Saturday, October 17, 2020

Justice For Alleged Child Witches In Ogun State
By Leo Igwe

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It is not often that victims of witch persecution get justice. Abuses linked to witchcraft beliefs are usually perpetrated by the powerful against those in weaker sociocultural positions-the poor, women, elderly persons, or people living with disabilities.

Even in situations where the avenues to seek redress are there, victims seldom utilize them. Some of these avenues expose alleged witches to further victimization and exploitation. In response, survivors of witch persecution resign to their fate, or as they say in Nigeria, they hand the matter over to God.

The Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AFAW) campaigns to end this culture of silence and resignation. AFAW adopts a proactive approach. It supports alleged witches and empowers them to defend themselves and tackle their accusers and abusers.

In the spectrum of victims and victimhood, children are most affected. Children are the most vulnerable, the most victimized because they cannot defend themselves or seek redress anywhere. Unlike adult victims, alleged child witches have little or no knowledge of witchcraft or occult harm. Adult torture and coerce them to confess to witchcraft. Family members often abuse children.

Those who are supposed to show children love and care, those who should protect them- parents, brothers, sisters, and other relatives are their persecutors. Witch believing family members torture and abuse children suspected of witchcraft as a form of duty; as a way of disciplining or correcting them.

More importantly, relatives maltreat alleged child witches as a way of protecting themselves and thwarting some impending occult schemes. So situations, where child witch victims get justice, are rare. That is why AFAW commends the police in Ogun state- especially the Divisional Police Officer in Awa Ijebu for the diligent work; for ensuring the successful prosecution of child witch abusers.

In July, AFAW reported how the combined efforts of the police, the social welfare department, and the ministry of justice brought an end to the abuse of suspected child witches in Ogun state. The police arrested the couple and charged them in court.

In August, the Divisional Police Officer of the station at Awa Ijebu called to informed me that the magistrate had ruled on the case; that the court had convicted them. He tried giving me the details on phone, but I told him that I would visit and possibly have a copy of the judgment. The plan was to visit the station and interact with the police officers and then go to the orphanage to see the victims.

The DPO told me that I could visit at my convenience. On October 9, I confirmed via a text message that I would be at the station. The DPO explained the outcome of the trial. The court convicted the man on all the four-count charges, including conspiracy, failure to provide necessary, assault occasioning harm, and causing grievous harm.

The court fined the wife and subsequently discharged her. According to the DPO, no option of the fine was given to the man for causing grievous harm. So he was sentenced to two years in prison. The conviction of this couple for violations linked to witchcraft beliefs is a welcome development. It confirms that there are existing mechanisms to seek redress under the law in the country.

AFAW commends the Ogun state police command for the diligent prosecution of the case. If the police in other parts of the country respond to complaints of witch persecution in this manner, there would have been significant progress in tackling and containing the menace.

However, I noticed that something was missing in the charges as recounted by the DPO. There was no mention of witchcraft accusations among the offenses that the couple committed. Look, section 210(b) of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act states that any person who " accuses or threatens to accuse any person with being a witch or with having the power of witchcraft" is guilty of a misdemeanor and is liable for two years imprisonment. Now I wondered: if witchcraft accusation is an offense under the Nigerian law, why was it omitted in the count charges against the couple? And this omission is common in the prosecution of witchcraft-related offenses.

In my conversation with some police officers at Awa Ijebu, they made it clear that witchcraft allegation informed and motivated the harm and abuse of the children. So I expected witchcraft allegation to feature on the list. But witchcraft accusation was not mentioned on the charge sheet.

It was not included. Why? To root out witch persecution, perpetrators must be prosecuted for the crime of witchcraft accusation as provided by the law. The offense of witchcraft accusation must feature in the hearing. By omitting witchcraft accusations in the prosecution of witch hunters, the police and the court are not helping efforts to stamp out and eradicate this social disease.

After a brief meeting with the DPO, I went to see the children at the orphanage. The children have enrolled in a school, and the injuries have healed. The Advocacy for Alleged Witches donated some money towards the education and general upkeep of the children.

While AFAW welcomes the outcome of the child witch persecution case in Ogun state, it urges the government to do more to enforce the law and help deter witch hunters and witch persecutors of children and adults in other parts of the country.

Leo Igwe, © 2020

The author has 332 publications published on Modern Ghana.Column: LeoIgwe
Disclaimer: "The views/contents expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not neccessarily reflect those of Modern Ghana. Modern Ghana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in this article."

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Jul 28, 2017 — The Witch by Ronald Hutton review – why fear of witchcraft hasn't gone away.
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New Brunswick
Fredericton shooter's computer shows focus shifting from video games to anti-Muslim sentiment

Matthew Raymond had material about 'atrocities' committed by ISIS, anti-Trudeau messaging

Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News · Posted: Oct 14, 2020 
Victims of the shooting from left to right: Const. Lawrence Robert (Robb) Costello, 45, and Const. Sara Mae Helen Burns, 43, Donald Adam Robichaud, 42, and Bobbie Lee Wright, 32.

Matthew Raymond's defence team is painting an image of a man losing interest in biking and video games, and instead seeking information on ISIS, anti-Muslim sentiment, demons and the occult.

Raymond. 50, is facing four counts of first degree murder after he shot and killed Donnie Robichaud and Bobbie Lee Wright, then Fredericton constables Sara Burns and Robb Costello when they responded to a report of shots fired at 237 Brookside Dr. on Aug. 10, 2018.

Raymond has admitted to the shooting but pleaded not guilty. His lawyers are arguing he was not criminally responsible because of a mental illness.

