Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The wealthiest people in this country are pushing to the front of the line to get vaccinated

Photo via Shutterstock.

Dartagnan and Daily Kos December 21, 2020

More than any single event in recent memory, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the gaping chasms of inequality in American society. From the very outset it was accepted wisdom that "essential workers," i.e., those forced to risk their lives in unsafe workplaces throughout the country, would include not only medical personnel such as doctors, nurses, and hospital orderlies; not only police, firefighters and first responders; not only operators of public transportation and critical government services such as postal workers; but also the folks who worked behind cash registers at the Lowe's, the 7-11, and those whose jobs involved the processing, delivery, preparation and transportation of food items and consumer goods that kept the moribund economy from congealing into a second Great Depression.

The "essential" nature of these workers was loudly touted by companies from Amazon to WalMart to Domino's pizza, who extolled the selfless bravery of their employees in warm and touching TV ads, ads that served as a new type of PR for those same companies with sordid past track records about treatment of workers. Meanwhile, the highly compensated officers and executives of these companies bore the brunt of the pandemic not by interacting daily with a stressed and potentially infected public, but from their snug and expansive estates and second homes where they continued to bark orders and issue their edicts remotely.

And this was also the case with the so-called "professional class," as six-figure income lawyers and corporate managers developed new ways to work from home, reallocating firm IT services and equipment while the lower-tiered employees such as clerks and secretaries were mostly told to return to the office, if they were to keep their jobs at all. Probably the most telling example of the disparities in treatment afforded between high managerial and service-level, clerical employees is the current, never-ending circus continuing to unfold in our Congress this weekend, in which financial and rent assistance to ordinary middle and lower income Americans is being held hostage to liability protections insisted upon by the corporate "owner" class in the persona of Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell.

In short, this was never going to be an "equal opportunity" pandemic. Its inherent unfairness has been even more apparent in the medical treatment received by the wealthy as opposed to ordinary Americans, personified by no less than Donald Trump and his White house cronies who, being infected with the COVID-19 virus through their own carelessness and recklessness, nonetheless have instantly received the quickest, most cutting edge care available. Nor are they alone—as described by Mark Sumner here, the gross disparity between medical treatment available to this countries' richest citizens and its less fortunate (but so "essential") workers, mostly those people of color who couldn't work from home due to the very nature of their jobs, often with substandard health insurance, if any, was bound to surface before too long.

And now that multiple vaccines are looming, we are seeing the same sense of natural entitlement among the top 1% playing out, as reports emerge daily of attempts by these same people to bribe their way to the front of the line for vaccination, the better to allow themselves to carry on with their lives as soon as possible, with an eye to traveling and frolicking amongst their islands (both metaphorical and real ones) while the rest of Americans prepare to stand in line for months.

As reported by the Los Angeles Times:
They're offering tens of thousands of dollars in cash, making their personal assistants pester doctors every day, and asking whether a five-figure donation to a hospital would help them jump the line.

The COVID-19 vaccine is here — and so are the wealthy people who want it first.

"We get hundreds of calls every single day," said Dr. Ehsan Ali, who runs Beverly Hills Concierge Doctor. His clients, who include Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber, pay between $2,000 and $10,000 a year for personalized care. "This is the first time where I have not been able to get something for my patients."

A few years ago, in what came as a bit of a surprise to my woefully provincial sensibilities, I first heard the term "concierge medicine." It refers to health care offered—at substantial cost—by an elite network of physicians and other medical providers designed to allow wealthier Americans (who may not wish to dirty their hands with the type of medical care provided to the vast majority of us) access to the best medical treatment money can buy. As described by Hayley Fowler, writing for the Miami Herald:

Many wealthy Americans pay for concierge medical services — a "kind of high-quality, primary care most Americans can't afford," the Los Angeles Times reported. Some of those services have already procured the expensive freezers needed to store the vaccine and put their patients on wait lists as soon as it becomes available for widespread distribution.
The cost of such "concierge care" can run in excess of $250,000 per year, and guarantees, as noted in the LA Times article, personalized 24-hour access to physicians who provide their services to a small segment of wealthy clients. These physicians' groups have the financial wherewithal, for example to have immediately secured the types of freezers necessary to hold the Pfizer vaccine in cold storage at -94 degrees Fahrenheit
for significant lengths of time. That in itself provides these groups with a leg up on receiving the vaccine, despite whatever state restrictions may be in place as to who receives it.
Doctors in boutique practices say they'll adhere to public health guidelines in determining who gets priority. But being on a waiting list at a practice that has special freezers and other high-quality resources means you're already near the front of the line once the supply opens up.

Doctors in these "boutiques" confirm this. One co-founder of a "concierge" medical service "with clinics in New York, the Hamptons and Beverly Hills" told the LA Times that his group started soliciting these expensive deep-cold freezers as soon as it was apparent the vaccine would be on the market.

