Wednesday, July 03, 2024


New compound could supercharge naloxone in fight against opioid overdoses

New compound supercharges naloxone


Naloxone cap 



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Every great superhero needs a sidekick. Now, scientists may have found a drug-busting partner for naloxone.

Naloxone is an opioid antidote that has saved tens of thousands of lives by rapidly reversing opioid overdoses in more than 90% of cases in which it is used. But its powers are temporary, lasting only 30 to 90 minutes. The rise of potent, long-acting opioids such as fentanyl means that someone brought back from the brink can still overdose after the naloxone wears off.

In a new study, Stanford Medicine scientists and collaborators have discovered a novel compound that can work alongside naloxone, supercharging its life-saving effects.

When tested in mice, adding the compound to a miniscule dose of naloxone made it as powerful as the conventional dosage, with the added benefit of milder withdrawal symptoms.

Naloxone, which is given as a nasal spray or injection, works by seizing opioid receptors, kicking out opioids and taking their place. (Naloxone has no addictive properties of its own.) The researchers found that the new compound — known for now as compound 368 — binds next to naloxone on opioid receptors and helpfully holds naloxone in place.

The findings will be published July 3 in Nature.

“Naloxone binding to an opioid receptor turns it mostly off, but not all the way,” said Evan O’Brien, PhD, a postdoctoral scholar in molecular and cellular physiology and the lead author of the new study. “Our data shows that compound 368 is able to increase the binding of naloxone and turn the receptor off more completely.”

The senior authors of the study are Brian Kobilka, MD, professor of molecular and cellular physiology and the Hélène Irwin Fagan Chair in Cardiology at Stanford Medicine; Jay McLaughlin, PhD, professor of pharmacodynamics at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy; and Susruta Majumdar, PhD, professor of anesthesiology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

A new type of drug

The new compound belongs to an unusual class of drugs that don’t directly target the active site on receptors. Instead, they bind elsewhere on the receptor but trigger a structural change that alters the active site. Known as allosteric modulators (allos meaning “other” in Greek), they create new possibilities in drug development, but are trickier to identify, O’Brien said. 

“Allosteric modulators are not common yet, and they’re a lot more difficult to discover and to work with,” he said.

Compound 368 is the first known allosteric modulator that can help turn off opioid receptors.

The researchers picked out compound 368 from a library of 4.5 billion compounds. Using advanced high-throughput techniques, they were able to screen the entire molecular library in just two days. To identify potential allosteric modulators that could cooperate with naloxone, they selected for compounds that bind only to receptors already saturated with naloxone.

Compound 368 — an otherwise rather unremarkable compound, O’Brien said — stood out for its ability to tightly bind to opioid receptors only in the presence of naloxone. Like a loyal sidekick, it doesn’t work with other drugs, and it doesn’t work alone.

Powers combined

When researchers exposed cells with opioid receptors to compound 368, they found that the compound alone made little difference. But when cells were given the compound with naloxone, the combination was a powerful deterrent against opioid binding.

The more compound 368 they added, the better naloxone was able to block opioids, including morphine and fentanyl.

“The compound itself doesn’t bind well without naloxone,” O’Brien said. “We think naloxone has to bind first, and then compound 368 is able to come in and cap it in place.”

Indeed, using cryoEM imaging to visualize frozen molecular structures, the researchers found that compound 368 docks right next to naloxone on the opioid receptor, forming bonds that secure the drug in place and slow its natural degradation by the body.

Boosting naloxone

Next, collaborators in McLaughlin’s lab tested the new compound in mice that had been given morphine. Because opioids reduce pain sensation, the researchers observed how quickly a mouse removed its tail from hot water. The stronger the opioid antidote, the faster a mouse would take its tail out of the water.

When mice on morphine were treated with compound 368 alone, nothing changed.

“The compound in mice, at least from the assays we’ve run, does nothing on its own,” O’Brien said. “We don’t observe any off-target effects. We don’t see anything happen to the mice even when we inject a massive amount of compound 368.”

This was exactly what the researchers had predicted from their molecular work and a good sign of the compound’s safety, he added.

When they also gave the mice a small dose of naloxone — an amount that typically would have no effect — the pairing with compound 368 dramatically improved naloxone’s effects.

