Friday, October 01, 2021


Exclusive-‘Giant can of worms’: Some Afghans leave U.S. military bases before resettlement

U.S. Army at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin shelters Afghan refugees

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Something unexpected is happening at U.S. military bases hosting Afghan evacuees: Many hundreds of them are simply leaving before receiving U.S. resettlement services, two sources familiar with the data told Reuters.

The number of “independent departures,” which top 700 and could be higher, has not been previously reported. But the phenomenon is raising alarms among immigration advocates concerned about the risks to Afghans who give up on what is now an open-ended, complex and completely voluntary resettlement process.

In the speed and chaos of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August following 20 years of war, many evacuees were brought into the United States under a temporary status of “humanitarian parole.” Once transferred to U.S. military bases, refugee resettlement groups and U.S. officials have been trying to connect people with services for a smooth transition to the United States.

In a statement, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spokesperson declined to comment on the figures provided to Reuters by sources but said people who had left the bases “generally” had ties to the United States, like family members of friends, and resources to support themselves.

The spokesperson said that in addition, at the outset of the operation many of those evacuated were U.S. citizens, permanent residents or had approved Special Immigrant Visas so were able to depart quickly.

But leaving early could cost other Afghan evacuees critical benefits – like expedited work permits – and create a slew of legal problems down the road, given the complexities of the U.S. immigration system.

“It’s a giant can of worms,” said one U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“This could lead to years and years of terrible immigration status problems.”

The benefits the evacuees have received have been more limited, so far, than what’s offered to refugees. But that appears set to change following legislation passed on Thursday by Congress – despite opposition from Republicans – that would give Afghan evacuees the more extensive assistance usually provided to refugees.

“We should do everything in our power to help our Afghan allies get off to a strong start in their new homes,” Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley said in a statement.

The new legislation says Afghan asylum applications should be expedited. But those who leave U.S. bases early might not get all the legal orientation they need start their applications.


Immigration experts say Afghans who leave the bases are not breaking U.S. laws and military officials have no legal authority to hold law-abiding Afghans against their will at any of the eight locations hosting 53,000 Afghans who fled the Taliban on U.S. evacuation flights.

The scale of the independent departures vary from base to base, according to the sources – more than 300 alone at Fort Bliss in Texas – a figure that is likely to alarm both advocates and critics of the massive U.S. resettlement operation.

However, U.S. officials stress that all of the Afghans leaving U.S. bases had already undergone security screening before arriving in the United States. The risk of the independent departures is to the Afghans themselves.

Reuters viewed a document, entitled “Departee Information,” that is meant to warn Afghans considering leaving before completing their resettlement. It reminds them that, on base, they can get their immigration paperwork processed and even cash to help pay for travel to their destination in the United States.

“Once you leave this base, you forfeit these advantages and may not return,” it reads.

Margaret Stock, an immigration lawyer with expertise in cases related to the military, said the warning was not ill-intentioned.

“I think they’re trying to look out for people,” she said.

“The people managing the bases are rightfully concerned that somebody might not be fully aware of the consequences of wandering off.”

Afghans leaving U.S. bases can be a touchy issue in some parts of the country, particularly given media coverage of security incidents at Fort McCoy, in Wisconsin, and Fort Bliss.

But General Glen VanHerck, head of Northern Command, pushed back on the idea that criminality was a problem on the U.S. bases. He told Pentagon reporters on Thursday that the numbers of incidents involving robbery and theft were substantially lower than in the general U.S. population, with only eight cases in six weeks.

Asked what was the limiting factor in getting Afghans processed for resettlement, VanHerck said it was not vaccinations against measles or the coronavirus or security checks.

Instead, it was efforts by U.S. officials to ensure “each of the Afghan guests have a great place to land and have assurances for where they’re going to relocate to.”

“So I understand that, right now, is the limiting factor on output,” he said.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart and Mica Rosenberg; additional reporting by Jonathan Landay; Editing by Mary Milliken and Grant McCool)

Lava eruption at Kilauea spews 'Pele's hair' volcanic glass into Hawaii's skies

Pilots flying by the volcano reported seeing "Pele's hair."