Mathew Raymond being brought into the Fredericton Convention Centre for the continuation of his trial. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

The Crown and defence have agreed Raymond was mentally ill at the time of the killing, leaving the defence with the burden to prove his mental illness prevented him from knowing what he was doing, or knowing what he did was wrong.
A digital timeline

Alex Pate, a member of the defence team, testified he reviewed tens of thousands of photos and videos on Raymond's hard drives, spanning from 2015 to 2018.

In 2015 the vast majority of the files were related to video games and mountain biking, he said. There were also some videos of Raymond with his family or with a group of people.

The year 2016 was largely the same.

Police ask 'why' in Raymond interrogation, but get little in response

Crown concedes man had mental disorder when he shot 4 people in Fredericton

In March of 2017 the data shifted focus to the terrorist organization ISIS and some of the "atrocities" they were committing in the Middle East, Pate said. This focus persisted until August of 2017, when Pate said the content became more focused on occult numbers, demons and serpents.

Pate said he found quite a few "extremely graphic" and "brutal" images and videos related to ISIS on Raymond's hard drives. In March of 2017 alone, there were about 10 "extremely violent" videos, Pate said, and somewhere between 10 and 20 images.

In 2017, materials also included references to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He found comments written on images of Trudeau that say he was responsible for "mass immigration," and the loss of Canadian values, Pate said.

In early 2017 the data also began leaning toward anti-Islam and anti-Muslim-immigration, Pate said.

Alex Pate, a member of Matthew Raymond's defence team, continued his testimony Wednesday. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

The jury was shown a video by Fredericton blogger Charles LeBlanc from June of 2017. In it, Raymond was protesting the recently passed motion known as M-103, which calls for a national action plan against racism, including Islamophobia. He wore a sandwich board that read "No Sharia-law."

LeBlanc confronted Raymond and asked him if he's mentally ill. Raymond said no. Raymond said he gets his news from "the internet."

"They talk about the borders and stuff. And they talk about it on Rebel Media."

Blogger videotaped alleged Fredericton shooter
2 years ago  Last year, Fredericton blogger Charles LeBlanc videotaped the man accused in August of killing four people in Fredericton. 1:49

Pate testified the first video from a YouTube conspiracy theorist who identifies himself as Rob Lee was saved in May 2017, before this encounter. The video included material about Muslim immigration and ISIS, he said.

In the Charles LeBlanc video Raymond spoke about how Muslims are going to change Canadian society for the worse, and that there are "boatloads of them."

Pate testifies this is a similar message to the Rob Lee video from May.
From skating videos to ISIS conspiracies

The jury was shown multiple videos taken by Raymond. From 2015, some were of a family holiday dinner, another was of a skating outing.

Jumping to 2017, the jury was shown videos from a YouTube channel. The name of it is under a publication ban imposed by Justice Larry Landry. Pate testified some of the videos uploaded to the channel could be made by Raymond himself.

The first video on the channel, posted in March of 2017, has references to Trudeau speaking at a Muslim event and participating in a prayer. The five-minute-long video ends with ISIS-related photos, some graphic, and a clip of Trudeau saying he will not support a war in Iraq.

The final frame is a closeup of Trudeau's face with text that reads "Justin Trudeau is dangerous."

Pate said he also found this video on Raymond's computer, and not just posted on the channel.

Justice Landry told the jury Tuesday this trial is expected to continue until the end of the month. The defence intends to call six witnesses.

Hundreds of satanic, conspiracy photos followed Islamophobic material on killer's computer

Matthew Raymond is facing four counts of first-degree murder

Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News · Posted: Oct 15, 2020 

In the summer months before Matthew Raymond shot and killed four people in Fredericton, he recorded multiple videos of the sky.

For one video, Raymond focused the camera on a line of vapour among the clouds.

"That's weird," he said from behind the camera.

In painstaking detail this week, Matthew Raymond's defence lawyer has gone through hundreds of photos and videos with satanic, transphobic and conspiracy references found on Raymond's computer, including a "chemtrail" conspiracy theory which posits an unknown, organized entity is poisoning the air.

Raymond shot and killed Donnie Robichaud and Bobbie Lee Wright, then Fredericton constables Sara Burns and Robb Costello when they responded to a call of shots fired at 237 Brookside Dr. on Aug. 10, 2018.

The 50-year-old has admitted to the killing, but pleaded not guilty. His defence lawyers are arguing he was not criminally responsible on account of mental illness.
From anti-Muslim to satanic materials

Alex Pate, who reviewed evidence for the defence team, began testifying last week about what he found on Raymond's hard drives.

On Thursday, Pate said that in the summer months closer to the day Raymond shot and killed four people, he stopped downloading conspiracy theory videos.

Instead, Pate found GoPro and cellphone videos of the sky, and screen recordings of someone using an electronic tool such as Microsoft Paint to make markings on YouTube pages, and doing numerical calculations with occult numbers such as 66 and 33.

Pate's testimony paints a picture of a man whose interest in biking and video games waned as he started viewing and downloading more and more anti-Muslim, anti-Justin Trudeau, demonic and occult data.

Alex Pate, a member of Matthew Raymond's defence team, testified he reviewed tens of thousands of photos and videos on Raymond's devices between 2015 and 2018. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

In 2017 Raymond started becoming interested in ISIS and anti-Muslim material, data shows. That interest translated to the real world in June of 2017, when he protested an anti-Islamophobia bill outside the New Brunswick legislature, wearing a sandwich board that read "No Sharia-law."

But the court was shown Thursday as the year went on, Raymond's interests moved further into the conspiracy world, touching on flat earth, Illuminati and satanic references somehow related to Disney and other pop culture giants.

This was presented in the form of "countless" images of celebrities or politicians saved on his computer, with titles such as "evil" and "devil," Pate said, and deriving satanic meaning from the shapes of their hands or the look of their eyes.

