Friday, June 19, 2020

Amazon workers hold Juneteenth vigils demanding Jeff Bezos reflect on company’s treatment of ‘unskilled workforce’

There’s also a new lawsuit challenging Amazon’s workplace safety compliance. Company lawyers call it ‘meritless.’

A May 1 protest outside an Amazon fulfillment center in Staten Island that’s become the subject of a new lawsuit. GETTY IMAGES

Amazon AMZN, +0.79% CEO Jeff Bezos says Juneteenth should be a moment for reflection about the ways we can eradicate systemic racism and create a more just country.

But some Amazon workers are holding Juneteenth vigils where they say they want to draw a link between “slavery, racism and Amazon’s treatment of its ‘unskilled workforce.’” At Juneteenth gatherings in New York and California, workers will demand that Bezos reflect on the working conditions and salaries inside his own company.

June 19 is Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the end of slavery in America. On this date in 1865, enslaved African-Americans in Texas learned that they were free when Union Gen. Gordon Granger read an order declaring that the Emancipation Proclamation was in effect in the state. President Abraham Lincoln had issued the proclamation more than two years earlier in the Civil War against the Confederacy.

Racism isn’t just about using slurs or waving the Confederate flag, says Adrienne Williams, co-founder of Bay Area Amazonians, a newly-formed worker advocacy group for staffers at the retail tech giant that is hosting one of the Juneteenth vigils.

‘The systemic racism is in all American institutions, and that includes Amazon. If Amazon really stands in solidarity with us, they should prove it by listening to us about solutions.’— Adrienne Williams, co-founder of Bay Area Amazonians

“It’s things like Jeff Bezos saying slavery ended a long time ago while not paying a living wage,” Williams, a driver for the company, said in a statement.

“The systemic racism is in all American institutions, and that includes Amazon. If Amazon really stands in solidarity with us, they should prove it by listening to us about solutions,” said Williams, who is a critic of the company’s working conditions.

Don’t miss: The only way to truly solve the race problem in America is to narrow the wealth gap, black economists say

Full-time workers at the 840,000-person company have a $15 an hour minimum wage. When Amazon announced the $15 wage rate, some tough critics, including Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, gave the company credit. Intense working conditions have been a common criticism of Amazon — and a pending federal lawsuit alleges the company isn’t meeting requisite safety conditions as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

Amazon has previously has said it offers fair, competitive pay and safe conditions. Last month, Bezos said the company was planning to spend approximately $4 billion in profits on “getting products to customers and keeping employees safe” and on “higher wages for hourly teams.”

See also:This is one Amazon customer that Jeff Bezos is ‘happy to lose’

Williams’ group organized a vigil at a Richmond, Calif. fulfillment center, and another organization, Amazonians United New York City, will convene a Juneteenth vigil in New York City. That group consists of logistics workers “seeking improvements in our workplace,” according to its Twitter TWTR, -1.82% profile.

“For Juneteenth we honor the lives stolen by white supremacy, from the founding of the US, through slavery, up to modern police violence. We honor those workers lost to covid as Amazon and others prioritize profits over human life,” the group wrote on Twitter.

“We stand in solidarity with the Black community and are committed to helping build a country and a world where everyone can live with dignity and free from fear,” said Amazon spokeswoman Lisa Levandowski. “We understand many of our employees feel passionate about this issue and may want to join demonstrations — we respect and encourage their choice to do so.”
An alleged ‘facade of compliance’ at one fulfillment center

The Juneteenth vigils come just weeks after a lawsuit alleging Amazon is violating workplace safety laws at its Staten Island fulfillment center amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The 5,000-employee fulfillment center has a “façade of compliance,” but it prizes cost-efficient worker productivity over everything else, according to a Brooklyn federal lawsuit filed this month by three Amazon workers and relatives who live with them.

Many workers at the site “are people of color who travel hours every day by public transportation to work ten- to eleven-hour shifts for low wages,” the lawsuit noted.

One plaintiff said she got coronavirus from coworkers who were “who were explicitly or encouraged to continue attending work.” She alleges that she brought it home with her, and that weeks later she found a cousin who lived with her dead after he came down with COVID-19 symptoms.

The company allegedly tracks exactly how much time employees spend on “time off task” and issues written warnings for workers who have 30 minutes per shift and above, not including paid break time. Sixty minutes results in a final written warning, the lawsuit said. Employees who don’t handle enough merchandise during a shift also allegedly face consequences. The policies “are oppressive and dangerous, even absent a pandemic,” the lawsuit said.

When the lawsuit was filed, an Amazon spokesperson sent a statement to MarketWatch that read in part: “We are saddened by the tragic impact COVID-19 has had on communities across the globe, including on some Amazon team members and their family and friends. From early March to May 1, we offered our employees unlimited time away from work, and since May 1 we have offered leave for those most vulnerable or who need to care for children or family members.”

Levandowski, the Amazon spokeswoman, told MarketWatch that the company is planning to spend more than $800 million in the first half of the year on coronavirus-related safety measures and equipment. It’s also spending more than $85 million to re-assign certain workers to safety and audits at work sites, she said. Amazon has already provided 100 million masks to workers, almost 2,300 extra hand-washing stations, and tacked on nearly 5,800 extra workers to its janitorial staff.

A lawsuit is focused on a fulfillment center where many employees are people of color.

Several unions and 16 Democratic representatives and senators — including Senator Sanders — filed a “friend of the court” brief in support of the workers.

The lawsuit alleges Amazon isn’t complying with workplace safety laws. Company attorneys say that “could not be further from the truth.” They say the allegations are “meritless” and call the lawsuit a “publicity stunt.”

The lawsuit is “meritless” and a “publicity stunt,” Amazon’s lawyers said in court papers.

The cleaning staff size has tripled at the Staten Island site and restrooms and breakrooms are cleaned eight times more often than they used to be, Amazon said in court papers.

The fulfillment center now has portable hand-washing stations and 120 hand-sanitizer dispensers. Any workers who are quarantining or diagnosed with coronavirus will get two weeks paid time off so they can “focus on their health and protect others,” the company says. The center passed an unannounced inspection from the city’s sheriff’s office, it noted.