The Kilauea eruption, as seen at dawn local time on Sept. 30. Lava fountains are spurting out at multiple fissure locations at the base and west wall of the crater, and a lava lake is growing within Halema'uma'u. (Image credit: B. Carr/USGS)

Kilauea volcano is erupting, sending lava and thread-like pieces of volcanic glass, known as Pele's hair, into Hawaii's skies, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service.

The eruption began at about 3:20 p.m. local Hawaii time Wednesday (Sept. 29), when the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory detected a glow from its webcam at Kilauea summit. That glow indicated a lava eruption happening at Halema'uma'u crater — a pit crater nestled in the much larger Kilauea caldera, or crater.

The webcam footage also revealed fissures at the base of Halema'uma'u crater that were releasing lava flows onto the surface of the lava lake that had been active until May 2021, the USGS said in a statement. However, the eruption at Kilauea — located within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, on Hawaii's Big Island — is confined to Halema'uma'u crater, meaning it's not currently a threat to the public.

Related: Photos: Fiery lava from Kilauea volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island

"At this time, we don't believe anybody or any residents are in danger, but we do want to remind folks the park remains open," Cyrus Johnasen, a Hawaii County spokesperson, told Hawaii news station KHON2 on Sept. 29. "It will remain open until the evening. Please proceed with caution," especially for those with respiratory conditions, he added.

However, the part of the park where the eruption is happening is currently closed to the public, according to the USGS.

Due to the eruption, the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory has elevated Kilauea's volcano alert level from "watch" to "warning" and its aviation color code from orange to red, which warns pilots about possible ash emissions. Those are the highest warning levels, meaning a "major volcanic eruption is imminent, underway or suspected, with hazardous activity both on the ground and in the air," according to the USGS.

The eruption within Halema'uma'u crater is spewing low lava fountains in the center of the lava lake (pictured) and along the western wall of Halema'uma'u. (Image credit: M. Patrick/USGS

Telephoto image of fissures that opened at Halema'uma'u crater during the ongoing eruption that began Septe. 29 at Kilauea. (Image credit: M. Patrick/USGS)

Meanwhile, several pilots flying aircraft near Kilauea Wednesday evening reported seeing volcanic glass known as Pele's hair, according to the National Weather Service. The golden, sharp strands of glass — named for Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes — form when gas bubbles within lava burst at the surface.

"The skin of the bursting bubbles flies out, and some of the skin becomes stretched into these very long threads, sometime[s] as long as a couple of feet [more than half a meter] or so," Don Swanson, a research geologist at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, previously told Live Science.

Pele's hair can be beautiful, but it poses a danger if it's ingested through drinking water, Swanson cautioned.

The current eruption is the latest of a long string of volcanic activity at Kilauea. At an elevation of 4,009 feet (1,222 m) aboveground, the shield-shaped volcano has a magma-pumping system that extends more than 37 miles (60 kilometers) below Earth, according to the USGS. Kilauea has erupted 34 times since 1952, and it erupted almost continuously from 1983 to 2018 along its East Rift Zone. A vent at Halema'uma'u crater was home to an active lava pond and a vigorous gas plume from 2008 to 2018.

Kilauea's volcanic activity also made headlines in May 2018, when the lava lake at the summit caldera drained just as the Eastern Rift Zone revved to life with lava fountains and new fissures, whose lava created a red-hot river that destroyed hundreds of houses before draining into the ocean.

From December 2020 to May 2021, a summit eruption made a lava lake within Halema'uma'u crater, and in August 2021, a series of small earthquakes rattled the summit.

El Salvador President: Volcano-Powered Bitcoin Mining Has Begun

President Nayib Bukele has tweeted that El Salvador has begun mining Bitcoin using geothermal power from volcanoes.

By Scott Chipolina
Oct 1, 2021 


The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, took to Twitter early this morning to provide an update on the country’s recently launched Bitcoin mining industry.

According to Bukele's tweet, El Salvador has mined almost $500 worth of Bitcoin, a number that the government surely intends to increase over time.

