Monday, October 24, 2022

Gestational exposure to flame retardant alters brain development in rats

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that exposure in utero to the flame-retardant FireMaster 550 (FM 550), or to its individual brominated (BFR) or organophosphate ester (OPFR) components, resulted in altered brain development in newborn rats. The effects—most notably evidence of mitochondrial disruption and dysregulated choline and triglyceride levels in brain tissue—were greater in male offspring than in females.

The work adds to the body of evidence that both OPFRs and BFRs can be neurotoxic. It appears in a special issue of Neuroendocrinology. Shannah Witchey, former NC State postdoctoral researcher, is first author.

FM 550 is a flame-retardant mixture first identified a decade ago. It was developed to replace PBDEs, a class of fire retardants being phased out due to safety concerns.

"While some new flame-retardant mixtures still contain BFRs, the OPFRs are a popular substitute for PBDEs, since it is believed that OPFRs don't accumulate in the body and thus cannot be as harmful," says Heather Patisaul, associate dean for research in NC State's College of Sciences and corresponding author of the study. "Specifically, it was thought that OPFRs wouldn't impact acetylcholinesterase—a key neurotransmitter. But it looks as though OPFRs still impact choline signaling and are just as bad if not worse than PBDEs for the developing brain."

Patisaul and her colleagues performed transcriptomic and lipidomic studies on the prefrontal cortexes of newborn rats whose mothers had been exposed to FM550, or to BFR or OPFR elements individually, during gestation.

"Getting genetic information from transcriptomics is what researchers commonly do to tease out potential connections between toxicity and health effects," Patisaul says. "In this case, we also wanted to see if the lipid (or fat) composition of the brain was altered—our brains are essentially balls of fat, and lipidomics can reveal how exposure may affect the brain in its earliest developmental stages."

Both the transcriptomic and lipidomic analyses showed evidence of mitochondrial disruption, although the disruptions were more pronounced in the offspring that had been exposed to OPFRs. Mitochondria are found in almost every cell and serve as cells' energy generators, playing a vital role in cellular respiration.

The transcriptomic analysis found disruption of  genes associated with neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and ALS, while lipidomics pointed to disrupted choline and triglyceride levels in the brain.

In males exposed to OPFRs, genes associated with axon guidance and choline signaling were also dysregulated. Axon guidance is the process by which neurons make the proper connections during neural development. Choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which affects critical aspects of neuron function and neuronal signaling.

"That so many altered genes are involved in respiration and choline, there is concern that these FRs impair basic autonomic function and cognition," Patisaul says. "So, the bottom line is that exposure to BFRs and OPFRs is disrupting both neuronal signaling and the ability of cells to properly produce and utilize energy."

The researchers also found that  were more affected than females.

"In earlier rat studies, we found that OPFR levels are higher in placentas attached to males than females," Patisaul says. "So that difference in exposure could be why we see different and more severe effects in males.

"The important message here is that the presumption that OPFRs are safer that other FRs is likely wrong. Both OPFRs and BFRs can disrupt cortical development and function. And the fact that these chemicals are detectable in the placenta means they aren't breaking down quickly enough to do no damage."Placental accumulation of flame retardant chemical alters serotonin production in rats

More information: Shannah K. Witchey et al, Impacts of Gestational FireMaster 550 (FM 550) Exposure on the Neonatal Cortex are Sex Specific and Largely Attributable to the Organophosphate Esters, Neuroendocrinology (2022). DOI: 10.1159/000526959


Fossil bird's skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight

Fossil bird's skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight
Artistic reconstruction of Jeholornis in life. Credit: Michael Rothman

Jeholornis was a raven-sized bird that lived 120 million years ago, among the earliest examples of dinosaurs evolving into birds, in what's now China. The fossils that have been found are finely preserved but smashed flat, the result of layers of sediment being deposited over the years. That means that no one's been able to get a good look at Jeholornis's head. But in a new study, researchers digitally reconstructed a Jeholornis skull, revealing details about its eyes and brain that shed light on its vision and sense of smell.

"Jeholornis is my favorite Cretaceous bird, it has a lot of unusual, primitive traits, and it helps shed light on the bigger story of how different birds evolved," says Jingmai O'Connor, associate curator of fossil reptiles at the Field Museum and one of the authors of the paper describing the discovery in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. "This study is the first time we're really getting at what this bird's  looked like, what its brain must have been like, which is really exciting."

The study's first author, Han Hu, went through roughly 100 fossils at China's Shandong Tianyu Museum of Nature and selected the one with the best-preserved skull—still a little flattened, but intact. "It is very difficult to find the right skull among around 100 fossils, since we won't know if one skull will provide us the information we want before the scanning, and due to the costs of high quality scanning, we couldn't scan all those specimens to choose the best one. However, I chose this one because at least from the exposed surface, it is relatively complete, and which is also important is that this skull is preserved to be isolated from other parts of its body," says Hu, a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK.

