Tuesday, December 22, 2020


A groggy climate giant: subsea permafrost is still waking up after 12,000 years

New research suggests slow but substantial greenhouse gas release from submarine permafrost


Research News




In the far north, the swelling Arctic Ocean inundated vast swaths of coastal tundra and steppe ecosystems. Though the ocean water was only a few degrees above freezing, it started to thaw the permafrost beneath it, exposing billions of tons of organic matter to microbial breakdown. The decomposing organic matter began producing CO2 and CH4, two of the most important greenhouse gases.

Though researchers have been studying degrading subsea permafrost for decades, difficulty collecting measurements and sharing data across international and disciplinary divides have prevented an overall estimate of the amount of carbon and the rate of release. A new study, led by Ph.D. candidate Sara Sayedi and senior researcher Dr. Ben Abbott at Brigham Young University (BYU) published in IOP Publishing journal Environmental Research Letters, sheds light on the subsea permafrost climate feedback, generating the first estimates of circumarctic carbon stocks, greenhouse gas release, and possible future response of the subsea permafrost zone.

Sayedi and an international team of 25 permafrost researchers worked under the coordination of the Permafrost Carbon Network (PCN), which is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The researchers combined findings from published and unpublished studies to estimate the size of the past and present subsea carbon stock and how much greenhouse gas it might produce over the next three centuries.

Using a methodology called expert assessment, which combines multiple, independent plausible values, the researchers estimated that the subsea permafrost region currently traps 60 billion tons of methane and contains 560 billion tons of organic carbon in sediment and soil. For reference, humans have released a total of about 500 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. This makes the subsea permafrost carbon stock a potential giant ecosystem feedback to climate change.

"Subsea permafrost is really unique because it is still responding to a dramatic climate transition from more than ten thousand years ago," Sayedi said. "In some ways, it can give us a peek into the possible response of permafrost that is thawing today because of human activity."

Estimates from Sayedi's team suggest that subsea permafrost is already releasing substantial amounts of greenhouse gas. However, this release is mainly due to ancient climate change rather than current human activity. They estimate that subsea permafrost releases approximately 140 million tons of CO2 and 5.3 million tons of CH4 to the atmosphere each year. This is similar in magnitude to the overall greenhouse gas footprint of Spain.

The researchers found that if human-caused climate change continues, the release of CH4 and CO2 from subsea permafrost could increase substantially. However, this response is expected to occur over the next three centuries rather than abruptly. Researchers estimated that the amount of future greenhouse gas release from subsea permafrost depends directly on future human emissions. They found that under a business-as-usual scenario, warming subsea permafrost releases four times more additional CO2 and CH4 compared to when human emissions are reduced to keep warming less than 2°C.

"These results are important because they indicate a substantial but slow climate feedback," Sayedi explained. "Some coverage of this region has suggested that human emissions could trigger catastrophic release of methane hydrates, but our study suggests a gradual increase over many decades."

Even if this climate feedback is relatively gradual, the researchers point out that subsea permafrost is not included in any current climate agreements or greenhouse gas targets. Sayedi emphasized that there is still a large amount of uncertainty about subsea permafrost and that additional research is needed.

"Compared to how important subsea permafrost could be for future climate, we know shockingly little about this ecosystem," Sayedi said. "We need more sediment and soil samples, as well as a better monitoring network to detect when greenhouse gas release responds to current warming and just how quickly this giant pool of carbon will wake from its frozen slumber."



The coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula in the central Laptev Sea, Siberia retreats during summer, when ice-rich blocks of permafrost fall to the beach and are eroded by waves

This research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and by BYU Graduate Studies.

