Monday, February 20, 2023

New Way for Extracting Thermal Energy From Low-Temperature Waste Heat Sources

Heat Energy Ball Transfer Explosion Concept

Scientists in China have proposed and realized a new concept—barocaloric thermal batteries based on the unique inverse barocaloric effect. With this they can extract thermal energy from low-temperature waste heat sources and reuse it on demand, simply by controlling the pressure

A Chinese research team has developed a new concept for extracting thermal energy from low-temperature waste heat sources and reusing it on demand simply by controlling the pressure.

Heat production accounts for more than 50% of the world’s final energy consumption and analysis of waste heat potential shows that 72% of the world’s primary energy consumption is lost after conversion, mainly in the form of heat. It is also responsible for more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Against this background, researchers led by Prof. LI Bing from the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have proposed and realized a new concept—barocaloric thermal batteries based on the unique inverse barocaloric effect.

The study will be published today (February 17, 2023) in the journal Science Advances.

Barocaloric Thermal Batteries: Concept and Realization

Barocaloric thermal batteries: Concept and realization. Credit: Institute of Metal Research

An inverse barocaloric effect is characterized by a pressure-induced endothermic response, in sharp contrast to a normal barocaloric effect where pressurization leads to an exothermic response. “A barocaloric thermal battery cycle consists of three steps, including thermal charging upon pressurization, storage with pressure, and thermal discharging upon depressurization,” said Prof. LI, corresponding author of the study.

The barocaloric thermal battery was materialized in ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN). Discharge was manifested as the heat of 43 J g-1 or a temperature rise of about 15 K. The heat released was 11 times greater than the mechanical energy input.

To understand the physical origin of the unique inverse barocaloric effect, the working material NH4SCN has been well characterized using synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. It undergoes a crystal structural phase transition from a monoclinic to an orthorhombic phase at 363 K, accompanied by a volumetric negative thermal expansion of ~5% and entropy changes of about 128 J kg-1 K-1.

This transition is easily driven by pressure as low as 40 MPa, and it is the first inverse barocaloric system with entropy changes greater than 100 J kg-1K-1. Pressure-dependent neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations showed that the transverse vibrations of SCN¯ anions are enhanced by pressure and the hydrogen bonds that form the long-range order are then weakened.

As a result, the system becomes disordered in response to external pressure and thus the material absorbs heat from the environment.

As an emerging solution for manipulating heat, barocaloric thermal batteries are expected to play an active role in a variety of applications such as low-temperature industrial waste heat harvesting and reuse, solid-state refrigeration heat transfer systems, smart grids, and residential heat management.

Reference: “Thermal batteries based on inverse barocaloric effects” 17 February 2023, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add0374

This study was supported by CAS, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Capturing waste heat to turn it back into energy

Waste heat is the biggest source of energy on the planet. A newly developed waste heat engine could recycle all that lost heat back into the energy, reducing our use of fossil fuels

Luminescent’s waste heat engine captures and stores wasted heat from industrial generators. 
Photo courtesy of Luminescent

By Brian Blum
February 19

According to a study from Yale University’s School of the Environment, some 70 percent of all energy produced by humanity is squandered as “waste heat,” much of it a byproduct of running large industrial plants.

Waste heat “is the biggest source of energy on the planet,” says Joseph King, one of the program directors for the US government’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy.

Israeli startup Luminescent has developed a technology to capture this waste heat – which is full of climate change-exacerbating CO2 – and turn it into electricity, either to power the facility itself at a lower cost or to be sold back to the electrical grid.

Capturing wasted heat is a known need; Facebook announced a plan in 2020 to channel the waste heat from its center in Odense, Denmark, to warm nearly 7,000 homes, and another Danish endeavor uses heat from a crematorium to heat local homes.

But mainly, the business of heat capture focuses on large facilities with substantial generators, where producing and storing zero-emission electricity is more cost effective.

Luminescent is the first to address the small power generators that comprise most of the market. Its super-efficient waste heat engine will be available by mid-2023 as a pilot, with sales starting in 2025.

Although waste heat released into the air doesn’t have much direct effect on climate change, every bit of waste heat recycled into energy reduces our use of fossil fuels.

