Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Revolt of the Fifth Estate

His Majesty King Stephen the First has ticked off the fifth estate. Journalists boycott Harper news conference as media battle heats up Now if only the other four Estates would follow suit, we good bring back public executions of the autarch. After all the King is in favour of Law and Order, something the French Revolution executed quite well. And why pray tell is the Fifth Estate ticked off, well because King Stephen is using King George the Second's play book, again.

The Prime Minister's Office insists on choosing who gets to ask questions based on a list it compiles.

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A Critique of P3's From The Right

As regular readers will know I have been critical of P3's, public private partnerships, from the Left. Now here is an interesting critique of them from the Liberaltarians around the Von Mises (pronounced by Sylvester as von meeses) Institute.

Unfortunately the author misses the point that it was the neo-cons who promoted the Reinvention of Government the liberaltarian ideal of getting the State out of business and business to take up the slack of the state, in other words his arguement is upside down. In fact it is the folks at Von Mises and others like the CATO and Fraser Institutes that promote the so called free market ideology that promote P3's.

His critique of sustainable development suffers from a similar misunderstanding of the political economy of the neo-liberal state. The State has been run by the neo-cons for more than twenty years and sustainable development is their way of creating a Greener capitalism without actually investing in industrial ecology or social ecology.

Once again the Liberaltarians fail to understand the simple fact that the State is a manifestation of Capitalism. In their efforts to create a mythology of a pure and simple capitalism, they view the State as somehow apart and separate from its birthmother, modern capitalism. It is not the State that hinders capitalism, on the contrary it is the State which abets and promotes capitalism. Their argument is based upon a percieved American exceptionalism and thus remains a-historical and a flight of fantasy.

While their key argument that big business and its state hinder markets, competition, free association remain cogent, it not a question of either or but rather the elimination of both. See:
Libertarian Dialectics

Public-Private Partnerships, The Undermining of Free Enterprise, and the Emergence of “Soft Fascism”

There are now thousands of public-private partnerships in place throughout the country, engaging in activities ranging from building roads and neighborhoods to providing waterand wastewater services to renovating government schools to overseeing the management
of real estate to providing health care. This number seems destined to grow in theimmediate future.

It is fair to say that public-private partnerships have been accepted
without question by the ‘mainstream’ of both government and business. This is because a new ‘paradigm’ for the relationship between the two has emerged, verygradually, over the past few decades. This ‘paradigm,’ of course, is that of sustainable development, which combines the power of the purse, one might call it, with the power of
the sword. The resources of business (the power of the purse) are utilized to do the work of “governance” (the power of the sword)—with the former’s full cooperation and support.

The reports we cited noted several examples of what appear to all intents and purposes to be successful public-private partnerships—successful, that is, in achieving the ends wanted within government.

Expansionist or interventionist government—the idea that government should undertake responsibility for managing huge portions of a country’s economy and infrastructure—is taken for granted, but limits on the capacity of government to effect change by itself are acknowledged. The solution to the problem of the limits on the capacity of government, in the new paradigm, is to employ the resources of business, in a way that brings business fully on board and enlists it as collaborator—or partner.

Of course, the larger the business the better, because bigger businesses tend to have deeper pocketbooks than smaller businesses. The critics of public-private partnerships usually cited in the favorable literature are not those who do not trust government but those who do not trust business.

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Over 200 Billion controlled. That would be the motto of the Bilderberg Conference if this secret society of the ruling class was branded like MacDonalds, the other burger baron.

Apparently one of our favorite 'secret' ruling class conclaves will be meeting in Canada, north of Ottawa, in June.

The secretive group known as Bilderberg will hold its annual secret meeting at the posh Brook Street Resort a few miles from Ottawa, Canada, June 8-11.

The location and part of the agenda was disclosed to American Free Press by a source inside Bilderberg’s inner circle.

High on the Bilderberg’s secret agenda this year are oil prices and the political upheaval in Latin America. When meeting last year in Rottach-Egern, Germany, Bilderberg called for dramatic increases in the price of oil. Oil prices started climbing immediately from $40 a barrel to $70.

