Wednesday, March 16, 2022

What Is Dark Matter? The Answer to Universe's Greatest Mystery Could Be Axions

The saga of how an odd hypothetical particle became a star dark matter candidate.

Monisha Ravisetti
March 13, 2022 

Dark matter and dark energy make up more of the universe
 than observable matter and energy do.
Getty/Vadim Kalinin

Physics is permeated by conundrums, and in a sense, that's what keeps the field going. These mind-bending puzzles foster a race toward truth. But of all the dilemmas, I'd say two of them unquestionably fall under priority A.

First off, when scientists look up at the sky, they consistently see stars and galaxies traveling farther from our planet, and from each other, in every direction. The universe kind of looks like a bubble blowing up, which is how we've come to know it's expanding. But something doesn't make sense.

Space doesn't seem to have enough stuff floating around in it -- stars, particles, planets and all else -- for it to inflate so swiftly. In other words, the universe is expanding way faster than our physics says it can, and it's even picking up speed as you read this. Which brings us to problem two.

Per experts' best calculations, galaxies are spinning so incredibly quickly as everything zips around that we'd expect the spirals to behave like out-of-control merry-go-rounds flinging metal horses off the ride. There doesn't seem to be enough stuff in the universe to anchor them together. Yet the Milky Way isn't drifting apart.

So… what's going on?

A simulation of dark matter filaments across the universe. 
Zarija Lukic/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

As blanket terms, physicists call "missing" stuff pushing the cosmos outward dark energy, and pieces holding galaxies together -- presumably in a halo-like form -- dark matter. Neither interacts with light or matter we can see, so they're essentially invisible. Combined, dark matter and dark energy make up a whopping 95% of the universe.

Zeroing in on dark matter's portion, the authors of a recent review, published in the journal Science Advances, write that "it may well consist of one or more types of fundamental particle … although part or all of it might consist of macroscopic lumps of some invisible form of matter, such as black holes."

Black holes or not, dark matter is totally elusive

In an effort to decode its secrets, scientists have picked a handful of suspects out of the cosmic lineup, and one of the most wanted particles is an odd little speck called the axion.

The wide-eyed hypothesis of axions

You might've heard of the Standard Model, which is pretty much the holy grail, ever-strengthening handbook of particle physics. It outlines how every single particle in the universe works.

However, as the Science Advances review points out, some "particle physicists are restless and dissatisfied with the Standard Model because it has many theoretical shortcomings and leaves many pressing experimental questions unanswered." More specifically for us, it leads right into a paradox regarding a well-established scientific concept dubbed CPT invariance. Aha, the physics puzzles continue.
Galaxy and associated dark matter halo, illustration.
Mark Garlick/Science Photo Libra

Basically, CPT invariance states that the universe must be symmetrical when it comes to C (charge), P (parity) and T (time). For that reason, it's also called CPT symmetry. If everything had the opposite charge, was left-handed instead of right-handed and traveled through time backward instead of forward, it states the universe should remain just the same.

For a long while, CPT symmetry seemed unbreakable. Then 1956 came around.

Long story short, scientists found something that violates the P part of CPT symmetry. It's called the weak force, and it dictates things like neutrino collisions and element fusion in the sun. Everyone was shocked, confused and scared.

Nearly every foundational concept of physics relies on CPT symmetry.

About a decade later, researchers discovered the weak force violating C symmetry, too. Things were falling apart. Physicists could just hope and pray that even if P is violated… and CP is violated… maybe CPT still isn't. Maybe weak forces just need the trio to uphold CPT symmetry. Thankfully, this theory seems correct. For some unknown reason, the weak force follows total CPT symmetry despite C and CP blips. Phew.

But here's the issue. If weak forces violate CP symmetry, you'd expect strong forces to as well, right? Well, they don't, and physicists don't know why. This is called the strong CP problem -- and precisely where things get interesting.

Neutrons -- uncharged particles within atoms -- abide by the strong force. Plus, allowing for simplification, their neutral charge means they violate T symmetry. And "if we find something that violates T symmetry, then it must also violate CP symmetry in such a way that the combination CPT is not violated," the paper states. But... that's weird. Neutrons don't because of the strong CP problem.

And so the idea of the axion was born.

Neutrons are uncharged particles right in the center clump of atoms.

Years ago, physicists Roberto Peccei and Helen Quinn suggested adding a new dimension to the Standard Model. It involved a field of ultralight particles -- axions -- that explained the strong CP problem, thereby relaxing the conditions for neutrons. Axions appeared to fix everything so well that the duo's idea became the "most popular solution to the strong CP problem," the paper states. It was a miracle.

To be clear, axions are still hypothetical, but think about what just happened. Physicists added a new particle to the Standard Model, which outlines specks of the entire universe. What might that mean for everything else?
The key to dark matter?

