilling message".

Last week, Prokopyeva's employer said she had done the opposite of what prosecutors had alleged.

"Svetlana's commentary was an effort to explain a tragedy," RFE/RL acting president Daisy Sindelar said in a statement.

Read more: Russian TV abruptly pulls Zelenskiy's sitcom after cutting Putin joke

"The portrayal of her words as 'promoting terrorism' is a deliberate and politically motivated distortion aimed at silencing her critical voice, and recalls the worst show trials of one of Russia's darkest periods."

kw/rc (AFP Reuters)
Coronavirus: China detains professor who criticized President Xi Jinping
Xu Zhangrun has been detained after publishing an essay in which the professor made critical comments of the Chinese government’s handling of the pandemic. The professor also took a dim view of other government policies.

Chinese authorities on Monday detained a law professor who published articles criticizing President Xi Jinping (above) over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as his undemocratic policies, according to friends of the man.

Xu Zhangrun was seized at his home in suburban Beijing, before being taken away by more than 20 people, one of his friends said on condition of anonymity.

The Chinese regime takes a dim view of negative publicity, particularly if it stems from the nation's heavily censored academic sector.

Read more: Coronavirus: Li Wenliang's death 'a moment of awakening' for China

Xu's detention has been linked to an essay he published in February citing the culture of deception and censorship fostered by President Xi as a reason for the spread of the novel virus.

The Chinese "leader system is itself destroying the structure of governance," Xu wrote in the paper that was published on websites outside of China, adding the chaos in the coronavirus epicentre of Hubei province was down to systemic issues.

Xu said China was "led by one man only, but this man is in the dark and rules tyrannically, with no method for governance, though he is skilled at playing with power, causing the entire country to suffer."

Read more: Hong Kong is being 'robbed of its rights'

He also predicted that an ongoing economic slowdown would cause "the decline of national confidence," along with "political and academic indignation and social atrophy."

It is not the first time Xu has been critical of the government. The law professor at Tsinghua University, one of the country's most renowned institutions, had previously criticized the 2018 abolition of presidential term limits in an essay that was also well-circulated online.

jsi/rc (AFP, ARD)

Brazil prosecutors target minister over Amazon destruction

Ricardo Salles is accused of promoting policies that "violate" his duty to protect the environment. In 2019, wildfires raged through Brazil's Amazon rainforest and experts fear a repeat this year

Brazilian prosecutors on Monday called for the dismissal of the country's environment minister, alleging "countless initiatives that violate the duty to protect the environment."

At the heart of the allegations is that Ricardo Salles, 45, played a fundamental role in increasing deforestation in the Amazon by removing measures designed to protect the rainforest.

The charge sheet also includes "administrative dishonesty," in promoting interests unrelated to his role in government, echoing suggestions from other sectors that claim Salles supported the legalization of mining activities in protected areas.

Read more: As coronavirus and deforestation soar in Brazil, groups take Bolsonaro to court

The minister oversaw a 25% reduction in environmental funding, as well as the freezing of an international financial package to combat deforestation. This in turn "directly contributed" to an upsurge in the permanent removal of trees, according to a statement by 12 public prosecutors.

The prosecutors want Salles' political rights suspended and for him to pay damages, as well as receive a financial penalty for his conduct.

Salles courted controversy recently when he was recorded saying the government should take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to ease environmental regulations.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has received widespread criticism for his relaxed attitude towards the exploitation of the Amazon forest, as well as a number of other environmental issues. He has frequently made questionable claims about the environment, including last year blaming NGOs for the fires that raged through the Amazon. He provided no evidence to support his claim.

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Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest increased by almost 20% in June, the highest recorded for 13 years for the month.

In 2019 wildfires led to protests within Brazil and elsewhere. And as this year's dry season takes hold, environmentalists have expressed grave concern that 2020 is on track to be the most destructive year ever for the world's biggest rainforest.

The Amazon spans numerous countries in South America, but is 60% in Brazil, and it is a vital carbon store that slows down the pace of global warming.

jsi/rc (AFP, EFE)

Hong Kong: Google, Facebook and Twitter halt user data requests

The social media giants have taken the step after China enacted a controversial new national security law. Opponents fear the law will be used to crack down on dissenting opinions and stifle free speech.

Twitter, Facebook and Google are pausing requests from Hong Kong's authorities seeking user data amid growing concerns over China's controversial new national security law.

Facebook, which also owns popular platforms Whatsapp and Instagram, said it was "pausing" requests from the Hong Kong government and police for all of its services "pending further assessment" of the law, the company said in a statement released Monday.

Google and Twitter suspended reviews of government requests for data after the law went into effect last week.

Twitter cited "grave concerns" about the law's implications.

