Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Experts: FedEx prioritizes packages over worker safety

December 23, 2020
Pro Publica

FedEx employees Adrian Steele (L) and Aurra Wilks help sort packages in the company's small package sorting system at the Memphis World Hub in Memphis, Tennessee, U.S., December 15, 2009. REUTERS/Lance Murphey/File Photo

Fannie Stanberry had been on the job for two months as a package handler at FedEx Express' massive World Hub when, toward the end of her overnight shift, packages started to fall from a huge shipping container that rolled past her.

As Stanberry, then 61, bent to pick up the packages, she fell and became trapped between the catwalk she'd been standing on and the wheeled platform carrying the shipping container, also known as a dolly. “I thought I was a goner," Stanberry said. She broke eight ribs and her left arm and lacerated her liver, she said. “I had to learn how to walk over again."

FedEx, which is headquartered in Memphis, reported the Nov. 22, 2016, incident to the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the agency charged with protecting workers. TOSHA asked the shipping giant to investigate itself and suggest corrections, according to state records reviewed by MLK50: Justice Through Journalism and ProPublica and reported here for the first time.

FedEx told TOSHA it would train employees on safe work methods, and the agency declared the company's response sufficient and closed its case.

Nearly three years later, a strikingly similar incident at the same location claimed the life of Duntate Young, a 23-year-old temporary worker who'd been on the job just shy of a month. Like Stanberry, his job was to unload packages from shipping containers pulled by motorized tugs.

A worker closed but didn't lock the vinyl door of a container, a practice that was common. When packages fell against the door, it swung open, hitting Young in the back of the leg. He fell chest first into a metal pole. The church musician, devoted father and rapper was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

This time, TOSHA did an on-site investigation. It concluded that FedEx was aware from Stanberry's injury of the hazards associated with containers and the equipment ferrying them around, but that the company had not done enough to fix the problem.

FedEx, whose annual revenue tops $75 billion, was fined $7,000 in March for failing to provide a workplace “free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees."

The penalty was later reduced to $5,950, after FedEx provided TOSHA with a list of measures it took to prevent similar incidents.

As FedEx faces what is its busiest season ever — delivering holiday packages and long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine doses across the country — experts say what happened to Young and the citation that resulted raise key questions about the company's safety practices.

Young's death was “extremely preventable," said Peter Dooley, a certified industrial hygienist for the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, which promotes worker safety.

“The fact that this similar circumstance ends up in fatality several years later just shows how inadequate the investigation and follow up was into the previous incident."

Workers interviewed by MLK50 and ProPublica said that they were pressured to work faster than they felt was safe, and that the training they received, if any, bore little resemblance to what they actually did on the job.

“A lot of stuff they just overlook because everybody is just trying to rush to get through," said former FedEx employee Aisha Prater, who was packing shipping containers at the hub the night Young was killed.

FedEx's data shows the rising hazards to its workers: The number of fatalities at FedEx locations increased from seven in its 2017 and 2018 fiscal years to 10 last year, according to its most recent Global Citizenship Report. Its rate of time off taken after nonfatal, traumatic injuries rose 28% in North America between fiscal 2017 and 2019, though the data is not broken out for its World Hub or other locations. That rate is higher than for competitor UPS, whose own global sustainability report says that it has expanded safety mentoring for new employees because research shows most injuries happen in the first year on the job.

Last month, Young's father, Leanell “Troy" McClenton, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against FedEx and Satco Inc., the manufacturer of the shipping container involved in Young's death, seeking $3 million in compensatory damages for Young's two sons.

The lawsuit alleges that FedEx didn't provide adequate training for temporary workers and allowed workers to engage in dangerous practices “because it valued getting their customers packages delivered on time (and making money) more than it valued the safety of its employees and temporary workers."

In a statement, FedEx stressed its core commitment to “Safety Above All" and the “hundreds of millions" it spends on safety training each year, as well as the millions spent on equipment and technology to prevent injuries and accidents.

“We fully cooperated with the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration throughout its investigation, and we have implemented and are continuing to implement measures to further enhance our safety measures and training," the statement said.

“While we cannot comment about ongoing litigation, we will defend the lawsuit. ... The safety and well-being of our team members is our top priority, and we are committed to providing a safe and secure work environment for our team members." (Read the full statement here.)

In its Global Citizenship Report, FedEx attributed the rise in lost time to an increase in its North America operations. “We have investigated the root causes of this increase and are working to improve safety performance going forward through new training methods, additional implementation of industry-leading technology, and initiatives to make sure our Safety Above All approach is reflected in every action."

Satco officials did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

A year after his son's death, McClenton remembered his son's insatiable sweet tooth and all the times they'd played music together at church Young on drums, McClenton on guitar and vocals and his wife, Jeanette, on keyboard and vocals. It feels like his son's life was disposable, he said.

“I don't think they actually care about them," said McClenton, a maintenance technician who lives in West Memphis, Arkansas. “The only thing they want is them to move those packages out, and that's it."

Area's Largest Employer and “Major Contributor" to State

One in six Memphis metro area workers labor in the logistics industry, and FedEx is the industry's giant, with 30,000 employees in the region. More than a third of them work at the World Hub, which is next to the Memphis International Airport.

The company's name marks the FedExForum, where the Memphis Grizzlies play, the FedEx Institute of Technology at the University of Memphis and the World Golf Championship-FedEx St. Jude Invitational.

The city's growth is inextricably linked to FedEx's; a $1.5 billion expansion and modernization project underway at the airport will be completed in 2025. FedEx's World Hub contributes $4.7 billion in wages to the regional economy, according to a 2018 Memphis Business Journal article.

FedEx is also playing a starring role in the nation's fight against the coronavirus pandemic. FedEx trucks provided the backdrop for a Dec. 3 roundtable discussion about vaccine distribution at the airport, featuring Vice President Mike Pence, who was joined by top FedEx officials. As of Tuesday, the company's stock had risen 80% this year, exceeding the benchmarks for its peer companies and the transportation sector.

The logistics industry, which plays an essential role in the nation's economy, can be dangerous. Of the major occupational groups, transportation and material moving has the highest number of fatal work injuries and the second-highest rate of fatal work injuries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2019 data.

Between 2016 and 2019, more than 70 injuries were reported at the site where Stanberry was hurt and Young was fatally injured, according to a log that FedEx turned over to the state as part of its investigation into Young's death. OSHA requires employers to keep for five years the logs of work-related injuries and illnesses, which include a brief description of what happened.

The physical toll of hazardous jobs falls hardest on workers of color: In the past six years, four workers have died at FedEx Memphis' hub; all but one was Black. Studies using data from the U.S. census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics show Black workers nationwide are more likely than whites to work in dangerous industries and more likely to be injured on the job.