While the Trump administration has not yet been caught offering the vaccine for private distribution, these physicians groups feel it is just a matter of time before such allocations are made, in part due to the demanding and entitled nature of their patrons. The LA Times specifically refers to instances of these "concierge" patients offering huge payments to these groups for the privilege of jumping to the first in line. In one case a person asked if he could accelerate his receipt of the vaccine by making a $25,000 "donation" to a hospital. And, as CNN reports, other physicians with "A-list" clients have been fielding hundreds of calls, all conveying the message, of course, that their money should give them priority:
Dr. David Nazarian, of My Concierge MD in Beverly Hills, said a number of his A-list clients are contacting him, saying that money is no object if it helps them get the vaccine early. "They wanted it yesterday," said Nazarian. "We will play by the rules but are doing everything we can to secure and distribute the vaccine when its available to us."

State officials quoted through these articles are adamant that they will do everything they can to prevent such "line jumping" and they are obviously sincere in that intent. The LA Times article cites no instances yet of physicians succumbing to these types of pressures, but that is likely because the vaccine rollout has just begun, and also because physicians fear the public consequences if they are found out providing the vaccine to those people whose only qualification to receive it is that they are not familiar with taking "no" for an answer.

Another concern described by the Times is the potential for wealthier people to arrange to have their symptoms "fudged" so that a minor history of asthma, for example, could be highlighted or stressed by their doctor for the purpose of receiving the vaccine on a priority basis. And there are always those people closely connected with pharmaceutical executives who believe they ought to warrant special treatment due to the nature of those relationships. Beyond this, as reported by Stat News here, once a vaccine is developed that does not require such stringent storage, there is virtually no doubt that a "black market" will develop for it, with access provided to the highest bidder.

As bluntly emphasized by Timothy Egan this week, writing for the New York Times, this pandemic is hardly close to reaching its conclusion. The next three months are going to be a living hell, with American deaths by March now expected to reach or exceed 500,000. We already know that the Trump administration will pay scant if any attention to the way this vaccine is allotted once it finally gets its act together on distribution. It is the individual states that will ultimately determine the priority of how the vaccine is dispensed, at least officially.

Which brings us back to those so-called "essential workers." If they were as essential as they were roundly described in all of those solemn advertisements, one would expect that, after health care workers (which seems obvious) they would be the first to receive the vaccine, right?

As reported by Stat News, not necessarily:
"Essential workers" are expected to receive early access to the vaccine, and the definition of this category is open to interpretation by state health departments, creating a means for influential industries to lobby for priority. "The devil's going to be in the details of how the state runs their program," Lang said he tells his patients.

Members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the federal panel recommending how to distribute the vaccines, want to prioritize essential workers to help ensure people of color, who are often the hardest hit by the virus, get early access. But the predominantly white workers in the financial services industry are also considered essential, according to guidance from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which was referenced by ACIP, as well as executive orders from several states including New York, Illinois, Colorado, and California. Public-facing bank tellers face contagion risks in their work, but aren't the only financial services employees included.

"It was left a little bit nebulous but basically covered people who oil the movement of money, so exchanges, trading floors, trading operations, and people who keep money moving at the retail [banking] level," said Lang.

Again, it seems that the people who have the money will be prioritized to receive the vaccine, as well as—not coincidentally-- the people whose job it is to move money for those same people.

A more telling verdict on our society's priorities could hardly be imagined.

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The horrifying American roots of Nazi eugenics

Holocaust Museum Dr. Mengele

History News Network December 12, 2020

Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a co-called "Master Race."

But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.

Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws. Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in "colonies," and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning. Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all such surgeries.

California was considered an epicenter of the American eugenics movement. During the Twentieth Century's first decades, California's eugenicists included potent but little known race scientists, such as Army venereal disease specialist Dr. Paul Popenoe, citrus magnate and Polytechnic benefactor Paul Gosney, Sacramento banker Charles M. Goethe, as well as members of the California State Board of Charities and Corrections and the University of California Board of Regents.

Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America's most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics' racist aims.

Stanford president David Starr Jordan originated the notion of "race and blood" in his 1902 racial epistle "Blood of a Nation," in which the university scholar declared that human qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty were passed through the blood.

In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations.

The Harriman railroad fortune paid local charities, such as the New York Bureau of Industries and Immigration, to seek out Jewish, Italian and other immigrants in New York and other crowded cities and subject them to deportation, trumped up confinement or forced sterilization.

The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.

Much of the spiritual guidance and political agitation for the American eugenics movement came from California's quasi-autonomous eugenic societies, such as the Pasadena-based Human Betterment Foundation and the California branch of the American Eugenics Society, which coordinated much of their activity with the Eugenics Research Society in Long Island. These organizations--which functioned as part of a closely-knit network--published racist eugenic newsletters and pseudoscientific journals, such as Eugenical News and Eugenics, and propagandized for the Nazis.

Eugenics was born as a scientific curiosity in the Victorian age. In 1863, Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, theorized that if talented people only married other talented people, the result would be measurably better offspring. At the turn of the last century, Galton's ideas were imported into the United States just as Gregor Mendel's principles of heredity were rediscovered. American eugenic advocates believed with religious fervor that the same Mendelian concepts determining the color and size of peas, corn and cattle also governed the social and intellectual character of man.