Whether Bilderberg will call for still higher prices is unclear, but Henry Kissinger and others had gleefully anticipated ultimate prices at $150 a barrel a year ago. Bilderberg is certainly concerned about supply, which is related to the “Latin American problem,” as one insider said.

Approximately 120 international leaders in politics and finance will also discuss the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which has caused a rare breach between American Bilderbergers and their European counterparts since the United States Iraq invasion in 2003. Whether the United States should invade Iran is also high on the agenda.
Media coverage of the Bilderberg conference is extermely limited as many of the ruling class media barons and their syncophants attend. See Aaron Bratens Open Letter to the Bilderberg Steering Committee

For more on ruling class conspiracies see: Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

For more on the Bildgerberg Conferences

We all know of the Davos meeting of the Ruling Classes but before that there was the Bilderberg Conference. Davos too was a secret meeting till after it was exposed during the Seattle Protests, and the creation of the mass democratic
alternative World Social Forum.

When the ruling class gathers to hold its secret meetings to plan our futures we should all be worried. It proves that the Executive branch of capitalism, view democracy as only convinient if it is representative of their interests, which is why they dominate all of the political parties that vie for parlimentary power.

the bourgeoisie has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative state, exclusive political sway. The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO
Now those that see conspiracies everywhere might be forgiven for thinking that this meeting is coincidental with Canada's economic dominace with the petro-dollar and the election of the Conservatives, since Harper has attended previous Bilderberg Conferences.

Steven Harper and the Bilderbergers Secret Meeting : Thunderbay IMC

Your Exeutive Committee of the Canadian Ruling Class:

The ruling class has many coordinating committees, and like most corporations they share interlocking boards of directors.

Ralph Klein attended the 1995 Bilderberg meeting while floods ravished the south of the province and forest fires decimated the North. It was a good time for a trip abroad. He was invited by long standing Bilderberg Steering Committee member and international corporate criminal; Conrad Black.

Alberta is also home to members of the Trilateral Commission, another executive committee of the ruling class; Ron Southern of ATCO-Frontenac. Meetings are held at Southern's Spruce Meadows equistrian ranch in Calgary.
Bill Graham is also a member as is Allan Gotlieb The international importance of Ron Southern cannot be underestimated last year the Summit of the Americas held a closed confernce at Spruce Meadows.

The Head of the Carlyle Group is a member of the Trilateral Commission. It is well known that ex-Premier Frank Mcekenna is a member of the Carlyle Group, but so is another Ex Premier. Peter Lougheed is a member of the Carlyle Group along with the political king maker Paul Desmarais of Power Corporation.

And of course we would be remiss if we did not mention the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, the ultimate executive committee of the ruling class in Canada of which David Emerson is a prominant member as is Derek Burney.

The fact that Burney was Harpers advisor and a corporate colleague of Emerson's may have helped when Harper got Emerson tocross the floor.

Ladies and Gentlemen these are your Board of Directors of the Canadian Ruling Class.

Also See:


Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

Conspiracy Theories

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Quebec Hydro Created Kyoto

Charest to go it alone on Kyoto climate accord is the headline in the Globe and Mail.

Nothing surprizing with this, since it was the Chairman of Quebec Hydro, political scion of the Power Corporation, Maurice Strong who chaired the Rio round of talks on the environment, when petit Jean Charest was Environment Minister in the Mulroney government. Kyoto was Canada's creation. Before Jean Chretien ( another Quebecois aligned to Power Corp) signed it, Kyoto was the creation of Strong and Hydro Quebec.

It is the reason Mulroney was given the Greenist PM award by the environmental movement. Kyoto was his legacy. Ironic it was a Conservative government that created Kyoto and now it is a Conservative government that wants to destroy it.

The difference between the Conservative Party of the Past and today is that the Mulroney government was dominated by Quebec and its capitalist ruling class, todays Conservative party is dominated by the interests of Calgary and its petro-industry ruling class.

