Thursday, March 18, 2021

Patient safety at risk, pharmacists say, as they are being pushed to breaking point

Adiel Kaplan and Vicky Nguyen and Mary Godie
Tue, March 16, 2021

From the moment Marilyn Jerominski walks into her pharmacy every morning, her time is in demand. As pharmacy manager of a busy 24-hour Walgreens in Palm Desert, California, she is responsible for the safety and accuracy of the thousands of prescriptions the store dispenses every week.

"There's so much stress," Jerominski said. "You're not only running to the drive-thru but to the front, to the vaccination station to give a vaccination, then to the phone. ... It's almost impossible for any human to keep that momentum day in and out."

It wasn't always that way. When she began working as a pharmacist 13 years ago, it was a very different environment, Jerominski said. There were more staff members and more time to counsel patients about their medications. These days, she is exhausted and often overwhelmed, worried about making a mistake when someone's health is on the line. She is far from alone.

Jerominski is one of an estimated 155,000 pharmacists working at chain drugstores who, over the past decade, have found themselves pushed to do more with less. They're working faster, filling more orders and juggling a wider range of tasks with fewer staff members at a pace that many say is unsustainable and jeopardizes patient safety. Now Covid-19 vaccinations are raising new concerns about what will happen if they aren't given enough additional support for yet another responsibility.

NBC News spoke to 31 retail pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in 15 states. From 12-hour shifts so busy they don't have time to go to the bathroom or eat to crying in their cars every day after work or lying awake at night worrying about mistakes they might have made while rushing, they described an industry of health care professionals at the breaking point.

Image: Shane and Marilyn Jerominski at their home in Indio, 
Calif., on Feb. 19, 2021. (Jenna Schoenefeld / NBC News)

"The expectations they're having and the resources they're giving us just aren't matching up," said a CVS pharmacy technician in New York state. "We're going to have a fatal error somewhere because we're doing too many things at once."

Most pharmacists spoke anonymously out of fear of losing their jobs. Declining profit margins for pharmacies, corporate consolidation and an influx of new pharmacy school graduates in the past decade have led to stagnant or falling wages and fewer employment options, according to pharmacists, experts and recent studies.

The pressure and understaffing issues aren't new, as The New York Times reported last year. But they've worsened during the pandemic, pharmacists said, with new duties like Covid-19 testing, deep cleaning and now vaccinations stretching them even further.

"Pharmacists are being asked to do additional tasks and aren't necessarily receiving the assistance that they need from their employer," said Al Carter, executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, a nonprofit that represents state pharmacy regulators. "That's a huge concern for pharmacists' well-being but also, more importantly, for patient safety."

The more overworked they are, the more likely they are to make errors, he said. Pharmacy errors can range from smaller mistakes, like miscounting the number of pills in a bottle, to potentially deadly ones, like missing a dangerous drug interaction. Working conditions and workplace pressures have led to "growing concerns from many state boards of pharmacy" about prescription errors, Carter said.

Walgreens and CVS, the country's largest pharmacy chains, were early government partners in the vaccine rollout. In statements to NBC News, they said that they are grateful for the work their pharmacy staffs have done during the pandemic and that they are hiring thousands of additional staff members to ensure that pharmacies have the support and resources to administer Covid-19 vaccine shots and provide the best care for patients. They and the trade group representing all chain drugstores also said technology improvements have freed pharmacists from many routine tasks in recent years, allowing them to focus on the safety and health of patients — their top priority.

CVS said the majority of stores giving Covid-19 vaccinations will do so through a dedicated team of pharmacists working only on vaccinations. In stores that don't, the company will provide additional staff support and limit the numbers of appointments.

Pharmacies have already begun to vaccinate around the country, but many pharmacists said they're worried about how much additional staffing they'll get to give vaccinations.

Image: Marilyn and Shane Jerominski with their children, from left, Shaela, 7, Shia, 3, Shiloh, 5, and Shalyn, 9, at their home in Indio, Calif., on Feb. 19, 2021. (Jenna Schoenefeld / NBC News)

Jerominski's pharmacy began vaccinating last month. The vaccinations are going well, she said, but other work has been piling up as she struggles to find time to do it all.

"Right now, it's just so crazy," she said during a shift break on her third day vaccinating. "Like, it's 1 o'clock, and I've done 14 Covid vaccines this morning, in between filling prescriptions. ... It's wonderful that we're doing this, and this is our duty. This is what we're supposed to be doing. But we need more help."
'Timed to the minute'

A pharmacist's job is far more than putting pills in bottles. Experts in drugs and medication management, they work everywhere from hospitals to cancer treatment centers and drugstores. They are among the best-educated health care professionals — they earn four-year clinical doctorates, which include rotations and often postgraduate residencies — and make median salaries of $128,000 a year. They are also some of the most trusted and accessible health care professionals in the country, according to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores.

The person who actually hands you your filled prescription at the counter may be a technician, not a pharmacist. Technicians are support staffers who run the cash register; fill, count and bag prescriptions; and unload inventory. They're entry-level employees who typically get on-the-job training or attend certificate programs and are paid a median $16 an hour.

Medication management services for customers can save billions in annual health care expenses, pharmacy groups estimate. Pharmacists said providing that advice is why many got into the business, yet they now have less opportunity to use those skills.

IMAGE: Marilyn Jerominski (Courtesy Marilyn Jerominski)

"I love being a pharmacist. I love being there for my patients," Jerominski said. "We used to be able to have time to actually have in-depth conversations about how the patient is doing."

But what might have once been five- to 10-minute patient consultations now typically happen in under a minute, she said. "It's not 'let us care for the patient.' It's 'how fast can we get the people in and out?'"