"This is very helpful since we usually won't chop the skull off from the skeleton if they are articulated—no one wants to hurt these previous fossils, but an isolated skull will reduce the size of the scanning area, which will increase the scanning quality a lot. Luckily, the specimen we chose here for this project is nearly a perfect one—it provided us so much unknown information after the digital reconstruction."

"These bones were kind of like the bottom of a bag of potato chips—they weren't completely crushed, but the pieces were compacted," says O'Connor. "So we were able to CT scan them—essentially taking a bunch of X-rays and stacking them together to form a 3D image—and then digitally re-articulate them and reconstruct the skull from all these bones."

Fossil bird's skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight
Reconstruction of Jeholornis's skull, showing the bony rings around its eye. 
Credit: Han Hu et al

"We were able to see different features of the skull that had never been seen before in Jeholornis, and we were even able to extrapolate what its brain looked like," says co-author and Field Museum postdoctoral researcher Matteo Fabbri.

The brain itself isn't preserved—soft tissues rarely are—but bird and dinosaur brains tend to nest neatly within their skulls. Knowing the shape and dimensions of a fossil bird's skull, therefore, tells us a lot about its brain, kind of like how a glove gives a decent approximation of how a hand is shaped. What's more, brain structures are conserved across species and over time—things like olfactory bulbs and the cerebellum in the same general spots whether you're looking at the brain of a frog, a human, or a fossil bird.

Thanks to the long-standing placements of these structures, the researchers were able to determine how Jeholornis's brain compares with modern birds and dinosaurs (or, strictly speaking, ; all birds, including Jeholornis, are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds).

"Jeholornis's brain morphology is transitional, in-between what we see in non-avian dinosaurs and what we see in modern birds," says Fabbri. "If you look at the skulls of dinosaurs, what you see is a spot for a very reptile-like brain, meaning that they have very large olfactory bulbs, and the optic lobes that are in the midbrain are reduced. They probably had a very good sense of smell and not great sight, which is very reptilian. And on the other hand, if you look at modern birds, they do the reverse. They have small olfactory bulbs, and very large optic lobes. Jeholornis falls in the middle."

Fossil bird's skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight
3D reconstruction of Jeholornis's brain. Credit: Han Hu et al

Jeholornis had bigger  than most modern birds, meaning that it probably relied more on its sense of smell than birds today (with the exception of a few keen-smellers, like vultures). Jeholornis's strong sense of smell makes sense in the context of another recent study by the team, showing that Jeholornis is the earliest-known fruit-eating animal. "As fruits ripen, they release lots of chemicals," says O'Connor. "We can't prove it yet, but having a better  might have helped Jeholornis find fruit."

In addition to a  adapted for smelling, the researchers found that Jeholornis was likely better at seeing in the daytime than at night. Birds have bones called scleral rings that help determine how much light goes into their eyes. Species that need to see at night, like owls, have wider scleral ring openings relative to their eye sockets, to let in more light; birds that are active during the day have narrower openings for light to go through, like the aperture on a camera. Jeholornis's scleral rings seem to indicate that it was most active during the day.

All of these skull features provide a better understanding of this early bird's lifestyle and the role it played in its ecosystem. "Reconstructing a skull is painstaking work, and as people are starting to put in the time to do it, It's becoming more and more clear that the evolution of birds was more complicated than what we expected," says Fabbri. "It's not just different from dinosaurs and modern birds, it's different from other early birds too. It's not a straightforward evolutionary story."

"The same as Jingmai, Jeholornis is also one of my favorite birds. Its special position as one of the most primitive birds during the dinosaur-bird transition determines that completing its story will reveal the true scenery of that critical evolutionary period, and also, tell us why and how the —the only living dinosaurs—evolved to be what we see now," says HuThe early bird gets the fruit: Fossil provides earliest evidence of fruit-eating by any animal

More information: Han Hu et al, Cranial osteology and palaeobiology of the Early Cretaceous bird Jeholornis prima (Aves: Jeholornithiformes), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (2022). DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac089

Journal information: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 

Provided by Field Museum 


Analysis of gases recovered from asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2 spacecraft

Analysis of gases recovered from asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2 spacecraft
Back scattered electron image of a Ryugu pellet sample (A0105-10). The sample is mainly
 composed of phyllosilicates (dark gray regions). Spherical magnetite aggregates, thin 
magnetite plates, and iron sulfide grains are also present. Carbonates are found close to
 magnetites and sulfides. Red arrows indicate minerals labeled “mt” for magnetite, “po” for
 pyrrhotite (iron sulfide), and “ca” for carbonate (rimmed with red dotted ovals), respectively
. Credit: Science (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0431

Three international teams of researchers studying samples of gases recovered by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft from the near-Earth asteroid Ryugu have published their results. The first studied the asteroid's volatile sources and recent surface evolution. The second looked at its nucleosynthetic heritage. And the third team provided an overview of the types of gases that were returned. The first team has published their results in the journal Science; the second and third teams have both have published their results in the journal Science Advances.