In a follow-up tweet, Bukele clarified that “this is officially the first #Bitcoin mining from the #volcanode,” the country’s volcano-powered Bitcoin mine. Earlier this week, he shared a video on Twitter that appeared to show the country taking its first steps to mining Bitcoin using geothermal energy from volcanoes.

The video—which shows a data center in a forest before zooming in on a worker wiring up a Bitcoin mining machine—has been viewed over 2 million times already. In today’s tweet, Bukele noted that the project is “still testing and installing.”

Bitcoin mining is controversial given its energy-consumption demands and resulting carbon footprint. Due to increased scrutiny over the cryptocurrency’s impact on the environment, some miners have turned to cleaner, renewable power sources, such as geothermal energy.

In June, President Bukele said that El Salvador’s state-owned electricity company LaGeo would use “very cheap, 100% clean, 100% renewable, 0 emissions energy from our volcanoes,” to mine Bitcoin.

While the decision may have spared President Bukele criticism from environmentalists, his own population remains divided over the country’s embrace of Bitcoin as legal tender.
Bukele's Bitcoin ambitions

President Bukele first announced his plans to accept Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador during this year’s Bitcoin Conference in Miami.

Ever since, his decision has been mired in controversy, with some Salvadorans claiming that the Bitcoin Law has exposed President Bukele’s already well-documented authoritarian streak.

Despite President Bukele’s suggestions to the contrary, Article 7 of the Bitcoin Law compels businesses to accept Bitcoin as a payment, even if they don’t want to. And the government has doubled down on this stance ever since.

“The government has harassed big business and small business alike. They’ve sent government agents to inspect businesses to ensure they are following labor regulations just because C-level executives have said negative things about the Bitcoin Law,” one local businessperson told Decrypt on condition of anonymity.

Critics who've spoken out against the government’s policy have also been targeted. “The police doesn’t have to take anyone to court. They just scare one of the vocal dissidents with kidnapping him a couple of hours or a couple of days,” another local businessperson told Decrypt, referring to the illegal arrest of Bitcoin critic Mario Gomez earlier this month.

This summer also saw multiple surveys and protest after protest after protest—all evidencing the fact that many Salvadorans do not wish to accept Bitcoin as legal tender.

Yet, President Bukele’s embrace of Bitcoin has continued—with crucial details of the project yet to be revealed.

“There are so many things that are not being disclosed. For example, who’s holding the private keys to these Bitcoin?" Nolvia Serrano, head of operations at crypto wallet provider BlockBank, asked on the Decrypt Daily podcast earlier this week. "Also, what’s the criteria for saying, 'Oh, today, we’re going to buy more Bitcoin, or we’re going to wait until next month.' We don’t know that."

“There’s no space to make wrong calls on this, and we need to be transparent because the cryptocurrency community cares about these principles,” she added.

However, many of the world’s loudest Bitcoin advocates, including Jack MallersMichael Saylor and Peter McCormack—have rushed to heap praise on the crypto ambitions of the self-professed “coolest dictator in the world.”


Rival unions unite in dispute over gold miner pay


South Africa’s long-divided mining unions are forging a united front against the industry’s largest employer as they declared a dispute over wage negotiations with Sibanye-Stillwater.

The National Union of Mineworkers, Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, UASA and Solidarity will hold an unprecedented joint press conference over their issues with the company on October 1, the labour groups said Wednesday in a statement. Collectively, they are asking for a monthly pay increase of R1 500 rand for workers in Sibanye’s gold mines. The deal would run over each of the next three years.

A united labor force will present a different dynamic for South African mining companies. NUM and AMCU, the biggest unions in the gold sector, have previously refused to sit at the same negotiating table, with a history of violent clashes between their members. Three years ago, AMCU embarked on a five-month strike that crippled Sibanye’s gold mines after it initially rejected a wage deal that had been agreed upon by the other unions.

“We are all fighting for the common cause,” said NUM spokesman Livhuwani Mammburu. “What’s the use of allowing companies like Sibanye-Stillwater to divide us.”

The unions signed a wage deal earlier this month with Harmony Gold Mining Co., which Sibanye should reference for its own offer, they said. Harmony workers will receive a monthly pay increase of R1 000 for each year of the agreement.

