Friday, October 01, 2021

Quebec nurses pan government's bonus offer, say real issue is mandatory overtime

MONTREAL — Sandra Gagnon said she received an excited phone call from her mom last week, after Quebec Premier François Legault said he would give full-time nurses a $15,000 bonus to keep them from quitting the public system.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Gagnon, however, was less excited than her mom. The bonus is bittersweet, she said in a recent interview, and it makes her wonder how much her health is worth.

"It's so great, $15,000, but what do you want me to do with it?" Gagnon said. "I won't have the energy and health to spend it."

On Sept. 23, Legault unveiled what he called a "mini revolution" in the health system, announcing $1 billion to seduce nurses to stay in a network that is missing more than 4,000 of them.

Full-time nurses in the public system would receive one-time bonuses of $15,000, as would part-time nurses who switch to full-time work, Legault said. Nurses who have quit the public health-care network and return full time would get $12,000, while full-time nurses in five regions that are hit particularly hard by shortages would get $18,000, the premier said.

Many nurses and other health-care workers were quick to slam the plan on social media, calling Legault's so-called mini revolution a temporary bandage on an issue that requires serious surgical work. The money is welcome, they said, but it doesn't solve the issue of working conditions, particularly the dreaded mandatory overtime that public-sector nurses are subjected to.

Retired nurse Louise Martel says the money is not enough to bring her back into the system, because it only applies to people who return full time.

"You cannot ask a retired person to come back and work full time — it doesn't make any sense," Martel, 58, who retired in August, said in a recent interview. "We are not going to throw ourselves into the mouth of the wolf!"

Martel, from Baie-Comeau, Que., northeast of Quebec City, said when she heard rumours about the government's announcement, she was tempted. She said she had thought about returning once or twice a week, knowing how desperate hospitals are for staff.

But she said when she heard the official announcement — that the bonuses would only apply to full-time nurses — it felt like a joke.

"I worked as a nurse for 37 years, but really it was more than 45 years if you take into account overtime," Martel said.

Another problem with the bonuses is that they are taxable, she said, adding that close to half the promised amount will go right back to the government. "The bonus should be non-taxable — or give us a car that is worth $15,000."

Even with the taxes, Gagnon said she won't refuse the extra cash.

"Christmas is coming, I'm not going to say, 'no, keep your money,' but it doesn't fix the problem and that's what we've been asking for so long," Gagnon said, adding that she usually ends up working close to 60 hours per week at her Montreal-area hospital because of mandatory overtime.

Gagnon, who has worked as a nurse for 25 years, said it's virtually impossible to refuse overtime, adding that the government should have made solving that issue its priority.

"Nurses should have time to treat patients like if they were their parents, but we can't do it anymore," Gagnon said. "Why didn't the government ask us what we needed? What we are missing?

"There are nurses who know when their shifts start but can never be sure when they are ending," Gagnon said. "It's not rare that I operate for 16 or 17 hours with less than 30 minutes to eat."

Quebec's plan proposes to reduce mandatory overtime, but not eliminate it. Legault said the financial incentives were only one part of the plan, adding that the money is crucial to prevent more nurses from quitting or moving to the private sector.

"Money won't fix all the problems, but we think it will help us to curb the staff shortage in the short term,'' Legault said in a statement. "We have a duty to succeed with everything you do for us. We owe you that.''

Meanwhile, while nurses were getting more money, other health-care workers said they felt left out.

Shortly after learning of Legault's offer to nurses, a major union representing health-care workers such as medical technicians, said it halted the voting process on the government's latest contract offer.

Union interim president Robert Comeau said the premier's announcement angered his members, because they were allegedly told by the government in June there was no money left for the public sector.

"Everything has changed," Comeau said in a recent interview, adding the members he represents also work in sectors facing labour shortages. His member work "in the same rooms" as nurses receiving up to $18,000 in bonuses, he said.

Peter Gleeson, a medical imaging technologist in Montreal, said he and his colleagues are the "eyes of the hospital" and deserve the same level of respect as nurses. Gleeson said he feels like there's a lack of understanding among the public about how intertwined hospital workers are.

"There is hardly a diagnosis made without medical imaging of some sort," Gleeson said in a recent interview, adding that the offer to the nurses has made him feel "invisible."

"There's a variety of needs and realities in the health-care network profession," Gleeson said. "It can be a beautiful and gratifying profession, working as a team, but there’s a lot of frustration that comes with it too."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Sept. 29, 2021.

— With files from Lia Lévesque.

Virginie Ann, The Canadian Press
Abortion stigma a possible death sentence for Kenyan women

Issued on: 01/10/2021 
Cultural and religious beliefs have created a stigma so strong that even women who procure safe abortions believe they have committed a sin by doing so 
5 min
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Nairobi (AFP)

Victoria Atieno was waiting at a Nairobi bus stop when she felt blood gush from her body, the result of a secret, self-induced abortion -- a method used by thousands of Kenyan women, with potentially fatal consequences.

Kenya's constitution eased access to abortions in 2010 but entrenched stigma about the procedure means that many women resort to traditional practices or backstreet clinics which put their life in jeopardy.

Even a reproductive health counsellor like Atieno -- her mind blanketed with fear -- ended up gulping down a herbal concoction to induce an abortion in secret.

Hours later, as she experienced a public and hugely traumatic termination, she faced a flood of abuse from onlookers, living out the very nightmare she had tried to avoid.

"People will condemn you, criminalise you, try to chase you out of the community," the 35-year-old mother-of-three told AFP.

Every week, 23 women die from botched abortions, according to a 2012 study by Kenya's health ministry 

Many women will do anything to avoid that fate, from drinking bleach to using knitting needles or clothes hangers to end their pregnancies.

The results are horrific, ranging from ruptured uteruses, cervical tears and vaginal cuts to severe infections, bleeding and death.