Per the Peccei-Quinn theory, axions would be "cold," or very slowly moving through space. And… the study researchers say "the existence of [dark matter] is inferred from its gravitational effects, and astrophysical observations suggest that it is 'cold.'"

The paper also states, "there are experimental upper limits on how strongly [the axion] interacts with the visible matter."

So, basically, axions that help explain the strong CP problem also seem to have theoretical properties that align with those of dark matter. Extremely well.

The European Council for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, which runs the Large Hadron Collider and is leading the charge for antimatter studies, also underlines "one of the most suggestive properties of axions is that, in a natural way, they could be produced in huge numbers soon after the Big Bang. This population of axions would still be present today and could compose the dark matter of the universe."

One SLAC research area is reconstructing the formation of the universe. We're familiar with galaxies, but this simulation shows strands of dark matter that lace the cosmos. Galaxies form at the brighter nodes where the density is highest.
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

There you go. Axions are among the hottest topic in physics because they seem to explain so much. But once again, those sought-after bits are still hypothetical.
Will we ever find axions?

It's been 40 years since scientists began hunting for axions.

Most of these searches are "mainly exploiting the action field interaction with the electromagnetic fields," say the authors in that recent review published in Science Advances.

For instance, CERN developed the Axion Search Telescope, a machine built to find a hint of the particles produced in the sun's core. Inside our star, there are strong electric fields that could potentially interact with axions -- if they're really there, that is.

A NASA solar sounding rocket mission reveals a stunning view of super-hot magnetic threads in the sun's atmosphere.
University of Central Lancashire

But the quest has so far faced a few pretty big challenges. For one, "the particle mass is not theoretically predictable," the authors write -- that is, we have very little idea of what an axion might look like.

Right now, scientists are still searching for them while assuming a vastly wide range of masses. Recently, however, researchers offered evidence that the particle is likely between 40 and 180 microelectron volts. That's unthinkably small, at about 1 billionth the mass of an electron.

"In addition," the team writes, "the axion signal is expected to be very narrow ... and extremely feeble due to very weak couplings to Standard Model particles and fields." In essence, even if minuscule axions try their very best to signal their existence to us, we might miss them. Their cues could be so weak we'd barely notice.

Despite these hurdles, the axion search marches on. Most scientists argue that they must be out there somewhere but they seem too good to be true when it comes to fully explaining dark matter.

"Most experimental attempts assume that axions compose 100% of the dark matter halo," the study authors emphasize, suggesting that perhaps there's a way to "look into axion physics without relying on such an assumption."

Though they may be the star of the show, what if axions are just one chapter of dark matter history?

First published on March 10, 2022 

A Cosmic Web Connecting the Universe Shapes Dark Matter in Galaxies, Study Finds

Galaxies located at cosmic web “nodes” assemble dark matter earlier, and are more enriched with heavy elements, compared with those that are further away.

By Becky Ferreira


Our universe is connected by a cosmic web made of giant threads of dark matter and gas that stretch across millions of light years and intersect at “nodes” populated by dense clusters of galaxies. This vast network shapes the distribution and evolution of galaxies in fundamental ways that scientists are trying to unravel with ever-sharper observations and advanced simulations.

Now, a team led by Callum Donnan, a postgraduate student in astronomy at the University of Edinburgh, have identified a key correlation between the chemical makeup of galaxies and their location within the cosmic web. Using both real-life observations and computer simulations, the team found that “galaxies closer to nodes [display] higher chemical enrichment than those farther away,” a discovery that reveals some of the mysterious dynamics that link the universe, according to a study published on Monday in Nature Astronomy.

“It’s been postulated for a while that there is a link between how galaxies evolve and their position in the cosmic web,” said Donnan in an email. “Getting observational evidence however has been difficult due to the need for large, dense spectroscopic surveys covering much of the sky. Results from this have come recently but how the gas properties link to the cosmic web hadn’t been explored in much detail before.”

To home in on this question, Donnan and his colleagues examined galaxies within about a billion light years of the Milky Way observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in New Mexico, which covers a huge area of the sky. The team studied the elemental makeup of gasses in the interstellar spaces within these real-life galaxies, a property that is known as gas-phase metallicity.

The results revealed that galaxies close to the nodes of the cosmic web were richer in “metals,” which in astronomy refers to any element heavier than helium. A weaker correlation was also observed with proximity to the web’s filaments, which are the threads that stretch across the universe and link nodes together. The team ran sophisticated cosmological simulations using the IllustrisTNG platform, which supported the observational findings.

Significantly, the approach revealed that a galaxy’s position in the cosmic web modulates its chemical content even when other factors, such as the density of a particular region in the universe, are taken into account.

