Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Dengue cases expected to rise with climate change - medical advisor

Reported cases of dengue fever in Samoa, November 12, 2023 to April 14, 2024.

Reported cases of dengue fever in Samoa, November 12, 2023 to April 14, 2024. Photo: Samoa Ministry of Health

A medical advisor from New Zealand's Immunisation Advisory Centre says dengue is expected to increase with climate change and urbanisation.

In its report for the period of 1-14 April, Samoa's Ministry of Health the country had 216 laboratory-confirmed cases from November last year to the end of that two-week reporting period.

There were 82 new cases were reported in the two weeks to 14 April.

Dr Joan Ingram said cases of dengue have increased over six-fold since 2000.

"It is expected that cases will continue to increase with climate change and urbanisation," she said.

"Between 2012 and 2021 there were 69 outbreaks of dengue fever among the Pacific Islands."

She said after an infected mosquito bite there is an incubation period of 5 to 7 days (maximum 10).

Dengue infection may be unnoticed, or a mild illness or significant illness with fever, pain behind the eyes, bone, joint and muscle pain, and sometimes rash, vomiting and diarrhea.

"In up to 5 percent of infections - most often after a second infection - serious complications such as bleeding or shock can arise.

"There are four different dengue viruses, and infection with one gives long-term protection from that virus, but may make the illness following one of the other three dengue viruses more serious."

World Mosquito Programme director of global delivery Cameron Simmons said Samoa, like most other countries in the Western Pacific, has a long history of being impacted by dengue outbreaks.

He advocated for the Wolbachia method, developed by his organisation, which gives mosquitoes the bacteria to reduce their ability to transmit dengue, Zika and other viruses.

"We know that insecticides and environmental clean-up campaigns can help a little to control the outbreak, but they are short-lived interventions that will not stop future outbreaks in Samoa.

"This most recent surge in dengue case numbers is troubling because the case numbers will inevitably increase, stressing the health system and hurting the wellbeing of patients and their families."

Health advice

Samoa's Ministry of Health recommends cleaning up stagnant water sources, wearing clothing to minimise mosquito bites, and using mosquito nets and repellants.

Half a day this Friday will be dedicated to the dengue-related clean-up of public spaces and government buildings.

The ministry's acting director general Dr Glenn Fatupaito said the clean-up is an effort to eradicate mosquito breeding grounds.

"The idea is the different ministries surrounding the areas just clean up areas and waterways, any place that holds water, potential breeding grounds and such," he said.

He also said pot plants can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, as certain plants hold water.

"It's one thing that was also discussed - people love Bromeliads, especially in Samoa.

"If you're going to plant such plants, keep it at least 100 yards from your household to reduce potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes."

The health ministry is also urging households to look out for their high-risk family members.

"We're mindful of our very old, our very young, our pregnant women as well," Dr Fatupaito said.

"We don't want any complications, and if you're sick: the supportive treatment, bedrest, lots of fluids, paracetemol, and come see a doctor if things are getting worse."

He said with numbers expected to rise, the Ministry will release weekly online updates starting on Friday.

New Zealand's Safe Travel website is suggesting anyone travelling to, or living in, Samoa should have comprehensive medical and travel insurance policies.

The first glow-in-the-dark animals may have been ancient corals deep in the ocean

This image provided by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in April 2024 shows bioluminescence in the sea whip coral Funiculina sp. observed under red light in a laboratory. Most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean and they might have been doing it longer than thought. In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, scientists report that the first animals that glowed may have been coral that lived 540 million years ago. “Light signaling is one of the earliest forms of communication that we know of _ it’s very important in deep waters,” said Andrea Quattrini, a co-author of the study. (Manabu Bessho-Uehara/MBARI via AP)Read More

This image from video provided by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in April 2024 shows bioluminescence in the shaggy bamboo coral Isidella tentaculum filmed in the ocean by a remotely operated vehicle. Most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean and they might have been doing it longer than thought. In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, scientists report that the first animals that glowed may have been coral that lived 540 million years ago. “Light signaling is one of the earliest forms of communication that we know of _ it’s very important in deep waters,” said Andrea Quattrini, a co-author of the study. (Doc Ricketts/MBARI via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Many animals can glow in the dark. Fireflies famously blink on summer evenings. But most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean.

In a new study, scientists report that deep-sea corals that lived 540 million years ago may have been the first animals to glow, far earlier than previously thought.

“Light signaling is one of the earliest forms of communication that we know of — it’s very important in deep waters,” said Andrea Quattrini, a co-author of the study published Tuesday in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Today, marine creatures that glimmer include some fish, squid, octopuses, jellyfish, even sharks — all the result of chemical reactions.

Some use light to startle predators, “like a burglar alarm,” and others use it to lure prey, as anglerfish do, said Quattrini, who is curator of corals at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Still other animals use light as a beacon to find mates.

Many deep-sea soft coral species light up briefly when bumped — or when stroked with a paintbrush. That’s what scientists used, attached to a remote-controlled underwater rover, to identify and study luminous species, said Steven Haddock, a study co-author and marine biologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

Soft coral may look like waving reeds, skeleton fingers or stalks of bamboo — and glow pink, orange, white, blue and purple under the researchers’ spotlight, he said.

“For some species, the whole body glows — for others, only parts of their branches will glow,” said Danielle DeLeo, a study co-author and evolutionary marine biologist at the Smithsonian.

For corals, scientists aren’t sure if this luminous reaction is meant to attract or repel other organisms, or perhaps both. But its frequency suggests that it serves a crucial function in many coral species, she said.

But how long have some coral species had the ability to glow?

To answer this question, the researchers used genetic data from 185 species of luminous coral to construct a detailed evolutionary tree. They found that the common ancestor of all soft corals today lived 540 million years ago and very likely could glow — or bioluminescence.

That date is around 270 million years before the previously earliest known example: a glowing prehistoric shrimp. It also places the origin of light production to around the time of the Cambrian explosion, when life on Earth evolved and diversified rapidly — giving rise to many major animal groups that exist today.

