Friday, June 19, 2020

Colin Kaepernick Could Be Returning to the NFL

He hasn't played in the league since 2016.
By Christopher Luu

Quarterback Colin Kaepernick could be back on the grass when the NFL season kicks off later this year. Multiple reports state that Kaepernick is on the Los Angeles Chargers's potential workout list, which doesn't guarantee him a spot on the lineup, but does open doors for his return to the league.

Kaepernick hasn't played in the NFL since 2016, when he was on the San Francisco 49ers and started kneeling during the American national anthem as a way to peacefully protest police brutality and systemic racism. After he opted out of his contract that year — reports state that he would have been cut from the team if he didn't opt out — he sued the NFL for collusion, saying that there were plans to keep him out of the league. The case was settled last year, NBC Sports reports.


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Chargers coach Anthony Lynn told ESPN that although he has not spoken to Kaepernick directly, his style of play would fit in with the team's current system. Currently, the team has Tyrod Taylor, Justin Herbert, and Easton Stick listed as quarterbacks.

"I haven't spoken with Colin, not sure where he's at as far in his career, what he wants to do," Lynn said. "But Colin definitely fits the style of quarterback for the system that we're going to be running. I'm very confident and happy with the three quarterbacks that I have, but you can never have too many people waiting on the runway."

Roger Goodell, the NFL's commissioner, later said the NFL was wrong for "not listening to players earlier" when thy voiced concerns of racial injustice and police brutality. His statement came after some of the NFL's most notable came together and posted a video asking the league to condemn racism and support the Black Lives Matter movement. While Goodell didn't mention Kaepernick specifically in his apology, he did encourage the league's teams to consider signing him.

Just last year, Kaepernick had a workout at the Atlanta Falcons's facility, though nothing came of it after media wasn't allowed into the session and the league insisted on a "liability waiver" to be attached to Kaepernick's contract. Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll told ESPN last week that he regrets not signing Kaepernick back in 2017. Statements from coaches may provide the league with some sympathy from fans, but Kaepernick is still waiting for real action.

"I've been ready for three years, and I've been denied for three years," Kaepernick told reporters in November. "We all know why I came out here and showed it today in front of everybody — we have nothing to hide. So we're waiting for the 32 owners, the 32 teams, Roger Goodell, all of them to stop running. Stop running from the truth, stop running from the people."

Kaepernick's protest has been top of mind for many people during the Black Lives Matter protests following the death of George Floyd. Many players and executives who, at the time, turned their backs on him now seem to understand what he was doing. The message was the same in 2016 as it is now, but as pressure mounts, public statements of support seem to be coming from all over the league.

Other sports players did follow in Kaepernick's footsteps at the time, including USA soccer champion Megan Rapinoe. Just this week, FIFA said that they would allow players to take a knee during the National Anthem without penalty. Donald Trump responded how he always has in the past writing on Twitter saying he "wouldn't be watching," now that it's allowed.

RELATED: An Explicit Guide to Being Anti-Racist

The change of heart around Kaepernick should serve as a reminder that Black people have been fighting to end systemic racism forever and their voices have been silenced. His protest was meaningful and it will forever be looked at as a historical moment. Whether or not he comes back to the NFL, these leagues need to listen to the Black players, period.

More than 300 Red Bull employees signed a letter expressing 'concern' about the company's response to Black Lives Matter and asking for 'internal action.' Read their note to executives.

Patrick Coffee BI 6/19/2020
Hip-hop group Naughty by Nature promoting Red Bull's BC One breakdancing competition in 2017. Dean Treml/Red Bull via Getty Images

A letter sent to Red Bull leadership on June 1 and signed by more than 300 employees criticized the company's "public silence" on the Black Lives Matter movement.

The letter titled "Representation Matters at Red Bull" asked the company to go further in recognizing the Black Lives Matter movement and have a conversation about race.
An internal memo from Red Bull's head of communications said the company "stands directly and actively against racism."

Many companies have made statements of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and are being held accountable for their records of diversity and inclusion.

More than 300 Red Bull employees signed a June 1 letter titled "Representation Matters at Red Bull" asking the company to go further in recognizing the Black Lives Matter movement and have a conversation about race.

The letter from employees was sent to North American CEO Stefan Kozak and president and CMO Amy Taylor. It expressed concern about Red Bull's "public silence" regarding the protests and a May 31 staff email that was reviewed by Business Insider and referred to "tremendous heartbreak, pain, and anger across our country" and announced a pause in company meetings and social media activity but did not include the word "Black" or mention George Floyd.

The employees' letter said that Red Bull has drawn heavily from various aspects of Black culture, including hip-hop, breakdancing, and basketball, to promote its products.

"As we say nothing, we are abandoning the communities we claim to support and foster in their time of greatest need," the letter read. "Absence during a time that demands action, reveals purported support as nothing more than exploitation."

The developments come as many companies have made statements of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and are being held accountable for their records of diversity and inclusion.
The company later mentioned Floyd and said Red Bull stood against racism

On June 2, staff received another email written by Kozak that mentioned "the murder of George Floyd and countless others."

Regarding "the current uprising," Kozak wrote, "I share these views and I applaud those who peacefully and courageously have made their voices heard."

Then on June 14, Red Bull's head of communications, Carly Loder, sent an internal memo saying the company stood against racism but did not state that it would publicly support the movement.

"I'm not American. I'm not Black. I cannot even begin to understand for one moment what the last few weeks has been like for our team," Loder wrote. "I want you to know where I personally stand — Black Lives Matter."

The memo then summarized the company's talking points to use with business partners, writing that Red Bull "stands directly and actively against racism" and "supports the Black community and the movement" and that Red Bull "will reinforce Black representation in everything we do" and "direct resources to the efforts of existing and new partners focused on equality in cities across the US."