“When we start to give them more and more of compound 368 with that low dose of naloxone, they take their tail out of the water pretty quickly,” O’Brien said.

Other effects of opioids, such as respiratory depression (the usual cause of death in opioid overdoses), were also reversed by a small dose of naloxone enhanced with the new compound.

Remarkably, the combination of compound 368 with a half dose of naloxone was strong enough to counter fentanyl, which is about 100 times more potent than morphine and the main culprit of overdoses in the United States.

By requiring less naloxone, the new compound could also ease the withdrawal symptoms that opioid users experience after overdose treatment. These symptoms — including body aches, shivering, nausea and diarrhea — are immediate and can be extremely uncomfortable, O’Brien said.

The researchers found that a low dose of naloxone plus compound 368 could reverse the effects of opioids with much milder withdrawal symptoms — in mice, this meant less teeth chattering, jumping and diarrhea.

Saving lives

The team, with the Majumdar lab’s expertise in medicinal chemistry, is now tweaking compound 368 so it can help naloxone counter strong opioids for longer durations.

“We’re still working on optimizing the compound’s properties for those longer-lasting effects,” O’Brien said. “But first showing that it works cooperatively with these low doses of naloxone suggests that we’re on the right track.”

O’Brien is optimistic that this track will lead to trials in humans. Overdoses from synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, continue to surge, killing nearly 74,000 Americans in 2022. “The more tools at our disposal, the better we’ll be able to fight this epidemic of fentanyl overdoses,” he said.

Researchers from Kurume University, SLAC National Acceleration Laboratory, Princeton University and University of Copenhagen also contributed to the work.

The study received funding from an American Diabetes Association Postdoctoral Fellowship, an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health (grant RO1DA057790) and the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.

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About Stanford Medicine

Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems. Together, they harness the full potential of biomedicine through collaborative research, education and clinical care for patients. For more information, please visit

Experimental drug supercharges medicine that reverses opioid overdose

Adding newly ID’d compound makes naloxone more potent, longer lasting, mouse study shows


The ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. kills tens of thousands of people every year. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan, has saved countless lives by reversing opioid overdoses. But new and more powerful opioids keep appearing, and first responders are finding it increasingly difficult to revive people who overdose.

Now, researchers have found an approach that could extend naloxone’s lifesaving power, even in the face of ever-more-dangerous opioids. A team of researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Stanford University and the University of Florida have identified potential drugs that make naloxone more potent and longer lasting, capable of reversing the effects of opioids in mice at low doses without worsening withdrawal symptoms. The study is published July 3 in Nature.

“Naloxone is a lifesaver, but it’s not a miracle drug; it has limitations,” said co-senior author Susruta Majumdar, PhD, a professor of anesthesiology at Washington University. “Many people who overdose on opioids need more than one dose of naloxone before they are out of danger. This study is a proof of concept that we can make naloxone work better — last longer and be more potent — by giving it in combination with a molecule that influences the responses of the opioid receptor.”

Opioids such as oxycodone and fentanyl work by slipping inside a pocket on the opioid receptor, which is found primarily on neurons in the brain. The presence of opioids activates the receptor, setting off a cascade of molecular events that temporarily alters how the brain functions: reducing the perception of pain, inducing a sense of euphoria and slowing down breathing. It is this suppression of breathing that makes opioids so deadly.

The molecular compound described in the paper is a so-called negative allosteric modulator (NAM) of the opioid receptor. Allosteric modulators are a hot area of research in pharmacology, because they offer a way to influence how the body responds to drugs by fine-tuning the activity of drug receptors rather than the drugs themselves. Co-author Vipin Rangari, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Majumdar lab, did the experiments to chemically characterize the compound.

Naloxone is an opioid, but unlike other opioids, its presence in the binding pocket doesn’t activate the receptor. This unique feature gives naloxone the power to reverse overdoses by displacing problematic opioids from the pocket, thereby deactivating the opioid receptor. The problem is that naloxone wears off before other opioids do. For example, naloxone works for about two hours, while fentanyl can stay in the bloodstream for eight hours. Once naloxone falls out of the binding pocket, any fentanyl molecules that are still circulating can re-attach to and re-activate the receptor, causing the overdose symptoms to return.