“If an animal had a novel trait that made it really special and helped it survive, its descendants were more likely to endure and pass it down,” said Stuart Sandin, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who was not involved in the study.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
Saudi Arabia appointed chair of UN Women’s Rights Forum: Analyzing the absurdity of the decision

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)
23 April 2024

Activist Manahil Al-Otaibi on a street in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2 September 2019; she was a victim of enforced disappearance and imprisoned because of her support for women’s rights on social media platforms. 

For years, the Kingdom has arrested women’s rights activists who campaigned to end the male guardianship system.

This statement was originally published on on 19 April 2024.

The UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) unanimously appointed Saudi Arabia to chair its 69th session in 2025. Abdulaziz Alwasil, the Saudi ambassador to the UN, was elected on March 27 to represent his country. Being chair of the CSW means that Saudi Arabia pivots the political, economic, civil, and social prerogatives of women inside the Commission. In addition, they are the leading actor with the role of highlighting pressing issues for women and girls during conflict. Various human rights advocates have criticized the controversial decision. In particular, the Amnesty International Deputy Director deemed it abysmal. Human Rights Watch (HRW) also warned the UN on its decision to appoint a country that systematically discriminates against women and persecutes rights activists. Unfortunately, it is not the first time that, at the UN level, countries with poor human rights records have been appointed to chair forums promoting social rights.

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women aims to include, in its agenda, global policy documents of countries around the world on gender equality and empowerment. According to official statements, the government is in line with these goals, after what it describes as important achievements that have been achieved to empower women’s rights. In particular, authorities hail the 2022 Personal Status Law as a milestone for progress and equality for women.

However, Saudi Arabia systematically promotes well-established gender discrimination laws and portrays them as progressive. For example, the 2022 Personal Status Law has been criticized for perpetuating the male guardianship system and codifying discrimination against women. The law fails to provide adequate protection for women from domestic violence and makes them vulnerable to psychological abuse. Men often have the right to limit financial support to their wives if disputes arise. Therefore, the law codifies (and protects) men’s guardianship powers in Saudi Arabia. Male guardianship is a system in which women depend on a man who has the authority to make a range of crucial decisions.

However, this is not the only critical aspect of women’s discrimination in Saudi Arabia. For years, the Kingdom has arrested women’s rights activists who campaigned to end of the male guardianship system. One of the famous cases is that of Manahil Al-Otaibi, who was a victim of enforced disappearance and was imprisoned because of her support for women’s rights on social media platforms. However, women demanding human rights reforms and others who were imprisoned, are facing travel bans and are unable to speak freely.

In conclusion, ADHRB condemns the United Nations and the voting countries for allowing such ridiculous decisions. Such choices damage the reputation of the United Nations and show that Member States are using biopolitical considerations that go beyond the overall goals of the organization. For this reason, ADHRB asks: How can human rights bodies have credibility when allowing such controversial decisions?
3,400-year-old statue portraying the head of King Ramses II returned to Egypt
April 23, 2024

The fragment of a statue of the pharaoh Ramesses II
Photo credit: Swiss Info/Federal Office of Culture

Egypt’s antiquities ministry announced the return of a 3,400-year-old statue portraying the head of King Ramses II, which had been stolen and smuggled out of the country over thirty years ago.

The statue is now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, pending restoration, according to the ministry’s statement.

The stolen statue is believed to have been taken from the Ramses II temple in the ancient city of Abydos in Southern Egypt over thirty years ago. While the exact date of the theft remains uncertain, Shaaban Abdel Gawad, the head of Egypt’s antiquities repatriation department, estimates it to have occurred in the late 1980s or early 1990s, according to Reuters.

Egyptian authorities detected the stolen artifact being offered for sale at an exhibition in London back in 2013. Following this sighting, the statue reportedly passed through several other countries before eventually reaching Switzerland, as revealed by the antiquities ministry.

“This head is part of a group of statues depicting King Ramses II seated alongside a number of Egyptian deities,” Gawad said.

Ramses II is widely recognized as one of ancient Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs and is also referred to as Ramses the Great. He reigned as the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty from 1279 to 1213 BCE.

Egypt worked in collaboration with Swiss authorities to establish the rightful ownership of the statue. Last year, Switzerland handed over the artifact to the Egyptian embassy in Bern. However, it was only recently that Egypt completed the process to bring the statue back to its home country.
'Lost' Gustav Klimt painting to be auctioned

By Bethany Bell,
BBC News, Vienna
AFPThe painting is thought to depict a daughter of either Adolf or Justus Lieser

A painting by the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt that was believed lost for the past 100 years, is to be auctioned in Vienna.

There are many unanswered questions about the unfinished painting, Portrait of Fraulein Lieser, which Klimt began in 1917 - a year before his death.

There are also debates about who the woman in the picture is, and what happened to the painting during the Nazi era.

The painting's value is estimated at up to €50m ($53m; £42m), although it may fetch a higher price.

It is believed to depict one of the daughters of either Adolf or Justus Lieser, who were brothers from a wealthy family of Jewish industrialists.

Art historians Thomas Natter and Alfred Weidinger say the painting is of Margarethe Constance Lieser, the daughter of Adolf Lieser.

But the im Kinsky auction house in Vienna, which is auctioning the artwork, suggests the painting could also depict one of the two daughters of Justus Lieser and his wife Henriette.

Henriette, who was known as Lilly, was a patron of modern art. She was deported by the Nazis and died in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust.

Her daughters, Helene and Annie, both survived the Second World War.

The auction house said in a statement that the exact fate of the painting after 1925 was "unclear".

"What is know is that it was acquired by a legal predecessor of the consignor in the 1960s and went to the current owner through three successive inheritances."

The identity of the current Austrian owners has not been made public.

The painting is being sold on behalf of these owners and the legal successors of Adolf and Henriette Lieser, based on the Washington Principles - an international agreement to return Nazi-looted art to the descendants of the people the pieces were taken from.

Ernst Ploil from im Kinsky told the BBC: "We have an an agreement, according to the Washington principles, with the whole family".

The im Kinsky catalogue described this agreement as "a fair and just solution".

However Erika Jakubovits, the executive director of the Presidency of the Austrian Jewish Community, said there were still "many unanswered questions".