See: Harper Has Already Abandoned Kyoto

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Credit Card Fraud

The wonderful thing abut the stock market is that it is amoral, capitalism itself is amoral. Clearly with such little concern about the criminal behaviour of the big Credit Card companies, the stock market should be willing to put IPO's out for Bolivian Coca or Afghanistan Opium cooperatives. Then those two economic basket cases would at least be able to gain enough capital to reconstruct their economies.

Visa and MasterCard are part of the Banking cartels, they are in fact agents of the banks, much like the ATM service programs, Cirrus and Interac.

Interesting that banking/credit card fraud is considered a less henious crime than say oh I don't know, shoplifting, or robbery, or selling drugs on the street for the third time.

And the reason that Visa and Mastercard are facing legal suits? Why it's a simple thing called MONOPOLY.

As Americans go into Debt, and Canadians as well, Mastercard and Visa have reaped record profits off the go-go casino economy that is America.

Nothing productive here, just Money chasing Capital chasing Money; M-C-M.
Housing Bubble, Debt Boom

Which is why America is now the worlds largest debtor.
Storm Clouds Over The US Economy

Merchants Hit MasterCard IPO on Anticompetitive Grounds

A law firm co-leading the merchant class-action interchange lawsuit against Visa USA, MasterCard Inc. and a number of their large members yesterday filed a supplemental complaint in federal court asserting that MasterCard’s imminent initial public offering of stock is an attempt to shield itself from antitrust liability for past interchange practices. But if or how the revised complaint will affect the planned IPO that could come as soon as Thursday and raise up to $2.8 billion is unclear.

NEW YORK ( - MasterCard is expected to hit the market with a bang when it makes its debut on the New York Stock Exchange as early as next week.

But there may be reason for long-term investors to whimper.

Investors big and small are expected to gobble up shares of the credit card association, which has a long history of stable performance. But the company's future appears less certain.

MasterCard faces mounting lawsuits, and long-term investors could end up footing the company's legal bills, analysts said.

Investors in the IPO market like to see growth, and while MasterCard is a well established company, its business has benefited as consumers move from paper to electronic payments. The total value of transactions on MasterCard-branded cards - including purchases and cash advances - rose 13 percent last year to $1.7 trillion, according to company estimates.

MasterCard has booked about $860 million in expenses related to legal settlements over the last three fiscal years. It settled a lawsuit brought on behalf of merchants in 2003 but a number of cases remain outstanding, including separate suits filed by Morgan Stanley's (Research) Discover and American Express alleging the credit card association competes unfairly.

Also See:

Bank Charges

Contracting Out Faux Pas

Money Money Money


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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Two Super Powers

There are now two super powers in the World. As the latest Amnesty report reveals.

Rights report condemns US, China

start quoteWhen the powerful are too arrogant to review and reassess their strategies, the heaviest price is paid by the poor and powerless.end quote
-- Amnesty Secretary-General Irene Khan

American hegemony was challenged last month when their rentier landlord came to visit them. Chinese Prime Minister Hu first stopped in Washington, not Washington D.C. but the State of Washington to buy a few planes from Boeing, and have an official State Dinner with the real power in Amerika, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. On his way to Europe he stopped in to visit President Bush shake some hands have a press conference, and ask about how America intended to pay its bills.

Did anyone care to notice that the Chinese president did not rush to see his US counterpart when he landed in the US? What did it say about China’s perspective on the Sino-US relationship that the first person that President Hu visited in the US was Bill Gates, Microsoft’s chairman and the world’s richest man? No matter how rich Gates is, he is still a private citizen and one would surely imagine that the first person a visiting head of state and government visits before anyone else is his counterpart. With China It’s Simply Business, Not a Clash of Civilizations

In Washington the state, Hu beamed as he hobnobbed with the capitalist kings of computers, coffee shops and airplanes, who are among those making a mint in China's markets.
In Washington the city, Hu got a rather frostier reception. A dissident heckler startled him on the White House lawn, a White House announcer called his country the Republic of China - did someone say Taiwan? - and a senator warned that China should open more of its markets to American products, or else.
The chill in the East and the warmth in the West were, of course, mostly about money. The number most policy makers in Washington, D.C., think about when they think about China is the $202 billion trade deficit in 2005, up 25 percent from the year before. In Seattle, the focus is on the $5 billion that businesses in the state exported to China last year, up 64 percent from 2004. News Analysis: Hu sees 2 very different Washingtons

While America prides its power as Empire, it is no longer the only Superpower in the World. It no longer has hegemony. China has matched it.