Walgreens, like many large pharmacy chains, gives pharmacists a range of metrics to meet and monitors the time they spend on various tasks, from calls to patients to prescriptions filled and vaccinations given per week. The chains, pharmacists said, began to push them more when profit margins started shrinking a little over a decade ago.

"Basically, your day is timed out by the minute — it's like the worst case of micromanaging you can imagine," said an Alabama pharmacist who has worked at Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid in the past decade.

Walgreens didn't directly respond to questions about quotas and other metrics pharmacists must meet. In a statement, CVS said the metrics it uses to evaluate quality of service aren't unique, saying, "Over the past two years we've actually reduced those metrics by half, providing us with a clearer picture of what's working and where improvements may be needed."

In a statement, a spokesperson for Rite Aid said that the company believes the focus for pharmacists "should be on counseling customers for positive health outcomes" and that it has "created efficiencies and tools to open up pharmacists' time to consult and care for customers."

'The picture was grim'

While margins have tightened everywhere, pharmacists say the working conditions at some of the country's largest chain pharmacies are different from those at many independently owned pharmacies. Jerominski's husband, Shane, whom she met in pharmacy school, spent 10 years working at chain pharmacies and now manages an independent pharmacy. He was part of a class action lawsuit against one past employer, Walgreens, over wages and other issues. The suit was settled in 2014. He said his stress dropped markedly when he switched to working at an independent pharmacy.

"I see the difference. My level of autonomy is vastly different than Marilyn's, and the amount of help that I get is different than Marilyn," Shane said. There's still plenty of stress at his busy pharmacy, he said, but staffing is far better, and he isn't judged on the flurry of metrics he used to be beholden to. "I would never go back, honestly."

Recent surveys have borne out what pharmacists said has happened in their industry. In the 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Study, which surveys thousands of pharmacists every five years, more than two-thirds of pharmacists said their workloads had risen in the past year. At retail chain pharmacies, 91 percent of pharmacists rated their workloads as "high" or "excessively high," the highest of any pharmacy type.

IMAGE: Shane Jerominski at work in his pharmacy. (NBC News)

Wages for a much greater proportion of pharmacists remained stagnant or fell compared to five years earlier, and the majority of pharmacists felt their job security and ability to find new work had decreased in the previous year. Many pharmacists told NBC News that they worry that leaving current jobs would mean taking pay cuts, if they could find jobs at all.

The job market isn't in pharmacists' favor. There are twice as many pharmacy school graduates a year as there were 18 years ago, according to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, yet the number of pharmacists jobs hasn't grown at the same pace. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the industry will shrink by 3 percent in the next decade.

A survey of pharmacists by the Vermont Pharmacy Board last fall, months into the pandemic, gave further insight into how working conditions at chain pharmacies compare to those at other pharmacies. Nearly 250 pharmacists from chain, independent and hospital pharmacies responded to the survey (and responded at rates roughly reflecting each category's share of Vermont pharmacists). They gave only retail chain pharmacies an "unfavorable rating" in any of the nine categories the survey examined. In fact, they gave the chains an "unfavorable rating" in every category, from patient safety to shift lengths and staffing.

Four in 5 retail chain pharmacists who responded to the Vermont survey said they worked more than 10 hours each shift; many reported that they arrived early or stayed late or never took meal breaks. Only 1 in 5 of the chain pharmacists said the number of pharmacists on duty was consistently adequate to provide safe patient care, and more than half said they had thought about leaving their jobs because of safety concerns.

Some of the conditions the board heard about "would be found unacceptable in a factory," such as pharmacists' developing kidney problems from skipping restroom breaks, said Gabriel Gilman, general counsel for the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation, which houses the state Pharmacy Board.

"The picture was grim," Gilman said. "We went into it expecting to find things that alarmed us. And we were alarmed at what we found even so."

'More like a fast food industry'

The industry is feeling the squeeze because of systemic financial factors, experts said. Steady profits are far less certain than they once were as pharmacies contend with declining profits for filled prescriptions and higher fees from middlemen who set drug prices nationally. And unlike most health care providers, pharmacists generally don't bill for their services. Instead, pharmacies make the vast majority of their income from dispensing prescriptions. The more prescriptions they dispense, the more money they make.

"Twenty years ago, you could make a decent living off the reimbursement of the drug and you had time to spend with patients," said Scott Knoer, CEO of the American Pharmacists Association. Knoer said that's no longer true and that all retail pharmacies have been struggling.

National chains have bought out regional ones, and independent pharmacies, which are about a third of retail pharmacies, are no longer as profitable as they once were. Independent pharmacy owners' average income fell by nearly half from 2013 to 2019, according to industry analyst Drug Channels Institute.

"The incentive design of pharmacy is: 'We pay you to fill prescriptions. We don't necessarily pay you to make people better,'" said Antonio Ciaccia, a consultant who has worked with the state of Ohio and the American Pharmacists Association on prescription drug pricing transparency and pharmacy payment reform. He said that's a bad model, especially combined with dwindling prescription profits.

"What you have is a race to the bottom, and at the bottom is an underresourced, heavily consolidated pharmacy marketplace that looks more like a fast food industry than a health care industry," he said.

There's no quick, easy fix. In Ohio, the state Medicaid program is trying a new payment model, which Ciaccia worked on, to allow pharmacists to bill insurers for clinical services.

Pharmacy trade groups and others are pushing for a national version of that model, giving pharmacists what's known as "provider status." A bipartisan federal bill to grant pharmacists the status was proposed repeatedly in the past decade, but it has yet to get a hearing.

While financial overhaul of the industry may be the ultimate goal for pharmacist groups, in the meantime, some states are also pushing to improve labor standards.

