Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Great Oxygenation Event: MIT Scientists’ New Hypothesis for One of the Grand Mysteries of Science

Paleoproterozoic Organisms

Around 2.3 billion years ago, oxygen began building up in the atmosphere, eventually reaching the life-sustaining levels we breathe today. A new hypothesis proposed by MIT scientists suggests a mechanism for how this may have happened. Pictured are examples of Paleoproterozoic organisms. Credit: MIT News

Microbes and Minerals May Have Set Off Earth’s Oxygenation

Scientists propose a new mechanism by which oxygen may have first built up in the atmosphere.

For the first 2 billion years of Earth’s history, there was barely any oxygen in the air. While some microbes were photosynthesizing by the latter part of this period, oxygen had not yet accumulated at levels that would impact the global biosphere.

But somewhere around 2.3 billion years ago, this stable, low-oxygen equilibrium shifted, and oxygen began building up in the atmosphere, eventually reaching the life-sustaining levels we breathe today. This rapid infusion is known as the Great Oxygenation Event, or GOE. What triggered the event and pulled the planet out of its low-oxygen funk is one of the great mysteries of science.

A new hypothesis, proposed by MIT scientists, suggests that oxygen finally started accumulating in the atmosphere thanks to interactions between certain marine microbes and minerals in ocean sediments. These interactions helped prevent oxygen from being consumed, setting off a self-amplifying process where more and more oxygen was made available to accumulate in the atmosphere.

The scientists have laid out their hypothesis using mathematical and evolutionary analyses, showing that there were indeed microbes that existed before the GOE and evolved the ability to interact with sediment in the way that the researchers have proposed.

Their study, appearing today in Nature Communications, is the first to connect the co-evolution of microbes and minerals to Earth’s oxygenation.

“Probably the most important biogeochemical change in the history of the planet was oxygenation of the atmosphere,” says study author Daniel Rothman, professor of geophysics in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS). “We show how the interactions of microbes, minerals, and the geochemical environment acted in concert to increase oxygen in the atmosphere.”

The study’s co-authors include lead author Haitao Shang, a former MIT graduate student, and Gregory Fournier, associate professor of geobiology in EAPS.

A step up

Today’s oxygen levels in the atmosphere are a stable balance between processes that produce oxygen and those that consume it. Prior to the GOE, the atmosphere maintained a different kind of equilibrium, with producers and consumers of oxygen in balance, but in a way that didn’t leave much extra oxygen for the atmosphere.

What could have pushed the planet out of one stable, oxygen-deficient state to another stable, oxygen-rich state?

“If you look at Earth’s history, it appears there were two jumps, where you went from a steady state of low oxygen to a steady state of much higher oxygen, once in the Paleoproterozoic, once in the Neoproterozoic,” Fournier notes. “These jumps couldn’t have been because of a gradual increase in excess oxygen. There had to have been some feedback loop that caused this step-change in stability.”

He and his colleagues wondered whether such a positive feedback loop could have come from a process in the ocean that made some organic carbon unavailable to its consumers. Organic carbon is mainly consumed through oxidation, usually accompanied by the consumption of oxygen — a process by which microbes in the ocean use oxygen to break down organic matter, such as detritus that has settled in sediment. The team wondered: Could there have been some process by which the presence of oxygen stimulated its further accumulation?

Shang and Rothman worked out a mathematical model that made the following prediction: If microbes possessed the ability to only partially oxidize organic matter, the partially-oxidized matter, or “POOM,” would effectively become “sticky,” and chemically bind to minerals in sediment in a way that would protect the material from further oxidation. The oxygen that would otherwise have been consumed to fully degrade the material would instead be free to build up in the atmosphere. This process, they found, could serve as a positive feedback, providing a natural pump to push the atmosphere into a new, high-oxygen equilibrium.

“That led us to ask, is there a microbial metabolism out there that produced POOM?” Fourier says.

In the genes

To answer this, the team searched through the scientific literature and identified a group of microbes that partially oxidizes organic matter in the deep ocean today. These microbes belong to the bacterial group SAR202, and their partial oxidation is carried out through an enzyme, Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase, or BVMO.

