Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's Close

According to a recent Angus Reid poll the PC leadership in Alberta is between Dinning and Oberg, the rest can bow out anytime now. After all this was always about a coronation not a real race. The King is dead long live the King

Party-sanctioned leadership forums have been panned by many, including some candidates, as boring and useless.

Nov. 2006

Oct. 2006

Jim Dinning



Lyle Oberg



David Hancock



Ed Stelmach



Ted Morton



Mark Norris



Vic Doerksen



Gary McPherson






Don’t know



Source: Leger Marketing
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 900 Albertan adults, conducted from Oct. 23 to Oct. 30, 2006. Margin of error is 3.3 per cent.


Conservative Leadership Race

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Ralph Wisdom

Ralph Klein sums up his style of leadership in three words: "Keep it simple."
Of course he forgot to add the appropriate ending to the phrase; "stupid."

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Boom A Bust For Women

To bad this is not an issue for the current crop of wannabe Ralphs who cry about the need for law and order.

High housing costs are forcing many Alberta women who fled abusive relationships to return to their abuser


The Real Crime In Canada

Conservative Leadership Race


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Rumsfeld Gets His Cumupance

Rumsfeld spent the last three years attacking Al-Jazeera. Now he is gone and Al-Jazeera is coming to North America. Revenge is a dish best served cold. And another alternative to US 24/7 cable news networks besides the CBC and BBC.

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Mini Me

Rebel MP Turner blasts big parties Ooo bestill my beating heart, alot of sturm and drang signifying nothing.

Garth Turner had his opportunity today to call for Proportional Representation as key to parliamentary reform. He could have called for abolishing the Senate too and expanding the number of MPs in the house. He didn't.

Instead he did a typical Garth is all about Garth and said that parliament needed more independents like him.

Well we had independent MP's in the last minority parliament and it did little for democracy. But what can one expect from Garth who is all about Garth. And he didn't even tear up his Conservative Party membership card, as he told Don Newman on CBC today, he just put it away in his wallet for a rainy day.


Garth Turner

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Japanese State Capitalism

An excellent article on Japans political economy was published this summer in the New Left Review. I am exerpting a few key points here, the whole article is available online and is well worth the read.

It exposes the myth of neo-liberal Japan a fanatasy of American neo-liberals. Japans political economy in the 19th and pre war 20th Century was based on two factors, state capitalism and a subservient economic relationship with Imperialism at that time Britain.

After WWII this formula was successfully applied to its realtionship with the United States. Today Japan gives lipservice to neo-liberalism, but in reality is builidng an Asian accord with China the new economic tiger on the block.

Throughout their half a century of rule—roughly 1868 to the early 1920s—the leaders of Meiji Japan also played a deft and high-stakes game in positioning themselves in a global financial-cum-military order revolving around the City of London. That order saw the machinery of a supposedly neutral universal gold standard working in tandem with the law of comparative advantage to bring about what was touted as a best-of-all-possible-worlds outcome. In fact, the order was managed by the Bank of England and policed by the British Navy. Countries such as Turkey and Egypt that ran out of gold or silver and defaulted on their debts found themselves facing loss of territory and even independence at the hands of the Western powers.

Japan’s leaders were acutely sensitive to the power dynamics that underlay the global financial regime of the time. [5] The rapid draining of gold from the country in the wake of Commodore Perry’s 1854 ‘opening’ had been a proximate cause of the collapse of the shogunate; the domestic gold:silver exchange ratio was 1:5, so out of line with the prevailing international ratio of 1:15 that savvy traders quickly bought up much of the country’s circulating gold coin using its overvalued silver. The entire financial thrust of the subsequent industrialization had as its primary motive the accumulation of gold—or more precisely, the accumulation of claims on gold. For when Japan actually succeeded in acquiring ownership of sufficient gold—extracted as reparations from a prostrate Qing dynasty after the 1895 Sino-Japanese War—to render its credit acceptable abroad, the country’s leaders chose to buy the goodwill of Britain by leaving the gold in the vaults of the Bank of England, rather than bring it back to Japan. The policy was known as zaigai seika—literally, ‘specie kept outside’. It relied on the ability of ‘high-powered money’ (that is, money used to create other money: gold, bank reserves, international reserves) to play two simultaneous roles: in this case, as backing for Japan’s own credit creation and also as part of Britain’s money supply.