Police ask 'why' in Raymond interrogation, but get little in response

He also identified multiple famous people as transgender, and related transgender people to the devil.

One video downloaded on Raymond's computer says Hollywood is run by "anti-Christ" demons and "occultists."

The data on his computer started shifting, and increasing in numbers, by the spring of 2017, Pate testified. The "demon" references continued until the summer of 2018, just before the shooting.

Pate also testified a YouTube channel, the name of which is under a publication ban, had videos that appeared to be made by Raymond.

Last week the Crown and defence agreed Raymond had a mental illness at the time of the shooting. This means to get a not-guilty verdict, the defence must prove to the jury, on a balance of probabilities, that Raymond's mental illness either stopped him from knowing the nature and consequences of his actions, or knowing what he was doing was wrong.

Fredericton shooter communicated with YouTube 'conspiracy theorist' and tried to expose 'demons' online

Cpl. Aaron Gallagher testified he recovered thousands of images and videos from Matthew Raymond's devices

Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News · Posted: Oct 06, 2020 9

Matthew Raymond's murder trial heard Tuesday that he started communicating with a YouTube conspiracy theorist by email and was exposing followers of the channel as "demons."

Crown witness Cpl. Aaron Gallagher continued testimony under cross-examination in the quadruple murder trial in Fredericton.

Gallagher testified Monday that he recovered thousands of images and videos from Raymond's devices after he shot and killed Donnie Robichaud, Bobbie Lee Wright and Fredericton constables Robb Costello and Sara Burns on Aug. 10, 2018.

Raymond, 50, has admitted to being the shooter but pleaded not guilty. His defence lawyers are arguing he was not criminally responsible for the crime on account of a mental illness.

Nurse testifies Raymond thought someone was in his room, was 'agitated' day after shooting

Gallagher told the court earlier that he found videos of Raymond firing a shotgun at a target in the woods and complaining of noise in his apartment, as well as "conspiracy theory" videos and images.

Gallagher testified he couldn't agree that Raymond went out in public and exposed or pointed out demons, but he would agree that Raymond did that on the internet.

Court was shown images of people Raymond found online. The images had titles that included the word "evil eyes" and "snake tongue" and showed dots under their eyes or around their mouth.

The court was also shown a one-hour-long video made by a YouTube conspiracy theorist who identifies himself as Rob Lee. The video begins with the narrator denying space exists.

"If Real, why use CGI?" one caption says about images of a constellation.

Near the end of the video the narrator says fallen angels and demons are on earth, and they "aren't like us."

"It may be a politician … It may even be the woman down the street."

The video narrator identified pop-culture icons and politicians as demons, including former U.S. President Barack Obama and actor David Duchovny, by pointing at their eyes or tongues.

"These serpents and monsters are everywhere and they are out to deceive you," the narrator says in the video. "Trying to destroy you and your family."

The narrator also says the "flood of people" and immigrants are brought on by the devil.
Exchanges with a 'conspiracy theorist'

A 33-page document of email exchanges showed conversations between Raymond and Rob Lee, Gallagher testified. In November 2017 Rob Lee asked Raymond to question someone about the occult symbols in a picture of theirs.

Rob Lee also said, "I'm aware that serpents, shills and fake Christians are on my channel ... I look forward to this list, I can not wait."

The document shows Raymond sending Rob Lee a list of usernames and names. Justice Larry Landry has imposed a publication ban on any names or usernames used on social media and YouTube, aside from Rob Lee's.

Nurses testify Matthew Raymond was 'calm,' 'polite' days after shooting

Defence lawyer Nathan Gorham presented to Gallagher a narrative of the relationship between Rob Lee and Raymond deteriorating.

A screenshot from Feb 8, 2018, had writing added in blue: "Rob Lee has back tracked against what it's all about. Showing people to be aware of demons protects them."

Another screenshot shows Raymond had written in blue under a YouTube comment by Rob Lee: "Oh really ... Can you tell a demon from a pic ANYMORE?"

The jury in the Matthew Raymond trial was shown multiple screenshots with mathematical calculations written on them using a computer program. (Submitted by Court of Queen's Bench)

After prompting from Gorham, Gallagher testified that "it appears that [Raymond] was trying to determine who would be a demon or not on the internet," but he "can't tell if he's doing it for Rob Lee or contesting Rob Lee."

Screenshots also show Raymond accusing another YouTube user of being a demon. Following that, Rob Lee sent an email to Raymond, saying "You are seeing demons every place man."

"You dove on that girls after I had said she's welcome in the channel."

In response, Raymond says, "I know they are all over as I have seen them," and calls him a "liar" and "hypocrite."

The court also saw two videos of Raymond at 237 Brookside Dr. He spoke to two people who were standing in a moving truck, and he put his arm around a boy who appears to be in his teens and smiled.

The trial will continue Thursday after a one-day break on Wednesday because one of the lawyers has a prior engagement.

Tech expert found conspiracy-theory, noise complaint videos in Fredericton shooter's hard drives

Matthew Raymond had custom-built computer with four hard drives containing thousands of images and videos

A technology crimes expert who looked at Matthew Raymond's personal devices found conspiracy theory videos and images, and videos of Raymond firing a shotgun and complaining about noise at his Fredericton apartment complex.

RCMP Cpl. Aaron Gallagher testified for the Crown on Monday that he examined thousands of photos and videos found on Raymond's computer, GoPro camera and an external hard drive.

Raymond, 50, has admitted to shooting Bobbie Lee Wright and Donnie Robichaud, then Fredericton police constables Sara Burns and Robb Costello at 237 Brookside Dr. in Fredericton on Aug. 10, 2018.