A 2018 video of FedEx's World Hub shows a bustling operation, as loaders lift and lower shipping containers on and off planes. Motorized tugs pull cargo containers on dollies across the facility, which spans 880 acres, an area larger than New York's Central Park.

“As you can see, the process happens very quickly. However, safety guidelines require strict adherence to procedures that ensure safety comes before schedule," the narrator says as shipping containers like the one involved in Young's death are loaded onto a plane.

But TOSHA investigation reports and interviews with former workers show that FedEx didn't enforce its own guidelines.

“I Did It as Fast as I Could"

For many workers, FedEx's lure is that it pays above minimum wage, no small feat in a state whose share of minimum wage jobs exceeds that of more than 40 states. In Memphis, 1 in 4 Black residents live below the poverty line but fewer than 1 in 10 white residents do.

Stanberry, who like many of the hub employees is Black, was working at the Food Rite in Somerville, Tennessee, about 40 miles east of Memphis, when she met a FedEx recruiter. After two years at the grocery store, Stanberry was still making minimum wage and didn't have any benefits.

So she quit the store and joined FedEx as a part-time employee, where she'd earn just over $11 an hour and have health insurance. FedEx even provided transportation from the town's post office parking lot to the World Hub, the company's largest sort facility in the world.

Stanberry worked in an input area. Massive aluminum shipping containers are unloaded from planes and are loaded onto dollies, which pull them up to one of several lines in the input area.

Stanberry stood on a grated catwalk just inches from the shipping containers and the tug. Her job was to take packages out of the containers and place them on conveyor belts.

“You gotta be fast when you take the packages off," she said. “I just wasn't fast like I should have been. ... I did it as fast as I could for somebody my age."

Most hub employees work overnight shifts, handling packages coming in from around the world and heading back out around the globe.

Stanberry wasn't the only one to notice that almost all of her co-workers were much younger. One co-worker “asked why they put me on that line because I was a little too old to be sorting the packages," she recalled.

A key part of the safety protocol is the commands team members issue, such as “standby," when co-workers need to move away from equipment preparing to move, and “clear," when they need to stand still, facing the moving equipment.

After 2 a.m. on Nov. 22, 2016, according to the TOSHA report, workers had unloaded the containers when an employee gave the “clear" command, “which means to face forward, back to the belts, and do not move," a FedEx staffer noted in the report it sent TOSHA. “As the containers moved forward, some freight fell out."

Stanberry doesn't remember exactly what happened next, only what she was told when she regained consciousness in the hospital: She bent to pick up the packages, lost her footing and her balance, fell and was trapped under the dolly.

“All I know (is) they said they had to lift the big ole silver thing up off me," she said, referring to the shipping container.

FedEx reported the incident to TOSHA as required for all workplace incidents that lead to in-patient hospitalizations, loss of limbs or an eye, or death — and the agency responded by letter.

“While ... this letter is not a citation, and we do not intend to conduct an investigation at this time, we ask that you immediately conduct your own investigation into the incident and make any necessary changes to avoid further incidents," a TOSHA representative wrote to FedEx in a Dec. 1, 2016, letter.

FedEx returned a two-page form and in three sentences described the corrective actions recommended and taken: To review the safety procedures that instructed workers to stand with their backs against the belts when containers are moving and wait until equipment has come to a complete stop to move.

Injured two days before Thanksgiving, Stanberry spent that holiday, as well as Christmas, New Year's and her birthday in the hospital, followed by weeks of rehab.

In hindsight, she regrets leaving the grocery store and a 35-year career in food service. “I was just with FedEx to get some extra money, because I had to pay rent."

Stanberry, who received a small settlement from FedEx, is now unemployed and collects Social Security. “My arms and everything was messed up. I can't even lift nothing heavy no more. ... I can't go back to work even if I wanted to."

She acknowledges that workers were trained to stand still when the containers were moving, but when working the line, she followed what her more experienced co-workers did.

Dooley, of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, wasn't surprised that the safety protocols in the training didn't match what workers did on the job.

“The pace of work and the pressure to be doing so many unloads in a certain amount of time ... challenges any conformity with procedures and rules," Dooley said.

Between the time of Stanberry's accident and Young's death, more than 50 people were injured at the hub seriously enough to require treatment beyond first aid, according to the OSHA logs. The logs include bare-bones descriptions of the incidents and the number of days missed from work. Many more were injured but didn't require further care.

In one incident, a worker missed 119 days of work after being caught between a container and dolly. In another, an employee missed 46 days of work after being struck by a package.

Caught-under incidents can be deadly. The night before Thanksgiving in 2017, Ellen Gladney, 60, was working on a crew unloading packages from a 777.

Gladney's job that night was to make sure the loader didn't make accidental contact with the plane. It was her third day on the team, one worker told TOSHA.

There were no witnesses to the incident, but workers discovered Gladney under a platform attached to the cargo loader's deck. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

“Ms. Gladney was following procedures," TOSHA's compliance officer wrote, but faulted FedEx for failing to correct for the blind spots and failing to have procedures to ensure all crew members were accounted for before the cargo loader started moving.

Standing in front of moving equipment and out of sight of the loader operator is “easily recognized as a serious safety hazard," the TOSHA report said.

While team leaders typically watch crew members to be sure safety rules are being enforced, a worker told TOSHA, “Employees take short cuts all the time when Managers aren't around. Doing the right thing is based on your own integrity."

As in Young's death, FedEx was fined $7,000. FedEx told TOSHA that it had since amended its aircraft ramp operations manual to make sure the ground crew is out of the loader's path before it moves.

“They Said I Couldn't Touch Him"

Young started working at FedEx in mid-October 2019, hired at around $14 an hour by Volt Workforce Solutions, a temporary agency that supplied workers to FedEx.

Staffing agencies regularly supply seasonal workers to FedEx, but the lawsuit alleges that the company doesn't provide them with enough training.

A Volt manager said she could not comment on the “tragic" incident that killed Young, but she did say FedEx is still a client and that all Volt temporary workers there are supervised by a full-time FedEx employee.

It isn't unusual for temp workers to receive different or less training than permanent employees for doing the same work, said Dave Desario, director of Temp Worker Justice, an advocacy organization.

Young convinced two childhood friends — Kevin Donnerson and Drekeon Smith to join him, and they too got hired through Volt. All emerging rappers, they planned to save their earnings to record a music video.

They shared a home in suburban Germantown, Tennessee, and on Nov. 12, 2019, Young drove them to work in what Donnerson said was essentially the family car.

Smith and Donnerson worked in a mailroom indoors, but they say Young told them how unsafe it was where he worked, in the courtyard input area described in the TOSHA investigative report as a sprawling, 70,000-square-foot covered space. (A football field is 57,600 square feet.)

