Monday, December 12, 2005

There is no I in Team

What a strange thing for a self professed Libertarian to say;"Harper said sports encourages teamwork"

There is no individualist "I" in team, specially sports teams. Its a, 'gasp', collective effort. No one 'star' can win the game, unless it's tennis. Suddenly Harper has mellowed, he believes that the cooperation and collectivism of sports "builds character".

Gone is the rabid individualist ideology of the past. No longer the anti-state liberaltarian, he is calling for more money from the State to go to parents to pay for user fees;
which is just another form of taxation. Tories promise tax credit for kids' sports fees

My how the New Harper has changed from the Old Harper.

On being ‘libertarian’
“But I'm very libertarian in the sense that I believe in small government and, as a general rule, I don't believe in imposing values upon people.” (National Post, March 6, 2004)

Gee and wouldn't character building and team work be considered 'values'?

Economic conservatism, Harper says during an interview in his Calgary office, is libertarian in nature, emphasizing markets and choice. Libertarian conservatives work to dismantle the remaining elements of the interventionist state and move towards “a market society for the 21st century.” (Toronto Star, April 6, 1997)

Paying for user fees is the state intervening in the marketplace isn't it?

Scott Reid Conservative Commentator

"Duh' Oh"

Oh boy did the blogoshpere heat up yesterday when Liberal Party Communications (sic) Director, and the right hand of PM, Scott Reid came out with his comment that all the Harper Baby Bonus plan would do was provide for beer and popcorn for working parents. He probably thought he was being clever. I think he meant beer and peanuts. It was one of those gaffes that makes elections exciting on slow news days.

Anyways the off the cuff remark has caused a swirl of controversy, mainly fueled by the hypocritical Bloggin Tory's and our favorite 'f****ing moron'; Warren Kinsella. Yep much ado about nothing here folks.

Reid just sounded like a Conservative, or neo-con pundit many of whom have said similar things about the poor, folks on welfare, gays, the homeless, single mothers,women in general, immigrants, union folks, etc.etc. After all Ezra Levant has told us that 77% of Canadians are 'stupid'. So there. Take that. Those who live in glass houses........

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another Train Jumps the Track

Leak from CN car forces evacuation of town block This is no longer NEWS its getting to be business as usual for the Continental National Disaster we call CN rail. It's now officially a weekly incident as it has been for the last six months. Just like clockwork. What was that old saying about the trains running on time, in this case its the trains being derailed on time, thanks to Just In Time flexibility for the bottom line. Just remember this when some neo-con says privatization or the private sector does it better than the public sector. Didn't have these problems when CN was still a crown corporation. But they are occuring after the privatization and sale of B.C. Rail to privatized CN.

More CN Privatization = Disasters Stories:

Le Revue Gauche

Red Between the Lines

Before Privatization

After Privatization

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The Election Blogs In the News

Oh lookee the Edmonton Journal has discovered the election blogs. And the fact that Jack doesn't. Though leader Jack Layton blogged during the June 2004 election, the NDP is the only big federal party now going without one.

Just Do It

King Ralph threatens again,Klein says he'll quit if Alta. Tories don't strongly support him next spring Just shut up and quit already. His backpedaling on smoking, refusal to outline what the Third Way for Healthcare really means, blathering about the Federal Liberals, backpedaling on not taking Fed money for Alberta Daycare, what anyone else would call lame duck leadership shows the King has gone mad in his counting house. Time for him to go.

Alberta Uber Alles

Ralphs World

Winter came and went

In Edmonton this week we had winter for three days, and now its gone. We have had an exceptionally warm November. In fact it was warmer than July according to Environment Canada.

For three days this week starting on Monday we had -20 c with a windchill of
-29 c, and snow.

As of Thursday we have had double digit highs at the opposite end of the scale hitting +19 c. And the snow is gone. Today as I write we are at +11 c. The forecast is more of the same for the next week before Xmas.

Some much for Winter it came and went. We are now as warm as we get in the Spring.