It stated that executives understood why staff were frustrated with the delayed response and promised "action in short term solutions for Black representation in our organization and in the stories and content we amplify in the market."

The employee letter and staff memos were provided to Business Insider by a Red Bull employee who is known to Business Insider but requested anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the matter.

Loder declined to comment beyond the June 14 memo.

Joel "Teknyc" Martinez, a b-boy and graffiti artist who has participated in Red Bull's BC One breakdancing competition, told Business Insider he was upset by a #BlackoutTuesday post that Red Bull shared June 2. He asked the brand on Instagram why it didn't use the phrase "Black Lives Matter" since breakdancing is central to Black and Latino culture.

"This is a paradigm shift. All people wanting a better world is what the protests are about," he said. "Why would Red Bull not stand behind that?"

Below is the full letter that employees sent leadership:

Dear Stefan and Amy,

As protests spread across our nation demanding justice for George Floyd and equal rights and treatment for Black people, the silence from Red Bull has been distressing and heard profoundly. As we scroll through social media feeds filled with brands making posts in solidarity, donating to worthy causes, and committing to looking inward to tackle racism, we wonder when we will be able to feel proud that our company is taking those same steps.

While the cancellation of meetings on Monday and Tuesday to allow for headspace is appreciated, we would like to express concern regarding the internal email that was sent and our public silence thus far. In the email, the word Black was not mentioned once. This is not a vague issue that we can accept being danced around or alluded to. Black people in this country have been traumatized day in and day out, for their entire lives, and this is nothing that should be obscured.

Furthermore, we hoped to see the organization more urgently expressing steps towards real change now instead of simply allowing for individual space. There are many of us who are active, ready, and willing to participate and make change now, today. Instead of simply canceling our normal meetings, could we replace them with available forums to educate employees, learn about allyship, and discuss how we, as a company, can be better when it comes to issues of race? It is crucial now that we ask the right questions and look to our community here, at Red Bull, for the best ways to support each other - rather than retreat into silence, leaving us two days to think alone about these things that profoundly affect our Black neighbors. We believe that as a company we need to do better to our Black counterparts and community, through investing in internal action to catalyze change from the inside out. Unlearning must be part of the process and contributes to ending racism by investing in educational tools and creating new spaces for everyone to be seen and heard.

It is undeniable that many of the spaces Red Bull exists in and prioritizes, like hip-hop, dance, basketball, and electronic music, are born out of Black communities and Black culture. We absolutely cannot continue in these spaces, or continue to profess celebration of Black culture, if we have no intention of supporting the Black community while they are being treated unjustly and murdered in our streets. As we say nothing, we are abandoning the communities we claim to support and foster in their time of greatest need. Absence during a time that demands action, reveals purported support as nothing more than exploitation.

We believe that Red Bull is a company based on values and fulfilled promises, with a legacy of giving wings and supporting niche and underrepresented communities over many years. Hosting incredible music festivals and dropping athletes from space is part of our aspirational brand, but so should be doing the right thing: Standing up for Black employees, Black communities, and all Black people when they need it most. This is not an unexpected position, in fact, it is what our consumers, our partners, and the people we have built our reputation on, demand. We are watching in real-time as people everywhere notice, track, and share which brands are standing up for what is right, while exposing those who abstain. If we truly aim to be the most aspirational brand, perhaps we should aspire to something greater than silence.

We want to hear from you regarding possible next steps. Taking action, openly and loudly, is a signal to employees of the company's commitment - with accountability, beyond lip service – to upholding their safety at work and their right to exist in the world, free of racism. We want to know what will be done internally, and what Red Bull's public stance and action will be on the issue. This is not something that can wait. We believe in the values that Red Bull represents. We are available to participate in any discourse necessary to ensure we take meaningful action in the fight to end racial injustice.
Liberal group cancels event with Hong Kong activist following internal 'concerns' and external criticism from pro-China pundits

Charles Davis Business Insider•June 18, 2020
A protester (C) holds a photo of George Floyd while pro-democracy activist Leung Kwok-hung (R), also known as Long Hair, holds a Black Lives Matter sign outside the US consulate during a demonstration against racism and police brutality in Hong Kong on June 7, 2020, following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, while being arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota. ISAAC LAWRENCE/AFP via Getty Images

The Sunrise Movement, a youth-led activist group that pushes for action on climate change, canceled an event on police brutality after some criticized the involvement of a progressive Hong Kong activist.

"People inside and outside of the movement raised concerns about this call," Stevie O'Hanlon, a spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, told Business Insider.

On social media, critics of the event accused the Sunrise Movement of pushing anti-China propaganda, with many confusing the activist with others in Hong Kong who have met with US politicians.

"The cancellation of the event suggests to Hong Kong activists that, regardless of how hard they work to educate potential allies abroad about the movement, their effort can easily be erased by a distraction generated by white conspiracy theorists," Shui-yin Sharon Yam, a professor at the University of Kentucky, told Business Insider.

A liberal activist group in the United States canceled an event with a progressive Hong Kong activist, following "concerns" raised by its members and social media backlash from pro-China critics over their participation in a call about police brutality and international solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

On Tuesday, the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led activist group that pushes for aggressive action on climate change, announced it would be hosting a call with someone well-versed in dealing with aggressive law enforcement.

"Lessons From Hong Kong: Taking Action in the Uprisings for Black Lives," the event was called, featuring testimony from progressive Hong Kong activist Johnson Yeung on "tactics for taking action."

By Wednesday, the event was canceled, and the post advertising it deleted, following a firestorm of criticism from self-styled communists on Twitter.