Popular video clip-sharing app TikTok, which is owned by China-based ByteDance, later followed suit, saying that "in light of recent events" it would cease operations in Hong Kong. TikTok has adamantly denied sharing user data with Chinese authorities and said it did not intend to begin honoring such requests.

Zoom, Telegram, and LinkedIn also said they would suspend compliance with data requests.

Users scrub accounts

Beijing says the new law is to clamp down on violent pro-democracy protests that have taken place in Hong Kong since last year.

Under the law secession, terrorism, subversion, and "collusion" with foreign powers are banned and carry a maximum sentence of life in prison.

China now has jurisdiction for "serious" security offenses in the semi-autonomous city of Hong Kong.

Google, Twitter and Facebook have continued to operate in Hong Kong, while they are blocked by mainland China's firewall. After the law came into force, many users began scrubbing their social media accounts for any posts that could be deemed sensitive.

'Fundamental human right'

"We believe freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and support the right of people to express themselves without fear for their safety or other repercussions," said Facebook in a statement.

"Twitter cares and is committed to protecting the people using our service and their freedom of expression," Twitter told news agency AFP on its decision.

Google has paused production on any new data requests from Hong Kong authorities and will continue to review the details of the new law, the company said in a statement.

Free speech?

Social networks often apply localized restrictions to posts that violate local laws but not their own rules for acceptable speech. In the second half of 2019, Facebook restricted 394 such pieces of content in Hong Kong ,up from eight in the first half of the year, according to its transparency report.

kp,kmm/stb (AFP, Reuters, AP)

Germany, others would not recognize Israeli annexation

Germany has issued a joint statement with France, Egypt and Jordan saying they would not recognize a unilateral Israeli annexation of Palestinian territory, also warning it would have "consequences" for relations.

The foreign ministers of Germany, France, Egypt and Jordan warned Israel against annexing Palestinian territory in the West Bank following a video conference Tuesday focused on restarting talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

In a joint statement distributed by Germany's Foreign Ministry, the ministers said: "We concur that any annexation of Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 would be a violation of international law and imperil the foundations of the peace process."

"We would not recognize any changes to the 1967 borders that are not agreed by both parties in the conflict. It could also have consequences for the relationship with Israel."

Read more: Trump's Middle East peace plan satisfies no one

Trump's contentious peace plan

Settlement policy is one of the most contentious issues in the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Most of the international community views Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as illegal — a view that Israel disputes.

A peace plan proposed in January by the administration of US President Donald Trump was criticized by the EU as "departing from" international agreements on the conflict.

Under Trump's plan, Palestinians would lose control of areas currently under Israeli occupation or controlled by settlers though annexation — even though the Palestinians are entitled to these lands by international law.

Read more: The 1967 Six-Day War and its difficult legacy

EU in a diplomatic tangle

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in February that annexation, if implemented, "could not pass unchallenged."

However, the lack of a consensus on a response by EU member states keeps the bloc from specifying what any such challenge would entail.

Read more: German-Israeli relations: What you need to know

Germany, for example, has ruled out economic sanctions in response to annexation and is in a tough spot diplomatically due to its "historic responsibility" for Israel's security.

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he told his British counterpart Boris Johnson on Monday that he was committed to implementing Trump's plan.

"Israel is prepared to conduct negotiations on the basis of President Trump's peace plan, which is both creative and realistic, and will not return to the failed formulas of the past," Netanyahu's statement said.

wmr/msh (Reuters, dpa)

Scientists warn new aggressive seaweed is killing Hawaiian coral reefs
A new species of algae is destroying large patches of once-vibrant reef in one of the most remote ocean sanctuaries on earth. Experts have warned that the phenomena could become an ecological and economic 'disaster.'

A recently discovered species of seaweed is attacking large swathes of coral reef northwest of Hawaii and is spreading more rapidly than ever seen before, a group of researchers said on Tuesday.

The study, conducted by the University of Hawaii and others, said the aggressive seaweed species is a "highly destructive seaweed with the potential to overgrow entire reefs."

According to the researchers, the algae easily detaches and rolls across the ocean floor like tumbleweed, covering nearby reefs in thick vegetation, depriving the coral of sunlight, nutrients and space.

"Everything underneath of it was dead … We need to figure out where it's currently found, and what we can do to manage it,'' said Heather Spalding, a biologist and co-author of the study published in the journal PLOS ONE.

The phenomena is causing havoc in the once unspoiled, remote coral reefs in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, a unique nature reserve that stretches more than 2092 kilometers (1,300 miles) north of the main Hawaiian Islands.