Containers are taken off planes, placed on dollies and pulled via a motorized tug to one of four lines in the input area. Each line had room for three tugs pulling containers.

The 10-foot-long, 8-foot-tall container involved in Young's death was manufactured by Satco, a California-based company. It had the company's “exclusive curve contour," a rounded back that fit neatly into cargo planes.

Another plus of this container's design: speed. “Taking only seconds to open and close, the patented fabric roll-up door assembly has proven to be the most cost effective door assembly ever produced by Satco," the company says on its website.

On the night he was killed, Young was working on an input line, standing with more than a dozen co-workers on an elevated grated walkway 14 inches off the ground. On the other side of the walkway was a three-tier conveyor belt system.

Handlers such as Young would take the packages from the containers and put them onto one of the belts. Even if containers weren't fully unloaded, the tug would move forward, witnesses told TOSHA. It was common for containers' roll-up doors to be left partly open or unlocked, and common for packages to fall out of the containers. Both happened that night, the TOSHA report said.

Toward the end of what would be Young's last shift, workers were still unloading the last container on line No. 2 when a worker gave the “standby" command, alerting workers to exit the containers because the tug was about to move. Interviews revealed that a worker lowered the last container's roll-up door but didn't lock it at the bottom.

An employee made the “clear" sign — forearms crossed at head level — which tells workers to stand with their backs to the conveyor belts. When a worker signaled for the tug operator to pull forward, six workers stood with their backs to the conveyor belts, per the safety protocol. But the team leader, as well as Young and six others walked in the direction the tug was moving.

Young was the worker at the end of the line, and as the tug driver pulled forward, packages in the last container fell out, pushing the partially locked door over the grated walkway and into Young's leg. He fell into a metal rail on the conveyor belt system, “stood up, took a few steps, and fell back onto the grating," according to the TOSHA report.

When the shift ended around 3 a.m., Donnerson and Smith waited for Young in their usual meeting spot, the clock out lobby.

When he didn't show, they went to the car, where their phones were locked inside. (FedEx doesn't allow workers to have cellphones inside the hub.) They went back to the lobby where they saw some of Young's co-workers, who were uncharacteristically mute. “Everyone was just looking at us weird," Donnerson recalled.

Finally, a FedEx human resources employee told them to get in touch with the family.

The family was already at Regional One Health, the area's only Level 1 trauma unit, by the time Donnerson and Smith found a ride there.

Bresha Mitchell, the mother of Young's youngest son, knew the news wasn't good when the hospital moved the family into a private waiting room. “I was just hoping for a miracle," she said.

When the family went into the hospital room, Young was lying on a gurney.

“They said I couldn't touch him," McClenton recalled. “I remember leaning over and whispering in his ear, and I said, 'Wake up.'"

The hospital gave Young's car keys to McClenton, as well as his wallet, which McClenton carries every day. It had $8 inside.

“Inconsistencies" Between Policies and Practice

Just like in the incident that killed Gladney, TOSHA found that in Young's death FedEx didn't have adequate procedures to protect employees from known hazards.

The manufacturer Satco told TOSHA that the door is only secure when it's rolled up all the way, or closed and locked on the bottom. Workers told TOSHA that they didn't know whether doors were supposed to be completely open, partially opened or locked when the containers moved with packages inside, the report said. A manager told TOSHA that it was a “judgement (sic) call" by employees whether to close the doors partially or leave them open when the containers moved.

TOSHA interviewed more than a dozen workers in the input area and all said they were trained on line calls and safety procedures, including standing with their backs to the conveyor belt when the containers moved. But many also said that employees move when the containers move and eight said they'd seen the roll-up doors swing over the grated walkway, as the door did in Young's death.

“Interviews revealed inconsistencies between the written procedures and employee practice," the report said.

Again, speed may have been a factor: “Employees don't always stop moving when the freight moves," one temporary worker told TOSHA during the investigation. “Employees were expected to move as the freight moved in order to get the freight unloaded quicker."

For about a month or two after the incident, team leaders “made it a necessity to stop moving while the freight moved but now it is back to the way it was before the incident," the worker said. “The only thing that has changed since the incident is that Temp employees are now given safety vests to wear."

This worker had a near accident when a partially closed door “caught my pant leg and dragged me up the line," the worker told the TOSHA compliance officer. “I reported the incident to two Team Leaders but neither one of them reported it to a Manager because I was not injured severely enough to be reported."

Two managers received warning letters and an employee was fired following the incident that killed Young, according to disciplinary records FedEx provided to TOSHA.

Safety concerns and the pressure to work faster eventually led Prater, 26, to leave the job she started the same month Young did. Her job was to take packages from a conveyor belt and load them into the shipping containers lined up behind her and her co-workers.

Before she started, she watched about four hours of training and safety videos, which would have been sufficient, she said, “if we were actually going to do what the videos showed us how to do."

“But it seemed like it was a waste, 'cause you get out there and it's nothing like what they say they want you to do in the video."

Workers aren't supposed to throw boxes from the conveyor belt into the containers, but they did, she said, and sometimes co-workers would be struck by flying packages. The protocol for stacking boxes in the containers was routinely ignored.

She narrowly avoided being injured herself, when one night she slipped on ice inside one of the containers she was loading. She managed to catch herself on the container's wall. She reported the hazard to her supervisor, but it took hours for the icy container to be replaced and in the meantime, packages piled up.

By February, she'd had enough. FedEx wasn't her first warehouse job, but she vows it will be her last. She's studying to be a dental assistant. “I do not recommend it for anybody," she said. “I tell everybody it's hell out there."

FedEx did not respond to questions about the experiences of Prater and other employees. Instead its general statement reiterated the company's concerns about employee safety.

Workers “at the Mercy of" TOSHA and Employers

When Stanberry was injured in 2016, TOSHA conducted what's called a rapid response investigation, but the term is a misnomer, as it doesn't involve sending an inspector to the site to interview workers.

Instead, TOSHA asked the employer to investigate itself, which FedEx did.

The practice of sending a letter to the employer and then waiting for the employer to write back is “horrible," said Eric Frumin, health and safety director of Change to Win, a federation of labor unions. He worked as a union labor health and safety expert for more than 40 years and has focused on issues in the South.

“There's almost no worker involvement in it, and the workers are at the mercy of the relationship between OSHA and the employer."

But when FedEx reported the fatal incident that killed Young, TOSHA's investigators collected witness statements, the medical examiner's report, surveillance videos, police reports, FedEx's safety procedures, Satco equipment manuals and other documents. Those, along with the investigative report, fill more than 450 pages. Many parts are redacted because they contain witnesses' names or because FedEx contends the information contains trade secrets, such as a six-page document titled “FedEx Express How to be Safe!"