The emphasis on sanitation is missing the point, the workers’ lawyers replied. The case is trying to make the company change its “efficiency-maximizing human resource policies, which discourage workers from taking time off work if they feel sick or have a known exposure to COVID-19,” they wrote.

Judge Brian Cogan will hold a hearing on the case in mid-July.

Months before the lawsuit, one worker, Chris Smalls, organized a walkout at the same fulfillment center and says he was fired as payback. Smalls is a black man. In a memo, David Zapolsky, Amazon’s senior vice president and general counsel, said Smalls was “not smart, or articulate.” Zapolsky later apologized for the comments.

“Smalls wasn’t fired in retaliation for organizing the protest, Levandowski said. “We terminated his employment for putting the health and safety of others at risk and violations of his terms of his employment.” Smalls was warned several times for allegedly violating the company’s social distancing guidelines, she said. Smalls was in close contact with a worker who had coronavirus, and was told to stay home with pay, Levandowski said. “Despite that instruction to stay home with pay, he came onsite further putting the teams at risk.”

Shares of Amazon have been up 44.76% this year compared to a 9.35% decline for the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.80% and a 4.12% dip for the S&P 500 Index SPX, -0.56%
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How the Auntie Sewing Squad made 50,000 masks for people the 'government didn't care about'

Diep Tran, NBC News•June 19, 2020

A woman in California sews 25 masks for a battered women's shelter. Another sews 80 for the formerly incarcerated. A third woman in Pennsylvania sews 100 masks for the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation. The mask-makers are part of the Auntie Sewing Squad, a national network of nearly 400 volunteers that sews cloth masks and distributes them to at-risk communities for free.

So far, the Auntie Sewing Squad — made up of mostly women of color shipping their creations to disadvantaged groups — have created around 50,000 masks.

For Gina Rivera, a stay-at-home mom with four children, making masks is a way to be useful. Because she has a disability and two of her kids have autism, she’s unable to work, so the Southern California resident makes about 100 masks per week.

“If you don’t have access to something and I can give you this for free, take it,” she told NBC Asian America. “I can’t donate money. But I can donate masks.”

The Squad started in March, at the beginning of California's coronavirus lockdown. Kristina Wong, a Los Angeles-based performance artist, posted a photo on Facebook of a mask she made with the caption: "If you are immunocompromised with no access to masks, I can mail you one if you don't mind really messy stitching. Made on my Hello Kitty sewing machine."

Within days, she had gotten around 200 requests, some of them from social workers and nurses. Less than a week later, she posted on Facebook asking for help: "Can you sew?" From there, the Auntie Sewing Squad was born.

"We've done a lot of great work. And I think what's more remarkable is this community that we've sort of organically built," Wong said.

Kristina Wong (Courtesy Kristina Wong)

They send the masks free of charge to vulnerable groups: women's shelters, undocumented communities, farmworkers and Native American citizens. And recently they've been giving out masks at protests and sending others to the NAACP, as well as sewing fabric banners with phrases like "Black API Solidarity."

Wong estimated that the Squad sews 4,000 to 6,000 masks a week.

"I thought this whole thing was supposed to be a two-week stopgap," Wong said. "But we still get these requests. And they're from communities that don't have running water, or they're two hours from Walmart — it's all these communities that the federal government didn't care about before all this. And they're certainly not going to step in now."

The Auntie Sewing Squad is run entirely on donations via Donor Box.

In the early days of the operation, just two months ago, brick and mortar fabric stores were shut down, so it was a struggle to get supplies, Wong said. Friends would donate old clothes, scrap fabric and elastic; fitted sheets and headbands were repurposed into protective gear.

Now, the process is more streamlined: Some people source materials; others cut out fabric, nose guards and elastic; others do the sewing. And then there are "aunties" who oversee on-the-ground communication and make sure the masks reach their intended destinations.

One of them is Constance Parng, who, like Wong, is an artist. But these days she's coordinating shipments of masks with groups, including with the Navajo Department of Health.

"I really never imagined that I'd be doing any of this," she said. "I'm just an actress, a writer, who woke up one day and thought maybe I can help some people. And then, next thing you know, I'm on the phone with epidemiologists, emergency response teams and deputy incident commanders — finding the most urgent needs in First Nations in real time and getting our masks to them ASAP."

Parng has also overseen four supply vans to Native American territories, containing sewing machines, sewing supplies and cleaning products. For her organizing abilities, the group has given Parng the nickname "Auntienie Fauci."

The Squad also started a Zoom summer camp to teach kids how to sew. Around 40 participated on the first day, from ages 6 to 12. Rivera teaches the weekly classes and her children are also helping to make masks. “This has made me a better mom,” she said. “Knowing that I’m giving back to the community and serving others outside of my home…this makes me feel better and more empowered. And teaching my kids to give is an opportunity that I would never have had otherwise.”

To Parng, the Auntie Sewing Squad is a profound example of allyship: "People who are undervalued in society can help others who are oppressed and undervalued in this society."

Another member of the group is “Uncle” Van Huynh, who was released from prison 15 months ago after serving 26 years for a juvenile conviction. Now living in Southern California, his mother, Cuong Thi Tran, taught him how to sew and the two of them make masks together.
Van Huynh sews masks with his mother Cuong Thi Tran (Courtesy Van Huynh)

They’ve sent the protective gear to formerly incarcerated groups, including those released from ICE detention. Rejoining society has been “overwhelming,” he said, but being part of the Squad has helped ground him.

“I’m so new to society and life really, and I’m learning so much from them,” Huynh said.

"Through my street life days and through prison, I always believed that I was doing good, that I was bringing peace, respect and honor for Asians," he went on. "The tragedy is that nobody taught me how to fight for these things in a constructive way. Nobody told me that sewing is a way of fighting."

Huynh is now an advocate for social justice and prison reform and on the day of the interview, had just come back from a Black Lives Matter protest. To him, making masks has been especially fulfilling. “We’re making kid sizes, and every time I’m making them, I’m like, ‘This is going to a kid. That can help them,’” he said.