One study in the UK found that if some of the country’s biggest power stations were to divert waste heat to warming homes and offices, it could prevent the release of some 10 million tons of CO2 emissions annually.
Kinetic energy

Luminescent’s unique waste heat engine uses a heat-transfer liquid (HTL), which flows in a nozzle where it’s mixed with pressurized air or other gas bubbles.

The liquid has a thousand times more thermal energy density than any gas for a similar volume.

The bubbles expand isothermally (without any change in temperature), thereby accelerating the HTL and converting it into kinetic energy. The kinetic energy operates a generator on top of the engine shaft.

The bottom line: Luminescent says its isothermal process reduces the size and doubles the efficiency of an engine compared to other operations, while providing up to 70% more power than existing setups.

The Luminescent system can store the resulting energy for up to 20 hours.

Having recently raised a $7 million seed funding round led by Grove Ventures, the company is targeting industrial operations in the United States, Europe, Japan, China and South Korea.
Zero-emission energy
From left, From left, Luminescent founder and CEO Doron Tamir, founder and CTO Prof. Carmel Rotschild, VP Product Tomer Stern, VP Engineering Erez Klein. Photo by Noi Einav

The Tel Aviv-based company was cofounded by Doron Tamir, a former executive at the solar energy firm Solex Renewable, and Prof. Carmel Rotschild of the mechanical engineering department at the Technion, who invented the isothermal process used by Luminescent.

Tamir tells ISRAEL21c that after a decade in the solar industry, “I came to the conclusion that solar energy with batteries is important, but if you want to be serious about energy transition, it’s part of the solution but not the solution.”

Since waste heat is a necessary byproduct of heat engines, the efficiency of power plants and large industrial factories is limited, and they must therefore burn more fuel to achieve their desired energy output.

Once Tamir identified waste heat as perhaps the biggest piece of the climate change puzzle, he realized that “we have the potential to generate hundreds of gigawatts of zero-emission energy. But today almost no one uses it. All heat engines are very inefficient and expensive if they’re under 10 megawatts,” enough to power 300 homes.

From left, founder and CTO Prof. Carmel Rotschild and Luminescent founder and CEO Doron Tamir. Photo by Noi Einav

Working with an industrial plant using any source of energy – gas, coal or solar – Luminescent’s system “can give electricity back at a very low cost.”

Tamir gives the example of the US gas pipeline that runs from the east to west coasts. “They have 25 gigawatt small turbines that operate a compressor. The efficiency is as low as 24%. We can take that 24% and turn it into 41%.”

That may not sound like a huge jump, but Tamir points out that, “just from this market in the US, we could generate the entire capacity of electrical demand in Israel, all with zero emissions.”
Gearing up for sales

Luminescent will build its first engines in Israel with partnerships outside the Middle East anticipated as the company begins signing up international customers.

Tamir is looking at a $1,500 price point per engine with the number going down as the company scales.

And while waste energy is the target, that’s just the starting point. “Waste heat that can work for decades is a big one. But renewable storage could also be an endless market. Data center cooling, geothermal energy production – these can all be endless markets,” Tamir tells ISRAEL21c.

As the Yale study noted, “Waste heat is a problem of a thousand cuts, requiring a mass of innovations to tackle different slices of the problem.”

To learn more about capturing waste heat the Israeli way, visit the Luminescent website.

Plague Trackers: Uncovering the Elusive Origins of the Black Death

East Smithfield Plague Pits

The East Smithfield plague pits, which were used for mass burials in 1348 and 1349. Credit: Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA)

The researchers analyzed over 600 genome sequences of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium responsible for causing the plague.

In an effort to gain deeper insight into the origins and spread of bubonic plague throughout history, researchers from McMaster University, the University of Sydney, and the University of Melbourne have conducted a thorough and detailed analysis of hundreds of modern and ancient genome sequences, creating the largest study of its type.

Despite significant advancements in DNA technology and analysis, the origin, evolution, and spread of the plague remain challenging to pinpoint.

The plague is responsible for the two largest and most deadly pandemics in human history. However, the ebb and flow of these, why some die out and others persist for years has confounded scientists.

