Saturday, June 13, 2020

The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

Black people are poor relative to white people; nothing has changed in 70 years

There have been many advances for black Americans since the 1960s but the stunning wealth gap between white people and black people has not improved. MARKETWATCH PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/GETTY IMAGES
The unrest in cities across the U.S. this week is just the latest manifestation of a struggle that will continue until the wealth gap between white people and black people is addressed, black economists said.

What is the wealth gap? It is the stark divide between how much capital white people and black people control.

By one estimate, the typical white family has wealth of $171,000. This is nearly ten times greater than the $17,150 for an average black family.

Put another way, the typical black household remains poorer than 80% of white households.

This stunning wealth gap between the races has persisted, in good times and bad, for the past 70 years. It did not get better after the civil rights era legislation was passed in the 1960s or during the Obama administration.

And it will continue to fuel unrest, economists said.

“As long as we have racial wealth gap, we’re going to have a problems with race,” said Patrick Mason, an economics professor at Florida State University.

“The wealth gap is one of the reasons there are protests today,” said Linwood Tauheed, a professor of economics at The University of Missouri-Kansas City and the president of the National Economics Association.

“I don’t necessarily want to use the phase it was the straw that broke the camels back...but we have lots of evidence that this economic system is not benefitting the majority of the population,“ he said.

“African Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are — that’s not new for us— but now you find young college students dissatisfied with their future.”

See: Protesters support Floyd, Black Lives Matter on 3 continents

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that African-Americans have a lack of income to buy necessary health care, food and medicine and are suffering in greater numbers than white Americans.

Since the 1960s, the wealth gap has been largely ignored by the economics profession, black economists say.

For years, black economists struggled in the American Economics Association to even study the subject of wealth disparity between the races, black economists said. Universities and think tanks also didn’t support the work.

Black economists formed their own association, the National Economics Association, in 1969 to study the economic situation of black Americans.

“It was very difficult for a black economist to present a paper at an AEA conference that was questioning whether mainstream economists were understanding the economic disparity between the white and black community,” Tauheed said.

So called “mainstream” economists were really interested in more efficiency. “The wage gap is a question of equity or how to expand the pie,” said Karl Boulware, an economics professor at Wesleyan University. “The best way to think of wealth is to think of it as power,” he said.

In a statement to her membership Friday, former Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen, who is the president of the AEA, said her organization has “only begun to understand racism and its impact on our profession and our discipline.”

The wealth gap since 1989

The causes
Black economists say one historical cause of the wage gap is slavery.

“I don’t want to offend anybody, and don’t want to be labeled a radical but the wealth gap has its roots in the starting of America,” said Samuel Myers, an economist at the University of Minnesota.

JIm Crow laws put in place shortly after the Civil War also kept black people impoverished.

A more recent and complex cause was the systemic exclusion of black people from the U.S. housing market beginning in the 1920. Housing is one of the main engines of accumulating wealth in America.

Restrictive covenants were put on houses that limited where black people could live, said Tauheed. These covenants, combined with discriminatory credit policies, kept black people from building wealth.

At the same time, government policies were put in place to assist whites to build wealth through housing.

For instance, in Minneapolis, where the current protests began after the death of George Floyd while being detained by police, white Americans first benefitted from the Homestead Act.

Then white soldiers coming home from World War II were given cheap loans to buy homes in the surrounding suburbs. These neighborhoods were off limits to black people, said Myers.

And the only prosperous black community in the city was razed to the ground to build a highway to St. Paul, he added.

“My feeling is until and unless white people acknowledge that their wealth holdings and therefore the wealth gap is attributable to unearned entitlements from public policy, then we’re not going to even have a conversation” about solutions to the wealth gap, Professor Myers said.

The solutions

Black economists think that reparations — the direct payment to descendents of former slaves — would narrow the wealth gap.

But they are under no illusion that this policy could be easily become law as blacks make up 12% of the population.

Reparations “run into conflict with the American mythology of how you get ahead, which says that it’s all individual effort,” said Professor Mason from Florida State.

Sen. Cory Booker, the black U.S. Senator from New Jersey, pushed for “baby bonds” during his brief run for the presidency last year. The accounts, presented at birth, would be seeded with $1,000 and receive up to $2,000 extra every year depending on family income. They could only be used once the child reached the age of 18, with the funds limited for paying college, a home, or to start a business.

This idea is race-neutral and poor whites would benefit the most from such a program, Professor Myers noted.

