Saturday, August 31, 2024


Saleh Mamon

We are greatly saddened to report the passing of Saleh Mamon, a socialist internationalist and peace activist. A former headteacher, he was a founding member of Iraq Occupation Focus and Sutton for Peace and Justice, which he chaired. In recent years he was a regular contributor to Labour Hub on international issues. Below we publish a tribute from Peace in Kurdistan and CAMPACC.

It is with the deepest sadness that we learn of the death of our friend Saleh Mamon, who passed away on 25th August. 

Saleh was an inspiration for all who knew him as a civil rights activist, leader, staunch internationalist and fighter for social justice at home and abroad.

He was an unflinching critic of unbridled state and corporate power who stood in unwavering solidarity with all oppressed peoples. He was always a dependable, loyal comrade.

We know and respect him for his dedication and active support for the Kurdish people and their struggle over 25 years. As a member of the Peace in Kurdistan campaign, he wrote many articles and gave speeches about the Kurds’ struggle  for self-determination.  He will always be remembered as one of the Kurds’ strongest supporters and friends

He was a  founder and mainstay of CAMPACC (the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities), a network established by Peace in Kurdistan and refugee organisations to resist the threats to civil liberties posed by the UK’s Terrorism Act 2000.  As several more laws extended those threats, Saleh led the CAMPACC analyses of the elite strategy to impose a permanent state of terror, potentially intimidating people into submission.  These critical analyses were circulated to Parliamentary bodies and to the groups being targeted by the special powers.  He also led efforts to create links among those groups for more effective resistance and a positive programme for self-determination.

Saleh was active in numerous political, internationalist, anti-imperialist and anti-war campaigns such as Stop the War, Palestine Solidarity and Liberation, to name but a few.

Saleh had a remarkable ability as a communicator, public speaker and leader who was always to be found at the forefront of any struggle.

As a speaker and writer, Saleh was able to make links among disparate political issues and challenges that we all face as human beings. He spoke to communities living in a deeply unfair world where corruption is rife and injustice blights humanity.

Peace in Kurdistan sends its sincerest condolences to Saleh’s widow, his family and his friends.   We share in their grief. Saleh was a great human being whose example will long live on in all our memories.      

In recent years, Saleh was a regular contributor to Labour Hub on international issues. A selection of these writings can be found here.He also blogged here.

Image: Creator: Montecruz Foto Copyright: (cc) Share alike – Licence: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0

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