"People inside and outside of the movement raised concerns about this call," Stevie O'Hanlon, a spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, told Business Insider. "This is a complex issue and we're just days away from what could be the largest mobilization for racial justice ever, so we canceled the call to allow our movement to stay 100% focused on showing up this weekend for Black lives."

O'Hanlon said the event could ultimately be rescheduled. But the group would not identify the concerns that led to its cancellation in the first place.

The ostensible concerns, as stated by critics on Twitter, were not subtle: the Sunrise Movement was promoting a US policy of "regime change," and activists in Hong Kong were portrayed as a politically monolithic pawn of Washington in their efforts to preserve the Chinese territory's last vestiges of self-government.

While many Americans, including US lawmakers, oppose China's efforts to consolidate control over Hong Kong, its most visibly capitalist asset, a tiny but vocal on social media fringe of the US left has adopted the sloganeering of Beijing, casting Hong Kong's protests as little more than the destabilizing antics of US-backed reactionaries, even as US-made tear gas is deployed against those in the streets in Hong Kong just as in Minneapolis.

China, which earlier this month was caught operating a major influence operation on Twitter, is an active participant.

When Sunrise Movement announced its event, a writer for China Daily, an English-language periodical owned by the Communist Party, eagerly jumped into the pile on, arguing that Hong Kong protesters "have shut down a BLM event" and "proudly accept and encourage support form the same politicians now egging on US police."

Many appeared to confuse the activist in question with others from Hong Kong who have met with US politicians. "Regime change operative cockroaches," said one user, responding to a tweet from the Sunrise Movement by sharing a photo of two activists from Hong Kong, neither of whom were Johnson Yeung.
—Johnson Yeung 楊政賢😷 (@hkjohnsonyeung) June 17, 2020

Some right-wing US politicians have indeed lent support to the protests in Hong Kong, and met with some activists from the city of 7.5 million, despite defending police tactics at home. Such is international politics, where hypocrisy — condemning state repression in Hong Kong or the US, but not both — is the norm.

China, home to the largest share of the globe's wealthiest people, also faces a good deal of criticism from the left, at home, and elsewhere, over its efforts to pair authoritarianism with free markets in the international financial hub of Hong Kong.

But despite the concerns expressed by some of Sunrise Movement's members and critics, many see a connection between police brutality at home and abroad.

Shui-yin Sharon Yam, a professor at the University of Kentucky, has written about the street battles in Hong Kong and Minneapolis as like-minded struggles against capitalist authoritarianism, arguing that those involved in Black Lives Matter can learn from progressives abroad.

"While these two social movements stem from distinct cultural and historical contexts and unique circumstances of oppression," she previously wrote, "they coalesce through their shared resistance against police brutality and unchecked authority to yield force as sanctioned by the state."

Yam told Business Insider she's dismayed at the cancellation of the Sunrise Movement event, arguing that it points to the strength of "disinformation and smearing campaigns" led by blogs such as the Grayzone, a website that traffics in state-sponsored character assassination and is oft-cited by critics of social movements outside the US.
Protesters hold Black Lives Matter signs outside the US consulate during a demonstration against racism and police brutality in Hong Kong on June 7, 2020, following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, while being arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota.ISAAC LAWRENCE/AFP via Getty Images

"The cancellation of the event suggests to Hong Kong activists that, regardless of how hard they work to educate potential allies abroad about the movement, their effort can easily be erased by a distraction generated by white conspiracy theorists," Yam said. Despite the differences, "both movements are combatting state violence and advocate for true inclusion and democracy," she added, and the canceled event "is a great example of how activists from two movements can share tactics and insights with each other."

That's a sentiment shared by writers for Lausan, an activist collective that aims to build "transnational left solidarity" by holding "multiple imperialisms to account."

"The need to center Black lives is important," one writer, Promise Li, told Business Insider.

"But Sunrise needs to understand that by explicitly canceling the event in response to far-right tankie trolls, they are actively legitimizing their demands," he said.

"Tankie" is a term that used to refer to left-wing advocates of Soviet militarism; today it typically refers to active social media users who defend the actions of any state that is nominally opposed to Washington. Li fears it's a tendency that, if catered to, will only damn future attempts at cross-border solidarity.

Solidarity, also, is a two-way street. Writing for Lausan, Li has encouraged activists in Hong Kong not to make the same mistakes as so-called "tankies" in the US.

"Hongkongers must stand with Black Lives Matter: not just because our struggles appear similar," he argued, "but because our liberation as working people in this system of global capitalism is impossible without the liberation of Black people."

What to celebrate about the Supreme Court's big ruling on LGBTQ discrimination — and the unresolved office problems that continue to hurt queer and trans workers

Weng Cheong and Allana Akhtar 6/19/2020
L.G.B.T. activists and their supporters rally in support of transgender people on the steps of New York City Hall, October 24, 2018 in New York City. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The US Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision on June 15 that Title VII of the 1963 Civil Rights Act applies to LGBTQ individuals. 

But more work may still need to be done to make workplaces inclusive for LGBTQ employees. 

Business Insider spoke to labor attorneys and HR experts and reviewed research to find out how the Supreme Court decision will impact the office. 

Company leaders must rework their anti-harassment policies, expand benefit plans that cater to LGBTQ needs, and educate workers on the impact of microaggressions.

When Sophie Debs heard this week's Supreme Court ruling on LGBTQ discrimination at work, she felt conflicted.

Debs is an incoming employee at the tech company Lob, where she worked as an intern in March 2019. She's also a transgender woman. Debs isn't afraid of getting fired from her job or being discriminated against because of her gender identity, but she does have friends who have lost their jobs because they were transgender.

"I have two friends who have been fired from jobs for being trans," she said. "They came out and were fired a day later. While it does make me feel better — and I'm glad that employers know it's illegal — I don't think it provides a lot of safety for people."