The fixes that FedEx suggested were all focused on training and safety, but it's a mistake to focus simply on training and not the equipment too, said Michael Felsen, a retired U.S. Department of Labor attorney during the Obama and Trump administrations.

Employers concerned about safety should also focus on “engineering controls," such as modifying the equipment, which “do not rely on the workers having to behave in a particular way, but rather they're protected by virtue of the nature of the process," said Felsen, who litigated and supervised worker safety cases for OSHA in the New England region. This is particularly true in the case of temporary workers, he said.

While Felsen and other experts placed the majority of the onus for workplace safety on the employer, a top TOSHA official noted that the workers bore some responsibility too.

“Employers train their employees to follow the rules and in some cases, we can't protect employees from hazards," said Larry Hunt, TOSHA's assistant administrator.

“Employees can get complacent. What FedEx needs to do is to ensure that its training system is effective, and it's not just training, but enforcement of their own rules."

Given the similarities between the incident that injured Stanberry and the one that killed Young, one safety expert wondered why TOSHA didn't cite FedEx with a repeat violation, or even a willful violation, which comes with steeper fines and allows for criminal prosecution.

Hunt said he didn't think TOSHA could have proven that the 2016 and 2019 incidents were similar enough to sustain a willful violation with the information the agency had available.

“We have to prove that the employer had knowledge that these doors weren't latched and the disregard allowed that situation to continue. I don't think that they could prove that," he said. “It's difficult to determine everything that's going on when you show up on the site to do the inspections."

Asked how TOSHA could be confident that FedEx would do now what it said it'd do in 2016 when Stanberry was injured, Hunt said workers can file complaints by mail or online. “We can't know what's going on in every place, that's just not practical," he said.

Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, has made no secret of his desire to make the state attractive to businesses.

When FedEx announced an additional financial investment in its Memphis hub modernization project last year, Lee highlighted the company's role as a major job producer.

The state of Tennessee awarded FedEx $21 million in tax incentives for the project, an amount Lee declared fitting.

“They are a major contributor to what happens in this state," Lee was quoted in the Commercial Appeal as saying. “So our office, our administration, has regular communication about what they're doing and what their plans are and what we can do to create a business environment not only for FedEx, but for every company."

That business-first approach from the state's highest elected office invariably filters down to workplace safety enforcement and investigations, Felsen said.

“If states are all going to be competing against one another to make sure that they're as business-friendly as possible, who's there to protect the workers?

“We want (FedEx) to help save the lives of people by shipping the vaccine. We don't want their own workers to be sacrificing their lives because of the crunch of having to do that."

“The Anger Is Gone. The Disappointment Is There."

Young's funeral was held on a gray Saturday at a West Memphis Baptist church. Hundreds of mourners filed by the shiny casket, and when Young's mother approached for a last look, she collapsed in tears on her son's chest.

McClenton, himself a Baptist pastor, mustered the strength to preach his son's eulogy. He vacillated between bold proclamations of his faith in God and wrenching grief and confusion.

“To this day, I don't know what the hell happened to him," McClenton said that day. “Ain't nobody telling me nothing."

“Right now, what you looking at before you, you looking at an atomic bomb," he told those gathered. “I'm not an advocate for violence, but I am so angry."

A year later, McClenton's grief was still raw, but his rage had been replaced.

“No one at FedEx is wanting to cooperate as far as I'm concerned," he said. “No sympathy letters, no flowers, no actual concern about the family. I mean we lost a child. We lost a child. ... The anger is gone. The disappointment is there."

In a statement, FedEx said that a manager offered condolences to the family at the hospital. “We also reached out to the family on multiple occasions afterward to again offer condolences and seek an opportunity to discuss what happened."

Young's eldest son turned 6 the day Young died. His youngest son is his namesake, Duntate Young Jr., who is not quite 2 years old.

“These young boys will have to grow up not knowing their father, only looking at pictures and whatever memories they have of him," McClenton said.

Donnerson and Smith never went back to FedEx. They too say they're done with warehouse work. After Young's death, his friends published “Long Live Tate," an album of songs they'd done together.

Mitchell can see Young's sense of rhythm in Duntate Jr. and wants to nurture it. “I just make beats with him and I try to play his dad's music," Mitchell said. “I think he can recognize his voice because he will just stare at the speaker."

In an odd coincidence, she worked at FedEx in 2017, the year before she met Young. She was hired through a temp agency to unload shipping containers and remembers feeling unprepared to do the job.

“We didn't know what to do, we were kind of just looking at each other, asking the people that were working there," she said. “You learn as you go."

Mitchell is now studying music recording at the University of Memphis, working a part-time marketing job from home and raising her son, who pulled on his mother's braids as she did a Zoom interview.

The death benefits mandated through the state worker's compensation means that the temporary agency that hired Young will pay the mothers of both sons $97 per week until the boys are adults.

But to the people who loved Young, that's not nearly enough, and it's not justice.

“Justice to me," Mitchell said, “would be just restructuring (FedEx's) whole process or setup as far as safety of the employees."
GOP Senator Worth $39 Million Was Biggest Opponent of the $600 Stimulus Checks
From left: Sens. David Perdue, Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson and Mitch McConnell are all wealthy opponents of direct relief payments.

For months, lawmakers negotiated the stimulus package that passed Monday night, and though most members of Congress don’t yet know the entirety of what’s included in the over 5,000-page bill, it’s clear from the last months of tense talks that one of the most contentious points was the $600 direct payments that ended up being squeezed in very late in the game.

These checks are half the amount that the government sent to individuals in March and have been a subject of much scrutiny among many on the left who say that $600 is not nearly enough. According to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), Democrats have pushed for $1,200 checks, but Republicans batted it down to $600. And still, they have been a sticking point for some lawmakers who think that $600 is still too much if an individual is already receiving unemployment benefits or that the government simply shouldn’t be spending to help the American people during a deadly global pandemic that has caused a recession with record unemployment levels.

All of this hand wringing and austerity has come from Republicans in the Senate who have a median net worth of $1.4 million, with much of the loudest opposition to the one-time $600 check coming from those personally worth tens of millions of dollars.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has been one such wealthy opponent of the direct relief payments, and last week twice blocked another round of checks, citing spurious deficit concerns. “I wasn’t supportive of the first round. I don’t think I’d be supportive of the second,” he said in July. “This is not a classic recession that requires financial stimulus.” His sudden concern about the deficit is charming, considering he led the charge in 2017 for special tax breaks which would net him about $205,000. Those same tax breaks, which mostly benefited wealthy individuals and corporations were funded by almost $2 trillion in added debt.

According to OpenSecrets, Johnson is worth an estimated $39.2 million.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, though not vocally against the checks, did not include them in his September “skinny bill” — but did include his pet obsession, a liability shield from COVID-related lawsuits for businesses and schools. It’s unclear when he changed his mind, though it was probably relatively recently, as The New York Times reports that he made the case for the inclusion of the checks last week, fearing that Republican opposition would hurt their chances in the Georgia Senate runoffs. McConnell is worth an estimated $34.1 million.

