Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trump's HHS secretary accidentally tells the truth: Racism is driving pandemic policy\
Alex Azar's comments were hateful — and honest, exposing the racist logic behind the entire Trump movement


Donald Trump's administration is truly a one-trick pony. Whatever narratives Trump's minions roll out, white supremacy and racism are always the baseline.

During an appearance last Sunday on CNN's "State of the Nation," Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar offered this explanation of why black people and other nonwhites are at such high risk of death from COVID-19:

Unfortunately the American population is a very diverse — it is a population with significant unhealthy co-morbidities that do make many individuals in our communities, in particular African-American, minority communities, particularly at risk here because of significant underlying disease health disparities and disease co-morbidities and that is an unfortunate legacy in our health care system that we need to address.

Azar detailed these "co-morbidities" as primarily meaning obesity, diabetes and hypertension. To state the obvious, the Trump administration has done nothing to address these and other health problems. Moreover, it is actively working to overturn the Affordable Care Act and other programs shown to improve health outcomes for the American people.

The implications of Azar's comments are clear enough, despite the superficial language of concern: Black and brown communities and individuals are somehow responsible for dying at higher rates from the coronavirus pandemic and the nation's "unfortunate" diversity is at least partly to blame. Of course, after making those comments Azar attempted, predictably, to backtrack and deflect.

Here's the shorter version of the secretary's analysis: "Dear black and brown people: COVID-19 is killing so many of you because you are fat and lazy. Deal with the problem yourselves. This is your own fault."

It may be worth observing that the obesity epidemic in America is not limited to black and brown people in urban neighborhoods. Many of Trump's supporters in red-state America suffer from these same "co-morbidities." One must wonder whether Azar will slur them as being fat and lazy, and ultimately responsible for their own severe illness or death from the coronavirus? Does the same victim-blaming logic apply to Donald Trump, a person who appears to be morbidly obese?

The coronavirus pandemic is global. Since the outbreak, it has killed more than 300,000 people and infected almost 5 million others. In the United States, more than 90,000 people have died. Some projections suggest that in June the daily death toll may approach or exceed 3,000 Americans — more people than were killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11, every single day. Scientists warn that no vaccine will likely be available for at least a year, and likely longer. Lives are being ruined. We are on the verge of a second Great Depression, or already in it. The world economy teeters at the edge of the abyss.

Government exists to confront and resolve problems greater than any one person or group of individuals could solve on their own. To blame black and brown people for dying and suffering from the coronavirus pandemic is the kind of moral logic that underpins crimes against humanity.

Alex Azar has no insight or wisdom to offer about the pandemic except to lie and recite programmed talking points intended to exonerate the Trump regime. The ultimate goal of Trump's pandemic death cult is to create a narrative where 150,000 or more deaths are framed as a victory, rather than a cataclysmic failure of presidential leadership and governance – if such words may even be applied to Trump and his cabal.

To explain and decode Azar's comments about "diversity" and black and brown people dying in this pandemic is to see, once again, the unifying logic of Donald Trump's movement and his Republican Party, news media, voters and supporters.

Truth and empirical reality do not matter to today's "conservatives" and other right-wing revanchists. As such, context is also seen as irrelevant because it is the basis for any true understanding of complex events.

Conservatism, especially the type of fake populist right-wing fascism and authoritarianism that Trump and his movement represent, rejects complexity of thought and principle.

Why are black Americans and other nonwhites dying at disproportionately high rates during the coronavirus pandemic, as compared to white people? Social inequality.

For most of the country's history through to the present, black Americans and other nonwhites have been denied access to quality health care. They are also more likely to be uninsured or underinsured. What social psychologists describe as "racial battle fatigue" also makes nonwhites more vulnerable to the coronavirus and other serious illnesses.

Food deserts and environmental racism also contribute to the co-morbidities that make black and brown people more vulnerable to this pandemic — and to many other forms of illness and disease.

Wealth and income disparities as well as the structure of the labor market combine to make nonwhites more likely to die from the coronavirus pandemic.

As a strategy, the Trump administration and the Republican Party have enacted and pursued policies that make these racial disparities much worse and have therefore made the human cost of the coronavirus much higher for nonwhite people.

White supremacy and racism are central to the Trump regime. Trump's political movement is tied together and motivated by racial animus and hostility towards nonwhite people, as well as Muslims and other groups deemed not to be "real Americans."

Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is a way to channel such values. Dr. Justin Frank, retired George Washington University psychiatrist and author of "Trump on the Couch," explained this to me in a recent email:

Learning that a disproportionate number of black- and brown-skinned people are dying from the virus makes it easier for him to open up the economy, precisely because they wouldn't vote for him, are of no use to him, and are already objects of his malevolence. Just think about the Central Park Five or his derogatory comments about African countries. Donald Trump is his fathers's son, beloved by the Ku Klux Klan.

Azar's comments about "diversity" and the pandemic directly channel white supremacist talking points. For neo-Nazis, the "alt-right" and other white supremacists, "diversity" is a weakness. Diversity is "anti-white," they argue, and as such anti-American.

White supremacists claim that nonwhite immigrants are inherently dirty or criminal, and are vectors for the "white genocide" which is being caused by America's changing racial demographics and globalization. These views are now routinely mainstreamed on Fox News and in other parts of the right-wing echo chamber.

Since the ideology of white supremacy is based on a foundational lie that "white" people" are somehow superior to other groups, claims that "diversity" leads to weaker societies is not true. For one thing, race itself is a social construct with no biological basis; contrary to the fantasies of many right-wing "thinkers," human beings cannot be bred like dogs.

In reality, the particular challenges of "assimilation" or "national identity" often faced by "multiracial" or "diverse" societies result from the angry and paranoid response of white supremacists and other nativists to those people they deem to be undesirable outsiders.