The research team — led by co-senior authors Majumdar; Brian K. Kobilka, PhD, a professor of molecular and cellular physiology at Stanford University; and Jay P. McLaughlin, PhD, a professor of pharmacodynamics at the University of Florida — set out to find NAMs that strengthen naloxone by helping it stay in the binding pocket longer and suppress the activation of the opioid receptor more effectively.

To do so, they screened a library of 4.5 billion molecules in the lab in search of molecules that bound to the opioid receptor with naloxone already tucked into the receptor’s pocket. Compounds representing several molecular families passed the initial screen, with one of the most promising dubbed compound 368. Further experiments in cells revealed that, in the presence of compound 368, naloxone was 7.6 times more effective at inhibiting the activation of the opioid receptor, partly because naloxone stayed in the binding pocket at least 10 times longer.

“The compound itself doesn’t bind well without naloxone,” said Evan O’Brien, PhD, the lead author on the study and a postdoctoral scholar in Kobilka’s lab at Stanford. “We think naloxone has to bind first, and then compound 368 is able to come in and cap it in place.”

Even better, compound 368 improved naloxone’s ability to counteract opioid overdoses in mice and enabled naloxone to reverse the effects of fentanyl and morphine at 1/10th the usual doses.

However, people who overdose on opioids and are revived with naloxone can experience withdrawal symptoms such as pain, chills, vomiting and irritability. In this study, while the addition of compound 368 boosted naloxone’s potency, it did not worsen the mice’s withdrawal symptoms.

“We have a long way to go, but these results are really exciting,” McLaughlin said. “Opioid withdrawal likely won’t kill you, but they’re so severe that users often resume taking opioids within a day or two to stop the symptoms. The idea that we can rescue patients from overdose with reduced withdrawal might just help a lot of people.”

Compound 368 is just one of several molecules that show potential as NAMs of the opioid receptor. The researchers have filed a patent on the NAMs, and are working on narrowing down and characterizing the most promising candidates. Majumdar estimates that it will be 10 to 15 years before a naloxone-enhancing NAM is brought to market.

“Developing a new drug is a very long process, and in the meantime new synthetic opioids are just going to keep on coming and getting more and more potent, which means more and more deadly,” Majumdar said. “Our hope is that by developing a NAM, we can preserve naloxone’s power to serve as an antidote, no matter what kind of opioids emerge in the future.”

Disclaimer: AAAS and


Environmental toxicant exposure and depressive symptoms


About The Study:

 The results of this study suggest that many common environmental toxicants are associated with depressive symptoms. This research provides insight into selecting environmental targets for mechanistic research into the causes of depression and facilitating efforts to reduce environmental exposures.

Corresponding Author: To contact the corresponding author, Jing Li, Ph.D., email

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link


Editor’s Note: Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.

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About JAMA Network Open: JAMA Network Open is an online-only open access general medical journal from the JAMA Network. On weekdays, the journal publishes peer-reviewed clinical research and commentary in more than 40 medical and health subject areas. Every article is free online from the day of publication. 

Texas A&M center receives $7.6 million grant to promote research in environmental health

The center will focus on research in climate change and health, environment and metabolism, environmental justice and policy, and environmental stressors and their responses


Drs. Natalie Johnson and Weston Porter 




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The Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health (TiCER), a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Environmental Health Sciences Core Center, will be returning to the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) with a $7.6 million grant for the center’s new funding cycle.

Under the new leadership of Dr. Weston Porter, a VMBS professor in the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, the center will promote research in four areas of environmental health — climate change and health, environment and metabolism, environmental justice and policy, and environmental stressors and their responses.

The center also will offer several tiers of research funding to encourage scientists to engage with community organizations, while also making funding more accessible for junior faculty.

“On the basic science side, we’re looking at tissues to see how chemicals found in the environment impact the body on a cellular level,” said Dr. Natalie Johnson, TiCER associate director and an associate professor in the Texas A&M Department of Environmental and Occupational Health. “On the community side, we’re looking at how exposures impact people and how we can advise them to stay safe.” 

Core Centers like TiCER exist to facilitate collaboration between researchers across different scientific disciplines, even those whose main focus may not be environmental health. TiCER is one of only 26 Core Centers in the United States, and funding renewals are highly competitive.

