Friday, June 04, 2021

Jerusalem evictions that fueled Gaza war could still happen


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Maryam Ghawi, a Palestinian, holds a family photo taken in the home behind her that is now occupied by Israeli settlers in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem, where hers is among dozens of Palestinian families facing imminent eviction from their homes by Israeli settlers, Tuesday, May 25, 2021. After weeks of unrest that captured international attention, the evictions could still proceed. Some could be carried out in the coming months as international attention wanes, potentially setting off another round of bloodshed.(AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

JERUSALEM (AP) — A long-running campaign by Jewish settlers to evict dozens of Palestinian families in east Jerusalem is still underway, even after it fueled weeks of unrest and helped ignite an 11-day Gaza war.

An intervention by Israel’s attorney general at the height of the unrest has put the most imminent evictions on hold. But rights groups say evictions could still proceed in the coming months as international attention wanes, potentially igniting another round of bloodshed.

The settlers have been waging a decades-long campaign to evict the families from densely populated Palestinian neighborhoods in the so-called Holy Basin just outside the walls of the Old City, in one of the most sensitive parts of east Jerusalem.

Israel captured east Jerusalem, home to holy sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims, in the 1967 war and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. Israel views the entire city as its capital, while the Palestinians want east Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

The settlers are using a 1970 law that allows Jews to reclaim properties lost during the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s creation, a right denied to Palestinians who lost property in the same conflict, including Palestinian citizens of Israel.

The Israeli rights group Ir Amim, which closely follows the various court cases, estimates that at least 150 households in the neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan have been served with eviction notices and are at various stages in a long legal process.

The plight of four extended families comprising six households in Sheikh Jarrah, who were at risk of imminent eviction, triggered protests that eventually merged with demonstrations over the policing of a flashpoint holy site. After warning Israel to halt the evictions and withdraw from the site, Hamas fired long-range rockets at Jerusalem on May 10, triggering heavy fighting between Israel and the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza.

As tensions rose, Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit secured the postponement of the final hearing in the case of the four families. Another group of families requested that the attorney general also intervene in their cases, securing a delay. Israelis are currently trying to form a new government, adding more uncertainty to the process.

That has bought time for the families, but nothing has been resolved.

“Everything is very much hanging in the balance,” said Amy Cohen, a spokeswoman for Ir Amim. Rights advocates fear Israel will proceed with the evictions once the furor dies down and international attention turns elsewhere.

“We’re talking about over 1,000 Palestinians in both these two areas that are at risk of mass displacement,” Cohen said. “Because these measures are taking place in such an incremental manner, it’s so much easier to dismiss.”

The families in Sheikh Jarrah are stuck in limbo. A total of at least 65 families in two areas of the neighborhood are threatened with eviction, according to Ir Amim, including a group of families set to be evicted in August.

Banners hang in the street in Sheikh Jarrah, and small, occasional protests are still held there. Police man checkpoints at either end of the road and keep watch as Jewish settlers — who seized one of the homes in 2009 — come and go.

The settlers say they acquired the land from Jews who owned it before the 1948 war, when Jordan captured what is now east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. Jordan settled several Palestinian families on the land in the early 1950s after they fled from what is now Israel during the 1948 war. Settlers began trying to evict them shortly after Israel captured the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the 1967 war.

For Palestinians, the evictions conjure bitter memories of what they refer to as the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of Israel’s creation, when some 700,000 Palestinians — a majority of the population — fled or were driven from their homes as the new state battled five Arab armies. Most ended up in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza and neighboring countries.

“This isn’t just about Sheikh Jarrah, it’s about the entire Israeli occupation, that’s the problem. They aren’t going to stop here,” says Saleh al-Diab, who was born, grew up, married and raised his own children in one of the homes under threat in Sheikh Jarrah.

“You lose your home to them in 1948 and then they come back after 1967 and take your home again,” he said.

Yaakov Fauci, a settler from Long Island, New York, who gained internet fame after a widely circulated video showed a Palestinian resident scolding him for stealing her home, says the Palestinians are squatting on private property.

“They’ve lived here since 1956. This is not exactly ancestral land going back to the times of Abraham,” he said. Fauci says he is a tenant and has no personal involvement in the legal dispute, but he insists the land belongs to the Jewish people.

“We don’t want to cause them any pain and suffering, but we need to have our land back,” he said. “If there are people there, they have to unfortunately get out.”

Ir Amim estimates that settler organizations have already evicted 10 families in Sheikh Jarrah and at least 74 families in Silwan, a few kilometers (miles) away, in the last few decades.

The Israeli government and a settler organization that markets properties in Sheikh Jarrah did not respond to requests for comment. Israel has previously said the evictions are a private real estate dispute and accused Hamas of seizing on the issue to incite violence.

The settler movement enjoys strong support from the Israeli government and the right-wing parties that dominate Israeli politics. The settlers have benefitted from Israeli policies going back to 1967 that have encouraged the expansion of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem while severely restricting the growth of Palestinian communities.

Today, more than 700,000 Jewish settlers live in both territories, mostly in built-up residential towns and neighborhoods. The Palestinians and much of the international community view the settlements as a violation of international law and a major obstacle to peace.