In an America demographically reeling from immigration upheaval and torn by post-Reconstruction chaos, race conflict was everywhere in the early twentieth century. Elitists, utopians and so-called "progressives" fused their smoldering race fears and class bias with their desire to make a better world. They reinvented Galton's eugenics into a repressive and racist ideology. The intent: populate the earth with vastly more of their own socio-economic and biological kind--and less or none of everyone else.

The superior species the eugenics movement sought was populated not merely by tall, strong, talented people. Eugenicists craved blond, blue-eyed Nordic types. This group alone, they believed, was fit to inherit the earth. In the process, the movement intended to subtract emancipated Negroes, immigrant Asian laborers, Indians, Hispanics, East Europeans, Jews, dark-haired hill folk, poor people, the infirm and really anyone classified outside the gentrified genetic lines drawn up by American raceologists.

How? By identifying so-called "defective" family trees and subjecting them to lifelong segregation and sterilization programs to kill their bloodlines. The grand plan was to literally wipe away the reproductive capability of those deemed weak and inferior--the so-called "unfit." The eugenicists hoped to neutralize the viability of 10 percent of the population at a sweep, until none were left except themselves.

Eighteen solutions were explored in a Carnegie-supported 1911 "Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder's Association to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population." Point eight was euthanasia.

The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a "lethal chamber" or public locally operated gas chambers. In 1918, Popenoe, the Army venereal disease specialist during World War I, co-wrote the widely used textbook, Applied Eugenics, which argued, "From an historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution… Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated." Applied Eugenics also devoted a chapter to "Lethal Selection," which operated "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or bacteria, or by bodily deficiency."

Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an organized lethal solution. But many mental institutions and doctors practiced improvised medical lethality and passive euthanasia on their own. One institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk from tubercular cows believing a eugenically strong individual would be immune. Thirty to forty percent annual death rates resulted at Lincoln. Some doctors practiced passive eugenicide one newborn infant at a time. Other doctors at mental institutions engaged in lethal neglect.

Nonetheless, with eugenicide marginalized, the main solution for eugenicists was the rapid expansion of forced segregation and sterilization, as well as more marriage restrictions. California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate," "oversexed" or "sexually wayward." At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.

In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed, 700 of which were on women. The state's two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363 operations. Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino, Napa, Norwalk, Stockton and Pacific Colony state hospitals.

Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense.

Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German officials and scientists.

Hitler studied American eugenics laws. He tried to legitimize his anti-Semitism by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudoscientific facade of eugenics. Hitler was able to recruit more followers among reasonable Germans by claiming that science was on his side. While Hitler's race hatred sprung from his own mind, the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America.

During the '20s, Carnegie Institution eugenic scientists cultivated deep personal and professional relationships with Germany's fascist eugenicists. In Mein Kampf, published in 1924, Hitler quoted American eugenic ideology and openly displayed a thorough knowledge of American eugenics. "There is today one state," wrote Hitler, "in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States."

Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible."

Hitler's struggle for a superior race would be a mad crusade for a Master Race. Now, the American term "Nordic" was freely exchanged with "Germanic" or "Aryan." Race science, racial purity and racial dominance became the driving force behind Hitler's Nazism. Nazi eugenics would ultimately dictate who would be persecuted in a Reich-dominated Europe, how people would live, and how they would die. Nazi doctors would become the unseen generals in Hitler's war against the Jews and other Europeans deemed inferior. Doctors would create the science, devise the eugenic formulas, and even hand-select the victims for sterilization, euthanasia and mass extermination.

During the Reich's early years, eugenicists across America welcomed Hitler's plans as the logical fulfillment of their own decades of research and effort. California eugenicists republished Nazi propaganda for American consumption. They also arranged for Nazi scientific exhibits, such as an August 1934 display at the L.A. County Museum, for the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.

In 1934, as Germany's sterilizations were accelerating beyond 5,000 per month, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe upon returning from Germany ebulliently bragged to a key colleague, "You will be interested to know, that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought.…I want you, my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life, that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people."

That same year, ten years after Virginia passed its sterilization act, Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital, observed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, "The Germans are beating us at our own game."

More than just providing the scientific roadmap, America funded Germany's eugenic institutions. By 1926, Rockefeller had donated some $410,000 -- almost $4 million in 21st-Century money -- to hundreds of German researchers. In May 1926, Rockefeller awarded $250,000 to the German Psychiatric Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, later to become the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry. Among the leading psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rüdin, who became director and eventually an architect of Hitler's systematic medical repression.

Another in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute's eugenic complex of institutions was the Institute for Brain Research. Since 1915, it had operated out of a single room. Everything changed when Rockefeller money arrived in 1929. A grant of $317,000 allowed the Institute to construct a major building and take center stage in German race biology. The Institute received additional grants from the Rockefeller Foundation during the next several years. Leading the Institute, once again, was Hitler's medical henchman Ernst Rüdin. Rüdin's organization became a prime director and recipient of the murderous experimentation and research conducted on Jews, Gypsies and others.

Beginning in 1940, thousands of Germans taken from old age homes, mental institutions and other custodial facilities were systematically gassed. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed.