Image: Marilyn Jerominski holds Shia, 3, at their home in Indio,
 Calif., on Feb. 19, 2021. (Jenna Schoenefeld / NBC News)

In recent years, states like California, Illinois and Virginia have created new rules, from capping shift lengths to mandating safe staffing levels and prohibiting excessive metrics. Vermont is working on new workplace condition rules based on its recent survey results.

About a third of all states now have regulations addressing pharmacy working conditions, according to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.

"There are challenges that are still huge concerns for boards of pharmacy ... and I don't see them going away any time soon," said Carter, the head of the association. "Especially with the pandemic, I see them getting worse."

For Marilyn Jerominski, it feels like the industry still has a long way to go. She knew she wanted to be a pharmacist when she was a sophomore in high school, but she said she never dreamed her job would look like it does today.

"You shouldn't wake up every day and feel disappointed in a profession where you go to school for seven-plus years," she said. "But how much more can you do? How much more can you do with less help? How much more can you do without making a mistake?"

Four indices that show how vulnerable India’s democracy is today

REUTERS/ADNAN ABID I Living in a democracy?

By Manavi Kapur

Culture and lifestyle reporter
March 17, 2021

India’s ranking on several global democracy indices has been slipping. But the Indian government is not having it.

Just this month, the country’s status as a democracy has been called into question by two advocacy organisations.

First, Freedom House, an American non-profit advocacy for democratic rights, changed India’s status from “free” to “partially free” on March 3. This status change, according to the report, came “due to a multiyear pattern in which the Hindu nationalist government and its allies have presided over rising violence and discriminatory policies affecting the Muslim population and pursued a crackdown on expressions of dissent by the media, academics, civil society groups, and protesters.”

A week later on March 11, V-Dem, a Swedish rights organisation, demoted India from being a democracy to an “electoral autocracy” in its report titled “Autocratization Turns Viral.”

Indian foreign minister S Jaishankar dismissed these data as nothing but the developed world’s “hypocrisy” while speaking at the India Today Conclave on March 15. Jaishankar may have called these reports “homilies,” but they point to a worrying trend of India’s declining status across key indices.
No freedom, no happiness

This decline has been gradual yet consistent over the past few years. And, given the various civil rights activists who have been arrested over the past two years, India’s rankings are likely going to worsen.

For instance, India has been notoriously worsening on the global press freedom index that is brought out by international non-profit Reporters Without Borders. “Ever since the general elections in the spring of 2019, won overwhelmingly by prime minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, pressure on the media to toe the Hindu nationalist government’s line has increased,” the 2020 report noted.

On the comprehensive indices in the World Happiness Report 2020, India slid many points between 2008-12 and 2017-19, an entered the bottom 10 in the list of 149 countries for the first time. “The 10 countries with the largest declines in average life evaluations typically suffered some combination of economic, political, and social stresses,” the 2020 report said.

A function of that happiness is access to food, and according to the Global Hunger Index, an annual peer-reviewed report, India continues to be among the worst in the world. It has, though, been improving its total score on the index since 2000.

On its part, though, the Indian government is now considering setting up with local think tanks to bring out its own freedom indices as a counter to damaging western perspectives. “We may encourage one of the Indian independent think tanks to bring out its own annual world democracy report based on comprehensive parameters as well as an annual global freedom of press index,” said an internal note prepared by India’s foreign ministry and reviewed by Hindustan Times newspaper.
The US wood shortage can be traced to a decades-old beetle infestation in Canada

ANDY CLARK / REUTERSFire-clearance of mountain beetles in British Columbian pine forests

The climate economy
Every industry can be part of the solution — or part of the ongoing problem.

By Samanth Subramanian

Looking into the Future of Capitalism
March 18, 2021

Lumber is in such short supply in the US that its prices have skyrocketed to an all-time high—so much so that the expense of building the average single-family home has risen by $24,000 since last April to reflect the cost of wood.

The reason, in significant part, is the changing climate—and how it enabled a beetle species to infest forests in the Canadian province of British Columbia years ago.

The steep rise in lumber prices illustrates the uncommon nature of the pandemic economy: a seizing-up of supply, but a constant simmer of demand that is now exploding as countries re-open. In the US, since the spring of 2020, the price of lumber has risen by more than 180%, according to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Futures contracts in lumber now hover around $1,000 per thousand feet of board, nearly four times their April 2020 prices.

On Twitter, Robert Dietz, the chief economist of the NAHB, noted that around 81,000 new homes across the US are awaiting construction in part because of the rising cost of materials like lumber. The NAHB and other housing industry associations have written to the US government, seeking “immediate remedies.”

“I was alive for the last boom like this, but just barely,” says Paul Jannke, a principal at Forest Economic Advisors. “Adjusted for inflation, the last time we saw something like this was in the early 1970s. Since then, in the lifetime of pretty much anyone working in the industry, this hasn’t happened.”
Why there’s a shortage of wood

Lumber has one aspect of its story in common with other sectors of the pandemic economy, particularly manufacturing. Early in 2020, sawmills first ground to a halt, anticipating a crash in demand. Then it turned out that people still wanted wood—to repair or renovate their homes during lockdown, or to build new homes outside cities. Interest rates were, and continue to be, low; it was a good time to finance and construct new houses.

So the sawmills started up again around July. “But it was difficult to ramp up,” Jannke says. “You’re running your mill, someone tests positive, you have to shut down and test and so on. Maybe people have to quarantine, and you lose a portion of your workforce.”

But the shortfall in supply is also part of an older saga, involving Dendroctonus ponderosae: the mountain pine beetle, a quarter-inch insect with a shiny black exoskeleton. The beetle has been in Canadian forests for decades, but they’re usually kept in check by cold winters, said Kevin Mason, managing director of ERA Forest Products Research, a Montreal-based research company.