Read more: Madagascar: No more fish? We'll farm seaweed instead

'As far as the eye could see'

Government researchers conducting routine inspections of the Pearl and Hermes Atoll in 2016 said they discovered small clusters of seaweed they had never need before.

Fast forward three years, they returned to find algae had taken over massive areas of the reef. In some parts, the algae covered "everything, as far as the eye could see," with seaweed almost 20 centimeters (8 inches) thick.

The researchers also noted that tropical fish and other marine life that typically frequented the area to graze on seaweed were no longer present in the area.

Individual mats of seaweed were as large as several soccer fields, the scientists said, adding that the actual seaweed coverage area is likely to be much larger than documented because they couldn't survey the expansive sites during their short expedition.

The new species of seaweed is attacking large swathes of coral reef northwest of Hawaii.

Read more: Coral reefs rapidly die from marine heatwaves - study

Ecological and economic 'disaster'

The uninhabited Pearl and Hermes Atoll is located in the mid-Pacific, approximately 3,200 kilometers from Asia and North America.

The atoll is in the 1.6 million-square-kilometer Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, one of the world's biggest protected marine environments.

Hawaii's main islands have a number of known invasive seaweeds, but cases in the remote northwest are a rarity.

"We have, not until now, seen a major issue like this where we have a nuisance species that's come in and made such profound changes over a short period of time to the reefs,'' said University of Hawaii Professor Alison Sherwood, chief scientist on the study.

Researchers are still trying to uncover what is behind the phenomena. In other parts of the world, algae blooms often occur because fish that eat the plants have been harvested or forced to relocate as a result of environmental changes. But fishing in the area is prohibited.

Researchers are still trying to uncover what is behind the phenomena.

The study also suggested that the algae could be native, having lived in small, unseen crevices before a change in conditions caused it to bloom.

Officials said that the first step is to ensure anyone studying the seaweed doesn't end up spreading it elsewhere.

"If something like this got back to Waikiki or anywhere in the main Hawaiian Islands it would be an ecological disaster, but also an economic disaster," said Randall Kosaki, the NOAA's Deputy Superintendent of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, to the Associated Press.

"You can imagine what that would do to tourism to have an algae like this overgrowing the reefs," he said.


Brazil races to save large coral reef from oil spill

Brazil's navy is hoping to intercept the heavy crude before it reaches a marine nature preserve. The country's state-run oil firm Petrobras has said the oil came from Venezuela. (30.10.2019)
Mary Trump’s book accuses President Trump of embracing ‘cheating as a way of life’

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In this file photo taken on June 26, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump looks on during a meeting in the East Room of the White House, in Washington.MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Mary L. Trump, President Donald Trump’s niece, plans to publish a tell-all family memoir next week, describing how a decades-long history of darkness, dysfunction and brutality turned her uncle into a reckless leader who, according to her publisher, Simon & Schuster, “now threatens the world’s health, economic security and social fabric.”

The book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” depicts a multi-generational saga of greed, betrayal and internecine tension and seeks to explain how Trump’s position in one of New York’s wealthiest and most infamous real estate empires helped him acquire what Mary Trump has referred to as “twisted behaviours” – attributes like seeing other people in “monetary terms” and practising “cheating as a way of life.”

Tell-all book by Mary Trump to be released two weeks early due to ‘extraordinary interest’

Mary Trump, who at 55 has long been estranged from Donald Trump, is the first member of the Trump clan to break ranks with her relatives by writing a book about their secrets. Since late June, her family – led by the president’s younger brother, Robert S. Trump – has been trying to stop the publication of the book, citing a confidentiality agreement that she signed nearly 20 years ago during a dispute over the will of the family patriarch, Fred Trump Sr., the president’s father. But a judge in New York has refused to enjoin Simon & Schuster from releasing the memoir and is expected to soon rule on whether Mary Trump herself violated the confidentiality agreement.

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This cover image of Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, by Mary L. Trump. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Here are some of the highlights from her manuscript:


As a high school student in Queens, Mary Trump writes, Donald Trump paid someone to take a precollegiate test, the SAT, on his behalf. The high score the proxy earned for him, she adds, helped the young Donald Trump to later gain admittance as an undergraduate to the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton business school.

Donald Trump has often boasted about attending Wharton, which he has referred to as “the best school in the world” and “super genius stuff.”


It has long been part of the Trump family’s lore that the eldest child of Fred Trump Sr., Fred Trump Jr., who was better known as Freddy, was the black sheep of the dynasty. Freddy Trump was a handsome, garrulous man and a heavy drinker who, after a miserable experience working for his father, left his job in real estate to pursue a passion for flying, becoming a pilot for Trans World Airlines.

Donald Trump has often remarked that his brother’s departure from the family business opened space for him to move into and succeed. “For me, it worked very well,” Donald Trump told The New York Times during his presidential campaign about serving under his father. “For Fred, it wasn’t something that was going to work.”