Every week, 23 women die from botched abortions, according to a study by Kenya's health ministry in 2012 - the most recent available government data.

Campaigners say the real number is even higher.

A report released last year by the non-profit Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) estimates that seven women and girls die every day in Kenya due to unsafe abortions.

In the Dandora slum in the eastern suburbs of Nairobi, where Atieno works with the Coalition of Grassroots Women Initiative, sanitation workers sometimes find abandoned foetuses in the neighbourhood's huge garbage dump.

When the health ministry stopped training abortion providers in 2013, access to such services took a hit 

Volunteers tasked with cleaning up the Nairobi River in 2019 retrieved 14 bodies from its trash-clogged waters, most of them babies.

Cultural and religious beliefs in the deeply Christian country have contributed towards creating a stigma so strong that even women who procure safe abortions believe they have committed a sin by doing so.

More than a year after Susan aborted a pregnancy resulting from a gang rape, the churchgoing mother-of-four still battles intense guilt.

"People see you as a murderer... it makes me feel like I did something very bad," the 36-year-old told AFP.

- De facto ban -

Kenya's constitution says abortions are illegal unless "in the opinion of a trained health professional, there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law".

No other conditions or terms are spelt out.

The vaguely-worded document puts decision-making power wholly in the hands of health providers.

The health ministry was pulled up by the Nairobi high court in 2019 for violating women's and girls' right to physical and mental health 

So when the health ministry stopped training abortion providers in 2013, access to such services took a hit, and women bore the brunt.

The ministry's move came a year after its own study warned that a "disproportionately high" number of women were dying in Kenya because of unsafe abortions.

"The ministry's decision was not based on scientific evidence, it was made against that evidence, evidence which was gathered by the ministry itself," Martin Onyango, CRR's senior legal adviser for Africa, told AFP.

Ministry officials declined interview requests, with a reproductive health expert in the ministry telling AFP: "We are not permitted to talk about abortion at all. That's the policy."

The ministry was pulled up by the Nairobi high court in 2019 for violating women's and girls' right to physical and mental health by halting training for legal abortion providers.

Yet little has changed on the ground since then, leaving the field open for unscrupulous backstreet clinics to exploit women's need for secrecy.

Ken Ojili Mele's niece died at 26 after a botched abortion.

Long opposed to abortion, the 48-year-old carpenter told AFP he was filled with regret after her untimely death en route to a hospital.

"Maybe she didn't want to tell me because she knew I would have been angry," he said.

"I wish she had shared it with me, I could have maybe helped her find a safer hospital."

- Silence and tears -

Abortions are extremely difficult to access at state hospitals. Some private health providers perform the procedure, for which the fee starts at around 3,000-4,000 Kenyan shillings ($27 / 23.5 euros). Pills are used to curtail shorter-term pregnancies.

For women who turn to these sources, fear of disapproval and shame can run deep. The silence lingers even in doctors' waiting rooms.

"In Kenya, it's not easy to say you want an abortion," said Samson Otiago, a doctor specialising in reproductive health.

Dozens of women visit his Nairobi clinic every month and most have to be coaxed into telling him about their intention to terminate a pregnancy.

Dozens of women visit Samson Otiago's Nairobi clinic every month and most have to be coaxed into telling him about their intention to terminate a pregnancy 

Some start crying before they have even said a word, he told AFP.

Many can't afford to pay his fees, which start at 4,000 shillings ($36), so occasionally he offers his services for free or on credit.

"Once a woman has decided to do an abortion, she will do it whichever way she can.

"So we would rather do it (for less money) than expose her to quacks and see her again with complications," he said.

In Dandora, as rape survivor Seline awaited the results of a pregnancy test, she had little doubt about what to do next.

Barely surviving on a monthly wage of 5,000 shillings, the 38-year-old domestic worker told AFP she was determined to get an abortion if the test was positive.

"If the hospital refuses, I will do it the traditional way, with herbs," she said, her voice barely rising above a whisper.

"I am ready to do anything, as long as I don't have to have this baby."

© 2021 AFP

Thursday, September 30, 2021

US estimates 2 million youth vapers as regulator nears key decision

Issued on: 30/09/2021 -
A sign that states "must be over 21" hangs in the store window of a vape shop in New York City 

Washington (AFP)

More than two million American middle and high schoolers reported they were vapers in 2021, with eight in ten using flavored e-cigarettes, a government report said Thursday as the US regulator neared a key decision on the future of the industry.

The latest figure for youth vapers represents a decline from 3.6 million in 2020, but that could be at least partly driven by socialization restrictions and access to vaping products during the Covid pandemic.

The report's authors also said that because the more than 20,000 surveys they sent out between January and May were filled in online, rather than in the classroom as in previous years, the results are hard to compare.

Nonetheless, despite the fact that many youths were in remote learning environments, an estimated 11.3 percent (1.72 million) of high school students and an estimated 2.8 percent (320,000) of middle school students reported current e-cigarette use.

Middle school is grades 6-8 (generally ages 11 to 14) while high school is grade 9 - 12 (generally ages 14-18). Current usage was defined as at least once in the past 30 days.

"These data highlight the fact that flavored e-cigarettes are still extremely popular with kids," said Mitch Zeller, director of the Center for Tobacco Products at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In terms of frequency, 44 percent of high school vapers and 17 percent of middle schoolers reported e-cigarette use on 20 or more of the past 30 days.

Disposables were the most frequently used device, followed by prefilled or refillable pods or cartridges, followed by tanks.

Overall, 85 percent used flavored e-cigarettes, with the most common fruit; candy, desserts, or other sweets; mint; and menthol.

To curb youth vaping, the administration of former president Donald Trump announced a ban on most flavored e-cigarette products in January 2020, and a court ordered companies to submit applications to the FDA by September 2020 to stay on the market.