Summary of the key scientific points:

  • Subsea permafrost has been thawing since the end of the last glacial period (~14,000 years ago) when it began to be inundated by the ocean
  • An international team of 25 permafrost researchers estimate that the subsea permafrost region currently traps 60 billion tons of methane and 560 billion tons of organic carbon in sediment and soil. However, the exact amount of these carbon stocks remains highly uncertain.
  • This carbon is already being released from the subsea permafrost region, though it remains unclear whether this is a natural response to deglaciation or if anthropogenic warming is accelerating greenhouse gas production and release.
  • The researchers estimate that currently, the subsea permafrost region releases approximately 140 million tons of CO2 and 5.3 million tons of CH4 to the atmosphere each year. This represents a small fraction of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions--approximately equal to the greenhouse gas footprint of Spain.
  • Experts predict a gradual increase in emissions from subsea permafrost over the next three hundred years rather than an abrupt release.
  • The amount of greenhouse gas increase depends on how much human emissions are reduced. Experts estimate that approximately ¾ of the extra subsea emissions can be avoided if humans actively reduce their emissions compared to a no mitigation scenario.
  • This climate feedback is still virtually absent from climate policy discussions, and more field observations are needed to better predict the future of this system.


The coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula in the central Laptev Sea, Siberia retreats during summer, when ice-rich blocks of permafrost fall to the beach 

Quotes from other co-authors:

"I think there are three important messages from this study. First, subsea permafrost is probably not a climate time bomb on a hair trigger. Second, subsea permafrost is a potentially large climate feedback that needs to be considered in climate negotiations. Third, there is still a huge amount that we don't know about this system. We really need additional research, including international collaboration across northern countries and research disciplines."

Dr. Ben Abbott, senior researcher on the project, Brigham Young University

"This work demonstrates the power of science synthesis and networking by bringing together experts across a range of disciplines in order to assess our state of knowledge based on observations and models currently available. While scientific work will continue to be done to test these ideas, bringing knowledge together with this expert assessment provides an important baseline for shaping future research on subsea permafrost greenhouse gas emissions."

Dr. Ted Schuur, Lead investigator of the Permafrost Carbon Network, Northern Arizona University

"This expert assessment is a crucial contribution to the scientific literature in advancing our knowledge on subsea permafrost and potential greenhouse gas emissions from this so far understudied pool. Bringing together scientists from multiple disciplines, institutions, and countries has made it possible to move beyond individual datapoints or studies providing a much more comprehensive estimate of subsea permafrost. "

Dr. Christina Schädel, Co-Investigator of the Permafrost Carbon Network, Northern Arizona University


High resolution versions of the photos and illustrations are available at this link.

Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in healthy adult dogs


Research News

A new canine sleep study from North Carolina State University could serve as a baseline for research on chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction in dogs, potentially improving detection and treatment of these conditions.

"The study was necessary because research on dogs and sleep has outpaced our basic knowledge about what a 'normal' sleep/wake cycle looks like," says Margaret Gruen, assistant professor of behavioral medicine at NC State and corresponding author of the work. "The studies currently available are over 20 years old, only followed small numbers of dogs or dogs that were not in a home environment, and didn't really capture data that is relevant to how dogs live (and sleep) now. We designed the study to update these findings and fill the knowledge gap.

"And for me, someone interested in how dogs develop and age, it's a critically missing gap: we talk about a symptom of age-related cognitive dysfunction in dogs as being a disruption in the sleep/wake cycle without really understanding where the baseline is."

The study followed 42 healthy adult dogs - 21 male and 21 female - ranging in age from 2 to 8 years old. The dogs wore activity monitors on their collars for a two-week period, and their owners filled out a questionnaire on the dogs' sleep patterns. Functional linear modeling of the activity data showed that most dogs have two activity peaks during the day: a shorter window from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., followed by a midday lull and a longer active period from about 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. All dogs were more active during weekends than weekdays.

"Since most of the participants were pets of people who work outside the home, we saw that the dogs were most active when human interaction happens," Gruen says. "There were the occasional outliers - we did capture some midday 'zoomies' - but the pattern held true on average across 14 days for each dog. These findings aren't surprising - they line up with many of the assumptions we've been making, but now the data are characterized and documented."

The research revealed that weight and sex had an effect on the active periods; lighter dogs tended to be more active in a short period just after midnight, while female dogs seemed to be more active during the evening peak than males. Even in these healthy adult dogs, age had an effect; older dogs were less active during the peak activity times.

"Our hope is that this will serve as a foundational study for future work on the relationship between pain, cognitive dysfunction and sleep disruption, and as a study that is relevant to the way dogs live now," Gruen says. "By establishing norms, we can better identify abnormalities and intervene earlier in the process. We can also use this as a baseline to evaluate development of adult sleep patterns in puppies."