In a paper published today in the journal Communications Biology, McMaster researchers use comprehensive data and analysis to chart what they can about the highly complex history of Y. pestis, the bacterium that causes plague.

The research features an analysis of more than 600 genome sequences from around the globe, spanning the plague’s first emergence in humans 5,000 years ago, the plague of Justinian, the medieval Black Death, and the current (or third) Pandemic, which began in the early 20th century

East Smithfield Plague Pits Skeletons

The East Smithfield plague pits, which were used for mass burials in 1348 and 1349. Credit: Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA)

“The plague was the largest pandemic and biggest mortality event in human history. When it emerged and from what host may shed light on where it came from, why it continually erupted over hundreds of years and died out in some locales but persisted in others.   And ultimately, why it killed so many people,” explains evolutionary geneticist Hendrik Poinar, director of McMaster’s Ancient DNA Centre.

Poinar is a principal investigator with the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research and McMaster’s Global Nexus for Pandemics & Biological Threats.

The team studied genomes from strains with a worldwide distribution and of different ages and determined that Y. pestis has an unstable molecular clock. This makes it particularly difficult to measure the rate at which mutations accumulate in its genome over time, which are then used to calculate dates of emergence.

Because Y. pestis evolves at a very slow pace, it is almost impossible to determine exactly where it originated.

Humans and rodents have carried the pathogen around the globe through travel and trade, allowing it to spread faster than its genome evolved. Genomic sequences found in Russia, Spain, England, Italy, and Turkey, despite being separated by years are all identical, for example, creating enormous challenges in determining the route of transmission.

To address the problem, researchers developed a new method for distinguishing specific populations of Y. pestis, enabling them to identify and date five populations throughout history, including the most famous ancient pandemic lineages which they now estimate had emerged decades or even centuries before the pandemic was historically documented in Europe.

“You can’t think of the plague as just a single bacterium,” explains Poinar. “Context is hugely important, which is shown by our data and analysis.”

To properly reconstruct pandemics of our past, present, and future, historical, ecological, environmental, social, and cultural contexts are equally significant.

He explains that genetic evidence alone is not enough to reconstruct the timing and spread of short-term plague pandemics, which has implications for future research related to past pandemics and the progression of ongoing outbreaks such as COVID-19.

Reference: “Plagued by a cryptic clock: insight and issues from the global phylogeny of Yersinia pestis” by Katherine Eaton, Leo Featherstone, Sebastian Duchene, Ann G. Carmichael, Nükhet Varlık, G. Brian Golding, Edward C. Holmes, and Hendrik N. Poinar, 19 January 2023, Communications Biology.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-04394-6

Study of Ancient Proteins Clarifies Mystery of Crocodiles’ Unique Hemoglobin

Crocodile With Impala

A Nile crocodile swallows an impala, its reward for lying in wait beneath the water’s surface. By resurrecting the hemoglobin of ancient crocodilian ancestors, a Husker-led team has helped explain why other vertebrates failed to evolve the adaptations that allow crocs to go hours without air. Credit: Cell Press / Current Biology / Shutterstock / Scott Schrage, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Experiments on ancient proteins reveal that mutations are more numerous and nuanced than previously believed.

It can pogo-stick along at 50-plus miles per hour, leaping 30-odd feet in a single bound. But that platinum-medal athleticism falls by the wayside at a sub-Saharan riverside, the source of life and death for the skittish impala stilling itself for a drink in 100-degree heat.

For the past hour, a Nile crocodile has been silently lurking in the muddy river. When the apex predator strikes, its powerful jaws clamp onto the hindquarter of an unsuspecting impala with a force of 5,000 pounds. The real weapon, however, is the water itself, as the crocodile drags its prey to the deep end to drown.

The success of the croc’s ambush lies in the nanoscopic scuba tanks — hemoglobins — that course through its bloodstream, unloading oxygen from lungs to tissues at a slow but steady clip that allows it to go hours without air. The hyper-efficiency of that specialized hemoglobin has led some biologists to wonder why, of all the jawed vertebrates in all the world, crocodilians were the lone group to hit on such an optimal solution to making the most of a breath.