The first team found that the asteroid still had  and  from the early days of the solar system, along with a nitrogen composition, which they describe as similar to Ivuna-type . They also found evidence that one of the noble gases was created by the solar wind and another via irradiation of galactic cosmic rays. And they also found what they describe as a "close" relationship been CI chondrites and gas from Ryugu.

The second team found that some of the samples from Ryugu had Fe isotopic irregularities that were the same as those found in other Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites. They also found iron isotopes that must have formed in places where there were no carbonaceous asteroids. And that, they note, suggests that Ryugu may have come from farther away in the solar system than has been theorized. They suggest it could have come from as far away as beyond the orbits of Saturn or Jupiter. They noted that the growth and migration paths of the giant planets had a destabilizing effect on planetesimals, some of which ejected material into the main belts, which could have included Ryugu.

The third team identified all of the gases that were brought back and measured the amounts of each. They also noted their . They found that some of the helium that had been captured came from the  and some of it leaked in from the Earth's atmosphere as the craft carrying it made its way home. They conclude by reiterating the fact that the gases collected on the project represent the first from a near-Earth asteroid.Scientists discover the source of one of the rarest groups of meteorites

More information: Ryuji Okazaki et al, Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolution, Science (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abo0431

Ryuji Okazaki, First asteroid gas sample delivered by the Hayabusa2 mission: A treasure box from Ryugu, Science Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1126/

Timo Hopp, Ryugu's nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System, Science Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1126/

Journal information: Science Advances 

© 2022 Science X Network


Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives

Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives
Burnt mud brick wall from Tel Batash (Biblical Timnah) with markings of the field orientation
. Credit: Yoav Vaknin.

A joint study by TAU and the Hebrew University, involving 20 researchers from different countries and disciplines, has accurately dated 21 destruction layers at 17 archaeological sites in Israel by reconstructing the direction and/or intensity of the earth's magnetic field recorded in burnt remnants. The new data verify the Biblical accounts of the Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian, and Babylonian military campaigns against the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

Findings indicate, for example, that the army of Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus, was responsible for the destruction of several cities—Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit, and Horvat Tevet, in addition to Gath of the Philistines, whose destruction is noted in the Hebrew Bible. At the same time, the study refutes the prevailing theory that Hazael was the conqueror who destroyed Tel Beth-Shean.

Other geomagnetic findings reveal that the cities in the Negev were destroyed by the Edomites, who took advantage of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah by the Babylonians.

The groundbreaking interdisciplinary study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and is based on the doctoral thesis of Yoav Vaknin, supervised by Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef and Prof. Oded Lipschits of TAU's Institute of Archaeology and Prof. Ron Shaar from the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University.

Yoav Vaknin explaining about the research. Credit: Tel Aviv University

The researchers explain that geophysicists, attempting to understand the mechanism of earth's , track changes in this field throughout history. To this end they use archaeological findings containing magnetic minerals which, when heated or burned, record the magnetic field at the time of the fire.

Thus, in a 2020 study, researchers reconstructed the magnetic field as it was on the 9th of the month of Av, 586 BCE, the Hebrew date of the destruction of the First Temple and the City of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army.

Now, using archaeological findings unearthed over several decades at 17 sites throughout Israel, alongside historical information from ancient inscriptions and Biblical accounts, the researchers were able to reconstruct the magnetic fields recorded in 21 destruction layers. They used the data to develop a reliable new scientific tool for archaeological dating.

Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives
Yoav Vaknin measuring at the site. Credit: Shai Halevi, Israel Antiquities Authority.

Yoav Vaknin explains that "based on the similarity or difference in intensity and direction of the magnetic field, we can either corroborate or disprove hypotheses claiming that specific sites were burned during the same military campaign. Moreover, we have constructed a variation curve of field intensity over time which can serve as a scientific dating tool, similar to the radiocarbon dating method."

One example given by the researchers is the destruction of Gath of the Philistines (identified today as Tel Tzafit in the Judean foothills) by Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus. Various dating methods have placed this event at around 830 BCE, but were unable to verify that Hazael was also responsible for the destruction of Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit and Horvat Tevet.

Now the new study, identifying full statistical synchronization between the magnetic fields recorded at all of these four sites at the time of destruction, makes a very strong case for their destruction during the same campaign.

A destruction level at Tel Beth-Shean, on the other hand, recording a totally different magnetic field, refutes the prevailing hypothesis that it too was destroyed by Hazael. Instead, the magnetic data from Beth-Shean indicate that this city, along with two other sites in northern Israel, was probably destroyed 70-100 years earlier, a date which could correspond with the military campaign of the Egyptian Pharaoh Shoshenq.

Shoshenq's campaign is described in the Hebrew Bible and in an inscription on a wall of the Temple of Amun in Karnak, Egypt, which mentions Beth-Shean as one of his conquests.