Keynes would describe the mechanism in his first major published work, Indian Currency and Finance, when he noted how earnings from India’s surplus trade with Britain that were left in London became part of the domestic money supply there and did not lead to a loss in British purchasing power. Keynes was cited by a later Bank of Japan governor in justifying zaigai seika. The policy would form the financial backdrop for the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1902, which sealed Japan’s admission into the club of nations supporting the existing global order. In 34 years, the country had moved from a poor backwater, whose very future as an independent nation was in doubt, to an important pillar of British hegemony in East Asia and an imperialist power in its own right. The resultant freedom of action, among other things, gave Japan the wherewithal to raise on global markets the funds necessary to wage and win the 1904–05 Russo-Japanese War, which in turn helped lay the groundwork for the Russian Revolution.

As Japan emerged from postwar devastation and launched a renewed drive for industrial growth so dazzling that it acquired the label ‘miracle’, it seemed as if the tale of the Meiji years was being retold. Again, Japan moved in the space of a couple of decades from a poor backwater to a major player, snuggling up to the superpower of the day. Again, it would serve as a crucial military asset for that superpower vis-à-vis the great Eurasian continental—and now Communist—empires. Again, it would leave the proceeds of its export earnings within the superpower’s banking system, providing indirect financial support for the superpower’s ability to project military force. And again its subordination to a financial-cum-political global order managed and policed by the superpower would permit it to sidestep fundamental political questions.

The contemporary Japanese political setup thus resembles a flourishing vine that has grown to great heights, but would likely tumble should the pole around which it twists—the United States—ever itself fail. But the image requires qualification, for not only does the pole support the vine, but the vine has, for the past 35 years, become an increasingly important prop for the pole. The us needs Japan today to a far greater degree than Britain ever did. Japan’s companies manufacture a range of both high value-added components and finished products on which American technological and military supremacy totally depend. Japan’s continued central role in financing the us trade and government deficits and propping up a dollar-centred international order is, as we have seen, the key explanation for Washington’s ability to project and sustain a vast global military establishment without crushing domestic tax burdens. Since the mid-70s, at every crisis point when it has looked as if upheavals in the foreign-exchange market might force the us to live within its means, it has been the Japanese elite that has acted to support the dollar, the Bretton Woods ii regime and, by extension, the continuation of American hegemony. As Mikuni Akio and I have argued, this has not been due to any particular affection for Washington on the part of that elite, but ‘because it identifies its own survival with the continuous build-up of (Japan-owned) dollars in the American banking system’ [8] Any alternative would demand a fundamental reconsideration of the assumptions of the 1955 system, and thus risk fostering another dangerous and debilitating intra-elite struggle.

During the 1990s a sense of realism gradually settled in again after the puffery of the ‘bubble economy’. Japan’s elite came to see that they were facing the first fundamental challenge to their control since 1945. The rest of the world interpreted the problem as primarily an economic one, and indeed it manifested itself in such phenomena as stagnant gnp, rising unemployment, bankruptcies, tottering financial institutions and deflation. But it was at heart a political challenge: how and whether the Japanese system should reconfigure itself to cope with unanticipated new realities in a world where the old methods no longer seemed to work. To mainstream economists in much of the world, the solution to Japan’s troubles seemed obvious: the full-fledged adoption of the institutions of liberal capitalism—corporate governance by outsiders, free trade, a purge of large, unprofitable banks and manufacturers and a sell-off of their assets to those who could manage them for higher returns, transparent markets for labour and corporate control, the busting up of cartels, price setting—for interest rates, the yen, labour, land, food, housing—by markets rather than bureaucrats.