China Befriends Oil-Rich Saudis; US Pays at Pump

Merkel's China visit to strengthen bilateral ties

China extends its reach into Africa with $1bn deal for Nigeria's railways

United States looks on as China mines Latin America's riches

As the American Empire spreads its military abroad, China keeps its at home. China too now is a hegemon. One that is playing in the world despite American protests.

WASHINGTON, May 23 (Reuters) - China's military buildup has altered Asia-Pacific power balances and could pose threats to other forces, the Pentagon said on Tuesday, in an annual report that repeated U.S. calls for Beijing to explain its actions. China has retained its long-standing focus on rival Taiwan but years of double-digit growth in arms spending and new missiles, ships and aircraft meant it could project power further afield, the 2006 China Military Power Report said. "The pace and scope of China's military build-up already place regional military balances at risk," the 58-page report said. "Current trends in China's military modernization could provide China with a force capable of prosecuting a range of military operations in Asia -- well beyond Taiwan -- potentially posing a credible threat to modern militaries operating in the region," it said.

Take Sudan. Please. As the old joke goes. Sudan is a client state of China, they own the petro-industry there. So ask yourselves why of all the UN Security council members, China is the only one who has not offered military forces for Darfur. Nor have they used their economic and political power to force the Sudanese state to settle the Darfur issue. Is it because Darfur is one of the new oil finds in Sudan?
UN presses Sudan to admit assessment team in Darfur (Roundup)

Before we send Canadian forces to Sudan, or even aid, we should ask why their largest client is doing nothing.

China should revise policies on Sudan

But the Sudanese, more than all world powers and economic entities, are the ones most directly affected by the political and economic policies of China on Sudan.

Apart from the nuclear power conflict in the Chinese-Iranian-Western relations, the unabated fears about the Gulf oil, and the other international agenda, what concerns us here is a Sudanese viewpoint on the reasons for the requested revisions on the Chinese policies on Sudan.

There are clear political concerns with the Chinese mechanical support of Sudan in the international arena, especially the United Nations Security Council, as well as major economic questions about the Chinese oil methodologies in South Sudan and other parts of the country.

Of particular importance is the way the revenues of these investments have been used by China to support the repressive rule of Sudan with virtually non-economic or social development projects in the oil-producing region, South Sudan, for almost a decade.

Recently, the Chinese working team on the construction of the Hamadab Dam at the Manasir/Robatab area in the Nile Province of North Sudan faced some forms of popular resistance from the local inhabitants who had been prevented from using the Nile drinking water for their animals by construction provisions imposed by the repressive rule of Sudan in agreement with the Chinese firm.

The Chinese company, however, went as far as inciting the authorities that responded promptly with armed forces to displace the inhabitants and their animals from the dam construction area.

This insensitivity to the local communities of North Sudan was an extension of graver indifferences by the Chinese investors towards many other communities in South Sudan.

Yep China is just like America, both share the arrogance of power. And China is not only Sudan's landlord, it's America's landlord too.