Leon Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society declared of Nazism, "While we were pussy-footing around…the Germans were calling a spade a spade."

A special recipient of Rockefeller funding was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin. For decades, American eugenicists had craved twins to advance their research into heredity. The Institute was now prepared to undertake such research on an unprecedented level. On May 13, 1932, the Rockefeller Foundation in New York dispatched a radiogram to its Paris office: JUNE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS OVER THREE YEAR PERIOD TO KWG INSTITUTE ANTHROPOLOGY FOR RESEARCH ON TWINS AND EFFECTS ON LATER GENERATIONS OF SUBSTANCES TOXIC FOR GERM PLASM.

At the time of Rockefeller's endowment, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, a hero in American eugenics circles, functioned as a head of the Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Rockefeller funding of that Institute continued both directly and through other research conduits during Verschuer's early tenure. In 1935, Verschuer left the Institute to form a rival eugenics facility in Frankfurt that was much heralded in the American eugenic press. Research on twins in the Third Reich exploded, backed up by government decrees. Verschuer wrote in Der Erbarzt, a eugenic doctor's journal he edited, that Germany's war would yield a "total solution to the Jewish problem."

Verschuer had a long-time assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notified the German Research Society, "My assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmführer [captain] and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsführer [Himmler]."

Mengele began searching the boxcar arrivals for twins. When he found them, he performed beastly experiments, scrupulously wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork back to Verschuer's institute for evaluation. Often, cadavers, eyes and other body parts were also dispatched to Berlin's eugenic institutes.

Rockefeller executives never knew of Mengele. With few exceptions, the foundation had ceased all eugenic studies in Nazi-occupied Europe before the war erupted in 1939. But by that time the die had been cast. The talented men Rockefeller and Carnegie financed, the institutions they helped found, and the science it helped create took on a scientific momentum of their own.

After the war, eugenics was declared a crime against humanity--an act of genocide. Germans were tried and they cited the California statutes in their defense. To no avail. They were found guilty.

However, Mengele's boss Verschuer escaped prosecution. Verschuer re-established his connections with California eugenicists who had gone underground and renamed their crusade "human genetics." Typical was an exchange July 25, 1946 when Popenoe wrote Verschuer, "It was indeed a pleasure to hear from you again. I have been very anxious about my colleagues in Germany…. I suppose sterilization has been discontinued in Germany?" Popenoe offered tidbits about various American eugenic luminaries and then sent various eugenic publications. In a separate package, Popenoe sent some cocoa, coffee and other goodies.

Verschuer wrote back, "Your very friendly letter of 7/25 gave me a great deal of pleasure and you have my heartfelt thanks for it. The letter builds another bridge between your and my scientific work; I hope that this bridge will never again collapse but rather make possible valuable mutual enrichment and stimulation."

Soon, Verschuer once again became a respected scientist in Germany and around the world. In 1949, he became a corresponding member of the newly formed American Society of Human Genetics, organized by American eugenicists and geneticists.

In the fall of 1950, the University of Münster offered Verschuer a position at its new Institute of Human Genetics, where he later became a dean. In the early and mid-1950s, Verschuer became an honorary member of numerous prestigious societies, including the Italian Society of Genetics, the Anthropological Society of Vienna, and the Japanese Society for Human Genetics.

Human genetics' genocidal roots in eugenics were ignored by a victorious generation that refused to link itself to the crimes of Nazism and by succeeding generations that never knew the truth of the years leading up to war. Now governors of five states, including California have issued public apologies to their citizens, past and present, for sterilization and other abuses spawned by the eugenics movement.

Human genetics became an enlightened endeavor in the late twentieth century. Hard-working, devoted scientists finally cracked the human code through the Human Genome Project. Now, every individual can be biologically identified and classified by trait and ancestry. Yet even now, some leading voices in the genetic world are calling for a cleansing of the unwanted among us, and even a master human species.

There is understandable wariness about more ordinary forms of abuse, for example, in denying insurance or employment based on genetic tests. On October 14, America's first genetic anti-discrimination legislation passed the Senate by unanimous vote. Yet because genetics research is global, no single nation's law can stop the threats.

Edwin Black is the author of "IBM and the Holocaust" and "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race," from which the following article is drawn.
Dr. Deborah Birx abruptly says she's retiring

President Donald J. Trump looks on as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx delivers remarks during a coronavirus update briefing Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. 
(Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Brad Reed and Raw Story December 22, 2020

Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the most visible public faces of the Trump White House's COVID-19 response, announced this week that she will be retiring less than a month before President Donald Trump is set to leave.

The Associated Press reports that Birx has vowed to help President-elect Joe Biden's transition team with whatever they need before she goes.

"I will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in, and then I will retire," she said.

Earlier this fall, CNN reported that Birx was considering resigning from her position as White House coordinator of the coronavirus task force because she was "distressed" at the direction the White House's response to the pandemic was taking.

Birx was reportedly particularly upset at Trump's embrace of Dr. Scott Atlas, who has pushed for a strategy of "herd immunity" for the virus that experts say could leave millions of Americans dead.