The loudest exhortations along these lines emanated from Washington—ironically, since had Japan actually implemented these policies, the result would probably have been an economy-wide shakeout that would have forced large-scale liquidation of Japan’s dollar holdings and sharply curtailed its ability to prop up a us-centred global financial order. After all, companies and banks left to fend for themselves without the accustomed protection of an all-enveloping bureaucratic system would have come under strong pressure to do everything they could—including selling dollar assets—in order to survive the free-for-all of a market economy. Japan might have emerged on the other side of that shakeout with a stronger economy, as conventionally defined; but in the process its practical support for Bretton Woods ii would have come to an end.

A neoliberal turn?

In responding to these challenges Tokyo followed what, 1931–45 excepted, had been the guiding principle of its foreign policy since the late 19th century: subordination to the global interests of the superpower of the day, in return for a degree of protection and indulgence. Much mainstream Western opinion, however, would misinterpret this reaffirmation of Japan’s place in the American-centred order as a decisive turn to neoliberalism. The misunderstanding is due in part to a mixture of amnesia and wishful thinking. For a decade or more, the financial press, neo-classical economists and Wall Street analysts alike had been predicting the direst of consequences unless Tokyo got religion and adopted all the correct neoliberal reforms. Since the disaster had not happened—Japan’s financial system had not collapsed; its manufacturers continued to dominate several key sectors—perhaps the reforms had been instituted on the sly. In addition, Japan’s elite deliberately fostered the notion that the country had made a turn towards neoliberalism. The language and some actual practices imported from what the Japanese like to call ‘Anglo-Saxon capitalism’ proved useful both in lowering middle-class expectations and in promoting efficiency. The widespread talk of resutora, coined from that Wall Street favourite, ‘restructuring’, plus a few visible foreign takeovers of ailing companies—Nissan Motors; Long-Term Credit Bank—served to concentrate the minds of Japan’s salaried workers and managers, faced with the undreamt-of horror of reporting to foreigners younger than themselves or even losing their jobs. And the neoliberal talk was, of course, music to the ears of a superpower whose attention had been forcibly distracted by events elsewhere.

Indeed, until January 2006 one could get the impression that Japan had become another devotee of Wall Street sermons. Management-fad jargon flowed glibly from the mouths of Japan’s young bankers and business people, ceos talked the talk of shareholder value, mba programmes sprouted in Japan’s universities (I teach in one of them), and m&a was no longer a dirty term. In the wake of a dizzying succession of faceless, in-and-out prime ministers, Koizumi Junichiro emerged in 2001 and put on a convincing act as a reformer determined to drag his country into the 21st century. The White House lapped it up while the left muttered darkly of Koizumi’s subservience to America’s globalist, neoliberal hegemony.

A new third player

In addition, a convincing economic recovery finally seems to be taking root, after several false starts. But will it last? Any disruption to Japan’s export markets could easily derail a recovery since, for all the talk of revived domestic demand, these remain central to Japanese corporate profits and the ability to service debt. Since the early 1950s, exports have been the lodestone of Japan’s growth—most particularly, exports to the United States. While that is still happening, as any glance at Detroit’s woes can attest, equally important in recent years has been Japan’s exports to China—both the physical and the financial kind. China’s hunger for Japanese capital goods, to allow it to produce the exports to feed an American market, permitted Japan’s capital-goods manufacturers to boost capacity-utilization rates to the point where they were making money again. The positive cash flow meant that balance sheets could be strengthened and debt paid down, allowing the banking system to put the worst of the so-called ‘bad loan crisis’ behind it.

China has thus helped alleviate what had come to seem an insoluble problem: the overwhelming pressure on the cost structure of Japanese industry once it joined the ranks of the developed nations. Japan had long sought to preserve what is essentially a ‘late developer’ model: export-led growth; systemic protectionism; severe restrictions on foreign equity; and cartels that funnelled cash into industrial coffers in order to offset the price-cutting necessary to win export markets. But during the 1990s the yawning gap between domestic Japanese prices and those overseas finally sucked in and chewed up cartel after cartel (‘price destruction’ was the term coined by distraught Japanese businessmen), while the collapse of real-estate prices crippled the financial mechanism that had seen cheap financing channelled from household savings to industry. And no matter what was done to shackle market forces, there was no escaping the economic reality of well-trained Chinese willing to work twice as hard as their Japanese counterparts for one-tenth of the wage.