She has called for the case to be researched by "an independent party".

"Art restitution is a very sensitive issue, all research must be carried out accurately and in detail, and the result must be comprehensible and transparent," Ms Jakubovits said.

"It must be ensured that there is also a state-of-the-art procedure for future private restitutions."

Klimt's art has fetched huge sums at auction in the past.

His Lady with a Fan piece sold for £85.3m at Sotheby's in June 2023, making it the most valuable work of art ever sold at auction in Europe.
Investigations launched into Chinese supermarket’s alleged refusal to serve Nigerian customers
April 23, 2024
The Royal Choice Chinese restaurant is accused of refusing to sell to Nigerians -- Photo: The Cable

The owners of a Chinese supermarket in Nigeria have been summoned by the West African nation’s Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) after the establishment was accused of barring Nigerians from entering the store and patronizing their products.

According to local news outlet The Cable, the Chinese supermarket in question, Royal Choice, is located in the capital Abuja. The facility, which sells Chinese foods and beverages, is situated on the China General Chamber of Commerce premises.

Royal Choice is said to have come under scrutiny over the weekend after many people registered their displeasure over the supermarket’s alleged policy of serving only Chinese customers.

The FCCPC has since instructed the owner to attend an investigative hearing “to testify, make dispositions and present evidence with respect to the commission’s ongoing investigation/inquiry”.

The agency has also instructed the supermarket to present its Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) status report revealing information about its directors and “any and all lease agreement.”

“Take notice that you are required to attend in person in compliance Summons. You are further required to produce and provide the above on or before Wednesday, April 24, 2024,” the FCCPC stated.

“Take further notice that failure to comply with this Summons to offence under Section 33 (3) of the FCCPA, and subject to penalties Million Naira (N20,000,000.00 [$15,000]), or a term of imprisonment up to three years, or to both penalties and imprisonment.”

A resident on April 21 shared a viral video where he claimed the supermarket wasn’t allowing Nigerians to enter and patronize their services, The Cable reported.

“There is this Chinese restaurant I saw online. They have food, ramen and other things. So, I wanted to check it out and when I got there the security guard told me the supermarket is strictly for Chinese people. If you are a Nigerian, you can’t go in and can’t buy anything,” the person said.

Boladale Adeyinka, who is the Director of Surveillance and Enforcement for the FCCPC, said the supermarket was locked when they arrived to issue the summons.

“Enquiries have shown that as at this morning, this supermarket was opened and people were here,” Adeyinka said. “CCTV footage also showed that at about 8.29 am, two vehicles departed from this premises, allegedly containing the owner of this supermarket.”

This recent incident adds to other previous reports of Chinese businesses allegedly denying services to African customers. In 2020, Face2Face Africa reported that authorities in Zambia closed down a Chinese restaurant in the capital, Lusaka for allegedly refusing to serve locals.

Modi Led Hindutva Politics: A Threat To Indian Citizenship – OpEd


Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi, serving as the 14th Prime Minister of India, has successfully completed two terms in office and is now seeking re-election for a third term in the forthcoming 18th Lok Sabha elections. Widely recognised as a prominent figure in Hindutva politics, Modi is often viewed as the face of a political ideology marked by division and animosity. Throughout his tenure, Modi has been disseminating misleading information to sway public opinion in his favour. One of the most contentious aspects of his leadership has been his portrayal of Indian Muslims as outsiders or “intruders.” This rhetoric not only underscores his divisive approach but also exacerbates religious tensions, leading to increased polarisation and communal strife in the country. Such divisive tactics not only undermine the unity of India but also pose a threat to its secular fabric and citizenship rights.

Modi’s policies and governance have often been evident for marginalising minorities, lower castes, and the working classes. This marginalisation can be traced back to the core principles of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is deeply influenced by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), an organisation espousing a racist Eurocentric ideology. The RSS’s emphasis on cultural nationalism and its hierarchical view of society have shaped the BJP’s approach, leading to policies that often neglect the rights and welfare of marginalised communities.

Modi’s past remarks about Indian Muslims, first likening them to “puppies” and now branding them as “intruders,” offer a telling insight into the nature of Hindutva politics rather than merely reflecting on Modi’s personal beliefs. These comments indicate a troubling tendency to overlook and undermine the secular and inclusive principles that are at the heart of India’s Constitution.

Indian Muslims have been an integral part of the country’s fabric, actively participating in its democratic processes and contributing significantly to its growth and progress. They have made invaluable contributions across various fields such as social work, science, education, history, culture, religion, language, and literature. Their role in India’s anti-colonial struggles and nation-building efforts has been substantial, often involving sacrifices that have helped shape the nation’s identity, ethos and destiny. Hindutva political forces collaborated with British colonialism in their aim to create a Hindu Rashtra. In contrast, anti-colonial Muslim leaders not only participated and sacrificed their lives but also helped shape India’s secular and scientific ethos as a modern constitutional democracy.

By branding Indian Muslims as “intruders,” Mr. Modi not only undermines the sanctity of the Indian Constitution but also negates the rich tapestry of contributions that Muslims have made to India’s diverse heritage. Such rhetoric not only threatens to erode the concept of Indian citizenship but also perpetuates a divisive narrative that undermines national unity. Moreover, Modi’s statements are deeply offensive to all Indians who uphold the principles of equality, secularism, and the rights enshrined in the Constitution. Modi and his Hindutva forces send a message that contradicts the inclusive vision of India as a pluralistic society where every citizen, regardless of their religious or cultural background, has an equal stake and contribution to make in the deepening of Indian democracy. Muslims are as much shareholders of Indian democracy as any other citizens of India.

In essence, Mr. Modi’s remarks reflect a broader Hindutva challenge to India’s foundational values and principles. The Hindutva ideology is a foreign import that has intruded into the fabric of Indian politics, society, and culture. While claiming to represent authentic Indian values, its ethnonationalistic tendencies and focus on religious and ethnic identity have more in common with European ideologies than with India’s rich and diverse history, society, and culture. Rather than drawing from India’s pluralistic traditions and composite culture, Hindutva’s roots can be traced back to European concepts of ethnonationalism, religious nationalism and racialised democracy. This imported ideology of Hindutva politics has sought to redefine Indian pluralistic identity in narrow, exclusionary terms, often at the expense of religious and cultural minorities.