One of the most interesting findings revealed by the new dating method has to do with the end of the Kingdom of Judah. Prof. Erez Ben Yosef says, "The last days of the Kingdom of Judah are widely debated. Some researchers, relying on archaeological evidence, argue that Judah was not completely destroyed by the Babylonians.

"While Jerusalem and frontier cities in the Judean foothills ceased to exist, other towns in the Negev, the southern Judean Mountains and the southern Judean foothills remained almost unaffected. Now, the magnetic results support this hypothesis, indicating that the Babylonians were not solely responsible for Judah's ultimate demise.

"Several decades after they had destroyed Jerusalem and the First Temple, sites in the Negev, which had survived the Babylonian campaign, were destroyed—probably by the Edomites who took advantage of the fall of Jerusalem. This betrayal and participation in the destruction of the surviving cities may explain why the Hebrew Bible expresses so much hatred for the Edomites—for example, in the prophecy of Obadiah."

Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives
Map of the studied destruction layers and the different military campaigns. Credit: Itamar Ben-Ezra

Prof. Oded Lipschits adds that "the new dating tool is unique because it is based on geomagnetic data from sites, whose exact destruction dates are known from historical sources. By combining precise  with advanced, comprehensive archaeological research, we were able to base the magnetic method on reliably anchored chronology."

A separate paper, presenting the scientific principles of the novel archaeomagnetic dating method, is in preparation. Prof. Ron Shaar, who led the geophysical aspects of the study, as well as the development of the geomagnetic dating method, explains that "Earth's magnetic field is critical to our existence. Most people don't realize that without it there could be no life on earth—since it shields us from cosmic radiation and the solar wind. In addition, both humans and animals use it to navigate. The geomagnetic field is generated by earth's outer core, at a depth of 2,900 km, by currents of liquid iron."

Geomagnetic fields reveal the truth behind Biblical narratives
Burnt mud stones. Credit: Tel Aviv University.

"Due to the chaotic motion of this iron, the magnetic field changes over time. Until recently scientists believed that it remains quite stable for decades, but archaeomagnetic research has contradicted this assumption by revealing some extreme and unpredictable changes in antiquity. Our location here in Israel is uniquely conducive to archaeomagnetic research, due to an abundance of well-dated . Over the past decade we have reconstructed magnetic fields recorded by hundreds of archaeological items."

"By combining this dataset with the data from Yoav's investigation of historical destruction layers we were able to form a continuous variation curve showing rapid, sharp changes in the geomagnetic field. This is wonderful news, both for archaeologists who can now use geomagnetic data to determine the age of ancient materials and for geophysicists studying the earth's core."Chicken bones and snail shells help archaeologists to date ancient town's destruction

More information: Vaknin, Yoav, Reconstructing biblical military campaigns using geomagnetic field data, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2209117119.

Journal information: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Provided by Tel-Aviv University 

Study offers new, sharper proof of early plate tectonics, flipping of geomagnetic poles

Laying geological groundwork for life on Earth
An interior cutaway of the early Earth highlighting its major geodynamic processes. 
Magnetic field lines are drawn in blue and red emanating from the liquid core that generated
 them, while plate tectonic forces rearrange the surface and play a role in the churning 
circulation of the rocky mantle below. Credit: Alec Brenner

New research analyzing pieces of the most ancient rocks on the planet adds some of the sharpest evidence yet that Earth's crust was pushing and pulling in a manner similar to modern plate tectonics at least 3.25 billion years ago. The study also provides the earliest proof of when the planet's magnetic north and south poles swapped places.

The two results offer clues into how such geological changes may have resulted in an environment more conducive to the development of life on the planet.

The work, described in PNAS and led by Harvard geologists Alec Brenner and Roger Fu, focused on a portion of the Pilbara Craton in western Australia, one of the oldest and most stable pieces of the Earth's crust. Using novel techniques and equipment, the researchers show that some of the Earth's earliest surface was moving at a rate of 6.1 centimeters per year and 0.55 degrees every million years.

That speed more than doubles the rate the ancient crust was shown to be moving in a previous study by the same researchers. Both the speed and direction of this latitudinal drift leaves  as the most logical and strongest explanations for it.

"There's a lot of work that seems to suggest that early in Earth's history plate tectonics wasn't actually the dominant way in which the planet's internal heat gets released as it is today through the shifting of plates," said Brenner, a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and member of Harvard's Paleomagnetics Lab. "This evidence lets us much more confidently rule out explanations that don't involve plate tectonics."

For example, the researchers can now argue against phenomena called "" and "stagnant lid tectonics," which can both cause the Earth's surface to shift but aren't part of modern-style plate tectonics. The results lean more toward plate tectonic motion because the newly discovered higher rate of speed is inconsistent with aspects of the other two processes.