But Japanese industrial leaders found the means of coping with this threat to their way of doing business by undertaking what amounted to a division of labour with China. Both countries engaged in tacit cooperation to support the dollar, permitting Americans to purchase Japan’s high-value added products—automobiles, machine tools, aerospace components—and China’s lower-end products, manufactured largely on imported Japanese equipment. For many Japanese working-class households, the end of job security has been partly alleviated by waves of cheap Chinese imports of food and clothing. The country’s informal economic mechanisms—‘lifetime’ employment, a reluctance of banks to foreclose, mutual assistance between companies in the major business groupings (keiretsu or guruppu gaisha)—have come under strain but continue to function well enough to forestall the final shakeout that so many foreign observers had predicted. The Japanese economic system has survived essentially intact. But this survival has necessitated the acceptance of a third player, whose arrival has introduced a whole new set of problems and uncertainties. Since the mid-1950s, there had been only one really important external task for Japan’s administrators: managing the United States. The security framework provided by the Americans and unrestricted access to the us market had to be protected at all costs; that essentially constituted Japan’s foreign policy. Now, however, an unpredictable China has become part of the picture.




State Capitalism

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Public Waste

Federal funding aims at boosting transit security And you thought all that money was for expanding public transit to help end climate change. Nope. After all as the Harpocrites it is impossible to meet our Kyoto commitments. Besides what else did you expect from a Law and Order government. Armed bus drivers instead of sky marshals. And for the past two months the Tories in question period would say about Kyoto and climate change was that they were funding public transit. And remember their promise to put troops in the streets of Canada, guess they will be on our buses.What was that about from the sublime to the ridiculous?

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Yes We Have No Bananas

Is that a gun in your pocket or a banana?
It's often said that a man shares 30% of his genes with a banana
So if you eat bananas are you a cannibal?

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WTO Promotes Slavery

Forward to the past!

WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Market For Africa
At a Wharton Business School conference on business in Africa that took place on Saturday, November 11, the WTO announced the creation of a new, much-improved form of slavery for the parts of Africa that have been hardest hit by the 500-year history of free trade there. more

And you thought I was kidding the other day when I wrote Bring Back Slavery

A tip o' the blog to Woods Lot for this.

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Garth Turner Not Green

According to the Globe and Mail former Tory MP Garth Turner won't be turning into kermit the frog.

“I won't be telling you I am joining the Green Party as deputy leader, as is being reported. I will, however, have comments on that party and its leader. I'll also make it clearer what my intentions are in the next few months,” he said.

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Sach Dean

The Liberals have invited Howard Dean to speak at their Leadership Convention, this has raised all sorts of controversy in the blogosphere and MSM. Personally I think they missed an opportunity to blast the Conservatives with a far more effective speaker; Jeffery Sachs.

Sachs is outspoken critic of the IMF and World Bank promoting new formula to meet needs of international development. He is also outspoken about the need to address the crisis of climate change. That would be two hits against the Harpocrite government. Two more than Howard dean could deliver.

And as a former and now repentant neo-liberal he is highly critical of that agenda. Opps that would mean of course he was critical of Ignatieff. Hmmm maybe thats why they failed to invite him.

Also See

Liberal Leadership Race

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Wiccan Vets Face Discrimination

Widows Sue Over Wicca Symbol

The widows of two Wiccan combat veterans sued the government Monday, saying the military has dragged its feet on allowing the religion's symbols on headstones.The Department of Veterans Affairs allows military families to choose any of 38 authorized headstone images. The list includes commonly recognized symbols for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, as well as those for smaller religions such as Sufism Reoriented, Eckiankar and the Japanese faith Seicho-No-Ie.