Fred Trump Sr. could be brutal to his namesake, shouting at him once as a group of employees looked on, “Donald is worth ten of you,” Mary Trump writes.

Freddy Trump died in 1981 from an alcohol-induced heart attack when he was 42, and Mary Trump tells the story in her book about how his family sent him to the hospital alone on the night of his death. No one went with him, Mary Trump writes.

Donald Trump, she added, went to see a movie.


Even at the start of Donald Trump’s campaign, his sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal appeals court judge, had deep reservations about his fitness for office, Mary Trump writes.

“He’s a clown – this will never happen,” she quotes her aunt as saying during one of their regular lunches in 2015, just after Donald Trump announced that he was running for president.

Maryanne Trump was particularly baffled by support for her brother among evangelical Christians, according to the book.

“The only time Donald went to church was when the cameras were there,” Mary Trump quotes her aunt as saying. “It’s mind boggling. But that’s all about his base. He has no principles. None!”


Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist, asserts that her uncle has all nine clinical criteria for being a narcissist. And yet, she notes, even that label does not capture the full array of the president’s psychological troubles.

“The fact is,” she writes, “Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviours so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neurophysical tests that he’ll never sit for.”

At another point she says: “Donald has been institutionalized for most of his adult life, so there is no way to know how he would thrive, or even survive, on his own in the real world.”

Like other critics of the president, Mary Trump takes issue in the book with the notion that Donald Trump is a strategic thinker who operates according to specific agendas or organizing principles.

“He doesn’t,” she writes. “Donald’s ego has been and is a fragile and inadequate barrier between him and the real world, which, thanks to his father’s money and power, he never had to negotiate by himself.”

Trump a narcissist shaped by bullying father, says niece in memoir


Issued on: 07/07/2020 -

New York (AFP)

Donald Trump's niece describes the US president as a lying narcissist who was shaped by his domineering father, according to excerpts of her eagerly anticipated memoir carried in US media Tuesday.

Mary Trump's "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" is due out next week amid a legal battle to stop its publication.

In it, she accuses Trump of "hubris and wilful ignorance" stretching back to his younger days, according to CNN, which has seen a copy.

She writes that Trump developed "twisted behaviors" and saw "cheating as a way of life," according to the New York Times.

Trump alleges that the future US leader cheated on an exam, helping him get into the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton business school, the newspaper reported.

She says her uncle paid someone else to take the precollegiate test when he was a high school student in New York. The Times doesn't say how she knew this.

The 240-page book, out July 14, says Trump is a product of his "sociopath" father Fred Trump, the Washington Post reported.

Mary, a clinical psychologist, says her uncle failed to develop human emotion because his father created an abusive and traumatic homelife.

She says that for the future US leader, "lying was primarily a mode of self-aggrandizement meant to convince other people he was better than he actually was," the Post said.

The memoir is billed as the first unflattering portrayal of Trump by a family insider.

The president's younger brother Robert Trump went to court to try to block publication, arguing that Mary was violating a non-disclosure agreement signed in 2001 after the settlement over her grandfather's estate.

Last week a New York appeals judge ruled that Simon & Schuster is allowed to release the memoir, saying it was "not a party to the agreement."

On Tuesday, White House spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany described it as "a book of falsehoods," even though she admitted she hadn't seen it.

"It's ridiculous, absurd allegations that have absolute no bearing in truth," McEnany told reporters.

- 'Clown' -

Mary is the son of Fred Trump Jr, Trump's older brother, who died in 1981 from complications related to alcoholism. Fred Trump Sr died in 1999.

She writes that her uncle meets all the clinical criteria for being a narcissist, according to the New York Times.

"Donald's pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neurophysical tests that he'll never sit for," she writes.

The memoir is also due to reveal that Mary was the crucial source for explosive New York Times reporting on Trump's finances, which suggested the billionaire paid little in tax for decades, according to The Daily Beast.

In the book, she quotes her sister Maryanne Trump Barry as "saying he's a clown -- this will never happen," after Trump announced he was running for president.

It is set to be the latest bombshell book to dish dirt on Trump after former aide John Bolton's tome, which describes Trump as corrupt and incompetent, hit shelves last month.

© 2020 AFP

UK set to resume Saudi arms sales despite Yemen concerns

Issued on: 07/07/2020 -

Campaigners say Britain has licensed nearly £5 billion in weapons to the kingdom since its Yemen campaign began in 2015 JUSTIN TALLIS AFP/File

London (AFP)

Britain said on Tuesday it would resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia, halted last year after a UK court ruling over the Gulf kingdom's bombing campaign in neighbouring Yemen.