Also See:

China No Longer Red Nor In The Red

China Challenges US over Saudi Oil

US vs China for Global Hegemony

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Only As Pretty As You Feel

Jefferson Airplane Pretty As You Feel

when you wake up in the morning
rub some sleep from your eye
look inside your mirror
comb your hair

don't give vanity a second chance
no no no
beauty's only skin deep
it goes just so far 'cause
you're only pretty as you feel
you're only pretty as you feel inside
just as pretty as you feel

Roz Weston, a 31-year-old reporter with Global Television, shows off his painted toenails on the set of Entertainment Tonight Canada. ‘I find it relaxing,’ he says, and he never allows women to do it for him. Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail

Roz Weston, a 31-year-old reporter with Global Television, shows off his painted toenails on the set of Entertainment Tonight Canada. ‘I find it relaxing,’ he says, and he never allows women to do it for him. (Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail)

The Globe and Mail is behind the times again, see my
Boys will be Girls

It appears that years after the fact they have discovered the Metrosexual.

Say didn't Jack Layton call himself that,yep he did.

Straight men eager to polish their image
Cosmetic companies find a fresh market catering to the male workaday dandy

Farid Hassani, a 37-year-old designer, says he regularly borrows his wife's eyeliner to give himself a lift.

"It makes me feel good, it makes me feel different," Mr. Hassani says.

"I'm not gay but I don't want to be perceived as the typical heterosexual male," he says.

"Makeup gives me an edge."

As well, this month, Jean Paul Gaultier, one of the pioneers of the male makeup trend, relaunched in select Sears and The Bay stores across Canada, its Tout Beau Tout Propre collection of eyeliner, bronzing powder and coloured lip balm for men.

Along with the clear nail polish that has been available to men since 2003, there is now a chocolate shade.

Actually the LCN Diamond Base gives nails a nice natural fleshy tone. Check it out with Chrissy from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

Being the ultimate hockey twink does Sidney Crosby wear toe nail polish? Only his esthetician knows.
Sid Crosby Metrosexual

And for the Goth camp in all of us there is always the Midnight Black. As proved by the young androgenous man who served me at MegaTunes in his eyeliner, foundation, lipstick and black nails displaying the subtlety of male drag in public.

In Ancient Egypt the Men were always better made up than the women.

And the Peacock looks better than the peahen.

And unlike Calgary we actually have a Mens Spa in Edmonton, The Boardroom

A tip o' the glitter blog to Calgary Grit

Also See: Bald Facts

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Well tonight the Oilers will meet the Ducks in Edmonton. And BBQ Duck is one of the favorite items in Edmonton's China Town

After the Oilers roast the Ducks Whyte Trash Avenue will be swarming with drunk macho male yahoos encouraging women to 'show us your tits'.

An appropriate response would be 'shows us your dicks' but that would be redundant since all these drunk guys on the Avenue have already shown us they are Dicks.

Also See: Hockey

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Free Trade: Primitive Accumulation of Capital

I have said it before and will say it again, capitalism is merchants with private armies. The modern market state that is evolving under globalization is no different.

Seventeenth Century Origins of Free Trade

During the early modern period (1500-1700), there was intense conflict among European states. Chartered trade companies acted as warrior merchants, especially the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company. Armed trade was refined into a ruthless art by the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. At the same time, some kingdoms — for example, France and Spain — attempted to control their economies (Mercantilism) for strategic reasons. Moral philosophers, meanwhile, were critical of trade itself. Unlike Islam which was largely hospitable toward trade and merchants, Christian theology and Church edicts were hostile; they condemned commerce as abetting fraud, promoting avarice, and encouraging worldly gains. Theologians became more liberal as the centuries passed, but the status of merchants who merely traded goods and produced nothing was not high. At best there was theological ambivalence about commerce. Free trade did not have an easy birth in these circumstances.

Ironic ain't it that the very historical forces opposed to Free Trade are now it's greatest proponents. Of course that is because of the development of the ultimate Protestant State; the American Empire. While Europe remains dominated by Catholicism, even in its Anglican and Lutheran forms.

The Fraternal Origins of Working Class Organizations In the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

As for Islam and Free Trade see my article Ibn Khaldun 14th Century Arab Libertarian

Instead of sabre rattling the Americans might want to use Free Trade, any trade in fact, with economically isolated Iran to get them to quit their sabre rattling.