Funding from the new grant cycle will support research projects in the center’s four major themes of environmental health, including small research vouchers and larger pilot grants intended to support large sections of a project.

“In addition to continuing support for current members of the center, one of our goals is to bring new people into the NIEHS and encourage them to apply for grants,” Porter said. “This is especially true for early-career scientists who may have new ideas worth trying but need resources to make them happen.”

The return of TiCER will also make Texas A&M one of the only universities — and the VMBS the only veterinary school in the nation — to house all three of the top NIEHS environmental health programs. These include grants supporting the Texas A&M Superfund Research Center and the Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional National Research Service Award.

Research That Serves Texans

At TiCER, scientists are teaming up with community organizations to both share important health information and learn from Texans where they need to direct their research next.

“Working with the community is an essential part of how TiCER operates,” Johnson said. “The established way that basic science often gets translated to public health is one-directional — from ‘bench to bedside,’ or, from the lab bench to the hospital. But we want to interrupt that pattern so that people don’t have to go to the hospital in the first place. For us, research is from bench to the community and back.

“For example, in my own research, I look at how air pollution impacts the developing fetus. I ask questions like, ‘What does it mean for an infant’s immune system development when the mom breathes in pollution during pregnancy?’” she said. “It’s great to understand the science, but then we need to get the message back to the community, so people know what precautions to take, and work with them to understand how they are impacted.”

Having TiCER at the VMBS is ideal because of Texas A&M’s location in College Station, which is right in the center of the Texas Urban Triangle, a region that connects Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, and San Antonio and Austin. 

“Because we’re a state institution, it’s really part of our mission as faculty and researchers to reach as many Texans as possible. Our location will allow us to have access to some of the most heavily populated areas of Texas as well as rural communities in between,” Johnson said.

Opening Doors For New Research

One major goal for TiCER’s new leadership is to make sure junior faculty and those who have not worked with the NIEHS before feel like they, too, can participate in environmental health research.

“Once you get one grant to fund part of your research, it’s easier to get others that will help you continue,” Porter said. “But for junior faculty, it can be difficult to get that first project stage started. We hope that TiCER will help generate grants and make it more possible for early career scientists to get started. These grants will also benefit researchers at any point in their careers who have new ideas they want to test before applying for larger amounts.”

TiCER has multiple levels of grants, including pilot project awards for up to $50,000, as well as smaller vouchers that can award $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000. The different amounts allow TiCER to fund a variety of projects in different stages, whether researchers need to kickstart a small study or fund a major part of a larger project.

“We also help scientists look at their work from an environmental and public health angle to help them with funding,” Porter said. “By helping researchers make connections between the work they do and the impact it has on people’s health, we can make it more likely that they will get the funding they need to continue.”

For more information about TiCER, visit  

By Courtney Price, Texas A&M University School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences



Mobile phone data helps track pathogen spread and evolution of superbugs

Combining genomic data and human travel patterns over a 14-year period in South Africa reveals key insights into the spread, evolution and resistance patterns of a major bacterium behind pneumonia and meningitis globally


Bacteria spread 



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A new way to map the spread and evolution of pathogens, and their responses to vaccines and antibiotics, will provide key insights to help predict and prevent future outbreaks. The approach combines a pathogen’s genomic data with human travel patterns, taken from anonymised mobile phone data.

Researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, University of the Witwatersrand and National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa, the University of Cambridge, and partners across the Global Pneumococcal Sequencing project1, integrated genomic data from nearly 7,000 Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) samples collected in South Africa with detailed human mobility data2. This enabled them to see how these bacteria, which cause pneumonia and meningitis3, move between regions and evolve over time.

The findings, published today (3 July) in Nature, suggest initial reductions in antibiotic resistance linked to the 2009 pneumococcal vaccine may be only temporary, as non-targeted strains resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin gained a 68 per cent competitive advantage.

This is the first time researchers have been able to precisely quantify the fitness – their ability to survive and reproduce – of different pneumococcal strains. The insight could inform vaccine development to target the most harmful strains, and may be applicable to other pathogens.