The FDA has ordered millions of products off the shelves, but missed a September 9 deadline to complete its final review, with market leader JUUL notably absent from determinations made so far.

The agency is weighing the potential benefits of vaping to adult smokers trying to give up conventional cigarettes, versus the harms posed to youth. It has said it is working "expeditiously" to complete the process.

This month, 15 past presidents of the respected Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) authored a paper urging the FDA to take a balanced approach to the question.

It cited clinical trials in England and New Zealand where e-cigarettes were successfully used as smoking cessation devices.

© 2021 AFP
Youth at climate talks frustrated yet defiant

Issued on: 30/09/2021 - 18:40

The 400 youth activists were chosen out of nearly 9,000 applicants by the UN

Milan (AFP)

"Is our voice so scary?"

For representatives of the next generation, who fear being saddled with a lifetime of climate misery, three days of events designed to have their voices heard hardly seem sufficient to address their concern.

Four hundred youth activists were chosen out of nearly 9,000 applicants by the UN to attend the event in Milan meant to give a platform for young people to speak their minds about the climate crisis -- and the lack of action from leaders to address it.

But having been invited from around the world specifically to express their views ahead of the vital COP26 climate summit in October, many participants in Milan did not feel they were being listened to.

On Thursday, when Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi took to the lectern, a small group of protesters held up placards and began chanting: "The people united will not be defeated."

They were promptly escorted from the premises by security.

"I think it's weird that they are scared from a bunch of young people, just because we were protesting and don't agree with the greenwashing," Rikke Nielsen, a 20-year-old activist from Denmark, told AFP.

"It's ridiculous we cannot speak up our mind, we have to stay within the format they created."

Youth activists, including Greta Thunberg, tell Italian PM Mario Draghi of their frustration at inaction on climate change 
Handout Palazzo Chigi press office/AFP

Ahead of the now-weekly youth climate strike on Friday, which Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is expected to lead, the youth were defiant.

- 'They cannot divide us' -

"We won't stop striking until we see change for real, until these things don't happen anymore," said Italian activist Martina Comparelli.

"Until they understand they cannot divide us into delegates and non delegates, as activists who can talk to prime ministers and activists that cannot talk to the prime minister, activists who are stopped because they raised a piece of cardboard."

Comparelli said that the officials gathering for the pre-COP discussions found young people's voices "scary".

"Maybe it is because it is the truth and the truth is always a bit scary."

Asked about what he had heard during the three-day youth gathering, COP26 President Alok Sharma, said:

"There are three feelings I got: it was inspiring, secondly they spoke very, very frankly, and third they spoke the truth, we need to do much more, much faster."

Activists protest in Milan ahead of the vital COP26 climate summit in October

The youth delegates agreed on several key messages for ministers, including increasing climate finance to developing nations and a green energy transition by 2030.

Above all, "young people are not only asking to be heard, they also want their part as equal partners", said one of UN chief Antonio Guterres' youth envoys, Jayathma Wickramanayake.

"It's clearer and clearer the mistrust between young people and governments is increasing more than ever, there is a lot of frustration among young people around the world, especially about the climate crisis."

- 'Greatest threat' -

Some delegates spoke positively about the opportunity to exchange views with government representatives in Milan, especially after the pandemic curtailed a groundswell in youth climate events.

"Today's event was such a great opportunity for so many people, and so many underrepresented people," said Reem al-Saffar, a delegate from Iraq.

Climate change caused by humans 

However the general mood among activists on Thursday was one of frustration at being invited but not really listened to.

"It's not a format designed by young people for young people, but by the UN to suits the UN way of working," said Salina Abraham, 26, from Eritrea.

"Unfortunately it's not perfectly matched with our ideas, and energy and spirit."

Speaking to journalists in a nearby park, where dozens of youths had moved to after the morning's ejections, Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate was undaunted.

"I and other activists will continue speaking, will continue striking, will continue demanding climate justice."

© 2021 AFP

Italian court hands former mayor famed for aiding migrants 13 years in jail

Issued on: 30/09/2021 -
Domenico "Mimmo" Lucano, the former mayor of Riace, pictured in September 2019. 
© Luigi Salsini/LaPresse via AP

A mayor once held up as a model for migrant integration in Italy was sentenced to 13 years in jail on Thursday for a series of crimes including abetting illegal immigration.

Domenico Lucano, the mayor of Riace in southern Italy until 2018, made headlines around the world for welcoming migrants to the sparsely-populated Calabrian village in a bid to boost jobs and development.

Prosecutors had called for the 63-year old, known as Mimmo, to be sentenced to seven years and 11 months for a series of crimes, including conspiracy, abuse of office, fraud, extortion and embezzlement.

His lawyers said the court found him guilty on nearly every count, and gave him almost double the jail time – 13 years and two months – sparking disbelief and outrage among supporters and the political left.

"It's an exorbitant conviction that totally goes against the evidence... (it is) totally incomprehensible and unjustified," lawyers Giuliano Pisapia and Andrea Daqcua said.

"More than 13 years in prison for a man like Mimmo Lucano, who lives in poverty and has had no pecuniary or non-pecuniary advantages from his actions as mayor of Riace... (is) astonishing," they were quoted as saying by Italian media.

Lucano, who will appeal, "has always been committed to his community and to the reception and integration of children, women and men fleeing war, torture and hunger," they said.

The mayor's arrest in 2018 stunned some in Italy and reverberated around Europe, where the "Riace model" – paid for since the 2000s with Italian and European funds – had been hailed as a simple but effective way to revive depopulated villages and house hundreds of asylum seekers.

The programme saw abandoned houses restored and craft workshops reopened in Riace, attracting tourists, and was lauded by many as a model of integration.

Lucano was even named one of the 100 most influential personalities by Fortune magazine in 2016 and inspired a docu-fiction by Wim Wenders.