The labour groups have declared a dispute and the talks are now taking place under the auspices of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, said Sibanye spokesman James Wellsted. The wage increases are unaffordable for the company and “will result in the early closure of the mines if we accede to the unions demands,” he said.

Sibanye employs almost 31 000 workers in a South African gold industry that’s struggling to curb costs amid the geological challenges of the world’s deepest mines. 

Humanitarian Crisis in Mozambique As Militants Use Child SoldiersFacebook

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has denounced the use of child soldiers by the Islamic State-linked insurgent group Al-Shabaab, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado.  HRW in a statement, said that the armed group abducted hundreds of boys, some as young as 12, trained them in bases across Cabo Delgado province, and forced them to fight alongside adults against government forces. It added that in the town of Palma, parents said they watched their sons wield guns when they returned with other fighters to raid their village.

Despite the progress in pushing back the insurgents, there is still a humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado. According to the United Nations Children's Fund, 862,990 people have been displaced due to the violence. It calculates that 48.2% of these are children and 11% of the displaced people are now based in resettlement sites, 6% in temporary accommodation, and 82.7% living with host families.

The UN Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, which Mozambique ratified in 2004, prohibits non-state armed groups from recruiting children under the age of 18. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court categorizes as a war crime the conscription, enlistment, or active use of children under 15 years old in active hostilities during armed conflict.

AllAfrica's Silencing The Guns series focuses on peacebuilding on the continent, and today we're talking about the situation in Mozambique, where terror engulfs the northern province of Cabo Delgado. We'll hear from David Matsinhe, Southern African researcher at Amnesty International and author, historian, and peace practitioner Yussuf Adam, who shares his experiences after a field visit in the north.

First, delving into what led Cabo Delgado to become the centre of battles between government troops and fighters led by men the U.S. has now designated as Islamist terrorists, then one of the most respected long-term researchers of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique speaks out after seeing the horrific living conditions of Mozambicans displaced by the ongoing fighting.

Villagers Demand Complete Halt to Namibia Sand MiningFacebooTwitterWhatsAppFlipboarLinkedI

RedditEmaiShareNamibian villagers of Ondado C in Oniipa in northen Namibia are demanding a complete halt to sand mining activities in the area. The community has further lashed out at the Ondonga Traditional Authority (OTA) as well as Environment Minister Pohamba Shifeta after an appeal meeting was called off for a second time. 

The meeting sought to iron out a longstanding conflict with the OTA who were granted a licence to mine sand at Ondado C against the wishes of the community.  In June 2021, that licence was revoked, following complaints from the community, of which the environmental commissioner Timoteus Mufeti found that the OTA had transgressed, after the extraction activities interfered with underground water.

Excessive sand mining can alter a river bed, force the river to change course, erode banks and lead to flooding. It also destroys the habitat of aquatic animals and micro-organisms besides affecting groundwater recharge. Sand mining generates extra vehicle traffic, which negatively impairs the environment.

Can Agritech Bring Africa's Young People Back to FarmingFacebook

As communities in Africa start to rebound from the initial impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic and look ahead, the importance of creating millions of jobs for the continent's booming youth population cannot be overstated. This will require concerted efforts across myriad sectors. One sector that is brimming with vast and untapped resources, is agriculture.  

The future of food on the continent is in the hands of African farmers, particularly our young farmers, of whom we are in desperately short supply. About 60% of Africans are under 25 years old, but the average age of Africa's smallholder farmers is over 60 years.

Too many young people view farming as exhausting work with antiquated tools for very low pay. A report released by Heifer International in August 2021 explained why young people are turning away from agriculture. The report emphasised that this is a major opportunity to evolve the sector and bring them back, writes Adesuwa Ifedi for African Arguments.

The report also found that with the appropriate financing, training, and access to technologies, many more African youth would seriously consider pursuing a career in agriculture. The survey, which included focus groups with farmers and tech companies, revealed evidence of rapidly growing agritech start-ups operated by creative young people across the continent. By encouraging and supporting this new generation of innovators, the report says that access to labour-saving and transformative technologies for huge numbers of smallholder farmers, can be boosted.