The Wiccan pentacle, a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle, is not on the list, an omission the widows say is unconstitutional.

Wiccans worship the Earth and believe they must give to the community. Some consider themselves "white," or good, witches, pagans or neo-pagans. Approximately 1,800 active-duty service members identify themselves as Wiccans, according to 2005 Defense Department statistics.

The lawsuit was filed by four plaintiffs: Roberta Stewart, whose husband, Nevada National Guard Sgt. Patrick Stewart, was killed in combat in Afghanistan last year; Karen DePolito, whose husband, Jerome Birnbaum, is a Korean War veteran who died last year; Circle Sanctuary, a Wisconsin-based Wiccan church; and Isis Invicta Military Mission, a California-based Wiccan and pagan congregation serving military personnel.

It claims that the VA has made "excuse after excuse" for more than nine years for not approving the symbol and that by doing so, it has trampled on the plaintiffs' constitutional rights of freedom of speech, religion and due process.

Circle Sanctuary and Stewart began calling in 1997 for the VA to allow the symbol's use.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington, D.C.-based group representing the plaintiffs in court, is seeking an order compelling the VA to make a decision.

"After asking the VA on a number of occasions to stop its unfair treatment of Wiccans in the military, we have no alternative but to seek justice in the courts," said the Rev. Barry Lynn, the group's executive director.

So much for Americas Faith Based politics, we know which faith groups the Bush regime and its military support; WASPs.

Heck Eckankar is not even a religion it is a phenomena of the seventies, a makeover of Theosophy in the tradition of Lopsang Rampa.

Wicca is far older religion and more established, even if modern day Wicca began in 1954 with the publication of Gerald Gardners High Magicks Aid, when the British Governments removed witchcraft from the criminal code. Until then, like homosexuality, witchcraft was considered a hanging offense.

Of course the pentagram is controversial because Christains fear it.
Conservative Christian Boycott of the U.S. Army

It is also used by Satanists.Hence the confusion. Though Satanism is also recognized as a valid religion by the U.S. military as is Wicca. They are two distinct religions.

This article talks about 'white' witches, there is no such a creature. That was is a myth out of the Wizard of Oz. You are a Wiccan or pagan or not. Nothing black or white about it.

Black magick is a racist term, used to differentiate between African based religions such as Voodoo, Santeria and European (white) Magick. If one uses white and black magick in a modern sense by Wiccans it is sometimes to differentiate themselves from Satanists. But in reality the terms mean negative or harmful magick versus useful or good magick. A hangover from the ninteenth century but that is an issue for another article.

The cheeky Aleister Crowley defined the Black Brothers as being the Catholic Church and their infernal rights. He had even a lower opinion of the Pentacostal evangelicals who allow themselves to be possessed by trickster spirits.






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Monday, November 13, 2006

Smoking Bans Hurt Business

Two interesting blog posts on the impact of smoking bans in Canada.

In Edmonton with the most draconian smoking ban in Canada bingos have lost $6 million dollars reports
Surreality Times.

ST also exposes the taxpayer funded cabal behind the anti-smoking crusade. Who are pushing their agenda on the current crop of wannabe Ralphs.

Werner Patels takes up the issue of the Quebec smoking ban;
Québec bar owners to go to court

The smoking ban in Edmonton will have a direct impact on casinos now that there is a new casino just outside the city limits which allows for smoking. Rivals say Enoch casino has advantage

Since the anti-smoking lobby is directly funded by taxpayers who smoke is it any wonder they want to increase tobbaco taxes?Anti-smoking Group Urges $2 Increase In Cost Of Cigarettes Gives them more money for their lobby industry, and it is a very lucrative industry for doctors and the government.



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A Libertarian Critique of Decentralization

In an interesting post on Imperialism by Roderick Long; What Empire Does to a Culture he makes a note of this libertarian critique of decentralization. It is interesting because of course this comes from an American right wing libertarian perspective, or we could say individualist persepective.