By statistically reconstructing and experimentally resurrecting the hemoglobin of an archosaur, the 240-million-year-old ancestor of all crocodilians and birds, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Jay Storz and colleagues have gleaned new insights into that why. Rather than requiring just a few key mutations, as earlier research suggested, the unique properties of crocodilian hemoglobin stemmed from 21 interconnected mutations that litter the intricate component of red blood cells.

That complexity, and the multiple knock-on effects that any one mutation can induce in hemoglobin, may have forged an evolutionary path so labyrinthine that nature failed to retrace it even over tens of millions of years, the researchers said.

“If it was such an easy trick — if it was that easy to do, just making a few changes — everyone would be doing it,” said Storz, a senior author of the study and Willa Cather Professor of biological sciences at Nebraska.

All hemoglobin binds with oxygen in the lungs before swimming through the bloodstream and eventually releasing that oxygen to the tissues that depend on it. In most vertebrates, hemoglobin’s affinity for capturing and holding oxygen is dictated largely by molecules known as organic phosphates, which, by attaching themselves to the hemoglobin, can coax it into releasing its precious cargo.

But in crocodilians — crocodiles, alligators, and their kin — the role of organic phosphates was supplanted by a molecule, bicarbonate, that is produced from the breakdown of carbon dioxide. Because hardworking tissues produce lots of carbon dioxide, they also indirectly generate lots of bicarbonate, which in turn encourages hemoglobin to dispense its oxygen to the tissues most in need of it.

“It’s a super-efficient system that provides a kind of slow-release mechanism that allows crocodilians to efficiently exploit their onboard oxygen stores,” Storz said. “It’s part of the reason they’re able to stay underwater for so long.”

As postdoctoral researchers in Storz’s lab, Chandrasekhar Natarajan, Tony Signore, and Naim Bautista had already helped decipher the workings of the crocodilian hemoglobin. Alongside colleagues from Denmark, Canada, the United States, and Japan, Storz’s team decided to embark on a multidisciplinary study of how the oxygen-ferrying marvel came to be.

Prior efforts to understand its evolution involved incorporating known mutations into human hemoglobin and looking for any functional changes, which were usually scant. Recent findings from his own lab had convinced Storz that the approach was flawed. There were plenty of differences, after all, between human hemoglobin and that of the ancient reptilian creatures from which modern-day crocodilians evolved.

“What’s important is to understand the effects of mutations on the genetic background in which they actually evolved, which means making vertical comparisons between ancestral and descendant proteins, rather than horizontal comparisons between proteins of contemporary species,” Storz said. “By using that approach, you can figure out what actually happened.”

So, with the help of biochemical principles and statistics, the team set out to reconstruct hemoglobin blueprints from three sources: the 240-million-year-old archosaur ancestor; the last common ancestor of all birds; and the 80-million-year-old shared ancestor of contemporary crocodilians. After putting all three of the resurrected hemoglobins through their paces in the lab, the team confirmed that only the hemoglobin of the direct crocodilian ancestor lacked phosphate binding and boasted bicarbonate sensitivity.

Comparing the hemoglobin blueprints of the archosaur and crocodilian ancestors also helped identify changes in amino acids — essentially the joints of the hemoglobin skeleton — that may have proved important. To test those mutations, Storz and his colleagues began introducing certain croc-specific mutations into the ancestral archosaur hemoglobin. By identifying the mutations that made archosaur hemoglobin behave more like that of a modern-day crocodilian, the team pieced together the changes responsible for those unique, croc-specific properties.

Counter to conventional wisdom, Storz and his colleagues discovered that evolved changes in hemoglobin’s responsiveness to bicarbonate and phosphates were driven by different sets of mutations, so that the gain of one mechanism was not dependent on the loss of the other. Their comparison also revealed that, though a few mutations were enough to subtract the phosphate-binding sites, multiple others were needed to eliminate phosphate sensitivity all together. In much the same way, two mutations seemed to directly drive the emergence of bicarbonate sensitivity — but only when combined with or preceded by other, easy-to-miss mutations in remote regions of the hemoglobin.