But in the late 1990s, the beetles started to live longer and reproduce quicker—an outcome, scientists believe, of a warming climate. They swarmed through the pines of British Columbia, attacking more than 44 million acres of forest, an area four times the size of Switzerland. “You could go up in an airplane above British Columbia and see the damage,” Mason said. “I’m a little color-blind, but others could see it better than me. The dead pines had a red tinge to them, so you could fly an hour and just see this red kill.”

Before the infestation, British Columbia used to provide 15-17% of the lumber going into US markets, making up half of Canada’s lumber exports across the border. After the infestation, those numbers dropped, Mason said: “There were points where, for British Columbia, the figure was below 10%, and Canada now is at around 25%.“

The after-effects of the infestation

Many pines killed by the beetle could still be harvested for a period of 5-10 years, and the government of British Columbia offered incentives to the industry to process these dead trees. Mason thinks roughly 800 million cubic meters of dead pine was harvested over a period of 15-odd years, until 2015 or thereabouts. But once that was done, forests had to regrow.”We’re talking about a diminished harvest in British Columbia for decades,” Mason says.

The supply of “fibre”—the lumber industry ‘s term for harvested wood—slowed so much that many sawmills shut down. In fact, Mason thinks that, for a normal year, there are still too many sawmills operating relative to demand. “There’s still another billion board feet of capacity that needs to come out of British Columbia.”

Through most of the last decade, the slowed supply of lumber from British Columbia matched a lethargy in demand in the US. In 2005, the US consumed nearly 65 billion board feet of wood, but after the recession hit, demand hit a trough in 2009: 33 billion board feet. Things recovered very slowly, Jannke said. “In 2019, it was barely back to 50 billion.”

Jannke suspects that, last year, demand for lumber in the US was between 52 and 55 billion board feet, still far below the peak of 2005. In an ordinary year, those needs would have been easily met. But the combination of the pandemic and the shrunken capacity of British Columbian production have muffled supply.

“I think prices will be volatile, but they’ll continue to be high for the next three or four or five years,” Mason says. “You can’t start up new sawmills overnight. And if you go to the equipment makers, there’s a waiting list for some pieces of equipment of two or three years.”

One of the US’s options is to import more lumber, particularly from Europe, which has stock in surplus. Over the past five years, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic have had to harvest nearly 250 million cubic metres of spruce damaged by another bark beetle infestation, this too brought on by the warming climate. Ironically, if one beetle has depressed wood supplies to the US, another may yet elevate it.

Clerical Sex Abuse in Germany Spiked
Under German Pope Benedict XVI

Barbie Latza Nadeau
Thu, March 18, 2021

Tony Gentile via Reuters

A highly anticipated report on clerical sex abuse and coverups in Germany’s powerful diocese of Cologne released Thursday identifies 202 perpetrators against 314 victims—55 percent of whom were under the age of 14. The report blames “years of chaos, subjectively perceived lack of competence, and misunderstandings” for the rampant abuse.

The 800-page report also points to a sharp rise in abuse between 2004 and 2018, said Björn Gercke, the lawyer who presented the report on Thursday. German Joseph Ratzinger was elected as Pope Benedict XVI in 2005 and resigned in 2013.

Vatican’s Response to 1,000 Children Abused by Priests? ‘No Comment.’

Before that, Ratzinger headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, which deals firsthand with abuse reports from outlying dioceses. There, he was criticized for downplaying the 2002 Boston Church scandal that led to the Boston Globe investigations central to the film Spotlight. Prior to that, he was the archbishop of Munich, where he signed off on therapy rather than punishment for a proven predatory priest. As pope, he took a harder line, defrocking scores of priests who had been proven abusers, but he remained silent when the choir directed by his brother, who is also a priest, turned out to be a sadistic sex camp for kids.

In 2019, six years after he retired, Ratzinger penned an editorial in which he blamed sexual freedom and the collapse of moral standards—not a church that did not properly protect children—for the problem, writing “in the 20 years from 1960 to 1980, the previously normative standards regarding sexuality collapsed entirely.”

The Cologne report parses the results of a 2018 study by the German Bishops Conference that identified 1,670 clergymen committing sexual violence against 3,677 minors, of whom most were young boys between the years 1946 and 2014, according to German state media Deutsche Welle.

The report accused a number of top church officials, including the Archbishop of Hamburg Stefan Hesse and the late Archbishop of Cologne Joachim Meisner, of breach of duty, but gives a pass to the current archbishop of Cologne, Rainer Maria Woelki, who commissioned the report but who was widely criticized for censoring the release of a preliminary report last year. Speaking ahead of the report release, Georg Baetzing, the president of Germany’s Bishops Conference, called Woelki’s suppression of the first report a “disaster” and said Woelki had “completely failed as a moral authority.” The investigation however did not find he breached his duties.

The German church currently pays victims of clerical sex abuse around €5,000 “in recognition of their suffering” as well as therapy bills.

The report released Thursday is a second report and was published by an independent law firm against Woelki’s recommendation. Following the report, Woelki said the clergy named in the report would be dismissed. “What we have seen shows clearly there was a coverup,” he said. “I am ashamed.”
Kaia Rolle was arrested at school when she was 6. Nearly two years later, she still 'has to bring herself out of despair.'

Taylor Ardrey
Wed, March 17, 2021, 

Kaia Rolle. Courtesy of Meralyn Kirkland; Samantha Lee/Insider

Kaia Rolle was 6 years old when she was arrested at school in 2019 after throwing a temper tantrum.

The traumatizing incident shows how Black girls are criminalized in schools, experts told Insider.