In light of the Conservatives plans to decentralize the Canadian state in favour of the provinces this becomes an important critique from the right. PM eyes formal limits on Ottawa's powers

Never trust capitalist instutions whether business or government when they adopt the language of liberation and libertarianism like decentralization, self-management, or empowerment, these terms get turned on their heads and are then used to mean extending exploitation further.

Libertarian blogger Lady Aster offers the following critique of decentralization:

I've long been skeptical about decentralisation; what I fear is that societies with premodern, traditional cultural values will impose their local prejudices ruthlessly without a check from a larger, more cosmopolitan society. I'm very glad for Lawrence vs. Texas, and terrified by South Dakota, and while I would support reduction or elimination of the state power I also believe state power is less destructive when it precisely isn't in the hands of local, traditional social authorities. Historically, tolerance has been a value nurtured by education, leisure, and urbanity and made politically necessary wherever a polity comprises a variety of constituent cultures. My experience leads me to believe that the rights of minorities, including immigrants (undocumented or otherwise) would not be better protected under decentralisation. … True, there are cases where the local society would pass better laws than the centralised state … But even so, my reading of history is that the general tendency is for cultural tolerance to flourish in urban centers. With this being the case, localism seems an idea with which I can have some anarchistic sympathy but which seems in practice a deadly threat to minorities, dissidents, and nonconformists of all types.

Long takes issue with her comments however I found them insightful and am sympathetic, since to me anarchism is not against governance, but in favour of a democratic form of direct governance. Of course we live in decidely social democratic country so even our libertarianism is tinged with the sense of the need for social justice, and that government should serve the people, something our southern neighbours have an inherent historical distrust of.

And because the current revolt of fundamentalisms of the right whether in the U.S. or in the Middle East, all hate the Metropole, urban pluralist secular culture, ironically since it is a creature of the bourgoise enlightenment and capitalism.

The State is a function which arose from the needs of capitalism. As Marx points out the progressive aspect of Empire in India for instance was that overcomes the old patriarchical village structures, while at the same time not going far enough due to its own self interest being to create colonies. Long agrees;

The protection offered by imperial centralism should also not be overestimated. The vision of the British Empire as a universal guarantor of free trade looks like a bad joke when one considers the mercantilist system of economic privilege that Britain upheld in India, for example. And in the United States the federal government presided happily over slavery for nearly a century before doing much about it, and then presided happily over the Jim Crow system for nearly another century before doing very much about that; moreover, the struggle against Jim Crow was initially waged at the grass-roots level by private citizens with relatively little federal support, and it was only after the civil rights movement had begun to take on steam that the federal government moved like the Owl of Minerva to position itself at the head of the movement.

Where he disagrees with Marx, is that as an American Liberatarian from the right he sees politics as a matter of free will, rather than the outcome of the development of capitalism itself. Marx on the other hand looked at politics as determined by the economic needs of capitalism. And in that these two anti-imperialist solitudes would never meet. Except they do in the libertarian miluex, which is what gives our politics left or right the best chance of speaking truth to power.

A tip o' the blog to Liberator for this.





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Bring Back Slavery

Since Canadian Christians and other monothieists based on the Abrahamic traditions of the old testament claim Marriage is a Sacred institution and thus that justifies their attempts to overturn Canada's Same Sex Marriage laws then let them not be hypocrites.

It's time to bring back that other sacred institution of the Old Testament, slavery. Abolitionism was liberal heresy. It not only violated the sacred institution of slavery but it led to that other liberal heresy feminism.

Time to bring back the good old laws of the Old Testament. Otherwise social conservatives are just hypocrites not worthy of whistling Dixie.

The first instance of slavery in the Bible consists of Noah's punishment of his son Canaan for some serious sexual sin (the details of which are unknown): "Cursed be Canaan; a slave of slaves shall he be to his brothers."(Gen 9: 27). Slavery, then, was in the first Biblical instance a punishment for some grievous sin. Generally this was the rule of the Law, with an exception to be noted below. Thus theives and enemies of the Jews could be made slaves,(cf. Ex 22:2; 2 Chr 28:8-15) but a Jew who arbitrarily took a slave would be punished by death.(Ex 21: 16)

Slavery in the Bible

See Sabbatical year, Onesimus, Bible-based advocacy of slavery, in addition to the details of the Book of Exodus.