In the paper, the scientists also describe what's believed to be the oldest evidence of when Earth reversed its geomagnetic fields, meaning the magnetic North and South Pole flipped locations. This type of flip-flop is a common occurrence in Earth's  with the pole's reversing 183 times in the last 83 million years and perhaps several hundred times in the past 160 million years, according to NASA.

The reversal tells a great deal about the planet's magnetic field 3.2 billion years ago. Key among these implications is that the  was likely stable and strong enough to keep solar winds from eroding the atmosphere. This insight, combined with the results on plate tectonics, offers clues to the conditions under which the earliest forms of life developed.

"It paints this picture of an early  that was already really geodynamically mature," Brenner said. "It had a lot of the same sorts of dynamic processes that result in an Earth that has essentially more stable environmental and surface conditions, making it more feasible for life to evolve and develop."

Today, the Earth's outer shell consists of about 15 shifting blocks of crust, or plates, which hold the planet's continents and oceans. Over eons the plates drifted into each other and apart, forming new continents and mountains and exposing new rocks to the atmosphere, which led to chemical reactions that stabilized Earth's surface temperature over billions of years.

Evidence of when plate tectonics started is hard to come by because the oldest pieces of crust are thrust into the interior mantle, never to resurface. Only 5 percent of all rocks on Earth are older than 2.5 billion years old, and no rock is older than about 4 billion years.

Overall, the study adds to growing research that tectonic movement occurred relatively early in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history and that early forms of life came about in a more moderate environment. Members of the project revisited the Pilbara Craton in 2018, which stretches about 300 miles across. They drilled into the primordial and thick slab of crust there to collect samples that, back in Cambridge, were analyzed for their magnetic history.

Using magnetometers, demagnetizing equipment, and the Quantum Diamond Microscope—which images the magnetic fields of a sample and precisely identifies the nature of the magnetized particles—the researchers created a suite of new techniques for determining the age and way the samples became magnetized. This allows the researchers to determine how, when, and which direction the crust shifted as well as the magnetic influence coming from Earth's geomagnetic poles.

The Quantum Diamond Microscope was developed in a collaboration between Harvard researchers in the Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) and of Physics.

For future studies, Fu and Brenner plan keep their focus on the Pilbara Craton while also looking beyond it to other ancient crusts around the world. They hope to find older evidence of modern-like plate motion and when the Earth's magnetic poles flipped.

"Finally being able to reliably read these very ancient rocks opens up so many possibilities for observing a time period that often is known more through theory than solid data," said Fu, professor of EPS in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. "Ultimately, we have a good shot at reconstructing not just when tectonic plates started moving, but also how their motions—and therefore the deep-seated Earth interior processes that drive them—have changed through time."Tectonic plates started shifting earlier than previously thought

More information: Brenner, Alec R., Plate motion and a dipolar geomagnetic field at 3.25 Ga, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022). DOI: 10.1073/
Journal information: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 
Provided by Harvard University 
For blight-ridden American chestnut tree, rebirth may be in offing

Author: AFP|
Update: 25.10.2022

If scientists are successful, American chestnut trees will recover from a terrible blight that has devastated the species / © AFP

The American chestnut tree, once a regal pillar of forests across the eastern United States, is on life support, struggling to survive.

"These look like death," said Vasiliy Lakoba, research director for the American Chestnut Foundation (ACF), which has been working since the 1980s to resurrect the species.

He pointed to a patch of stunted shrubs, chestnut trees that were a far cry from the noble, erect chestnut trees of yesteryear.

Settlers along the US eastern seaboard relied on abundant chestnut trees to feed their hogs, their children and themselves. Chestnuts made up about 50 percent of hardwood forests in much of the eastern seaboard, and the wood was ideal for building.

But then came a terrible fungus, identified in 1904 at the Bronx Zoo on a tree from Japan. In less than three decades, millions of American chestnut trees had perished. It has been considered the greatest tragedy in the history of American forestry.

Prickly burrs cover the meat of the American chestnut tree / © AFP

"The devastation was so fast," said Lakoba, referring to "ghost forests."

Today, only a few rare specimens still survive to adulthood in the wild.

- 'Tall and straight' -

The American Chesnut Foundation runs this research facility in Meadowview, Virginia / © AFP

Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, the foundation's main laboratory farm spans 36 hectares (almost 90 acres) in Virginia and includes tens of thousands of trees.

Workers use a crane to harvest the burrs, or spiny prickly shells that cover the nuts, then take them to a shed to be studied and used for future planting.

"It's like picking apples, but with pricks," laughed Jim Tolton, a technician on the farm, during a chestnut harvest day in early October.

A canker disfigures a branch on an American chestnut tree at the American Chestnut Foundation's Meadowview, Virginia, Research Farm / © AFP

Before the disease, the American chestnut tree "grew tall and straight through the forest, fighting for light," Lakoba said.

But the blight causes cankers to appear on the branches and stems of the American chestnut tree.

Blighted trees grow other branches here and there, giving them a bushy appearance, instead of maintaining a tall, straight shape.

No cure has yet been found to stop the spread.