The team carried out a phylogenetic analysis to see how far back the microbe, and the gene for the enzyme, could be traced. They found that the bacteria did indeed have ancestors dating back before the GOE, and that the gene for the enzyme could be traced across various microbial species, as far back as pre-GOE times.

What’s more, they found that the gene’s diversification, or the number of species that acquired the gene, increased significantly during times when the atmosphere experienced spikes in oxygenation, including once during the GOE’s Paleoproterozoic, and again in the Neoproterozoic.

“We found some temporal correlations between diversification of POOM-producing genes, and the oxygen levels in the atmosphere,” Shang says. “That supports our overall theory.”

To confirm this hypothesis will require far more follow-up, from experiments in the lab to surveys in the field, and everything in between. With their new study, the team has introduced a new suspect in the age-old case of what oxygenated Earth’s atmosphere.

“Proposing a novel method, and showing evidence for its plausibility, is the first but important step,” Fournier says. “We’ve identified this as a theory worthy of study.”

Reference: “Oxidative metabolisms catalyzed Earth’s oxygenation” by Haitao Shang, Daniel H. Rothman and Gregory P. Fournier, 14 March 2022, Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28996-0

This work was supported in part by the mTerra Catalyst Fund and the National Science Foundation.

Around 150 LifeLabs couriers and mailroom staff in the GTA go on strike

LifeLabs says service won't be affected

Joshua Freeman
CP24 Web Content Write
Published Monday, March 14, 2022 

About 150 couriers and mailroom staff working for LifeLabs in the Greater Toronto Area have gone on strike.

The workers, who are represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), said they began their strike action after negotiations failed to produce a settlement with the laboratory service company.

“LifeLabs is one of the most profitable enterprises in Canada but won’t pay their staff a living wage,” OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas said in a statement. “Even after the hard work and sacrifices of the pandemic, LifeLabs sees no reason to pay its workers more than a handful of beans.”


LifeLabs signage is seen outside of one of the lab's Toronto locations, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston

The union pointed out that the average courier and mailroom worker in Toronto is paid around $35,000 a year “while living in the most expensive city in Canada” and said that those workers should see a larger share of the company’s profits.

In an email to, LifeLabs said it is “committed” to reaching a fair agreement, but the union left the bargaining table.

“LifeLabs is committed to working with our local OPSEU partners to reach a fair agreement,” the company said. “We have been in negotiations since May 2021; however, OPSEU has left the bargaining table despite our competitive offers.

“We are hopeful that we can reach a balanced agreement soon to continue to support the needs of our employees and the communities that they serve.”

The union denied that its claims are unreasonable.

"We're not looking for the moon," Bargaining Team Chair Mahmood Alawneh said in a statement. "We're just looking for decent compensation so we can provide properly for our families. A lot of us are working two, three jobs to keep bread on the table.”

It is not clear how long the strike might last.

LifeLabs said in the meantime, it has a business continuity plan that allows it to maintain courier and mailroom service “in order to minimize any disruption to patients and health care providers.”

Last week the company said in a statement on its website that its services will continue despite any strike action.

“LifeLabs will remain operational throughout any job action,” the company said on March 11. “While there may be some disruption to our service levels, our goal is to provide Ontarians with continued access to services. We are taking all possible actions to minimize disruption to patients and health care providers.”

The company advised customers to check its website for any locations which may be impacted by picketing and to reach out to if they wish to reschedule an appointment.

Testing and diagnostic services have been at the forefront of public attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. LifeLabs currently offers a range tests, including COVID-19 PCR and rapid antigen tests through a partnership with Shoppers’ Drug Mart.

Majority of Americans support restarting Keystone XL pipeline: poll

Steven Dyer 
Digital Producer
March 15, 2022 

As countries look for an alternative to Russian oil in the wake of that country’s invasion of Ukraine, Americans are looking to Canada to provide that oil, according to a new poll.

A week ago, U.S. President Joe Biden ordered a ban on Russian oil imports.

U.S. strikes harder at Putin, banning all Russian oil imports

A Maru Public Opinion poll released Tuesday shows that 64 per cent of respondents want to import more oil from Canada to make up for the ban on Russian oil.