But wait it's still only Fall. Winter does not officially start until Solstice, December 21. Ah sigh, well one can dream he said humming "To Dream the Impossible Dream".

Workers Rights are Human Rights

Layton Endorses Workers’ Bill Of Rights on December 10 the day we celebrate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, written by a Canadian 30 years before we even had them entrenched in our law, including the right to organize and belong to a union which is still not a right in many provinces in Canada. Including Alberta.

So Mr. Labour Friendly Paul Martin where do you Stand?

Liberals Abandon Redmonton

The Liberals appear to have abandoned Redmonton figuring on a Tory landslide and neck and neck race in Edmonton Centre. Their website listing of Edmonton Candidates is empty with two exceptions. And its ten days into the election.

With the exceptions of Edmonton Centre Landslide Anne's constiuency. and Stephen Haroun running in Edmonton St. Albert, the other candidates have no profiles.

The other race that could be theirs is Edmonton Mill Woods-Beaumont, but all they have on their candidates page is a picture of their candidate, Amjarit Grewal.

Ditto for Nicole Martel their candidate in Edmonton East. Just a picture. She has a web page and they haven't connected to it, heck even I have done that here.

Ditto for these candidates

Edmonton--Sherwood Park Ron Symic
Edmonton--Spruce Grove Brad Enge

Jim Jacuta
But at least they have a photos of them.

Ontheir page for Edmonton Leduc Liberal candidate Jim Jacuta's all they have is a silouette. Poor Jim. And its not like he hasn't run before, he is one of their high profile candidates. He ran against Deb Grey for Edmonton North.
Sheesh you'd think they would have a photo of him and his bio.

And no phone numbers to campaign offices, or web links, or bios or sfa on any of these links.

It appears that there is real disconnect between the Liberals national campaign and their candidates in Edmonton. More so than for instance their candidates in Calgary.

Federal candidates prepare for 8-week race
In Alberta, there are 28 seats to be filled – but little suspense over who will take most of them. In the 2004 election, all but two seats were won by the Conservatives, with the Liberals taking two Edmonton ridings. However, Edmonton-Beaumont MP David Kilgour who won as a Liberal, left the party and was sitting as an independent when the 38th Parliament wrapped up. He is not running again. That leaves Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan, who represents Edmonton Centre, as the last Liberal standing in the province going into this election.

And here's the rub if you want to find out about the Liberal candidates in Redmonton, you can find them on the CBC web site. With pictures and bios, and web links. ( well they don't have a picture for Jim Jacuta but at least they don't use the stupid silouette). Everything that should be on the Liberal web site and isn't. Guess the Liberals figure that taxpayer funded Mothercorp should do their work for them.

It appears the Liberal candidates are suffering abandonment by the National campaign. Which does a disservice to not only all Edmontonians but all Albertans. So why would they expect us to vote for them if they can't even bother to campaign here seriously?!

In Harper Country, your choice for change this election is the NDP. They at least have candidate profiles on their web site.

Edmonton Strathcona Liberal MIA

Andy Hladyshevsky

A stronger voice for Edmonton Strathcona!
Óêðà¿íñüêà âåðñ³ÿ Francais

The Liberal Candidate in Edmonton Strathcona appears to be running as an independent. His web site does not identify him as a Liberal let alone a member of Team Martin. No red maple leaf logos, no big L, nada, nothing.

And his website is still the one he had for his nomination as the Liberal candidate in Edmonton Strathcona, which he won.

The Liberals don't even know he is running for them since they have no candidate listing, as of today, on their candidate web site for Edmonton Strathcona. Opps.

Hey this is the end of Election week two. Over and done with and the Liberals have Andy running apparently for them in Edmonton Strathcona, but who knows...even CBC doesn't....

Note to Strategic Voters: I have said before this is going to be a two way race between Linda Duncan of the NDP and Rahim Jaffer of the Conservatives.

Ya'all vote Linda and we beat Rahim.

Homosexual Sex Marriage