Storz said the findings speak to the fact that a combination of mutations might yield functional changes that transcend the sum of their individual effects. A mutation that produces no functional effect on its own might, in any number of ways, open a path to other mutations with clear, direct consequences. In the same vein, he said, those later mutations might influence little without the proper stage-setting predecessors already in place. And all of those factors can be supercharged or waylaid by the environment in which they unfold.

“When you have these complex interactions, it suggests that certain evolutionary solutions are only accessible from certain ancestral starting points,” Storz said. “With the ancestral archosaur hemoglobin, you have a genetic background that makes it possible to evolve the unique properties that we see in hemoglobins of modern-day crocodilians. By contrast, with the ancestor of mammals as a starting point, it may be that there’s some way that you could evolve the same property, but it would have to be through a completely different molecular mechanism, because you’re working within a completely different structural context.”

For better or worse, Storz said, the study also helps explain the difficulty of engineering a human hemoglobin that can mimic and approach the performance of the crocodilian.

“We can’t just say, ‘OK, it’s mainly due to these five mutations. If we take human hemoglobin and just introduce those mutations, voilà, we’ll have one with those same exact properties, and we’ll be able to stay underwater for two hours, too,’” Storz said. “It turns out that’s not the case.

“There are lots of can’t-get-there-from-here problems in the tree of life.”

Reference: “Evolution and molecular basis of a novel allosteric property of crocodilian hemoglobin” by Chandrasekhar Natarajan, Anthony V. Signore, Naim M. Bautista, Federico G. Hoffmann, Jeremy R.H. Tame, Angela Fago and Jay F. Storz, 21 December 2022, Current Biology.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.11.049

The study was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Necrophagy by insects in Oculudentavis and other lizard body fossils preserved in Cretaceous amber

  • When a vertebrate carcass begins its decay in terrestrial environments, a succession of different necrophagous arthropod species, mainly insects, are attracted. Trophic aspects of the Mesozoic environments are of great comparative interest, to understand similarities and differences with extant counterparts. Here, we comprehensively study several exceptional Cretaceous amber pieces, in order to determine the early necrophagy by insects (flies in our case) on lizard specimens, ca. 99 Ma old. To obtain well-supported palaeoecological data from our amber assemblages, special attention has been paid in the analysis of the taphonomy, succession (stratigraphy), and content of the different amber layers, originally resin flows. In this respect, we revisited the concept of syninclusion, establishing two categories to make the palaeoecological inferences more accurate: eusyninclusions and parasyninclusions. We observe that resin acted as a “necrophagous trap”. The lack of dipteran larvae and the presence of phorid flies indicates decay was in an early stage when the process was recorded. Similar patterns to those in our Cretaceous cases have been observed in Miocene ambers and actualistic experiments using sticky traps, which also act as “necrophagous traps”; for example, we observed that flies were indicative of the early necrophagous stage, but also ants. In contrast, the absence of ants in our Late Cretaceous cases confirms the rareness of ants during the Cretaceous and suggests that early ants lacked this trophic strategy, possibly related to their sociability and recruitment foraging strategies, which developed later in the dimensions we know them today. This situation potentially made necrophagy by insects less efficient in the Mesozoic. details


Figure 1

From: Necrophagy by insects in Oculudentavis and other lizard body fossils preserved in Cretaceous amber

Figure 1

Piece GRS-Ref-28627 with Oculudentavis naga Bolet et al.39. (A) Virtual representation of Oculudentavis in frontolateral view (arrows show the place where the soft tissues were already partially consumed). (B) Photograph of Oculudentavis in ventrolateral view (arrow shows the place where most of the flies were trapped into the resin), as observed in side A. Scale bar 1 mm. Arnau Bolet provided high resolution photo for A.

“Shocking Findings” – Painstaking Study of 50-Plus Years of Seafloor Sediment Cores Has Surprise Payoff

Burial and Deep Subduction of Organic Carbon

A schematic depiction of the burial and deep subduction of organic carbon. Credit: R. Dasgupta/Rice University

Rising global temperatures are leading to a decrease in the amount of organic carbon being deposited in the ocean floor.

An international group of researchers meticulously collected data from over 50 years of oceanic scientific drilling expeditions to carry out a groundbreaking study of organic carbon that sinks to the ocean floor and is drawn deep into the earth.