The research appears in Scientific Reports. NC State graduate student Hope Woods is first author. Duncan Lascelles, professor of translational pain research and management at NC State, also contributed to the work. Evolutionary anthropologist David Samson and his team, from the University of Toronto, Canada, created the functional linear models.

Note to editors: An abstract follows.

"Let sleeping dogs lie: A functional linear modeling approach to sleep-wake cycles in dogs"

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79274-2

Authors: Margaret Gruen, Hope Woods, Duncan Lascelles, North Carolina State University; Ming Fei Li, Ujas Patel, David Samson, University of Toronto, Canada

Published: Online Dec. 17, 2020 in Scientific Reports

Abstract: The study of companion (pet) dogs is an area of great translational potential, as they share many conditions that afflict both dogs and humans. These include conditions that affect sleep, including chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction. Significant advancements have 


Do I know you? Researchers evaluate how masks disrupt facial perception

Study conducted by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev researchers


Research News




BEER-SHEVA, Israel...December 21, 2020 - The identification of people wearing masks has often presented a unique challenge during the pandemic. A new study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Israel and York University in Canada reveals the impact of this predicament and its potentially significant repercussions.

The findings were just published in the journal Scientific Reports.

"For those of you who don't always recognize a friend or acquaintance wearing a mask, you are not alone," according to the researchers Prof. Tzvi Ganel, head of the Laboratory for Visual Perception and Action at the BGU Department of Psychology, and Prof. Erez Freud, who earned his Ph.D. at BGU and is now a faculty member at York University in Toronto, Ontario.

"Faces are among the most informative and significant visual stimuli in human perception and play a unique role in communicative, social daily interactions," the researchers note. "The unprecedented effort to minimize COVID-19 transmission has created a new dimension in facial recognition due to mask wearing."

To examine the effects of wearing masks, Prof. Ganel and Prof. Freud used a modified version of the Cambridge Face Memory Test, the standard for assessing facial perception, which included masked and unmasked faces. The study was conducted online with a large group of nearly 500 people.

The researchers found that the success rate of identifying someone wearing a mask was reduced by 15%. "This could lead to many errors in correctly recognizing people we know, or alternatively, accidently recognizing faces of unfamiliar people as people we know," says Prof. Galia Avidan who is a member of the BGU Department of Psychology and the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, and an expert on facial recognition and perception. "Face masks could be even more challenging to people whose face recognition skills are not ideal to begin with and cause greater impairment."

The research team also found that masks specifically interfered with extracting a holistic impression of faces and led to feature-by-feature processing which is a less accurate and more time-consuming strategy.

"Instead of looking at the entire face, we're now forced to look at eyes, nose, cheeks, and other visible elements separately to construct an entire facial face percept - which we used to do instantly," the researchers say.

These changes in performance, along with the alteration along the processing style of faces, could have significant effects on activities of daily living, including social interactions, as well as other situations involving personal interactions, such as education.

"Given that mask wearing has rapidly become an important norm in countries around the globe, future research should explore the social and psychological implications of wearing masks on human behavior," Ganel says. "The magnitude of the effect of masks that we report in the current study is probably an underestimation of the actual degree in performance dropdown for masked faces."


In addition to the BGU researchers, the Canadian team included Prof. Erez Freud who led the study, Andreja Stajduhar, and Prof. Shayna Rosenbaum of York University Department of Psychology and the Centre for Vision Research.

This study was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant no. 296/15) and by the Vision Science to Applications (VISTA) program funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF, 2016-2023) and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

About American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (AABGU) plays a vital role in sustaining David Ben-Gurion's vision: creating a world-class institution of education and research in the Israeli desert, nurturing the Negev community and sharing the University's expertise locally and around the globe. Activities include showcasing BGU's academic excellence and cutting-edge research through educational programs, events and informative communications. AABGU's main purpose is to support Ben-Gurion's vision and the university that bears his name by creating a community of Americans committed to improving the world tomorrow from the heart of the Israeli desert today. For more information visit http://www.aabgu.org.


Study published on the well-being of small business workers during COVID-19

The team hopes the results of the survey will encourage organizations to approach emergency preparedness as a health and safety issue.