In the United States, that dynamic manifests by how it does not have the robust social democracy and health care system found in many European nations. White Americans and their leaders have historically been more invested in preserving the psychological wages of whiteness than in working together with nonwhite Americans to make a better society that would benefit everyone.

"Big government" is considered to be evil. In reality, "big government" is exactly what is needed to confront a global pandemic. As political scientists and other researchers have shown, the language of "big government" from the 19th century forward has been negatively associated with the idea that black people and other minority groups take money and other resources away from "deserving" white Americans.

The U.S. government has been hollowed out through that logic, leaving it unable to effectively respond to the coronavirus pandemic. This is another example of the various ways in which racism and white supremacy hurt white people.

How will the history of America in the time of Trump's pandemic be written?

Donald Trump's personal fixer, Attorney General William Barr, told Fox News during a recent interview that "history is written by the winners."

Perhaps in the Newspeak pseudo-history of the future it will be written that Donald Trump saved the United States by personally defeating a real-yet-somehow-fake plague, an "invisible enemy" that was brought upon America by the Asians, the blacks, the Hispanics, Native Americans, the Jews, Barack Obama, the Democrats and the "fake news" reporters and journalists.

Truth is always one of the first victims of fascism. In that regard, American fascism is in no way exceptional.

Chauncey DeVega is a politics staff writer for Salon. His essays can also be found at He also hosts a weekly podcast, The Chauncey DeVega Show. Chauncey can be followed on Twitter and Facebook.
Big Oil taking $1.9 billion in CARES Act tax breaks aimed at helping small businesses in ‘Stealth bailout’: report
May 17, 2020 By Common Dreams- Commentary

Sen. Bernie Sanders was among critics outraged that the fossil fuel industry is using tax breaks in the CARES Act meant to help businesses keep workers employed to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes—and then delivering that money to executives.

“Good thing President Trump is looking out for the real victims of the coronavirus: fossil fuel executives,” Sanders tweeted sarcastically Friday.

Coronavirus has killed more than 85,000 people. Some 36 million workers have lost their jobs. Good thing President Trump is looking out for the real victims of the coronavirus: fossil fuel executives.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) May 15, 202

Reporting from Bloomberg News showed that “$1.9 billion in CARES Act tax benefits are being claimed by at least 37 oil companies, service firms, and contractors”—what watchdog group Documented senior researcher Jesse Coleman described as a “stealth bailout” of the climate-killing industry.

“In the name of ‘small business,’ we’re shoveling out billions of dollars to big corporations and rich guys,” Steve Rosenthal, a senior fellow with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told Bloomberg.

Bloomberg used the example of how Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. manipulated the bailout to explain the tax scheme:

As it headed toward bankruptcy, Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. took advantage of a little-noticed provision in the stimulus bill Congress passed in March to get a $9.7 million tax refund. Then, it asked a bankruptcy judge to authorize the same amount as bonuses to nine executives.

According to Bloomberg’s reporting, Diamond’s refund pales in comparison to some of its larger competitors, “including $55 million for Denver-based Antero Midstream Corp., $41.2 million for supplier Oil States International Inc. and $96 million for Oklahoma-based producer Devon Energy Corp.”
OIL CAPITALISM — Diamond Offshore takes $9.7m from American taxpayers, then earmarks the same amount to execs as bankruptcy bonuses. @jendlouhyhc
– Marathon gets $411m
– Oxy $195m
– Valero $110m
– Devon $96m
— Kevin Crowley (@CrowleyKev) May 15, 2020

The fossil fuel industry was already in financial trouble before the outbreak, which has effectively crippled Big Oil’s ability to make money—even with the generous subsidies given by the federal government. Access to bailout tax break funding is helping fossil fuel companies prosper, along with other climate-destroying industries like mining companies, which have also reaped millions from coronavirus relief legislation.

“The Trump administration’s favor factory hasn’t stopped with a global pandemic,” Accountable.US spokesperson Jayson O’Neill said in a statement Friday. “As millions of jobs disappear week after week, the Trump administration is prioritizing aid for wealthy, well-connected corporations before small businesses.”

Angry truck drivers are slamming Trump for saying their protest on devastatingly low rates was a 'sign of love' for him

Truck drivers have protested low pay in Washington, D.C., for much of May. Photo by Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images/Pool

Truck drivers are pushing back on Trump for saying that their ongoing protest in Washington, D.C., was a "sign of love."
In fact, the protests are aimed at increasing transparency into the brokerage industry, where truck drivers are paired with retailers and manufacturers to move loads.
Trump has promised to change this system where brokers can seemingly get away with fleecing truck drivers.
But drivers told Business Insider that they doubt the president will stick to his word.

A group of protesting truck drivers, blaring their horns, interrupted a White House press conference on May 15. President Donald Trump was forced to stop talking about potential vaccines for the coronavirus to recognize the group.

But Trump said the truck drivers weren't protesting — they were parked outside the White House as a "sign of love" for him.

In fact, it's a protest on what truck drivers say is a lack of transparency in how their rates are calculated. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, their pay has sank to unusually low rates.

Some 100 to 200 truck drivers have parked in Washington, DC, since May 1, according to Todd Spencer, who is the president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. For weeks, these drivers have sacrificed their pay to protest.

Protesting truck drivers don't believe that everyone in the trucking industry has experienced the same collapse. They say brokers, who connect drivers to retailers and manufacturers, haven't seen their pay change. Many of America's largest brokers have laid off employees since the pandemic struck.

How much money they take from drivers is unclear. According to Spencer, a federal regulation that requires brokers to reveal the breakdown of rates that they charge truck drivers is often circumvented. The Washington, DC, protests are aimed at pushing Trump and Congress to demand further transparency from brokers.

Trump has said these brokers are "price-gouging" truck drivers. Still, no action has been made on Trump's side to advance transparency into trucking rates.