The Squad also takes care of each other. Huynh, whose green card was revoked because of his conviction, is at risk for deportation. Wong wrote a letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom asking for a pardon for Huynh. When Rivera’s sewing machine broke down, Wong sent her a new one. Some aunties make food and deliver them to other Squad members.

“I think it’s amazing and I’m very proud to be a part of it,” said Rivera.

It has been a whirlwind couple of months for Wong, and she's not sure how long the Auntie Sewing Squad will continue working. But as long as there are requests for masks from vulnerable communities, the Squad will keep sewing, she said. Just as how the word "auntie" denotes family, closeness and love, to Wong, making masks "is a literal way of saying: 'I want you to have this protection. I want you to see our care.'"

Epidemiologist calls upcoming Trump rally 'perfect storm' for coronavirus spread

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week. 



Attorneys in Tulsa filed a lawsuit earlier this week on behalf of two businesses and two residents to stop ASM Global, which manages the 19,000-seat arena, from hosting the rally "to protect against a substantial, imminent and deadly risk to the community."

They argued the rally should be prohibited because it would act as a "spreader" event for the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Paul DeMuro, a lawyer who brought the case, said the goal was to enforce Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidlines.

The petition cited a rise in documented cases of COVID-19 in Tulsa County, which have spiked in recent days. Oklahoma set a new state record for case increases in a single day on Thursday, confirming 450 new cases. The state added 352 new cases on Friday, giving it 802 new cases in two days.

Countless Americans have begun descending on the city of Tulsa, Okla., where President Trump plans to hold a rally on Saturday — and where an estimated 100,000 people are expected to gather. The event was initially scheduled for Friday, then moved back a day in recognition of Juneteenth (and, more specifically, a race massacre that occurred there in 1921).

Concerns about the safety of the event have been mounting, especially in the wake of news that cases of COVID-19 are spiking in Tulsa. But some local leaders have expressed gratitude that the event is being held there, including the city’s Republican mayor, G.T. Bynum, who dubbed it an “honor.”

With more than 8.5 million cases of the coronavirus worldwide, and clear messages from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the dangers of large indoor gatherings, epidemiologists aren’t quite as enthused. “Any large crowd has the ability to increase your transmission, but this is the perfect storm of people being packed in an arena in close proximity to one another,” Marya Ghazipura, an epidemiologist and biostatistician serving on New York City’s COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Council, tells Yahoo Life.

The Trump campaign has announced that it will be taking precautions. “The campaign takes the health and safety of rally-goers seriously and is taking precautions to make the rally safe,” Erin Perrine, deputy communications director for the Trump campaign, said in a statement to Axios. “Every single rally-goer will have their temperature checked, be provided a face mask and hand sanitizer.”

Epidemiologists are expressing concern about an upcoming Trump rally that's expected to attract hundreds of thousands. Here, a Trump supporter holds a sign in New York City on May 5. (Photo: Getty Images)
Epidemiologists are expressing concern about an upcoming Trump rally that's expected to attract hundreds of thousands. Here, a Trump supporter holds a sign in New York City on May 5. (Photo: Getty Images)

Still, given that the virus can spread even in the midst of these safety measures — how dangerous is an indoor rally, and how does that compare with the protests that have been happening nationwide?

Saskia Popescu, an infection prevention epidemiologist at George Mason University, has reservations. “There are several concerning factors for this — first, COVID-19 cases are on the rise in Oklahoma, and especially in Tulsa, which means the state and city are experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 than they’ve seen this entire pandemic. Second, an indoor event with lots of people in close quarters for a prolonged period of time, and likely shouting and yelling, is as high on the risk index as you can get,” Popescu tells Yahoo Life in an email. “Third, President Trump has repeatedly said he won’t wear masks in front of cameras, which might discourage people at the rally to also follow his lead, thus increasing risk.”

Ghazipura echoes her points, stressing the increased danger of being in an enclosed space. “The chances of transmitting the virus is nearly 19 times higher indoors compared to outdoors. The idea is that open spaces and outdoor airflow have the ability to dilute the effects of the virus,” says Ghazipura. “Even the sun can help reduce transmission. Indoor rallies certainly pose a significant risk because people are not able to be as mobile as they otherwise would be, people are in close to proximity to one another and they cannot escape one another very easily, and the airflow on ventilation is a huge issue when it comes to large gatherings, such as these rallies.”

On top of the lack of ability to move around, Ghazipura says being indoors for a long period of time allows the virus time to spread easily. “Just talking aloud can expel droplets that remain in the air for up to 14 minutes,” she says. “But that risk is much lower outdoors.” It’s for these reasons that she says the protests taking place nationwide in support of Black Lives Matter are lower-risk.

Popescu agrees. “Outdoor events provide an advantage in that they offer natural ventilation, but also often extra space to ensure social distancing. Indoor definitely carries more risk than outdoor,” says Popescu. “Moreover, I worry that while protesters appeared to be quite compliant with mask usage and there was a lot of attention to the risks and efforts to reduce them, President Trump’s messaging on the pandemic and masks might discourage attendees from being safe by wearing masks, staying home if they’re not feeling well or at increased risk, or in general it encourages people to attend large indoor events with a lot of people in a state and city experiencing a large surge in COVID-19 cases.” 

In terms of prevention, both Ghazipura and Popescu suggest following guidelines set out by the CDC. “If you are attending, masks are vital, and eye protection can be an added bonus,” says Popescu. “Try to stick to less-crowded areas and use hand hygiene. Moreover, it’s encouraged to quarantine at home for 14 days after the event.”

But even if precautions are followed, Ghazipura says there is a chance that an uptick could occur afterward. “From an epidemiological standpoint, we do fear that the numbers and hospitalizations will only get worse due to these large gatherings,” she says. “I implore you to take these universal precautions to help not only mitigate spread but also protect you and your loved ones. Know that regardless of where you are, whether it's indoors or outdoors, being in a large crowd comes with a risk.”