He has pleaded not guilty to four counts of first-degree murder, and his defence lawyers are arguing he was not criminally responsible for the crime on account of a mental illness.

Gallagher testified he also found pornography, and videos of Raymond biking around downtown Fredericton.

On one hard drive, Gallagher testified he found 500 images and 400 videos. About 430 images were in relation to a conspiracy website, where Raymond was taking screen captures and "doing numerology" using numbers such as 33 and 666. 

The jury watched a 30-minute conspiracy-theory video introduced by the defence.

The video on YouTube says demons communicate using numbers such as 33, 666 and 36. The narrator in the video explains how demons are "casting a spell" on people by using symbolism in Disney movies, social media, celebrity music videos and video games. The video also makes reference to "Masonic" symbolism and the Las Vegas shooting.

The court heard Raymond has done mathematical calculations using these "demonic" numbers in hundreds of screenshots as well physical notes found in his apartment. 

Gallagher testified this video was downloaded onto Raymond's computer in October 2017. He agreed with the defence that Raymond's calculations began after the video was downloaded, and that it continued into 2018.

Gallagher testified Raymond stopped using the computer on Aug. 4, 2018, six days before the shooting.

Gallagher also testified the creator of the video had emailed back-and-forth with Raymond, where Raymond complained to him about seeing "D"s and also boasted about his accurate shooting abilities.

'The kick is unreal'

Gallagher also testified he found multiple videos of Raymond firing a shotgun in the woods. Gallagher said Raymond tied the gun to his bicycle with a garbage bag.

One video shows Raymond wearing a hat, dark sunglasses, a black, long-sleeve T-shirt under a grey short-sleeve, talking to the camera. He props up a target paper onto a bush and takes three shots, then reacts to the kick-back of the ammunition.

"Wow, wow, wow," he says, looking at the camera. "This ammo is insane. What the heck? The kick is unreal. It wasn't supposed to have that much kick."

A shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle were entered into evidence Tuesday. The Crown and defence agree Raymond used the rifle to kill four people on Aug. 10, 2018. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

Gallagher said Raymond's computer was custom built and could not have been bought "off the shelf." He said within that computer he found and examined four hard drives.

He found a total of about 200,000 images and videos but said most of those were images downloaded by software so they would function properly. It's not clear exactly how many images or videos were downloaded by the user and how many came with the software.

One hard drive had adult pornography, Gallagher said.

Another hard drive had more than 3,000 videos. He said some of these were videos taken by Raymond in June and July of 2018, including some of him "using a shotgun" in the woods. Two were of Raymond in his apartment complaining about noise in the building.

The last hard drive had a total of 130,000 pictures and 2,600 videos. A lot of the user-generated content were GoPro videos of biking and nature.

The Crown is expected to wrap up its case this week, after calling 38 witnesses.

The court has heard from 14 police officers, eight residents of the apartment complex, a firearms expert, and seven nurses who treated Raymond at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital. A resident of a neighbouring building, the owner of a coffee shop where Raymond was a regular and a paramedic have also testified.


Hadeel Ibrahim is a CBC reporter based in Saint John.

RCMP pension plan discriminates against women, says Supreme Court

Three of the top court's nine justices dissented

Catharine Tunney · CBC News · Posted: Oct 16, 2020 

Retired RCMP Sgt. Joaner, right, is one of three women who took the national police force to court, arguing its pension plan discriminates against women who work part-time to care for young children. (Joanne Fraser)

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police pension plan discriminates against women and violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Supreme Court ruled in a divided decision released today.

The case was brought forward by three retired female Mounties who argued that elements of the RCMP's pension plan are outdated and sexist.

Joanne Fraser, Allison Pilgrim and Colleen Fox all had children in the 1990s, when the RCMP wasn't allowing members to work part-time.

Fraser said she was "overwhelmed" by the effort to balance work and family, Pilgrim described it as a "treadmill" and Fox called the experience "hell on earth," said Friday's decision.

The RCMP introduced a program in 1997 that allowed job-sharing as an alternative to unpaid leave, permitting two or three people to split the duties of one full-time position. All three women signed up for that program, as did 137 other members between 1997 and 2011.

The court's decision noted that most people who joined the program at the time were women and most of them cited child care as their reason for joining.

Pension plan discriminatory, female Mounties tell court

Federal Court dismisses claims that RCMP pension plan discriminatory

When Fraser, Pilgrim and Fox returned to their full-time jobs, they learned their part-time work was not considered pensionable service and they would not be permitted to make doubled-up contributions to buy back the time.

But other members with gaps in full-time service, such as leave without pay, were allowed to buy back the service they missed by making the contributions.

The plaintiffs argued that the force's pension plan treated job-sharers worse than it did other members and breached the section of the Charter of Rights that says the "law should treat everyone equally, without discrimination on certain characteristics."
SCC decision notes 'historical disadvantage'

A Federal Court judge disagreed, but the Supreme Court of Canada agreed to hear their arguments.

Today, most of the Supreme Court justices ruled the pension plan discriminated against the job-sharers because they were women.

Justice Rosalie Abella, writing for the majority, called it a clear violation of the charter.

"Full-time RCMP members who job-share must sacrifice pension benefits because of a temporary reduction in working hours. This arrangement has a disproportionate impact on women and perpetuates their historical disadvantage," says the decision.

"I agree with Ms. Fraser that the negative pension consequences of job-sharing perpetuate a long-standing source of disadvantage to women: gender biases within pension plans, which have historically been designed 'for middle and upper-income full-time employees with long service, typically male.'"

Paul Champ, who defended the three women, called today's decision a win for equality.