A bill passed in Florida aims to prohibit children under the age of 7 from being arrested


Meralyn Kirkland was in the delivery room when her granddaughter, Kaia Rolle, was born unresponsive. As the doctors worked to get Kaia to take her first breath, it was Kirkland who prayed over her, promising that she would be there for the baby if she pulled through.

Since then, Kirkland has been Kaia's guardian for most of her life living in Orlando, Florida. Her granddaughter, who she calls her second in command, loved to sing gospel songs and hugged everyone around her. But that was before she was arrested at school when she was 6 years old.

Kaia Rolle and Meralyn Kirkland. Courtesy of Meralyn Kirkland

On September 19, 2019, Kaia begged a school-resource officer for a "second chance" as her tiny wrists were zip-tied and she was escorted out of Lucious and Emma Nixon Academy. Kaia was taken into custody after she reportedly threw a temper tantrum that Kirkland told Insider was triggered because of her sleep apnea, a condition Kirkland said the school was well aware of and makes her irritable during the day.

After the arrest Kaia developed extreme separation anxiety, her grandmother told Insider. She would wake up screaming with night terrors and wet her bed until she had to move into her grandmother's room to finally fall asleep.
Kaia Rolle needed to stand on a step stool to take a mug shot, her grandmother says

"Don't put handcuffs on."

"Please let me go!"

"Give me a second chance!"

Kaia pleaded with a school-resource officer as she was taken out of her school, body camera footage shows. The first-grader loudly cried that she didn't "want to go in the police car," while being escorted to the street. She was placed in the back seat and her sobs could be heard until the car door was shut.

Kirkland said that the school-resource officer, Officer Dennis Turner, called to inform her about her granddaughter's arrest, which happened after Kaia reportedly punched and kicked school staff during a tantrum. Kirkland said the call felt like being on the receiving end of a punch she didn't expect.

In this image taken from Orlando Police Department body camera video footage, on September 19, 2019 Dennis Turner leads 6-year-old Kaia Rolle away after her arrest for kicking and punching staff members at the Lucious and Emma Nixon Academy Charter School. Associated Press

"When he said arrested, all the wind went out of me. My brain could not process that she has been arrested and taken to a juvenile center," Kirkland said. "When I went into the office, there was a charge sheet. Next to the charge sheet were two photographs of my 6-year-old granddaughter. One was a side view of her face. One was a front view of her face."

Kirkland said at the juvenile center, Kaia was photographed, fingerprinted, and initially charged with misdemeanor battery. An employee at the center told her that her granddaughter had to stand on a step stool to take her mug shot, Kirkland said.

However, the state attorney dropped the charges against Kaia and expunged her record. Officer Turner was fired for failing to get approval from a supervisor before detaining a person younger than 12.

"How do you put expunged in the same sentence as a 6-year-old child?" Kirkland asked. "That's what's creating the school-to-prison pipeline for our children of color."

Courtesy of Meralyn Kirkland

"They have ruined her life over something that was 100% preventable," Kirkland said. "She's still a loving child, but she's not as fun and loving the way she once was. Before, she saw some good in everything, and nothing used to bring her down, but now she has to bring herself out of despair."

More than a year later, the incident has led Kaia, who is now 7, to fear uniformed officers, her grandmother said. She has been treated by several therapists and diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and got failing marks on her latest report card, her grandmother said.

While Kirkland, who pays for Kaia's medical bills and a new private school, had received $6,997 from her GoFundMe campaign as of publication, and Kaia had been offered scholarships, she said she still faces a financial strain to mend her granddaughter's trauma. Kaia's mother, who lived in the Bahamas, returned to live with her daughter and Kirkland in Orlando to help aid her recovery.

"I really and truly feel that had we not been a Black family, we would've had more help," Kirkland said. "We would have had a better opportunity to help Kaia through this a lot better and a lot faster."
'There's just a very disturbing trend.'

Amid mass protests after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and conversations around policing in schools, activists in Florida have been demanding resource officers' removal altogether. Their calls were amplified after two January incidents in Florida schools were captured on video and went viral.

Taylor Bracey, 16, was seen in a video being body-slammed by a school-resource officer at Liberty High School in Kissimmee, Florida. Local reporters and renowned national civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents the family, shared the video on Twitter at the time. Like Kaia, Bracey's mother has publicly said that her daughter is traumatized and has suffered from side effects from the incident, including memory loss, headaches, and blurry vision.

At Eustis High School in Eustis, Florida, a 15-year-old girl was tased by a school-resource officer. In the incident report obtained by Insider, an officer said he was trying to break up an altercation between the teen and other students. The officer said the teen struck him multiple times while he was trying to restrain her, which led him to tase her, the report said. The teen had been charged for battery on a law-enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence, according to the incident report.

"I think that there's just a very disturbing trend," Tosh Pyakuryal, 25, the state coordinator of Florida Power Student Network, told Insider. The Florida Power Student Network has been protesting and attending county school-board meetings, calling for the end of the school resource-officer program.

"It is important to recognize that this is part of a pattern. These aren't isolated incidents. This is part of a pattern of violence that Black girls have been experiencing for years. And it's something that many of us have been seeking to disrupt, and there are easy ways to disrupt it," Monique Morris, a social justice scholar and filmmaker, told Insider.

Research shows Black girls are more likely to be perceived as an adult compared with their white counterparts and face harsher punishments in school.

"It has to do with the adultification in that Black girl's experience," Morris said. "This way in which Black girl behaviors are read as provocative or dangerous or problematic when their counterparts of other racial, ethnic groups are not perceived this way. And a lot of that has to do with the historical tropes and stereotypes associated with Black girlhood that present a particular risk for Black girls."