So the protests in DC continue — and truck drivers say they're still struggling as the federal government fails to provide further stimulus money, too.

Truck drivers voted for Trump in droves in 2016 — but several snubs have pushed truckers away

So when truck driver Desiree Wood read on Twitter that Friday that Trump had reduced her colleagues' protest to a Trump rally, she "just couldn't believe it."

"When he got elected the first time, a lot of truck drivers supported him with an awareness that he didn't know a lot about trucking," Wood, who is the president of the advocacy group Real Women in Trucking, told Business Insider.

A Verdant Labs analysis of Federal Elections Commission data found that nearly three-quarters of truck drivers are Republican — one of the most conservative jobs in America, along with surgeons and farmers.

Trump proved especially popular among drivers. Truck drivers supported Trump in droves, according to an Overdrive magazine survey of its readers before the 2016 election. About 75% said they planned to vote for Trump, up from 66% who supported Sen. Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee in 2012.
US President Donald Trump sits in the cab of a truck as he welcomes members of American Trucking Associations to the White House. Alex Wong/Getty Images

But, the love affair has soured. The Trump administration has delivered a few blows to America's 1.9 million truck drivers.

Trump's new taxation laws have forced many truck drivers to pay thousands more in taxes than usual, thanks to a change in per-diem laws. Dennis Bridges, an accountant who specializes in doing taxes for truckers, told Mother Jones in 2019 that 75% of his clients saw an unusually large tax payment that year, and about 20% had to fork over more than $5,000.

Last year, manufacturing levels collapsed to its lowest point in a decade, which then spurred an unusually high number of bankruptcies in the trucking industry and a collapse in pay rates. Several blamed Trump's trade war with China for "killing" their livelihood.

Wood said the incident on Friday was yet another snub to truck drivers. "Some of them have an awareness now that Trump is sort of like that guy who tells you you're the only one just to get through tonight," Wood said. "And then tomorrow, he doesn't answer your call anymore."

Other trucking activists agree. "You're a political toy! Placated and being used," trucking activist Charles Claburn wrote on Facebook, as reported by Transportation Nation Network. "You leave that street (and) it's over. We need more trucks. They see us, now they need to hear us! There needs to be a clear ultimatum sent by this industry they have 6 weeks to deliver the promises, if not in writing, then it's time to do it right."

Truckload rates have slashed by 54% from last year

Truck driver Steven Popec, who lives in a suburb of Chicago, owns and operates his own truck. The loads he used to drive with his wife, also a driver, now pay a third of what they did last year.

To drive a load 700 miles, Popec earns a gross profit of $407 before he has to pay for his insurance, maintenance, tractor and trailer loans, and so on. He applied for a loan through the Small Business Association but, like many truck drivers who run their own businesses, he hasn't received a penny.

"We are going deeper in debt — no relief, no SBA answer, nothing," Popec told Business Insider. "To say truckers love the president, for what reason? What has he really done for truckers or any average American worker? Please, prove me wrong Mr. President."
Truck driver Osmany Almeida from Orlando, Fla., joins other truck drivers and small truck owners during a rally near the White House Friday, May 1, 2020, in Washington, to gather support on the plight of the trucks drivers and small truck owners. AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

April rates for spot-market loads — trucking jobs tendered in real time rather than through a prearranged contract — were 54% lower than in April 2019, according to data from the load-board company DAT. Rates in April fell to five-year lows for refrigerated and flatbed loads.

Cass Information Systems said April freight volumes hit levels not seen since 2009, obliterating take-home pay for drivers.

Despite the collapse in pay, truck drivers remain more vital than ever during the pandemic. If all truck drivers in America stopped working today, grocery stores would run out of food just two to three days later. Hospitals would be bereft of essential medical supplies, too.

That's caused Popec to feel that drivers like himself as "forgotten souls." He's not sure Trump, or anyone running for office, would change that.

"We no longer have candidates who care about the working class," Popec told Business Insider, "only folks capable of raising money to support their own individual interest."

Read more about how truck drivers have struggled during the coronavirus

Watch truck drivers interrupt Trump's press conference on a coronavirus vaccine with loud honking he called a 'sign of love'

Why America's $800 billion trucking industry was left out of the $2 trillion stimulus bill

Leaked memo reveals trucking giant mistakenly distributed faulty sanitation wipes to its 10,000-plus drivers

Truck drivers have a big problem: Rest stops are shuttering across the US, leaving them to scramble for places to sleep, eat, and use the restroom

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Canadian preacher arrested for breaking coronavirus ban after which he and dozens of his followers became infected

ublished on May 20, 2020 By Agence France-Presse

Myanmar police arrested a Canadian pastor Wednesday for allegedly holding a service in defiance of a coronavirus ban on mass gatherings — after which he and dozens of his followers and their families became infected.

The Southeast Asian nation has so far only confirmed 193 cases and six deaths from the disease, although experts fear low numbers tested mean the true figures could be far higher.

Myanmar-born preacher David Lah, 43, is based out of Toronto, Canada but often visits his motherland to give sermon tours.

Myanmar introduced a ban on mass gatherings in mid-March.

Footage emerged early April showing Lah leading services in which he claimed Christians would be spared from the pandemic.

“If people hold the Bible and Jesus in their hearts, the disease will not come in,” he proclaimed in one video to a roomful of faithful followers.

“The only person who can cure and give peace in this pandemic is Jesus.”

Shortly afterwards Lah tested positive with coronavirus and figures released by the government show dozens of confirmed cases could be traced back to his followers.

Myo Gyi, lead singer of Myanmar’s most famous rock band Iron Cross, was among those infected.

After emerging from quarantine, Lah was arrested Wednesday morning and taken to a Yangon court where he was charged with violating the Natural Disaster and Management Law.

He could face three years behind bars if convicted.

“The police procedure was delayed because he was recovering from the disease,” a police officer told AFP, declining to be named.