Speaking of the Senate runoffs, Republican Sen. David Perdue, who is up for re-election in Georgia, has been vocally against the checks. Perdue expressed direct opposition to the stimulus checks in the CARES act, saying he “personally opposed” them. Earlier this month, Perdue and fellow runoff candidate Sen. Kelly Loeffler released a joint statement with no mention of the checks, saying that they support “targeted relief,” which is just another way that Republicans have been saying that they oppose the stimulus checks. Perdue is worth an estimated $25.8 million, while Loeffler and her husband are worth a whopping $800 million, according to Forbes.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania) also joined the ranks of Republicans who are vocally opposed to the stimulus checks, saying, without evidence, that the “vast majority” of the checks have been sent to families that he assumes probably have not been financially hurt by the pandemic. OpenSecrets estimates Toomey is worth $2 million. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) voted against Monday’s bill saying that, “when [conservatives] vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral or fiscal integrity.” Paul’s estimated worth is about $774,000.

Congressional journalists have reported that the checks have divided Republicans; last week, the number two ranking Republican Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota) suggested that some lawmakers were trying to prevent those who were receiving unemployment benefits from getting the $600 check. Despite their efforts, many polls have shown that the stimulus checks are actually quite popular among the American people. Perhaps that’s why, though there is clear opposition to helping those most in need, many Republicans have not gone on the record to oppose the payments. Many have, however, implied their opposition by broadly railing against adding to the deficit and rejecting the general idea of another stimulus.

Among Republicans who have recently railed against any additional stimulus of any size are: Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), worth $568,000; Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida), worth $259.7 million; Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), worth $3.2 million; and Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska), worth $2.8 million. And worth a special mention are the politicians who went on the record opposing the stimulus checks back in May, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), worth $969,000, and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Indiana), worth $136.8 million, as well as Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Alabama), who opposed stimulus payments during negotiations for the CARES Act.



‘We Are Slammed’: USPS Faces Historic Number Of Packages, Causing Delays

BOSTON (CBS) – Elaine O’Callaghan shipped a special package to her grandchildren by priority mail last week, only to find it was in Nashua, New Hampshire on Monday.

“I’m like, very discouraged. I could have driven across country in that amount of time and delivered it in person,” the Tewksbury mother said.

As more and more people turn to e-commerce in the pandemic, a historic number of packages are threatening to overwhelm the U.S. Postal Service less than two weeks before Christmas.

John Flattery, the President of the Central Massachusetts Chapter of the American Postal Workers Union says employees are working round the clock.

“We have people who are working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week,” Flattery said. “We are slammed with parcels like we’ve never been slammed before.”

Private Carriers like Fedex and UPS have cut off deliveries from some retailers, sending more packages through the Postal Service. Add in COVID-19 infections among postal workers and Flattery says delays are inevitable.

“I’m sure there are some delays right now. You can only put so much through the funnel,” he said.
Trump viewed as ‘one of the country’s worst presidents’, Fox News poll indicates

Poll was carried out earlier this month

Matt Mathers@MattEm90

Some 42 per cent of voters say they will remember Donald Trump as "one of the country's worst presidents".

That's according to a recent poll by Fox News, Mr Trump's once favoured network.

Pollsters spoke to a random national sample of 1,007 registered voters by phone, in interviews conducted between 6-9 December.

They asked Americans a number of questions on how they viewed the president, who is set to leave the White House in January next year.

Some 8 per cent of respondents said Mr Trump will be remembered as "below average".

Nearly a fifth (16 per cent) said he will go down in the history books as "above average".

Meanwhile, 22 per cent said the defeated incumbent is "one of the greatest" presidents the US has ever seen.

Those figures highlight how polarising a character Mr Trump has become in the past four years.

Despite losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden, who is now president-elect, Mr Trump still secured more than 74 million votes.

His campaign team claims that is more votes than any other sitting president in US history.

Fox said the poll, carried out in conjunction with Beacon Research, had a margin of sampling error of +3 percentage points.

And while Mr Trump won almost 11 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2017, he has garnered more negative feelings than any other president, CNN reported.

The only other commander-in-chief who was so poorly favoured at the end of his presidency in a five category poll was George W. Bush, the outlet added.

Some 36 per cent of voters surveyed by Gallup in a 2009 poll said Mr Bush would be remembered as a "poor president".

Only 1 in 3 Brits Think Black Lives Matter Protests Were Positive for the UK

But according to the results of a YouGov survey shared with VICE World News, half of Britons have a favourable view of the Black Lives Matter.

By Ruby Lott-Lavigna


Half of Britons have a favourable view of the Black Lives Matter movement, but only a third say this year’s protests had a positive impact on the UK, according to a YouGov survey shared exclusively with VICE World News.

In 2020, the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis reignited the Black Lives Matter movement, sparking anti-racism protests across the world. In the UK, millions took to the streets and marched.

Only 8 percent of Britons have not heard of Floyd, according to YouGov’s survey of 1,725 British adults, which was conducted this autumn.

World News
Policing of Black Lives Matter Protests in the UK Was 'Institutionally Racist', Report Says

But 45 percent have never heard of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot in her apartment by police looking for someone else entirely.

Discussion around racism has risen thanks to the movement, according to the survey.

Thirty-four percent of Britons have discussed racism with a relative since the protests, while 3 in 10 have discussed racism more with friends from the same ethnic background. Fewer, however, have discussed racism with a friend of a different race – only one in five. Young people and BAME people – a UK designation meaning Black, Asian and minority ethnic – are more likely to have discussed racism with friends and family.

The results come at a time where more scrutiny has been placed on racism across the UK. Earlier this month, Millwall Football Club fans booed while players took the knee – a sign of solidarity shown by players in light of the BLM protests. When asked about fans’ behaviour, Cabinet minister and Conservative MP George Eustice told Sky News that “obviously the issue of race and racial discrimination is something that we all take very, very seriously,” but that “Black Lives Matter – capital B, L and M – is actually a political movement that is different to what most of us believe in, which is standing up for racial equality.” His remarks were condemned by anti-racism groups.

A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter UK told VICE World News: “The BLM protests in the summer of 2020 were the largest anti-racist mobilisations in British history. We are encouraged that more people than ever are thinking and talking about anti-racism. However, with the hostile environment, institutionally racist policing and a likely recession in the coming months, there is still a lot of work to be done.”

World News
More and More Cops Are Working in London Schools

Nick Treloar, research analyst for anti-racism charity Runnymede Trust, said: “The trend this year has been a positive one with more awareness around issues of racial inequality. The tragic murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement has forced people to sit up and listen.”