"The federal government has tinkered with the RCMP pension plan over the years to make it fairer for women who have interruptions in their service for childbirth and care for small children. But it continued to penalize women who wanted to balance their job duties and childcare responsibilities for young children," he said.

"My clients fought for over 20 years to bring this fundamental equality issue to the attention of the RCMP and, eventually, the courts. They understood it was wrong and unfair to women and they fought all these years to make it right."

Three justices dissented.

Justices Russell Brown and Malcolm Rowe wrote that the job-sharing program was an attempt by the RCMP to accommodate employees with child care responsibilities and argued that the initiative's failure to remove disadvantages didn't make it discriminatory.

Justice Suzanne Côté, meanwhile, argued that the pension plan didn't single women out for discrimination.

Abella said it will be up to government officials to come up with a plan to allow full-time members who reduced their hours under the job-sharing program to buy back their full pension credit.

A spokesperson for the RCMP said the force is still reviewing Friday's decision.

"We are currently in the process of reviewing the decision and its implications to determine what steps must be taken. This being said, we are committed to reviewing the job-sharing arrangement," said Cpl. Caroline Duval.

"The RCMP remains committed to building an inclusive and barrier-free workplace for all of its employees."

Trudeau defends federal response as threats escalate over Mi'kmaw fishery in Nova Scotia

Chief of Sipekne'katik First Nation urged Trudeau to step in

Emma Smith, Taryn Grant · CBC News · Posted: Oct 16, 2020
Chief Mike Sack said Friday that commercial fishermen were cutting traps and urged members of Sipekne'katik to get off the water. (Eric Woolliscroft/CBC)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today defended the federal government's response to an escalating standoff over a Mi'kmaw fishery in Nova Scotia, saying Ottawa has been "extremely active" in trying to resolve the situation.

Speaking to reporters, he called for an end to the violence and harassment that has been on the rise over the past week in several fishing communities in the southwestern part of the province.

"We are expecting the RCMP and police services to do their jobs and keep people safe," Trudeau said.

"I think there's been some concern that that hasn't been done well enough and that's certainly something we will be looking at very closely."

On Thursday, the chief of the Sipekne'katik First Nation urged Trudeau to step in and make sure those involved in the violence are prosecuted.

IN DEPTHMore coverage of the Mi'kmaw moderate livelihood lobster fishery

On Tuesday night, two facilities storing lobster caught by Mi'kmaw fishermen were raided and vandalized by a mob of hundreds of non-Indigenous commercial fishermen. The raids in the fishing communities of New Edinburgh and Middle West Pubnico are part of a series of incidents connected to the fight over a "moderate livelihood" lobster fishery that was launched by the Sipekne'katik First Nation in September.

On Friday, Sack also warned Sipekne'katik fishers about commercial fishermen "taking matters into their own hands" and urged members of the community to get off the water.

He told reporters that several traps belonging to Mi'kmaw fishermen have been cut and roughly three boats belonging to band members were out on the water in St. Marys Bay.

"We're trying everything we can to make sure that they're safe, but I can't blame them for wanting to go out and protect what is theirs," Sack said.

Chief Mike Sack said Friday that commercial fishing boats were on their way to haul Mi'kmaw fishermen's gear on Friday morning. (CBC)

Stuart Knockwood, an official with Sipekne'katik First Nation, said some Mi'kmaw fishermen went out on the water Friday to retrieve their gear, fearing it would be tampered with.

Knockwood went on out on the water himself to look for evidence of interference with the Mi'kmaw fishing operation. He said he came back with a buoy that had been sliced open and some small pieces of fishing line that had been cut.

"The rest of the line is at the bottom of the water," he said.

Knockwood said he also took photos of two fishing vessels in the area, although he doesn't know for sure if they were the culprits. He said the band will pass along the information to the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the RCMP in the hopes that they'll investigate and lay any appropriate charges.

Sack said while he had a promising conversation with federal Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan on Thursday, the lack of action by DFO to protect Mi'kmaw fishermen could undermine any progress made.

"Unfortunately, if DFO doesn't act and remove commercial fishermen from the water from interfering with our rights, the conversation will end," he said. "We're not going to continue to talk to move forward if they're not willing to protect us and to uphold our treaty right."
Lobster for sale

In Halifax, Sipekne'katik band member Cheryl Maloney sold about 50 kilograms of Mi'kmaw-harvested lobster on the sidewalk Friday outside Province House — a location she chose because she said it was time for the provincial government to step in to help resolve the dispute.

Since the launch of Sipekne'katik's moderate livelihood fishery, Premier Stephen McNeil has said the issue falls exclusively under federal jurisdiction. Maloney, however, argues the province needs to amend a provincial regulation that says it's only legal to buy fish caught by someone with a federal commercial licence.

Maloney sold out in about an hour, with one woman paying $60 for a single lobster as a show of support.

Sack, however, said he did not sanction the sale, fearing it might hamper or reverse the fishery's progress.

'This community is out of hand'

The vice-president of a fishermen's union in Nova Scotia stepped down Friday, citing fears for his family's safety as threats from some non-Indigenous fishermen opposed to a self-regulated Mi'kmaw lobster fishery continue to escalate.

Joel Comeau, a former member of the Local 9 of the Maritime Fishermen's Union, was supposed to meet with Sack on Friday morning but abruptly cancelled the meeting.

Joel Comeau said Friday that he's stepping down from his position with Local 9 of the Maritime Fishermen's Union after four years. (Olivier Lefebvre)

Comeau said he's received "a lot of flak from my people and a lot of intimidation" over his willingness to work with Sack to find a way forward.

"I've been followed right to my house with my family in the truck at seven o'clock in the morning and people with tinted windows sitting across my driveway, you know, intimidating me and some language that I probably can't use on the air," Comeau told CBC's Maritime Noon Friday.