Three others will also face charges in connection with the same events when they recuperate, he added.

The scandal even touched Myanmar’s Christian vice president Henry Van Thio and his family, who had attended an earlier service with Lah in February, although they later tested negative.

About six percent of Buddhist-majority Myanmar’s population identifies as one of the various Christian denominations in the country.

Lah is being held in Yangon’s notorious Insein Prison and is due to appear in court again June 3.

© 2020 AFP
Steve Schmidt: ‘Abject idiocy’ of Trump is ‘what matters the most’ during coronavirus pandemic

Published May 19, 2020

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt harshly criticized President Donald Trump during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC.

“Look, President Trump is many things. He’s dishonest, He’s lied to the American people more than 17,000 times. He completely is corrupt,” Schmidt said. “He’s indecent, he’s vile, he’s divisive, but in this moment, the thing that matters the most — and I don’t say this to name call — but he’s an imbecile.

“That’s the precise word we use in the English language to describe his comportment, to describe his behavior.”

“Every day has been the achievement of a new stratosphere of just abject idiocy flowing out from the White House. So it’s the mismanagement of the crisis, we see the continual assault on our democratic institutions, the undermining of the rule of law, the institutionalization of the corruption of this administration, through the attorney general, the firing of the inspector generals, and on and on it goes,” he warned.

“Chris, the most powerful country in the world, supposedly — economically, militarily — we are a basket case,” he added. “You have more likelihood of catching it in the United States than anyplace else. You have more likelihood of not being able to get a test for it than anyplace else.”

“And so when we look at the totality of it, the mismanagement, the incompetence is so epically bad, there’s no comparison to it in the whole of American history,” Schmidt concluded.

Trump’s biggest fans are so bent on taking hydroxychloroquine they’re making their own

May 20, 2020

President Donald Trump’s staunchest fans are so bent on taking hydroxychloroquine they’re sharing recipes for making their own.

The president has been hyping the anti-malarial drug as a preventative and treatment for the coronavirus, and claimed this week he’s been taking it himself, and his right-wing allies have promoting it and also taking the drug themselves, reported The Daily Beast.

“Tell everyone you’re taking it,” tweeted Lionel Lebron, a QAnon conspiracy theorist and conservative social media personality who visited Trump at the White House in 2018. “Even if you’re not. Say you’re taking it via enema. A high colonic with a twist of lime.”

#HCQ. Tell everyone you’re taking it. Even if you’re not. Say you’re taking it via enema. A high colonic with a twist of lime. You’re bathing in it. Say you’re having clothes made with fibers soaked in HCQ. Name your dog HCQ. Tattoo it on your forehead. Drive these idiots nuts.

Lionel (@LionelMedia) May 19, 2020 

The Food and Drug Administration does not recommend hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 outside of hospitals or clinical trials, warning the drug can produce “abnormal heart rhythms” in some patients, and a Veterans Affairs study found the drug had no effect on the virus and may lead to death for some patients.

But other QAnon conspiracy theorists are so sure that Trump’s right about hydroxychloroquine they’re sharing recipes for the drug that consists of steeping various fruit rinds so followers can avoid “big pharmas fillers.”

Others, such as Missouri chiropractor Eric Nepute, are urging their online followers to drink Schweppes Tonic Water for the quinine, falsely claiming its effects “similar-ish” to hydroxychloroquine, but the Snopes website says a person would need to drink 25 liters a day to ingest enough quinine for medicinal purposes.

Talk radio host and former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka claims he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine for a month to prevent COVID-19 infection, and Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS), a doctor and Kansas Senate candidate, says he and several family members are taking hydroxychloroquine as a prevenative.

“I’m relieved President Trump is taking it,” Marshall said.

Fringe right-wing figure Michael Coudrey, who’s been retweeted by the president in the past, claimed the drug has pleasant side effects.

“My face is also very plush and vibrant,” Coudrey tweeted.

Fisher Sand & Gravel awarded $1.28B for border wall construction

A section of border fence on the U.S. - Mexico border is seen in Tecate, California on June 10, 2019. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Ph

May 19 (UPI) -- A North Dakota construction company that drew scrutiny for a previous contract won a $1.28 billion border wall construction contract earlier in May.

Fisher Sand & Gravel's new contract was not announced by the Department of Defense, which has awarded several border wall contracts, or by Customs & Border Patrol, but was reported by the Arizona Daily Star.

It's set to fund about 42 miles of border wall in Arizona, from Nogales to the eastern boundary of the Tohono O'odham Nation.

In December Fisher Sand & Gravel was awarded $400 million to build a wall near Yuma County, Ariz.

The company's CEO, Tommy Fisher, publicly campaigned for wall contracts and paid $145,000 to discuss the border wall with lawmakers and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Fisher's campaign has provoked public admiration from President Donald Trump, but also accusations of undue influence from Democrats -- and an audit from the Pentagon's inspector general, which officials say is still ongoing.

That audit is still ongoing.

Fisher has said he can build a wall more cheaply than other contractors, but the new award to Fisher costs about $30 million per mile of wall, making it more expensive than other contracts for the wall -- and making the wall one of the largest federal infrastructure projects in American history.

About 180 miles have been built since January 2017, and acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said last week that he expects to see as many as 400 miles of completed wall this year.

Congressional Democrats called for a halt to border construction projects this spring due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the DoD has awarded numerous contracts for wall construction, including others that have drawn criticism due to high costs and possible undue influence.

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In April Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) asked the acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense to review a $569 million border wall contract awarded earlier that month to BFBC, a Montana-based company whose CEO has a history of donations to Trump's campaign as well as other Republican races.