“However, in terms of actual action that will save lives and make society more equal, this has been sorely lacking,” he added. “In the UK for example, a disproportionate number of BME people continue to die from COVID. 2020 has been a seminal moment for shining a light on racial inequalities, but we can not allow, in 2021, the goodwill that has been built up, nothing to change and let racism continue to plague Black and ethnic minority individuals from cradle till grave.”

PSNI heavily criticised for actions at Black Lives Matter protests

The Police Ombudsman has heaped criticism upon the PSNI for the way it policed Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations during the summer.

The police’s actions “gave rise to claims of unfairness and discrimination... these concerns are in my view cogent, have substance and are justified”.

By Adam Kula
Tuesday, 22nd December 2020

Demonstrators at the Londonderry rally on June 6

The protests, which took place in central Belfast and Londonderry on June 6, saw 71 fines handed out to people deemed to be in breach of coronavirus restrictions (57 in Londonderry, 14 in Belfast).

The orginisers had decided to stage the events in the wake of an earlier BLM rally in Belfast on June 3, which police estimated drew around 2,000 people – although the PSNI decided not to take any action over that event.

In the days leading up to June 6, the force – alongside Arlene Foster, Michelle O’Neill, Naomi Long and Robin Swann – sought to dissuade protestors from repeating the June 3 gatherings.

Image from Londonderry's city walls of the June 6 gathering

Organisers pressed ahead regardless, stressing they would ask people to social distance.

At the time, gatherings of more than six people (except from the same household) were prohibited.

Movement was also restricted without reasonable excuse.

Police were empowered to order people to disperse, and if they did not, police had the power to remove them.

Image from the Belfast June 3 rally

The police had no power to enforce social distancing at the events.

The ombudsman subsequently received “concerns” about the consistency of approaches in Belfast and Londonderry on June 6.

Such concerns intensified following a demonstration under the banner of “Protect Our Monuments” at Belfast City Hall on June 13 (a gathering largely seen as a reaction to BLM demands to tear down statues of historic figures).

It was said by BLM supporters that the “Protect Our Monuments” demo was policed in a far more hands-off fashion than either of the BLM protests, with no fines handed out.

The ombudsman’s report said that at the Londonderry BLM protest on June 6, the police had issued three public announcements to demonstrators that they would hand out fines to them, but that the protestors did not disperse.

The report also found police there had been “courteous” and that some had been captured on video “expressing support and understanding for the principles underpinning the protest”.

Protestors there numbered between 500 and 1,200.

In Belfast on the same day, officers had been briefed that the “threshold for arrest was high” and were told that the BLM protestors were not to be arrested for failure to provide personal details

The ombudsman described officers’ demeanour as “friendly and courteous” (at one point four officers even backed off from arresting a suspect who had become “aggressive” after a crowd assembled around the man, who then applauded as the officers retreated).

Two tannoy warning were made, but the crowd stayed.

Around 1,000 people were at the Belfast protest.

At the “Protoect Our Monuments” demonstration in Belfast on June 13, there were abut 300 people by police estimate (by that stage, gatherings of up to 10 people were permitted, rather than six).

The ombudsman found that “there was no evidence of imminent enforcement action” at the June 13 rally, “in contrast” with the BLM ones.

She said police seemed to have been “learning” from the June 6 demos “that enforcement was not an effective means of achieving crowd dispersal at large gatherings”.


> The ombudsman’s conclusions make reference to the UN Convention on Human Rights (to which the UK is signatory), saying that when it came to the BLM protests, “PSNI failed to demonstrate regard to Article 10 (freedom of expression) and Article 11 (right to protest and right to peaceful assembly and association)”.

> They also “failed to have regard to the approach of other UK Police Forces and to the organisers’ proposals for safe protests and social distancing”.

> The ombudsman also found that the “PSNI did not exploit opportunities to constructively engage with the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities involved with ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests... this exposed an historic gap in strategic relationships with these communities”.

She said the PSNI also “failed to have regard to the following matters...

> “The international and domestic context of ‘Black Lives Matter’. Namely, the public response to police use of lethal force against George Floyd and other members of the black community in the USA and wider concerns of racial inequality”

> “Constructive engagement with the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities prior to the protests on 6th June.

> “The diverse nature of those who were likely to attend the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests on 6th June 2020.”

> She said that the fact police had warned the organiser of the Londonderry protest that they were at risk of prosecution under the coronavirus laws “further inhibited the opportunity for engagement with these communities”.

> Perhaps the key element of her findings is this:

The police’s actions “gave rise to claims of unfairness and discrimination... these concerns are in my view cogent, have substance and are justified”.

However she adds: “I believe that this unfairness was not intentional... Rather PSNI failed to balance Human Rights with the public health considerations and requirements of the Regulations.

“Confidence in policing of some within the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities of Northern Ireland has been severely damaged by the PSNI’s policing of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests.”


The ombudsman notes that the PSNI’s believed the coronavirus laws “and public health considerations... took primacy over the protesters’ rights under Article 10 and 11”.

Reacting to the report, the PSNI issued this statement from Chief Constable Simon Byrne: “The report from the Police Ombudsman provides an important commentary about pressures arising from the policing operation on two days in June this year in unique and novel circumstances, using policing powers derived from

emergency public health Regulations.

“From the outset, both personally and as an organisation, we were alive to the widespread revulsion at the events that led to the death of George Floyd in the USA.

“We tried our best to respect the public health requirements of the Northern Ireland Executive to save lives and at the same time deal with public outcry triggered by this awful death.

“We operated within the legal framework available to us at the time, but the Ombudsman is clear that whilst unintentional, we got that balance procedurally wrong.

“As is only prudent and as the Ombudsman herself says in her comprehensive report, we will now seek to embrace the lessons learned and carefully consider her specific recommendations about policy, practice and procedural fairness.

“Our first step has already been to announce our new Community Relations Taskforce to help us do just that.

“We will provide more details about this early next year.

“We will have to review this report in concert with the earlier report from the Policing Board and I will report our next steps further in January.

“However, it is clear to me that some members of the Black and Minority Ethnic Community have been frustrated, angry and upset by our policing response and our relationship with them has suffered.

“For that I am sorry, and I am determined in that regard to put things right.”