On June 15, the US Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that Title VII of the 1963 Civil Rights Act applies to LGBTQ individuals. Title VII protects employees from facing discrimination from their employer on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, and national origin.

"An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids," Trump-appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the decision.

The landmark decision is a blow to the Trump administration, which has rolled back or rescinded at least 31 measures put in place by the Obama administration to protect Americans from discrimination, according to a 2019 ProPublica analysis.

While the decision is a step in the right direction, companies still need to be vigilant to ensure they are providing an inclusive environment for LGBTQ workers, experts told Business Insider.

For example, the law does not address bathrooms for transgender people, and it's still unclear if employers can fire an LGBTQ person for religious reasons, the Associated Press reported.

The "decision was a watershed," Kasey Suffredini, CEO of Freedom for All Americans, told The Associated Press. "But at the same time it's so basic and entry level. Now we actually get into the details into how that discrimination plays out in everyday lives."

Business Insider spoke with labor attorneys and HR experts, and reviewed research to better understand how this decision will impact the day-to-day lives of employees across the US, and what employers can do to make their offices more inclusive.
Employers should complete a comprehensive review of all policies to ensure they are not discriminatory

The first step all employers should take is to review their HR policies and handbooks to ensure compliance with the Supreme Court's decision, said Jon Nadler, a labor attorney at Eckert Seamans.

The Supreme Court decision protects job applicants and existing employees, and it covers hiring, firing, and similar actions by an employer, he said. Employers could potentially face retaliation claims and discrimination lawsuits if their anti-harassment and discrimination's policies don't include protection for LGBTQ employees, he added.

Nadler recommended that companies first read through their Equal Employment Opportunity policy (EEO), which refers to unbiased and non-discriminatory treatment of employees based on their race, ethnicity, religion, age, medical history, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

"If you want to ensure compliance, the starting point and the bare minimum is to make sure that the terms 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' are now included as the protected classes in those anti-harassment policies," he said.

Employers should also look through their benefits policies, especially the ones regarding parental leave and anything that has a reference to someone's sex, the attorney added.

Hiring managers need to be well-informed of the Supreme Court's decision and how that will impact recruitment processes, Nadler said. Recruiters shouldn't ask candidates about their gender identity or sexual orientation during hiring and promoting because it is not relevant to hiring decisions — just like it is prohibited to judge candidates based on their race or marital status.

Train employees to recognize discrimination at work

One in two LGBTQ employees in a survey of 515 by job site Glassdoor said they have experienced or witnessed discrimination in the office.

Managers should be well informed on how to handle discrimination, Nadler said. They should also be well-versed in the prejudice LGBTQ employees face.

Transgender employees, for example, may be misgendered. During Debs' first few weeks interning at Lob, she proposed that the company let employees use self-identified pronouns.

"I was misgendered occasionally," she said. "I wanted to educate people at the company on why this is important, and how we can respect people by letting them choose their own pronouns."

Misgendering means using the wrong pronouns to refer to someone's gender, and it's more prevalent for trans and nonbinary workers.

For example, if someone comes out as nonbinary and uses "they" and "them" pronouns, it is incorrect to use the pronouns "she" or "he."

It took Lob a month to roll out this plan. Within that time, the company put a personal pronoun field in job applications, encouraged employees to note their he, she, or gender-neutral pronouns in email signatures and other communication platforms, and reached out to stakeholders about this plan. 

Offer employee benefits specific to LGBTQ health needs

Part of making workplaces inclusive to LGBTQ people is offering paid benefits many of them may need.

Healthcare benefits are another key element employers must assess to make policies that are supportive of LGBTQ workers, who often have difficulty accessing medical care.

Employers should check if their health plans cover gender reassignment surgery and fertility services. They can also offer adoption assistance benefits. Many health plans still exclude "services related to sex change" or "sex reassignment surgery" and coverage typically varies by state, according to US Department of Health and Human Services.

Companies could also consider offering care coordinators and social workers to help LGBTQ employees navigate the health system. For example, startup Included Health works with employers to provide these services to LGBTQ workers.

Even if employers do offer these benefits, they are typically only provided to full-time employees. Companies should consider offering these benefits to their growing contract workforces as well. 

Educate employees on microaggressions

Microaggressions, or the actions and remarks that perpetuate stereotypes towards marginalized groups, is another form of discrimination.

Bringing up your queer uncle every time you're around an LGBTQ colleague, or telling someone you "would have never known you were transgender" may be well-intentioned, but these comments can be hurtful or insensitive.

Listen to and read LGBTQ leaders on what comments are hurtful toward them to educate yourself on how to be a better ally.

If managers, or employees, hear another coworker make an insensitive comment, they should speak out and address it in a calm, helpful manner.

It's also key to provide employees with safe spaces to discuss how they're feeling. Debs stressed that it's crucial for companies to have employee resource groups where everyone can be open and honest about the issues in the workplace.

"A company's managers can read a million different articles about what to do, but they won't be able to build a fully welcoming and supportive environment without actively creating a space that welcomes the input of marginalized people in the office," she said.