Ir Amim says Israeli authorities could intervene in any number of ways to prevent the Jerusalem evictions, including by modifying the law that allows settlers to take over such properties.

Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the European Union, has demanded that Israel rein in the settlers as part of the informal truce brokered by Egypt that ended the Gaza war. Egyptian mediators are exploring ways to prevent the evictions, and previous cease-fires have included significant concessions to Hamas.

A war that destroyed hundreds of homes in Gaza may have ensured that residents of Sheikh Jarrah can remain in theirs, at least for now.

Palestinian citizens of Israel divided over new government
After Ra'am became the first Arab party join an Israeli government in decades, some Palestinian citizens of Israel see the move as "historic" while others remain skeptical.

United Arab List (Raam) party leader Mansur Abbas speaks to the media on June 2, 2021, in Ramat Gan, Israel, after joining a coalition to force Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu out of office. - Amir Levy/Getty Images

Daoud Kuttab
Israeli elections
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
June 3, 2021

The Israeli declaration of independence announced on May 14, 1948, includes a call "to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions."

Now, 73 years since the founding of Israel and after decades in which Palestinians were ignored, bypassed and had their national identity denied, a Palestinian citizen of Israel — the head of the United Arab List party (Raam), Mansour Abbas — has added his signature to a coalition government agreement cobbled together by Yair Lapid, the head of the Yesh Atid party.

While the new government is to be headed by an ultra-right-wing Israeli, Naftali Bennett, and is unlikely to take a stand on the Palestinian conflict, many Palestinian citizens in Israel are hailing the new government as "historic" and saying they feel the development will help legitimize Palestinians in Israel.

While Abbas has not succeeded in snatching any government position either at the ministerial or deputy ministerial level, he has proclaimed that joining the coalition will have long-term results, especially in the economic and development sectors. According to Abbas, the new Israeli government will earmark 52 billion shekels (about $16 billion) to be spent in the Arab community over the next four years. Unrecognized Bedouin villages and towns are to be gradually recognized and the law fast-tracking the demolitions of homes are to be reviewed with an eye toward ensuring that demolitions for homes built without a license should be suspended until there are approved zoning plans for any particular town or village. Palestinian citizens of Israel (like Palestinians in Jerusalem) say that they are forced to build without a license because of the restrictions on issuing housing permits due to the absence of approved zoning plans.

The success of Abbas and his party will be measured by whether it gives cover to further Israeli human rights violations or instead ushers in a new era in which Palestinian citizens of Israel are recognized and granted their due as citizens of the country.

On the larger political level, the only issue that appears to unite the coalition parties appears to be their hatred of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is unclear whether Netanyahu and his hard-core Likud supporters will ease off their pressure on the new coalition members, especially those on the right-wing side, with the aim of influencing the vote of confidence due to take place by June 14.

When it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it appears that the coalition agreement makes little reference to any change in policy despite the 11 days of violence between the Israeli army and the Palestinian resistance in Gaza last month.

Ahmad Deek, director-general of the Palestinian Foreign Ministry, told Al-Monitor the Palestinian government has three criteria when dealing with any Israeli government. They are, “Is it a legitimate Israeli government; is it interested in peace and willing to be a genuine partner for peace and justice; and, finally, is it willing to curb activities that are contrary to international law such as settlements, house demolitions and the attempts to make Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city.”

Other Palestinian officials said that they have not seen anything in the new government that will be different from the previous governments insofar as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is concerned and that it is unlikely to be a stable government that will last four years.

Ziad Aby Zayyad, a former minister in the Palestinian government, sounded more skeptical. "The new government, with the support of Mansour Abbas's Islamic list, may succeed in getting some cosmetic improvements in the Arab affairs. It had asked for the abolishing of the Kiminst [house demolition] law but was not taken seriously. Let's wait and see, especially considering that the life of this government may be shorter than expected."

The focus by the Raam party on economic and developmental issues of the Arab community in Israel rather than on national issues has been a source of criticism by some; the recent developments took place only after the Joint Arab List was splintered and weakened. Palestinian nationalists in Israel are even more unhappy with the timing of Arab inclusion in the coalition as it comes when there is a heightened feeling of unity between Palestinians in Israel, the occupied territories and the diaspora. This was evidenced by the one-day strike Arab and Palestinian communities held in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza on May 18 in protest of the Israeli attacks on Gaza and the attacks in many mixed Arab-Jewish towns in Israel. Diana Butt, a former legal representative to the Palestinian negotiating team who lives in Haifa, told Al-Monitor that the new coalition agreement involving the participation of an Arab party is “idiotic.”

Although many see the inclusion of Arabs in the latest coalition agreement as historic, the true test will only be measured on the ground as the public assesses whether the decision will improve their lives and those of fellow Palestinians in the occupied territories

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Netanyahu Joins Trump, Bolton, Pompeo in ‘Dustbin of History,’ Iran’s Zarif Says
JUNE 3, 2021

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif attends a joint news conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu (not seen) in Istanbul, Turkey, January 29, 2021. Photo: Turkish Foreign Ministry /Handout via REUTERS.

i24 News – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday launched a bitter broadside against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to his likely ouster from power.