Further coverage:

Click here: Justice Minister Naomi Long silent over Black Lives Matter call to defund police and founders’ praise for wanted terror figure

Click here: ‘Thousands of Northern Irish people were murdered and their crimes are unsolved – their lives matter too’

Click here: Black Co Down clergyman: Having a grievance is no excuse for endangering people with mass protests

Click here: Bobby Storey funeral controversy – ‘Inconsistent’ police should quash our fines, says Black Lives Matter supporter

Click here: SDLP figures shy away from backing party colleague’s demand for PSNI to be condemned over George Floyd rally

Click here: Black Lives Matter advocate says DUP MP ‘must recognise his role in an overall system of anti-black oppression’

After Trump Blocked UN Inquiry of Racist Violence, NGOs Are Conducting Their Own
Portland police disperse a crowd of protesters past a mural of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor on September 26, 2020, in Portland, Oregon.
PUBLISHED December 22, 2029

Human Rights and Global Wrongs

Shortly after the public lynching of George Floyd, the U.S. Human Rights Network and the ACLU organized an international coalition of more than 600 organizations and individuals to urge the United Nations Human Rights Council to convene a commission of inquiry to investigate systemic racism and police brutality in the United States. George Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, addressed the Council by video, stating, “You in the United Nations are your brothers’ and sisters’ keepers in America.” He implored the UN, “I’m asking you to help us — Black people in America.”

However, the Trump administration lobbied heavily against this investigation, objecting to limiting the inquiry to the U.S. The Council subsequently declined a request by a group of African countries within the Council to establish the inquiry commission. “The outcome is a result of the pressure, the bullying that the United States did, assisted by many of its allies,” said Jamil Dakwar, the ACLU’s human rights program director.

But the Council did task the High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet with preparing a report by June 2021 on “systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement agencies, especially those incidents that resulted in the death of George Floyd and other Africans and people of African descent, to contribute to accountability and redress for victims.” In Resolution 43/1, the Council did not limit the subject matter of the report to violations in the United States

To assist in the preparation of Bachelet’s report, the Council called for input from several entities, including nongovernmental organizations.

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers, National Conference of Black Lawyers and National Lawyers Guild responded to that call by establishing their own International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence Against People of African Descent in the United States.

Rutgers University law professor emeritus Lennox Hinds, who conceived of the idea for the commission, told Truthout, “This International Commission of Inquiry is an attempt to give voice to the international outrage resulting from the public lynching of George Floyd and to expose the racist and systemic nature of police violence against people of African descent in the United States and to hold the U.S. government accountable before the international community.”

Twelve commissioners, including prominent judges, lawyers, professors, advocates and UN special rapporteurs from Pakistan, South Africa, Japan, India, Nigeria, France, Costa Rica, the United Kingdom and the West Indies will hold public hearings from January 18 to February 6.

The commission will hear evidence in 50 cases of police violence that occurred throughout the United States from 2010-2020, including the killings of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor and Tamir Rice. Many resulted in the deaths of unarmed or nonthreatening African Americans.

Although the commission won’t have the money and resources a UN investigation would have commanded (were it not for Trump’s obstruction), the scope of this inquiry will go beyond the Council’s resolution by giving voice to the families of Black victims of police brutality.

Testimony of victims’ lawyers and family members, community representatives and acknowledged experts will occur in 25 cities via Zoom. The commissioners will prepare a report for submission to the UN high commissioner and the public by the end of March. They will be assisted in the hearings and preparation of their report by a team of four rapporteurs, including this writer. Students and faculty from Rutgers Law School will provide research support.

The commissioners will ask the UN high commissioner to use our report to inform her report to the Council. We will also publicize our report widely in the United States and throughout the world for people to use in litigation and advocacy.

This will be a thorough investigation of anti-Black violence perpetrated by police in the United States. It will examine: 1) Cases of victims of police violence, extrajudicial killings and maiming of people of African descent and entrenched structural racism in police practices throughout the U.S.; and 2) The structural racism and bias in the criminal “justice” system that results in the impunity of law enforcement officers for violations of U.S. and international law.

The commission will analyze whether several instances of police violence against African Americans violated international law. A 2020 study of the 20 largest cities in the United States found none whose lethal force policies complied with international human rights law and standards.

Finally, the commission will consider the lack of accountability for violations of human rights, and recommend effective measures to end impunity in the future.

Treaties the United States ratifies become part of U.S. law under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. They are the “supreme law of the land.” The U.S. has ratified three human rights treaties that enshrine the right to life, the right to be free from torture and the right to be free from discrimination. All three require effective measures be taken for violations of the rights protected by those treaties.

During the hearings, the testimony will describe instances of police violence that deprived African Americans of the right to life, and the rights to be free from torture and discrimination.

“We want the [UN] high commissioner [Michelle Bachelet] to actually use this report,” said Kerry McLean, a member of the steering committee that is establishing the commission. “She’s not doing hearings, so we’re doing hearings.”

The hearings will be accessible to the public. The report and findings of the commission will be published in English.


Rural America’s hidden hunger: Mobile food banks travel for hundreds of miles to reach ‘food deserts’

Families are starving in ‘the breadbasket of America’, Richard Hall reports from Williston, North Dakota

“Sometimes I don’t understand either,” she says, looking out at the hundreds of cars lined up, “because it’s like how in the United States can we have this many hungry people?”

Barbara Doughtie loads boxes of food onto her truck at a mobile food bank in Williston, North Dakota
(Richard Hall/The Independent )

The cars arrive just as the sun is setting over the town of Williston, North Dakota. Hundreds of them roll slowly into the gravel parking lot of the Upper Missouri Valley Fairgrounds under a burning orange glow. They park dutifully in rows and wait with engines running and heaters on. In some of them, children crawl restlessly on the back seats. Others have come alone, straight from work.

Soon after a large white truck arrives. It has made a six-hour journey across the entire length of the state from Fargo with its precious cargo. In this isolated town, the food bank comes to them.

Hunger is rising in rural America. Travelling food banks like this one have become increasingly common since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. They aim to service so-called “food deserts” – isolated areas far from organisations and charities that support people in need.

The Great Plains Food Bank, which covers North Dakota and western Minnesota, says it has seen a nearly 50 per cent increase in people seeking its help since March, when the economic downturn sparked by the pandemic began to bite. That rise has been particularly pronounced in rural towns like Williston.

“In the rural economy, if they're losing hours or have been laid off, there isn’t always somewhere else for them to go and work and get employed very quickly. So they’re really struggling,” says Melissa Sobolik, the organisation’s president.

What makes the rise in North Dakota so jarring is that the state has historically had low food insecurity. The Red River Valley is nicknamed the “breadbasket of America” for its abundance of wheat farms. That history and tradition has clouded the difficulties faced by many families today. “I grew up on a farm and there’s definitely a mindset when you’re a farmer and you grow food that, if you feed the world, you don’t expect that you need help feeding your own family,” says Sobolik.

“I think that it has always been a little under-reported in North Dakota because people don’t want to admit that they needed the help or that they didn’t perceive themselves as food insecure if they got help from family or friends.

“When people think of hunger, they think it’s an urban problem. They’re maybe thinking of homeless people and they’re also seeing big long lines in urban areas on the news,” she adds.

