Tuesday, May 28, 2024

FBI 'investigating missing ancient treasures from British Museum'

US law enforcement agency has also reportedly assisted with return of 268 items


The FBI is investigating the sale of what are suspected to be hundreds of artefacts from the British Museum to buyers in the United States, according to a report.

The US law enforcement agency has also assisted with the return of 268 items, which the museum claims belong to it, that were sold to a collector in Washington DC, the BBC reported.

One buyer based in New Orleans told the broadcaster they had received an email from an FBI agent enquiring about two pieces he had bought on eBay.

The agent said they were assisting the Metropolitan Police with the alleged disappearance or theft of items from the museum.

The buyer said he no longer owned the items and did not believe they had been recovered by authorities.

Some 626 items have since been returned and BBC News said the FBI is investigating the sale of possible British Museum treasures to US buyers.

Meanwhile, the antiquities dealer who first raised the alarm over thefts from the museum has said he was “absolutely certain” he was providing “incontrovertible” evidence, but his claims were initially dismissed by the institution.

Dr Ittai Gradel, the antiquities dealer who first raised the alarm over thefts from the British Museum, said he was “absolutely certain” he was providing “incontrovertible” evidence, but his claims were initially dismissed by the institution.

He alerted the museum to his suspicions of thefts in 2021 but did not receive a reply for months and an initial internal investigation incorrectly concluded there was no basis to the claims.

It ultimately emerged some 2,000 items were found to be missing, damaged or stolen.

Dr Gradel told BBC Breakfast: “Initially the British Museum didn’t say anything. I waited for months and I wrote back to get an answer several times but it took, I think, five months before they finally replied that everything was was fine. Nothing was missing.”

Asked how certain he was that he was correct, Dr Gradel said: “I was absolutely certain, 100 per cent, the evidence I sent them was incontrovertible. There was absolutely no mistaking it.

“The only alternative explanation would have been that I had actually falsified the documents I sent them, photoshopped them or something, because I was some attention-seeking nutter.”

The British Museum has since apologised to Dr Gradel and the director and deputy director left their posts.

Legal proceedings were launched in March against former curator Dr Peter Higgs, who was dismissed in July last year.

He has been accused of stealing, damaging, melting down, and selling ancient artefacts but denies all the allegations.

Dr Higgs, who worked within the department

 of Greece and Rome for more than 30 years, has been investigated by the Metropolitan Police but not charged.

The High Court heard Dr Higgs intends to dispute the claim and Mrs Justice Heather Williams ordered him to return any stolen items he may have.

FBI agents are probing the sale in America of hundreds of treasures suspected of being stolen from the British Museum

PUBLISHED:  27 May 2024

The FBI is investigating the sale to US buyers of hundreds of treasures suspected of being looted from the British Museum.

The BBC spoke to an antiquities buyer in New Orleans who revealed a FBI investigator had contacted him regarding two pieces he had bought from an eBay trader using the name sultan1966. The agent said he was assisting the Metropolitan Police.

Last year, a senior curator in the museum's Greece and Rome department, Dr Peter Higgs, was sacked after an investigation found 1,500 items in its collection had been stolen or damaged.

The Museum believes he has stolen, damaged, melted down or sold the items on – pocketing around £100,000 in the process - and is bringing a civil case against him.

According to court documents seem by the BBC, it believes he was stealing items for at least a decade, selling mostly unregistered items from the museum's storerooms. Dr Higgs, 56, from Hastings, East Sussex, denies the allegations.

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A senior curator at the museum Dr Peter Higgs (pictured), was sacked after an investigation found 1,500 items in its collection had been stolen or damaged.

The Museum believes he has stolen, damaged, melted down or sold the items on – pocketing around £100,000 in the process

The British Museum has now launched a civil case against their former employee who they believe may have been stealing artefacts for as long as ten years

Richard Madeley and Nigel Farage clash in debate over Muslim comments

Tonio Birbiglia, the New Orleans buyer, said he was 'completely shocked' when the FBI contacted him about an amethyst gem depicting a Cupid - the Roman god of love - riding a dolphin, which Mr Birbiglia bought for £42 in 2016.

The agent was also interested in an orange scarab-beetle gem he bought for £170. Mr Birbiglia sent his payment for this item to a PayPal account registered under Dr Higgs' personal email address, but said he no longer possessed the two items.

He said neither the FBI or British police followed up with him and said it seemed the FBI agent 'didn't try very hard'.

The British Museum has not yet examined these items, and so has not determined whether they were from its collection.

The BBC reported that the US law enforcement agency has also assisted with the return of 268 items sold to a collector in Washington DC, which the museum claims belong to it.

Dr Ittai Gradel, a Danish antiquities expert, had raised concerns with the museum about potential thefts two years earlier but staff initially failed to properly investigate. He told the BBC he first had suspicions that parts of the department's collection was being sold online as long ago as 2016, when a piece of a cameo gemstone featuring Priapus - the Greek god of fertility – was briefly posted for sale on eBay by the sultan1966 account.

The Dane, who has a photographic memory, remembered he had seen the gemstone in an old British Museum gems catalogue he owned. He began monitoring the eBay account, and later established it belonged to Higgs', who had given buyers the name Paul Higgins.

One of the artefacts which may have been involved in the trade online of British Museum treasures

The curator used an online profile called sultan1966 to sell the precious gems through and American buyers have said Dr Higgs admitted the account belonged to him

According to the court documents, the museum says Dr Higgs admitted the account sultan1966 belonged to him.

Nobody has been arrested or charged with any offence.

The British Museum declined to comment.

The Metropolitan Police said a criminal investigation was opened in January 2023, following an internal museum audit.

A spokesman said: 'A man was interviewed on Wednesday, 23 August 2023 under caution having voluntarily attended a police station. We will not be providing any further information at this time. Enquiries continue.'

Thief at the British Museum is on BBC iPlayer.

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