‘Insensitive and isolated’: Rev. Sharpton slams Trump at Tulsa Juneteenth celebration - live updates

Nicholas Wu, Courtney Subramanian, Bart Jansen, Tim Willert, and Savannah Behrmann, 

USA TODAY•June 19, 2020

President Trump changes his MAGA rally date in Tulsa over Juneteenth choice


TULSA, Okla. – About a mile away from the arena where President Trump will hold a Saturday rally, the Reverend Al Sharpton spoke to a field filled with people on the campus of Oklahoma State University - Tulsa, near where the city's infamous 1921 race massacre took place.

Sharpton, one of several speakers for this year’s Juneteenth celebration in Tulsa, said “they tell their children that Lincoln freed the slaves. The fact is the slaves freed Lincoln.” He also rejected claims that protesters for the Black Lives Matter movement were violent.

“We are not violent, we're fighting violence,” he said to the crowd.

Sharpton said Juneteenth needed to be a federal holiday, because “it's the first date this country stepped toward living up to the model that announced that all men were created equal.”

Several lawmakers have introduced legislation to make the day a holiday.
The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during a Juneteenth celebration in Tulsa, Okla., on June 19, 2020, the day before President Donald Trump was scheduled to host a rally there.

“The president said he was coming on June 19,” Sharpton said to boos from the audience, who were watching in the rain, and slammed the president for admitting he did not know about Juneteenth.

He said that Trump's admission showed he was “not qualified” to represent the country as a head of state. Sharpton also called Trump “insensitive and isolated,” especially when “he was born and raised in New York, where two-thirds of New York is black and Latino.”

Earlier in the week, Trump claimed that "nobody had ever heard of" the June 19 holiday before the controversy surrounding his rally, which he originally scheduled to be on Juneteenth.

— Nicholas Wu, Courtney Subramanian, Savannah Behrmann

Tulsa mayor lifts curfew ahead of Trump's rally

Tulsa officials have rescinded a curfew tied to President Donald Trump's controversial rally scheduled there Saturday in an extraordinary reversal that came after Trump spoke with the city’s mayor.

But in another update Friday night, Tulsa officials announced a police zone downtown for Secret Service and police to eject "individuals that are only present to break the law and disrupt the rights of people assembling peacefully."

"In lieu of the Executive Order, a secure zone has been established by the United States Secret Service in cooperation with the Tulsa Police Department and multiple law enforcement agencies," the department posted.

The reversal came hours before Trump was set to touch down for the pivotal campaign event. The president tweeted on Friday, “I just spoke to the highly respected Mayor of Tulsa, G.T. Bynum, who informed me there will be no curfew tonight or tomorrow for our many supporters attending the #MAGA Rally. Enjoy yourselves - thank you to Mayor Bynum!”

The move represented a reversal by Bynum, a Republican, who hours earlier imposed a curfew to cover Friday and Saturday nights based on projections that 100,000 people could attend and concerns about civil unrest.

The timing of that curfew represented a challenge to Trump rally attendees, many of whom have been lined up for days at the BOK Center in anticipation of the rally.
Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum speaks during a news conference at police headquarters in Tulsa, Okla., on June 17, 2020. President Donald Trump is scheduled to hold a rally Saturday in Tulsa.

Bynum said in a statement that he imposed the curfew Thursday at the request of Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin, after consulting with the Secret Service and based on their intelligence. Bynum said the Secret Service asked the city Friday to lift the curfew.

“Today, we were told the curfew is no longer necessary so I am rescinding it," Bynum said.

Trump’s rally is being closely watched by supporters and critics because it is his first event since a rally in North Carolina in March during the early weeks of the coronavirus. Local health officials in Oklahoma had recommended against holding the massive indoor event for fear it could spread the virus further.

After the curfew was announced, Trump supporters lined up outside the 19,000-seat BOK Center were forced to move as city officials began setting up concrete barriers to section the area ahead of expected crowds of thousands who plan to attend.

Kelli Butler, 43, drove with her husband Dan and 13-year-old son Friday morning from Stillwell, about an hour southeast of Tulsa. Butler, who arrived at about 8:30 A.M. local time, said some of the groups, hovered under tents and seated in camping chairs, were told to move behind the barriers but were told their place in line would be honored.

– John Fritze, Nicholas Wu, Courtney Subramanian, Savannah Behrmann

State Supreme Court denies challenge to rally

The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Friday denied a request for a temporary injunction to block the BOK Center in Tulsa from hosting President Donald Trump's campaign rally Saturday.

The justices cited a lack of any mandatory language in the state's reopening plan, which provides social distancing guidelines for entertainment venues.

Attorneys in Tulsa filed a lawsuit earlier this week on behalf of two businesses and two residents to stop ASM Global, which manages the 19,000-seat arena, from hosting the rally "to protect against a substantial, imminent and deadly risk to the community."

They argued the rally should be prohibited because it would act as a "spreader" event for the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Paul DeMuro, a lawyer who brought the case, said the goal was to enforce Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidlines.

“The only winner today is the virus. The virus won," DeMuro said. "Our lawsuit didn’t fail. Our local leaders failed us.”

The petition cited a rise in documented cases of COVID-19 in Tulsa County, which have spiked in recent days. Oklahoma set a new state record for case increases in a single day on Thursday, confirming 450 new cases. The state added 352 new cases on Friday, giving it 802 new cases in two days.

"Despite this alarming uptick ... ASM Global plans to host an event that will bring tens of thousands of people into an enclosed area in downtown Tulsa ... without putting precautions in place to prevent the spread of the virus," the petition stated.
James Massery, left, of Preston, Okla., and Daniel Hedman, of Tulsa, Okla., supporters of President Donald Trump, camp outside the BOK Center in Tulsa on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, four days before his scheduled rally Saturday.

"All credible, qualified medical experts, including the CDC, agree that this type of mass-gathering indoor event creates the greatest possible risk of community-wide viral transmission."

The Trump campaign said it will check attendees temperature as they come in, provide hand sanitizer and issue masks but not require they be worn. Tickets to the rally come with a liability waiver that says the campaign or other parties associated with the event cannot be held liable for exposure to the coronavirus.