According to Morris, one way to disrupt this pattern would be to include more practices in schools that "facilitate healing, that is not about adding more police officers to the school environment, but rather more clinicians, counselors, youth development workers that are about developing robust restorative approaches that can respond to young people who are in moments of conflict."
Kirkland's fight does not end with her granddaughter

In March, Kirkland testified before the Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs in support of a bill to prevent children under the age of 7 from being arrested. The Orlando Sentinel reported that there's no minimum age for arrests in Florida.

"I came to realize that situations like this predominantly happen to children of color," Kirkland said. "And nobody was raising an alarm. Nobody was pushing any buttons."

Kirkland and Kaia look on at the Florida House of Representatives on March 4, 2020. The Senate passed the Kaia Rolle Act on March 2. AP Photo/Bobby Caina Calva

The bill, named the Kaia Rolle Act, was sponsored by state Sen. Randolph Bracy and passed the Florida Senate on March 2.

It states, "A child younger than 7 years of age may not be adjudicated delinquent, arrested, or charged with a violation of law or a delinquent act on the basis of acts occurring before he or she reaches 7 years of age unless the violation of law is a forcible felony."

Kirkland wants the age limit to be raised to at least 12.

"I fight because I have three grandchildren younger than Kaia. The thought of this happening again to people I know or people I don't know is just too much," she said.

Read the original article on Insider
Bimini Bon-Boulash: "Drag is political, it's an act of defiance"

Paisley Gilmour
Wed, March 17, 2021

Photo credit: BBC/World of Wonder

From Cosmopolitan

Ask any long-time RuPaul's Drag Race fan, and they'll tell you Drag Race UK season two has been the best, most joyous, uplifting and educational series of all time (US series included). Not an exaggeration, just a fact. While season one brought us The Vivienne's disturbingly accurate Donald Trump Snatch Game, season two is just in another league entirely. And why is that? I'd argue it's largely down to the mere existence of Bimini Bon-Boulash, the series' lovable, authentic, sharp, articulate, non-binary, East London queen.

Ahead of the series finale, I had the honour of sitting down with Tommy Hibbitts - aka Bimini - to chat about *that* perpetual earworm, what their favourite moments of the show have been so far, and why they're so inspired by female celebrities who've been vilified by the society and the press.

What's been your favourite moment of the show so far?

"I love the conversations we've been able to have, I think they've been really important. And being able to be that representation for people without even really intentionally meaning to do it. It's just been so lovely that people watching have resonated with that. And obviously, 'UK, HUN?' ..."

Did you know 'UK, HUN?' was going to be such a big banger?

"I didn’t know! We don't really have time to digest it. Like, we were filming Snatch Game the next day. It was an earworm, and we kept singing it the whole time. But you don't think it's going to have that impact. I remember thinking the other team did so well and that we wouldn't be able to match it..."

Why do you do drag?

"To me, drag is political, it’s an act of defiance in itself and no matter how mainstream it gets, people should always remember where drag came from, and what it was created in aid of. It’s always stood for people that were segregated, or minorities in society, or people that didn't have the same opportunities. Drag has allowed people escapism. We’re meant to mock and parody what’s going on in the world, and to me, that’s what drag is. Drag is now reaching more people than ever before, but that doesn’t mean we should dilute the original message of what it is."

Photo credit: BBC/World of Wonder  

Did you have any idea you'd become a role model for trans and non-binary people?

"No. I've always looked to other trans and non-binary role models for inspiration. It was never an intention. For me, I think it's been a weird one with gender identity. When I first moved to London, these words that we're using now weren't really accessible, and the discussions weren't there. But there was kind of no need for the discussion, almost. Because with the people that I work with, it was like gender really wasn't a thing. It wasn't an issue. There were no labels. And so as these conversations got better and better, I was like, ‘Okay, I think that word works for me, that resonates with me'.

"Non-binary can be for anyone that feels that way. But I also feel like I'm very fluid with my gender. And it's almost like having those labels is kind of restrictive. And it's something that I've always wanted to push away. And so going onto the show and having those conversations, and having them broadcast is phenomenal. I'm not like rewriting the books on gender theory. I'm talking from my point of view.

"Munroe Bergdorf said something on a podcast I listened to the other day. She spoke about how she stands on the shoulders of the trans activists who stood before her. And what she wants to do is fight for more rights for the trans people that come after her. I think that was such a good analogy, because all we can do is keep pushing for that acceptance and hope that the next generation is better, and the generation after that."
Why do you think the chat you had with Ginny Lemon resonated so much with the audience?

"It was quite a simple explanation. It broke it down in an easy way for people to digest. And it was also coming from two people who experience it, as opposed to someone debating it or giving opposing views. We spoke about being non-binary, but we spoke about also feeling not accepted, and feeling a bit in the middle, or left out. You don't have to be non-binary to feel that. You can go through life and not feel that you fit in or feel like you've been excluded. I think it was also obvious I was just being myself and not playing into a character or anything, so I think people saw the vulnerability there."

How do you "embrace the femme"?

"I've not always been as confident with it. Now, I really do have my head higher, and I don't really care. You have a light, and you have how you feel. And if you're walking down the road and someone says a comment, it's these like little daggers into you that kind of slowly start to dim your light. So many queer people experience that.

"When I was young, I wasn’t into football, I was into dancing and dressing up and things that were seen as feminine. When I was young, it was cute. But as I was getting older, it wasn't. You start to realise quite quickly how you have to act to be accepted in society. And people start to repress [their true selves]. Young kids are so susceptible to everything, and they're open, they're learning these behaviours. So as soon as these kids start learning that it's wrong to dress up, they start to think, ‘Oh, I'm, I'm a weirdo’.