Many infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, and COVID-19 exist in multiple strains or variants circulating simultaneously, making them difficult to study. Pneumococcus, a bacterium that is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis worldwide4, is a prime example with over 100 types and 900 genetic strains globally. Pneumonia alone kills around 740,000 children under the age of five each year5, making it the single largest infectious cause of death in children.

Pneumococcal diversity hampers control efforts, as vaccines targeting major strains leave room for others to fill the vacant niches. How these bacteria spread, how vaccines affect their survival, and their resistance to antibiotics remains poorly understood.

In this new study, researchers analysed genome sequences from 6,910 pneumococcus samples collected in South Africa between 2000 and 2014 to track the distribution of different strains over time. They combined these data with anonymised records of human travel patterns collected by Meta2.

The team developed computational models which revealed pneumococcal strains take around 50 years to fully mix throughout South Africa’s population, largely due to localised human movement patterns.

They found that while introduction of a pneumococcal vaccine against certain types of these bacteria in 2009 reduced the number of cases caused by those types6, it also made other non-targeted strains of these bacteria gain a 68 per cent competitive advantage, with an increasing proportion of them becoming resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin. This suggests that the vaccine-linked protection against antibiotic resistance is short-lived.

Dr Sophie Belman, first author of the study, former PhD student at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and now a Schmidt Science Fellow at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Spain, said: “While we found that pneumococcal bacteria generally spread slowly, the use of vaccines and antimicrobials can quickly and significantly change these dynamics. Our models could be applied to other regions and pathogens to better understand and predict pathogen spread, in the context of drug resistance and vaccine effectiveness.”

Dr Anne von Gottberg, author of the study at National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa, said: “Despite vaccination efforts, pneumonia remains one of the leading causes of death for children under five in South Africa. With continuous genomic surveillance and adaptable vaccination strategies to counter the remarkable adaptability of these pathogens, we may be able to better target interventions to limit the burden of disease.”

Professor Stephen Bentley, senior author of the study at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, said: “The pneumococcus's diversity has obscured our view on how any given strain spreads from one region to the next. This integrated approach using bacterial genome and human travel data finally allows us to cut through that complexity, uncovering hidden migratory paths in high-definition for the first time. This could allow researchers to anticipate where emerging high-risk strains may take hold next, putting us a step ahead of potential outbreaks.”


Notes to Editors:

  1. Partners from the Global Pneumococcal Sequencing project can be found here:
  2. The human mobility data used in this study are Meta Data for Good baseline data, released during the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. These data rely on personal consent for location sharing, and Data for Good ensures individual privacy by preventing re-identification in aggregated datasets.
    For more information on the Movement Range Maps, access:
    For more information on privacy matters, access: 
  3. For more information on pneumococcal disease, visit:
  6. Before these vaccines, 85 per cent of pneumococcal strains were those targeted by the vaccines. By 2014, this dropped to 33.2 per cent. This change was consistent across all nine provinces in South Africa.

These data can be accessed here:

S. Belman et al. (2024) ‘Geographic Migration and Fitness Dynamics of Streptococcus pneumonia.’ Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07626-3

This research was supported by Wellcome, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NIH and the European Research Council. For full funding acknowledgements, please refer to the publication.


Extinct humans survived on the Tibetan plateau for 160,000 years


Bone remains found in a Tibetan cave 3,280 m above sea level indicate an ancient group of humans survived here for many millennia, according to a new study published in Nature.  

The Denisovans are an extinct species of ancient human that lived at the same time and in the same places as Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. Only a handful Denisovan remains have ever been discovered by archaeologists. Little is known about the group, including when they became extinct, but evidence exists to suggest they interbred with both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. 

A research team led by Lanzhou University, China, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, China, and involving the University of Reading studied more than 2,500 bones from the Baishiya Karst Cave on the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau, one of the only two places where Denisovans are known to have lived.  

Their new analysis, published today (Wednesday, 3 July) in Nature, has identified a new Denisovan fossil and shed light on the species’ ability to survive in fluctuating climatic conditions — including the ice age — on the Tibetan plateau from around 200,000 to 40,000 years ago. 