In addition, the BOK Center will provide personal protective gear to event staff, periodically clean and disinfect the arena during the rally, and install plexiglass partitions at all concessions stands.

Oklahoma Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt said earlier this week that people concerned about the spread of COVID-19 at the rally should stay home.

– Tim Willert, The Oklahoman

TULSA, OKLAHOMA - JUNE 19: Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump sleep in the early morning while lined up to attend the campaign rally of U.S. President Donald Trump near the BOK Center, site of tomorrow's rally, June 19, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trump is scheduled to hold his first political rally since the start of the coronavirus pandemic at the BOK Center on Saturday while infection rates in the state of Oklahoma continue to rise. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) ORG XMIT: 775525014 ORIG FILE ID: 1250658372

Trump campaign: Hope any protests are peaceful

A Trump campaign spokesman said Friday peaceful protests are common around the president’s rallies, but that officials hope the latest event in Tulsa on Saturday doesn’t become as violent as protests for racial justice in other cities.

Trump tweeted Friday that “protesters, anarchists, looters or lowlifes” won’t be treated like in New York, Seattle or Minneapolis, but that Tulsa will “be a much different scene!”

Civil-rights advocates have argued that Trump lumped peaceful protesters, who have a First Amendment right to protest, with the violent rioters. Marc Lotter, the director of strategic communications for the Trump 2020 campaign, told MSNBC that the campaign hopes the protests remain peaceful.

“Well, I think if they’re peaceful and if they’re agitating and getting into the violence and other things that will be a different story,” Lotter said. “But we normally have peaceful protests going on around our rallies. And we would hope that anybody that’s coming in from out of town would continue to honor that peaceful tradition in our country and not go to violence.”

Lotter also said the campaign is providing masks for attendees, but wouldn’t mandate they be worn because people are free to make their own decisions.

“Well, we’re making the masks available and we encourage anyone who wants to wear one to be able to do so,” Lotter said. “But we also understand that this is an individual choice. And that people have a right to make the decision for themselves whether they want to come to the rally, whether they want to come inside, whether they want to be outside and also if they want to wear a mask. This is a risk that people know and that they are free to make the decisions that best reflect their needs, their desires and their own personal health.”

–Bart Jansen, USA TODAY

Trump threatens Tulsa protesters on rally eve

President Donald Trump threatened to crack down on protesters expected to show up at his campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., on Saturday, the first such event since the coronavirus pandemic sidelined his campaign schedule.

“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Trump tweeted on Friday. “It will be a much different scene!”

Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, said Trump was referring to "destructive" protesters, noting that buildings have been burned, looted, and vandalized during recent demonstrations against police brutality.

President Donald Trump announces an executive order on police policy June 16 in Washington.

"These things are unacceptable," she said. "And we will not see that in Oklahoma."

The president’s tweet came hours after Tulsa mayor G. T. Bynum imposed a curfew, citing expected rally crowds of more than 100,000, planned protests and the civil unrest that has already erupted in the city and around the nation this month.

Trump drew widespread and bipartisan criticism for his last interaction with protesters, when U.S. Park Police and other law enforcement agencies used force to clear Lafayette Square near the White House so the president could pose with a Bible in front of the historic St. John’s Church.

The latest threat also drew fire.

William Kristol, former editor of The Weekly Standard, posted on Twitter that the constitutional right "of protesters are the same in Tulsa as elsewhere in the US. So are the 1A rights of Trump supporters. It's up to OK and Tulsa authorities to follow the law and protect all citizens. But what Trump's doing is inciting his followers to extra-legal action."

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., accused Trump of "threatening peaceful protesters standing up for justice."

–John Fritze, USA TODAY

Police: Threats to Trump rally from social media

Concerns among Tulsa officials about the potential for violence outside Trump's rally Saturday appeared to come from social media postings, according to Tulsa police.

Jeanne Pierce, a Tulsa Police Department spokesperson, told USA TODAY the city's information on threats came from social media postings on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Craigslist. Pierce cited posts on Craigslist that urged people to come to Tulsa and make trouble or for people infected with COVID-19 to attend and expose others to the sometimes fatal illness. At least some of the posts have been confirmed fake.

They "don’t know if they’re hoaxes or they’re true but it’s a precautionary measure,” Pierce explained.

Asked about the mayor's estimate of over 100,000 people at the rally, Pierce said the numbers were what the White House press office had told the city, factoring in the 19,1990-person capacity of the arena and the overflow capacity outside.

– Nicholas Wu, USA TODAY

Curfew imposed ahead of rally

The mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma, imposed a curfew ahead of President Donald Trump's campaign rally there, prompting officers to move out supporters who had been camping out in front of the arena.

Mayor G. T. Bynum announced the order Thursday evening, citing the expected crowds of more than 100,000, the planned protests and the civil unrest that has already erupted in the city and around the nation this month.

Bynum also said he's received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies "that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive or violent behavior in other states are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the rally." 

Bynum said the order is needed to protect health and safety and preserve lives and property.

The curfew of parts of the city's downtown started at 10 p.m. Thursday and is in effect until 6 a.m. Saturday. It begins again at the conclusion of Trump's rally and continues into Sunday morning.

“Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa,” Trump tweeted Friday morning, hours after the curfew went into effect.

Big crowds and lines already forming in Tulsa. My campaign hasn’t started yet. It starts on Saturday night in Oklahoma!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020

He also issued this warning: "Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

Trump supporters began lining up outside the BOK Center days in advance of the rally.

"Sacrificing a week of our lives is nothing for what Trump has done for us," Robin Stites, who arrived on Monday to secure the No. 2 place in line, told the The Oklahoman earlier this week. YOU WILL BE SACRIFICING MORE THAN THAT IF YOU GET COVID-19


Trump supporter Randall Thom waves a giant Trump flag to passing cars outside the BOK Center June 18, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trump is scheduled to hold his first political rally since the start of the coronavirus pandemic at the BOK Center on Saturday while infection rates in the state of Oklahoma continue to rise.