Alberta’s premier said Tuesday the province could currently replace about a third of what the U.S. imports from Russia.

“Right now, we are underutilizing our current pipeline export capacity by about 200,000 barrels a day, so we could ship more,” said Jason Kenney.

“In addition, we believe that pipeline companies could make some technical changes to also increase export capacity by another couple hundred of thousand barrels a day.”

Alberta has the capacity to increase pipeline exports by 10 per cent, according to Kenney. Industry experts believe there is only room to expand exports by about five per cent currently.

“The more we produce, the pipeline system becomes tighter,” said Vijay Muralidharan, the director of consulting at Kalibrate.

“Existing pipelines can expand capacity, if they install pumps… there are of course some regulatory hurdles.”

Muralidharan adds that there is rail infrastructure in place that could be used to ship more oil, but it comes with a cost.

The premier believes that “the economics don’t support” additional shipments by rail currently.

“U.S. refineries are built to take Canadian oil, there’s no hassle of rejection, they’ll take whatever we can send, the price will be right, it’s a win-win situation for the refineries in the Gulf Coast and heavy crude producers in Alberta,” said Muralidharan.

After being elected, Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have shipped oil from Alberta to refineries in Texas.

The Maru poll, which was conducted last week, shows 71 per cent of respondents want to see Biden greenlight that pipeline.

“While that project itself may now be dead because of the presidential veto, I think where there is a will, there is a way,” said Kenney.

“So we'll continue to work with folks in congress to see if there is now or in the future a will to create an additional major pipeline flowing from Alberta to the United States.”

Kenney also pointed to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, which is expected to be completed next year. The project would allow more than 500,000 more barrels of oil to be shipped to global markets from the west coast.

Corporate sanctions, where businesses won’t do business with Russian oil companies, could also cause an increased demand in Canadian oil.

“Especially if those corporate sanctions start to be applied to other jurisdictions where the social and human rights aren’t really the greatest,” said Jeremy McCrae, the managing director of Raymond James Energy Research.

“There’s a lot more focus now on who we are doing business with and if Russia can’t get those critical western supplies, technology or personnel, you could see their production continue to struggle for many years going forward.”

The Maru poll surveyed 1,508 Americans and has an estimated margin of error of 3.1 per cent.

With files from CTV News Edmonton’s Carlyle Fiset

Towards a business case for CO2 mineralisation in the cement industry


The cement industry, an industry characterised by low margins, is responsible for approximately 7% of anthropogenic CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions and holds the highest carbon intensity of any industry per unit of revenue. To encourage complete decarbonisation of the cement industry, strategies must be found in which CO2e emission reductions are incentivised. Here we show through integrated techno-economic modelling that CO2 mineralisation of silicate minerals, aiming to store CO2 in solid form, results in CO2e emission reductions of 8–33% while generating additional profit of up to €32 per tonne of cement. To create positive CO2 mineralisation business cases two conditions are paramount: the resulting products must be used as a supplementary material in cement blends in the construction industry (e.g., for bridges or buildings) and the storage of CO2 in minerals must be eligible for emission certificates or similar. Additionally, mineral transport and composition of the product are decisive.


The cement industry is responsible for approximately 7% of anthropogenic CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions1,2 with the highest carbon intensity of any industry per unit of revenue3. To combat climate change, the countries gathered in the Conference of Parties signed the Paris climate agreement in 2015, aiming to limit CO2e emissions and thereby temperature rise to a maximum of 2 °C, while striving for 1.5 °C4,5. Given that the use of cement is fundamental to economic development with a projected global market size of $463 billion6 (6.08 gigatonnes per annum (Gt a−1) cement7) in 2026, reducing its embodied emissions is essential8,9,10. Approximately 60% of the cement industries’ emissions are process-inherent, resulting from the calcination reaction of limestone11. These emissions are particularly challenging to mitigate since either the entire process must be replaced by low emission alternatives3,8,12,13,14,15 or the emissions have to be captured from the process and permanently stored1,3,8,10,16,17. While the replacement of cement and concrete by alternative building materials like wood would require a seemingly unrealistically rapid change of the entire construction value-chain, carbon capture and storage technologies present an alternative for decarbonisation but incur additional production cost18,19. Preferably, strategies must be found in which CO2e emission reductions can render additional revenue instead of incurring cost.