- Hybrids and GMOs -

A researcher holds a healthy leaf of a Chinese chestnut tree. Under it is a sickly leaf of an American chestnut tree / © AFP

Finding a way to fight the blight is precisely the mission of ACF.

To do this, two main research avenues are under investigation: The first, which has been in place for years, consists of crossing an American chestnut tree with other species that already show some resistance to the fungus, such as the Chinese chestnut tree.

A first specimen is produced from this hybridization, before it is crossbred again with an American chestnut tree, then once again -- all in order to preserve as much of the original genetic characteristics as possible. The current hybrid has 15/16ths of the genetic makeup of an American chestnut tree -- while ideally acquiring the resistance of the Chinese chestnut tree.

One of the main drawbacks with these hybrids, explained Lakoba, "is that blight resistance and susceptibility have turned out to be a genetically much more complex phenomenon than previously thought."

ACF researchers have not abandoned their crossbreeding efforts. But a second avenue of research has opened up: genetic modification.

Vasiliy Lakoba, research director at a farm of the American Chesnut Foundation in Meadowview, Virginia, voices hope that a devastating blight can be overcome / © AFP

Working on a transgenic version of the American chestnut tree, researchers at the State University of New York at Syracuse have developed a specimen that shows very promising early results of disease resistance, according to Lakoba, who is collaborating with the researchers.

Combining crossbreeding with genetic modification might yield better results, he said.

- 'Keep chipping away' -

Ultraviolet light bathes American chestnut saplings in a research facility in Meadowview, Virginia / © AFP

Once a resistant specimen has been developed, the time will come for the Herculean task of reintroducing the tree to an American landscape deeply altered by more than a century of development.

"So much has changed in terms of climate, in terms of invasive species, in terms of pollution, habitat change, land use, change, soil loss and erosion, that it really isn't the same world from 100 years ago," Lakoba said.

Not only has the landscape been altered, Lakoba said, climate change adds another wildcard to whether the American chestnut can ever prosper again.

Once abundant in hardwood forests in the eastern United States, chestnut trees like this one (seen through a screen in Meadowview, Virginia) grow today to barely the size of shrubs / © AFP

"Overall, there will be more pests, there will be more diseases," he said.

Any revival of the American chestnut may be decades -- or centuries -- away.

"This is definitely at least a couple centuries of a mission going forward. And from there, I think we just keep chipping away at it," Lakoba said.

But he is hopeful that scientific advances are on the side of the American chestnut.

"We see it really as a matter of time."
Will Climate Change Doom US Truck Habit? Detroit Says No

Steve Majoros, Vice President of Chevrolet Marketing, presenting the electric Chevrolet Equinox at last month's Detroit Auto Show, one of several electric versions of large vehciles touted by US automakers

The US consumer's love for enormous vehicles has been seen by outsiders as a curiosity and sometimes a sign of profligacy.

Either way, rising concerns about climate change seemed to create a reckoning for the behemoth-sized pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles that recently have sustained US automaker profits.

Not so, according to Detroit auto giants, who have responded to the climate crisis by launching all-electric versions of the Ford F-150 pickup, the Chevrolet Blazer SUV and other best-selling giants that seemingly promise the possibility that consumers can have it all: address global warming without sacrificing the appeal of larger autos.

Leading US environmentalists, along with the Biden administration, have praised announcements of the electric vehicle (EV) rollouts as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Absent has been any discussion of the environmental toll of large EV trucks, which require more energy to recharge and more critical materials than do smaller EVs.

In showcasing trucks, Detroit automakers are setting the groundwork for an EV era that mirrors the current profile of US roadways and distinct from Europe, where sedans dominate.

Industry insiders like Alan Amici, president of the Center for Automotive Research, see little appetite among American consumers to go small.

"People are still clamoring for big pickups and SUVs," Amici said. "I don't expect a return to sedans."

The trucks, often marketed in advertisements navigating rugged landscapes, provide lucrative profit margins to automakers and have become so ubiquitous on US roads that some consumers avoid smaller vehicles out of fear of how it would handle a crash with a much bigger auto.

Ford and General Motors, both of which report earnings this week, are positioning the vehicles as environmentally friendly based on how they contrast with gas-guzzling equivalents.

Luke Tonachel, who heads the clean vehicles program at environmental group NRDC, said electric pickups and SUVs represent a critical step in addressing climate change.

"It's incredibly important that we eliminate tailpipe pollution from all cars as soon as possible," Tonachel told AFP.

"We need broad acceptance and adoption of EVs across the market. And that's why it's encouraging to see automakers starting to make EVs on all types of car segments, including the most popular ones."

The focus on large vehicles was apparent at last month's Detroit Auto Show, where Biden test drove the EV Cadillac Lyriq, an SUV made by the GM brand. In previous trips to Detroit, Biden cheered on production of GM's EV Hummer and the launch of Ford's F-150 EV.