“Netanyahu has joined the disgraceful journey of his anti-Iran co-conspirators — Bolton, Trump and Pompeo — into the dustbin of history. Iran continues to stand tall. This destiny has been repeated over several millennia for all those wishing Iranians harm. Time to change course,” Zarif tweeted.

After opposition leader Yair Lapid announced on Wednesday that he managed to secure a coalition deal just minutes before a midnight Wednesday deadline, Netanyahu appears to be facing the end of his 12-year tenure as the head of Israeli government, during which he’s been a relentless adversary of Iran’s nuclear ambitions and destabilizing activities across the Middle East.

However, Zarif’s sendoff could still prove premature as the prospective coalition commands only a slender majority in parliament and a confidence vote is not expected until Monday; this gives Netanyahu some time to woo potential defectors among the unlikely bedfellows ranged against him.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

SpaceX launches solar arrays, baby squid to International Space Station

It’s the 22nd cargo resupply mission SpaceX has launched to the ISS
By Joseph Guzman | June 3, 2021| THE HILL

Story at a glance

The Dragon cargo capsule launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a new Falcon 9 rocket Thursday afternoon and is set to dock at the space station on Saturday.

The capsule is carrying the first of three pairs of high-tech solar panels to provide more power to the space station.

Also aboard the cargo ship are thousands of tardigrades, also known as water bears, and 128 baby glow-in-the-dark bobtail squid to be used in experiments on the space station.

SpaceX successfully launched a 7,300-pound shipment of supplies to the International Space Station that includes science experiments, new solar arrays and other cargo.

The Dragon cargo capsule launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a new Falcon 9 rocket Thursday afternoon and is set to dock at the space station on Saturday.

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The first stage of the reusable rocket landed on an offshore platform several minutes after launching and will be used for a NASA astronaut flight later this year.

It’s the 22nd cargo resupply mission SpaceX has launched to the space station for NASA.

The capsule is carrying the first of three pairs of high-tech solar panels to provide more power to the space station. Two spacewalks will occur later this month to install the roll-out solar panels.

Also aboard the cargo ship are thousands of tiny tardigrades, also known as water bears, and 128 baby glow-in-the-dark bobtail squid to be used in experiments on the space station.

Tardigrades are capable of tolerating extreme environments on Earth. Researchers are aiming to identify the genes behind the animal’s adaptability which could help scientists better understand the stress factors that affect humans in space.

The baby bobtail squid will be used as part of research into the effects of spaceflight on interactions between microbes and animals.

“Beneficial microbes play a significant role in the normal development of animal tissues and in maintaining human health, but gravity’s role in shaping these interactions is not well understood,” NASA said.

“This experiment could support the development of measures to preserve astronaut health and identify the ways to protect and enhance these relationships for applications on Earth,” the space agency said.

Canadian government asks Pope to apologize for mass graves of Indigenous children

Government officials are calling for an official apology for the role the Catholic Church played in the country’s residential school system.

By Joseph Guzman | June 3, 2021 | THE HILL

Story at a glance

The remains of 215 Indigenous children were discovered at the site of a former residential school in Canada last week.

The Kamloops Indian Residential School was one of the largest in Canada and operated by the Catholic Church between 1890 and 1969.

On Wednesday, Canada’s Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said he believes the Pope needs to issue an apology.

Canadian officials are urging the Pope to issue a formal apology days after the remains of 215 Indigenous children were found at the site of a former residential school in Canada.

According to The Associated Press (AP), First Nations children from the 19th century through the 1970s were forced to attend Christian schools to convert to Christianity and assimilate them into Canadian society.

America is changing faster than ever! Add Changing America to your Facebook or Twitter feed to stay on top of the news.

The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc community announced the discovery of the remains near the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada last week.

Thousands of children across the country, most of whom were Indigenous, were separated from their families and forced to attend the residential schools that were operated by the Catholic Church.

The Kamloops Indian Residential School was one of the largest in Canada and operated by the Catholic Church between 1890 and 1969 before it was closed in the late 1970s. A 2015 report from the Canadian government detailed physical, sexual and emotional abuse some of the children suffered, and in 2017, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau personally asked the Pope to consider an official apology.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2018 said the Pope could not personally apologize for the Catholic Church’s role in the residential schools.

On Wednesday, Canada’s Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said he believes the Pope needs to issue an apology.

“I think it is shameful that they haven’t done it, that it hasn’t been done to date,” Miller said.

“It should be done. There is a responsibility that lies squarely on the shoulders of the Council of Bishops in Canada,” he added.

On Wednesday, the archbishop of Vancouver issued an apology.

“I am writing to express my deep apology and profound condolences to the families and communities that have been devastated by this horrific news,” Archbishop Michael Miller said.

“The Church was unquestionably wrong in implementing a government colonialist policy which resulted in devastation for children, families and communities,” he said.