The court ordered Lucano to repay 500,000 euros ($580,000) worth of EU funds, media reports said.

"I am outlawed because the state has behaved cowardly towards me," Lucano said as he left court, according to the Repubblica newspaper.

"I have spent my life chasing anti-mafia ideals. I became mayor, I sided with the least fortunate, with the refugees," he said, adding that he thought it "unlikely that mafia crimes receive such sentences".


Manchin: If You Want to Save the Planet, Elect More Progressives in 2022


The West Virginia senator's suggestion came as he declared a topline figure of $1.5 trillion for Democrats' reconciliation bill.

A flotilla of activists from Center for Popular Democracy, CASA, and Greenpeace USA take to kayaks and electric boats to demonstrate near Sen. Joe Manchin's (D-W.Va.) houseboat in the Washington, D.C. Wharf to demand that he support the Build Back Better Act. (Photo: Sarah Silbiger/Greenpeace)

September 30, 2021

Sen. Joe Manchin said Thursday that securing sweeping climate legislation to safeguard the planet for future generations requires electing more progressives—unlike him—in 2022.

The corporate Democrat's assertion came as he announced to a crowd of reporters that his topline number for the broad reconciliation bill is $1.5 trillion—a fraction of the $3.5 trillion demanded by progressive lawmakers for the 10-year Build Back Better plan that includes investments to strengthen the safety net and tackle the climate emergency.

Manchin (D-W.Va.), the Senate's top recipient of fossil fuel industry cash, has pushed his party to water down the reconciliation bill, and he and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have obstructed the package's passage.

The $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill, favored by Manchin and criticized by climate campaigners, is facing a tentative vote in the House on Thursday. But progressives have continued to demand congressional passage of the broader reconcilation bill first, before the bipartisan bill faces a vote.

Although Manchin said that his aim is to "put our children at the front end" with the proposed legislation, he told reporters Thursday that, with regard to progressive priorties included in the reconcilation bill, "the other things they want to do maybe we can do at another time."

To progressives opposed to gutting parts of the reconciliation bill's social and climate investments, Manchin said, "Basically take whatever we aren't able to come to agreement with today and take that on the campaign trail next year and I'm sure that you'll get liberal, progressive Democrats with what they say they want."

"I've never been a liberal in any way," said Manchin, adding that "all we need to do I guess for them to get theirs... is elect more liberals."

Polling has shown the Build Back Better plan is popular nationwide—and both political commentators and progressive activists have warned that not passing the full package could negatively impact Democrats at the ballot box next year.

Activists with Center for Popular Democracy, CASA, and Greenpeace USA targeted Manchin this week over his obstruction of the reconcilation bill, bringing a "flotilla" of kayaks near the senator's yacht in Washington, D.C.

"Congress cannot fall for Big Oil's false choice between a healthy economy and a healthy planet. The truth is with fossil fuels we get neither," said John Noël, a senior climate campaigner at Greenpeace USA.

"Climate-fueled disasters cost the global economy $150 billion in 2019. Fossil fuels killed 8.7 million people globally in 2018," he added, calling the Build Back Better Act "a prime opportunity to kickstart a clean energy future and stop sending billions of our tax dollars to fossil fuel companies."

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Manchin Admits Getting His Bill Passed and Then Tanking Progressive Package Was Always the Plan

"Thank god," said one observer, that the Congressional Progressive Caucus is "holding the line on the original deal otherwise we'd be toast on child care, climate, housing, prescription drugs, and everything else."

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) arrives for a bipartisan meeting on infrastructure legislation at the U.S. Capitol on July 13, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Win McNamee via Getty Images)

September 30, 2021

Sen. Joe Manchin admitted Thursday, ahead of a scheduled House vote on the Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill, that it had been corporate Democrats' plan all along to first secure passage of their fossil fuel-friendly legislation and then undermine the party's more ambitious reconciliation package that proposes investing up to $3.5 trillion over a decade in clean energy and the social safety net.

The conservative West Virginia Democrat told reporters Thursday that on July 28, he secured a signed agreement (pdf) from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) outlining his conditions for voting on the final reconciliation bill.

A spokesperson for Schumer, meanwhile, told Politico that "Schumer never agreed to any of the conditions Sen. Manchin laid out; he merely acknowledged where Sen. Manchin was on the subject at the time."

In addition to demanding a topline figure no higher than $1.5 trillion, something he reiterated on Thursday, Manchin said in July that he wanted to delay debate on the reconciliation package until October 1.

Meanwhile, a small group of corporate-funded House Democrats—led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (N.J.) and supported by Manchin and fellow right-wing Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.)—in August pressured Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to bring the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework (BIF) to the floor by September 27 in exchange for their votes on the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that enabled lawmakers to draft the Build Back Better Act, as the reconciliation package has since been named.

Critics were quick to point out the significance of Manchin's revelation.

"It sure feeds the idea that their goal is to pass BIF then bail on reconciliation," noted former Senate staffer Adam Jentleson, now executive director of the Battle Born Collective, a progressive messaging firm.

Ezra Levin, co-founder and co-executive director of Indivisible, a progressive advocacy group, expressed gratitude for the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which has vowed to secure President Joe Biden's entire domestic policy agenda by voting down the bipartisan physical infrastructure bill until Congress passes the popular Build Back Better Act—a broader social infrastructure package that would fund climate action and anti-poverty measures by raising taxes on corporations and the rich—through the filibuster-proof budget reconciliation process.

It remains unclear whether Pelosi still plans to bring the BIF to a vote on Thursday, but progressives' pledge to block the bipartisan bill until it is relinked with the reconciliation package is consistent with the deal that Democratic Party leaders outlined months ago to keep both pieces of legislation connected and advance them together.