According to their study, published recently in the journal Nature, global warming may result in a decrease in the burial of organic carbon and a rise in the amount of carbon released back into the atmosphere. This is due to the potential effect of higher ocean temperatures in boosting the metabolic rates of bacteria.

Researchers from Rice UniversityTexas A&M University, the University of Leeds, and the University of Bremen analyzed data from drilled cores of muddy seafloor sediments that were gathered during 81 of the more than 1,500 shipboard expeditions mounted by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessors.

Their study provides the most detailed accounting to date of organic carbon burial over the past 30 million years, and it suggests scientists have much to learn about the dynamics of Earth’s long-term carbon cycle.

JOIDES Resolution

The JOIDES Resolution is a scientific research vessel operated by Texas A&M University for the International Ocean Discovery Program that drills into the ocean floor to collect and study core samples. Credit: International Ocean Discovery Program

“What we’re finding is that burial of organic carbon is very active,” said study co-author Mark Torres of Rice. “It changes a lot, and it responds to the Earth’s climatic system much more than scientists previously thought.”

The paper’s corresponding author, Texas A&M oceanographer Yige Zhang, said, “If our new records turn out to be right, then they’re going to change a lot of our understanding about the organic carbon cycle. As we warm up the ocean, it will make it harder for organic carbon to find its way to be buried in the marine sediment system.”

Mark Torres

Mark Torres is an assistant professor in Rice University’s Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences. Credit: Tommy LaVergne/Rice University

Carbon is the main component of life, and carbon constantly cycles between Earth’s atmosphere and biosphere as plants and animals grow and decompose. Carbon can also cycle through the Earth on a journey that takes millions of years. It begins at tectonic subduction zones where the relatively thin tectonic plates atop oceans are dragged down below thicker plates that sit atop continents. Downward diving oceanic crust heats up as it sinks, and most of its carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) from volcanoes

Scientists have long studied the amount of carbon that gets buried in ocean sediments. Drilled cores from the ocean floor contain layers of sediments laid down over tens of millions of years. Using radiometric dating and other methods, researchers can determine when specific sediments were laid down. Scientists can also learn a lot about past conditions on Earth by studying minerals and microscopic skeletons of organisms trapped in sediments.

“There are two isotopes of carbon — carbon-12 and carbon-13,” said Torres, an assistant professor in Rice’s Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences. “The difference is just one neutron. So carbon-13 is just a bit heavier.

“But life is lazy, and if something’s heavier — even that tiny bit — it’s harder to move,” Torres said. “So life prefers the lighter isotope, carbon-12. And if you grow a plant and give it CO2, it will actually preferentially take up the lighter isotope. That means the ratio of carbon-13 to -12 in the plant is going to be lower — contain less 13 — than in the CO2 you fed the plant.”

For decades scientists have used isotopic ratios to study the relative amounts of inorganic and organic carbon that was undergoing burial at specific points in Earth’s history. Based on those studies and computational models, Torres said scientists have largely believed the amount of carbon undergoing burial had changed very little over the past 30 million years

Zhang said, “We had this idea of using the actual data and calculating their organic carbon burial rates to come up with the global carbon burial. We wanted to see if this ‘bottom-up’ method agreed with the traditional method of isotopic calculations, which is more ‘top down.’”

The job of compiling data from IODP expeditions fell to study first author, Ziye Li of Bremen, who was then a visiting student in Zhang’s lab at A&M.

Zhang said the study findings were shocking.

“Our new results are very different — they’re the opposite of what the isotope calculations are suggesting,” he said.

Zhang said this is particularly the case during a period called the mid-Miocene, about 15 million years ago. Conventional scientific wisdom held that a large amount of organic carbon was buried around this interval, exemplified by the organic-rich “Monterey Formation” in California. The team’s findings suggest instead that the smallest amount of organic carbon was buried during this interval over the last 23 million years or so.

He described the team’s paper as the beginning of a potentially impactful new way to analyze data that may aid in understanding and addressing climate change.

“It’s people’s curiosity, but I also want to make it more informative about what’s going to happen in the future,” Zhang said. “We’re doing several things quite creatively to really use paleo data to inform us about the present and future.”