Their letter also points to the high per-mile cost of BFBC's proposed project -- in that case $33 million per mile.
Poll: Americans more liberal socially than economically

Activists demonstrate outside the U.S. Supreme Court on October 8, 2019, as the court hears arguments in three cases that influence lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender protections. File Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo

May 20 (UPI) -- The gap between Americans who view themselves economically conservative and fiscally liberal is narrower than it's ever been -- but a Gallup survey Wednesday showed that social issues are still where more citizens have a liberal viewpoint.

The poll shows a gap of just 18 points separate the two positions, the closes point in the history of the survey.

Thirty-nine percent of U.S. adults said they are conservative on economic issues while 21 percent said they're liberal. Thirty-eight percent answered they're moderate fiscally.

Over the years, the gap had been as wide as 36 points (2010) and as close as 20, at various times.

The survey showed Americans are closer on social issues. Thirty-five percent said they're socially conservative and 29 percent said they're liberal.

The social gap was also widest in 2010, Gallup said, when conservatives held a 17-point majority.

More than 60 percent of Republicans said they are socially and fiscally conservative -- while about four or five in 10 Democrats said they're liberal in both areas.

Gallup said the figures continue a trend of Americans being more liberal socially than they are economically.

Gallup polled more than 1,000 U.S. adults for the survey, which has a margin of error of 4 points

Hobby Lobby accuses Christie's of selling ancient artifact fraudulently

The cuneiform tablet in question tells the Epic of Gilgamesh. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of New York

May 19 (UPI) -- Hobby Lobby sued Christie's on Tuesday, accusing the auction house of selling it an ancient artifact that had been looted.

The lawsuit comes one day after U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of New York seized the cuneiform tablet from where it was housed at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.

Hobby Lobby said Christie's told the company the sale of the cuneiform tablet, which features the Epic of Gilgamesh, was legal. The auction house allegedly said the tablet had been sold by San Francisco firm Butterfield & Butterfield in 1981, meaning it had ownership in the United States prior to a federal ban on cultural imports from Iraq in the 1990s.

The U.S. Attorney's Office said a provenance letter proving the tablet was sold in 1981 was false.

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"In this case, a major auction house failed to meet its obligations by minimizing its concerns that the provenance of an important Iraqi artifact was fabricated, and withheld from the buyer information that undermined the provenance's reliability," said Richard Donoghue, U.S. attorney for the eastern district of New York.

Christie's denied having knowledge that the item's sale was illegal.

"This filing is linked to new information that has come to light regarding an unidentified dealer's admission to government authorities that he illegally imported this item then falsified documents over a decade ago, in order to perpetrate an illegal sale and exploit the legitimate market for ancient art," a spokesperson said in an email to UPI. 
RELATED UPI Archives: Hobby Lobby-smuggled artifacts return to Iraq
"Now that we are informed of this illicit activity pre-dating Christie's involvement, we are reviewing all representations made to us by prior owners and will reserve our rights in this matter. Any suggestion that Christie's had knowledge of the original fraud or illegal importation is unsubstantiated."

Hobby Lobby purchased the cuneiform tablet with plans for it to go on display at the Museum of the Bible, partly funded by the Green family, which owns Hobby Lobby. The museum opened in 2017 under the shadow of a separate case in which Hobby Lobby agreed to return more than 100 historic artifacts from modern-day Iraq that company President Steve Green purchased in Dubai.
In the lawsuit, Hobby Lobby said it wants the $1.6 million it spent on the tablet back as well as interest on the money since 2014 and attorney's fees.

In addition to Christie's, the lawsuit names the anonymous seller of the cuneiform tablet -- identified as "John Doe" -- as a defendant. 

A demonstration of ultraviolet disinfecting technology takes place at the Corona Maintenance Facility in New York City on May 19. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced an ultraviolet light pilot program proven to kill COVID-19, with the first phase set to launch on subways, buses and other New York City Transit facilities early next week. Photo by Marc A. Hermann/MTA New York City Transit | License Photo

Israeli dig finds 2,000-year-old underground complex near Western Wall

Archaeologist Tehila Sadiel cleans a mosaic floor unearthed by the Israel Antiquities Authority on Tuesday in the Old City of Jerusalem. Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo

May 19 (UPI) -- Archaeologists have uncovered a 2,000-year-old underground compound near Jerusalem's Western Wall that hasn't been seen in generations, officials said Tuesday.

The Israeli Antiquities Authorities said the compound -- which has an open courtyard, two rooms and several household objects -- had been sealed during the Byzantine period some 1,400 years ago.

Experts said it's the first time such a system has been uncovered near the Western Wall and could reveal what life was like in Jerusalem before the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.

Researchers say the complex was likely used by Jerusalem residents during the early Roman period. The system was sealed beneath the floor of a large and impressive structure from the Byzantine period, "waiting for some 2,000 years to be discovered," the Western Wall Heritage Foundation said.

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"This is a unique finding," said excavation directors Barak Monnickendam-Givon and Tehila Sadiel. "This is the first time a subterranean system has been uncovered adjacent to the Western Wall."

"You must understand that 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem, like today, it was customary to build out of stone. The question is, why were such efforts and resources invested in hewing rooms underground in the hard bedrock?"

Students from a pre-military preparatory program in Jerusalem working in cooperation with the IAA assisted in uncovering the location under the Beit Strauss complex.

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Mordechai Eliav, director of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, said the finding should add to what researchers now know about Jerusalem.

"I am excited, on the eve of Jerusalem Day, to reveal to the Jewish nation a new treasure trove of impressive and fascinating findings that shed light on life in Jerusalem throughout the generations," Eliav said.

"This finding epitomizes the deep connection of Jews with Jerusalem, their capital. Even when there were physical limitations, prayer at the foot of the remnant of our Temple never ceased, and this is tangible evidence of this."
Mahmoud Abbas ends Palestinian security deal with U.S., Israel

Israeli opposition leader Benny Gantz looks at the Jordan Valley in the Israeli settlement of Vered Jericho in the West Bank on January 21. Gantz had promised to annex the valley if he was elected prime minister. File Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo


May 20 (UPI) -- Palestinian authorities will end a security agreement with Israel and the United States as a result of plans to annex parts of the West Bank by the new unity government in Jerusalem.