When Dame Vera Lynn said 'we'll meet again' to me – the incredible enduring appeal of a British wartime legend

British singer Dame Vera Lynn popularised the song We’ll Meet Again during the second world war. ANDY RAIN/EPA
Kate McLoughlin, University of Oxford
“We will meet again,” the Queen declared in an April 5 Coronavirus address the UK. Suddenly, a line the British people indelibly associate with the second world war was in the news again. The monarch’s reassurance to people separated from loved ones by lockdown struck a chord.
The phrase will reverberate again in the UK on the 75th anniversary of VE Day, when the country marks the end of the conflict. After the Queen makes another address at 9pm, Britons will be invited to sing We’ll Meet Again, the song made famous by the original “Forces’ Sweetheart”, Dame Vera Lynn, who is now 103 years old.
In August 2005, I interviewed Dame Vera. As a university lecturer specialising in war literature, I was fascinated by the way that she was relentlessly dragged back to the past (the second world war) and under equally relentless demand to sing a song about the future. A courteous handwritten reply came back to my request for an interview, inviting me to her home in Ditchling, East Sussex. As I drove, the weather was bright and I smiled to myself at the thought that I was going to meet Dame Vera on a “sunny day”.
Born in 1917, Vera Lynn began singing at the age of seven in the clubs of east London. She grew from child star to professional crooner, featuring on records with dance-band leaders Joe Loss and Charlie Kunz and making her first radio broadcast in 1935. In 1937 she became a vocalist with British bandleader Bert Ambrose and his orchestra. By 1939, Lynn was a well-known stage and radio performer on the verge of a solo career. It was then that she came across the song that was to make her a national icon.

Forging the connection

Lynn discovered We’ll Meet Again in the autumn of 1939. It was the work of the well-established London-based songwriters Ross Parker and Hugh Charles, with Charles providing the lyrics for Parker’s melody. Lynn first sang it (along with You Can’t Black Out The Moon) that autumn on tour with the Ambrose Orchestra.

Though today We’ll Meet Again is inseparable from the second world war in most people’s minds in the UK, it was actually Lynn who forged the connection, turning a song about absence in any situation into a classic expression of wartime optimism. Lynn was broadcast singing the song throughout the war and its message of hope and resilience lifted national morale.
As she wrote later in her 1975 memoir, Vocal Refrain: “Ordinary English people don’t, on the whole, find it easy to expose their feelings even to those closest to them.” We’ll Meet Again would go “at least a little way towards doing it for them”.
In later years, the song, with its reminders of home and exhortations of courage, has become an indispensable part of national commemorations. And, with its swooping and strangely haunting melody, it has entered into popular culture. It forms an ironic accompaniment to the explosion of atom bombs in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964); it is deployed with alienating effect in the Pink Floyd song Vera (The Wall, 1982); and it provides the eerie aural backdrop to the Tower of Terror ride in Walt Disney World, California.
But when Lynn began singing it at the age of 22, she had little idea that she would be singing it for the rest of her life.

Memories of war

On that August day in 2005 it was an 88-year-old Dame Vera Lynn who opened the door to me: elegant, striking, perfectly made up. She welcomed me warmly and went off to make tea. I sat in her large sitting-room. There were photographs everywhere, family intermingled with the great and the good. There was Dame Vera at Buckingham Palace and there she was with … was it really Bing Crosby?
Dame Vera came back with the tea and we began to talk. Knowing myself what it was like to become immersed in the second world war, I asked if she ever got tired of talking about it. Never, she replied – how could she when so many young men had given their lives in it?

Vera Lynn visiting a munitions factory in 1941. Wikimedia/Imperial War Museum

I was itching to hear her sing it, but I knew that she had stopped performing publicly and was too shy to suggest it to her. But what if I sang it to her? No singer, I launched myself into it and to my joyous amazement, she joined in.
I finished my list of questions and put my notebook away. Dame Vera sighed with relief. “Shall we have another cup of tea and now have a proper chat?” she asked. And so it was that we began to talk freely. I have no notes of this part of the conversation but details stand out in my memory.
How she felt like a personal family representative when she visited British servicemen in hospital in what was then Burma. How the heat made her lipstick run. How she spent her clothes coupons on a tight-fitting pink chiffon dress. How important it was to look attractive to wounded soldiers who hadn’t seen their womenfolk for months, even years.
It was over all too quickly. We said goodbye on the doorstep. “Perhaps…” I began, tentatively, “… we’ll meet again some sunny day”, sang Dame Vera, quick as a flash.
Most likely, I won’t meet her again. But, as the Queen understood, what keeps us going in times of war and pandemic is the thought that we will be reunited with our loved ones, when the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.The Conversation

Kate McLoughlin, Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Taco Bell apologizes and says that it does not ban employees from wearing Black Lives Matter masks, after a worker was fired for doing so in a viral video
Kate Taylor and Palmer Haasch Jun 18, 2020, 10:06 AM
Taco Bell is facing backlash after a video showing a worker being fired for wearing a Black Lives Matter mask on the job went viral. Taco Bell

A video of an employee who was fired from a Youngstown, Ohio Taco Bell location for wearing a Black Lives Matter mask to work went viral on Thursday. 

Taco Bell told Insider the chain apologized to Denzel Skinner, the worker who was fired, last week and that the chain does not prohibit employees from wearing Black Lives Matter masks. 

#RIPTacoBell was trending in the United States on Twitter on Thursday, with people sharing messages of support for Skinner as well as recipes to recreate Taco Bell favorites at home.

Taco Bell is facing backlash after a video showing a worker being fired for wearing a Black Lives Matter mask went viral.

Denzel Skinner went live on Facebook on June 8, telling viewers that he was losing his job at a Taco Bell location on Belmont Ave. in Youngstown, Ohio, because he was wearing a Black Lives Matter mask.

Skinner told WBKN First News that he had been a shift leader at the location for eight years, and said that the store's air conditioning had broken — which meant the surgical masks provided to employees made it harder to breathe when it was warm.
—elijah daniel (@elijahdaniel) June 18, 2020

He said that he decided to switch to the Black Lives Matter mask because it was easier to breathe through. When a manager asked him to take it off, he told WBKN First News, he refused and walked out of the restaurant. He said that he was told if he walked out, he would lose his job. In the Facebook live video, a female voice, allegedly belonging to the manager, can be heard saying, "You can't bring politics into the building."

"Bro, I'm not bringing politics in," Skinner says in the video. "This is what I'm standing for. How is this considered politics?"