Dr. Birx: 'There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust' - ›
Dr. Deborah Birx seemed like a reasonable voice close to the throne ... ›
Dr. Birx confronted Pence with demand he fire Trump's 'dishonest ... ›

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Suwanose-jima volcanostratovolcano 799 m/ 2,621 ft
Ryukyu Islands, Japan, 29.64°N / 129.72°E
Current status: minor activity or eruption warning (3 out of 5)
Suwanose-jima webcams / live data | Reports
Volcano videos
Suwanose-jima volcano eruptions:
2004 (Oct) - ongoing: intermittent strombolian-type activity
Since 1949: essentially continuous activity
2000 (Dec) - Jul 2004 (Jul): strombolian activity, 1999 (Jan-Feb, June), 1996 (Dec) - 1997 (Apr), 1949-96, 1940, 1938, 1934 (?), 1925, 1921-22, 1915 (?), 1914 (?), 1889, 1885, 1884, 1877, 1813-14 (sub-plinian Bunka eruption), around 1600 AD (large explosive eruption)
Typical eruption style:
explosive, strombolian

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Sentinel hub | Landsat 8

Suwanose-jima volcano, Japan, news & activity updates
Suwanosejima volcano (Ryukyu Islands, Japan): intense strombolian activity continues
Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 10:5510:55 AM | BY: MARTIN

Strong glow continues to be active at Suwanosejima volcano (image: JMA)

Intense strombolian activity at Suwanosejima volcano continues (image: @TaTohru/twitter)Intense explosive activity of the volcano continues characterized by near-constant eruptions.
Strombolian explosions become stronger than the average size of explosions at the volcano and more frequent at regular intervals of 2 to 4 per hour during the past few weeks.
An explosions generated an ash plumes which reached approx. 1,968 ft-3,937 ft (600 m-1,200 m) altitude and drifted SW. Some of a lava bombs were ejected as far as 800 m away from the crater.
In addition, the activity is accompanied with a strong glow from the Otake crater that suggesting rise of flux of magma within the volcano.
The warning bulletin states that ballistic impacts of volcanic bombs and pyroclastic flows could affect an area of about 1 km distance from the main crater.
Source: Japan Meteorological Agency volcano activity update 22 December 2020
All news about: Suwanose-jima volcano
Information about: Suwanose-jima volcano

Previous news
Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 06:15
Suwanose-jima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ACTIVITY CONT. VA AT 20201222/0600Z OVER FL040 EXTD

Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 18:15
Suwanose-jima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ACTIVITY CONT. VA AT 20201221/1800Z OVER FL040 EXTD

Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 06:15
Suwanose-jima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ACTIVITY CONT. VA AT 20201221/0600Z FL040 EXTD S OBS VA DTG: 21/0550Z

Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 19:30
Suwanose-jima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: EXPLODED AT 20201220/1903Z FL040 EXTD S OBS VA DTG: 20/1900Z

Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 08:15
Suwanose-jima Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTED AT 20201220/0753Z OVER FL060 EXTD SE OBS VA DTG: 20/0750Z

View of the active south pit with a little lava fountain (Benbow volcano, Ambrym, Vanuatu) (Photo: T...

Wonderful strombolian activity at Anak Krakatau. Night of 6-7 June 09. (Photo: Tom Pfeiffer)

Sulphur crusted breadcrust bomb on the rim of Fossa volcano's crater, Vulcano Island (Photo: Tom Pfe...

Etna volcano updates and eruption news:

Etna volcano update: Another paroxysm with lava fountains

Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 10:27
10:27 AM | BY: T
Lava fountain from Etna's New SE crater early this morning (image: LAVE webcam)
Lava fountain from Etna's New SE crater early this morning (image: LAVE webcam)
Activity of Etna after the end of the eruption showing the two lava flows (image: Boris Behncke / INGV Catania)
Activity of Etna after the end of the eruption showing the two lava flows (image: Boris Behncke / INGV Catania)

A third paroxysm occurred at the volcano in the early morning hours today, following the previous one after almost exactly 24 hours.
After around 2 am local time, the New SE crater showed increasing strombolian activity from its main vent (the so-called saddle vent), as well as, to lesser degree, from the eastern summit vent. This activity continued to increase until a phase of lava fountaining set in around 5 am that lasted approx. one hour.
As during the previous paroxysm, a lava flow was issued from the fracture beneath the vent during the height of activity. It branched into two flows, one directed SW towards the 2002 and Monte Frumento Supino cones, overlapping the previously emplaced flows, the other SE into the Valle del Bove, visible in this video:

As lava flows traveled over snow, occasional phreatomagmatic explosionsdue to rapid evaporation of trapped snow pockets occurred from time to time.
It seems very likely that this is the start of a new series of paroxysm. The next one might occur in the near future, but only Etna knows exactly...

Earthquake News and Global Seismic Reports

World Earthquake Report for Monday, 21 December 2020

Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 00:24

Worldwide earthquakes above magnitude 3 during the past 24 hours on 22 Dec 2020

Summary: 5 quakes 5.0+, 27 quakes 4.0+, 76 quakes 3.0+, 199 quakes 2.0+ (307 total)
Global seismic activity level on 21 December 2020: MODERATE
Does Biden Really Understand That Trickle-Down Economics Is a Cruel Hoax?