Palestinian authorities voted in 2018 end the security agreement but allowed President Mahmoud Abbas the option of when to end cooperation. Abbas on several prior occasions has threatened to end the agreement.

Abbas said Tuesday the cooperation is over effective immediately.

"The Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine are absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the obligations based on these understandings and agreements, including the security ones," Abbas said in a speech.

Abbas said security in certain zones of the West Bank is now Israel's responsibility.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Benny Gantz have both supported plans to annex parts of the West Bank. Their formation of a new unity government on Sunday ended political deadlock in Jerusalem that lasted for more than a year.

Jordan's King Abdullah II warned last weekend that annexing the West Bank could bring "a massive conflict" between Jordan and Israel and suspend their 1994 peace treaty.

It's not yet clear exactly how Palestinian officials will practically end the security agreement or what logistical steps they might take as a result of its suspension.


MorePalestinian leaders warn Israel's new gov't against more annexation 

Netanyahu to approve 3,500 Jewish homes on disputed 'E1' land

The U.S., North Korea, and Nuclear Diplomacy

Author: Daniel Wertz

Last Updated October 2018 (Previous Edition: November 2015
President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. Photo via White House.
For three decades, North Korea’s pursuit of a nuclear arsenal has been the predominant U.S. foreign policy concern on the Korean Peninsula, threatening both regional stability and the global nonproliferation regime. Although multiple countries have a major stake in the issue, the U.S. has been both the most important interlocutor in attempts to resolve it diplomatically and the leader in global efforts to pressure and isolate North Korea. Efforts to address North Korea’s nuclear weapons program through various combinations of diplomacy and pressure have at times slowed or temporarily halted Pyongyang’s progress, but have failed to roll it back or to fundamentally change the dynamics of conflict on the Peninsula.
As North Korea has dramatically accelerated the pace of progress in building its nuclear program in recent years, and as the Trump administration has alternately leveled threats of military action and engaged in high-profile summitry with Kim Jong-un, this issue has risen to the top of the U.S. foreign policy agenda. The current round of U.S. diplomatic engagement with North Korea may hold enormous consequences for the future of the Korean Peninsula, perhaps leading to the denouement of this long saga – or, despite the high stakes, perhaps simply to another round of all sides “muddling through” with no ultimate resolution in sight. The Trump administration has framed negotiations with North Korea in stark binary terms – either leading to North Korea’s denuclearization and prosperity, or to a more intensified confrontation and conflict – but few experts expect North Korea to give up its nuclear arsenal any time soon.
This Issue Brief will review the history of U.S. nuclear negotiations with North Korea, taking a close look at past efforts to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. It will also examine the persistent questions and themes surrounding how the U.S. has approached the issue of negotiating with Pyongyang, and how foreign analysts have perceived the motivations behind North Korea’s nuclear program.




The National Committee on North Korea (NCNK) is a non-governmental organization of persons with significant and diverse expertise related to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. NCNK and its members support principled engagement with North Korea as a means to promote peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and to improve the lives of the people of North Korea. NCNK also works to provide policymakers, the academic and think tank community, and the general public with substantive and balanced information about developments in North Korea. NCNK was founded by Mercy Corps, a global aid and development organization, in 2004.

South Korea ruling party prepared to eradicate 'fake news' 
Lee Hae-chan (R), leader of South Korea's ruling Democratic Party, condemned politicians who "distort history," in reference to the 1980 Gwangju Uprising. File Photo by Yonhap/EPA-EFE
May 20 (UPI) -- South Korea's ruling party is supporting new laws that could punish people for disseminating "fake news," according to multiple press reports.

South Korea's Democratic Party leader Lee Hae-chan said Wednesday a new law designed to verify the truths of the 1980 Gwangju Uprising should also consider bringing to justice people who have conflicting interpretations of the events of 40 years ago, when the South Korean military quelled a pro-democracy movement, Yonhap and News 1 reported Wednesday.

Lee, a former prime minister under progressive President Roh Moo-hyun, told politicians at a meeting of the Democratic Party Supreme Council he takes issue specifically with Jee Man-won, a far-right politician who has said the uprising of May 18, 1980 included the participation of North Korean military personnel.

Jee has been the target of lawsuits from activists, who allege he created falsified documents to connect the Gwangju Uprising with the North Korean regime in Pyongyang.

On Wednesday, Lee said Jee was promoting "fake news," and engaging in "unscrupulous acts aimed in advancing his self-interest."

"Only with the consensus of the [South Korean people] can the spread of fake news be stopped," Lee said.

"It is truly deplorable. To distort the history of the Gwangju Uprising is to also violate the spirit of the [South Korean] Constitution."

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Park Kwang-on, a member of the DP Supreme Council, said the May 18 Special Law to "reveal the truth" must be passed, in order to lead the country down a path of reconciliation, News 1 reported.

Park also said it is necessary to investigate the facts, and "expand the authority" of inspectors.

"Tragic history repeats itself, unless people are duly punished for a systematic and widespread massacre of citizens."

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Former President Chun Doo-hwan, who came to power after staging a military coup in 1979, has been blamed for ordering the crackdown against Gwangju protesters.

Chun is facing a libel lawsuit in connection to the events of Gwangju.

South Korea conservatives clash with Gwangju Uprising activists

A man pays his respects before a tomb at a national cemetery honoring those killed in the 1980 Gwangju democracy uprising in Gwangju, South Korea. File Photo by Yonhap/EPA

Feb. 8, 2019

 (UPI) -- A group of lawmakers from South Korea's main conservative opposition invited a controversial politician to speak at a public hearing on the Gwangju Uprising -- a decision that angered activists who defend the pro-democracy movement.