Historically, there are parallels between Hindutva and the ideologies that emerged in Europe during the early 20th century. One of the most striking comparisons can be drawn with Nazi Germany, where ethnonationalism and religious intolerance were central tenets of the regime. The ideology of Adolf Hitler, with its emphasis on racial purity, scapegoating of minorities, and use of fear and hatred to mobilise the masses, seems to provide a blueprint for Hindutva political practices in India. In both cases, fear and hatred are employed as powerful tools to manipulate public opinion and garner electoral support. The Hindutva ideology can be seen as a true intruder in Indian politics, society, and culture, drawing inspiration from European ethnonationalism rather than India’s own rich traditions. Its reliance on fear, hatred, and divisive tactics undermines the principles of secularism, pluralism, and unity that are integral to India’s democratic ethos.

By stoking communal tensions and promoting a divisive agenda, Hindutva politicians seek to consolidate their power base and rally support among certain segments of the population. This approach not only undermines India’s secular and democratic principles but also threatens to unravel the country’s social fabric by fostering mistrust and animosity among its diverse communities. It’s crucial to recognise that such divisive ideologies are antithetical to the pluralistic ethos that has been a hallmark of Indian civilisation for centuries. India’s strength lies in its diversity, and any attempt to impose a monolithic vision of identity runs counter to the country’s democratic values and inclusive heritage.

The tactics employed by Hindutva politics, including its anti-Muslim propaganda and diversionary strategies, serve multiple purposes for its proponents. First, these tactics serve to distract from the ideological shortcomings and lack of substantive policy achievements within the Hindutva framework. By focusing public attention on divisive issues and fostering communal tensions, Hindutva leaders like Mr Modi can deflect scrutiny from their governance failures and policy inadequacies. Secondly, by creating a climate of fear and suspicion, Hindutva politics seeks to consolidate its voter base by appealing to religious and ethnic identities. This strategy aims to rally support among certain segments of the population by portraying minorities, particularly Muslims, as the ‘other’ or as threats to national identity and security.

However, in the long run, such divisive politics by Hindutva forces have detrimental effects on both India and its people. Firstly, it undermines the social fabric of the country by fostering mistrust and animosity among its diverse communities. India’s strength has always been its pluralistic ethos, which celebrates its rich cultural, linguistic, and religious diversity. Hindutva’s divisive agenda threatens to erode this diversity by promoting a narrow and exclusionary vision of Indian identity. Secondly, the focus on divisive issues and religious polarisation detracts from addressing the real challenges facing the country, such as economic development, social inequality, and progressive governance reforms. By prioritising dominant identity politics over issues that affect the daily lives of ordinary citizens, Hindutva politics hampers India’s progress and development. Lastly, the international perception of India as a secular and democratic nation is also at risk due to Hindutva’s divisive agenda.

Therefore, Hindutva politics may offer short-term electoral gains by exploiting religious and ethnic divisions, its long-term consequences are detrimental to India’s unity, progress, and international standing. By prioritising divisive tactics over inclusive governance, Hindutva weakens the fabric of Indian society and undermines the democratic values that are integral to India’s identity. Mr. Modi’s bid for a third term is a continuation of his divisive Hindutva politics, characterised by misinformation, religious polarisation, and marginalisation of vulnerable groups. His leadership style and policies reflect the broader ideological framework of the BJP, influenced by the RSS’s racist Eurocentric worldview, which prioritises certain segments of society at the expense of others.

The 18th Lok Sabha elections in India present an opportunity to mend the fractured republic led by the Hindutva figurehead, Modi. The crisis facing Indian democracy under Hindutva politics highlights the urgent need for political transformation to uphold the principles of secularism and inclusivity that are fundamental to India’s democratic values. Instead of employing divisive tactics that marginalise communities based on religion or ethnicity, it’s crucial to nurture unity. It is time to defeat Modi, BJP, and RSS to steer India away from a destructive path politically, socially, culturally, religiously, and economically. Progress and prosperity in India depend on secular solidarity.

Bhabani Shankar Nayak works as Professor of Business Management, 
Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University, UK.


Modi accused of using hate speech for calling Muslims 'infiltrators'

Remarks by India's Prime Minister at a campaign rally on Sunday drew fierce criticism that he was peddling anti-Muslim tropes

The Associated Press
Krutika Pathi
Published Apr 23, 2024 •
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi listens to Bharatiya Janata Party President JP Nadda speak during an event organized to release their party's manifesto for the upcoming national parliamentary elections in New Delhi on April 14.

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s main opposition party accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using hate speech after he called Muslims “infiltrators” — some of his most incendiary rhetoric about the minority faith, days after the country began its weeks-long general election.

The remarks at a campaign rally Sunday drew fierce criticism that Modi was peddling anti-Muslim tropes. The Congress party filed a complaint Monday with the Election Commission of India, alleging he broke rules that bar candidates from engaging in any activity that aggravates religious tensions.

Critics of the prime minister — an avowed Hindu nationalist — say India’s tradition of diversity and secularism has come under attack since his Bharatiya Janata Party won power a decade ago. They accuse the party of fostering religious intolerance and sometimes even violence. The party denies the accusation and says its policies benefit all Indians.

At a rally in the state of Rajasthan, Modi said that when the Congress party was in government, “they said Muslims have the first right over the country’s resources.” If it returns to power, the party “will gather all your wealth and distribute it among those who have more children,” he said as the crowd applauded.

“They will distribute it among infiltrators,” he continued, saying, “Do you think your hard-earned money should be given to infiltrators?”

Mallikarjun Kharge, the Congress party’s president, described the prime minister’s comments as “hate speech,” and party spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi called them “deeply, deeply objectionable.”

The party sought action from the election commission, whose code of conduct forbids candidates from appealing “to caste or communal feelings” to secure votes. The first votes were cast Friday in the six-week election, which Modi and his Hindu nationalist BJP are expected to win, according to most surveys. The results come out on June 4.