In a statement to Insider, Taco Bell said the chain was "disappointed to learn about the incident," saying that "we believe Black Lives Matter." The chain said it is working closely with the franchisee who operates the Youngstown, Ohio, location to address the issue.

"Our Chief People Officer and Yum!'s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer spoke with Denzel last week to apologize and discuss the situation," a Taco Bell representative said in a statement. "Our goal is to ensure our policies are inclusive and keep our team members and customers safe."

"While our policies at restaurants do not prohibit Team Members from wearing Black Lives Matter masks, we are working to clarify our mask policy so this doesn't happen again," the statement continued.

Skinner did not respond to Insider's request for comment on the incident.

Taco Bell posted a statement to its Twitter page on Thursday evening, saying that it believed the Black Lives Matter movement "is a human rights issue and not a political one."
—Taco Bell (@tacobell) June 18, 2020

"We do not tolerate racism or violence against the Black community and we demand inclusivity," Taco Bell said.

"We will hold yourselves accountable," it pledges.

Companies' responses to Black Lives Matter masks have sparked backlash

After the death of George Floyd, Taco Bell's CEO Mark King released an open letter, saying he and the chain were committed to long-term solutions to fight racism.

"I'm a white male," King wrote. "I grew up in the Midwest and now live in Southern California, where the Black population is a small percentage of the community. I will not pretend to understand the weight of the years of injustice and inequality that our Black friends and colleagues have experienced."

In the letter, King announced that Taco Bell's corporate office held a panel on combatting systematic racism led by the company's chief diversity and inclusion officer. King said that Taco Bell's restaurant workers will have the opportunity to do the same.

Read more: CEOs at fast-food giants including McDonald's, Chick-fil-A, and Starbucks speak out to support protests, as some face internal reckonings and criticism

This is the latest incident in which a company has faced backlash for banning Black Lives Matter face masks on the job.

Last week, Starbucks reversed its policy to allow employees to wear pins or t-shirts that support Black Lives Matter, after facing backlash over its previous policy banning such merchandise. Wawa similarly reversed its policy, allowing workers to wear Black Lives Matter pins after originally banning employees from wearing masks or anything else with Black Lives Matter written on it.

Other companies that have faced backlash on Black Lives Matter masks have yet to announce new policies.

One Publix worker quit due to the company's policy banning all "non-Publix messaging" — including writing Black Lives Matter — on masks, The Tampa Bay Times reports. The Concord Monitor reports that two Whole Foods workers were sent home from work for wearing Black Lives Matter masks.
After Skinner's video crossed over to Twitter, #RIPTacoBell started trending in the United States

In the morning of June 18, Elijah Daniel, a social media personality and music artist, reposted a cut of Denzel Skinner's video that was originally uploaded to Twitter by @tyrone_brother. Shortly before reposting the video, he quoted the statement that Taco Bell had posted on Twitter on June 2, saying "nahhhhhh sorry we sad about it but y'all goin too" and using the #RIPTacoBell hashtag.

—elijah daniel (@elijahdaniel) June 18, 2020

Daniel reposted the cut of Skinner's video shortly after with the caption, "Taco Bell manager firing an employee for supporting BLM :/ #RIPTacoBell." The video quickly began to gain traction on Twitter and has amassed over 1 million views; Elijah's tweet stands at nearly 30,000 likes as of midday on Thursday.

Daniel told Insider that since he started urging people to use the hashtag #BLUEFALL to document instances of police brutality amid ongoing protests, people have been sending him videos to signal boost (he has over 715,000 followers on Twitter).

Daniel has a history with Taco Bell itself — he has a Taco Bell tattoo and said that he's been involved with the company for over eight years — but said that when someone sent him the video he posted it because "f-ck Taco Bell, you can't claim to be the millennial brand and then just not be on the right part of this."

Since Daniel reposted the video and started the #RIPTacoBell hashtag, people have been flooding it with support for Denzel Skinner while also dunking on Taco Bell's food and posting recipes to recreate classics. One TikTok showing people how to make a Crunchwrap Supreme has amassed hundreds of thousands of views on Twitter.

—Kano :-)) (@webbgangang) June 18, 2020

Daniel told Insider that his extremely active fan base helped to get the #RIPTacoBell hashtag off of the ground. "I'll put something out there and they're like, alright, we're trending this right now," he said. "We don't stand for this. Everybody has very similar beliefs, or we're accepting of each others' beliefs because they're not radical, I think."

When asked about Taco Bell's statement and apology to Skinner, Daniel said, Taco Bell "posted two weeks ago that they were 'going mute for a week' to make changes, sort of the opposite of what any brand should be doing, and still have yet to do anything publicly. Whether they're doing things privately, that's fine, but this isn't a time to be private. It's great that they apologized, but what is being done about his firing? The manager?"

Daniel thinks that the incident is a testament to the power of social media, pointing to the amount of time it took for Skinner's video to truly surface online as well as how social media criticism has led to outcomes like Aunt Jemima changing its name and losing its mascot.

"This was a Black man pleading for people to share this video and get him help because this was a place that was hiding what they were doing," he said. "I think the main point is to keep spreading it."

How police departments can identify and oust killer cops

Protesters march on June 6, 2020, in New York. Demonstrations continue across the United States in protest of racism and police brutality, sparked by the May 25 death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Ragan Clark)
Temitope Oriola, University of Alberta
The global condemnation of the death of George Floyd, one of the latest in a constellation of officer-involved deaths of unarmed civilians, has grown into a worldwide social movement for disbanding or defunding police.
At the far end of the debate, there are those calling for abolishing the police altogether. On the other hand, there are those wishing to defund the police. This means shifting significant material resources from police departments to social services for issues such as mental health.
In cases of mental distress or welfare checks, for example, social service providers intervene rather than police, who have proven ill-equipped to deal with people in mental distress.