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Dodge Ball

some economists believe the Bank of Canada may be habitually overestimating inflation because the central bank is focusing too much attention on traditional factors that cause prices to rise -- like a tight labour market and booming domestic demand -- and not enough on globalization and international competition.

Yep I have said it before the Bank of Canada is stuck in the Mulroney era. Leave well enough alone, David Dodge. But of course being a monetarist like he is he won't.Bank of Canada expected to raise interest rates which will result in;

Markets could be in for more losses in coming week
"That calls into question the Bank of Canada's own assertion that core inflation was going to be back at the two per cent threshold by the third quarter," said TD Securities chief strategist Marc Levesque. "It looks like the bank may have a bit more wiggle room on the inflation front, so I think this just adds to the likelihood that it could, in fact, choose to take a pass and do nothing." "Tame core inflation, a tight-as-a-drum labour market, healthy retail sales, a firm Canadian dollar, a red-hot economy in the west... what's a central bank to do?" asked Avery Shenfeld, senior economist with CIBC World Markets.

Leave well enough alone. Geez does it take an anarchist to tell the capitalists how the market works? Guess so.

More on Dodge

Also See


Petro Dollar



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Silly Headlines

Human Remains Found in Quebec

I would hope so since humans have lived there for thousands of years.

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Harper Has Already Abandoned Kyoto

Which is why Rona Ambrose is on CTV Question Period,on Sunday and sitting on her duff in the House and not in Bonn.

And when asked why she isn't in Bonn, she replies like the trained parrot she is; "We want a made in the USA....errr...Canada policy."

Yeah more like a Made In Alberta policy.

Kyoto backslide sparks furor

Canada sabotaging Kyoto accord, environmentalists say

Canada wants Kyoto deal scrapped - reports

More On Kyoto

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Just The Facts Ma'am

This is a follow up on my previous article;UN Report Says We Need A Living Wage

Just the facts ma'am.

The facts show that for the majority of women in Canada Day Care is NOT a matter of Choice it's a matter of NEED.

And this is true for single mothers who have no choice in whether to work or not. The myth of the two income family which allows for so called 'choices' of staying home, is a return to the era of Leave It To Beaver, and even then women worked outside the home.

Those who claim to speak for choice in staying home can only afford too because they live on two family incomes, both are professionals earning above average wages who can afford to have one parent stay home by defering their salary.

The attack on Day Care in Canada by the Harpocrite government is based on their base in Alberta's patriarchical religious right, who wanna keep the little woman at home barefoot and pregnant. And if she dares to not be married well she is after all a fallen woman and should get no support from society. She should be shunned.

Such is the real message in the Harpocrites Non Day Care policy.

Single mothers

550,000 – The estimated number of single-parent families headed by women in Canada in 2004.

$27,700 — The after tax income of lone-parent families headed by women in 2004.

Source: The Daily, Thursday, March 30, 2006, “Income of Canadians”.

38% — The proportion of families headed by lone-parent mothers that had incomes which fell below the after-tax low income cut-off (LICO) in 2003. In comparison, this was the case for 13% of male lone-parent families and just 7% of non-elderly two-parent families with children. The incidence of low income among lone-parent families headed by women has declined somewhat since the early 1980s, when the figure hovered around 50%.

68% — The percentage of female lone parents who were employed in 2004.

Source: The Daily, Tuesday, March 7, 2006, “Women in Canada”.

Working Mothers

65% — The percentage of all women with children under the age of three who were employed in 2004.

70% — The percentage of women whose youngest child was aged three to five who worked for pay in 2004.

Source: The Daily, Tuesday, March 7, 2006, “Women in Canada”.

54% — The proportion of children in Canada aged six months to five years who were in some form of child care in 2002-2003, up from 42% in 1994-1995. (From the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.)

Source: The Daily, Wednesday, April 5, 2006, “Child care: An eight-year profile”.

Boy babies less likely for single mothers

Women living with a male partner are more likely to give birth to boys than women who live alone, suggests a study of 86,000 US births. The finding hints that higher numbers of single mothers could explain a recent drop in the birth rate of boys in some developed countries.