“We suspected there would be a relationship as galaxies are not isolated systems and interact with their environment,” Donnan noted. “However, we were not sure exactly what to expect as there are numerous physical processes at play here. There has been some evidence in the past that galaxies in overdense regions of the universe are chemically enriched but nothing looking at the full scale of the cosmic web.”

Naturally, that raises the question of why galaxies located near nodes are enriched with more metals compared to those distributed along filaments or in empty “voids” within the cosmic web. Donnan’s team isolated two major drivers of this relationship: The absorption of gas from outside of galaxies and the evolution of stars and dark matter inside of them.

Galaxies feed on gasses that are strewn across space in the intergalactic medium, but those that are further from nodes consume much more of this outside material than those close to nodes. Since intergalactic gas is metal-poor, it dilutes the enriched gas of far-flung galaxies, lowering their overall gas-phase metallicities. Galaxies near nodes don’t consume as much of this metal-poor material, which helps to keep them chemically enriched with higher concentrations of heavier elements.

In addition, galaxies close to nodes seem to have matured earlier than those located at a distance. These galaxies had a head-start in birthing new stars and collecting dark matter, which is a mysterious substance that makes up most of the matter in the universe.

“We think that galaxies close to nodes had more active star formation in their past and other results show that galaxies close to nodes assembled their dark matter earlier,” Donnan said. “We suggest that this shows a link between the underlying assembly of the large dark matter structure in the universe, and the gas metallicity through increased early star formation.”

Teasing out these nuanced connections between the cosmic web and the evolution of galaxies is a difficult task, given the scale and complexities of these astronomical interactions. Donnan and his colleagues said their findings represent “​​an important first step towards that goal” in the study, but they also emphasize that new technologies will refine these mysteries in the future. In particular, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), due for completion in the mid-2020s, will help to expose some of the hidden links between this epic cosmic structure and the galaxies within and around it.

“With the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) we will have spectra for an order of magnitude more galaxies and this will allow us to push this question forward and start to really disentangle the ways in which the cosmic web influences galaxy evolution,” Donnan said. “DESI will also allow us to see this effect further back in time and therefore we can see how the role of the cosmic web in galaxy evolution changes over time.”

“The big picture here is to try and generate a complete picture of galaxy evolution and we have shown that in order to do this, we need to consider the role of the cosmic web,” he concluded. “There is a lot of uncertainty particularly on the complex gas physics of galaxies and we have shown the cosmic web plays a role in this. Also, trying to connect how the large-scale structure of the universe grows, with how galaxies evolve, is important to understanding the evolution of the universe as a whole as it can help us better understand cosmology. This helps create a bridge between physics on the largest scales and on smaller, galactic scales.”

SEE LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for ETHER 
Uh Oh, Regulators Just Halted Assembly of the World’s Largest Tokamak Reactor

Caroline Delbert 

Regulators have halted assembly of the huge ITER tokamak facility.

The objections include manufacturing issues, worker safety, and disaster plans.

ITER says it hopes to resume construction by April.

French officials with the nation’s nuclear regulatory body have ordered the ITER organization to stop construction of its humongous tokamak reactor while it addresses safety concerns over its assembly. Opponents of nuclear fusion research are citing this as a victory, but a lot is on the line for the billions of international dollars that are funding ITER.

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)—based in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France—is the result of decades of research around the world. Construction began on site in 2020, including the assembly of enormous parts that countries like the United States, India, and Korea have manufactured. To date, most of ITER’s assembly has included the outermost parts of the tokamak, like the container for the reactor and the large magnets that will contain the millions-of-degrees-hot hydrogen plasma inside.

The goal with ITER is not just to build a world-record sized reactor—it’s also meant to foster collaboration among the international community as various countries put their manufacturing chops to the test and learn new information for dozens of smaller global reactor projects in progress. ITER wants to demonstrate that productive nuclear fusion is possible and serve as inspiration. That’s one reason why an obstacle like halted assembly feels like an even bigger deal.

So what happened in France?“[O]n 25 January, France’s Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) sent a letter ordering a stoppage until ITER can address concerns about neutron radiation, slight distortions in the steel sections, and loads on the concrete slab holding up the reactor,” Science explains in a report.

Anti-fusion activist and industry journalist Steven Krivit was first to break the news of the letter on his website New Energy Times. Krivit sent the letter to various science outlets—Popular Mechanics included—and said in a follow-up email that he and New Energy Times first reported on the broken equipment problem several months ago. Krivit says two big pieces needed for ITER were altered during manufacturing and must be repaired through a different welding plan, something that ITER has said can only be done on site in their facilities. This is something France’s Nuclear Safety Authority takes issue with.

© ITER Organization This is the first ITER central solenoid module to enter the assembly process in February 2022. As the yellow lifting tools and devices are progressively removed from the module on the left, the platform to the right is being equipped for the first assembly steps.