Protesters demonstrate against police brutality in Nairobi, Kenya, on June 8, 2020. The protest against police brutality in Kenya was in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. (AP Photo/Khalil Senosi)

There is growing acknowledgment that the attitude of officers towards the human rights of suspects needs to change, as do the numbers of police-involved killings. The research on excessive use of force by police and the sociological context and psychological characteristics of killer cops point to useful policy measures.

Psychological traits and screening

Killer cops and those who routinely mistreat civilians tend to be action-oriented. Research suggests that they are prone to boredom and suffer from major personality disorders. These include mood swings, impulsivity, lack of empathy, narcissism and anti-social personal disorder. Many of these traits begin early in life.

Demonstrators march on Toronto Police Headquarters to protest the death of Sammy Yatim in Toronto in August 2013. Yatim was shot by police during a confrontation on a streetcar a month earlier. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Diversity workshops, training or cultural sensitivity have limited utility to help such officers. The primary solution is to not hire them in the first place. This speaks to the need for greater psychological screening by police organizations.
A 2014 report by former Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci, submitted to Toronto Police Service following the death of Sammy Yatim in July 2013, calls for “screening out psychopathology and screening in for desirable traits such as emotional intelligence, empathy, tolerance of diversity, and patience.”

Hire more women

Women are less likely to support use of force than men. My collaborative research in Alberta shows that women are less likely to support use of so-called less-than-lethal force options like conducted energy weapons.
The evidence in support of reducing deadly force by hiring more women in police departments is overwhelming. Female officers are less likely to use (excessive) force as they deploy de-escalation techniques and engage verbally.

Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields, left, is seen speaking during a news conference in January 2018. Shields has been lauded for wading into a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters and listening to them, and for swiftly terminating police officers who assaulted demonstrators. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Police departments with a reasonable number of women tend to record lower levels of officer-involved killings. However, the number of women is important. Female officers in male-dominated police departments may exhibit hyper-masculine traits in an attempt to fit in. They may be just as brutal as men.
There is no agreement on what constitutes a reasonable number. A gender-balanced police service should be ultimate priority. I suggest a minimum threshold of 40 per cent female officers.

University graduate-only officers

Officers without university degrees populate the ranks of killer cops. Officers with university degrees are more likely to request mental health support for suspects and demonstrate a higher appreciation for the complexity of social life, individual problems and subtleties of working in an increasingly diverse environment.
Officers with university degrees exhibit stronger verbal skills, effective communication and empathy. The Iacobucci report recommends recruiting officers from “specific educational programs” such as nursing and social work in order to foster “a compassionate response to people in crisis.”

Ethno-racial diversity

Evidence from the United States is less settled regarding racial characteristics of killer cops. However, most studies find that white, non-Hispanic officers are more likely to shoot or kill civilians. A few studies suggest Black officers are more likely to shoot and kill civilians. These have been criticized for poor methodology.
In Canada, most killer cops appear to be white men. An ethno-racially diverse police service is integral for building public trust and inclusivity.


Much of the current training for many police organizations focuses on deployment of lethal force or marksmanship. That’s a waste of time and sets up officers for frustration given today’s realities. Once out of training, officers realize that people get meaninglessly drunk, abusers beat their spouses and citizens experience psychotic episodes.
Somehow, the police are required to respond to all these matters. These are in fact some of the most common issues brought to police attention. These scenarios may be frustrating for action-oriented officers. Action-oriented officers may see only moral failing in each case and respond with disdain and unnecessary force.

Read more: Rise of the SWAT team: Routine police work in Canada is now militarized

The professional officer will see “clients” in need of bureaucratic assistance and attempt to de-escalate.
There is a need to overhaul officer training and extend it to at least one full year of rigorous classroom engagement with human rights, mental health issues and diversity, among others.


The main officer involved in George Floyd’s death had 17 complaints in his file. Three of those involved shootings, with one death. This is a poor disciplinary record.

This May 31, 2020 photo provided by the Hennepin County Sheriff shows former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was arrested in the death of George Floyd. (Hennepin County Sheriff via AP)

Such officers make policing more difficult and dangerous. The Minneapolis Police Department bears responsibility for keeping such a person in service.
Undesirable people may sometimes enter into police service but must be promptly removed once their engagement with colleagues, superiors and the public begins to reflect certain troubling patterns.
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) charged two officers in June 2020. They were the first charges brought forward against officers by ASIRT since its establishment in 2008. This is mind-boggling given incidents of excessive use of force in Alberta. Tolerating errant cops is dangerous for public trust.

The way forward

I propose a two-pronged policy — a “kill-and-go” policy and “three strikes policy” — for police accountability.
Kill-and-go means any officer who kills an unarmed civilian or a suspect who had a weapon but did not deploy it against an officer is dismissed from service and prosecuted.
The three strikes proposal is similar to the disused California anti-crime law of the same name. Any officer involved in three excessive use-of-force incidents in which a civilian is mistreated and sustains injuries is automatically dismissed from service and prosecuted. There should be no expiry to each strike across an officer’s career.
Policing is also a well-paying occupation relative to entry qualifications and length of training, at least in Canada and many parts of the U.S.
The RCMP notes that the annual salary of a newly sworn-in officer is $53,144 and increases to $86,110 within 36 months of service. There are postdoctoral fellows working on life-saving biomedical research who make less than $50,000 a year, despite possessing hard-earned PhDs. The government and public should get value for the money spent on police by selecting appropriate people.The Conversation
Temitope Oriola, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Alberta
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Animals that can do math understand more language than we think

In experiments, African grey parrots have shown an ability with numbers. (Shutterstock)
Erik Nelson, Dalhousie University
It is often thought that humans are different from other animals in some fundamental way that makes us unique, or even more advanced than other species. These claims of human superiority are sometimes used to justify the ways we treat other animals, in the home, the lab or the factory farm.
So, what is it that makes us so different from other animals? Many philosophers, both past and present, have pointed to our linguistic abilities. These philosophers argue that language not only allows us to communicate with each other, but also makes our mental lives more sophisticated than those that lack language. Some philosophers have gone so far as to argue that creatures that lack a language are not capable of being rational, making inferences, grasping concepts or even having beliefs or thoughts.