At this juncture, between a global pandemic and the promise of a post-pandemic world, and between the administrations of Trump and Biden, we would be well-served by changing the economic paradigm from trickle down to build up.

by Robert Reich Published on Monday, December 21, 2020

The practical alternative to trickle-down economics might be called build-up economics.
 (Photo by Ronen Tivony/NurPhoto via Getty Images

How should the huge financial costs of the pandemic be paid for, as well as the other deferred needs of society after this annus horribilis?

Politicians rarely want to raise taxes on the rich. Joe Biden promised to do so but a closely divided Congress is already balking.

That’s because they’ve bought into one of the most dangerous of all economic ideas: that economic growth requires the rich to become even richer. Rubbish.

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once dubbed it the “horse and sparrow” theory: “If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”

We know it as trickle-down economics.

You don’t need a doctorate in ethical philosophy to think that now might be a good time to tax and redistribute some of the top’s riches to the hard-hit below.In a new study, David Hope of the London School of Economics and Julian Limberg of King’s College London lay waste to the theory. They reviewed data over the last half-century in advanced economies and found that tax cuts for the rich widened inequality without having any significant effect on jobs or growth. Nothing trickled down.

Meanwhile, the rich have become far richer. Since the start of the pandemic, just 651 American billionaires have gained $1 trillion of wealth. With this windfall they could send a $3,000 check to every person in America and still be as rich as they were before the pandemic. Don’t hold your breath.

Stock markets have been hitting record highs. More initial public stock offerings have been launched this year than in over two decades. A wave of hi-tech IPOs has delivered gushers of money to Silicon Valley investors, founders and employees.

Oh, and tax rates are historically low.

Yet at the same time, more than 20 million Americans are jobless, 8 million have fallen into poverty, 19 million are at risk of eviction and 26 million are going hungry. Mainstream economists are already talking about a “K-shaped” recovery – the better-off reaping most gains while the bottom half continue to slide.

You don’t need a doctorate in ethical philosophy to think that now might be a good time to tax and redistribute some of the top’s riches to the hard-hit below. The UK is already considering an emergency tax on wealth.

Biden has rejected a wealth tax, but maybe he should be even more ambitious and seek to change economic thinking altogether.

The practical alternative to trickle-down economics might be called build-up economics. Not only should the rich pay for today’s devastating crisis but they should also invest in the public’s long-term well-being. The rich themselves would benefit from doing so, as would everyone else.

At one time, America’s major political parties were on the way to embodying these two theories. Speaking to the Democratic National Convention in 1896, populist William Jennings Bryan noted: “There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.”

Build-up economics reached its zenith in the decades after the second world war, when the richest Americans paid a marginal income tax rate of between 70% and 90%. That revenue helped fund massive investment in infrastructure, education, health and basic research – creating the largest and most productive middle class the world had ever seen.

But starting in the 1980s, America retreated from public investment. The result is crumbling infrastructure, inadequate schools, wildly dysfunctional healthcare and public health systems and a shrinking core of basic research. Productivity has plummeted.

Yet we know public investment pays off. Studies show an average return on infrastructure investment of $1.92 for every public dollar invested, and a return on early childhood education of between 10% and 16% – with 80% of the benefits going to the general public.

The COVID vaccine reveals the importance of investments in public health, and the pandemic shows how everyone’s health affects everyone else’s. Yet 37 million Americans still have no health insurance. A study in the Lancet estimates Medicare for All would prevent 68,000 unnecessary deaths each year, while saving money.

If we don’t launch something as bold as a Green New Deal, we’ll spend trillions coping with ever more damaging hurricanes, wildfires, floods and rising sea levels.

The returns from these and other public investments are huge. The costs of not making them are astronomical.

Trickle-down economics is a cruel hoax. The benefits of build-up economics are real. At this juncture, between a global pandemic and the promise of a post-pandemic world, and between the administrations of Trump and Biden, we would be well-served by changing the economic paradigm from trickle down to build up.

Robert Reich, is the Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a senior fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He served as secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. His book include: "Aftershock" (2011), "The Work of Nations" (1992), "Beyond Outrage" (2012) and, "Saving Capitalism" (2016). He is also a founding editor of The American Prospect magazine, former chairman of Common Cause, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentary, "Inequality For All." Reich's newest book is "The Common Good" (2019). He's co-creator of the Netflix original documentary "Saving Capitalism," which is streaming now.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

This is the world we live in. This is the world we cover.
God Bless America 
Also Please Buy A Hoodie To Free Kyle Rittenhouse

by Abby Zimet, Further columnist Monday, December 21, 2020


Because up is down and capitalism rules, the family of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old punk who killed two men and wounded another with an AR-15 he brought to a peaceful protest, has set up a website selling a rich variety of "Free Kyle" merch in the righteous name of "the God-given and Constitutional right to self-defense," also the right to profit from murder 'cuz Murica. In August, Rittenhouse crossed state lines to join the third night of Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake, which left him paralyzed. In the chaos, Kyle tripped, fell, and then randomly killed Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26; he also critically wounded Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He was charged with first-degree reckless homicide and attempted first-degree intentional homicide. This was apparently an outrageous affront to justice according to his family, lawyer and gonzo supporters, who argue, "This kid should be given a metal (sic) not a sentence!"