Evolutionary theory suggests female animals can boost the chances of propagating their genes if they can control the gender of their offspring, depending on environmental conditions and the fitness of their mate.

Males are generally considered more costly to feed and raise than females. But, if fit, they can produce many offspring with many different females. But whereas an unfit female is still very likely to reproduce, an unfit male may never mate.

In humans, about 51% of babies are boys. But previous research has shown that women tend to have girls when food is scarce and boys when they are optimistic about their own futures. The effect of a committed partner on a child's sex has been unclear, however, with various theories making contradicting predictions.

Gender Inequality in Poverty in Affluent Nations: The Role of Single Motherhood and the State.

Poverty, as measured in this study, refers to whether the household one lives in has a total cash income below half of the median income of households in the individual's nation. Nations with high poverty for women also tend to have high poverty for men. The U.S. and Canada lead the way with the highest poverty rates for both men and women. The lowest poverty rates for both occur in Sweden and the Netherlands.

Single Mother Crisis in Canada

posted by: Ladan Affi (Friday, February 10, 2006)

The Somali Crisis in Canada:
The Single Mother Phenomenon

"The growing Somali community is considered to be one of the most disadvantaged among the visible and ethnic minorities In many cases, women fled Somalia with false passports and could only bring the number of children stated on these passports. The financial issue of the cost to bring the children to Canada was also used as a factor to decide which children to bring. The decision of who would depart and who would stay is a most difficult one since there are mother who leave young children behind in the hopes of sponsoring them, once they become permanent residents. This process however, on average, takes over one year and sometimes longer.

Third, the rate of divorce among Somali couples is incredibly high. The confilicts which arise are mainly due to the redefinition of traditional cultural roles between women and men and the stress of trying to cope in a foreign country. For example, women raise a family without the help of their husbands, yet it is the men who expect to be treated with respect and exert authority as heads of households as they once had in Somalia. These men are expecting to be obeyed without contributing very much to the well-being of the family.

In Somalia, men did not help their wives with household chores and caring for their children because there are many relatives helping them instead. In Canada, however, this kind of support from relatives does not exist, yet Somali men fail to understand that.

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UN Report Says We Need A Living Wage

Canada failing to care for poor, disadvantaged: UN report

Yep ever since 1995, when Paul Martin became Finance Minister and Ralph Klein kicked off his phoney war on the debt and deficit on the backs of the poor, unions and public sector workers.

The UN committee's findings are particularly harsh in regards to cuts made under the previous Liberal government to federal transfer payments earmarked for social services. The report suggests the cuts have had a serious impact on the standard of living of many of the country's minority groups. UN committee delivers harsh appraisal of Canada's social services

But it saved its harshest critique for how the Liberals, and now the Harpocrites, use EI to fund their surplus while denying Canadians basic economic rights. UN report criticizes Canada's EI program

While those who are optimists will focus on the fact that the committee reports;
Despite Canada's economic prosperity, the report says, roughly 11.2 per cent of the population lived in poverty in 2004. That is a drop from 13.7 per cent in 1998.

They will say we are doing better, when we still have over ten percent of the population living in poverty, many of those are women; as single mothers and seniors. Which is why we need a Social Wage.

Also see:

Living Wage articles

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Harpers Billion Dollar Blunder

The Liberals blundered over the helicopter purchase by the Mulroney government, which the Chretien Liberals made an election promise to renege on. They did. Costing us billions in the lost contract and then billions more in replacing the helicopters.

Now the Harpocrite government has done the same thing with the canceling the Liberal Governments Environmental programs. One of their five priorities.

Ironic ain't it.

Tech firms see red in Tory pullout

Canada is paying a huge price in lost investment and business development because of Ottawa's dithering over climate change, industry people say. In particular, we're missing opportunities in the burgeoning global trade in pollution credits — a system that played a big role in reducing acid rain and is now widely viewed as the best way to induce businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.The plan devised by the previous Liberal government, they say, was flawed and developing at a frustrating turtle speed. The new Conservative government has caused further delay by killing that plan without anything to put in its place."The do-nothing option is not free," says Len Eddy, president of AgCert Canada, the Edmonton-based Canadian branch of an international company that invests in emissions-cutting projects. "It's an extremely expensive option. "Analysts estimate the lost investment this year totals as much as $1 billion. It's gone forever, Eddy says.