Q&AN.S. fishermen's union head quits, says lobster dispute is 'too much of a toll' on his family

He said one of his friends and his friend's young daughter had to be escorted out of a restaurant by police on Thursday.

"This community is out of hand. This community feels unsafe," said Comeau.

This screenshot from a video posted to Facebook shows a man grabbing and shoving Chief Mike Sack during an altercation this week. (Facebook)

Commercial fishermen are angry the fishery is operating outside the federally mandated commercial season, while the Mi'kmaq say they're simply exercising their treaty rights and that their small-scale fishery would not have a negative effect on lobster stocks.

'Do your job': Sipekne'katik chief calls on PM to protect Mi'kmaw fishermen

Vehicle torched, lobster pounds storing Mi'kmaw catches trashed during night of unrest in N.S.

Even after the events of this week, Comeau and Sack shared a message of calm and committed to sitting down together to talk.

Their exchange about the need for commercial and Mi'kmaw fishermen to work together was caught on video Wednesday.

Sack said he has a lot of respect for Comeau and was disappointed to hear that he'd resigned.

"For them to turn on their own people like that, it should be a clear indication for Canada what we're going through, and we're outsiders so it's 10 times worse for us," Sack said.

Mainstreet NS
Sipekne'katik chief and commercial fisherman call for peaceful and constructive dialogueJoel Comeau, a third generation lobster fisherman from Meteghan, and Mike Sack, chief of Sipekne'katik First Nation, join host Jeff Douglas to talk about the way forward after this week's vandalism and violence in southwest Nova Scotia. 

Comeau said he presented a woven basket with tobacco to an elder at the Saulnierville Wharf on Treaty Day and was looking forward to continuing his conversation with Sack.

"It is a shame that it's not going to happen, and the fishermen felt that I was betraying them and that I was going behind their backs," he said.

He said he places the blame for what's happening in southwest Nova Scotia squarely on the shoulders of Bernadette Jordan and the inaction of DFO officials.

Mi'kmaw fishing vessel destroyed in suspicious fire at N.S. wharf

Jordan said Thursday she is in negotiations with the Sipekne'katik First Nation and talking to commercial fishermen.

Comeau said that while commercial fishermen will have to find someone else to fight on their behalf, he also understands their anger and knows where it's coming from.

"There's no divide. The fishermen are united. The coalition is united," he said. "The divide is with me and my family and my family is number one, so you're not able to twist this to be blaming anybody. Every organization is working 120 per cent on this file. Everybody wants answers."

Friday, October 16, 2020

A Posthuman Vampire: Rational Science and Racial Views in Bram Stoker's Dracula

2020, Social Sciences Research Journal
54 Views8 Pages
This article delves into the anthropocentric dichotomy between mind and body, furthered in the Enlightenment philosophies as an alleged divide between culture and nature. With a specific focus on the embodiment of nature and culture in Dracula, it elaborates on the posthumanist portrayal of the tyrannical male. By formulating a deep contrast between the cultured white English society and natural instinctual non-white community, the novel also hints at colonial ideology. Within this framework, this article illustrates an analysis of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) with a focal point on the illustration of the collapse of rational sciences and the existence of racial discrimination.


Squirming sea creature likened to horror movie monster The Blob after experts challenged public to identify it

Henry Holloway
Michael Havis
Updated: 8 Oct 2020

A SQUIRMING sea creature has been branded The Blob, just like the classic movie monster, after experts challenged the public to identify the odd life form.

Holly Grand, from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, found the jelly beast during a routine survey of the marine life in Nighthawk Bay.

Video shows the Blob-like being writhing in Holly's hand in Nighthawk Bay
Credit: PEN NEWS

Recognising the creature’s enigmatic appearance was likely to capture the public imagination, the department then challenged their online followers to identify it in a short video.

“The most common guess on social media was The Blob, with a few guesses that were correct,” said spokeswoman Julie Hagen.

Others compared it to a creature from the TV series, Stranger Things, while some only expressed disgust at is slimy appearance.

“This would scar me for life if I just randomly found one,” said one viewer

However, despite its unusual appearance, the creature is not actually unusual within the area – it’s a type of sea hare.

Ms Hagen said: “As crazy as these sea hares may appear, they are not particularly rare or special and they’re definitely not dangerous in any way."

“There are a couple of species of sea hare present in Texas bays – they can live in most shallow water, and temperate or tropical climates if there is an abundance of algae.”

She continued: “This sea hare was found and recorded by our biologists and then returned to the water.

The sea hare was returned to the water after it had been logged
Credit: Pen News

"We return all organisms to the water after they have been recorded.

“The data is then combined with other similar data points and used to help us make fisheries management decisions.”

And while the creature’s appearance may have turned a few stomachs, Julie says it’s proved a great way to spark public curiosity about the natural world.

“We tend to get the most engagement when we highlight saltwater species that most people are not familiar with,” she said.

“This helps to educate but also entertain the public.”

Classic sci-fi horror movie The Blob, which featured Steve McQueen in his first starring role, was released in 1958.

The Blob appearing in the 1958 movie of the same name
Credit: Paramount

Sea hares are normally found dwelling in amongst seaweed

The movie told the story of an amorphous alien that crashes to Earth and devours the residents of two small towns, growing larger and larger.

It was also remade in 1988 with gory special effects.

The original is regarded as a cult classic, and is celebrated every year in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, with the event "Blobfest".

The monstrous Blob's real life analogue sea hares, however, are more prey than predator.

They are usually found feeding on seaweed at shallow depths, and often use their camouflage to avoid predators, sometimes releasing a cloud of ink if they need to escape.