The public hearing on Friday took place as a left-wing lawyers group called for the repatriation of the 12 North Korean waitresses and their manager brought to the South in 2016.

South Korean television network MBC reported a group of far-right lawmakers affiliated with the Liberty Korea Party hosted the "Public Hearing on the Investigation into the Truth of May 18," where politician Jee Man-won was the guest speaker.

Jee has been the target of lawsuits from activists, who allege he created falsified documents to connect the Gwangju Uprising with the North Korean regime in Pyongyang. Jee has claimed the uprising of May 18, 1980, included the participation of North Korean military personnel.

Right-wing politicians condemned the pro-democracy movement on Friday, including Kim Soon-rye of the Liberty Korea Party.

"Right now the pro-North Korea leftists are dominating, and creating an abominable group called the May 18 Figures of Merit that is draining taxpayer money," Kim said, referring to civic groups in South Korea that seek restitution for protesters wrongfully imprisoned or detained.

Other politicians said the pro-democracy protesters were rioters, and Jee praised former President Chun Doo-hwan as a hero; Chun was president when the government ordered a military crackdown against protesters.
Gwangju activists disrupted the hearing and voiced their indignation during the event, according to MBC.

The dispute comes at a time of increased polarization in South Korea, where engagement with North Korea has been followed by debate on issues ranging from defectors to political allegiances.

Seoul Pyongyang News reported Friday the progressive Lawyers for a Democratic Society, or Minbyun, held a rally outside the presidential Blue House, calling on the government to repatriate a group of North Korean waitresses, and other defectors, including Kim Ryen-hi.
Kim is a North Korean woman in the South who has claimed she was abducted to the South.

Jet engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce to cut 9,000 jobs 

A worker walks beneath one of four large Rolls Royce Trent 900 engines on an Airbus A380 at Vancouver International Airport in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. File Photo by Heinz Ruckemann/UPI | License Photo

May 20 (UPI) -- British jet engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce said Wednesday it will cut 9,000 jobs as it tries to weather the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the air travel industry.

Rolls-Royce said 8,000 of the cuts will be made in its civil aerospace sector. The losses represent nearly one-fifth of the company's worldwide workforce of 52,000.

"Our airline customers and airframe partners are having to adapt and so must we," Rolls-Royce CEO Warren East said in a statement. "We must take difficult decisions to see our business through these unprecedented times."

Rolls-Royce said the reorganization should save the company about $1.6 billion annually and $858 million immediately.

"We have to do this right, which means we will work closely with our employee and trade union representatives as appropriate, look at any viable alternatives to mitigate the impact, consult with everyone affected and treat our people with dignity and respect," West added.

A number of aircraft use Rolls Royce engines, including Airbus' A330, A340, A350 and A380 jetliners, as well as Boeing's 777 and 787.

The International Air Transport Association said last week it doesn't expect air travel to return to 2019 levels until 2023. Rolls-Royce said it plans to produce just 250 plane engines this year, down from its previous estimate of 450.

Ryanair to cut pay, as many as 3,000 jobs due to travel slowdown

A Ryanair Boeing 737 lands at Dublin Airport in Dublin, Ireland. The carrier said Monday it may ultimately cut 3,000 jobs due to fallout from the coronavirus crisis. File Photo by Aidan Crawley/EPA-EFE

May 18 (UPI) -- Ireland-based Ryanair says it may end up cutting thousands of jobs due to economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The discount airline said in an earnings report Monday that most of its fleet has been grounded since mid-March, which reduced full-year traffic by five million travelers.

Ryanair said it anticipates operating less than 1 percent of its scheduled flights in the quarter from April to June and hopes to fly more than 50 percent of its flights in the following quarter.

The company said it won't take government aid and it has already begun to make labor cutbacks.

"Unlike many flag carrier competitors, Ryanair will not request or receive state aid," the company said. "Consultations about base closures, pay cuts of up to 20 percent, unpaid leave and up to 3,000 job cuts (mainly pilots and cabin crew) are underway with our people and our unions."

The airline said profits had increased by 13 percent for the last fiscal year, which ended in March before the full impact of the coronavirus crisis arrived.

Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary criticized European restrictions that called for a 14-day quarantine for some passengers on inbound flights. Some have since been eased.

"They removed this idiotic 14-day isolation that is both unimplementable and unmanageable, in favor of using masks and temperature checks," O'Leary told CNBC, calling the proposed quarantine "a joke."

O'Leary said he's hoping to dissuade British officials from imposing their own 14-day quarantine.

"The government has no idea what they are talking about," he said. "They say it is based on science but then [they] can't explain why you're exempting the Irish and the French."

IEA: New renewable energy to decline for the first time in 20 years

Renewable energy installations will decrease in 2020 for the first time in two decades, the IEA report said. File Photo by Pat Benic/UPI | License Photo

May 20 (UPI) -- Due to delays in construction caused by lockdown measures, the number of new renewable power installations worldwide will decline in 2020 for first time in 20 years, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday.

The IEA made the projection in its Renewable Market Update report.

Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis will result in a 13 percent decline in new renewable power capacity coming online this year -- some 167 gigawatts, the report said, although even the lower number represents a 6 percent growth in global capacity.

The growth pattern is forecast to quickly resume in 2021 and rebound to the level set in 2019, mainly due to two new hydropower projects in China and a rush to build new renewable installations in the United States before tax credits expire.

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"The resilience of renewable electricity to the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis is good news but cannot be taken for granted," said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. "Countries are continuing to build new wind turbines and solar plants, but at a much slower pace."

Despite the demand for renewable energy, Birol urged governments to keep sight of the "essential task of stepping up clean energy transitions to enable us to emerge from the crisis on a secure and sustainable path."

Recovery will be slower in more mature markets such as Europe, however, as global growth for 2020 and 2021 combined is expected to be 10 percent under the IEA's previous forecast.