"For me, high school was just... high school. Show me a queer person that had a good experience. While I was always quite confident, I did start losing it over the years, because you do just try to kind of fit in a bit. But when I moved to London, that was really when I was like, ‘Gender is so fluid and it's okay to not fit in. Because there are people for you’. I came here and I kind of blossomed."

It felt like after the season break you came back with renewed strength. Is that right?

"I didn't change a single outfit. [In the first episode] I walked in with the big blonde hair and the pink outfit, saying ‘I'm vegan’. I wanted people to have a certain view of me immediately, and then I wanted to change that. I'm inspired by a lot of non-conforming celebrity figures who people do judge on their looks, but who actually do amazing activism. People don't take you seriously when you look a certain way. So I walked in under the intention that I wanted everyone to think, ‘Oh, she's a bimbo. She's not going to have anything to say’. And then completely change that. And it almost backfired. I almost went home and I was like, ‘God, if I'd have gone home, I would have just been remembered as the bimbo airhead’."

Why do you take inspiration from pop culture icons like Pamela Anderson and Katie Price who have been vilified by the media and society?

"I don't think people think deep enough about [why this happens]. It comes down to society's perceptions of femininity, and seeing it as weaker. Also, it's fine for the male gaze. But if it challenges a man, or if a woman is successful, then they start to try and tear that down. It's subtle, and it happens to only women. Think about Britney Spears, Princess Diana, Caroline Flack, all of these strong women who were at the top of their game. And then they get torn down by the media who are run by a majority of men. It's just wrong on so many levels. And I'm always inspired by women that stand on their own and just go for it. That's why I like to take inspiration from them."

What do you want to see in future series of Drag Race UK?

"I want to see more conversations happening. We've had conversations around HIV stigma and gender identity. Drag Race is a great platform because it's kind of bridging the gap between drag and the mainstream. It allows people to access things that maybe they wouldn't normally access. Coming from my hometown [Norwich, Norfolk], there's not a lot of queer people on TV. And after that conversation around non-binary, so many people accepted it. Suddenly, people were like, ‘I get it’. I was getting messages from teachers, mothers and fathers, and just people that were blown away by it almost because it was first time they’ve got it. Drag is always political and Drag Race have a really important platform to get those messages across in a way that people can relate to."

Stoked By Trump, Paranoia About China Is Fueling Anti-Asian Racism

Akbar Shahid Ahmed
·Senior Foreign Affairs Reporter, HuffPost
Wed, March 17, 2021

Before a series of shootings in the Atlanta area this week that disproportionately targeted people of Asian descent, members of the Asian American community spent months expressing alarm that high-profile figures — including then-President Donald Trump — were inciting violence by telling Americans to blame China for the coronavirus pandemic.

Their warnings largely went unheeded. And despite Trump’s departure from office and evidence of rising violence against Asian Americans, influential voices from politicians to foreign policy experts are still speaking of an existential competition with Beijing in ways that could spur violence towards people perceived as being linked to China.

“Our community has been facing a [relentless] increase in attacks and harassment over the past year,” Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, tweeted on Wednesday. “As we wait for more details to emerge, I ask everyone to remember that hurtful words and rhetoric have real life consequences.”

After Tuesday’s attack, law enforcement said it was “too early” to determine whether the suspect, Robert Aaron Long, was motivated by race.

Members of the Asian-American community saw a clear link to a nationwide surge in violent discrimination that shows little sign of abating.

A man holds a sign that reads "Racism is a Virus" during the "We Are Not Silent" rally against anti-Asian hate in response to recent anti-Asian crime in the Chinatown-International District of Seattle, Washington, on March 13. (Photo: JASON REDMOND via Getty Images)

Between last March and Feb. 28, the watchdog group Stop AAPI Hate, which tracks incidents of attacks against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islander individuals, received 3,795 reports of harassment, including assaults that resulted in deaths. The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino said 2020 saw a 150% increase in hate crimes against Asian-Americans in the U.S.’s largest cities.

Trump, who went from demonizing China on the campaign trail to blaming it for the COVID-19 pandemic during his last year as president, spent years perpetuating anti-Asian sentiments. President Joe Biden condemned anti-Asian racism in his first speech and signed an executive order directing federal agencies to combat it, to applause from civil rights groups.

But his administration continues to mostly describe China as a threat ― language that could be dangerous for Asian-Americans.

The Trump administration and political allies like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) began calling the virus the “China virus” or the “Wuhan virus” a little over a year ago, and last summer the president began to use the racist term “kung flu.” In the days after Gosar and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the coronavirus the “China virus,” there was an 800% uptick in such rhetoric among conservative news outlets, according to research from the journal Health Education & Behavior.

The GOP’s strategy built on a wide array of Trump administration policies targeting China, from new limits on visas for Chinese students to a largely self-defeating trade war guided by Republicans’ view that China “has been ripping us off.”

At the time, Chu said Trump was simply seeking “to deflect anger about coronavirus away from himself and to have himself be thought as the war president with the enemy being very identified.”

Under Biden, the anti-Asian rhetoric from the White House has dissipated. Still, experts believe persistent bipartisan hawkishness toward China could do further damage.

In January, progressive activist Tobita Chow and researcher Jake Werner published an essay recommending a reset of U.S.-China relations along progressive lines ― spurred in part by their concern that newly empowered Democrats would be too adversarial.

“The Biden team broadly agrees with the aims of Trump’s confrontation with China and is primarily concerned that the administration’s tactics have been ineffective,” they wrote. “The danger is that the Biden administration will, indeed, be more successful at mobilizing American society and U.S. allies against China ... [which] could lead to a far more destructive confrontation.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is currently working on new legislation to limit China’s influence ― an effort that would complement Biden’s courting of American allies in Asia and plans to aggressively compete with China economically.