Nighthawk Bay, where this specimen was found, is part of the Laguna Madre – one of just six hypersaline bays in the world, meaning its waters are saltier than those of the ocean.

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Watch the bizarre trailer for offbeat 1958 horror movie The Blob

Trump condemns Portland protesters who toppled statues during ‘Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage’ event

Trump appealed to support base by claiming white culture is under threat

Abigail Hauslohner 3 days ago
Protester stands over a toppled statue of President Theodore Roosevelt on 11 October
(Nathan Howard/Getty Images) MARK TWAIN WOULD APPROVE

President Donald Trump on Monday seized on Columbus Day-related vandalism in Portland, to invoke two major campaign themes: one, his mantra of equating Democrats with violence and anarchy, and the other, an appeal to his base with the idea that white culture is under threat.

Protesters in Portland on Sunday night pulled down statues of US presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, smashed the windows of several nearby businesses and vandalised property, police said. Amid months of sometimes-violent protest, it was a relatively small-scale downtown event that organisers had dubbed the "Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage".

Mr Trump has routinely raged against Democratic-led cities where protests have occurred, accusing Democrats of both fomenting and tolerating violence. Portland — more than any other city, and where protests and sporadic violence have endured for more than four months — has become Mr Trump's rallying cry for this narrative and a frequent target of his tweets.

In tweets between 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Monday, Mr Trump raged against the toppling of the statues in Portland, demanding that law enforcement officials "put these animals in jail, now."

"Portland, call in the Feds!" he wrote in one tweet.
"These are Biden fools. ANTIFA RADICALS. Get them FBI, and get them now!" he wrote.
Read more

Portland police on Monday said they had arrested three people in connection with the incident, which it categorised as a "riot". Police in Portland have regularly deemed such gatherings riots, as demonstrators have sparred with police while demanding social justice and police reform since the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, while in the custody of police in Minneapolis.

The crowd in Portland on Sunday night, which police estimated at its largest point attracted 300 people, was relatively small by Portland standards. The affiliations of the individuals who toppled the statues are unclear. Police said they arrested Malik Muhamad, 23, of Portland; Justin Bowen, 25, of Portland; and Brandon Bartells, 38, of Washington.

A Facebook page that appears to belong to Mr Muhammad identifies him with the anti-fascist movement, and it contains posts condemning both Mr Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. It also links him to the Black Lives Matter movement. Neither responded to requests for comment.

Derek Carmon, a spokesman for the Portland Police Bureau, declined to confirm Mr Trump's assertions about the alleged perpetrators' politics.

"We don't ask criminal actors about political affiliations," Mr Carmon said. "The individuals who took part in toppling statues and committing other crimes were part of an organised group who gathered people for a 'Day of Rage.' . . . We plan to follow up on any criminal activity we can with a goal to hold people accountable."

The Trump administration earlier this year dispatched federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security to deal with some of the protests, including when violent demonstrations focused on a federal building. Activists and local officials say the federal participation helped to fuel the unrest.

The White House on Monday also released an unusual proclamation in commemoration of Columbus Day, casting the holiday celebrating the 15th century explorer Christopher Columbus as a symbol of Italian American heritage. Columbus, originally from Genoa, sailed on behalf of the Spanish monarchy, landed in what is now the Bahamas and never set foot on the land that would become the United States.

Awareness of the atrocities Columbus and his men committed — including the rape, murder and enslavement of indigenous people — has led many Americans to question or abandon the Columbus Day holiday. At least five states and the District of Columbia have moved in recent years to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day.

In the White House proclamation, Trump cast the desire to do away with Columbus Day as the product of a "radical ideology" perpetrated by "radical activists" and "extremists."

Columbus was a "legendary figure" and a hero, Trump said, a symbol of the United States' "rich Italian heritage" and its "beautiful Italian American Communities."

The Washington Post
Covid is here to stay even if we develop a vaccine – here’s what that means

With the worldwide spread of the disease increasing, it's unlikely the currently available measures can do more than bring that spread under control

By Hans Heesterbeek, Utrecht University
Daniel Smith 13 OCT 2020

We can’t say with any certainty what the future of COVID-19 is. But based on our experience with other infections, there is little reason to believe that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 will go away any time soon, even when vaccines become available. A more realistic scenario is that it will be added to the (large and growing) family of infectious diseases that are what is known as “endemic” in the human population.

With the worldwide spread of the disease increasing again, it seems unlikely that the currently available measures can do more than bring that spread under control – except in countries that can effectively isolate themselves from the outside world. The fact that the vast majority of people are still susceptible to some degree means that there is sufficient fuel for the fire to keep burning for quite some time.

This will be the case even if specific locations reach what is known as population (or herd) immunity (and it’s not clear how likely this is to happen). When a sufficient number of people become immune to a disease, either through vaccination or natural infection, its spread starts to slow down and the number of cases gradually decreases. But that doesn’t mean it will disappear instantly or completely.

Outside any areas with population immunity, there are likely to be plenty of locations that still have enough susceptible individuals to keep transmission going. No measure of isolation is so strong that it will completely stop human interaction between regions, within and between countries, or globally.

It’s also possible that the spread of an infection will eventually stabilise at a constant level so that it becomes present in communities at all times, possibly at a relatively low, sometimes predictable rate. This is what we mean when we say a disease is endemic.

Some infections are present and actively spreading almost everywhere (such as many sexually transmitted infections and childhood infections). But most infections are endemic in specific parts of the world.

This can occur when effective control has eliminated the infection elsewhere, or because the conditions needed for effective transmission can only be found in specific locations. This is the case for malaria and many other infections transmitted by mosquitoes.