Nigeria: Covid-19: Current State of Access to Vaccines Unacceptable - Buhari to Global Community

Lisa Ferdinando/U.S. Secretary of Defense/Flickr
A vial of the Covid-19 vaccine.

1 OCTOBER 2021
Premium Times (Abuja)By Mojeed Alabi

We must act now to accelerate equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, Mr Buhari said.

Nigeria's President, Muhammadu Buhari, has condemned the current method of global distribution of vaccines against the rampaging coronavirus pandemic.

He said the world cannot afford the situation "where a handful of countries keep the global vaccine supply to themselves at the expense of other nations."

Mr Buhari stated this in his broadcast to Nigerians on Friday as part of activities to mark the nation's 61st independence anniversary.

He said he had shared the same message to the global community during his presentation at the United Nations assembly in New York, last week.

He said: "We must act now to accelerate equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. This is the message I conveyed to the international community in New York last week."

Nigeria's journey against COVID-19

The President said, just like other nations of the world, since 2020 when the index case was recorded in the country, the pandemic has altered Nigeria's recovery plans from economic recession earlier experienced.

"Our original priorities for 2020 were to continue stabilising our economy following the deep recession while restoring peace in areas confronted with security challenges. But the

The President, however, commended Nigerians for what he described as their united stand against the pandemic. He said such unity of purpose is required to confront all other challenges facing the country.

The President said: "Nigerians came together as one to fight against COVID-19. It is this attitude and by the special grace of God, we continue to survive the pandemic as a nation and indeed, provide leadership and example at regional and international levels.

"The doomsday scenario predicted for our country never came. Even as the Delta variant continues to spread, we have built the capacity we need to respond now and into the future.

"I will therefore appeal to Nigerians not to take COVID lightly, adhere to public health and social measures, put your mask on and get vaccinated. We can control this pandemic, but it requires effort on everybody's part. The investments we made in response to

Nigeria's vaccination campaign

The President said despite the global inequity in access to vaccines, Nigeria has continued to explore all available options to ensure free access to safe and effective vaccines in the country.

He pleaded with Nigerians to take get vaccinated and observe all necessary protocols in the fight against the pandemic.

"Some five million vaccine doses have been administered to Nigerians through efforts led by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency and we will continue to explore options for purchase or acquisition of vaccines such as through COVAX and the 

He pledged the commitment of his administration to the provision of needed support for upgrade of facilities within the nation's health sector.

Local vaccine production

The President said the ultimate ambition is to achieve local manufacturing of vaccines against similar diseases and pandemic in the future.

"As we push to source vaccines for our immediate needs, we shall invest more to support our pharmaceutical and research agencies to come up with ideas for locally developed vaccines. Should another pandemic arise in the future, Our question is simple; will Nigeria be ready?

"Accordingly, I have directed the Ministries of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Health, Education and Science and Technology to work with Nigerian and International pharmaceutical companies and research organisations to enhance Nigeria's domestic pharmaceutical capacity.

"Already, the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority is raising a $200 million fund for this initiative that will complement the Central Bank of Nigeria's ongoing N85 billion Healthcare Sector Research and Development Intervention Scheme to support local researchers in the development of vaccines and drugs to combat communicable and non-communicable diseases, including COVID-19."

COVID-19 in Nigeria

Since 2020 when the index case was recorded in Nigeria, more than 2,000 Nigerian citizens have been claimed by the pandemic.

Similarly, the country has recorded 205,765 infections while a total of 193,617 Nigerians have been recovered and discharged nationwide.

Read the original article on Premium Times.
UK business confidence collapses as fears of ‘stagflation’ grow

Supply chain shortages and price rises could lead to the zero growth and high inflation seen in the 1970s
Drivers queue to fill up in Datchet, Berkshire, on 28 September. The fuel shortage is one of the reasons business confidence in the UK is currently so low. 
Photograph: Maureen McLean/Rex/Shutterstock

Richard Partington and Larry Elliott
Fri 1 Oct 2021 

Business confidence in the UK has collapsed after a month that has seen supply bottlenecks, rising energy prices, fuel shortages and looming tax increases combine to stifle growth.