The risks at ITER are in the same category as any other nuclear power facility. If something is structurally wrong, that increases the possibility that radiation could leak out into the surroundings. While Krivit’s beat has mostly been what he says are the false claims made by fusion researchers—hiding the true energy cost of reactors, for example, and underplaying how far we still are from fusion ignition or energy-productive fusion—these are far simpler questions of safety itself. If the world’s biggest fusion reactor can’t be built safely, it shouldn’t be built, period.

The letter is in French, so is not appropriate to quote from here, but it details a long list of issues the French regulators have with what has happened at ITER so far. That includes the pieces that were manufactured out of their expected dimensions, which changes the dynamics when those pieces are welded. It also includes concerns that ITER’s safety plans don’t account for the idea of a severe earthquake. ITER must also show more clearly that workers will be safe from the neutron flux when the facility is up and running.

ITER boss Bernard Bigot tells Science he hopes ITER will satisfy ASN’s points and resume its welding plans by April.
Tokamak Energy achieves temperature threshold for commercial fusion

By David Szondy
March 12, 2022

The ST-40 spherical tokamak fusion reactor
Tokamak Energy

Oxford-based UK tech firm Tokamak Energy has reached a milestone in privately-funded fusion research after its ST-40 spherical tokamak reactor reached a temperature of 100 million °C (180 million °F), which it says is the threshold for commercial fusion energy.

For over 75 years, the promise of a practical fusion reactor has remained frustratingly out of reach, with the promise of one seemingly being just a couple of decades down the line for decades now. However, the implications of such a reactor technology and its ability to supply humanity with a practically unlimited supply of cheap, clean energy is such a game changer that scientists and engineers continue to pursue it.

The principle behind nuclear fusion is relatively simple. Just take hydrogen atoms and subject them to the kind of heat and pressures found inside the Sun long enough for them to fuse together to form heavier atoms and they release enormous amounts of energy in the process.

Unfortunately, this is a classic example of something like a violin, which is easy to play in theory, but incredibly hard to do in practice. Put simply, getting the three main factors (heat, pressure, and time) to balance out in order to produce fusion isn't that hard. In fact, during the 1964 New York World's Fair, an exhibit was staged where the public could watch a bench-top fusion reactor operate in real time for a fraction of a second. The hard part since then has been to come up with a reactor that can produce practical amounts of energy in a steady supply and in amounts greater than has to be put in to start the reaction.

Cutaway view of a spherical tokamak reactor
Tokamak Energy

One of the most promising of these is the tokamak reactor, which was first developed in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. The basic design is a hollow ring surrounded by coils that set up a magnetic field inside. The ring contains a vacuum in which hydrogen atoms are introduced. The magnetic field constrains and pinches the atoms as they heat to millions of degrees, stripping them of their electrons and turning them into a plasma as they spin around the ring. When conditions are right, fusion occurs.

Most of the tokamak reactors built in the past 70 years have been government-funded research reactors that have concentrated on learning more about the behavior of hydrogen plasmas and the problems that building a practical reactor will encounter. This means that these tokamaks tend to be extremely large and expensive and channel such enormous amounts of energy that if it's accidentally released the entire machine jumps like an ocean liner taking to the air.

Diagram of the fusion reactor's magnetic field
Tokamak Energy

On the other end of the scale are privately-funded reactors like Tokamak Energy's ST40 spherical tokamak. While government reactors have already reached the 100-million °C mark, doing so with a much smaller commercial reactor at a cost of only £50 million (US$70 million) and having this confirmed by outside observers is quite an achievement.

According to the company, the purpose of ST40 is to concentrate on the commercial applications of fusion energy. Specifically, making the reactors economically viable. For this reason, the ST40 is a spherical tokamak.

Where conventional tokamaks have large torus chambers, the spherical reactor is much more compact and replaces the all-encircling magnets with ones that meet in the center of the chamber in the form of a post. This gives the reactor an oblate shape, something like an apple. This allows the magnets to sit closer to the plasma stream, so the magnets are smaller and use less power, yet generate more intense fields.

In addition, the ST40 uses High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) magnets made from rare-earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) and formed into narrow tapes that are less than 0.1 mm thick. These "high temperature" magnets operate at between between -250 and -200 °C (-418 and -328 °F) or roughly the temperature of liquid nitrogen. This makes it much cheaper to keep the reactor magnets cool than ones that rely on liquid helium.

Close up showing the reactor field coils
Tokamak Energy

This setup makes for a smaller, simpler reactor where the plasma remains much more stable under conditions that support the fusion reaction. However, the reactor has less overall pressure than conventional tokamaks and the central pillar is vulnerable to decay from the plasma and needs to be replaced regularly.

The company is now at work on a more advanced reactor, the ST-HTS, which will be commissioned in a few years and will hopefully provide information for designing the first true commercial plant in the 2030s.