While GM's display at the Detroit show included the Bolt, an EV sedan, greater prominence went to electric versions of three larger Chevies: the Silverado pickup, and the Blazer and Equinox SUVs.

"The customer has spoken. SUVs and trucks are what the customer wants," Chevrolet Vice President Steve Majoros told AFP at the show.

NRDC's Tonachel notes that some sedans still sell at substantial levels in the United States, but that they are made by companies like Japan's Toyota and South Korea's Hyundai.

"The different manufacturers are sort of carving out what they see as their specialty," he said. "The Detroit three automakers, they left the compact car and most of the sedan market years ago."

Bertrand Rakoto, global automotive practice leader at Ducker in Detroit, a consultancy, said it makes more sense to focus on trucks to fight climate change.

"You're removing the emissions for the large vehicles that are the most emitting," he said.

Rakoto, who is originally from France, said the contrast between the United States and Europe reflect different geographic qualities and transportation systems, with space in Europe more precious and public transit more integrated into regular life.

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A December 2021 International Energy Agency report bemoaned the rise of SUVs, not only in the United States, but in India and Europe.

Most of the vehicles still run on gasoline, meaning that "if SUVs were an individual country, they would rank sixth in the world for absolute emissions in 2021, emitting over 900 million tons of CO2," the IEA said.

The analysis said SUV electrification helps, but noted larger vehicles require more critical materials for bigger batteries and consume around 20 percent more energy than a medium-sized car.

For Benjamin Stephan, of Greenpeace in Germany, limiting global warming remains critical, meaning "you sort of have to pull every lever available."

"Obviously an all-electric pickup truck will have a much better carbon footprint," he said. "But you could reduce that footprint even more by having no car at all, or a much smaller car."

Like other electric vehicles being developed by Detroit, Ford Motor Co.'s F-150 Lightning has been praised as an improvement in addressing climate change, although it requires more energy to recharge than does a smaller vehicle
US President Joe Biden, shown here in November 2021 beside a GMC Hummer EV, has embraced the large electric trucks that dominate the Detroit automaker's response to climate change

© Copyright AFP 2022. All rights reserved.


The club in northeastern Salvador is a rare safe space for gay fans who often steer clear of football stadiums for fear of coming under attack.

Ona Ruda, founder of the LGBTricolor Bahia supporters group and director of the National Union LGBT Bahia, cheers for his team during the Brazil's Second Division Football Championship match between Bahia and Operario at the Arena Fonte Nova stadium in Salvador, Bahia state, Brazil, on September 24, 2022. Picture: AFP.

SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - Wearing a rainbow T-shirt and earrings, Ona Ruda struts confidently through the Arena Fonte Nova football stadium, home to his beloved Bahia team and one of Brazil's LGBT fan bases.

However, his cool demeanour is not the norm for football fans who dare to display their homosexuality in Brazilian stadiums.

Ruda, a dark-haired, bearded man with heavy tattoos, knows he is lucky.

The club in northeastern Salvador is a rare safe space for gay fans who often steer clear of football stadiums for fear of coming under attack.

"Before, no one could come here. Today we exist, so we go, and some go with their friends, their family. The great triumph is that these people no longer need to hide that they are LGBT when they go to the stadium," the 32-year-old, who works in communications, tells AFP.

Ruda founded the Torcida LGBTricolor fan collective in September 2019 with the support of EC Bahia, currently a second-division team, which has become known for its progressive attitude.

The team is currently awaiting a possible sale to the City Group, which owns Manchester City.

The group of supporters counts only 15 members, a far cry from other massive Brazilian fan groups. However, the fact that they can go to the stadium waving rainbow flags and wearing rainbow T-shirts, is no small matter.

In other Brazilian football stadiums, homosexual fans are forced to fly under the radar to avoid homophobic chants, insults, hostile looks, and even assaults.

Brazil records violent incidents against the LGBT community daily. In 2021, at least 16 cases of homophobia were recorded in football stadiums, according to a report from Canarinhos LGBT, an organization of football fans seeking to combat discrimination in the sport.

"As a trans man, I feel proud and welcomed in these stands. This is our place, experiencing football," said another Bahia fan, Antonio Ramos, a 28-year-old gastronomy student.

Although almost all top Brazilian football clubs have at least one LGBT fan group, most of which emerged in the past decade, the vast majority keep their presence to social media.

Fear of actually going to the game reigns. However, they also face threats and attacks on social media.

"I think these days the organized fan base still feels uncomfortable towards these groups. In general, these organized groups are still dominated by normative masculinity, virility, machismo, which are often associated with homophobia," explains Luiza Aguiar dos Anjos, the author of several books about gay fans in Brazil.

Aside from Bahia, only the fans of Vasco da Gama in Rio de Janeiro (Vasco LGBTQ+), venture to the football field without needing to hide their sexual orientation.

Others seek refuge individually among groups of fans who label themselves anti-fascist, such as Tribuna 77 of Gremio in Porto Alegre.