In its latest health check on the economy, the Institute of Directors said sentiment had “fallen off a cliff” in September, adding to fears that Britain was on course for a dose of 1970s-style stagflation.

The warnings from the IoD came as people queued to fill up on garage forecourts and road traffic fell in the last week. The online clothes retailer Boohoo said its profit margins were being squeezed by higher shipping costs and the need to increase pay for staff in its warehouses.

The IoD said the sharp fall in business confidence from +22 points to –1 point in September meant a return to the pessimism of February, when the economy was constrained by lockdown restrictions.

Kitty Ussher, the IoD’s chief economist, said: “The business environment has deteriorated dramatically in recent weeks. Following a period of optimism in the early summer, people running small and medium-sized businesses across the UK are now far less certain about the overall economic situation and the IoD Directors’ Economic Confidence Index fell off a cliff in September.

“A higher proportion of our members expect costs to rise in the next year than expect revenues to rise. This is not helped by the government’s recent decision to raise employers’ national insurance contributions, which acts as a disincentive to hire just when the furlough scheme is ending.”

Although the ONS upgraded its growth estimates for the UK in the second quarter of this year from 4.8% to 5.5%, activity has slowed since the middle of the year as a result of rising infection rates, the “pingdemic”, and labour and supply-chain shortages.

The latest weekly update on the economy from the ONS showed that job vacancies in the transport, logistics and warehousing sector were up by more than 350% on pre-pandemic levels. The combination of pressures has led to warnings the UK could be heading for a winter of stagflation, when a stagnating economy combines with rising prices.

Shevaun Haviland, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), which represents thousands of companies across the UK, said ministers needed to work with firms to deal with the growing fallout from Covid and Brexit.

Writing in the Guardian, she warned that businesses were facing the most difficult operating environment for a generation. “It’s not just labour shortages. The price of energy, raw materials and shipping have all risen sharply. It’s often taking longer to move goods across borders and businesses are facing higher taxes in the coming year,” she said.

As the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, unwinds emergency support schemes that helped limit the fallout from the worst recession in 300 years, the Guardian’s monthly dashboard of economic developments shows signs of distress spreading across the economy.

Businesses and households are coming under growing pressure from rising costs, with inflation at the highest rate in a decade ahead of a tough winter, as shortages of goods and materials drag on growth. In the depths of a fuel crisis as petrol stations run dry, company bosses warned that removing furlough and other support schemes risked a “perfect storm” for growth and jobs.

“One of these issues alone would be tough, but together they create a perfect storm as we head into an unpredictable winter,” said Haviland.

For more than a year, the Guardian has tracked the economic fallout from the pandemic on a monthly basis, following infection rates, eight key growth indicators and the level of the FTSE 100. Faced with the deepest global recession since the Great Depression, the Covid crisis watch also monitors Britain’s performance compared with other countries.

After suffering one of the worst death rates in the world from Covid-19 and the deepest economic slump in the G7, Britain’s economy has recovered faster than expected and is forecast to grow at the fastest rate among the group of wealthy nations this year. However, economic growth has dropped close to stalling point despite the end of most pandemic restrictions.

Official figures show that weaker retail sales and shortages of workers and raw materials dragged down GDP growth in July to 0.1% on the month, and the IoD survey will add to fears that the economy has flatlined in the third quarter.


Zebrafish predict the future to avoid virtual danger

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Virtual reality swimming for fish 



Scientists from the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) and collaborators in Japan have discovered particular neurons in the brain that monitor whether predictions made by fish actually come true. By making use of a new virtual reality-outfitted aquarium where brain imaging of zebrafish can be done as they learn and navigate through virtual reality cues, researchers found neurons that allow efficient risk avoidance and create a “hazard map” in the brain that allows for escape to safety. The study was published in Nature Communications on September 29.