Asaduddin Owaidi, a Muslim lawmaker and president of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen party, said on Sunday: “Since 2002 till this day, the only Modi guarantee has been to abuse Muslims and get votes.”

While there have long been tensions between India’s majority Hindu community and Muslims, rights groups say that attacks against minorities have become more brazen under Modi.

Muslims have been lynched by Hindu mobs over allegations of eating beef or smuggling cows, an animal considered holy to Hindus. Muslim businesses have been boycotted, their homes and businesses have been bulldozed, and places of worship set on fire. There have been open calls for their genocide.

Modi’s remarks referred to a 2006 statement by then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the Congress party. Singh said that India’s lower castes, tribes, women and, “in particular the Muslim minority” deserved to share in the country’s development equally.

“They must have the first claim on resources,” Singh said. A day later, his office clarified that Singh was referring to all of the disadvantaged groups.

In its petition to the election commission, the Congress party said that Modi and the BJP have repeatedly used religion and religious symbols and sentiments in their election campaign with impunity. “These actions have been further bolstered by the commission’s inaction in penalizing the prime minister and the BJP for their blatant violations of electoral laws,” it said.

“In the history of India, no prime minister has lowered the dignity of his post as much as Modi has,” Kharge, Congress’ president, wrote on social media platform X.

The commission can issue warnings and suspend candidates for a certain amount of time over violations of the code of conduct.

“We decline comment,” a spokesperson for the commission told the Press Trust of India news agency on Monday.

In his speech, Modi also repeated a Hindu nationalist trope that Muslims were overtaking the Hindu population by having more children. Hindus make up 80% of India’s 1.4 billion people, while the country’s 200 million Muslims are 14%. Official data shows that fertility rates among Muslims have dropped the fastest among religious groups in recent decades, from 4.4 in 1992-93 to 2.3 between 2019-21, just higher than Hindus at 1.94.

Modi’s BJP has previously referred to Muslims as infiltrators and cast them as illegal migrants who crossed into India from Bangladesh and Pakistan. Several states run by the BJP have also made laws that restrict interfaith marriage, citing the unproven conspiracy theory of “love jihad,” which claims Muslim men use marriage to convert Hindu women.

Through it all, Modi has largely stayed silent, and critics say that has emboldened some of his most extreme supporters and enabled more hate speech against Muslims.

As ethnic violence rages on in Manipur, Indian government accused of looking the other way

Apr 23, 2024 

By —Zeba Warsi

Indian Prime Minister Modi hopes to secure a third term in elections now underway. He's promising voters a rising, united India. But in India’s northeast, a state is at war with itself. Hundreds are dead, tens of thousands displaced and the government is accused of looking the other way. Zeba Warsi reports with support from the Unity Productions Foundation. A warning, some details are disturbing.

Read the Full Transcript

Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors.

Geoff Bennett:

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hopes to secure a third term in elections that are now under way, his promise, a rising united India.

But, in India's northeast, a state is at war with itself. Hundreds are dead, tens of thousands are displaced, and the central government is accused of looking the other way.

Producer Zeba Warsi got rare access to the deeply divided state of Manipur.

And a warning:

Some details in her report are disturbing.

Zeba Warsi:

It feels like a militarized border between two warring countries. But it's a road between two districts in an Indian state.

Across 40 miles, we crossed a dozen checkpoints controlled by Indian security forces and civilian militias to reach the Christian minority stronghold Churachandpur.

Ichan Lunginlal, Churachandpur, India, Resident (through interpreter):

Our fathers and forefathers lived together in Manipur. But the ethnic conflict in Manipur has been so sudden.

Zeba Warsi:

Thirty-one-year-old Ichan Lunginlal is a Hindu from the majority Meitei Tribe who was married to Lalneo Lunginlal, a Christian of the minority Kuki tribe. They fell in love as teenagers. Their youngest daughter is 6-year-old Lamkholhing.

Ichan Lunginlal (through interpreter):

We could not spend even one day apart. It felt like a love straight out of a movie. It was difficult for us to spend any time away from each other.

Zeba Warsi:

They did not consider themselves star-crossed, but their love story ended when Manipur's fault lines cracked.

Ichan Lunginlal (through interpreter):

I spoke to him and asked, how is the situation right now? He responded and said the situation has become tense now. I could also hear his voice shaking, but he still consoled me and said: "Don't worry."

At around 11:

00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., I received a call from my husband, and I could hear him shouting: "Ichan, Ichan, they have found me and they are going to kill me."

Zeba Warsi:

What began last may as a protest over political participation and state benefits turned into an armed conflict between two tribes and religions that engulfed the state in flames. Entire villages were razed and hundreds of churches burned.

The bulk of the dead and missing belong to the Christian Kuki minority, including Lalneo Lunginlal. He was last seen in this video with two other Christian Kuki men left to bleed on the street.

Ichan Lunginlal (through interpreter):

The mob killed my husband after brutally assaulting him like an animal. I don't think even animals are subject to such levels of violence.

Zeba Warsi:

At the wall of remembrance, Kukis display death, empty coffins in a line, one for every life lost.

This wall bears the human cost of this conflict. The Kuki community calls it state-sponsored ethnic cleansing, and they tell us each picture on this wall has its own story to tell.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi portrays India's future as strong and united. But Election Day in Manipur was marred by violence. The Hindu majority Meitei militia allegedly captured polling booths. They are heavily armed and throughout the conflict accused of killing with impunity.

Civil rights advocates accuse the state government run by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, of protecting the perpetrators, and exploiting ethnic divisions.

Kim Gangte, Kuki Women’s Human Rights Network:

This is a war crime. This is ethnic cleansing. And, plus, this is a religious persecution.

Zeba Warsi:

Kim Gangte is a Kuki women rights activist who has documented sexual crimes.

Kim Gangte:

Most of our women who are there in the valley, they were being tortured. They were being raped. They were being killed.

Zeba Warsi:

In May last year, two Kuki women were paraded naked, beaten, and sexually assaulted by a mob of hundreds. One of them was allegedly gang-raped.

Kim Gangte:

We are very much Indian. We are very much the daughters and sons of India. We really wonder why the central government is still keeping silent.