In a Facebook post Thursday evening, the Tulsa Police Department said anyone in violation of the mayor's executive order will be asked to leave the area. Those who refuse may be cited or arrested.

In addition to the curfew, the order bans Molotov cocktails or other combustible devices.

"This is an unprecedented event for the City of Tulsa and has hundreds of moving parts," the post said. "We are asking for everyone’s help in making this a safe event for all citizens."

More: Health experts fear Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa could turn into a coronavirus 'super spreader' event

More: Oklahoma coronavirus cases surge, hospitalizations rise ahead of Trump's Tulsa rally
Oklahoma City festival postponed for COVID-19

Organizers of an Oklahoma City celebration of Black culture postponed the event Friday because of concerns about gathering crowds during a time when the number of COVID-19 cases is surging in the state.

The Plaza District in the city had scheduled a half-dozen events during the weekend collectively called “Solidarity in the Plaza: Black Lives Matter,” to showcase Black artists, vendors, filmmakers and performers.

But the event that coincided with Juneteenth on Friday was expected to draw 10,000 people at a time when health officials have warned that any large gatherings could spread the coronavirus pandemic.

"We're crushed. We were so excited to do something that felt important and like a celebration and artistic. But we just have to put safety and public health first," Selena Skorman, the Plaza District’s executive director, told The Oklahoman. "We are definitely going to reschedule."

The number of state cases of COVID-19 rose by 450 on Thursday, in a surge beyond the 259 infections reported Wednesday.

“You can’t say Black Lives Matter and then put the lives of those who are most vulnerable to the disease at risk,” Chaya Fletcher, one of the Plaza District event organizers, said in a statement. “Black people have been disproportionately affected by COVID and it is our responsibility to not contribute to the increase in those numbers.”

– Brandy McDonnell, The Oklahoman

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump Tulsa rally: Sharpton slams president at Juneteenth celebration
Former NFL player turned artist pens powerful essay on racism: 'The choice to stay silent is a privilege that Black folks do not have'

Emily RellaYahoo Life•June 19, 2020
Joshua Keyes marches in Houston following the killing of George Floyd. (D.E. Digital Group)

A former NFL player who left sports for a career in art is back in the spotlight thanks to his powerful open letter speaking out about the systemic racism he has faced as a Black man.

On June 3 — nine days after the killing of George Floyd and amid global protests — former Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Houston Texans linebacker Joshua Keyes posted a letter on Instagram expressing his frustration over racial injustice and citing personal instances of discrimination that he has endured, including being called racist slurs and having cops follow him.

“In my 27 years of life, I’ve been called a n***** to my face countless times,” wrote Keyes, in the letter that has since been shared widely on social media. “I’ve been pulled over, pulled out of my car and slammed on the hood because the police had suspicions that the car I was driving wasn’t mine. That it was ‘too nice to be owned by a n*****.’

“I’ve been denied access to restaurants,” continued Keyes, who has become a professional artist since leaving the Texans in 2018. “I’ve been followed through retail stores while shopping. I’ve been
asked for multiple forms of identification when making simple purchases, while the white people in front
of me were not. I was picked out of a section at a sporting game because someone was sitting in a seat that wasn’t theirs. They suspected it was me — the only Black person sitting in the section — it was not.

“I’ve been out to eat and watched a couple refuse to sit at the open table next to me. I’ve been followed by cops on jogs through neighborhoods. I know people who have woken up in the middle of the night to crosses being burned in their yards. I know people who are locked up in private prisons for petty crimes. I’ve watched people cross the street while I’m walking toward them in the same direction. I’ve stepped into elevators and observed women hide their purses behind their backs. These are some of my experiences. Every Black person in America has experienced similar, if not worse things.”
Related Video: Understanding Racial Trauma

Keyes’s essay goes on to talk about the systemic history of racism in America, from slavery to Jim Crow to what underlying racist policies still exist today. He also called out non-allies and non-Black people who are choosing to remain silent and are thus complicit in the face of racism.

“I’ve been observing who has stayed silent,” Keyes wrote. “I see you hiding to protect your name and brand from counterparts that might not agree if you say something. I see you putting your own popularity ahead of the lives of innocent people who are being lynched in the streets.”

The essay ends with a call to action for allies.

“If this letter inspires you to change, this is what we need,” he says. “We need you to stand by us. We need you to shut your mouths and just listen. We need you to stand by our sides and fight the fight with us at ALL times.”

While his words resonated with many, the Houston-based artist tells Yahoo Life he has received pushback from some critics.

“The manager of a small art supply store, which I’ve been supporting by shopping at them exclusively for over a year, got wind that I wrote a letter on Instagram addressing racism," Keyes says. “When I was picking up some supplies, the manager mentioned the article and said, ‘You know the slaves weren’t kidnapped but instead went willingly.’ Not only is that statement false, but he also flippantly disregards any wrong-doing of white people.”

But comments like that aren’t deterring Keyes, who has taken part in protests following Floyd’s death.

"I marched with George Floyd’s family and 60,000 others in Houston, Texas," he says. “These protests are very important because they show unity and strength in numbers. A large united group of people is dangerous to those in power who want to keep us divided. Although the threat of danger was imminent, as a Black man, I’m more concerned for my safety when I’m pulled over by the police for a routine traffic stop.”

Keyes is also pouring his feelings into art through his latest solo art project, titled ASCEND, which is set to tentatively debut in September. ASCEND will be a 12-piece show exemplifying Keyes’s skills and signature style of painting and drawing with bright colors, which is already in the early stages of development.

“I am currently exploring a narrative of growth,” Keyes tells Yahoo Life of the artwork’s message. “I believe that our mission on this earth is to improve it as much as possible, to leave a blueprint for the future generations to build upon to curate into a beautiful world. I have chiseled these beliefs down to three pillars: love, authenticity and economic freedom.”

Keyes notes that it will likely take years to “eradicate all of the policies set in place to oppress people of color.” But there are actions white allies can take to help begin to turn the tide.