“I don’t really think in the final analysis baby bonds are going to dramatically narrow the wealth gap but I’d be really happy if I’m wrong,” Myers said.

See also: Black Americans, their lives and livelihoods on the line, suffer most from the pandemic
Tucker Carlson Stuns Twitter Users With 'Most Racist' Thing He's Ever Said

Carlson tells Fox News viewers that a Black Lives Matter "mob" is coming for them.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson is coming under fire after a segment some critics called his most racist yet.

On Monday night, Carlson claimed Democrats and the Black Lives Matter movement were trying to eliminate the police and replace them with an armed “woke militia” to take over cities and increase the power of the Democratic Party.

“Democrats hate the police because they don’t control the police,” Carlson said.

He said the left had taken over the Pentagon and now planned to do the same to law enforcement.

“Imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution,” Carlson said. “That’s what they are talking about: partisan law enforcement.”

Carlson also declared that there was already a crackdown on free speech and thought happening.

“Here’s the new rule, and it defines everything: You are not allowed to question Black Lives Matter, in any way. Full stop,” he said.

But it was his comments later in the segment that received the most attention on social media. Carlson said if Democrats actually cared about Black lives, they’d do more to fight crime, close abortion clinics and keep families intact in cities. He then warned Fox News viewers the left will “come for you” rather than fix the cities.

“This may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives,” Carlson said. “And remember that when they come for you ― and at this rate, they will.”

He added:

Anyone who has ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling. It’s like being swarmed by hornets. You cannot think clearly. And the temptation is to panic. But you can’t panic. You’ve got to keep your head and tell the truth. Tell the truth. If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you.

The reaction on Twitter was swift:

“This may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, but it is definitely not about black lives and remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will."@TuckerCarlson said black people are coming for you.

That just— Travis Akers (@travisakers) June 9, 2020

Guys I think Tuckety Tuck might not care about black people? He might be racist? I’m not sure though— nicole byer (@nicolebyer) June 9, 2020

I know there are many to choose from, but is this Tucker's most outright racist comment in his broadcasting career? Good lord. What a disgusting prick.— Fire the Fool (@FIRE_THE_FOOL) June 9, 2020

Strong “Birth of a Nation” vibes. Tucker always doing the most to fill old white people with unnecessary, racist fear.— John Haltiwanger (@jchaltiwanger) June 9, 2020

Tucker Carlson is a dangerous racist.— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) June 9, 2020

Not even hiding it.— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) June 9, 2020

This guy is so overtly racist.— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) June 9, 2020

“Black people are coming for you” says racist Tucker Carlson.— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) June 9, 2020

Tucker Carlson gets paid $6 million a year to tell white people to be scared of Black people and advertisers foot the bill.— Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) June 9, 2020

Fox News literally cannot survive without racism. As in, it is part and parcel of its business model. The protests right now are a threat — not because “black people are coming for them” — but because this is a moment of strong cross-racial solidarity.

It’s their Kryptonite.— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) June 9, 2020

That was hands down the most racist you've ever been...and thats quite an achievement considering every other racist thing you've ever said.— Crystal Warren (@happyenchilada2) June 9, 2020

This is shockingly racist, even for Fox News and Tucker Carlson. The fear mongering and politics of hated is just going to keep getting worse.

Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride. #ONEV1#PresidentBiden— Chris Thompson (@chris_maconlaw) June 9, 2020

That was perhaps the most racist thing I’ve ever seen!— Brian Just Another "Coastal Elite" (@2016bucketojunk) June 9, 2020

We're now referring to Tucker Carlson as "racist trash." #BlackLivesMatter— MoveOn #BlackLivesMatter (@MoveOn) June 9, 2020

Wow, even for Tucker, that's racist— preppa pig (@RaisingOneBrow) June 9, 2020

“Tucker’s warning about ‘when they come for you’ was clearly referring to Democratic leaders and inner city politicians,” a Fox News spokesperson told HuffPost.
Racism contributing to coronavirus deaths among ethnic minorities, leaked official report says

Government said to have previously not published report recommendations because of ‘current global events’

Racism and discrimination in British society could be contributing to a higher risk of death from the coronavirus among the UK’s black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) population, according to a leaked official report.
Jon Stone 
Policy Correspondent 

Bame workers are thought to be less likely to ask for PPE because of historical discrimination ( Getty Images )

Racism and discrimination in British society could be contributing to a higher risk of death from the coronavirus among the UK’s black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) population, according to a leaked official report.