Zeba Warsi:

Repeated requests for an interview with state government officials were ignored. After months of silence, Modi addressed the turmoil in Manipur only after the report of a gang-rape.

Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister (through interpreter):

In this country, in any corner of this country, in any state government rising above politics, law and order and respect for women is important. I want to assure the countrymen that no culprit will be spared.

Zeba Warsi:

But for the Christian Kuki community, that reassurance rings hollow. They no longer believe in living with the Hindu Meiteis. They want separate union territory, as we saw in the hillside town of Moreh.

Last year, this local economic hub was engulfed in flames. Today, it is heavily guarded by Indian armed forces and nearly inaccessible to anyone outside. After a six-hour wait at a security checkpoint, we were allowed to enter.

David Wapei, Kuki Student Organization:

The moment one community sees the other community, they want to kill each other.

Zeba Warsi:

David Wapei is a Kuki activist in Moreh. He says there is an invisible boundary between these hillside towns and the capital forged on hate.

David Wapei:

There's so much of divisions or mistrust between the two communities that the two communities cannot live together now.

Zeba Warsi:

But Manipur's violence is on both sides. During our visit, an angry Kuki mob set the police station on fire. And more Hindu majority Meiteis have been forced out of their homes and now live in camps restricted to a small corner of the state.

Hijam Kulajit, Imphal, India Resident (through interpreter):

On that day I couldn't take her to her private tutor, as I usually could, as there was pain in my eye. This thought haunts me to this day.

Zeba Warsi:

Hijam Kulajit, a Hindu Meitei, is still to bury his 17 year old daughter with dignity. She was last seen with a classmate after they were abducted by Kuki militias. After weeks of outrage and protests, the accused were arrested, but her body was never found.

Kulajit has made a shrine of memories of his daughter, who had big dreams.

Hijam Kulajit (through interpreter):

She had a cup with future she had a cup with "Future Doctor" written on it. She wanted to become a doctor to help the underprivileged.

Zeba Warsi:

The last drawing she made, the last book she read, her last Father's Day card bring pain, tears, and rage.

Hijam Kulajit (through interpreter):

Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not utter a single word about this case or the violence in Manipur all these month, even though the prime minister's so called slogan is save daughter, educate daughter. Will they be able to bring back my daughter?

Zeba Warsi:

There is no justice for a father who lost his daughter. And there is no closure for victims on both sides, who say they have been neglected.

For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Zeba Warsi in Manipur, India.


Neel Madhav, Omair Farooq and Alishan Jafri contributed to field producing this piece.

This reporting was supported by a grant from Unity Productions Foundation


Zeba Warsi  is a foreign affairs producer, based in Washington DC. She's a Columbia Journalism School graduate with an M.A. in Political journalism.

Pelosi Calls on Netanyahu to Resign

By Michael Katz | NEWSMAX|    Tuesday, 23 April 2024 

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., became the latest high-ranking Democrat to meddle into Israel's governmental affairs, calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign, claiming he is an obstacle to peace.

Pelosi's comments Monday in an interview with Irish media outlet RTE during a visit to Ireland share the same sentiments as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., the highest-ranking Jewish politician in the U.S. who on March 14 said Netanyahu's government "no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7" and called for new elections.

"He has been [an obstacle for peace] for years," Pelosi said. "I don't know whether he's afraid of peace, incapable of peace, or just doesn't want peace. But he has been an obstacle for the two-state solution."

On Monday, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, chief of the Israel Defense Forces' Military Intelligence Directorate, announced his resignation over his role in the failures that led to Iranian-backed Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel.

Following the terrorist attack, Israel began a military operation in the Gaza Strip with a goal of eliminating Hamas and rescuing the remaining hostages.

"We recognize Israel's right to protect itself," Pelosi said. "We reject the policy and practice of Netanyahu – terrible. What could be worse than what he has done in response [to the Oct. 7 terrorist attack]?

"First of all, the exposure. See, his intelligence officer resigned, he should resign. He's ultimately responsible."

Her comments came three days after the House passed a foreign aid package that included $26 billion for Israel and humanitarian relief for Palestinians in Gaza. Pelosi claimed House Republicans were against providing any humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in Gaza.

"The biggest advocate for humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians has been Joe Biden," she said. "He's the only one advocating at that level."

Newsmax reached out to Netanyahu's office for comment.
​Vice-Senior General Soe Win takes part in a military parade to mark the 74th Armed Forces Day in the capital Naypyitaw, Myanmar March 27, 2019.

Vice-Senior General Soe Win takes part in a military parade to mark the 74th Armed Forces Day in the capital Naypyitaw, Myanmar March 27, 2019. 


Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Soe Win has not been seen in public since April 3, with unconfirmed reports alleging he was injured in a drone attack — or purged from leadership. Either explanation for his long absence comes down to the same root cause: six months of rebel victories and, as of April, daring air strikes on junta strongholds.

The rebel offensive: Starting in October, a loose coalition of ethnic minority militias backed by the People’s Democratic Forces (supporters of the overthrown democratic government) launched offensives that have seized almost all of Myanmar’s frontiers with India, China, and Thailand. With trade routes cut off, the junta is feeling pressure on its military supply chains and key sources of revenue.

Will the military fall? It’s hard to imagine. They may be on the back foot, but the feared Tatmadaw has a $2.7 billion budget while some rebels are building their own artisanal firearms (talk about scrappiness).

That said, the recent rebel drone strikes on the capital and other key junta sites reportedly caused tension among the cabinet (and possibly left Soe Win incommunicado). If it is true that the rebels are chipping away at the regime’s internal cohesion, that may be their most consequential victory yet.
Myanmar rebel group withdraws from key town on Thai border

An official of the Karen National Union says the "temporary retreat" from the town of Myawaddy comes after the return of junta soldiers to the vital strategic area.

Military personnel stand guard as hundreds of refugees crossed over the river frontier between Myanmar and Thailand following the fall of a strategic border town to rebels fighting Myanmar's military junta. / Photo: Reuters Archive

A Myanmar rebel group has withdrawn its troops from a town along the Thai border following a counteroffensive by soldiers of the ruling junta from whom the rebels had this month wrested the key trading post, an official said.