"We are proud to have achieved this breakthrough which puts us one step closer to providing the world with a new, secure and carbon-free energy source," said Chris Kelsall, CEO of Tokamak Energy. "When combined with HTS magnets, spherical tokamaks represent the optimal route to achieving clean and low-cost commercial fusion energy. Our next device will combine these two world leading technologies for the first time and is central to our mission to deliver low-cost energy with compact fusion modules."

The video below discusses the new record plasma temperature.

The Difference Between a 'Morning Star' and 'Evening Star' (Because It's Not What You Think)"

Everything you think you know about the “Morning Star” and the “Evening Star” is wrong.

By Stephen Johnson

If you’ve ever heard anyone mention the morning star(s) and the evening star(s) and didn’t know what they meant, here’s what’s really going on up there in the heavens. First off, the names are misleading. “Morning star” and “evening star” both originally referred to the same celestial object, and it’s not a star at all. It’s Venus, the third brightest object in the sky, behind the sun and the moon.

Venus always appears close to the sun, but because of its orbit, it sometimes appears to be leading the sun and sometimes following it. When Venus is trailing the sun, it appears in the sky moments after the sun goes down. This is when it is called an “evening star.” When it’s “leading” the sun, it appears to rise near dawn, just before the sun comes up. That’s when it’s called a “morning star.”
Ancient astrologers made a huge mistake

Egyptian, Mayan, Greek, and other cultures’ star-gazers understandably believed Venus was two separate stars. They thought the same thing about Mercury, which also appears relatively close to the sun. Around the 5th century BC, Pythagoras delineated the objects as two separate planets, but it wasn’t until 1543 when Copernicus straightened everything out by discovering that Earth is a planet, too, and all the planets revolve around the sun.

On “wandering stars” and whether they are “morning” or “evening” stars

Because Venus isn’t the only planet we can see in the sky without a telescope, we now refer to “morning stars,” which are Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and sometimes Uranus (if it’s very dark, and you have good eyesight). These used to be called “wandering stars.”

Determining whether Venus and Mercury (aka the “inferior planets”) are considered morning or evening stars is usually easy; it’s determined by how they appear relative to the sun. But with the other, “superior,” planets, it get a little trickier, and can involve morning stars becoming visible just after sunset and vice-versa. Here’s how describes it:

In order to differentiate between what qualifies for the branding as a “morning star” versus an “evening star,” we would say that during the time frame from when a planet is moving from its conjunction with the sun to just a day prior to its opposition (when it is directly opposite to the sun in the sky) it is considered a “morning star.” At opposition, the superior planet in question would be rising when the sun sets and sets as the sun rises. From then on it is branded as an “evening star,” rising or already in the sky as daytime ends.

Did you miss the Venus Transit? Too bad for you.

Occasionally, Venus appears to pass in front of the sun and blocks out some sunlight, like a wee eclipse. On average, this transit happens every 80 years, but more accurately, it’s a “pair of pairs” pattern that repeats every 243 years. So if you caught the Venusian Transit on June 8, 2004, you could get a repeat showing in June 2012. If you missed it, you’ll have to wait until 2117. Sorry.
Federal minimum wage rising to $15.55 per hour in April

Tom Yun writer
Monday, March 14, 2022 

A representative with the Bank of Canada displays the new polymer $5 and $10 bank notes alongside the $20, $50, and $100 during a press conference at the Bank of Canada in Ottawa on Tuesday, April 30, 2013. 

TORONTO -- Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has announced that the federal minimum wage will increase from $15 to $15.55 per hour on April 1, 2022.

The federal minimum wage only applies to those working in federally-regulated industries, such as banks, postal services, interprovincial transportation and federal Crown corporations. For employees working in industries that are not regulated by the federal government, the provincial minimum wage applies.

ESDC says the 55-cent minimum wage increase reflects the 3.4 per cent increase in the annual average consumer price index from 2021, as reported by Statistics Canada.

In provinces and territories that have a higher minimum wage than the federal rate, the higher wage will apply. Currently, that only applies to Nunavut, which has a minimum wage of $16 per hour. Yukon is also increasing its minimum wage to $15.70 per hour on April 1.

Other provinces introducing higher minimum wages on April 1 include P.E.I., New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. Ontario hiked its minimum wage to $15 per hour on Jan. 1 while Quebec's minimum wage will go up to $14.25 on May 1.

However, advocates say these increases aren't enough to account for the cost of living in most communities. Living Wage Canada says wages need to be at least $20.52 per hour in Vancouver, $18.60 in Calgary, $22.08 in Toronto and $18.60 in Ottawa for working families to cover basic expenses.