The draft document drawn up by Public Health England says that historical discrimination and racism may mean that people from a Bame background are less likely to seek care or ask for better protective equipment.
The report, seen by the BBC, points to “historical racism and poorer experiences of healthcare or at work” as a root cause of the uneven risks. It also says that the higher prevalence of diseases such as diabetes or asthma could play a role.

“The unequal impact of Covid-19 on Bame communities may be explained by a number of factors ranging from social and economic inequalities, racism, discrimination and stigma, occupational risk, inequalities in the prevalence of conditions that increase the severity of disease including obesity, diabetes, hypertension and asthma,” the document says.

The report says groups that were consulted in drawing it up expressed “deep dismay, anger, loss and fear in their communities” as evidence mounted that the virus was “exacerbating existing inequalities”.
Watch more
BAME nursing staff ‘find it harder to get PPE’ than white counterparts

Sky News previously reported that Public Health England recommendations on how to address inequalities over Covid-19 had been delayed because of “worries” around “current global events” – widely taken to be a reference to Black Lives Matter protests.

The leak comes after the British Medical Association (BMA) wrote to the health secretary, Matt Hancock, to ask why a section with recommendations for safeguarding Bame communities was “omitted” from an earlier report.

The letter said: “The BMA called for this review and contributed our views to it, and we were extremely disappointed that the points raised in our submission were not addressed in the report published on 2 June. It now appears that pages addressing these and the contributions from other stakeholders may have been removed from the final report.”

The leaked report recommends that health authorities bring in better data collection about ethnicity and religion, require health risk assessments for Bame workers, and increase diversity in the leadership of the health service.

It also says public health messaging should be culturally sensitive and that it should be designed to be properly understood by people who do not speak English as their first language.

Last week, Kemi Badenoch, minister for equalities, told MPs that Public Health England was unable to make any recommendations in its report on Bame people and the coronavirus because of a lack of data.

However, Raj Bhopal, emeritus professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh, who had been asked to peer-review the unpublished recommendations file, said it had all the hallmarks of a government document that was ready for publication.
Miles Davis gives Nicolas Cage a lesson in the trumpet and discusses the police and the racist attitudes they have towards him and his success.


Sacheen Littlefeather refuses to accept the Best Actor Oscar® on behalf of Marlon Brando for his performance in "The Godfather" at the 45th annual Academy Awards® in 1973. Liv Ullmann and Roger Moore presented the award.

Marlon talks more about his decision to reject the Oscar for his performance in The Godfather. Date aired - 12th June 1973 - Marlon Brando


The professional mercenary Sir William Walker instigates a slave revolt on the Caribbean island of Queimada in order to help improve the British sugar trade. Years later he is sent again to deal with the same rebels that he built up because they have seized too much power that now threatens British sugar interests

Notes on this release: The original cut of the film was taken by United Artists and cut down for release in America by nearly 20 minutes. In Italy, the film was released in its full length, but the performances, recorded in English, were released in dubbed Italian (notes from the upload of the Italian Director’s Cut DVD are reproduced below for more info). Several people on KG requested a hybrid cut, keeping the deleted scenes in Italian but putting the English dialogue back in its place, which I have done. Unfortunately, due to the way the American release was cut/dubbed, I had to make a few very minor trims to the Italian Director’s Cut to have the original English audio sync correctly. The goal was to adhere to the Italian cut as much as possible while using as much of the English dialogue as possible. No edit was made that doesn’t correspond to either the Italian or American cut.

Australian PM Scott Morrison Says There Was ‘No Slavery In Australia', Instantly Gets Dragged On Twitter

"Blackfullas worked for free, for the love of it." Bit of sun, bit of air, bit of a chain around your neck, bit of a stolen wage.
By Carly Williams

Scott Morrison Says There Was ‘No Slavery In Australia', Instantly Gets Dragged On Twitter

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison drew strong criticism after he said that “there was no slavery in Australia” during a discussion of the early days of British settlement, which he acknowledged was “pretty brutal.”

He told Sydney radio: “While slave ships continued to travel around the world, when Australia was established, sure it was a pretty brutal settlement ... but there was no slavery in Australia.”

Historians, First Nations activists and a number of lawmakers called the PM out on the factually incorrect comments.