A spokesman for the Karen National Union (KNU) said on Wednesday that the "temporary retreat" from the town of Myawaddy came after the return of junta soldiers to the vital strategic area that is a conduit for annual foreign trade of more than $1 billion.

"KNLA troops will ... destroy the junta troops and their backup troops who marched to Myawaddy," Saw Taw Nee said, referring to the group's armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army, one of Myanmar's oldest ethnic fighting forces.

Fighting had flared as recently as Saturday in Myawaddy, forcing 3,000 civilians to flee as rebels fought to flush out Myanmar junta troops holed up for days at a border bridge crossing.

Many of those civilians have since returned, the Thai government has said, adding that it had also urged Myanmar to keep the fighting from spilling across the border.

Unprecedented pressure

Photographs posted on some pro-junta social media groups showed a handful of soldiers raising the Myanmar flag at a military base the KNU had controlled just days before, and where the rebel group had raised its own banner.

The junta, which has mounted a counter-offensive to retake Myawaddy, was able to enter the area with the help of a regional militia that had stood aside when the KNU laid siege to Myawaddy early in April, according to Saw Taw Nee.

Officials from the militia group, the Karen National Army, and the junta did not respond to telephone to seek comment.

Three years after its coup ousted a democratically-elected civilian government, Myanmar's junta is under unprecedented pressure, having lost control of a string of key frontier areas to rebel groups.


Hundreds of civil war victims treated every day as Myanmar chaos spills over Thailand border

China, the US, and Thailand are reassessing their strategies. Whatever happens next, the future of Myanmar will probably remain splintered, with no one authority in charge.

Cordelia Lynch
Asia correspondent
Sky News
Wednesday 24 April 2024 

Mae Tao clinic in Mae Sot, a frontier town along the border with Myanmar, is a harrowing window into a civil war that has suddenly escalated.

In the searing heat of early morning, the wards are packed full of patients, some with catastrophic injuries.

We walk into a room full of amputees, many recently injured by airstrikes and landmines.

Lying on a bed with his stomach held together by a bandage, we meet Maung Maung.

His voice is incredibly strained, and he can hardly move. He's just lost his two daughters. One was two years old, the other 14.

"They were hiding in a school. I thought it would be safe. After the bomb, I saw the body of one of my daughters ripped apart," he tells us.

Many here say they're too terrified to return to their home country and that fighting is now a daily threat.

Cordelia Lynch and the clinic's founder Cynthia Maung (right)

For decades, Dr Cynthia Maung, founder of the clinic in Thailand, has seen the graphic side effects of the world's longest-running civil war, a brutal clash between Myanmar's military and a mix of pro-democracy groups and local ethnic rebel armies.

In recent weeks though, she says the number of patients coming to her almost doubled to 500 a day.

"This is the worst in my time in 35 years here. This is the worst situation," says Dr Maung.

As we talk, there are patients of all ages. She is their great hope, but she's juggling increasingly complex and desperate cases.

There's recently been a sharp increase in those coming here wounded by bombs.

The embattled ruling junta has increasingly been carrying out airstrikes in the face of big losses. The resistance now controls more than half of Myanmar's territory.

One of the most symbolic defeats came two weeks ago in Myawaddy. The small town has an outsized economic role, known as the so-called "gateway to Thailand".

It has long been a focal point for many of the ethnic and pro-democracy groups, but rarely looked vulnerable.

Yet two weeks ago, rebel forces led by the Karen ethnic army made their move, stunning observers by taking the town.

Social media videos show the military seemingly launching an operation to retake it - but their convoy is ambushed, resistance fighters taking over their vehicles and sending them fleeing.

At the top of a hill on the Thai side of the border, the army is watching everything closely. There's a nervousness and tension that hasn't been there since the coup in 2021.

Read more:
Myanmar junta 'deliberately bombing medical facilities'
Myanmar's civil war has taken dramatic turn

Sub-Lieutenant Chuchat Farangtong tells me: "I felt the resistance groups were well prepared.

"There were signs before they attacked. My unit could see their manpower and their weapons. And there were civilians waiting along the river getting ready to cross over."

In the past few days alone, thousands have fled the fighting in Myanmar, many running away from conscription driven by a military desperately in need of more men.

Among them is 19-year-old Nyi Nyi, now in hiding in Thailand after secretly crossing the border - a terrifying journey that took three days.

"When I was fleeing, most of my friends got arrested by the military," he says.

"They were interrogated and tortured. They trained them for just three weeks and then sent them to the frontline."

Thai patrols are taking place on the border with Myanmar

He claims opponents are being brutally attacked by a military desperate to cling to power: "They starve opponents, put them in stress positions and beat them until they bleed from their ears."

We asked the ruling junta about his allegations. They did not respond to our request for comment.

Myanmar's military government has been losing ground in its borderlands for months, as pro-democracy militias and ethnic armed groups have launched a series of successful offensives.

That's been made possible by previously disparate groups coming together.

It is unlikely the ruling military government is at risk of being overthrown imminently, but we haven't seen a shift like this for years.

That's a challenge for neighbouring countries trying to navigate their relationship with Myanmar, the creeping violence on the border areas and the exodus of Myanmar's people.

Lieutenant Sivadumrong; police seem to be trying to play the role of protector and enforcer

We went on patrol with the Thai police who seem to be trying to play the role of protector and enforcer, helping some find refuge and detaining others.

They tell us they've arrested up to 30 people trying to cross illegally into Thailand every day.

"I'm worried that the bullets are flying to the Thai side," Lieutenant Manop Sivadumrong says.

"So, we've deployed border police and provincial police along the border to prevent illegal migrants and to help the Myanmar people on both sides in case they are injured."

It is a delicate balance for them and many other countries - one by-product of a conflict many have ignored.

But the international community is slowly waking up.

China, the US, and Thailand are reassessing their strategies. Whatever happens next, the future of Myanmar will probably remain splintered, with no one authority in charge.