Predicting the future is an integral part of decision-making for fish and humans alike.  When real situations do not match expectations, the brain generates “prediction errors”, which let us know that our expectations were off. Expectations are formed by internal models of the environment, and just like people, the new study found that fish have such models in their brains. The researchers monitored prediction-error associated brain activity in real-time as zebrafish learned to avoid danger in their tank. They found that the fish tried to keep the prediction error low to efficiently avoid danger. Because risk avoidance is an evolutionarily conserved behavior, these results shed light on important brain circuits that are shared across all vertebrates, including humans.

Zebrafish are small and transparent, which makes it easy to record the activity of the whole brain. In the experiment, the fish saw a choice between red or blue virtual reality zones as they virtually swam and learned to associate the colors of the virtual zones with danger or safety. The researchers were particularly interested in a front part of the brain called the telencephalon, which corresponds to the cerebral cortex and other structures in mammals, and which contributes to decision-making. As zebrafish learned to avoid danger in virtual reality, the time-lapse change in their brain activity was recorded, leading to the discovery of neurons that represent the prediction error.


Two swimming zebrafish



Distinct active populations of neurons emerged as fish started to learn that choosing the virtual route through blue surroundings led to danger and choosing the red route meant safety. Later, an experimental reversal of the association, in which red became dangerous instead of blue, led to an inactivation of these neurons. This told the researchers that the neurons were likely coding a behavioral rule, not simply the color that the fish were seeing. In another change to the virtual reality space, the scenery was altered so that it did not change based on the tail movements of the fish. For example, trying to swim forwards by flipping the tail did not make the view recede as expected. These manipulations revealed a group of neurons that was activated only when actions the fish thought would allow them to reach safety did not have the expected result. “We think this population of neurons is encoding a prediction error in the brain, comparing the actual view of their surroundings with the predicted view that they have learned would get them to safety if they behaved in a certain way,” says lead author Makio Torigoe.

“Every animal has to make predictions for its future based on what it has learned before,” adds research team leader Hitoshi Okamoto. “Now we know how these predictions are compared to what animals actually encounter in the world, and which parts of the zebrafish brain drive the subsequent decision-making.”

VIDEO Virtual swimming [VIDEO] | EurekAlert! Science News Releases

Torigoe et al. (2021) Zebrafish capable of generating future state prediction error show improved active avoidance behavior in virtual realityNat Commun. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26010-7


Let babies play! Study shows free play may help infants learn and develop

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The benefits of object play (blocks, puzzles, cars, dolls and so on) for infant learning and development are well documented. However, nearly nothing is known about how natural play unfolds in the ecologically valid home environment (real-life settings). Indeed, research on infant play is limited to structured tasks in child-friendly lab environments, where infants engage with predetermined objects for a fixed amount of time. Although structured observations illuminate how infants explore, interact, and learn with novel objects under controlled conditions, they reveal little about how infants spontaneously play in their everyday environments. A new study published in Child Development by researchers at New York University aimed to address this gap by examining infant free play outside the confines of a lab setting and pre-selected toys.

“Our findings show an essential first step in identifying the everyday inputs to infants’ natural learning,” said Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, Professor of Applied Psychology at New York University. “At a time in development when infants must acquire information about what objects are and what they can do with them, massive amounts of practice playing with a variety of objects at home is beneficial for learning. And varied exploration is adaptive. We thus seek to flip the narrative from a critique of what infants have not yet achieved to an acknowledgement of how infants interact with their natural learning environment at home.”

Study participants included 40 infants: 20 13-month-olds, 10 18-month-olds and 10 23-month-olds. Twice as many 13-month-olds were observed to enable comparisons between crawlers and walkers. Most infants were from White (75%), middle-class English-speaking families and were only children. Families were recruited in New York City through hospitals, referrals, and brochures. Mothers ranged from 27 to 46 years old and most (93%) had earned college or higher degrees and 65% worked part- or full-time. The study was conducted between December 2017 and September 2019. Families received a $75 gift card for each visit.

An experimenter recorded infants and their mothers with a handheld video camera during two home visits with minimal interference. Infants were free to interact with whatever objects were available. Object interaction was defined as infants manually displacing an object with their hands. Banging hands on a table or swiping hands on a surface did not count if the infant did not displace the object nor did touches with body parts other than the hands (e.g., kicking a ball, sucking on a pacifier) or touches to the infants’ own body (including clothing), the mother’s body, or a pet’s body.