In June, Pelosi said that the House would not take up either piece of legislation until the Senate passed both. Last month, she successfully got Gottheimer and the other holdouts to vote for the $3.5 trillion budget blueprint. In order to secure their support, however, Pelosi agreed to hold a late-September vote on the Senate-passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as the BIF is also known.

Pelosi's decision on Monday to schedule a vote on the bipartisan bill even though the reconciliation package is not yet ready, let alone approved—a reversal of her earlier promise to not decouple the two pieces of legislation—has been sharply rebuked by progressives in the House as well as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

As Sanders said Tuesday, "If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress."

"More importantly," Sanders warned, "it will end all leverage that we have to pass a major reconciliation bill."

"That means there will be no serious effort to address the long-neglected crises facing the working families of our country, the children, the elderly, the sick, and the poor," he added. "It also means that Congress will continue to ignore the existential threat to our country and planet with regard to climate change."
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India counters China in Sri Lanka with $700 million port deal


Issued on: 30/09/2021 - 
The move by an Indian company to build a container terminal in Sri Lanka is seen as countering China's rising influence in the region

Colombo (AFP)

An Indian company entered into a $700 million deal Thursday to build a strategic deep-sea container terminal in Sri Lanka, officials said, in a move seen as countering China's rising influence in the region.

The Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) said it signed an agreement with India's Adani Group to build a brand-new terminal next to a $500-million Chinese-run jetty at the sprawling port in the capital Colombo.

"The agreement worth more than $700 million is the largest foreign investment ever in the port sector of Sri Lanka," the SLPA said in a statement.

It said Adani will enter into a partnership with a local conglomerate, John Keells, and the Sri Lankan government-owned SLPA as a minority partner.

John Keells said it will have 34 percent of the company while Adani will have a 51 percent controlling stake in the joint venture known as the Colombo West International Terminal.

The new container jetty will be 1.4 kilometres in length, with a depth of 20 metres and an annual capacity to handle 3.2 million containers.

The first phase of the project with a 600-metre terminal is due to be completed within two years, the company said. The terminal will revert to Sri Lanka ownership after 35 years of operation.

Plans to allow India into the strategic Colombo port goes back several years, but they were scuttled in February when trade unions linked to the ruling coalition opposed giving New Delhi a partially built terminal within the port.

Later, the government asked Indians to build a brand-new terminal adjoining the Chinese-operated Colombo International Container Terminal (CICT).

Colombo is located in the Indian Ocean between the major hubs of Dubai and Singapore, meaning influence at its ports is highly sought after.

Two Chinese submarines berthed at the CICT in 2014, sparking concerns in India which considers neighbour Sri Lanka to be within its sphere of influence.

Since then, Sri Lanka has refused permission for more Chinese submarines to be stationed there.

In December 2017, unable to repay a huge Chinese loan, Sri Lanka allowed China Merchants Port Holdings to take over the southern Hambantota port, which straddles the world's busiest east-west shipping route.

The deal, which gave the Chinese company a 99-year lease, raised fears about Beijing's use of "debt traps" in exerting its influence abroad.

India and the United States have also expressed concerns that a Chinese foothold at Hambantota could give Beijing a military advantage in the Indian Ocean.

© 2021 AFP

Facebook exec defends policies toward teens on Instagram


In this March 20, 2018 file photo, Facebook's head of global safety policy Antigone Davis speaks during a roundtable on cyberbullying with first lady Melania Trump, in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington. Facing lawmakers’ outrage against Facebook over its handling of internal research on harm to teens from Instagram, Davis is telling Congress that the company is working to protect young people on its platforms, on Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing outrage over its handling of internal research on harm to teens from Instagram, a Facebook executive is telling Congress that the company is working to protect young people on its platforms. And she disputes the way a recent newspaper story describes what the research shows.

“We have put in place multiple protections to create safe and age-appropriate experiences for people between the ages of 13 and 17,” Antigone Davis, Facebook’s head of global safety, said in written testimony Thursday for a Senate Commerce subcommittee.

Facebook has removed more than 600,000 accounts on Instagram from June to August this year that didn’t meet the minimum age requirement of 13, Davis said.

Davis was summoned by the panel as scrutiny over how Facebook handles information that could indicate potential harm for some of its users, especially girls, while publicly downplaying the negative impacts.

The revelations in a report by The Wall Street Journal, based on internal research leaked by a whistleblower at Facebook, have set off a wave of anger from lawmakers, critics of Big Tech, child-development experts and parents. The outcry prompted Facebook to put on hold its work on a kids’ version of Instagram, which the company says is meant mainly for tweens aged 10 to 12. But it’s just a pause.

For some of the Instagram-devoted teens, the peer pressure generated by the visually focused app led to mental-health and body-image problems, and in some cases, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. It was Facebook’s own researchers who alerted the social network giant’s executives to Instagram’s destructive potential.

Davis says in her testimony that Facebook has a history of using its internal research as well as outside experts and groups to inform changes to its apps, with the goal of keeping young people safe on the platforms and ensuring that those who aren’t old enough to use them do not.

“This hearing will examine the toxic effects of Facebook and Instagram on young people and others, and is one of several that will ask tough questions about whether Big Tech companies are knowingly harming people and concealing that knowledge,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., chairman of the consumer protection subcommittee, said in a statement. “Revelations about Facebook and others have raised profound questions about what can and should be done to protect people.”

Blumenthal and Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, the panel’s senior Republican, also plan to take testimony next week from a Facebook whistleblower, believed to be the person who leaked the Instagram research documents to the Journal.

Despite the well-documented harms, Facebook executives have consistently played down Instagram’s negative side and have forged ahead with work on Instagram for Kids, until now. On Monday, Instagram head Adam Mosseri said in a blog post that the company will use its time out “to work with parents, experts and policymakers to demonstrate the value and need for this product.”