Weapons exports were stopped in June 2019 after the Court of Appeal ordered the government to clarify how it assesses whether their use in Yemen's civil war breaches international humanitarian law (IHL).

The conflict has claimed tens of thousands of lives and triggered what the United Nations has described as the world's worst existing humanitarian crisis.

However, the British government has concluded Saudi Arabia "has a genuine intent and the capacity to comply with IHL", according to International Trade Secretary Liz Truss, allowing for export licence reviews to restart.

"I have assessed that there is not a clear risk that the export of arms and military equipment to Saudi Arabia might be used in the commission of a serious violation of IHL," she said in a written statement to parliament

"The government will now begin the process of clearing the backlog of licence applications for Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners that has built up since 20 June last year."

She said it could take "some months" to complete.

The announcement came just a day after Britain slapped sanctions on 20 Saudis for their suspected roles in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

- 'Morally bankrupt' -

The weapons decision drew immediate criticism from arms control activists, with the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) saying it was considering further legal steps.

"This is a disgraceful and morally bankrupt decision," said Andrew Smith of CAAT.

"The Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis, and the government itself admits that UK-made arms have played a central role on the bombing.

"We will be considering this new decision with our lawyers, and will be exploring all options available to challenge it."

Government figures analysed by CAAT show that Britain had licensed nearly £5 billion ($6.4 billion) in weapons to the kingdom since its Yemen campaign began in 2015.

In its 2019 ruling, England's Court of Appeal said the government had broken the law by failing to assess properly whether the arms it sells to Riyadh violated its commitments to human rights.

The court ordered the UK to "reconsider the matter" and weigh up future risks.

Truss said it had now "developed a revised methodology" to assess allegations of violations by Saudi forces, and determined past incidents were "isolated".

She said applications would be "carefully assessed" against the Consolidated European Union and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria.

"A licence would not be granted if to do so would be a breach of the Criteria," Truss said.

Russia seeks 15 years jail for Gulag historian

Issued on: 07/07/2020 -
Russian historian Yury Dmitriyev (pictured April 2018), who heads rights group Memorial's branch in Karelia, speaks to the media as he leaves a court following the verdict in his child pornography trial in the northwestern city of Petrozavodsk OLGA MALTSEVA AFP/File
Moscow (AFP)

Russian prosecutors demanded Tuesday that a respected Gulag historian be sentenced to 15 years in prison over alleged sexual assault in a case his allies say has been trumped up to silence him.

Yury Dmitriyev, 64, spent decades locating and exhuming mass graves of people killed under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin's rule.

Rights groups and supporters including many Russian actors have campaigned against Dmitriyev's years-long prosecution.

Activists say the case against him is an attempt to muzzle the outspoken historian who has called attention to one of the darkest chapters in Russia's history.

Dmitriyev is the head of leading rights group Memorial's branch in Karelia in northwestern Russia.

He was first arrested in late 2016 on child porn charges and spent more than a year in pre-trial detention before being released after calls from prominent figures for him to be freed.

In April 2018, he was acquitted of child pornography charges but in a stunning turnabout he was detained later that year again after a higher court overturned the "not guilty" verdict.

He was charged with alleged sexual assault and detained again.

On Tuesday, Dmitriyev's lawyer Viktor Anufriev said prosecutors in the northwestern city of Petrozavodsk demanded that he be sentenced to 15 years in a strict-regime penal colony.

Anufriyev told AFP his client would address court on Wednesday.

The prosecution has claimed the historian sexually abused his adopted daughter, the charges he denies.

Dmitriyev's previous case centred on naked photographs of his then pre-teen adopted daughter Natalya seized during a search of his home after an anonymous tip-off to police.

Dmitriyev is known for helping open the Sandarmokh memorial in a pine forest in Karelia in memory of thousands of victims -- including many foreigners -- murdered in 1937 and 1938.

© 2020 AFP
Facebook ad boycott organizers cite no progress on hate speech

Issued on: 07/07/2020 -
Facebook failed to allay concerns of activists organizing an ad boycott of the leading social network to press for more aggressive action on removing toxic and inflammatory content
Washington (AFP)

Organizers of the Facebook ad boycott vowed Tuesday to continue their campaign, saying the social network's top executives had failed to offer meaningful action on curbing hateful content.

At a virtual meeting that included Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, the #StopHateForProfit coalition leaders "didn't hear anything today to convince us that Zuckerberg and his colleagues are taking action," said Jessica Gonzalez of the activist group Free Press, one of the coalition members.

The meeting took place amid a boycott which has grown to nearly 1,000 advertisers pressing for more aggressive action from Facebook on toxic and inflammatory content which promotes violence and hate.