And a splintered state will likely reap havoc on innocent civilians and continue to spill across national borders.
Brazil Iron: UK court case launched over mining project in Bahia

By Ione Wells,
South America Correspondent, Bahia
BBC/Paulo KobaCatarina 
Oliveira de Silva accuses UK-based mining company Brazil Iron of burying a lake in her community

In a small community deep in the remote, lush mountains of Bahia, Brazil, Catarina Oliveira de Silva points down at what used to be a lake.

"After the mine started extracting there, waste came down. It fell into the spring. It buried this entire lake. Three metres of silt and ore sludge."

Catarina says dust from this mine covered crops she owned, including coffee bushes and banana trees, until she could not produce them anymore.

She and her husband had also taken out a loan in 2015 for a business where people could pay to go angling in the lake.

"Our project went down the drain," she says.

Catarina and her family live in a traditional Quilombola community, descendants of Afro-Brazilian slaves whose rights to their land and way of life are protected under Brazilian law.

Now, their fight against a UK-owned mining company is set to move to a top court in London.

Brazil Iron, a self-described "sustainable" mining company, is accused of damaging the environment, health, crops and water supplies of local communities near its Brazilian mine.
BBC/Paulo Koba
Brazil Iron says its project could save millions of tonnes of carbon emissions annually and create thousands of local jobs if it is given a full licence to mine

The company strongly refutes the claims. It says its project to produce greener steel could save millions of tonnes of carbon emissions annually and create thousands of local jobs if it is given a full licence to mine.

But locals like Catarina claim the mine has already caused extensive damage through its research alone. Other residents allege explosions from the mine cracked their houses, and dust pollution has affected their health.

There are 103 claimants now in the UK legal case, with claims spanning from 2011-2022.

They are seeking compensation for what their lawyers describe as "physical and mental health injuries and environmental losses" and are presenting their formal claim to a UK court today.

Edimone Almeida Silva claims her eldest daughter developed a respiratory problem that she did not have before the mine started operating, which improved after it stopped.

"She practically didn't sleep the whole night trying to scratch her throat. I had to take her to the doctor who gave her an inhaler."

BBC/Paulo Koba
Edimone Almeida Silva (left) says her eldest daughter developed a respiratory problem after the mine started operating

The company says those making such claims have no evidence, and that it has offered independent medical examinations to members of the community.

Some residents ask why it had to mine here. The answer lies in geology.

Deep below the verdant Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia, lie iron ore reserves, kilometres wide, which is the key ingredient needed to make steel.

This makes the area a magnet for mining companies.

Steel is used in almost every aspect of our lives from buildings, trains and cars to fridges, furniture, and food packaging.

It is traditionally produced from reducing iron ore in dirty coal-fired blast furnaces that create huge amounts of carbon emissions.

Since Brazil Iron started operating in the region on a research licence in 2011, it said it had found a type of iron ore that can be turned into steel in electric arc furnaces - resulting in fewer carbon emissions -and can be extracted in Brazil using solar and wind power in Bahia.

The company paused operations in 2022 after a disagreement with Bahia's state government over its permission to mine and is awaiting a new licence.

Brazil Iron says by continuing it could create 27,000 jobs in its construction phase, 10,000 jobs permanently directly and indirectly, and save 2.35 million tonnes of carbon from being emitted every year in the steel industry supply chain.

This tension between local jobs versus claims of local damage is playing out among the community, with some very supportive of the mine's presence, its jobs, and the tax revenue it would raise for the nearby town.

BBC/Paulo Koba
One of the main benefits [of the job] was the opportunity to live close to family. That's something money can't buy.Erivelton Souza Silva

Local who took a job at the Brazil Iron project

Some of those who protested against the mine's activities or joined the English lawsuit allege they were intimidated by mine employees and other residents, dissuading them from taking action and claiming it could harm them financially.

This led to a court injunction being issued against the company, ordering it to prevent staff from contacting the claimants except through lawyers.

Brazil Iron was found by the UK High Court to have broken this injunction when it wrote letters to some of the claimants after the order was made.

Erivelton Souza Silva is a member of the community who did get a job with the company.

"I didn't have a source of income, most people always travelled to São Paulo," he said.

He joined the company in 2019, and was taught how to operate heavy vehicles, machinery, and equipment.

"I think one of the main benefits that the company brought, as well as the opportunity to work with a formal contract, have paid vacations, was the opportunity to live close to family. That's something money can't buy."
BBC/Paulo Koba
Rich iron ore reserves under the Chapada Diamantina region are attracting mining companies

Brazil Iron denied its research had impacted the environment or community and said its "doors are always open" to mitigate any problems.

It said the allegations were "untrue" but could still have a "devastating impact on the economy of the area".

It also argues it is "not appropriate" for the claims to be brought against the company in a UK court, and plans to challenge this and request it be heard in Brazil.

The lawyers representing the claimants disagree.

They argue that Bahia's state agency for the environment and water also found the company had broken the terms of its environmental licences, for example through pollution and unmitigated detonations, in multiple reports and notices issued to the company between 2020-2022.

They also argue the case should be heard in the UK where the company is domiciled.

Brazil Iron, in the UK, exists for the sole purpose of funding its Brazilian subsidiary - which it says is the largest foreign investor in mineral research in Brazil.

Brazil Iron is funded by tens of millions of dollars' worth of loans and shares from shareholders around the world.

It says it is "important for the globe" because it's positioning itself as the world's leading independent producer of green "hot-briquetted iron" using "100% renewable energy sources".

BBC/Paulo Koba
Is it clean to kill a river? Do we need to sacrifice everyone in rural areas for the city?
Rogério Mucugê
Geographer at Bahia Catholic University

The key question, which is an issue playing out around the world, is whether such resources contributing to a greener future are hurting the environment and way of life locally.

Rogério Mucugê, a local geographer at Bahia Catholic University, is not convinced the jobs and carbon-reducing benefits are worth it and argues communities with a "green" way of life shouldn't have to change to provide the solutions for carbon emissions caused in more urban areas.

"The ideal when you arrive in a community is to listen to the community that knows the territory best," he says.

"If we say this model is sustainable, that this model will generate clean energy, is it clean to kill a river? Do we need to sacrifice everyone in rural areas for the city?"