Design has a history of violence. It can be an act of creative destruction and a double-edged sword, surprising us with consequences intended or unintended. Yet professional discourse has been dominated by voices that only trumpet design’s commercial and aesthetic successes.

Historically, designers’ ambitions have ranged from the quotidian to the autocratic, from the spoon to the city. Under the guise of urban renewal or the cliché of disruptive innovation, designers of all kinds—from architects and typographers to interface, product, and fashion designers—have played a role in the reconfiguration of ways of life, ecosystems, and moral philosophies. Although designers aim to work toward the betterment of society, it is and has been easy for them to overstep, indulge in temptation, succumb to the dark side of a moral dilemma, or simply err.

Violence, on the other hand, is one of the most mutable constants in history. It accommodates myriad definitions, spanning a wide spectrum between the symbolic and the real, and between the individual and the public. In recent years, technology has introduced new threats and added dramatically to its many manifestations. Our exploration of the relationship between design and violence will shed light on the complex impact of design on the built environment and on everyday life, as well as on the role of violence in contemporary society.

As we define it, violence is a manifestation of the power to alter circumstances, against the will of others and to their detriment. We have assembled a wide range of design objects, projects, and concepts that have an ambiguous relationship with violence, either masking it while at the same time enabling it; animating it in order to condemn it; or instigating it in order to prevent it. Almost all were designed after 2001. We see that year as a watershed because it marks four historical shifts in the modern evolution of violence: the beginning of a permanent War on Terror; a global shift from symmetrical to asymmetric warfare; the emergence of nation-building as an alternative to military supremacy; and the rise of cyberwarfare. The few exceptions—the AK-47, for instance—are archetypal examples of the entanglement between design and violence in the 20th century.

We will group the projects into the following thematic categories:

Hack/Infect: disrupting the rules of the system
Constrain: binding, blocking, and distorting
Stun: causing blunt trauma
Penetrate: infiltrating the boundaries, breaching
Manipulate/Control: drawing into the realm of violence with suasion
Intimidate: promising damage and death
Explode: annihilating visibly and completely

We are inviting experts from fields as diverse as science, philosophy, literature, music, film, journalism, and politics to respond to selected design objects and spark a conversation with all readers. Pairing the critical thinkers we most admire with examples of challenging design work, we intend to present case studies that will spark discussion and bring the relationship between design and violence to center stage for designers and the people they serve—all of us.

Design and Violence is organized by Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, MoMA; Jamer Hunt, Director, graduate program in Transdisciplinary Design, Parsons The New School for Design; Kate Carmody, Curatorial Assistant, Department of Architecture and Design, MoMA; and Michelle Millar Fisher, Exhibition Coordinator, Department of Architecture and Design, MoMA. See Paola discuss the project in process at Eyeo 2013 in Minneapolis.

The website was designed by Shannon Darrough, Senior Media Developer, Department of Digital Media. Initial design by Luke Keller. Creative direction by Allegra Burnette, Creative Director, Department of Digital Media. Website development by Arrow Root Media.

Please follow us at @desviolenz

The content submitted by authors and participants to the Design and Violence site does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Museum of Modern Art.

How abandoned strip mines are being rescued by a field of sweet-smelling purple plants

By Richie Hertzberg |THE HILL

VIDEO An innovative new company is rescuing the damaged land — and people — of Appalachia

Jocelyn Sheppard hasn’t always been a lavender and honey farmer. For more than a decade, she was the founding partner of a consulting firm that did market research, business planning and grant writing for tech startups and nonprofits. But something came up at work that pulled her into a completely different world.

“I was hired to write a grant to explore the feasibility of growing lavender on reclaimed coal mine land,” Sheppard recalls, “When the grant was winding down, I had the idea that this would be great as a commercial opportunity.”

This year, Sheppard’s notion became a reality in Boone County, W.Va. Her new company, Appalachian Botanical, is now a 35-acre lavender farm and apiary located in the bowl of an old strip mine.

It’s a venture of second chances in more than one way.

The Boone County area was once a busy hub for strip mines. But as the world pivoted to natural gas, those coal mines were no longer financially feasible to operate, so the mining companies walked away. The pH balance of the soil they left behind doesn't have the nutrients to support most vegetation, leaving acres of pitted hillsides and valleys. Fortunately, there is one beautiful purple plant that is even tougher than the rocky terrain.

Sheppard acquired a 15-year agricultural lease from the Penn Virginia Operating Company, the landowner of an old strip mine. Without any competition, she pays just a nominal annual rent as well as royalties based on gross sales. It's a godsend for the mining company, which is only able to reclaim the bond they have on the site when the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection decides the land has been restored and is productive. So instead of having to plant trees, which take many years to be deemed productive, Penn Virginia Operating Co. is letting Appalachian Botanical do the reclamation work faster and cheaper.

But the second lease on life isn't for the land alone.

“One of the reasons that this business has been so important to me is there are people out there who need second chances,” Sheppard says. “While maybe they’ve made some bad decisions in life, it’s not entirely their fault they were born into poverty or born into an area where the jobs are few and far between. So helping them come back from the problems they’ve experienced so they can be productive members of society, that's an extremely attractive proposition to me.”