Old Testament or Tanakh

Leviticus draws a distinction between Hebrew debt slavery:

  • 25:39 If your brother becomes impoverished with regard to you so that he sells himself to you, you must not subject him to slave service.
  • 25:40 He must be with you as a hired worker, as a resident foreigner; he must serve with you until the year of jubilee,
  • 25:41 but then he may go free, he and his children with him, and may return to his family and to the property of his ancestors.
  • 25:42 Since they are my servants whom I brought out from the land of Egypt, they must not be sold in a slave sale.
  • 25:43 You must not rule over him harshly, but you must fear your God.

and "bondslaves", foreigners:

  • 25:44 As for your male and female slaves who may belong to you, you may buy male and female slaves from the nations all around you.
  • 25:45 Also you may buy slaves from the children of the foreigners who reside with you, and from their families that are with you, whom they have fathered in your land, they may become your property.
  • 25:46 You may give them as inheritance to your children after you to possess as property. You may enslave them perpetually. However, as for your brothers the Israelites, no man may rule over his brother harshly.
What the Bible says about slavery

Quotations by learned men from the 19th century:

"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God...it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation...it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts." Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America. 1,2
bullet"There is not one verse in the Bible inhibiting slavery, but many regulating it. It is not then, we conclude, immoral." Rev. Alexander Campbell
bullet"The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example." Rev. R. Furman, D.D., Baptist, of South Carolina
bullet"The hope of civilization itself hangs on the defeat of Negro suffrage." A statement by a prominent 19th-century southern Presbyterian pastor, cited by Rev. Jack Rogers, moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
bullet"The doom of Ham has been branded on the form and features of his African descendants. The hand of fate has united his color and destiny. Man cannot separate what God hath joined." United States Senator James Henry Hammond. 3

Quotation from the 21st century:

bullet"If we apply sola scriptura to slavery, I'm afraid the abolitionists are on relatively weak ground. Nowhere is slavery in the Bible lambasted as an oppressive and evil institution: Vaughn Roste, United Church of Canada staff.


The quotation by Jefferson Davis, listed above, reflected the beliefs of many Americans in the 19th century. Slavery was seen as having been "sanctioned in the Bible." They argued that:

bulletBiblical passages recognized, controlled, and regulated the practice.
bulletThe Bible permitted owners to beat their slaves severely, even to the point of killing them. However, as long as the slave lingered longer than 24 hours before dying of the abuse, the owner was not regarded as having committed a crime, because -- after all -- the slave was his property. 4
bulletPaul had every opportunity to write in one of his Epistles that human slavery -- the owning of one person as a piece of property by another -- is profoundly evil. His letter to Philemon would have been an ideal opportunity to vilify slavery. But he wrote not one word of criticism.
bulletJesus could have condemned the practice. He might have done so. But there is no record of him having said anything negative about the institution.

Eventually, the abolitionists gained sufficient power to eradicate slavery in most areas of the world by the end of the 19th century. Slavery was eventually recognized as an extreme evil. But this paradigm shift in understanding came at a cost. Christians wondered why the Bible was so supportive of such an immoral practice. They questioned whether the Bible was entirely reliable. Perhaps there were other practices that it accepted as normal which were profoundly evil -- like genocide, torturing prisoners, raping female prisoners of war, executing religious minorities, burning some hookers alive, etc. The innocent faith that Christians had in "the Good Book" was lost -- never to be fully regained.




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Boom Times For Canadian Capitalism

From the Globe and Mail comes this good news for capitalism in Canada.

Since 1977, the profit growth of the TSX composite is about 6 per cent a year, excluding some unusual items. It's not steady, naturally, because profits dive during recessions and then stage monstrous recoveries. But 6 per cent is the average.