"I'm deeply disappointed that Facebook still refuses to hold itself accountable to its users, its advertisers and society at large," Gonzalez said in a statement.

"This isn't over. We will continue to expand the boycott until Facebook takes our demands seriously. We won't be distracted by Facebook's spin today or any day."

Sleeping Giants, another activist group involved in the boycott, said it was clear at the meeting that Facebook executives "intend to take no real action to deal with hate and disinformation on their platform."

The boycott has mushroomed to include global brands and small companies joining the effort to pressure Facebook, spurred by the wave of protests calling for social justice and racial equity.

Some of the activists say Facebook should do more to curb disinformation from political leaders including President Donald Trump, and limit his comments which critics say promote violence and divisiveness.

- Sandberg pledges more steps -

Earlier Tuesday, Facebook's chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg pledged further steps to remove toxic and hateful content ahead of the discussions with the boycott organizers, led by the NAACP, Color of Change and the Anti-Defamation League.

She added that the Silicon Valley giant will be announcing policy updates as a result of discussions with civil rights activists and its own audit of civil rights practices.

"Facebook has to get better at finding and removing hateful content," Sandberg wrote.

"We are making changes -- not for financial reasons or advertiser pressure, but because it is the right thing to do."

Sandberg said the final report of the independent civil rights audit would be published Wednesday following a two-year review, and that this would be used to guide Facebook policy changes.

"While the audit was planned and most of it carried out long before recent events, its release couldn't come at a more important time," she said.

"While we won't be making every change they call for, we will put more of their proposals into practice soon."

The boycott organizers are seeking a top level executive to evaluate "products and policies for discrimination, bias, and hate," as well as independent audits of "identity-based hate and misinformation."

Gonzalez said Facebook should take responsibility for the promotion of violence on the platform including the massacres of Rohingya people in Myanmar, and mass killings which were promoted or streamed on Facebook.

© 2020 AFP
NASA hits Boeing with 80 recommendations before next space test
Issued on: 07/07/2020 -

A Boeing Starliner capsule touches down in White Sands, New Mexico in December 2019 after an unsuccessful uncrewed test flight Bill INGALLS NASA/AFP/FileWashington (AFP)

NASA has drawn up a list of 80 recommendations that US aerospace giant Boeing will have to address before attempting to refly its Starliner space capsule, following the failure of an uncrewed test last year.

The recommendations primarily concern the on-board software, which was the main problem with the flight test last December.

The capsule could not be placed in the correct orbit, due to a clock error, and a had to return to Earth after two days instead of docking with the International Space Station as planned.

Boeing subsequently learned that other software problems could have caused the capsule and the rocket to collide at the time of separation, a potentially very dangerous event if the flight had been crewed.

Most of the problems identified run deep and are organizational, for example NASA's verification procedures. The space agency has been a client of Boeing's for decades, but seems to have placed too much faith in its historic partner.

"Perhaps we were a little more focused on SpaceX," said Steve Stich, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, in a call with reporters.

SpaceX, a relative newcomer to the space industry, is the other company chosen by NASA to develop a crewed vessel -- but unlike Boeing, its Crew Dragon successfully completed its uncrewed test flight in 2019, then its first crewed flight in May, with two astronauts on board.

Starliner's next attempt could take place in "the latter part of this year," added Stich, without making a guarantee. Boeing won't therefore be able to carry astronauts until at least 2021, while SpaceX's second crewed flight is set to take place this summer.

© 2020 AFP

Brazil's Bolsonaro takes Covid-19 test after showing symptoms


Issued on: 07/07/2020 - 

President Jair Bolsonaro attends the inauguration ceremony of the Main Space Operations Center of the Geostationary Defense and Strategic Communications Satellite in Brasilia, Brazil June 23, 2020. © REUTERS/Adriano Machado


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Monday he had undergone another test for the novel coronavirus and his lungs were "clean," after local media reported he had symptoms associated with the Covid-19 respiratory disease.

Bolsonaro has repeatedly played down the impact of the virus, even as Brazil has suffered one of the world's worst outbreaks, with more than 1.6 million confirmed cases and 65,000 related deaths, according to official data on Monday.

CNN Brasil and newspaper Estado de S.Paulo reported that he had symptoms of the disease, such as a fever.

Bolsonaro told supporters outside the presidential palace that he had just visited the hospital and been tested.

"I can't get very close," he said in comments recorded by Foco do Brasil, a pro-government YouTube channel. "I came from the hospital. I underwent a lung scan. The lung's clean."

The president's office said in a statement that the president is at his home and is "in good health."

The right-wing populist has often defied local guidelines to wear a mask in public, even after a judge ordered him to do so in late June.