Theoretically speaking, an infection becomes endemic if on average each infected individual transmits it to one other person. In other words, when the reproduction number (R) = 1. In comparison, during an epidemic when the spread of the disease is increasing, R is more than 1, and when the spread is decreasing through control measures or population immunity, R is less than 1.

In practice, there are a number of patterns that can be observed in endemic diseases. Some can exist at low levels throughout the year, while others might show periods of higher transmission interspersed with periods of low transmission. This might happen if seasonal factors influence how much contact people have with one another, how susceptible they are to the disease, or other organisms that spread it such as insects.

As long as there is a sufficient supply of people still susceptible to the disease for each infected person to pass it on to, it will continue to spread. This supply can be replenished in various ways, depending on the characteristics of the disease.
Waning immunity

In diseases that give permanent immunity after infection, each new child born is susceptible after the immunity obtained from the mother wears off. This is why childhood infections such as measles are endemic in many parts of the world where the birth rate is high enough.

In diseases that only give temporary immunity through natural infection, people lose that immune protection to become susceptible again. A virus or bacteria can also evade the immune memory by mutation so that people with immunity to an older strain will become susceptible to the new version of the disease. Influenza is a prime example.

We don’t yet know how long immunity from infection from COVID-19 will last, or how good vaccines will be at protecting people. But other coronaviruses that are endemic in the human population, such as those that cause colds, only confer temporary immunity of about one year.

Another important point is that people with immunity, whether from infection or vaccination, are rarely evenly distributed throughout a community or country, let alone the world. Certainly in the case of COVID-19, there are areas where the infection has spread more intensively and areas that have been relatively spared. Without even distribution, there is no population immunity even if enough people have been vaccinated to meet the predicted necessary threshold.

In these cases, the average R can be low enough that the infection is under control, but in the unprotected pockets it will be well above 1. This leads to localised outbreaks and allows the disease to remain endemic. It continues to spread from place to place, seeded by a few locations where population density and interaction are high enough, and protection low enough, to sustain transmission.
How we respond

How we deal with COVID-19 once it becomes endemic will depend on how good our vaccines and treatments are. If they can protect people from the most severe outcomes, the infection will become manageable. COVID-19 will then be like several other diseases that we have learned to live with and many people will experience during their lives.

Depending on whether immunity – either from natural infection or from vaccination – is permanent or temporary, we may need yearly vaccine updates to protect us (like influenza). Or it could be controlled by vaccination at some optimal age (like many childhood infections).

If vaccines not only prevent clinical disease but also strongly reduce transmission and confer long-lasting immunity, we can envisage other scenarios, such as the potential eradication of the disease. But realistically this is unlikely. Eradication is notoriously difficult, even for diseases for which we have almost perfect vaccines and permanent immunity. Endemic disease is therefore the most likely outcome.

Hans Heesterbeek, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, Utrecht University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

German workers announce Amazon Prime Day 2020 strikes over pay and conditions

Jill Petzinger
Germany Correspondent, Yahoo Finance UK
Yahoo Finance UK13 October 2020

An Amazon warehouse pictured during the coronavirus pandemic on June 29, 2020 in Kobern-Gondorf, Germany. The Verdi labor union called for strikes at six Amazon warehouse across Germany in order to put pressure on the company over an ongoing disagreement over pay as well as improving workplace conditions to help prevent coronavirus outbreaks. Photo: Andreas Rentz/Getty ImagesMore

Germany trade union Verdi has called for workers at Amazon (AMZN) warehouses across Germany to go on a two-day strike beginning on Amazon Prime Day 2020 on 13 October.

“Employees have been giving their best since the beginning of the corona pandemic, often without adequate protection,” said Orhan Akman, the Verdi representative for the mail order trade, adding that workers have not seen any recompense for this huge additional stress.

Dispatch centres at Leipzig, Bad Hersfeld, Rheinberg, Werne, Graben near Augsburg, and Koblenz have been called to join the strike.

"While Amazon boss Jeff Bezos has earned billions, the allowance of two euros per hour that was granted to the employees in March, was abolished again at the end of end of May,” Akman said in his statement.

"Amazon is far removed from the economic problems faced by [bricks-and-mortar] retail chains, which have been confronted with lockdown and other corona-restrictions,” he added.

READ MORE: Amazon Prime Day 2020: UK consumers urged to boycott sale and support small retailers

Akman said that the extra corona hourly allowance that had been paid earlier in the year should be converted into a permanent salary increase for employees “because employees generate profit for the company.

“The parcels will arrive punctually with the customers, we envisage no effects from the strikes,” an Amazon Germany spokesperson said in an emailed statement.

“The fact is that Amazon already offers excellent wages, excellent benefits and excellent career opportunities - all in a safe, modern work environment,” the statement said. “The wage package including the additional benefits and our working conditions are comparable with other important employers in the region.”

A survey from the American chamber of Commerce in Germany this week revealed that Amazon, for the first time, had the highest turnover of any US company in Germany last year. With a turnover of €19.85bn (£18bn, $23.5bn), it overtook Ford in 2019.

In terms of the number of staff it employs, Amazon is in third place among US companies in Germany, after McDonald’s (MCD) and Ford (F), employing 20,000 staff.

Amazon had agreed a salary increase of 1.8% in September, Verdi’s Akman said, but added that since Amazon is now a member of the German trade association, it needs to agree to a collective tariff agreement.

Akman also criticised allegations of spying on Amazon employees. In the past few days, he noted, trade unions from 15 European countries, including Verdi, have requested that the EU Commission carry out an investigation into “possibly illegal” activities by Amazon against employees in Europe. Thirty-seven members of the European Parliament, he said, have written an open letter to Bezos asking him to change course.