The team from the capital of Brazil's southernmost state gave rise to one of the world's first homosexual fan collectives, called "Coligay", between 1977 and 1981.

LGBT football fans measure their strength according to their number of online followers, and many are known for their political activism.

"These fan groups are as interested in rallying their team as they are in changing football and their own clubs, to become more inclusive," added Dos Anjos.

Carlos Costa, who works as an assistant in an e-commerce business, has followed the Palmeiras team from Sao Paulo since 1997. He says he has always sensed a homophobic atmosphere in the stands.

As a child, he went to games with his uncles. Now, he is hoping his LGBT fan collective PorcoIris, which was created on Twitter in 2019, will be able to attend games openly from 2023.

However, he warns, it will depend on how "civilized" Brazilians are by then, especially if far-right President Jair Bolsonaro is re-elected on October 30.

"Unfortunately, we are going backwards ... with a lot of hatred towards minorities," said the 30-year-old.

For now, around 30 active members of PorcoIris are resigned to attending Palmeiras matches without any LGBT symbols, separately, and in different stands.

Gleison Oliveira, 28, a salesman, hopes that at some point, male football will follow the example of female teams where homosexuality is no longer taboo.

"Imagine a future in which we can express ourselves with the Palmeiras shirt and go to stadiums without feeling any sort of repression," he said.

Four Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in West Bank, health ministry says

Palestinian officials say three people were killed in a firefight in the city of Nablus and another died in Ramallah

Palestinian men carry a body through the streets of Nablus after a raid by Israeli forces on Tuesday morning. Photograph: Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty Images

Guardian staff
Tue 25 Oct 2022 

Four Palestinians have been killed and nearly 20 others injured by Israeli forces operating in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Health Ministry has said.

The ministry said in a brief statement that three were killed and 19 wounded, three seriously, by Israeli fire during a raid early on Tuesday in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

It later reported that another Palestinian had been killed by Israeli fire, this time in Ramallah, home to the headquarters of Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority in the central West Bank.

One of the men who died was unarmed, according to Palestinian health and security officials.

The Israeli army confirmed in a joint statement with police and intelligence agencies that they had conducted a large-scale night operation in Nablus, raiding a “hideout apartment ... that was used as a headquarters and explosives manufacturing site”.

“The site was used by the main operatives of the ‘Lion’s Den’ terrorist group,” the statement said, referring to a new group of young Palestinian fighters who have carried out anti-Israeli operations in Nablus in recent weeks.

“During the activity, multiple armed suspects were hit and Palestinian reports indicate that were multiple injuries.”

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesperson for Abbas, said Abbas’s office had asked the US for its help in ending the Israeli campaign. “All of this will have dangerous and destructive consequences,” Abu Rudeineh said on Palestine TV.

Palestinian shot dead by Israeli soldiers in West Bank

Nablus, a large city in the northern West Bank has been a flashpoint for violence since Israel began a crackdown in the West Bank in March in response to a series of attacks by Palestinians in Israel.

In recent weeks, a group of young Palestinian fighters – some affiliated with mainstream groups such as Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad – have carried out anti-Israeli operations from there.

The new group, called Areen al-Ossoud – or The Lion’s Den – claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on an Israeli soldier two weeks ago in the occupied West Bank.

Leader Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, nicknamed The Lion of Nablus, was known for galvanising the youth before he was shot dead by Israeli forces in August. He has since become a folk hero to Palestinians on social media.

In the aftermath, the Israeli army tightened its grip on Nablus, setting up controls to identify people leaving the city and constantly scanning the skies above with observation drones.

On Saturday night, a Lions’ Den fighter, Tamer al-Kilani, was killed in the Old City of Nablus by an explosion attributed by the group and the Israeli press to a bomb remotely activated by the Israeli army.

The army did not comment on these claims.

After the operation early Tuesday, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said in a statement that its “fighters were involved in violent clashes” with Israeli forces in Nablus and threatened Israel with reprisals “against these crimes” there.

The months-long Israeli military campaign in the north of the West Bank had seen near-nightly confrontations between Israel Defence Forces (IDF) soldiers and local militias in the cities of Jenin and Nablus. The operation, codenamed Breakwater, has been one of the biggest outside wartime in decades.

More than 115 Palestinian fighters and civilians have been killed this year, the heaviest toll in the West Bank for nearly seven years, according to the UN.

The IDF says Palestinian gun attacks targeting Israeli settlers and the military have risen threefold compared with last year, putting the number at 170 by September.

On Tuesday, Amnesty International called for an international criminal court (ICC) probe into possible war crimes committed in August by both Israeli forces and Palestinian militants during deadly fighting in Gaza.

Thirty-one civilians were among the 49 Palestinians killed in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip during the three-day conflict, the global rights group said in a new report.

The London-based organisation pressed the ICC to “urgently investigate any apparent war crimes committed during the August 2022 Israeli offensive” in the Palestinian enclave.