Adam, a crew lead at the company, is a formerly incarcerated resident of Boone County who is especially grateful for the opportunity he’s been given at Appalachian Botanical.

“I’m from a small town here in Boone county," he says. "It’s a rough part of town. There’s not too much to do other than get in trouble. There’s not a whole lot of jobs around here so there was nothing really looking forward or bright. So I just hung out with friends, started working construction around 14 or 15 years old, and I made bad decisions on bad decisions. Ultimately put me in jail. I’ve been in and out of jail since I was about 12 years old. I started using drugs and I caught a charge in 2014 which put me into a drug court program."

"Appalachian Botanical is a really great company," he continues. "They don’t hold your past against you, they’re only worried about what you can do for yourself and what you can do for the company. As long as you show up for work, they want to help you succeed. They want to help you get through all the stuff that’s been on you. Loosen up the weight that’s been on your shoulders.”

It doesn’t stop there. Sheppard believes that mental health and recovery is as important as financial stability. So Appalachian Botanical is working with Devaraj Behavior Healthcare to provide recovery service therapy to employees struggling with addiction and substance abuse.

“In this area there are very limited services for someone in addiction or someone with mental health issues," says Kimberly Holstein, who is the onsite liaison and also Director of Programs and Operations with Devaraj. "Our therapists are able to come in and help provide those therapy services. We’re finding that has improved their work performance, because they’re able to come in with a clear mind.”

Appalachian Botanical is a zero-waste company--every part of the lavender plant is used for their products. They sell body creams, aromatherapy products, food products like lavender honey, and home goods products as well. They can be found at, as well as a number of boutique stores across West Virginia.

Published on Apr 30, 2021

FBI Investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Over Alleged Straw Donor GOP-Fundraising Scheme: Report

June 3rd, 2021, 

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

Federal authorities are investigating whether Postmaster General Louis DeJoy pressured his former employees to donate to Republican political candidates and causes before reimbursing them later through excessive bonuses, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

According to the report, “people familiar with the matter” told the Post that federal prosecutors had issued a subpoena to DeJoy for information and said FBI agents had been interviewing current and former employees of DeJoy’s former company, the North Carolina-based contract logistics handler New Breed Logistics.

DeJoy’s spokesman confirmed the investigation, the Post reported.

The Post in September 2020 reported that five of DeJoy’s former employees claimed they were urged by him or one of his chief executives to make large monetary contributions to Republican fundraising efforts and to attend GOP events where tickets “routinely fetched $100,000 or more apiece.”

Two former New Breed Logistics employees also reportedly alleged that DeJoy offset the cost of the contributions by instructing the company to reimburse the employees for their political contributions by awarding them with excessive bonus payments.

“He asked employees for money. We gave him the money, and then he reciprocated by giving us big bonuses,” New Breed’s former director of human resources David Young told The Post. “When we got our bonuses, let’s just say they were bigger, they exceeded expectations — and that covered the tax and everything else.”

The allegations, if true, would appear to constitute a classic straw donor scheme often used to bypass restrictions on an individual’s political donations.

According to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) explainer:

Contributions in the Name of Another are Strictly Prohibited

Reimbursing someone for a contribution or otherwise contributing in the name of another person can result in substantial civil penalties and jail time. The FEC and the Department of Justice have prosecuted several such cases over the last few years. These violations sometimes occur when an individual who has already contributed up to the limit to a campaign gives money to another person to make a contribution to the same candidate.

Mark Corallo, a spokesperson for the embattled postmaster general, confirmed the investigation but told the Post that DeJoy never “knowingly” broke the law.

“Mr. DeJoy has learned that the Department of Justice is investigating campaign contributions made by employees who worked for him when he was in the private sector,” Corallo told the paper. “He has always been scrupulous in his adherence to the campaign contribution laws and has never knowingly violated them.”

The Post’s original reporting on the alleged scheme—which came amid allegations that DeJoy, was intentionally sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) ahead of the presidential election—sparked an investigation by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, many of whom accused DeJoy of lying during sworn congressional testimony.

Testifying before the Committee in August 2020, DeJoy explicitly denied having participated in any kind of straw donor scheme, calling any such claim “outrageous.”

“The answer is no,” DeJoy said when asked about the allegations by Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.). “I’m fully aware of legal campaign contributions, and I resent the assertion, sir.”

DeJoy has similarly denied allegations that he was sabotaging USPS, though a Washington state federal judge in September 2020 issued an injunction blocking his proposed sweeping changes to the agency. In blocking the changes, Chief U.S. District Judge Stanley A. Bastian, a Barack Obama appointee, said that then-President Donald Trump and DeJoy were “involved in a politically motivated attack on the efficiency of the Postal Service.”

[image via via TOM WILLIAMS_POOL_AFP via Getty Images]

Dallas HS valedictorian delivers abortion rights call

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas high school valedictorian scrapped a speech approved by her school administrators and delivered an abortion rights call in its place.