To racist gun freaks and whoever all these other sick people are, Kyle is "a good kid. He killed 2 people who tried to harm him. He is a real hero." He's also "a patriot we should thank for his sacrifice in battling evil criminal rioters" and "an American citizens detained for protecting himself against a violent mob, but nothing is happening (to) illegals who were paid to vote in our election. This is not the America I was promised!!!" Horribly predictably, his case has been taken up by the bourgeoning cesspool of neo-Nazis and white supremacistyahoos, including our fascist ex-president, as "a martyr for their cause (and) an example to be emulated." Cue gatherings of thugs wearing t-shirts saying "Kyle Was Right!" and shirts by a company called Right Wing Death Squads that say "Kyle Did Nothing Wrong" - per "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" - and declaim on the back, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of commies." Really. "It's simple," say the Proud Boys, who admittedly tend to keep things simple. "You’re either fighting for Kyle’s life like the rest of us or you’re not."

This particular alternative reality is eagerly echoed on his family's website. On the night in question, it declares, Kyle "volunteered to help protect local business" in Kenosha as the protest unfolded. As "a certified lifeguard," he "brought his medical expertise and medical kit," and oh yes a loaded AR-15 assault rifle "to protect himself." Hearing of cars lit on fire "by rioters bent on chaos, he brought a fire extinguisher, "upsetting the violent mob." Then he was "stalked and brutally attacked," so he killed two guys and almost killed another in "self-defense." To help with what could be $2 million-dollar legal fees - Lin Wood, of election fraud fame, raised the earlier $2 million-dollar bail with a reportedly sketchy slush fund - they began selling a gaudy, pricey array of "Free Kyle" merch, purportedly "designed by Kyle himself!" Crop tops, t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, laptop sleeves, trucker hats, mugs and, as befits an unsound 17-year-old boy's fever dreams, padded bras and bikinis declaiming “Self-Defense Is A Right, Not A Privilege" across the front and butt. They said they'd raised $57,000 by Monday night, when their printing platform @Printful shut down the website.

The site had already raised murky legal issues, given Wisconsin's Son of Sam laws preventing people from profiting off their crimes, and that's before the morally complex should-you-be-hawking-stuff-to-support-a-cold-blooded murder conundrum. But Kyle's first lawyer, who's now withdrawn to focus on his "future defamation claims" after facing scrutiny for nine lawsuits against him, $4 milion in debts and a "pattern of at best questionable and at worst unethical conduct," insisted "there is no profit being made," except for, you know, the $2 million. Regardless, when Printful took down the site and crop tops, Kyle fans were Not Happy. "It’s so weird how cancel culture has infected so many aspects of our society. Spineless people," raged a Blaze reporter; he also interviewed Kyle's mom Wendy, who said, "It furiates me." Many others chimed in: Traitors, the Constitution, it's a free country, he did nothing wrong, what about BLM/Che Guevara shirts, it's just like baking a gay cake, "Apparently martyrs don't come in white" and "We get shit on at every turn." A few tried to remind them murderers are not a protected class and only white people can open a business based on their killing someone and, actually, "This is what's known in the legal community as 'second-degree murder.'" Still, Kyle tweeted in the wee hours, they found another company "with principled leadership," and they're back with a new store of "censored" merch. And they accept Bitcoin! God bless America.

This is the world we live in. This is the world we cover.
US sues Walmart accusing retailer of helping fuel opioid crisis

US Justice Department says Walmart ignored warning signs from its pharmacists and filled thousands of invalid prescriptions

If found liable, Walmart could face civil penalties of up to $67,627 for each unlawful prescription filled and $15,691 for each suspicious order not reported. (AP)

The US Justice Department has sued Walmart over its role in the opioid crisis, alleging the giant retailer wrongly filled prescriptions and worsened a public health disaster.

In a civil lawsuit filed in US District Court in Delaware on Tuesday, the department accused Walmart of failing to take its gatekeeping duties as a pharmacy seriously.

Walmart, the world's biggest retailer, created a system that turned its 5,000 in-store pharmacies into a supplier of highly addictive painkillers, dating as early as June 2013, the lawsuit said.

Walmart, whose shares were trading down 1.5 percent following the news, rejected the allegations, saying the "Justice Department’s investigation is tainted by historical ethics violations, and this lawsuit invents a legal theory that unlawfully forces pharmacists to come between patients and their doctors, and is riddled with factual inaccuracies."

Heavy penalties

The suit accuses Walmart of irresponsible handling of orders, filling thousands of "invalid" prescriptions.

Authorities could seek up to billions of dollars in penalties, in the litigation that followed a multi-year investigation, the Justice Department said in a press release.

"As one of the largest pharmacy chains and wholesale drug distributors in the country, Walmart had the responsibility and the means to help prevent the diversion of prescription opioids," said Jeffrey Bossert Clark, acting head of DOJ's civil division.