Sharman Stone, a former federal lawmaker turned politics professor at Monash University said, “Slavery of Indigenous, men, women and children is well documented in a series of State government inquiries, in particular in the WA Royal Commission into the conditions of Natives, 1904, but also in 1913, 1929 in SA and Commonwealth parliamentary papers.”

Slaves in Australia were made to work in the pearling, fishing, the pastoral industries or provide domestic labour.

“The capturing of labour from the Pacific to work in Queensland cane fields is also well documented,” Stone said.

“Denial of slavery in Australia is akin to denial of the Stolen Generations. Now is the time for all Australians to learn, understand and acknowledge its history.”

Rapper Briggs scoffed at the PM’s statements.

“Blackfullas worked for free, for the love of it. Bit of sun, bit of air, bit of a chain around your neck, bit of a stolen wage,” he Tweeted.

When @ScottMorrisonMP finally cracks open the history books....— Senator Briggs (@Briggs) June 12, 2020

There wasn’t Slavery in Australia. Blackfullas worked for free, for the love of it. Bit of sun, bit of air, bit of a chain around your neck, bit of a stolen wage.— Senator Briggs (@Briggs) June 11, 2020

Labor Senator for the Northern Territory Malarndirri McCarthy told ABC News Breakfast on Friday that the PM needed to get out more.

“This is a big country and there are so many things that need to be understood. And truth-telling begins with telling all those stories,” she said.

Meanwhile Bruce Pascoe, the award-winning author of “Dark Emu” condemned Morrison’s comments.

“When you capture people, and put chains around their necks, and make them walk 300 kilometres and then set them to work on cattle stations, what’s that called?”

Many others on Twitter called out Morrison with some inviting him to sugar cane regions of Queensland to work for free.

“There was no slavery in Australia.” Scott Morrison, 11.06.2020.
What would you call this, then ?— Mike Carlton (@MikeCarlton01) June 11, 2020

Morrison said on 2GB slavery has never existed in Australia. Wow, he obviously doesn’t know his history. Aboriginal slavery, foreign workers, sex slavery, it still exists today. Open your eyes foolish man. @scottmorrisonmp#auspol— Eddy Jokovich (@EddyJokovich) June 11, 2020

Hopefully the world will take note that the Australian PM Scott Morrison is a disgusting racist POS just like Trump, pretending Aus does not have a disgraceful history of slavery among Indigenous people and South Pacific Islanders.— DEMAND action to curb climate change 🦐🦀 (@Greg_MarineLab) June 11, 2020

Kidnapped, ripped from the arms of their loved ones and forced into back-breaking labour: The brutal reality of life as a Kanaka worker - but Scott Morrison claims 'there was no slavery in Australia' @wgarnews— lynlinking (@lynlinking) June 11, 2020

Scott Morrison's 'no slavery' comment prompts descendants to invite him to sugar cane regions I think he needs to refrain do a public apology for that comment."I'd like to see him come up here .sit with the South Sea Islander elders to hear their stories— lynlinking (@lynlinking) June 12, 2020

.@ScottMorrisonMP No slavery in Australia? I guess these guys were just getting on the beers with the boys? Give me a fucking break.— Jordan Berlyn (@jordanberlyn) June 12, 2020

If @ScottMorrisonMP wants to charge protestors because he thinks free speech is dangerous, then perhaps we should start by having him charged for denying the history of slavery in Australia - an act akin to denying the holocaust. #AusPol— Chas Davis (@czhdavis) June 11, 202

Carly WilliamsSenior Editor
Trump Administration Refuses To Disclose Which Businesses Received $500 Billion In Government Bailout

The move will prevent oversight of 4.5 million businesses that took a government Paycheck Protection Program loan. One critic called it "unconscionable, jaw-dropping corruption."

By Molly Redden

The Trump administration said on Wednesday that it plans to keep the identities of more than 4.5 million businesses that received a government bailout through the Paycheck Protection Program a secret.

The lack of transparency is a stark break from the past. Normally, the Small Business Administration discloses the names of borrowers from the program on which it based PPP, The Washington Post reports.

But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, in testimony before the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, said his department considered that information “proprietary” and “confidential.”

That secrecy extends even to internal attempts at government oversight. The Government Accountability Office, which is supposed to brief Congress on whether COVID-19 relief funds are being distributed as intended, says the Treasury has refused to give the agency the names of recipients.

“Unconscionable, jaw-dropping corruption,” tweeted Public Citizen, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group, in response to the news.