© Provided by The Canadian Press

Paxton Smith, the 2021 valedictorian at Lake Highlands High School, submitted to school officials an address on the effect of the media on young minds. But when she spoke at Sunday’s graduation ceremony, she talked of what she called “a war on the rights” of her body and those of other girls and women by the “heartbeat bill” signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott a week and a half before.

“I cannot give up this platform to promote complacency and peace when there is a war on my body and a war on my rights. A war on the rights of your mothers, a war on the rights of your sisters, a war on the rights of your daughters. We cannot stay silent,” she told her class.

The new law outlaws, without exception, any abortion after a first heartbeat can be detected. That could come as early as six weeks after conception when many women could be unaware that they are pregnant.

The law also would allow anyone to sue a Texas abortion provider or anyone who helped someone get an abortion for as much as $10,000.

The law would take effect in September, but federal courts have mostly blocked states from enforcing similar measures.

“I have dreams and hopes and ambition. Every girl graduating today does. We have spent our entire lives working towards our future, and without our input and without our consent, our control over that future has been stripped away from us. I am terrified that if my contraceptives fail, I am terrified that if I am raped, then my hopes and aspirations and dreams and efforts for my future will no longer matter. I hope that you can feel how gut-wrenching that is, I hope that you can feel how dehumanizing it is, to have the autonomy over your own body taken from you,” she said.

Smith, who plans to study the music business at the University of Texas at Austin, said Wednesday that she had already submitted her original speech to school officials and was trying to finish an end-of-year project in the school's music room when she decided to scrap that speech.

“I couldn't keep my mind on the project. My mind kept wandering to the ‘heartbeat bill’ and what it meant. So, I started making some notes,” she told The Associated Press.

Smith said she expected to have her microphone cut off (it wasn’t) or to have her diploma withheld (it wasn’t but she was told later it was considered). And she was stunned by the response to her message.

“I thought it would die right there,” she said. But she saw tears in her audience midway through the speech. In the days since, video of her address posted on social media and retweeted broadly has drawn kudos from comedian Sarah Silverman, who tweeted, “Brave,” and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who tweeted: “This took guts. Thank you for not staying silent, Paxton.”

The Richardson Independent School District, of which Lake Highlands is part, was less enthusiastic. In a statement, it said it would review student speech protocols before next year’s graduation ceremonies.

“The content of each student speaker’s message is the private, voluntary expression of the individual student and does not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position or expression of the District or its employees,” it said.

Terry Wallace, The Associated Press

Video: Group vows to fight 'sneaky' Texas abortion law (The Canadian Press)
The Chamber of Commerce just sounded the alarm on America’s labor crisis - and it’s blaming a lack of qualified workers for a historically stark shortfall
© Justin Sullivan/Getty Images A customer walks by a now hiring sign at a BevMo store on April 02, 2021 in Larkspur, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A shortage of qualified workers is hindering the labor market's recovery, the Chamber of Commerce said.

Sectoral shifts in worker demand drove a gap between Americans' skillsets and job openings.

Training programs, childcare support, and an expansion of work visas can counter the mismatch, the Chamber said.

The US economy hasn't faced a labor shortage quite like this one.

By several measures, the economy is on the mend. Consumer spending has bounced back, more than half of Americans are fully vaccinated, and the strictest lockdown measures have been reversed. But as businesses look to rehire after months of slowed activity, they're finding it hard to fill openings.

The labor shortage now represents "the most critical and widespread challenge" to US businesses, the US Chamber of Commerce said in a Tuesday report. Only 1.4 available workers exist for each US job opening, according to government data. That's just half the 20-year average, and the ratio is still falling. In sectors hit hardest by the virus, such as education and government, job openings fully exceed available workers.

© US Chamber of Commerce Source: US Chamber of Commerce US Chamber of Commerce

Economists and politicians have pegged the shortfall to a number of factors, ranging from virus fears to enhanced unemployment insurance. The right-leaning Chamber on Tuesday highlighted the country's massive skills gap as fueling the shortage.

"We must arm workers with the skills they need, we must remove barriers that are keeping too many Americans on the sidelines, and we must recruit the very best from around the world to help fill high-demand jobs," Chamber CEO and President Suzanne Clark said.

The organization announced a new initiative on Tuesday aimed at addressing the shortage of qualified workers and difficulties in developing skills. The Chamber is calling for a doubling of the cap on employment visas, federal investment in job-training programs, and an expansion of childcare access for working parents.

A separate survey by The Conference Board echoed the Chamber's remarks. About 80% of organizations hiring industry and manual service workers said it was either "somewhat difficult" or "very difficult" to find qualified employees, up from 74% before the health crisis. The share of firms saying it's "very difficult" to find workers grew to 25% from 4%.

The Chamber's call to action comes as the country forms a wholly new economy. Experts have warned that the post-pandemic economy won't mirror that seen in late 2019. Millions of Americans will struggle to find work as their jobs are permanently erased, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in April. Meanwhile, openings will shift to other industries as the country settles into a new normal.

The mismatch between displaced workers' skills and new job openings is among the biggest challenges facing the US labor market, economists at Fitch Ratings said last week. The rapid change in worker demand by sector "can lead to lasting increases in unemployment" if Americans aren't able to quickly pivot, the team said in a note.