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Rona Ambrose

Climate Change

Global Warming

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Harpers Ideal

Here is the result of law and order platforms embraced by the right, and what we can expect with the Harpocrite Government's new crime laws.

The US Prison Industrial Complex is growing by 1000 people a week thanks to, wait for it....the War on Drugs.

Something the Harpocrite has declared as part of his law and order policy for Canada. So this is what we have to look forward to.

The United States continues to have the highest prison population in the world, withe 1,000 inmates added to the nation's prisons each week from June 2004 to June 2005.

At mid-year 2005, jail facilities were operating at 95% capacity;

The Sentencing Project, an advocacy group, reports that the U.S. incarceration rate in 2004 was the highest in the world, at 724 per 100,000 population. Second was Russia, at 532 per 100,000.

'The data is clear: Drug use is driving up prison numbers throughout the region,' the state's corrections secretary Tim Reisch said in the news release. 'In South Dakota, we are directing our resources to address the issue head on.'

One American in 136 is in prison.

Imagine that more prisoners in the 'land of the Free' than in Russia. And both countries share something else in common, the disreputible use of Capital Punishment.

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Maxim Jail Time

No this is not a case of free speech it's a case of idenity theft and a violation of that most sacred of all American property; intellectual property. It is also just unintelligent, period.

Khushboo case: SC refuses to grant bail to Maxim editor

New Delhi, May 22: The Supreme Court today refused to grant anticipatory bail to Sunil Mehra, editor of the magazine Maxim, against whom a case has been registered for publishing indecent morphed photographs of Khushboo.

The actress had sued the Indian edition of men’s magazine Maxim for a picture published in its inaugural January issue. She filed a defamation case along with criminal and obscenity charges against the British publishers as well as the editors of the Indian edition.

The magazine morphed Khushboo’s face onto a woman clad in black lingerie, with the caption, ‘‘Of course I am a virgin if you don’t count from the behind’’ under it.

Despite the fact that the fine print under the picture reads, ‘‘Women you will never see in Maxim’’ as well as ‘‘100% fake’’, the actor doesn’t see the humour. ‘‘I’m not an object. This incident has damaged me and the publishers must pay for the damage,’’ she said.

And she is not the only star complaining about Maxim ripping off their 'images' to use in their magazine.

Model Complains About Corbis Photo On Maxim Cover

May 18, 2006

By Daryl Lang

Model Veronica Varekova is publicly accusing Maxim magazine of using her image on its cover without her permission, though the magazine says it licensed the photo legitimately from Corbis. "They put me on the cover without my permission," Varekova told the Associated Press this week. "They have no right to do it." The photo of Varekova, topless and seen from the back, was shot by photographer Michael Williams for the British edition of GQ last year and licensed to the American edition of Maxim through Corbis Outline. Varekova's complaint draws light to the common practice of reusing photos shot for one magazine in another market. (It is also convenient publicity for Maxim's June issue, which hit newsstands today.)

As they say on Hawaii Five-O; Book 'Em Danno.

Clearly Maxim fails to follow the Playboy principle of paying its models, photographers, and authors, etc. Imagine that a principled Mens Magazine; Playboy NOT Maxim.

And no you will not find Sidney Crosby in Maxim.

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Anarchist Humour

I thought that this was a particularly funny comment in an pithy ironic sardonic anarchist fashion.

It shows that not all of us support the stupid twits in the Animal Liberation Front, as you can tell from my rants about the Seal Hunt.

And here is another case in point about animal research being useful. Yes I said that. Perfect Cure for Cancer Found In Mice

Which is why I don't subscribe to the ideology of the Green Anarchist.
While remaining a Social Ecologist.

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