During play at home, where objects abound and infants were free to play as they wished, babies transitioned among dozens of objects per hour in short bursts of activity, flitting between toys and non-toys alike. The short interactions added up to infants spending 60% of their time interacting with objects. Moreover, infants spent as much time playing with household objects—bins, boxes, pillows, remote controls, stools, cabinet doors, and so on—as they did with toys. Such findings provide a key to understanding how object play might facilitate everyday learning and development.

“Our research yields an unprecedented picture of infants’ spontaneous object interactions,” said Orit Herzberg, postdoctoral fellow at New York University. “Instead of viewing infant behavior as flighty and distractible, infants’ exuberant activity should be viewed as a developmental asset—an ideal curriculum for learning about the properties and functions that propels growth in motor, cognitive, social and language domains. Infants learn about the world by playing with as many things as possible, in short bursts of activity. And every object is a potential play object.”

The authors acknowledge several limitations of the research. First, infants were drawn from predominantly White, upper-middle class, educated families living in a large metropolitan area, thus the experiment was not tested in other samples, including communities where manufactured toys are rare or even nonexistent. Additionally, infants’ object interactions were only observed with their mothers present; thus whether infants’ spontaneous interactions vary by different types of social engagement remains an open question.  



This research was supported by the LEGO Foundation and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Summarized from Child Development, Infant exuberant object play at home: Immense amounts of time-distributed, variable practice by Herzberg, O., Fletcher, K., Schatz, J., Adolph, K., and Tamis-LeMonda, C. (New York University). Copyright 2021 The Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved.


Social inclusion of women by male colleagues in STEM fields can improve their workplace experience

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Organizations working to meaningfully improve diversity and inclusion in STEM may be missing a crucial consideration, new research suggests.

Rather than organizations solely focusing on hiring more women or increasing the visibility of women’s workplace achievements, new research highlights the importance of fostering positive workplace social relationships.  Specifically, facilitating male-female friendships might uniquely improve gender equity and inclusion in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.

Hilary Bergsieker, a professor in Waterloo’s Department of Psychology and co-author of the study, said they found even a small amount of social inclusion of women by male colleagues can go a long way toward reducing the gender barriers experienced by women in those fields.

“Merely working in a mixed-gender team—or even feeling respected as highly competent by men—is not sufficient to protect women from the psychological costs of experiencing social exclusion from male coworkers,” Bergsieker said. “When women and men have ample opportunity to interact informally and forge workplace friendships, these bonds can meaningfully improve women’s feelings of fit and engagement in STEM fields.”

In a two-part study, the researchers first examined whether acts of gendered social exclusion are systematically associated with men’s implicit gender stereotypes. They then turned to women’s experiences, investigating whether women’s workplace outcomes are associated with being socially excluded by male colleagues. 

Using a sample of 1,247 professional scientists and engineers from nine organizations, the researchers had participants complete a survey that measured their social networks, workplace outcomes, and implicit gender stereotypes (using a reaction time task). To gain insight into social network structures, participants listed up to five teammates and then indicated who, including themselves, sought out each person for informal socializing. Then, to measure workplace outcomes, participants completed a self-report of workplace engagement, efficacy, social fit, social identity threat, and workplace support.  

“Our research shows how positive day-to-day interactions between colleagues reflect and reinforce this chilly climate, and points to a counter-intuitive way that we can help fix it,” said Emily Cyr, a PhD candidate in social psychology at Waterloo. “When men made even small gestures of social inclusion, for example, chatting with female teammates during breaks, women reported feeling less worried about being stereotyped at work and more engaged in their careers. However, men were less likely to socially include their female colleagues than their male colleagues, especially men with stronger unconscious (implicit) gender stereotypes.”


The study, Mapping Social Exclusion in STEM to Men’s Implicit Bias and Women’s Career Costs, authored by Bergsieker, Cyr, Tara Dennehy and Toni Schmader appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.