Already in July, Facebook said it was working with parents, experts and policymakers when it introduced safety measures for teens on its main Instagram platform. In fact, the company has been working with experts and other advisers for another product aimed at children — its Messenger Kids app that launched in late 2017.

The focused outrage transcending party and ideology contrasts with lawmakers’ posture toward social media generally, which splits Republicans and Democrats. Republicans accuse Facebook, Google and Twitter, without evidence, of deliberately suppressing conservative, religious and anti-abortion views.

Democrats train their criticism mainly on hate speech, misinformation and other content on the platforms that can incite violence, keep people from voting or spread falsehoods about the coronavirus.

The bipartisan pile-on against Facebook proceeds as the tech giant awaits a federal judge’s ruling on a revised complaint from the Federal Trade Commission in an epic antitrust case and as it tussles with the Biden administration over its handling of coronavirus vaccine misinformation.

Meanwhile, groundbreaking legislation has advanced in Congress that would curb the market power of Facebook and other tech giants Google, Amazon and Apple — and could force them to untie their dominant platforms from their other lines of business. For Facebook, that could target Instagram, the social media juggernaut valued at around $100 billion that it has owned since 2012, as well as messaging service WhatsApp.


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Ecuador bloodbath: Deadly unrest in Latin America's jails

Issued on: 30/09/2021 -
Inmates walk on the roof of a wing of the main regional prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where dozens of prisoners were killed in a gun battle among inmates Fernando Mendez AFP

Guayaquil (Ecuador) (AFP)

With at least 116 dead after clashes between prisoners in an Ecuador jail, here is a look at the deadliest riots in recent years in Latin America's notoriously overcrowded jails.

- Deadliest -

Over the past three decades, there have been several massive prison riots that left more than 100 inmates dead.

In 2005, a fire ripped through an overcrowded prison in the Dominican Republic's eastern city of Higuey after a dawn riot, leaving at least 135 people dead.

In 1994, 121 inmates were killed after prisoners set fire to three prison blocks during a riot at Sabaneta prison in Venezuela's northern city of Maracaibo.

In 1992 in Brazil, 111 prisoners were killed when security forces put down a riot at the enormous Carandiru jail outside Sao Paulo.

The massacre was later portrayed in an acclaimed 2003 film, "Carandiru".

- Ecuador's 'war' -

Tuesday's bloodshed in Guayaquil is believed to be linked to a "war" between Mexican drug gangs. It is the fifth major incident in the port city's prison in just over a year.

In all, some 200 inmates have died in violence in Ecuador's jails so far this year as they have become a battleground for thousands of prisoners with ties to powerful Mexican cartels.

More than 100 died in clashes last year -- with many beheaded -- with corruption allowing inmates to smuggle in arms and ammunition.

Ecuador's prison system has 65 facilities designed for about 30,000 inmates but a population of 39,000, watched over by 1,500 guards -- a shortfall of about 2,500, according to experts.

- Bloody Brazil -

Deadly riots are frequent in Brazil's overcrowded prisons, which roughly hold twice the number of inmates they were built for.

With more than 702,000 prisoners, Brazil has the world's third largest prison population after China and the United States.

In late May 2019, at least 55 prisoners were killed in several jails over two days in the northwestern state of Amazonas.

Two months later 57 died in a battle between rival gangs in a prison in Altamira in northern Brazil.

On April 11, 2018, at least 21 died in an attempted breakout from a prison near the northern city of Belem.

In early 2017, deadly riots left around 100 prisoners dead in the space of a month -- many were decapitated and even disemboweled.

- Venezuela -

Venezuela also has a long and bloody history of prison unrest, almost matching Brazil's grisly record of 756 death since 1992.

In May 2020, 47 prisoners died after a riot sparks by food shortages in a jail in the western city of Guanare.

Inmates pictured at a 2013 protest at Venezuela's Sabaneta jail, where 121 inmates were killed in a riot in 1994 

In May 2019, at least 29 prisoners were killed in clashes at a jail in the western town of Acarigua.

March 28, 2018 saw one of the worst prison riots in Venezuela, with 68 people dying in a blaze in a police station jail in the northern city of Valencia.

In August 2017, 37 were killed in a jailhouse in the southern Venezuelan state of Amazonas.

© 2021 AFP
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Content warning: this article mentions death, Indigenous residential schools, and the ongoing violence committed against Indigenous peoples.

Today, September 30th 2021, marks the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. The day is meant to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. [1] While this is an important moment to grieve and reflect—we cannot stop here.

Over the past six months, over 1,300 unmarked children's graves have been discovered on the sites of former Residential Schools. [2] It’s likely there are many more: over 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend Indian Residential Schools. [3] 139 of them were set up across the country, and so far, less than 10 have been searched. [4] We know there are thousands yet to be found, and countless others who we may never find.

These figures are hard to comprehend, but we cannot become numb to them. Each of those 1,300 represents a child who was stolen from their family and never returned.

Residential schools are one feature of the state-designed system to destroy Indigenous culture and to subjugate and eliminate Indigenous peoples. This is genocide. [5]

And it is ongoing: the Canadian state continues to undermine the rights of Indigenous peoples, spending millions to fight Residential School survivors in court, foregoing provision of basic rights and services like clean drinking water to Indigenous communities, and sending militarized police into unceded Indigenous territory to violently remove air, water, and land defenders in the name of resource extraction. [6-8]

Today is a day to remind ourselves that the land we live on was never given up freely, but stolen through violence. Non-Indigenous people who live here still benefit from this—and we have the responsibility today, and every day, to work towards reconciliation and dismantle the genocidal legacy of the country we call Canada.