Dr Geoff Smith, a zooarchaeologist at the University of Reading, is a co-author of the study. He said: “We were able to identify that Denisovans hunted, butchered and ate a range of animal species. Our study reveals new information about the behaviour and adaptation of Denisovans both to high altitude conditions and shifting climates. We are only just beginning to understand the behaviour of this extraordinary human species.” 

Dietary diversity 

Bone remains from Baishya Karst Cave were broken into numerous fragments preventing identification. The team used a novel scientific method that exploits differences in bone collagen between animals to determine which species the bone remains came from.  

Dr Huan Xia, of Lanzhou University, said: “Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) allows us to extract valuable information from often overlooked bone fragments, providing deeper insight into human activities.”  

The research team determined that most of the bones were from blue sheep, known as the bharal, as well as wild yaks, equids, the extinct woolly rhino, and the spotted hyena. The researchers also identified bone fragments from small mammals, such as marmots, and birds.  

Dr Jian Wang, of Lanzhou University, said: “Current evidence suggests that it was Denisovans, not any other human groups, who occupied the cave and made efficient use of all the animal resources available to them throughout their occupation.”  

Detailed analysis of the fragmented bone surfaces shows the Denisovans removed meat and bone marrow from the bones, but also indicate the humans used them as raw material to produce tools.  

A new Denisovan fossil 

The scientists also identified one rib bone as belonging to a new Denisovan individual. The layer where the rib was found was dated to between 48,000 and 32,000 years ago, implying that this Denisovan individual lived at a time when modern humans were dispersing across the Eurasian continent. The results indicate that Denisovans lived through two cold periods, but also during a warmer interglacial period between the Middle and Late Pleistocene eras.   

Dr Frido Welker, of the University of Copenhagen, said: “Together, the fossil and molecular evidence indicates that Ganjia Basin, where Baishiya Karst Cave is located, provided a relatively stable environment for Denisovans, despite its high-altitude. 

"The question now arises when and why these Denisovans on the Tibetan Plateau went extinct.” 


Mighty floods of the Nile River during warmer and wetter climates

Sediment cores off the Nile mouth reveal insights into the effects and causes of heavy rainfall episodes about 9,000 years ago. That will help to prepare for weather extremes in a changing climate


Blue Nile Waterfall 



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Global warming as well as recent droughts and floods threaten large populations along the Nile Valley. Understanding how such a large river will respond to an invigorated hydrological cycle is therefore a pressing issue. Insights can be gained by studying past periods with wetter and warmer conditions, such as the North African Humid Period eleven to six thousand years ago. A research team of the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, led by Cécile Blanchet, together with colleagues at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) analysed a 1,500 year long annually-laminated sediment core. The study was published today in Nature Geoscience.

It reveals that wetter climates led to very strong and weak floods and a highly instable river system, which may have rendered the Nile valley uninhabitable. Although intensified, flood variability was paced by similar climatic forcing as today, operating on annual – like El Niño – to multi-decadal timescales. This suggests that the occurrence of such extreme events might be predictable helping to reduce risks for local populations.

Background: Nile River floods and climate change

The iconic floods of the Nile River are often associated to the development of irrigation and agriculture in pharaonic Egypt. Today, seasonal rainfall and flooding remain crucial to sustain large populations in the Nile Valley, from the Equator to the Mediterranean coast.

Climate models predict a large increase in monsoonal rainfall in this region due to global warming for all climatic scenarios. Recent episodes of droughts and flooding in Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt have raised concerns about an increase in rainfall variability leading to such geohazards. Being one of the most densely populated area on Earth, it is critical to design reliable forecasting tools and plan adequate infrastructure based on informed-knowledge and process understanding of rainfall and flood changes.

To tackle these issues, it is important to understand how large river systems will respond to enhanced rainfall. Insights can be gained from studying past time intervals that were known to be wetter and warmer than the present. A well-known example is the North African Humid Period during the Early Holocene, about 11 to 6 thousand years ago, characterised by a large increase in rainfall in northeastern Africa. 

Unique sediment core provides annual inside into ancient Nile River floods

To access these ancient times, Cécile Blanchet and colleagues of the German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, together with Arne Ramisch (University of Innsbruck) and Monica Ionita (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, AWI) have analysed a unique sediment core collected right off the Nile mouth that recorded past floods. These seasonal floods brought varying amounts of fluvial particulate matter offshore, which were preserved as fine laminations. The core was taken in 2008 and dated back to the North African Humid Period.