Underscoring the mismatch is the decision by GOP governors in 25 states to prematurely end participation in federal unemployment benefits. Those governors have cited increased benefits as a reason that workers are opting not to come back, causing a labor squeeze. But workers say that's not the full story.

Dina Jones, 54, lives in Texas. Her state's governor, Greg Abbott, announced that Texas will pull out of all federal benefits effective June 26. Prior to the pandemic, Jones had worked in the airline industry for 27 years.

"I made a really good living, and to go out and take a $12, $15 job is - I'm very skilled," Jones told Insider. She said she used to manage over 100 employees. She added: "I just don't understand what's happening out here in the world that I can't get a jo

Early signals suggest low-wage workers will have a harder time pivoting than most. A February report from McKinsey found that low-wage sectors - those hit disproportionately hard by the pandemic - will see permanently weaker labor demand as the country recovers. More than half of the workers displaced from such industries will need to develop new skills and find higher-paying jobs to stay employed after the pandemic ends, the firm said.

"Almost all growth in labor demand will occur in high-wage jobs," the report added.

As for Jones, who will lose all of her unemployment benefits come June, it stings to hear her governor say that there are plenty of jobs out there.

"The jobs that are out there aren't the jobs that I used to have, that I'm skilled for, she said. "And that's the part that hurts."

Read the original article on Business Insider

New Toyota Mirai Travels 623 Miles Or 1,000 km On A Tank Of Hydrogen, Setting New Record




A Toyota Mirai has set a new world record for the longest distance traveled on a single tank of hydrogen for a production car.

The journey took the Mirai a total of 1,003 km (623 miles) from a hydrogen station in the Paris commune of Orly. The car was driven exclusively on public roads in areas south of Paris and in the Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire areas.

Read Also: The 2021 Toyota Mirai Is Already Available With $20,000 In Incentives

Toyota says the latest-generation Mirai can travel around 650 km (403 miles) under normal driving conditions but the 4 drivers used during the record-breaking run were able to eke out much more range.

One of the drivers was a man by the name of Victorien Erussard, the founder of Energy Observer that is a Toyota partner and has previously created a boat with a Toyota fuel cell. Other drivers included Toyota Motor Europe engineer James Olden, Mirai product manager Maxime le Hir, and Toyota France PR manager Marie Gadd.

“It’s an amazing challenge that we achieved with the new Mirai. Internally, it is the mindset of Start your Impossible, going beyond our own limits, that drives us, and we proved it again today,” Toyota France chief executive Frank Marotte said in a statement. “I would like to thank the teams of Toyota France and Toyota Europe, as well as Victorien at Energy Observer, with whom we share the same vision and the same ambition. It is by strong partnerships that we will be able to contribute to a better and more environmentally friendly society. With Toyota’s ambition to go ‘Beyond Zero’ in mind: take a seat for the future.

Federal agency: Nevada flower near mine should be protected

Eriogonum tiehmii - Wikipedia

RENO, Nev. (AP) — An extremely rare wildflower that grows only in Nevada’s high desert where an Australian mining company wants to dig for lithium should be protected under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.

The agency outlined its intention to propose listing Tiehm’s buckwheat as a threatened or endangered species as part of its review of a listing petition conservationists filed in 2019. A federal judge said last month the finding was six months overdue and ordered the agency to render a decision by May 31.

The conclusion that federal protection is warranted could jeopardize Ioneer Ltd.’s plans to build the mine halfway between Reno and Las Vegas.

It also ups the ante in an early test of the Biden administration’s ability to make good on promises to protect public lands and their native species while at the same time pursuing an ambitious clean energy agenda that includes bolstering production of lithium needed for electric car batteries.

Environmentalists say the delicate, 6-inch (15-centimeter) tall wildflower with yellow blooms is on the brink of extinction with fewer than 30,000 individual plants remaining.

Ioneer acknowledges Tiehm’s buckwheat hasn’t been documented anywhere else in the world but insists it can co-exist with the mine.

Nevertheless, the looming listing presents the biggest regulatory hurdle to date for what would be only the second large-scale lithium mine operating in the United States.

The Center for Biological Diversity first petitioned for federal listing in October 2019 and weeks later filed suit against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to block construction of the mine at Rhyolite Ridge west of Tonopah in the Silver Peak Range about 20 miles (32 kilometers) east of the California line and 200 miles (322 km) southeast of Reno — where Tesla Motors’ largest lithium battery factory is located.

“Tiehm's buckwheat shouldn't be wiped off the face of the earth by an open-pit mine,” Patrick Donnelly, the center's Nevada director, said Thursday. “The service stepping in to save the plant from extinction is the right call.”

Ioneer Managing Director Bernard Rowe said Thursday they expected the warranted finding and share the Fish and Wildlife Service’s “commitment to protect and preserve Tiehm’s buckwheat in its habitat.”

“This process will provide greater certainty around our schedule and diminishes the prospect of future litigation,” he said. “We remain confident that the science strongly supports the coexistence of our vital lithium operation and Tiehm’s buckwheat.”