Some have suggested that CO2 can be captured and reacted with activated minerals or industrial wastes to form stable carbonate minerals (also known as CO2 mineralisation)20,21,22, the products of which could be subsequently valorised. These reactions are exothermic, leading to long-term storage of CO221. Early findings suggest that in addition to CO2 storage the products may potentially be used in a range of applications, including as fillers, polymer additives, for land reclamation or as supplementary cementitious materials (SCM)21,23,24,25,26, potentially creating revenues of €14-€700 per tonne of CO2 captured21. Depending on the feedstock material for the reaction, additionally metal oxides such as iron oxides can be separated as a valuable by-product which could be used as pigments or as iron ore21,23.

Multiple feedstocks for CO2 mineralisation have been proposed, mainly natural rocks containing magnesium- or calcium-rich silicate minerals20,22 and alkaline industrial residues (e.g., steel slag or fly ash). While natural rocks are attractive because they are an abundant resource, which could be used at global scale20,24,27, industrial wastes are attractive because they are already available in industrial regions. Nonetheless, industrial wastes may present more complex feedstocks because over time the compositions and costs of industrial residues might change due to changes in production processes or due to changes in legislation27. To enable a substantial emission reduction via the means of CO2 mineralisation with a highly predictable feedstock, we focus on the use of natural rock as a resource for CO2 mineralisation that is both substantial and with stable composition while acknowledging that alkaline wastes may also present suitable feedstocks in certain conditions.

Examples of natural minerals include forsterite (Mg2SiO4), present in olivine-bearing rocks, lizardite (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4) present in serpentine-bearing rocks and wollastonite (CaSiO3)20. Rocks can be composed of between 50% and 80% of these minerals, depending on the host geology of the extraction site24,28


Previous work on CO2 mineralisation has shown that reductions in the range of 0.44 to 1.17 tonne of CO2e per tonne of CO2 stored are feasible under today’s energy mix21 and that the implementation of CO2 mineralisation could (under certain conditions) be used to transfer the cement industry from carbon positive to carbon negative29. Because mining of natural minerals comes with its own environmental impacts (e.g., metal depletion and freshwater consumption), these impacts would need to be closely monitored and managed when deploying CO2 mineralisation29. Assessments of the techno-economics of CO2 mineralisation have shown that its CO2 storage cost could be in the range of €65-€443tCO2, avoided−1 30 (excluding CO2 capture)31 (Supplementary Table 1), when using natural minerals as feedstocks. However, these studies neglect the value added from the sale of the resulting products, which may be critical to successful adoption by players in an industry characterised by strong competition and high pressure on price. Therefore, we here move beyond mineralisation for storage purposes only, and we aim to critically investigate under which conditions there is a positive business case for the use of mineral carbonation products in the cement industry.

We show that, given the right circumstances, positive business cases exist when revenue can be created via the use of mineralisation products as SCM. We created integrated techno-economic models of two carbonation processes to produce supplementary cementitious material that allow for in-depth analysis of the interactions of process and economic performance. By using these models to test potential business cases under different future scenarios we found cost-optimal production processes and scales, and global uncertainty analysis elucidated the main drivers of costs and benefits.


Microscopic ocean predator with a taste for carbon capture

Microscopic ocean predator with a taste for carbon capture
Researchers prepare to launch sampling equipment in Port Hacking, eastern Australia. 
Credit: University of Technology Sydney

A single-celled marine microbe capable of photosynthesis and hunting and eating prey may be a secret weapon in the battle against climate change.

Scientists at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) have discovered a new species that has the potential to sequester carbon naturally, even as oceans warm and become more acidic.

The microbe, abundant around the world, photosynthesises and releases a carbon-rich exopolymer that attracts and immobilizes other microbes. It then eats some of the entrapped prey before abandoning its exopolymer "mucosphere". Having trapped other microbes, the exopolymer is made heavier and sinks, forming part of the ocean's natural biological carbon pump.