Over the weekend, Bolsonaro attended several events and was in close contact with the U.S. ambassador to Brazil during July 4 celebrations. The U.S. embassy in Brasilia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Bolsonaro tested negative for the coronavirus after several aides were diagnosed following a visit to U.S. President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago, Florida, estate in March.

CNN Brasil reported that Bolsonaro has begun taking the drugs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, which he touts as a COVID-19 treatment despite little proof of their effectiveness.

Bolsonaro's official events on Tuesday have been canceled, according to CNN Brasil.



French feminists criticise choice of justice, interior ministers over sexism and rape claims

Issued on: 07/07/2020 - 20:05

Many French feminists reacted strongly on Monday evening to the appointments of Gérald Darmanin as interior minister – who has been accused of rape – and Éric Dupond-Moretti – who has been accused of making sexist remarks – as justice minister in President Emmanuel Macron’s revamped cabinet. © Thomas Samson and Gérard Julien, AFP
Text by:Romain BRUNET

3 minFrench feminists have reacted strongly to the appointment on Monday of Gérald Darmanin as interior minister and Éric Dupond-Moretti as minister of justice in France’s reshuffled government. Dupond-Moretti has been accused of making sexist remarks while judges last year ordered that an investigation be reopened into rape allegations against Darmanin.
Several feminists started expressing their dismay on social media soon after the appointments were announced on Monday.
“How can you imagine for one moment that the fight against gender-based and sexual violence will be advanced with the appointment of a rapist at the interior ministry and a sexist at the justice ministry? This government is a disgrace,” tweeted the activist group Osez le féminisme (Dare to be feminist).

Darmanin will take on one of France’s highest-profile jobs as interior minister, a dossier that promises to be challenging as the police force faces allegations of racism and violence while others criticise Macron’s government for not doing enough to support the authorities.

Darmanin has been accused of raping a woman after she sought his help in having a criminal record expunged in 2009. He has denied the claims – Darmanin admitted having sexual intercourse with the complainant but insisted that relations were consensual – and the charges were dismissed in 2018. But in November 2019 judges ordered the investigation to be reopened, with a new inquiry that started on June 11.

https://t.co/d3rLZsRLJ7 pic.twitter.com/IbEDLA7MXZ— inna shevchenko (@femeninna) July 7, 2020

FEMEN protest at Élysée Palace

On Tuesday morning, around 20 feminist activists gathered outside the interior ministry in Paris with smoke bombs, protesting Darmanin ascension to his new role with chants of, “Darmanin, rapist” and “Darmanin, resign”.

Later the same day, three members of the Ukrainian feminist group FEMEN burst into the Élysée Palace shortly before the new government’s first cabinet meeting, shouting accusations that the government had chosen a “sexist reshuffle”. Police soon arrested the topless demonstrators. “The #FEMEN activists came before the Council of Ministers to express their sincere condolences to the French Republic,” tweeted Inna Shevchenko, the group’s leader in France.

“I think opposing these appointments will be our great cause for the remainder of Macron’s term,” tweeted well-known feminist activist Caroline de Haas, in the first of several social media posts in which she criticised remarks by Éric Dupond-Moretti that she deemed sexist.

The famous lawyer came under fire from many quarters during his high-profile defence of Georges Tron, a former member of cabinet, on charges of rape and sexual assault brought by two municipal employees. Upon Tron’s acquittal in 2018, Dupond-Moretti called his accusers “inconsistent, manipulative”.

The lawyer has also targeted feminist groups, including the European Association on Violence against Women at Work (l'Association européenne contre les violences faites aux femmes au travail).

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Dupond-Moretti has acknowledged that "there are predatory men" but said there are also "women who are attracted to power, who like it". By way of example, he cited a hypothetical "starlet who wants to succeed and says to herself, ‘I'm going to sleep [with him]’; 'This is a ‘couch promotion'."

On Monday evening, many were quoting other remarks made by Dupond-Moretti, including his belief that “some women regret not being whistled at” and a lament that actions that would have been considered a misdemeanour in his youth are now considered crimes. He has also been known to observe that, "At 30, a woman is not a bimbo unable to say no to a man."

These two appointments are a “slap in the face” by Macron against “everyone who has campaigned against gender-based violence”, Laurence Rossingol, a former Socialist minister for the family, told France Info news on Tuesday. “It’s a very big problem, especially because neither of the two has made a public commitment to tackling such violence.”

However, Élysée Palace sources said on Monday night that the allegations of rape against Darmanin are “not an obstacle” to his appointment as interior minister.

This article was adapted from the original in French.