The tiny population of Tiehm’s buckwheat is found on 21 acres (8 hectares) spread across 3 square miles (7.8 square kilometers) at the mine site.

Scientists say the plant plays an integral role in the desert ecosystem by stabilizing soils, dispersing seeds and creating a sort of oasis that provides rare food and moisture for bees and other pollinators.

The service said a 2019 survey estimated the plant's global population totaled 43,921 — all at the mine site. But it said in Thursday's finding that an unprecedented rodent attack during severe drought last summer damaged or destroyed more than half the plants.

It said that herbivory combined with the potential impact from the mining project would reduce the flower's population by an estimated 70% to 88% — “or from 43,921 individuals to roughly 5,289-8,696 individuals.

Ioneer is proposing to salvage most of the remaining plants by transplanting them to another location, the service said.

“However, we are uncertain whether the salvage operation will succeed because current research indicates that Tiehm's buckwheat is a soil specialist, that adjacent unoccupied sites are not suitable for all early life-history stages, and there has been no testing and multiyear monitoring on the feasibility of successfully transplanting the species,” the agency said.

Other threats to the plant include road-building, off-road travel, livestock grazing and climate change, the service said.

Ioneer says the mine would create 400 to 500 construction jobs and 300 to 400 operational jobs, and is expected to produce 22,000 tons (19,958 metric tons) of lithium — enough to power hundreds of thousands of electric vehicles annually.

Demand for lithium worldwide is expected to double by 2025. Much of the world’s lithium supply currently comes from Australia and South America, where Chinese firms are heavily invested.

Boosting domestic production could potentially lower the price tag on a key component of President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate plan: offering rebates to consumers to trade in gas-powered for electric cars.

The only large-scale lithium mine currently operating in the U.S. is also in Nevada, only about 10 miles (16 kilometers) from where Ioneer proposes its mine. The North Carolina-based Albemarle’s Silver Peak Mine has been in operation since the 1960s.

A third lithium mine proposed in north-central Nevada near the Oregon line at the largest known lithium deposit in the U.S. also is facing legal challenges.

Scott Sonner, The Associated Press

Hundreds of lakes in U.S., Europe are losing oxygen

Oxygen levels have dropped in hundreds of lakes in the United States and Europe over the last four decades, a new study found
© Provided by The Canadian Press
And the authors said declining oxygen could lead to increased fish kills, algal blooms and methane emissions.

Researchers examined the temperature and dissolved oxygen — the amount of oxygen in the water — in nearly 400 lakes and found that declines were widespread. Their study, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, found dissolved oxygen fell 5.5 % in surface waters of these lakes and 18.6% in deep waters.

The authors said their findings suggest that warming temperatures and decreased water clarity from human activity are causing the oxygen decline.

“Oxygen is one of the best indicators of ecosystem health, and changes in this study reflect a pronounced human footprint,” said co-author Craig E. Williamson, a biology professor at Miami University in Ohio.

That footprint includes warming caused by climate change and decreased water clarity caused in part by runoff from sewage, fertilizer, cars and power plants.

Dissolved oxygen losses in Earth’s water systems have been reported before. A 2017 study of oxygen levels in the world’s oceans showed a 2% decline since 1960. But less was known about lakes, which lost two to nine times as much oxygen as oceans, the new study's authors said.

Prior to this study, other researchers had reported on oxygen declines in individual lakes over a long period of time. But none of have looked at as many lakes around the world, said Samuel B. Fey, a Reed College biology professor who studies lakes and was not involved in this study.

“I think one of the really interesting findings here is that the authors were able to show that there’s this pretty pronounced decline in dissolved oxygen concentrations in both the surface and (deep) parts of the lake,” Fey said.

The deep water drop in oxygen levels is critical for aquatic organisms that are more sensitive to temperature increases, such as cold water fish. During summer months, they depend on cooler temperatures found deeper in the water, but if deep waters are low on oxygen, these organisms can’t survive.

“Those are the conditions that sometimes lead to fish kills in water bodies,” said study co-author Kevin C. Rose, a professor of biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. “It really means that a lot of habitats for cold water fish could become inhospitable.”

Other organisms, Rose said, are more tolerant of warmer temperatures found at the surface level and can get enough oxygen by remaining near the surface, where water meets air.

About a quarter of the lakes examined actually showed increasing oxygen in surface waters, which Rose says is a bad sign because it's likely attributable to increased algal blooms — sudden growth of blue green algae.

In these lakes, he said, dissolved oxygen was “very low” in deep waters and was unlivable for many species.

And the sediment in such oxygen-starved lakes tends to give off methane, a potent greenhouse gas, research shows.

Lakes examined in the new study were in the U.S. or Europe, except for one in Japan and a few in New Zealand. The authors said there was insufficient data to include other parts of the world.

Rose said lakes outside the study area probably are experiencing drops in dissolved oxygen, too. The reason, he said, is that warmer temperatures from climate change reduce the ability of oxygen to dissolve in water — its solubility.

“We know that most or many places around the planet are warming," he said. “And so we would expect to see declining solubility."


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The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

Drew Costley, The Associated Press