An illustration of a sulky chimpanzee from Charles Darwin’s 1872 book, ‘The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.’ (Wellcome Collection)

Even if we are willing to accept these claims, what should we think of animals who are capable of speech? Many types of birds, most famously parrots, are able to make noises that at least sound linguistic, and gorillas and chimpanzees have been taught to communicate using sign language. Do these vocalizations or communications indicate that, like humans, these animals are also capable of sophisticated mental processes?

The philosophy of animal language

Philosophers have generally answered this question by denying that talking parrots and signing gorillas are demonstrating anything more than clever mimicry. Robert Brandom, a philosopher at the University of Pittsburgh, has argued that if a parrot says “red” when shown red objects and “blue” when presented with blue ones, it has not actually demonstrated that it understands the meaning of those words. According to Brandom — and many other philosophers — understanding the meaning of a word requires understanding both the meaning of many other words and the connections that exist between those words.

Read more: Can we really know what animals are thinking?

Imagine that you bring your toddler niece to a petting zoo for the first time, and ask her if she is able to point to the rabbits. If she successfully does, this might seem like a good indication that she understands what a rabbit is. However, you now ask her to point to the animals. If she points to some rocks on the ground instead of pointing to the rabbits or the goats, does she actually understand what the word “rabbit” means? Understanding “rabbit” involves understanding “animal,” as well as the connection between these two things.
So if a parrot is able to tell us the colour of different objects, that does not necessarily show that the parrot understands the meanings of those words. To do that, a parrot would need to demonstrate that it also understands that red and blue fall underneath the category of colour, or that if something is red all over, it cannot, at the same time, be blue all over.
What sort of behaviour would demonstrate that a parrot or a chimpanzee did understand the words it was using? As a philosopher who focuses on the study of animal cognition, I examine both empirical and theoretical work to answer these types of questions.
In recent research, I argue that testing an animal’s arithmetical capabilities can provide insight into just how much they are capable of understanding. In order to see why, we need to take a brief detour through the philosophy of mathematics.

Counting animals

In the late 1800s, the German mathematician and philosopher Gottlob Frege tried to demonstrate that arithmetic is an objective science. Many philosophers and mathematicians at the time thought that arithmetic was merely an artifact of human psychology. Frege worried that such an understanding would make arithmetic entirely subjective, placing it on no firmer ground than the latest fashion trends.

The title page of Gottlob Frege’s ‘Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik’ (The Foundations of Arithmetic), published in 1884.

In The Foundations of Arithmetic, Frege begins by logically analyzing what sorts of things numbers are. He thinks that the key to this investigation is figuring out what it takes to answer the question “how many?”
If I hand you a deck of cards and ask, “How many?” without specifying what I want counted, it would be difficult to even figure out what sort of answer I am looking for. Am I asking you how many decks of cards, how many cards all together, how many suits or any of the other number of ways of dividing up the deck? If I ask, “How many suits?” and you respond “four,” you are demonstrating not just that you can count, but that you understand what suits are.
Frege thought that the application of number labels depends on being able to grasp the connection between what is being counted and how many of them there are. Replying “four” to the question “How many?” might seem like a disconnected act, like parrots merely calling red objects “red.” However, it is more like your niece pointing to the rabbits while also understanding that rabbits are animals. So, if animals are able to reliably respond correctly to the question “How many?” this demonstrates that they understand the connection between the numerical amount and the objects they are being asked about.

Animal mathematical literacy

One example of non-human animals demonstrating a wide range of arithmetical capabilities is the work that Irene Pepperberg did with African grey parrots, most famously her subjects Alex and Griffin.

Alex, a grey African parrot, was able to demonstrate an ability with numbers.

In order to test Alex’s arithmetic capabilities, Pepperberg would show him a set of objects on a tray, and would ask, “How many?” for each of the objects. For example, she would show him a tray with differently shaped objects on it and ask, “How many four-corner?” (Alex’s word for squares.) Alex was able to reliably provide the answer for amounts up to six.
Alex was also able to provide the name for the object if asked to look for a number of those objects. For example, if a tray had different quantities of coloured objects on it including five red objects, and Alex was asked, “What colour is five?” Alex was able to correctly respond by saying “red.”
Pepperberg’s investigations into the ability to learn and understand basic arithmetic provide examples that show that Alex was able to do more than simply mimic human sounds. Providing the right word when asked, “How many?” required him to understand the connections between the numerical amount and the objects being asked about.

Animal mathematical skills

While Pepperberg’s results are impressive, they are far from unique. Numerical abilities have been identified in many different species, most prominently chimpanzees. Some of these capabilities demonstrate that the animals understand the underlying connections between different words and labels. They are therefore doing something more than just mimicking the sounds and actions of the humans around them.
Animals that can do basic arithmetic show us that some really are capable of understanding the terms they use and the connections between them. However, it is still an open question whether their understanding of these connections is a result of learning linguistic expressions, or if their linguistic expressions simply help demonstrate underlying capabilities.
Either way, claims that humans are uniquely able to understand the meanings of words are a bit worse for wear.The Conversation
Erik Nelson, Phd Student, Philosophy, Dalhousie University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.