“Relics of such geological times provide researchers a natural laboratory to test and improve predictions from climate models”, explains Cécile Blanchet. “This type of layered sediment is often found in lakes, and the GFZ is internationally known for having the technical and scientific expertise to analyse them. This one is unique because these are marine sediments recording past Nile floods at an annual resolution. So, I decided to come to the GFZ and set to explore this beautiful record.”

Sediment core analysis

Analysis of the cores comprised looking at the layers, counting and measuring them under the microscope – part of which was also done at home during the Covid-lockdowns. The chronology was constrained using a combination of annual layer counting and radiocarbon dating of fossil plankton buried in the layers.

Blanchet quickly realised that the thickness of the flood layers was varying drastically in time spans of 30-40 years, from being very small (0,3 mm) to being very thick (10 mm).

“It may sound not so much, but several millimetres deposited offshore is enormous,” says Blanchet. “However, we know that large rivers are complicated systems, which may retain or release sediments independently of the discharge, that is the amount of water in the river. So, it is not always possible to relate the volume of sediments transported, expressed in our record as the thickness of the layers, to the size of the flood. But we noticed as well that the size of the particles increased in thicker layers, which means that the thickness of the layers is a reliable indicator of the strength of past floods.”

From her observations, Blanchet concluded that the North African Humid Period was characterised by the occurrence of extremely strong and variable Nile floods. Especially between 9,200 and 8,600 years ago, the dominance of thick flood layers depicts a period of strong erosional activity and the deposition of large amounts of particulate matter offshore, about two to three times as much as in the later years.

Influence of the El Niño climate oscillation

Joining forces with statisticians and modellers at the GFZ and the AWI allowed the team not only to determine the effects but also the drivers of flood variability. Using modelling of past sea-level changes done at GFZ, the researchers could exclude that any of these effects was driven by sea-level changes rather than the fluvial activity of the Nile.

Analysing the data with statistical methods revealed several characteristic oscillations: on a shorter timescale with periodicities of 2-7 years, and on a longer time scale of several decades. This suggests that the floods were modulated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on multi-annual timescales and a yet unidentified driver on multi-decadal timescales.

“ENSO originates in the Pacific region and is transmitted to other parts of the World by atmospheric teleconnections”, said co-author Monica Ionita from the AWI. “It was fascinating to see that we could find this variability both in the model and in the data.”

Comparison with Nilometer flood data from the past 2000 years

The researchers compared their flood-record data from the time between 9,470 and 7,940 years before present, with data from the ancient Egyptians, recorded between 622 and 1922 CE, especially with regard to the oscillations: 

“The fact that ancient Egyptians measured the level of the Nile River in special buildings called ‘Nilometers‘ – see picture 2 – year after year is really fascinating and they have offered us a unique record of past Nile floods in the last 2,000 years,” said co-author Arne Ramisch, previously at GFZ and now at the University of Innsbruck. “The resolution and length of both records being similar, we could apply similar statistical tools and derive the main temporal variabilities. It showed us that the drivers remain quite similar even though the climatic conditions were different.”

This comparison shows that similar climate drivers can have very different effects, namely a much higher amplitude of flood magnitude under wetter and warmer climates. This is one of the main findings of the study. And it has important implications for building reliable tools to forecast and reduce flood risks.

“I am sure that our findings will have direct applications and we are already working on providing constraints on flood magnitude based on the record we have. This is not trivial but with the help of modellers and geomorphologists, I am confident that we will tackle this new challenge,” concludes Cécile Blanchet.

Ancient Egyptians measured the level in the Nile River every year in the so-called “Nilometers” that were located in the lower Nile Valley. The purpose of these measurements was to forecast the harvest. These unique records of yearly floods cover a large part of the Common Era and have provided insights into the climatic drivers of Nile floods. Because the Nilometer records and the here presented new record of past floods have an annual resolution and length, we could compare the pacemakers under different climatic conditions.


Copyright: CCBY-SA Baldiri

Funding: The work of Cécile Blanchet has been supported through the reintegration grant “Annual Nile floods during the African Humid Period” by the GFZ Potsdam.