Marine biologist Dr. Michaela Larsson led the research, published in the journal Nature Communications, and says the study is the first to demonstrate this behavior.

Marine microbes govern oceanic biogeochemistry through a range of processes including the vertical export and sequestration of carbon, which ultimately modulates .

Dr. Larsson says that while the contribution of phytoplankton to the carbon pump is well established, the roles of other microbes are far less understood and rarely quantified. She says this is especially true for mixotrophic protists, which can simultaneously photosynthesise, and consume other organisms.

"Most terrestrial plants use nutrients from the soil to grow, but some, like the Venus flytrap, gain additional nutrients by catching and consuming insects. Similarly, marine microbes that photosynthesise, known as phytoplankton, use nutrients dissolved in the surrounding seawater to grow," Dr. Larsson says.

"However, our study organism, Prorocentrum cf. balticum, is a mixotroph, so is also able to eat other microbes for a concentrated hit of nutrients, like taking a multivitamin. Having the capacity to acquire nutrients in different ways means this microbe can occupy parts of the ocean devoid of dissolved nutrients and therefore unsuitable for most phytoplankton."

Professor Martina Doblin, senior author of the study, says the findings have global significance for how we see the ocean balancing  in the atmosphere.

The researchers estimate that this species, isolated from waters offshore from Sydney, has the potential to sink 0.02-0.15 gigatons of carbon annually. A 2019 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report found that to meet climate goals, CO2 removal technologies and strategies will need to remove approximately 10 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year until 2050.

"This is an entirely new species, never before described in this amount of detail. The implication is that there's potentially more carbon sinking in the ocean than we currently think, and that there is perhaps greater potential for the ocean to capture more carbon naturally through this process, in places that weren't thought to be potential carbon sequestration locations," Professor Doblin says.

She says an intriguing question is whether this process could form part of a nature-based solution to enhance  in the ocean.

"The natural production of extra-cellular carbon-rich polymers by ocean microbes under nutrient-deficient conditions, which we'll see under global warming, suggest these microbes could help maintain the biological carbon pump in the future ocean."

"The next step before assessing the feasibility of large-scale cultivation is to gauge the proportion of the carbon-rich exopolymers resistant to bacteria breakdown and determine the sinking velocity of discarded mucospheres.

"This could be a game changer in the way we think about carbon and the way it moves in the marine environment."

The paper, "Mucospheres produced by a mixotrophic protist impact   cycling," is published in Nature Communications.The seasonality of oceanic carbon cycling

More information: Oxidative metabolisms catalyzed Earth's oxygenation, Nature Communications (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28867-8

Journal information: Nature Communications 

Provided by University of Technology, Sydney 

AMC teams up with Eric Sprott on mining investment (really)

AMC Entertainment Holdings Corp., which got swept up in last year's meme stock rally, is teaming up with one of Canada's best known mining experts on an investment.

AMC announced Tuesday morning that it's joining with Eric Sprott on investments in Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. Each of them will plow US$27.9 million into Hycroft in exchange for a 21.8 per cent stake in the miner.

"To state the obvious, one would not normally think that a movie theatre company’s core competency includes gold or silver mining," said AMC CEO Adam Aron in the release.

He went on to state that AMC's "demonstrated expertise" in navigating liquidity challenges will be beneficial to Hycroft, as the miner seeks to develop a 71,000-acre mine in Nevada.

The investments will see AMC and Sprott acquire 23,408,240 units in Hycroft, with each unit consisting of a common share and a warrant to purchase another common share for US$1.068. Hycroft shares closed at US$1.39 on the Nasdaq Monday.

After peaking at US$62.55 last May, AMC shares lost 78 per cent of their value through the close of trading Monday.

“We couldn't be more pleased to announce this transformational investment in the future of Hycroft, anchored by Eric Sprott, one of the world's leading precious metals investors, and AMC Entertainment Holdings, which has proven its expertise and ability to address liquidity challenges and to raise capital to optimize the value of significant underlying assets,” said Hycroft President and Chief Executive Diane Garrett in a release.

Hycroft said proceeds will go toward general corporate purposes and work on assessing the future of the mine in Nevada.