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Wednesday's outlook said solar installations will decline from 110 gigawatts in 2019 to 90 gigawatts this year, followed by a modest rebound in 2021, while decreases in onshore wind power will be "mostly compensated for" next year.

An analysis by the U.S. solar industry says it will employ 114,000 fewer workers by June than previously anticipated, a reduction to 2014 levels.
McDonald's workers striking Wednesday over COVID-19 conditions

McDonald's says the strike is a "publicity stunt" by labor organizers and that the company has provided an "ample supply" of personal protective equipment.

McDonald's disputes accusations from striking workers and a lawsuit, saying the health of its workers is a top priority. File Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo

MAY 20, 2020 / 6:46 AM

May 20 (UPI) -- Hundreds of McDonald's workers plan to strike on Wednesday, saying the fast-food chain has provided inadequate protection during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Workers in a number of cities are set to take part in the strike organized by the minimum-wage labor campaign "Fight for $15" and supported by the Service Employees International Union ahead of the company's annual shareholders meeting

"This is about choices," union President Mary Kay Henry said. "McDonald's can do the right thing and protect its workers. It is choosing not to."

Organizers say McDonald's workers in at least 16 states have contracted COVID-19. They cite a survey in which 42 percent of a sample of 800 workers said they were told by management not to wear gloves or face coverings and 46 percent said they reported to work despite feeling ill out of fear of discipline.

"We are aware of scores of cases of COVID-19-positive workers in at least 16 states across the country. Time and time again, McDonald's has failed to swiftly close and disinfect stores following confirmed reports of COVID-19 employees," an open letter to McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski states. "To make matters worse, your restaurants have also failed to promptly inform workers of exposure to the virus and to provide pay during quarantine."

Five McDonald's workers in Chicago and four of their family members have also filed a lawsuit seeking class-action status, alleging that McDonald's hasn't provided enough masks, gloves and hand sanitizer to protect them from the outbreak.

McDonald's says the strike is a strategically timed "publicity stunt" by labor organizers and denies the accusations made by the suit and strike organizers, saying it's provided an "ample supply" of personal protective equipment.

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"We are grateful for the 850,000 individuals who are the heart and soul of every McDonald's restaurant across the U.S. As a people business, providing a safe environment in the restaurants is a top priority," the company said in a statement Tuesday.

"And we're doing our part while keeping employees and customers safe. Since the start of the pandemic, we have made nearly 50 process changes in our restaurants in accordance with guidance from the CDC and state and local health experts.

"These include providing wellness and temperature checks, masks and gloves, social distancing guidelines, increased cleanings and installing protective barriers."

The strike Wednesday comes as McDonald's prepares to reopen in-restaurant dining at locations nationwide.

"As reopening begins in states across the country, we are implementing a 59-page 'playbook' that outlines the precautions we are requiring before restaurants reopen dining rooms. And we are confident that employees impacted by the virus are receiving sick pay to tend to their healthcare needs."

Workers at Amazon and its Whole Foods subsidiary conducted a worldwide "sick-out" in March to protest conditions and pay provided by the company and were similarly followed by workers at Target, Instacart, FedEx, Walmart and Shipt earlier this month.
Trump signs executive order to cut regulations hampering economic recovery
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday directing federal agencies to review regulations that have been suspended in response to the coronavirus pandemic and cut any that would hinder economic recovery.

 Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo


May 19 (UPI) -- President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday seeking to cut regulations that hamper economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During a Cabinet meeting at the White House, Trump said the order directs federal agencies to review hundreds of regulations that have been suspended in response to the pandemic and make those suspensions permanent where possible.

"With millions of Americans forced out of work by the virus, it's more important than ever to remove burdens that destroy American jobs," Trump said.

He also said he instructed agencies to use emergency authorities to speed up regulation cuts or "new rules that will create jobs and prosperity and get rid of unnecessary rules and regulations."

The administration has taken steps to loosen some regulations amid the pandemic, including a March memo by the Environmental Protection Agency announcing it suspended enforcement of environmental laws requiring companies to monitor their pollution.

Hurricanes are increasing in intensity, long-term data indicate

By Ed Adamczyk MAY 18, 2020

Damage to homes and property from Hurricane Dorian is seen at Treasure Cay in the Bahamas on Sept. 9, 2019. File Photo by Joe Marino/UPI
| License Photo

May 18 (UPI) -- The maximum sustained winds of hurricanes are increasing around the world, according to an analysis of 40 years of satellite imagery published on Monday.

The maximum sustained winds in hurricanes have increased by about 8 percent per decade in the period under study, according to the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A warming planet, researchers say, could be the cause.

The data was studied by scientists of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Center for Environmental Information and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies

"Through modeling and our understanding of atmospheric physics, the study agrees with what we would expect to see in a warming climate like ours," lead study author James Kossin, a NOAA scientist based at UW-Madison, said in a press release. "Our results show that these storms have become stronger on global and regional levels, which is consistent with expectations of how hurricanes respond to a warming world."

The study builds on a Kossin's 2013 study analyzing hurricanes over a 28-year time span. That study demonstrated that hurricanes are moving farther northward and southward, exposing coastlines to greater risk, and moving more slowly when traveling over land, resulting in greater risk of floods.

The research, Kossin said, increases confidence that global warming is making for stronger hurricanes, "but our results don't tell us precisely how much of the trends are caused by human activities and how much may just be natural variability."

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The meteorology service AccuWeather predicted last week that the 2020 hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean will be intense.

Based on the newest forecasting models, the forecasters extended the upper range of hurricanes to 14 to 20 tropical storms with seven to 11 growing to hurricane strength and four to six becoming Category 3 or higher, indicating sustained winds of 111 mph or higher. It also warned that four to six named tropical systems could make direct impacts on the U.S mainland, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

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