Research News

(AURORA, Colo.) December 21, 2020 - As the pandemic was starting to take hold, researchers from the Center for Health, Work & Environment (CHWE) at the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) performed a study to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on the well-being of workers in Colorado. The team evaluated changes to employees' work and home life resulting from COVID-19 and individual perceptions of workplace safety and health climates. These climates reflect employee perceptions of how committed their employer is to their safety and health. They are commonly used as an indicator of organizational safety and health cultures.

This study, published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, examined whether safety and health climates were related to employee well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of small businesses. CHWE has become an expert in the field of small business safety and health research based on its Small + Safe + Well (SSWell) study, a four-year, Total Worker Health® intervention. The research group distributed a COVID-specific employee survey to the existing employer group of SSWell organizations and received responses from 491 employees from 30 small businesses across Colorado.

"When the pandemic hit last spring, we knew that work changed significantly. We wanted to understand how the small businesses in our SSWell study were responding to the pandemic and how this was related to their employees' health," said Dr. Natalie Schwatka, one of the lead researchers and assistant professor at the ColoradoSPH.

"We learned that when employees perceived strong health and safety climates, they also reported better well-being," says Dr. Carol Brown, lead researcher and deputy director of CHWE. Employee perceptions of safety and health climates were significantly, positively related to their self-reported well-being during the first wave of COVID-19, even when there were changes to childcare, the ability to work, and limited social contacts.

"Safety and health climates may influence employee well-being even when other disruptions occur, suggesting that during emergencies, small businesses with strong climates may be better prepared to maintain employee well-being," according to Dr. Schwatka.

The team hopes the results of the survey will encourage organizations to approach emergency preparedness as a health and safety issue. "Businesses cannot always predict when an emergency is going to happen, but they can create a working environment that supports their employees' health, safety, and well-being" says Dr. Schwatka. "In doing so, they have laid a foundation for how to successfully respond to an emergency."


About the Center for Health, Work and Environment

The Center for Health, Work and Environment (CHWE) at the Colorado School of Public Health is one of six Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health® and houses the Mountain & Plains Education and Research Center, one of 18 centers of its kind supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Main offices for the Center are located at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado. The Center team works with faculty, students, and community partners on numerous projects in occupational and environmental health, safety, and well-being.

About the Colorado School of Public Health

The Colorado School of Public Health is the first and only accredited school of public health in the Rocky Mountain Region, attracting top tier faculty and students from across the country, and providing a vital contribution towards ensuring our region's health and well-being. Collaboratively formed in 2008 by the University of Colorado, Colorado State University, and the University of Northern Colorado, the Colorado School of Public Health provides training, innovative research and community service to actively address public health issues including chronic disease, access to health care, environmental threats, emerging infectious diseases, and costly injuries.
Learn more and follow Colorado SPH's updates on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


Archaeology: The aroma of distant worlds


Research News

Exotic Asian spices such as turmeric and fruits like the banana had already reached the

Mediterranean more than 3000 years ago, much earlier than previously thought. A team of researchers working alongside archaeologist Philipp Stockhammer at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (LMU) has shown that even in the Bronze Age, long-distance trade in food was already connecting distant societies.

A market in the city of Megiddo in the Levant 3700 years ago: The market traders are hawking not only wheat, millet or dates, which grow throughout the region, but also carafes of sesame oil and bowls of a bright yellow spice that has recently appeared among their wares. This is how Philipp Stockhammer imagines the bustle of the Bronze Age market in the eastern Mediterranean. Working with an international team to analyze food residues in tooth tartar, the LMU archaeologist has found evidence that people in the Levant were already eating turmeric, bananas and even soy in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. "Exotic spices, fruits and oils from Asia had thus reached the Mediterranean several centuries, in some cases even millennia, earlier than had been previously thought," says Stockhammer. "This is the earliest direct evidence to date of turmeric, banana and soy outside of South and East Asia." It is also direct evidence that as early as the second millennium BCE there was already a flourishing long-distance trade in exotic fruits, spices and oils, which is believed to have connected South Asia and the Levant via Mesopotamia or Egypt. While substantial trade across these regions is amply documented later on, tracing the roots of this nascent globalization has proved to be a stubborn problem. The findings of this study confirm that long-distance trade in culinary goods has connected these distant societies since at least the Bronze Age. People obviously had a great interest in exotic foods from very early on.