“In order to help ‘even the score,’ actionable steps must be taken,” he says. “White people can get involved by joining Black-led grassroots movements in their community that advocate for dismantling racist laws and defunding police. Donating to bail funds and other programs that benefit disenfranchised people is helpful to those who have become involved in the criminal justice system. Supporting Black businesses promotes economic growth in historically deprived communities. ... Vote in every local election for people who support overdue reform. Support Black-owned businesses and amplify people of color in every arena.

Staying silent is not an option, he adds.

“Participating in systems that benefit you, and then choosing to remain silent in regards to others who are disenfranchised from those very systems is not neutrality because it is beneficial to you,” Keyes explains. “The choice to stay silent is a privilege that Black folks do not have. ... The white community must continue to listen and learn. Openly listen to our stories of oppression and refrain from getting defensive and dismissive. These stories will make you uncomfortable, but the feeling of discomfort will allow you to be receptive to understanding why us people of color have been fighting for reform.

“Just because the events of yesterday are no longer the headlines of today, it does not mean it is over,” he continues. “It does not mean that hundreds of years of oppression are resolved ... there are many ways to speak out. Some people choose to sign petitions, donate money, post on social media, make phone calls to representatives. They just cannot sit still. Lastly, remember this: Your words remain empty until your words become your actions and your actions become habits.”

Keyes is also calling on the Black community to continue to support one another from within.

“The Black community also needs to unify," he explains. “Our culture has become divided by prejudice we have curated in our own communities against each other through colorism. The Black community must unite as one. We must lift each other up at all times.”

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Ben Carson Inadvertently Makes the Case for ‘Systemic Racism’ on Fox News

Matt Wilstein, The Daily Beast•June 17, 2020

During an appearance with Martha MacCallum on Fox News Wednesday night, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson accidentally made the exact opposite argument of the one he was trying to make.

After once again defending the police officers who have now been charged with the killing of Rayshard Brooks, saying there was “wrong on both sides,” Carson addressed the larger debate over “systemic racism” in America.

“We live in a period of time where, if there’s any incident that goes on that involves a Black person and a white person, you can be guaranteed that the term ‘racism’ is going to be thrown into it,” he said. “The fact of the matter is, there are lots of interactions that occur between people that have nothing to do with race, but we impose that on everything.”

Ben Carson Defends Atlanta Police Officer Who Killed Rayshard Brooks on ‘Fox News Sunday’

From there, Carson outlined what might happen in the United States if systemic racism is acknowledged.

“If we say the system is systemically racist, then it gives us the excuse that we need to try to completely change the system,” he said. To those who say they want to “remake America,” Carson said, “First you have to make the case that America is broken,” something he obviously believes not to be the case.
“Do we have defects? Absolutely,” he added. “We’re inhabited by imperfect people. But why don’t we look at situations like what just occurred in Atlanta, let’s dissect this and let’s make sure that we put in place policies so that people don’t continue to have these types of situations arise. That would be much smarter than getting into our respective corners and demonizing each other and getting angry all the time.”

Nodding in agreement, MacCallum finally chimed in with, “Wise words, Dr. Carson.”

For the activists who have been wanting America to address systemic racism in policing and other aspects of American society for years, that “excuse” for change that Carson describes is exactly what they have been fighting for. They probably couldn’t have put it better themselves.

NYPD officer bragged about taking off protester's mask and pepper-spraying him, bodycam footage shows

INSIDER•June 18, 2020

NYPD officers stand in formation as nearby demonstrators hold an anti-racism rally in Times Square, June 1, 2020, in New York City. Scott Heins/Getty Images NOT WEARING MASKS WAS ILLEGAL AT THE TIME IN THE CITY AND STATE.

A police officer gloated to his colleagues about tearing off a protester's mask and pepper-spraying him, footage from that officer's body camera shows.

The officer, Michael Sher, has been suspended without pay since June 5, the NYPD said.

The protester, Andrew Smith, has called for Sher to face "great consequences."

Andrew Smith, a Black man, had his hands in the air when a New York police officer ripped off his mask and pepper-sprayed him. The May 30 incident in Brooklyn was caught on camera and circulated widely on social media.

When the NYPD published body camera footage on Tuesday, another detail emerged: The officer — who a law enforcement source identified to Insider as Michael Sher — bragged to his colleagues just minutes after the incident.

"I took the guy's goggles, I ripped the s--- off and I used it," Sher said in the video, captured by his own body camera. The NYPD did not immediately respond to questions about the incident.

"It felt like a searing pain," Smith told a local NBC News affiliate. "There should be great consequences for that – and not just a slap on the wrist."

"At a certain level, I've come to expect the police to do things that they shouldn't do," Smith added.

Sher was suspended without pay on June 5, the NYPD said. Because in-person court proceedings are adjourned until October, any investigation into Sher and other instances of police violence would not be rushed, the law enforcement source told Insider.
Body camera footage from the protest.NYPD/YouTube

Smith's attorney, Alain Messena, has called on Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez to pursue criminal charges against Sher.

"They have had this information for at least a week. It begs the question, what are you waiting for? Why hasn't this officer been arrested? Why hasn't this officer been charged?," Messena wrote in a letter cited by NBC News. "Andrew Smith has patiently given the Kings County District Attorney's Office the benefit of the doubt. We are beginning to question whether the close ties between NYPD and the District Attorney's Office is preventing the office from charging this officer. If true, that is unacceptable."

Gonzalez's office launched an investigation "shortly after the incident," Oren Yaniv, a spokesperson for Gonzalez, told Insider. "It's an active investigation and we are looking, among other things, to interview other potential victims and witnesses that were seen in the bodycam video."
NYPD Police officers listen as Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York President Pat Lynch.PBA IS NOT A UNION IT IS A WHITE COP FRATERNAL LODGE TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images

Since anti-racist protests erupted in New York and around the country last month, the NYPD has come under fire for numerous instances of police brutality against peaceful protesters. Videos of NYPD officers using violence against peaceful protesters have circulated widely on social media.

When a reporter asked Gov. Andrew Cuomo about instances of police bludgeoning protesters with batons, he said the question itself was "a little offensive." There are too many videos of police beating protesters to list them all.