COVID-19 shines spotlight on gender inequity in academia

In a new article, a team of 17 faculty members from across the nation, including nine from Texas Tech, examines how the pandemic amplifies gender inequity and proposes novel solutions
As COVID-19 spread across the country earlier this year, forcing schools and universities to close, Jessica L. Malisch began to notice an alarming trend - but not related to the virus.
"I was alarmed by patterns I was observing in the academic community in regards to how COVID-19 campus and childcare closures appeared to be impacting female scientists disproportionately," said Malisch, an assistant professor of biology at St. Mary's College of Maryland.
She called a friend, Breanna N. Harris, a research assistant professor in Texas Tech University's Department of Biological Sciences, with an idea. The pair quickly outlined a paper about the effects of the pandemic on women in academia, then reached out to more than a dozen other women invested in gender equity to contribute their perspectives. The resulting article was published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Among the authors were nine from Texas Tech:
The gender divide in academia is well documented. Women face inequality and inequity. Examples include women's underrepresentation in administrative positions; biases against marriage or having children; shortages of working-mother role models and female mentors in general; pay and grant-funding disparities; and advancement based on student evaluations, which consistently rate men higher than women. Culturally, women are more likely to be the caregivers of children and/or parents, leading to a more difficult work/life balance.
But in the age of COVID-19, these existing challenges have been exacerbated, the authors explained. Importantly, the impacts of inequality and inequity are amplified and compounded for women with intersecting identities. For example, Black women, indigenous women and other women of color experience racial and ethnic bias on top of gender bias.
"The upending of daily life and the shift to remote work is hard on everyone, but women, who traditionally do more of the household and dependent care labor, are likely to bear a greater burden," Harris said. "Women tend to teach more and larger classes, students depend on female faculty for emotional support and expect more leniency from women vs. male faculty, and students evaluate women more harshly in teaching evaluations. With the rapid shift to online learning, more students and/or courses means more work, and having more students during a crisis means students will expect more emotional and academic support.
"In addition to more student demands in the classroom, many women are experiencing increased demands at home - either for care and homeschooling of children or of elderly family members, or for running the household. Given the increased demand of teaching and home responsibilities, women have less time to devote to research and grant writing."
The economic impacts also are likely to be more severe for women, Harris noted, because many institutions' plans for coping with COVID-19 result in some form of decreased income, either through direct firing, furlough or decreased contributions to retirement.
Many universities have instituted gender-neutral policies that treat men and women the same, like tenure-clock extensions. But even these, the authors argue, lead to increased disparity between genders.
"On the surface, having adjustment policies that are gender neutral sounds like the right thing to do, but that isn't always the case," Harris said. "I think it is important to recall the difference between equity and equality. I like the visual of a family riding bikes - in this scenario, the man is riding a traditional man's bike. Equality would be providing everyone in the family with a man's bike, but this solution doesn't address the needs of the woman and the small child. They might be able to manage, but the man's bike isn't the best option. Providing bikes that are suited to their size and needs - for example, adding training wheels for the child - is the better option. This is the equitable solution as it gives each family member the tools they need to complete the task.
"Women in academia face inequality in teaching loads, mentoring and service requirements, and start-up funds and salary. Thus, using policies that are equal for men and women can increase gaps instead of reducing them. In the bike example, it is like giving the whole family a man's bike but the one given to the woman is a lesser or older model, thus there is inequality at the start. A gender-neutral adjustment is then adding something like a cushioned seat to each bike to help the family deal with a long ride. Given that the man already had an advantage, a better bike that is suited to his needs, adding the seat for everyone is helpful, but it helps the man more."
Instead of gender-neutral policies, the authors recommend institutions form Pandemic Faculty Merit Committees to deal with equity issues. Such committees should be proactive, diverse, transparent, informed and trained in both bias and the institution's history.
"We provide a downloadable guide with questions about research, teaching, service and other situations that committees can use as a starting point," Harris said. "We also have a website that contains additional sources and background information."
Co-author Cañas-Carrell, chair of the President's Gender Equity Council, has shared the paper with the council as well as the Women Full Professors Network (WFPN), both of which fully endorsed it.
"The WPFN Executive Board is in support of having some of the group's members work with the administration and the Pandemic Response Merit Committee," Cañas-Carrell said. "We have received a very positive response from the administration and are already working with the Provost's Office to either establish a separate Pandemic Response Merit Committee or to create a subcommittee of the Faculty Success Advisory Council focused on equity in the time of COVID-19."
While there is certainly progress to be made, the authors believe articles like this can help.
"I don't think one article can solve the issues of gender and racial inequity in academia," Harris said, "but I am hoping that committees, departments and institutions use our piece and the provided resources to have honest conversations and personal reflections on their policies and practices. Ultimately, I hope they then enact some changes to begin to remedy inequities."