Reference: “Neogene burial of organic carbon in the global ocean” by Ziye Li, Yi Ge Zhang, Mark Torres and Benjamin J. W. Mills, 4 January 2023, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05413-6

The study was funded by the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund. On behalf of the National Science Foundation, Texas A&M has served as the science operator of the IODP drill ship JOIDES Resolution for the past 36 years as part of the largest federal research grant currently managed by the university.

Climate change disrupts the distribution of marine species

A new modeling study published in the journal Global Change Biology has found that, if climate change continues at the current pace, most of marine species will lose significant amounts of their suitable habitat ranges by 2100. 

“Ocean’s biodiversity changes faster than in terrestrial ecosystems. To be able to protect marine species and with them all the marine resources that humans depend on, it is important to understand where and how marine species communities may change,” explained study co-lead author Irene Roca, a biologist at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB).  

While many marine species have already started shifting their distributional ranges due to global warming, estimating what marine biodiversity will look like in the future is challenging, particularly since previous studies have focused solely on temperature as the main environmental factor leading to future changes in biodiversity.

Now, the scientists examined occurrence data of over 33,500 marine species and took into consideration seven environmental factors, including water depth, water temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentrations. Based on this data, they estimated whether and where these species are likely to occur in the future in the case of three different CO2 emissions scenarios.

The analysis revealed that species’ core habitat ranges – the marine areas in which chances are higher than 50 percent that a species occurs based on its preferred environmental conditions – may not only shift but also considerably decline in a high emissions scenario.

Besides habitat loss, the preferred habitat area of a variety of species will be disrupted. “Especially along the equator, our model projections revealed areas which are ill-suited for most marine species, for instance because of high temperatures,” Roca said. 

According to the researchers, fragmented habitats will lead to diminished population sizes which can threaten many species with extinction (although new species could also develop in changed climatic conditions). Another significant problem is that different species can keep up with changing environmental conditions to varying degrees, thus leading to a restructuring of food webs and changes in the relationship between habitat-forming species such as coral and their inhabitants.

“Even though our model does not account for such interspecific interactions, the results provide valuable clues on how differently marine environments and communities are likely to change depending on the future CO2 emission scenarios,” said study co-lead author Dorothee Hodapp, a marine ecologist at HIFMB.

Understanding this high risk of critical reorganization of marine life will pose further challenges to conservation efforts. “We need to think ahead and work on effectively implementing the recent international agreements on biodiversity protection,” Hodapp concluded.


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Satellite Tracking Data Paints A First Picture Of Antarctic Blue Whales

By Sam Helmy

Scientists have released the finding of satellite tracking data of two Antarctic blue whales.

The creatures are the only two to ever have satellite tracking tags attached. The feat was achieved by Dr. Virginia Andrews-Goff back in 2013 and, to this day, is the only case of tags being attached to these majestic creatures.

The data shows that these creatures are capable of covering great distances at great speeds. The animals seem to have a traveling speed of around 4.2km per hour/~2.6 miles per hour and a foraging/feeding speed of around 2.5kph/~1.55mph.

The data also showed that the animals covered incredible distances, with them coving 1390km/~864mi in 13 days and a massive 5550km/~3449mi in 74 days. This ability makes them even harder to protect since they are difficult to find and can circumnavigate Antarctica in one feeding season.

According to Dr. Andrews-Goff:

“This is a unique data set that was incredibly challenging to get, and, unfortunately, for 10 years no-one has been able to generate more data. We know very little about the movement and distribution of Antarctic blue whales, where they migrate, where they forage and breed, and we don’t understand the threats they might face as they recover from whaling.”

While discussing the enormous distances covered by the animals, Dr. Andrews-Goff added:

“The two whales did entirely different things, but what became obvious is that these animals can travel really quickly. If you consider how far and fast these animals moved, protecting the broader population against potential threats will be tricky because they could potentially circumnavigate Antarctica within a single feeding season. It looks like the whales might hang around in one area to feed and then move quickly to another area and hang around there for another feed. There may be certain areas that are better feeding grounds than others. From a management perspective, it would be good to understand what is it that makes these areas important?”

You can find the original research here.