For their analyses, Stockhammer's international team examined 16 individuals from the Megiddo and Tel Erani excavations, which are located in present-day Israel. The region in the southern Levant served as an important bridge between the Mediterranean, Asia and Egypt in the 2nd millennium BCE. The aim of the research was to investigate the cuisines of Bronze Age Levantine populations by analyzing traces of food remnants, including ancient proteins and plant microfossils, that have remained preserved in human dental calculus over thousands of years.

The human mouth is full of bacteria, which continually petrify and form calculus. Tiny food particles become entrapped and preserved in the growing calculus, and it is these minute remnants that can now be accessed for scientific research thanks to cutting-edge methods. For the purposes of their analysis, the researchers took samples from a variety of individuals at the Bronze Age site of Megiddo and the Early Iron Age site of Tel Erani. They analyzed which food proteins and plant residues were preserved in the calculus on their teeth. "This enables us to find traces of what a person ate," says Stockhammer. "Anyone who does not practice good dental hygiene will still be telling us archaeologists what they have been eating thousands of years from now!"

Palaeoproteomics is the name of this growing new field of research. The method could develop into a standard procedure in archaeology, or so the researchers hope. "Our high-resolution study of ancient proteins and plant residues from human dental calculus is the first of its kind to study the cuisines of the ancient Near East," says Christina Warinner, a molecular archaeologist at Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and co-senior author of the article. "Our research demonstrates the great potential of these methods to detect foods that otherwise leave few archaeological traces. Dental calculus is such a valuable source of information about the lives of ancient peoples."

"Our approach breaks new scientific ground," explains LMU biochemist and lead author Ashley Scott. That is because assigning individual protein remnants to specific foodstuffs is no small task. Beyond the painstaking work of identification, the protein itself must also survive for thousands of years. "Interestingly, we find that allergy-associated proteins appear to be the most stable in human calculus", says Scott, a finding she believes may be due to the known thermostability of many allergens. For instance, the researchers were able to detect wheat via wheat gluten proteins, says Stockhammer. The team was then able to independently confirm the presence of wheat using a type of plant microfossil known as phytoliths. Phytoliths were also used to identify millet and date palm in the Levant during the Bronze and Iron Ages, but phytoliths are not abundant or even present in many foods, which is why the new protein findings are so groundbreaking - paleoproteomics enables the identification of foods that have left few other traces, such as sesame. Sesame proteins were identified in dental calculus from both Megiddo and Tel Erani. "This suggests that sesame had become a staple food in the Levant by the 2nd millennium BCE," says Stockhammer.

Two additional protein findings are particularly remarkable, explains Stockhammer. In one individual's dental calculus from Megiddo, turmeric and soy proteins were found, while in another individual from Tel Erani banana proteins were identified. All three foods are likely to have reached the Levant via South Asia. Bananas were originally domesticated in Southeast Asia, where they had been used since the 5th millennium BCE, and they arrived in West Africa 4000 years later, but little is known about their intervening trade or use. "Our analyses thus provide crucial information on the spread of the banana around the world. No archaeological or written evidence had previously suggested such an early spread into the Mediterranean region," says Stockhammer, although the sudden appearance of banana in West Africa just a few centuries later has hinted that such a trade might have existed. "I find it spectacular that food was exchanged over long distances at such an early point in history."

Stockhammer notes that they cannot rule out the possibility, of course, that one of the individuals spent part of their life in South Asia and consumed the corresponding food only while they were there. Even if the extent to which spices, oils and fruits were imported is not yet known, there is much to indicate that trade was indeed taking place, since there is also other evidence of exotic spices in the Eastern Mediterranean - Pharaoh Ramses II was buried with peppercorns from India in 1213 BCE. They were found in his nose.

The results of the study have been published in the journal PNAS. The work is part of Stockhammer's project "FoodTransforms--Transformations of Food in the Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age," which is funded by the European Research Council. The international team that produced the study encompasses scientists from LMU Munich, Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena. The fundamental question behind his project - and thus the starting point for the current study - was to clarify whether the early globalization of trade networks in the Bronze Age also concerned food. "In fact, we can now grasp the impact of globalization during the 2nd millennium BCE on East Mediterranean cuisine," says Stockhammer. "Mediterranean cuisine was characterized by intercultural exchange from an early stage."

