Thursday, June 13, 2019

Hot summers causing Arctic sinkholes: study
Arctic sinkholes are appearing across the Canadian High Arctic as permafrost -- ice expected to be frozen year-round -- thaws and collapses due to climate change, according to research published Monday.
"Arctic sinkholes are appearing across the Canadian High Arctic as permafrost — ice expected to be frozen year-round — thaws and collapses due to climate change, according to research published Monday.
“Researchers found maximum thaw depths had already exceeded what they had expected to occur by 2090, according to the report published in Geophysical Research Letters journal.
“At one site, Mould Bay, the level of thawing was 240% higher than historic norms.”


'This building has no sprinklers': Grenfell United's 12-storey high guerrilla messages
Group beamed huge projections on high-rises to highlight fire safety crisis
“This is not something we should have to fight for,” said Hannah Reid, 24, a dental nurse on the estate. “We are afraid the same thing [as #Grenfell] could happen to us. The demands of the people of Grenfell were ignored and the same thing is happening to us. Not just us but all across the country.”

"Canada is one country; monopoly transportation companies should not be allowed to exploit the most profitable routes between major cities to the neglect of the rest of the country. Revenue from service on the profitable routes should be used to subsidize those routes less travelled. "

“We Are Facing an Existential Crisis”: Gov. Inslee Slams DNC for Refusing to Hold Climate Debate


20 hrs
In Brazil, 121 families of descendants of indigenous people, former fugitive slaves and small peasants who came to the savanna of the cerrado at the end of the 121th century, denounce the grabbing of their territory by a large agricultural farm, estrondo.

“If we continue business as usual, it’s catastrophic.”

3 Republican former EPA chiefs accuse Trump of 'undermining of science'

EPA officials now routinely undercut scientific knowledge that can save lives while eliminating regulations at the behest of industry lobbyists, four former administrators said Tuesday.

Former EPA administrators say agency has retreated from its mission
Four former EPA administrators on Tuesday told a House subcommittee that the agency needs to re-establish its scientific credibility and return to its mission.
New Jersey became the first of the United States Tuesday to pass a law requiring hotels provide "panic buttons" that employees can activate in case of an emergency.

New Jersey became the first of the United States Tuesday to pass a law requiring hotels provide "panic buttons" that employees can activate in case of an emergency.

Amazon passes Apple, Google as world's most valuable brand
Retail giant Amazon surpassed Google Tuesday as the world's most valuable brand -- with a total value of $315.5 billion, an increase of more than $100 million in the past year, a research group said in a new study.