Chow and Werner argued that it’s foolish to say focusing on competition with China will not take a toll on Asian Americans and other minority communities, whether under a Democrat or a Republican. “As demonstrated by every prior case of foreign conflict in U.S. history, this is a fantasy. Escalating conflict with China will inevitably feed escalating racism within the U.S.,” they wrote.

Demonstrators wearing face masks and holding signs take part in a rally "Love Our Communities: Build Collective Power" to raise awareness of anti-Asian violence, at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, California, on March 13. (Photo: RINGO CHIU via Getty Images)

In 1982, as top officials and media outlets spread the idea that Japan was outpacing the U.S. because of its success in industries like automobile production, two auto workers in Detroit targeted and beat an Asian-American man named Vincent Chin; Chin eventually died of his injuries.

After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the U.S.’s launch of a “global war on terror” focused on the Muslim-majority world, Muslims and people perceived as Muslim across the country faced threats, boycotts, conspiracy theories and discriminatory government policies ― a toxic combination that had lasting effects, as demonstrated by a study showing worse birth outcomes for Arabic-named women in the six months after 9/11.

“If the months following the [2001] attacks are to teach us anything, it is that anti-Chinese racism and xenophobia will increase with time if we do not confront it head on now,” Sahar Aziz, a Rutgers University Law School professor, wrote last year.

Biden’s team has shown some flexibility on the issue. After they were accused of fear-mongering over China with an election ad, they issued a more restrained follow-up message avoiding generalizations about Chinese people and focusing on the authoritarian Chinese leadership.

Skeptics of an overly aggressive policy say Washington can critique China’s crackdowns on domestic dissent and its millions-strong Uyghur minority without promoting the idea of a face-off with the U.S., by describing those problems as part of broader global repression and noting that Beijing may be less likely to address them if it feels victimized.

And they note that without a nuanced approach, American policymakers could be undermining themselves. Jessica Lee of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft has said that anti-Asian rhetoric “risks driving away those Americans the U.S. national security apparatus needs the most right now,” and a coalition of foreign policy analysts argued last year that tolerating anti-Asian discrimination gives the Chinese government an opportunity to highlight and exploit American failures.

“Attacks against Asian individuals and members of the AAPI community, including immigrants, are unjust and at odds with our core values,” the group of dozens of experts wrote in USA Today. “Intolerance and stigmatization risk dividing our society and hurting the most vulnerable precisely when we must unite to confront the pandemic.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

'You bum, why did you hit me?'

 75-year-old Asian American 

woman beats attacker with stick 

in San Francisco

John Bacon, USA TODAY
·3 min read

An elderly Asian American woman attacked and punched by a man on a San Francisco street fought back, leaving him battered, bloodied and hospitalized.

The clash came hours after city police announced increased patrols in Asian neighborhoods following a recent surge of attacks in the city and across the nation, including a shooting rampage in Georgia that left six Asian women and two other people dead.

Xiao Zhen Xie, 75, was "very traumatized, very scared" after the encounter, she told CBS San Francisco with her daughter, Dong-Mei Li, helping to translate. Xiao's face appeared swollen and she could not yet see in one eye, her daughter said.

Xiao said she was waiting at a traffic light when the suspect suddenly punched her in the eye. She picked up a stick and fought back, she said.

Video from the scene, shot after the attack, shows the woman holding the board in one hand and an ice bag in the other. The alleged attacker is seen, his face bloodied, being rolled away on a stretcher.

"You bum, why did you hit me?" the woman said in Chinese.

Latest on Atlanta-area spa shootings: Suspect charged with murder; killings inextricably tied to race, experts say

Police say the case is being investigated as a possible hate crime. The 39-year-old man accused in this case is also a suspect in another attack on an 83-year-old Asian man in the same area earlier Wednesday.

Dennis O'Donnell said he happened upon the scene during his morning run.

"There was a guy on a stretcher and a frustrated angry woman with a stick in her hand," O'Donnell, KPIX 5's sports director, told the station. "From what I could see, she wanted more of the guy on the stretcher and the police were holding her back."

Earlier Wednesday, Police Chief William Scott expressed condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of the Georgia attacks. The suspect in that case, Robert Aaron Long, 21, has been charged with eight counts of murder.

San Francisco police also announced the arrests of three men in connection with a brazen attack on a 67-year-old man inside a laundromat in Chinatown last month. Scott pledged to do everything in his power to keep city resident safe.

"As you may know, the San Francisco Bay Area has been seeing an alarming spike in brazen anti-Asian violence in recent weeks," Scott said in a statement. "We are coordinating with our federal partners and local (Asian American) community organizations. ... Working together, we must prevent violence and hold perpetrators accountable."

What to do if you are a witness to anti-Asian racism

If you see anti-Asian racism, Stop AAPI Hate, a group that tracks acts of discrimination and xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, recommends these five safety steps:

  • Take action. Go to the targeted person and offer support.

  • Actively listen. Before you do anything, ask – and then respect the targeted person's response. If need be, keep an eye on the situation.

  • Ignore attacker. Try using your voice, body language or distractions to de-escalate the situation (though use your judgment).

  • Accompany. Ask the targeted person to leave with you if whatever is going on escalates.

  • Offer emotional support. Find out how the targeted person is feeling and help them determine what to do next.

There's been a rise in anti-Asian attacks. Here's how to be an ally to the community.

A hate crime? Georgia attacks that killed mostly Asian women raises questions

More: Atlanta spa shootings increase fear in Asian communities amid increase in violence, hate incidents

Contributing: David Oliver, USA TODAY; The Associated Press

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Asian American attacks: Elderly woman beats attacker in San Francisco