Here are three ways you can take action today:

1. Learn about the history and ongoing genocide of Indigenous peoples in Canada: take the time to learn about the Indigenous Nations whose land you live on, and ways that you can support their calls to action for sovereignty. If you don’t know what territories you are on, you can enter your postal code here to find out. There’s also a list below of resources to get you started.2. Take action: the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has 94 calls to action, including 6 which directly relate to the Residential School systems. We ask that you take the time to read these calls to actions, acknowledge the privilege we all have living on stolen land, and act.3. Donate: today is a federal statutory holiday. There is a call to action to donate One Day’s Pay of your holiday’s earnings, or whatever you can manage, to an Indigenous-led organization or project. The Leadnow team have curated a list of national organizations as well as frontline communities to donate to below.
Here is a list of resources to learn more, and communities/organizations you can donate to and support. This is not a comprehensive list and we encourage you to use it as a starting point to delve deeper about how you can act in solidarity with Indigenous Nations in your community as well.

Articles and Reports

The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Overview of the Indian Residential School System
Indigenous Children and the Child Welfare System in Canada
Calls to Action Accountability: A 2020 Status Update on Reconciliation
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Reports
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action
What is Land Back? A settler’s FAQ
Stories from Survivors:
Residential School Survivors' Stories
Survivors Speak - A Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Indigenous-led organizations to donate to and support:

National Center for Truth + Reconciliation
Orange Shirt SocietyBC Based:

Urban Native Youth Alliance Vancouver
Tiny House WarriorsOntario Based:

Assembly of 7 Generations
Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction
1492 Land Back LaneAtlantic Based:

Mi'kmawPrairies Based:

Alberta Native Friendship Circle Association
The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is just one day, but our solidarity with Indigenous communities must be year-round. For that reason, it is imperative for us to amplify the calls for justice and sovereignty from Indigenous peoples — not just in moments like these, but always.

In solidarity,
Adriana, Claire, and Maggie, for Leadnow

[4] See [2]
[8] is an independent campaigning community that brings Canadians together to hold government accountable, deepen our democracy and take action for the common good. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. - À l’Action est une communauté indépendante qui souhaite réunir les Canadiens afin de demander des comptes au gouvernement, approfondir notre démocratie et passer à l’action pour le bien commun., PO Box 2091, Stn Terminal, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3T2 — 1‑855‑LEADN0W | 1‑855‑532‑3609


On this day we focus on truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. We acknowledge, consider, and honour their contributions to the country we call Canada.

There can be no reconciliation without truth.

The Douglas Coldwell Foundation recognizes the inhumane and unjust treatment of our Indigenous sisters, brothers, and siblings through colonization. These injustices are not just historical; they continue today.

The brutal colonization of Indigenous people was horrific and the lasting effects are tragic: genocide’ stolen lands; broken treaties and promises;, structured dispossession; forced displacement; and continued anti-Indigenous racism.

A national day of recognition is not enough if we do not act upon the truth and work more for justice.

We must come together to ensure support and resources for all Indigenous communities. This commitment must include access to drinking water and safe schools, reform of the child welfare system, actualizing Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination, a full and comprehensive investigation into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, and legal prosecutions for the children killed in residential schools.

We must all steward the earth better, live up to our commitments to each other, and strive to live in proper relation.

The founders of the DCF worked hand-in-hand with Indigenous leaders to establish the framework that would become our universal healthcare system and many of the social democratic concepts of which Canadians are proud. Tommy Douglas and MJ Coldwell collaborated with many Indigenous leaders with the goal of building a federation that could lift everyone up. This vision has still yet to come true.

During our 50th Anniversary celebrations, the Douglas Coldwell Foundation will be shining a bright light on the contributions of outstanding Indigenous leaders, artists, Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and youth in society, culture, and social democratic policy.

Indigenous people whether First Nations, Inuit, or Métis deserve more than words and promises. We all deserve respect, equality, justice, and full access to all benefits.

In a spirit of hope, we, the DCF, will strive to learn from our continued mistakes and help finally make Indigenous peoples - and the country - whole.

Learning, listening, and acting with a full heart, open mind, and strong hands in a spirit of solidarity can and will provide us a path toward realizing reconciliation and decolonization.

The Directors of the Douglas Coldwell Foundation thank our Indigenous sisters, brothers, and siblings for their wisdom, patience, and leadership.

We will do better including you and educating Canadians with you, as needed, about your histories, and accomplishments to create a better future together.

Especially today, we see you, hear you, appreciate you and seek to reconcile.

Chi Miigwech | Qujannamik | Marsee | Thank you | Merci


Content warning: This message contains details about Canada's residential schools.  

September 30th, marks the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. We honour the lives of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis children uprooted from their families and reflect on the deep wounds borne by Indigenous Peoples ever since.

An estimated 150,000 children were forcibly removed from their families and communities, transferred to residential schools, sometimes thousands of kilometres away from their homes. They endured horrific conditions of physical and sexual abuse, unsanitary conditions resulting in disease, malnutrition and starvation, forced labour, and indoctrination out of their identity, languages and cultures. Thousands of children never made it home. 

From 1831 to 1996, there were 140 federally run residential schools across the country. For years, survivors and communities spoke out about the intergenerational trauma caused by these institutions: from the trauma inflicted on these children within the system, their loss of language, community, and culture and ways of being, to the ongoing forcible removal and assimilation under the child welfare system.

The colonial policies and practices continue to this day: Indigenous children are overwhelmingly represented in Canada’s child welfare system; Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people experience staggeringly high rates of violence; and governments frequently approve industrial projects on Indigenous territories without their free, prior and informed consent.

Yesterday, in an important step towards justice for Indigenous children, the Federal Court upheld a landmark Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling ordering the federal government to compensate First Nations children and their families.   

On this day, all non-Indigenous people are called upon to witness and act upon this truth, without which there can be no reconciliation.

What can you do to mark this important day of reflection? Read more in our blog.