Now here are the TSX profit growth figures for the past four years, based on data by RBC Dominion Securities' quantitative research group:

2003: 36 per cent

2004: 25 per cent

2005: 12 per cent

2006 (through October): 24 per cent.

Never in the 29-year history of the TSX composite have we witnessed a streak like this. (The closest thing to it was in the late 1970s oil and gold boom.) Perhaps it will continue, even in the face of a slowdown in the United States, and maybe 24-per-cent profit gains can be sustained for a long time to come. But then, there are also people who believe in Martian invaders, unicorns, and Jeb Bush for President in 2008

So ask yourself why the government is planning this...Flaherty plans eventual cut to capital gains tax

And don't cry me a river about how Canadian manufacturers are losing money and being forced offshore, they were doing that before the Loonie rose. Like Gilden which offshored its T-Shirt manufacturing into Haiti.

Manufacturers in Canada have been hurt by a rising currency and competition from cheaper rivals in Asia. The Canadian dollar has gained about 38 percent against the U.S. currency in the past four years. That's prompted exporters such as T-shirt maker Gildan Activewear Inc. and packaging producer Norampac Inc. to shut Canadian plants this year because the facilities had become too costly to operate.

And despite Gilden Active Wear (GIL) claiming to be hurt by the Canadian dollar it is not. As one investment newsletter points out it is a good investment In the apparel sector, Gilden Activewear (GIL), a maker of tee shirts, has sprinted from 15 two years ago to 46,

Another investment newsletter points this out about sweatshop Gilden;

Gilden Activewear (GIL)—Up 157% in 367 days

Gilden Corproate Profile For Investors


Corporate Tax

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Microcredit For Some

Ottawa backs microcredit loans with $40-million This is good news, unfortunately it only applies to developing countries. What the government needs to do is adopt a Canada wide Guaranteed Income and provide microcredit loans to welfare and social assistance recipients.That would be real welfare reform. That would also allow all Canadians equality to succeed which is the current rhetoric coming from the government. Because training is not enough. Because as the ad says you need to have money in your pocket.

The government also wants to ensure all Canadians have equal opportunity to succeed, Flaherty said.That means providing incentives so people can upgrade their skills and technological training to be flexible in the changing economy.



Social Wage

Free Trade

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Masturbation Is Murder

If we use the logic of the Catholic Church and the anti-abortion/anti-choice adovactes well then this new finding proves not only is male masturbation a sin but now it is murder as well.

You are killing the unborn. So stop it guys.

Scientists are discovering that as well as carrying the DNA that spells out the male's contribution to a new life, sperm carries RNA and proteins which have a direct influence on fertilisation and embryo development.

Of course masturbation was never a sin for women since its biblical reference was to a 'guy' named Onan. Nor does it lead to ejaculation of seed, so important to patricarchical religions, so ladies you may continue guilt free.



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Solar Power Discombobulator

Fellow Progressive Blogger Murky View points out that commercial Solar Power available for home use is now becoming popular; Solar Industry takes LCD cues

And I had blogged about Canadian Tire providing both Solar and Wind generators for the home.

Now it turns out large scale commercial solar power is becoming cheaper, thanks to one of them science fiction devices a solar power concentrator, or as this guy would call it a discombobulator.

Cheap, Superefficient Solar

Solar-power modules that concentrate the power of the sun are becoming more viable.

The thinking behind concentrated solar power is simple. Because energy from the sun, although abundant, is diffuse, generating one gigawatt of power (the size of a typical utility-scale plant) using traditional photovoltaics requires a four-square-mile area of silicon, says Jerry Olson, a research scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, in Golden, CO. A concentrator system, he says, would replace most of the silicon with plastic or glass lenses or metal reflectors, requiring only as much semiconductor material as it would take to cover an area the size of a typical backyard. And because decreasing the amount of semiconductor needed makes it affordable to use much more efficient types of solar cells, the total footprint of the plant, including the reflectors or lenses, would be only two to two-and-a-half square miles. (This approach is distinct from concentrated thermal solar power, which concentrates the heat from the sun to power turbines or sterling engines.)




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