B.C.'s minimum wage, now tied to inflation, up 45 cents to $15.65 an hour

Province says it's the first increase to be pegged to

inflation; labour group says hike is still not enough

B.C. Minister of Labour Harry Bains announced Monday that B.C.'s minimum wage will go up 45 cents starting June 1. (Michael McArthur/CBC)

The British Columbia government is increasing the minimum wage by 45 cents to $15.65 an hour, starting June 1.

The increase is the first to be tied to B.C.'s annual inflation rate, which was 2.8 per cent last year.

Labour Minister Harry Bains says it means B.C. will have the highest minimum wage of any province.

While true, the claim does not include Canada's territories. Nunavut's minimum wage is higher at $16 an hour and the minimum wage in Yukon is set to rise to $15.70 an hour in April.

Bains said the decision to use the provincial rate of inflation rather than the national rate was made to better reflect the needs of B.C. workers.

He said the increase is expected to attract more workers to the province, while providing certainty of costs for businesses.

"We fully understand that businesses are still hurting coming out of the pandemic and that workers, living in one of the highest living cost areas, are still struggling," Bains told a news conference.

"Having a fair minimum wage is a key step in our effort to lift people out of poverty, to make life more affordable and to continue B.C.'s strong economic recovery."

The B.C. Federation of Labour said it was happy with the news, but the minimum wage is "still well below" the amount a family needs to cover basic expenses.

"Every worker should be able to earn a wage that makes their community affordable and livable, no matter where they live in B.C.," Sussanne Skidmore, the federation's secretary-treasurer, said in a news release.

The B.C. Chamber of Commerce said in a statement that while it supported a fair wage for workers, the timing of the increase would negatively impact small and medium-sized businesses.

Bains said a commission travelled the province consulting businesses and others affected by the minimum wage, and it suggested the increase. He said the government is still waiting for the commission's recommendations to address the difference between the minimum wage and a so-called living wage.

'Treading water'

Alex Hemingway, a senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, said the wage increase was good news in the broadest sense for the province's lowest-paid workers, but it does not go far enough to address the spiking cost of living.

He said the province's decision to peg the wage increase on the provincial rate of inflation last year — measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) — was not keeping up with the actual cost of living in 2022.

"Over time, linking wages to the CPI would just mean treading water," he told Gloria Macarenko, host of CBC's On the Coast. "That would mean that low-wage workers would never get a raise, in real dollar terms, in ... their purchasing power.

The B.C. minimum wage is scheduled to go up by 45 cents to $15.65 starting June 1. The provincial government says the increase is in line with the rate of inflation. But with gas prices still going up, will this wage hike be enough to keep up with the rising costs of living? We are joined by Alex Hemingway, a senior economist and public finance policy analyst with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. 8:12

"The economy grows over time, and the benefits of those gains are flowing somewhere. But they're not flowing to those workers if their wages only go up at that CPI inflation rate."

University of Victoria economist Elizabeth Gugl says that while increasing the minimum wage according to the previous year's inflation rate is usually appropriate, inflation rates are changing rapidly right now, and the increase doesn't match the current situation. 

"Prices are rising and therefore [minimum-wage earners] cannot keep up with the expenses," she said. 

B.C. has forecasted a stronger recovery from the pandemic than many other Canadian provinces. Hemingway says many low-wage workers in the province are racialized women, so the minimum wage was a significant equity issue, especially with skyrocketing housing costs.

He says one of the only things stopping the provincial government from increasing the minimum wage to proposed "living wage" standards is political will.

With files from On The Coast and On The Island

New supernova identified in the weird Cartwheel galaxy

By Samantha Mathewson 
published 3 days ago

A star met a gruesome end, resulting in a stunning photo.

The image on the left was taken by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) mounted on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in August 2014, before the supernova occurred. The image on the right was taken in December 2021 with ESO's New Technology Telescope, showing a bright spot in the lower left corner of the image, suggesting a supernova occurred in the time between these two photos were taken. (Image credit: ESO/Inserra et al., Amram et al.)

A new image from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) captures a stunning view of the Cartwheel galaxy following a recent stellar explosion.

Located roughly 500 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Sculptor, the Cartwheel galaxy is a spiral galaxy that merged with a smaller neighboring galaxy several million years ago, resulting in its unusual, two-rin shape.

Using the ESO's New Technology Telescope (NTT) in Chile, astronomers photographed the Cartwheel galaxy in December 2021, only to realize that tucked away in what appears in the image as the lower left region of the galaxy, a supernova has burst on the scene. Supernovas are the bright stellar explosions that occur when massive stars reach the end of their lives; the explosion can be visible to observers for months, or even years.

And this particular supernova appears to have occurred fairly recently. Scientists were able to compare the new images with some taken in August 2014 by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT), also in Chile. Those observations do not show any trace of a supernova, according to a statement from the ESO.