Social media use by young people in conflict-ridden Myanmar


Research News




New Rochelle, NY, December 21, 2020--Myanmar youth rely heavily on Facebook for news and information. This can be a platform for disseminating fake news and hate speech. With poor digital literacy skills, these youths may be susceptible to disinformation campaigns and other online dangers, according to the peer-reviewed journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Click here (http://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2020.0131) to read the article now.

Facebook and its sister app Messenger were used by 87.4% and 71.4% of Myanmar youth living in conflict-affected areas. Overall, 58% of respondents indicated that they use social media, mainly Facebook, to read news.

The results "suggest that young people living in conflict-affected areas of Myanmar are aware of the proliferation of fake news on social media, and often check the accuracy of the news they receive from this medium," states Dr. Brad Ridout, The University of Sydney, and coauthors. "However, the overreliance on Facebook for checking news accuracy, combined with poor literacy skills and low levels of trust in traditional and state-run media, may have a negative impact on the information ecosystem within which young people in Myanmar exist."

"Teaching young people media and information literacy has always been an important tool, to give them the critical thinking skills to properly navigate the information they are exposed to in everyday life. Digital networks that have enabled trans-border and trans-media information availability makes this education more important now than ever before to encourage us all to call into question the information encountered online," says Editor-in-Chief Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, MBA, BCB, BCN, Interactive Media Institute, San Diego, California and Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Brusse (https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/cyberpsychology-behavior-and-social-networking/10) is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published monthly online with Open Access options and in print that explores the psychological and social issues surrounding the Internet and interactive technologies. Complete tables of contents and a sample issue may be viewed on the Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/cyberpsychology-behavior-and-social-networking/10) website.


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Monday, December 21, 2020

Volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island, sends steam cloud 30,000 feet into sky

Kilauea volcano erupts

The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island erupted and shot a steam cloud into the atmosphere that lasted about an hour, an official with the National Weather Service said early Monday.

The eruption began late Sunday within the within Halema’uma’u crater, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The volcano is located within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Tom Birchard, a senior forecaster with the National Weather Service in Hawaii, said a new lava flow interacted with a pool of water inside the crater and that led to a short-lived but a fairly vigorous eruption.

All the water evaporated out of the lake and a steam cloud shot up about 30,000 feet into the atmosphere, Birchard said.

An advisory was issued by the National Weather Service in Honolulu, warning of fallen ash from the volcano. Excessive exposure to ash is an eye and respiratory irritant, it said. The agency later said the eruption was easing and a “low-level steam cloud” was lingering in the area.

By 1 a.m., USGS officials told Hawaii News Now that there were reported lava fountains shooting about 165 feet into the sky.

David Phillips, a Hawaiian Volcano Observatory spokesman, said the agency was monitoring the situation.

"We will send out further notifications on Kilauea and other Hawaiian volcanoes as we observe changes,” he said.

A magnitude 4.4 earthquake hit about an hour after the volcano began erupting.

The USGS said it received more than 500 reports of people who felt the earthquake but significant damage to buildings or structures was not expected.

Kilauea erupted in 2018, destroying more than 700 homes and spewing enough lava to fill 320,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. An area more than half the size of Manhattan was buried in up to 80 feet of now-hardened lava.


USGS Volcanoes🌋
Video from W rim of the caldera just before midnight. As of December 21 at 1:30 a.m. HST, the growing lava lake has almost reached the level of the lowest down-dropped block that formed during the 2018 collapse events. Over the past 2 hours, the lake has risen by ~10 m (32 ft). pic.twitter.com/Qbx1d6hbq4
COH Civil Defense
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports an eruption at the Halemaumau Crater of the Kilauea Volcano. Trade winds will push any embedded ash toward the Southwest. Fallout is likely in the Kau District in Wood Valley, Pahala, Naalehu and Ocean View. Stay indoors to avoid Exposu
USGS Volcanoes🌋
Lava is cascaded into the summit water lake, boiling off the water and forming a new lava lake. The northern fissure, pictured, was producing the tallest lava fountain at roughly 50 m (165 ft), and all lava was contained within Halemaʻumaʻu crater in Kīlauea caldera. pic.twitter.com/4uEEL7qxOT
Hawaii Volcanoes NPS
Happening now: a new eruption of Kīlauea inside Halemaʻumaʻu See live webcams inside Halemaʻumaʻu, courtesy of USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory: go.nps.gov/1o1nze pic.twitter.com/bsNmt3ZTUg