The Paycheck Protection Program has distributed more than $500 billion in low-interest and forgivable loans and is part of the gigantic Congressional spending effort to rescue businesses from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic.

PPP loans are intended for small businesses, many of which scarcely have the savings to weather a global economic downturn. Businesses that receive the loans have several months to defer payments, and the government will forgive large portions of the loans if a business uses the bulk of the money to keep workers on its payroll.

As the U.S. experiences record unemployment, Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike have credited the program with staving off an even worse unemployment crisis.

But the program has also been plagued by design flaws and accusations of corruption.

The program doled out millions of dollars to dozens of large, publicly traded companies that didn’t qualify as small businesses or had other avenues for raising capital. Shake Shack, which in recent years was one of the fastest-growing restaurant chains in the country, received and return a loan worth $10 million.

The program also benefitted multiple companies with financial troubles that long predated the pandemic and executives which used the loans to shore up bonuses.

The Small Business Administration left it up to banks to determine who should receive loans, allowing some banks to prioritize their wealthiest clients. Meanwhile, mom-and-pop stores found themselves in a mad dash to apply before each round of money dried up.

“I can count on one hand — literally on one hand — the number of businesses in my district who have received assistance,” Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.), who represents upper Manhattan, complained after the first round of loans.

Without adequate oversight, public watchdogs have noted, it would be easy for the money to follow existing trends of inequality.

“We need to know if there are racial or ethnic or gender implications of who got this money to understand its impact on inequality,” Amanda Fischer, policy director at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, told HuffPost in April.

To give more minority communities access to the loans, secondary rounds of the loan program set aside some money for small community banks.

But Republicans in Congress have resisted demands from Democrats to show where the bulk of the money is going.

Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) are now calling for all loans made under the program to be made public.

“Full transparency of PPP data is the only way to quickly and fairly show who is using this program to line their pockets,” Porter said in a statement.

Molly Redden
Senior Politics Reporter, HuffPost

A 70-year-old man was hospitalized with COVID-19 for 62 days. Then he received a $1.1 million hospital bill, including over $80,000 for using a ventilator
Connor Perrett, INSIDER•June 13, 2020

Nurses care for a patient with COVID-19 at a Seattle, Washington, hospital on May 7, 2020.
Karen Ducey/Getty Images

A man in Washington state who spent more than two months in the hospital and more than a month in the Intensive Care Unit with COVID-19 received a 181-page itemized bill that totals more than $1.1 million, The Seattle Times reported.

Michael Flor, 70, will likely foot little of the bill due to his being insured through Medicare, according to the report.

"I feel guilty about surviving," Flor told The Seattle Times. "There's a sense of 'why me?' Why did I deserve all this? Looking at the incredible cost of it all definitely adds to that survivor's guilt."

A 70-year-old man in Seattle, Washington, was hit with a $1.1 million 181-page long hospital bill following his more than two-month stay in a local hospital while he was treated for — and nearly died from — COVID-19.

"I opened it and said 'holy (expletive)!' " the patient, Michael Flor, who received the $1,122,501.04 bill told The Seattle Times.

He added: "I feel guilty about surviving. There's a sense of 'why me?' Why did I deserve all this? Looking at the incredible cost of it all definitely adds to that survivor's guilt."

According to the report, Flor will not have to pay for the majority of the charges because he has Medicare, which will foot the cost of most if not all of his COVID-19 treatment. The 70-year-old spent 62 days in the Swedish Medical Center in Issaquah, Washington, 42 days of which he spent isolated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Of the more than one month he spent in a sealed-off room in the ICU, Flor spent 29 days on a ventilator. According to the Seattle Times, a nurse on one occasion even helped him call his loved ones to say his final goodbyes, as he believed he was close to death from the virus.

While in the ICU, Flor was billed $9,736 each day; more than $80,000 of the bill is made up of charges incurred from his use of a ventilator, which cost $2,835 per day, according to the report. A two-day span of his stay in the hospital when his organs, including his kidneys, lungs, and heart began to fail, cost $100,000, according to the report.

In total, there are approximately 3,000 itemized charges on Flor's bill — about 50 charges for each day of his hospital stay, according to The Seattle Times. Flor will have to pay for little of the charges — including his Medicare Advantage policy's $6,000 out-of-pocket charges — due to $100 billion set aside by Congress to help hospitals and insurance companies offset the costs of COVID-19.

Flor is recovering in his home in West Seattle, according to the report.