This stellar event, dubbed SN2021afdx, is classified as what scientists call a type II supernova, which features hydrogen and is caused by a large star running out of the fuel that is required to keep the object from collapsing under its own gravity. When a supernova occurs, it causes a bright burst that can outshine the entire host galaxy; along with the light, the explosion also flings material across space.

"Supernovas are one of the reasons astronomers say we are all made of stardust: they sprinkle the surrounding space with heavy elements forged by the progenitor star, which may end up being part of later generations of stars, the planets around them and life that may exist in those planets," ESO said in the statement.

Scientists recruited a few other telescopes to confirm the stellar explosion in Cartwheel. These telescopes, including the NASA-funded Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in Hawaii, are specialized to study objects that are only briefly visible in the sky, like supernovas.

The ESO's Advanced Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (ePESSTO+), another project based in Chile, also contributed data to the project. In particular, the observations allowed astronomers to measure radiation from the galaxy and confirm that the recent stellar explosion was a type II supernova, according to the statement.
Two sustainable energy initiatives launched in Saskatchewan

By David Giles Global News
Posted March 14, 2022 

The Saskatchewan government says two new sustainable energy initiatives are a “win-win” for both the economy and methane reduction in the province.

The first initiative, the Saskatchewan Emissions Inventory, expands methane modelling and measurement.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources said it will apply data to generate a point-in-time database of emissions information.

It will also list larger sources of emissions to help determine economic options for emission reduction, provide detailed reporting, and provide scenarios for zero-flaring.

READ MORE: Methane emissions reduced by nearly 50% in Saskatchewan

The second initiative, the Gas Commercialization Mapping (GCM) Service, highlights methane-concentrated areas and allows the energy sector to better plan and collaborate on scaled methane capture and commercialization projects, including with Crown utilities.

Officials said the GCM service initiative fulfills commitments the province made under its methane action plan by providing geographic information of regions where volumes of methane gas venting and flaring occur.

A flare to burn methane from oil production is seen on a well pad near Watford City, North Dakota, Aug. 26, 2021. The Ministry of Energy and Resources said the new initiatives will ensure Saskatchewan remains one of the most sustainable energy producers in the world. 
AP Photo / Matthew Brown

The ministry said the new initiatives will ensure the province remains one of the most sustainable energy producers in the world.

“These two initiatives will support Saskatchewan’s already strong record on methane, which includes a reduction in emissions by 50 per cent five years ahead of schedule,” said Energy and Resources Minister Bronwyn Eyre in a statement Monday.

“We continue to ask the federal government to share its emissions data, which is gathered from other jurisdictions, such as Alberta or Texas, and broadly applied to Saskatchewan. These two provincial initiatives will help mitigate the negative impacts of these inaccurate representations.”

READ MORE: Beef a bigger challenge than oil and gas when it comes to tackling methane emissions in Canada

The federal government announced a plan in October 2021 to reduce oil and gas emissions by at least 75 per cent below 2012 levels by 2030.

According to the ministry, the province’s methane action plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from flaring and venting in the upstream oil and gas industry by 40 to 45 per cent from 2015 levels by 2025.

Officials said this is the equivalent of 4.5 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

1:32 Lack of GHG reduction targets in Saskatchewan makes progress hard to measureLack of GHG reduction targets in Saskatchewan makes progress hard to measure – Jun 4, 2021

Comet 67P's abundant oxygen more of an illusion, new study suggests

Comet 67P's abundant oxygen more of an illusion, new study suggests
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by the European Space Agency's Rosetta 
spacecraft in March 2015. Comet 67P was the first comet ever known to emit molecular 
oxygen, a molecule rarely found throughout the universe because of its chemical reactivity
 and the difficulty in detecting it. Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM

When the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft discovered abundant molecular oxygen bursting from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) in 2015, it puzzled scientists. They had never seen a comet emit oxygen, let alone in such abundance. But most alarming were the deeper implications: That researchers had to account for so much oxygen, which meant reconsidering everything they thought they already knew about the chemistry of the early solar system and how it formed.

A new analysis, however, led by planetary scientist Adrienn Luspay-Kuti at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, shows Rosetta's discovery may not be as strange as scientists first imagined. Instead, it suggests the comet has two internal reservoirs that make it seem like there's more  than is actually there.

"It's kind of an illusion," Luspay-Kuti said. "In reality, the comet doesn't have this high oxygen abundance, at least not as far as its formation goes, but it has accumulated oxygen that gets trapped in the upper layers of the comet, which then gets released all at once."

While common on Earth,  (two  doubly linked to each other) is markedly uncommon throughout the universe. It quickly binds to other atoms and molecules, especially the universally abundant atoms hydrogen and carbon, so oxygen appears only in small amounts in just a few molecular clouds. That fact led many researchers to conclude any oxygen in the protosolar nebula that formed our solar system likely had been similarly scooped up.