"A police officer doing their job, do you think there is any sensible police officer who believes their job is bludgeoning a peaceful person with a baton?" Cuomo asked at a press conference in early June.

Days earlier, footage emerged of two NYPD cruisers driving through a crowd of protesters, and of an officer aiming his handgun at protesters.

Voices have been overheard on a citywide police scanner saying, "Run them over" and "Shoot those motherf---ers," referring to protesters.

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Fact check: Images of witches, 'Amish' supposedly at Floyd protest are out of context

Adrienne Dunn, USA TODAY•June 19, 2020

The claim: Witches and the Amish protested the death of George Floyd

As thousands have gathered across the country — and the world — to protest the death of George Floyd, police brutality and systemic racism, photographs and videos from the protests have gone viral.

At the center of the protests is the phrase Black Lives Matter, a movement that began in 2013 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the man who fatally shot the unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin.
A Facebook post falsely indicates that "witches" and "Amish" are at a protest following George Floyd's death.

The movement has been met with pushback for years, but in recent weeks it has seen widespread support from politicians, celebrities, organizations and businesses — some of which had previously voiced criticisms.

Among the viral images of protests were claims about groups that supported the movement. Some of the most reshared posts claimed that remote groups had joined the protest.

One viral post included two photos and claimed that witches and the Amish had joined protests saying "You know how wrong you gotta be for witches and Amish to be on the same side?"
Are those photos authentic? Did witches and the Amish join protests?

The post includes two photos, one of people dressed like witches and one of a group that the user identifies as the Amish. The two photos are real, but they have been taken out of context and misidentified.

The photo of the people in witches' clothing is actually from a 2017 protest in Boston. The "witches" held signs saying "Hex white supremacy" and "Good night alt-right."

The photo was taken by Scott Eisen and can be seen in a Guardian article about the counterprotesters or on Getty Images. The people in the photo are not explicitly identified, so it is unknown whether they are simply dressed up in costumes or actually identify as members of Wicca or other witch communities.

The other photo, which has widely circulated with claims that the people are Amish, has also been misidentified.

The image is real and it's recent, but the people in the photo are actually members of the Church of God.

The group has attended various protests and addressed the viral posts about being Amish in a message on Facebook, "We're onsite in Minneapolis, sharing the message of God's love to a hurting community. We're not #Amish, of course, but we are part of the one human family and we must stand together against oppression."
Our rating: False

The claims in the post are FALSE. While both of the photos in the post are real, they were taken out of context and misidentified.

The photo of witches does not identify the people — so it is unknown if they were dressed up or if they identify as members of witch communities — and was actually taken during a 2017 protest in Boston. The image of people described as "Amish" is actually a photo of members of the Church of God.
Seattle police union expelled from large labor group


Associated Press•June 18, 2020
In this June 3, 2020, file photo, police officers behind a barricade look on as protesters fill the street in front of Seattle City Hall, in Seattle, following protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was in police custody in Minneapolis. The King County Labor Council, the largest labor group in the Seattle area, vote Wednesday night June 17 to expel the city’s police union, saying the guild representing officers failed to address racism within its ranks. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File)
Flowers are placed next to an image of George Floyd on a fence surrounding Cal Anderson Park, Wednesday, June 17, 2020, inside what has been named the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone in Seattle. Police pulled back from several blocks of the city's Capitol Hill neighborhood near the Police Department's East Precinct building earlier in the month after clashes with people protesting the police killing of Floyd in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
In this June 3, 2020, file photo, a Seattle police officer yells out orders at Seattle City Hall as protesters march toward them, in Seattle, following protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was in police custody in Minneapolis. The King County Labor Council, the largest labor group in the Seattle area, vote Wednesday night June 17 to expel the city’s police union, saying the guild representing officers failed to address racism within its ranks. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File)

SEATTLE (AP) — The largest labor group in the Seattle area has expelled the city's police union, saying the guild representing officers failed to address racism within its ranks.

The vote Wednesday night by the King County Labor Council to exclude the Seattle Police Officers Guild comes after weeks of protests in the city over police brutality and racism following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

It's also significant as the labor council is politically influential. Local elected leaders are reluctant to go against the umbrella group of more than 150 unions and 100,000 workers.

“Any union that is part of our labor council needs to be actively working to dismantle racism in their institution and society at large,” the labor council said on Twitter after the vote. The police union “has failed to do that work" and is no longer part of the council, the labor alliance said.

The Seattle Times reports that the delegate vote was 45,435 to expel, with 36,760 voting to keep the police union within the council.

Before the vote, police union President Mike Solan told delegates the police union wanted to stay involved with the council and was “willing to learn.”

“We are human beings and we are workers who are committed to this city and committed to the community," Solan said. “We see a future, one that engages in these robust conversations, and in particular to race and how the institution of racism impacts all labor unions.”

Labor council representatives said the police guild could be readmitted at some point in the future.

“At this point, I just can’t justify to our members, ones who are staffing the medical tents and getting gassed" by the Seattle Police Department and having the Seattle Police Officers Guild at the table, “using our unity as a shield to justify contracts that go against our principles and mission," said Jane Hopkins, a registered nurse and executive vice president of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW.

The Seattle City Council on Monday voted unanimously to bar police from using tear gas, pepper spray and several other crowd-control devices after officers repeatedly used them on mostly peaceful demonstrators.

The 9-0 vote came amid frustration with the Seattle Police Department, which used tear gas to disperse protesters in the city’s densest neighborhood, Capitol Hill, just days after Mayor Jenny Durkan and Chief Carmen Best promised not to do so.

Police have now largely left a several block area of Capitol Hill, which for more than a week has been the site of active protests by demonstrators who have dubbed the area the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.”

Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County said in a statement Thursday that it stands with the labor council in demanding acknowledgement and addressing of institutionalized racism in Seattle policing, and that police accountability be included in contract negotiations.

The organization said it has demanded a seat at the negotiating table and that the mayor has responded by putting those police contract negotiations on hold until there is a plan for community representation.