"Instead, for years, it did the opposite – filling thousands of invalid prescriptions at its pharmacies and failing to report suspicious orders of opioids and other drugs placed by those pharmacies."

Asked if the government was planning on bringing criminal charges, Clark said "you should not draw any inferences about any criminal matters" from the civil filing.

The opioid epidemic has claimed the lives of roughly 450,000 people across the United States since 1999 due to overdoses from prescription painkillers and illegal drugs.

If found liable, it could face civil penalties of up to $67,627 for each unlawful prescription filled and $15,691 for each suspicious order not reported.

Walmart's lawsuit

Walmart has filed its own lawsuit against the Justice Department in October that argued that the US crackdown put it in a no-win position.

Pharmacists "must make a difficult decision" of either accepting a doctor's "medical judgment and fill the opioid prescription or second-guess the doctor's judgment and refuse to fill it," Walmart said in its suit.

"Either decision puts the pharmacist and pharmacy at great risk," the company argued.

It said it faces potential federal action if prosecutors say an order was wrongly filled, or the chance of having a pharmacist license "stripped for the unauthorised practice of medicine, not to mention the potential harm to patients in need of their medicine."

Trump administration considers immunity
for MBS in assassination plot

Riyadh has requested that the Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman be shielded from a US lawsuit accusing him of sending a death squad to kill Saad Aljabri, a former Saudi spymaster.

The US administration is weighing a request to grant legal immunity for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from a lawsuit, which accuses him of sending a hit squad to kill dissident Saad Al Jabri, the Washington Post reported on Monday.

The Saudi government has requested Washington that MBS should be protected from liability in a case filed by Saad al Jabri, a deputy to former Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who was then Minister of the Interior.

Al Jabri was once a key point man between Saudi intelligence services and Western agencies, and he is credited with stopping terrorist attacks, including one on synagogues inside the US, earning him the respect of American intelligence officials.

Sarah and Saad al Jabri in Boston, US, in 2016. (Reuters Archive)

“A license to kill”

In a lawsuit filed earlier this year, Al Jabri claims that a 50-person Saudi kill team was sent to assassinate him in 2018, almost two weeks after Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered and dismembered by a Saudi hit squad.

The Post said that the US State Department sent a questionnaire to Al Jabri’s lawyers last month, asking for their legal opinions on whether it should grant the Saudi request.

Al Jabri’s eldest son Khalid told the Post if given, the US would essentially be granting MBS immunity for conduct that succeeded in killing Jamal Khashoggi and failed to kill his father.

“Lack of accountability is one thing, but allowing impunity through immunity is like issuing a license to kill.”

One last favour

A State Department recommendation could also lead to dismissal of Muhammed Bin Salman as a defendant in other cases filed in the US, including one accusing him of orchestrating the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi and of targeting a hack operation to discredit Al Jazeera anchor Ghada Ouesis for her criticism of the kingdom.

US government lawyers will be required in February to submit arguments in two separate lawsuits related to the Khashoggi case, brought under the Freedom of Information Act by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

The lawyers have been prevented disclosure of relevant documents on national security grounds so far.

US President Donald Trump has been a staunch supporter of MBS. However, his days at the Oval Office are counted. And US President-elect Joe Biden issued a statement on the anniversary of Khashoggi's murder in October, saying the journalist and his loved ones “deserve accountability”.

“We will reassess our relationship with the Kingdom, end US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and make sure America does not check its values at the door to sell arms or buy oil… Jamal’s death will not be in vain, and we owe it to his memory to fight for a more just and free world,” the statement said.

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman shakes hands with US President Donald Trump, at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019. (Reuters)

“Black box”

The US State Department’s recommendation of immunity is binding on US courts and it usually seeks advice from other agencies before issuing it, the newspaper reported.

A quick decision can be made for a head of state, or take months or years. As another option, the Trump administration can ignore it, and deny the request.

Jabri’s lawyers are supposed to reply to the questions until the beginning of January. They are expected to assert that MBS is a prince, not the head of the state, so he should not be granted any legal immunity.

Al Jabri, 61, has been described as the "black box" of Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Nayef.

He is believed to hold the secrets of the ruling royal family. He worked for four decades in the Saudi Interior Ministry. In the last 20 years, he served as a security adviser to Bin Nayef and together they attempted to reform the intelligence service.

After Nayef was removed from his royal position by MBS, Al Jabri left Saudi Arabia for Canada with a fear of ill-treatment by the Saudi authorities.

He openly opposed Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Yemen war that has been underway since 2015. The Saudi government had detained Saad al Jabri’s two adult children and brother in March to try to force his return to the kingdom.

The government also sought his extradition via Interpol, citing corruption charges, but the organization rejected the Saudi request as they saw it as a “politically motivated move”.

A US court in August issued an order to summon Mohammed bin Salman and 12 other Saudi officials, who were accused of masterminding the attempted assassination of Al Jabri.

In one WhatsApp message, the lawsuit showed, MBS told Al Jabri: “Don’t force me to escalate things and take legal measures, as well as other measures that would be harmful to you.”

Source: TRT World