When Rosetta found oxygen pouring out of comet 67P, however, everything turned on its head. Nobody had seen oxygen in a comet before, and as the fourth most abundant molecule in the comet's bright coma (after water, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide), it needed some explanation. The oxygen seemed to come off the comet with water, causing many researchers to suspect the oxygen was either primordial—meaning it got tied up with water at the birth of the solar system and amassed in the comet when it later formed—or formed from water after the comet had formed.

But Luspay-Kuti and her team were skeptical. As the comet's dumbbell shape gradually rotates, each "bell" (or hemisphere) faces the sun at various points, meaning the comet has seasons, so the oxygen-water connection might not be present all the time. On short time frames, volatiles could potentially turn on and off as they thaw and refreeze with the seasons.

Now you see it, now you don't

Comet 67P's abundant oxygen more of an illusion, new study suggests
A graphic depicting the release of molecular oxygen and other volatile molecules from two 
reservoirs inside comet 67P. The two insets show a deep reservoir of carbon dioxide, 
carbon monoxide and molecular oxygen (the cream-colored dots) that is constantly 
releasing its contents from comet 67P. The blue dots are molecular oxygen that got 
trapped in water ice while moving from the deep reservoir toward the surface
 (labeled H2O-O2, in blue), forming a shallower reservoir that only releases its contents
 when the surface is warmed and the comet is sufficiently close to the sun. The lines ahead 
of the comet (both bottom-right and top-left) are the periods that the new study analyzed. 
The change from blue to cream in the line after postperihelion equinox is when the research
 team found emitted molecular oxygen stopped associating with water and correlated with 
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Credit: Johns Hopkins APL/Jon Emmerich

Taking advantage of these seasons, the team examined the  on short- and long-time periods just before the comet's southern hemisphere entered summer and then again just as its summer ended. As reported in their study, published March 10 in Nature Astronomy, the team found that as the southern hemisphere turned away and was sufficiently far from the sun, the link between oxygen and water disappeared. The amount of water coming off the comet dropped precipitously, so instead the oxygen seemed strongly linked to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which the comet was still emitting.

"There's no way that should be possible under the previous explanations suggested," Luspay-Kuti said. "If oxygen were primordial and tied to water in its formation, there shouldn't be any time that oxygen strongly correlates with carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide but not water."

The team instead proposed the comet's oxygen doesn't come from water but from two reservoirs: one made of oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide deep inside the comet's rocky nucleus; and a shallower pocket closer to the surface where oxygen chemically combines with water ice molecules.

The idea goes like this: A deep reservoir of oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ice is constantly emitting gases because oxygen, carbon dioxide and  monoxide all vaporize at very low temperatures. As oxygen traverses from the comet's interior toward the surface, however, some of it chemically inserts into water ice (a major constituent of the comet's nucleus) to form a second, shallower oxygen reservoir. But water ice vaporizes at a much higher temperature than oxygen, so until the sun sufficiently heats the surface and vaporizes the water ice, the oxygen is stuck.

The consequence is that oxygen can accumulate in this shallow reservoir for long periods until the comet surface is finally warmed enough for water ice to vaporize, releasing a plume far richer in oxygen than was actually present in the comet.

"Put another way, the oxygen abundances measured in the comet's coma aren't necessarily reflecting its abundances in the comet's nucleus," Luspay-Kuti explained.

The comet would consequently also vacillate with the seasons between strongly associating with  (when the sun heats the surface) and strongly associating with  and  (when that surface faces away from the sun and the comet is sufficiently far)—exactly what Rosetta observed.

Comet 67P's abundant oxygen more of an illusion, new study suggests
An artist's depiction of the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft approaching its 
target, comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM

"This isn't just one explanation: It's the [only] explanation because there is no other possibility," said Olivier Mousis, a planetary scientist from France's Aix-Marseille Université and a study co-author. "If oxygen were just coming from the surface, you wouldn't see these trends observed by Rosetta."

The major implication, he said, is that it means comet 67P's oxygen is, in fact, oxygen that accreted at the beginning of the solar system. It's just that it's only a fraction of what people had thought.

Luspay-Kuti said she wants to probe the topic more deeply by examining the comet's minor molecular species, such as methane and ethane, and their correlation with molecular oxygen and other major species. She suspects this will help researchers get a better idea of the type of ice that the oxygen was incorporated into.

"You still have to come up with a way to incorporate the oxygen into the ," Luspay-Kuti said, considering that the amount of oxygen is still higher than seen in most molecular clouds. But she said she expected a majority of researchers will welcome the study and its conclusions with a sigh of reliefMolecular oxygen in comet's atmosphere not created on its surface

More information: Adrienn Luspay-Kuti et al, Dual storage and release of molecular oxygen in comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Nature Astronomy (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41550-022-01614-

Journal information: Nature Astronomy 

Provided by Johns Hopkins University