WHO says no need for major alarm over new coronavirus strain

GENEVA (REUTERS) - The World Health Organisation cautioned against major alarm over a new, highly infectious variant of the coronavirus that has emerged in Britain, saying this was a normal part of a pandemic’s evolution.

WHO officials even put a positive light on the discovery of the new strains that prompted a slew of alarmed countries to impose travel restrictions on Britain and South Africa, saying new tools to track the virus were working.

“We have to find a balance. It’s very important to have transparency, it’s very important to tell the public the way it is, but it’s also important to get across that this is a normal part of virus evolution,” WHO emergencies chief Mike Ryan told an online briefing.

“Being able to track a virus this closely, this carefully, this scientifically in real time is a real positive development for global public health, and the countries doing this type of surveillance should be commended.”

Citing data from Britain, WHO officials said they had no evidence that the variant made people sicker or was more deadly than existing strains of Covid-19, although it did seem to spread more easily.

Countries imposing travel curbs were acting out of an abundance of caution while they assess risks, Ryan said, adding: “That is prudent. But it is also important that everyone recognises that this happens, these variants occur.”

WHO officials said coronavirus mutations had so far been much slower than with influenza and that even the new UK variant remained much less transmissible than other diseases like mumps.

They said vaccines developed to combat Covid-19 should handle the new variants as well, although checks were under way to ensure this was the case.

“So far, even though we have seen a number of changes, a number of mutations, none has made a significant impact on either the susceptibility of the virus to any of the currently used therapeutics, drugs or the vaccines under development and one hopes that will continue to be the case,” WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan told the briefing.

The WHO said it expects to get more details within days or weeks on the potential impact of the highly transmissible new coronavirus strain.

Sip on farm-to-table drinks at a rooftop garden, grow sweet potatoes and more at these Singapore urban farming events


Clara Lock
Travel Correspondent

The Sundowner: New lounge-cum-urban-farm in Siglap

The Sundowner founder Clarence Chua, 37, with red dwarf honey bees at his urban farm atop a Siglap shophouse on Nov 8, 2020. 

There is a sense of raw, do-it-yourself whimsy at The Sundowner, a lounge-cum-urban-farm atop a Siglap shophouse that opened last month.

To enter, guests must pick their way through a shallow pond that brims with aquatic plants, balancing on rocks that wobble just a fraction.

Then, there is the rope-and-basket pulley system that owner Clarence Chua devised to haul up food deliveries, and lower bundles of Thai and sweet basil from his rooftop garden in return.


Wartime food sustainability workshop by Edible Garden City and Sentosa

Participants taking part in the Wartime Food and Sustainability workshop. PHOTO: EDIBLE GARDEN CITY

For those who have lived through the wartime years, crops such as sweet potato and tapioca can still conjure up memories of scarcity and hunger.

But now, these tubers could play a small part in realising Singapore's food-security goals.

That was what urban farming social enterprise Edible Garden City wanted to highlight in its Wartime Food and Sustainability workshop, held in collaboration with Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC).


Farm Day Out at Sprout Hub

Sprout Hub's bi-monthly Farm Day Out is a chance for the public to interact with about 36 commercial and hobbyist farmers, who rent plots in greenhouses. PHOTO: CITY SPROUTS

Urban farming has taken root here in recent years, with hobbyists growing herbs along corridors, in community gardens and soon even on HDB carpark rooftops. If you are not sure where to start, City Sprouts' bi-monthly Farm Day Out may offer some inspiration.

Organised by social enterprise City Sprouts at its Henderson Road farm Sprout Hub, it is a chance for the public to interact with about 35 commercial and hobbyist farmers who rent plots in greenhouses.

While the farm welcomes visitors daily, it is only during the open house that most farmers will be there to introduce their crops and growing methods.