We also invite you to join us at 7:00 pm EST today for a virtual conversation with legal scholar Tamara Starblanket. Tamara is Spider Woman, a Nehiyaw iskwew (Cree woman) from Ahtahkakoop First Nation in Treaty Six. She is the author of “Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations, and the Canadian State”, a groundbreaking book in which she exposes the forcible removal of Indigenous children as a crime under the UN Genocide Convention. Register now >>>

Indigenous Peoples have led the way in seeking truth, justice and accountability. Settlers must reflect on the remarkable work Indigenous communities have been doing to gather and analyze evidence, support survivors, and lobby nationally and internationally for recognition and restitution. This work is exhausting and retraumatizing.

We call on all non-Indigenous people to find the courage to face up to benefitting from the living legacy of colonization. We must take on the work we are being asked to do.

On this, the first annual National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, we ask you to turn reflection into action. Please join us in calling for justice and accountability for Indigenous Peoples by taking action today.
In solidarity,  
Ketty & Mohamed 
Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary General  
Mohamed Huque, Chair of the Board 
Amnesty International Canada 


The Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society is available for survivors and those affected at 1-800-721-0066 or on the 24 hour crisis line at 1-866-925-4419. British Columbia has a First Nations and Indigenous Crisis Line offered through the KUU-US Crisis Line Society at 1-800-588-9717.  


Gloria Estefan says she was molested at music school at 9

This image released by Facebook Watch shows co-hosts, from left, Lili Estefan, Gloria Estefan and Emily Estefan with guest Claire Crowley during a taping of "Red Table Talk: The Estefans." In the episode “Betrayed by Trusted Adults,” posted Thursday on Facebook Watch, Gloria Estefan revealed that she was sexually abused by someone her mother trusted when she was 9 years old. Crowley, the first Latina “Bachelorette,” spoke about being abused by a priest when she was young. (Facebook Watch via AP)

NEW YORK (AP) — Gloria Estefan has revealed that, at the age of 9, she was sexually abused by someone her mother trusted.

The Cuban-American superstar spoke for the first time publicly about the abuse and its effects on her during an episode of the Facebook Watch show “Red Table Talk: The Estefans” that aired Thursday.

“He was family, but not close family. He was in a position of power because my mother had put me in his music school and he immediately started telling her how talented I was and how I needed special attention, and she felt lucky that he was focusing this kind of attention on me,” the singer said.

Estefan, who was born in Cuba and moved to Miami with her family when she was a toddler, revealed the abuse at the top of the show, which featured Claire Crowley, the first Latina “Bachelorette.” On the episode, called “Betrayed by Trusted Adults,” Crowley talked about child abuse she experienced at the hands of a priest.

The Associated Press does not typically identify victims of sexual abuse unless they agree to be named or share their stories publicly.

Sitting at the round red table with her co-hosts — daughter Emily Estefan and niece Lili Estefan — Estefan opened by saying that “93% of abused children know and trust their abusers, and I know this, because I was one of them.”

“You’ve waited for this moment a long time,” her niece told her.

“I have,” Estefan replied.

The three held hands with teary eyes.

She did not name her abuser but described how she tried to stop him. She said the abuse started little by little before moving fast, and that she knew that she was in a dangerous situation after confronting him.

“I told him, ‘This cannot happen, you cannot do this.’ He goes: ‘Your father’s in Vietnam, your mother’s alone and I will kill her if you tell her,’” Estefan said. “And I knew it was crazy, because at no point did I ever think that it was because of me that this was happening. I knew the man was insane and that’s why I thought he might actually hurt my mother.”

Estefan said she started making up excuses to avoid going to music lessons. Her daughter Emily asked if her grandmother had any inkling something was going on. People didn’t talk about those things back then, Estefan replied.

She tried to reach her dad, with whom she exchanged voice tapes while he was posted in Vietnam.

Recordings in Spanish from when Estefan was 9 were played at the show with English subtitles:

Gloria: “I’m taking guitar lessons. I like them but the exercises are a little hard.”

Her dad: “Mommy told me that the owner of the academy where you’re taking your guitar lessons is very proud of you.”

Gloria: “I like the notes, but it’s a little boring to study the notes”.

Her dad: “Mommy tells me that he said that you are a born artist.”

Estefan said the level of anxiety made her lose a “circle of hair.”

“I couldn’t take it anymore,” she said, so one night she ran to her mother’s bedroom at 3 a.m. and told her what was going on.

Her mother called the police, but the officers advised her not to press charges because the trauma of testifying would be too harmful.

Both Crowley and Estefan said during the show that they didn’t like to be called victims. Crowley called herself a survivor.

Estefan said she didn’t tell the producers she was going to reveal her story on Thursday’s episode. No one knew about the abuse except for her family, said the singer, who has been married to music producer Emilio Estefan for over four decades.

She also said that, when her mother started inquiring about this man within the family, an aunt shared that he had abused her years back in Cuba.

The Associated Press asked the show’s publicist if Estefan could answer some questions, including if the man was still alive. The publicist told the AP that she would not make further comments.

On “Red Table Talk,” Estefan recalled almost going public in the mid-80s, when her hit “Conga” with the Miami Sound Machine was at the top of the Billboard charts and “this predator, who was a respected member of the community,” had the audacity to write a letter to a paper criticizing her music.

“At that moment, I was so angry that I was about to blow the lid off of everything,” she said. “And then I thought: ’My whole success is gonna turn into him!

“It’s manipulation and control, but that’s what they do, they take your power,” she added, also admitting the fear that there could be other victims makes her feel bad.

After introducing Crowley and telling her that she didn’t want to sit quietly while she shared her story, Estefan said she had been waiting for the right opportunity and space to tell hers.

The show was that space.

“This is one of the reasons why I said yes to the ‘(Red) Table (Talk)’ at all, because we wanted to create this space where we talk about important things that hopefully will make a difference to everybody that’s watching out there.”


Sigal Ratner-Arias is on Twitter at