Hunger hits rural America

As the evening light dims further still, a team of volunteers unloads the cargo from the truck and begins to form an assembly line. The food packages, sourced from vendors in Fargo, are made up of simple staples; eggs, milk, potatoes, fruit and vegetables.

While one team unloads, another fans out into the field of vehicles to ask each waiting driver how many boxes they need. A number is drawn on the windscreen so they can glide through the assembly line without leaving their car when their time comes. They open their trunk and the food goes in.

The length of the lines at the food bank have grown and shrunk through various stages of the pandemic. Rachel Monge, a regional coordinator for the food bank who is overseeing the operation in Williston, says there was a surge of people seeking food assistance in March when the coronavirus first arrived in North Dakota. Over the summer, a combination of falling infections, unemployment benefits and stimulus checkers saw the lines grow shorter. But as winter came around and coronavirus cases rose again, so did the lines.

“Now we’re really seeing it ramp up again,” she says. “A lot of people were expecting to go back to their jobs and still haven’t because the numbers for Covid numbers have increased.”

A volunteer loads food onto a truck at a mobile food pantry run by the Great Plains Food Bank in Williston, North Dakota

(Richard Hall/The Independent)

Williston was already struggling before the pandemic arrived. The town witnessed an oil boom between 2006 and 2012, which fuelled rapid growth as workers came from across the country for high wages. When that boom ended, jobs began to retreat.

Here in Williston, the Great Plains Food Bank would typically deliver food to around 300 families; that has now risen to above 800. The food bank runs similar mobile deliveries to rural areas across the state, which are seeing a marked rise in hunger. When it finished its delivery here, the white truck went on to a nearby town to deliver 200 more boxes. Many are using the service for the first time.

Feeding America, the country’s largest hunger relief organisation, released a report this summer that food insecurity had risen by 77 per cent in North Dakota, albeit from a low starting point. Three of the five top counties with the largest increase were found in rural parts of the state – Burke County (157 per cent), Renville County (131 per cent), and Dickey County (127 per cent).

Researchers cited a host of reasons why rural communities were particularly hard hit by hunger during the pandemic, among them isolation, higher rates of unemployment, lack of access to grocery stores and higher food prices.

But even when food banks do come to these towns, people are unsure if they are eligible. It is an unfamiliar problem, according to Monge.

“I heard from a lady the other day, she said she lives 13 miles out in this rural community and she’s like: ‘Who is this for? Can I come?’ She says she often needs to not buy medication for her inhaler to make her food budget last. So here was this lady calling to see if she could come and I was like, oh my gosh, you should be first in line.”

There is no one type of person who uses the food bank. For some, it is a desperately needed lifeline. For others, it is a little extra help.

“Hunger doesn’t have a face,” says Monge. “Most often it’s hard-working people. It’s people with jobs. Oftentimes four-person families that don’t make enough or they only have one car so only one person can work because there’s not good enough public transportation.”

Deidra Heid, 29, and her two children, wait in line at a mobile food bank in Williston, North Dakota
(Richard Hall/The Independent )

For 29-year-old army veteran Deidra Heid, who is waiting in the queue as her two children climb around in the back, it wasn’t just one thing that brought her here.

She and her husband left the military in 2017 and he was offered a job in the oil industry in Williston. They moved from Georgia, where they were stationed, but when the pandemic hit his hours were cut dramatically. To make matters worse, he was forced to quarantine after coming into contact with someone who contracted Covid.

“We didn’t have the means to really quarantine because I have to watch out for our daughter. You can’t just tell people with kids to do that. She’s five, and I had to pull her out of school. It’s just a lot,” she says.

Heid enrolled in college to pursue a criminal justice degree, leaving her husband as the family’s sole breadwinner. So his work trouble put them in a bind.

“Just that little two weeks set us back,” she says. “It’s just stress coming from everywhere. I’m smiling right now to keep from crying, but it’s been real bad.”

Once the assembly line is up and running, the volunteers move quickly to finish before night falls. The lines snake so far back that cars cover both sides of the road that runs through the large parking lot. Some are occupied by a single driver, others by whole families.

Barbara Doughtie is here with several trucks to pick up for 60 people at her housing authority, most of whom are seniors or people with disabilities who can’t go out.

“There are jobs here but a lot of them are part-time. They aren’t full-time anymore. Everybody needs help. The pandemic has cut everybody down,” she says. “Everybody uses the Salvation Army food bank. Everybody. It’s full every day.”

“Nobody goes out as much as they do. They don’t shop as much as they used to. This helps us because we don’t have to get out of our vehicles,” she adds.

Maria Adkins, 30, is waiting with her four children. She has a similar story of a temporary setback that put her on the back foot.

“Right now money is a little tight. We got pay cuts, then we lost a job – my husband was out of work for three weeks. And that’s on top of other issues, like we just had a fire in our house. We lost a lot of stuff,” she says.

“So this food, it helps, especially when you’ve got young kids,” she adds.

The lines snake so far back that cars cover both sides of the road that runs through the large parking lot
(Richard Hall/The Independent)

The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on food security across the country. According to Feeding America, the United States was witnessing the lowest levels of hunger in more than 20 years prior to coronavirus, with around 35 million people considered food insecure (defined as someone who faces the disruption of food intake because of lack of money).

But due to Covid-19, the organisation projects that more than 50 million people, including 17 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.

While many have placed their hopes on the rollout of vaccines to alleviate the economy and get people back to work, no one is sure how long the hunger crisis will last. One of the concerns hunger relief groups have is that the issue will become less salient politically when the pandemic is over.

“There is a big focus within the government right now to make sure that food banks are getting additional food to meet the increased need,” Sobolik says. “At some point that’s going to stop and we are very fearful that once we lose those government commodities we are going to have a food shortage, and we are going to have to make some very tough decisions about who may get food, who doesn’t.”

Monge, the regional coordinator, thinks the pandemic has been an eye-opening experience for many across the state.

“I think there’s a lot of people in rural North Dakota towns that feel that hunger doesn’t happen here. I hear that from time to time. We’ll have a mobile food pantry there and I’ll hear, ‘I just can’t believe that all these people are here. I can’t believe they are all lined up,” she says.

“Sometimes I don’t understand either,” she says, looking out at the hundreds of cars lined up, “because it’s like how in the United States can we have this many hungry people?”
Covid Killing in Rural U.S. Faster Than in Big Cities

Nic Querolo, Bloomberg News

(Bloomberg) -- Nine months after arriving in the most densely populated parts of the U.S., the fatal effects of the coronavirus are spreading more in its remote corners.

Covid-19 is now killing in rural areas at a faster clip than anywhere else. As of last week, there were 109 cumulative deaths per 100,000 residents in “non-core” counties, the least-populated classification, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That’s higher than large central metro areas such as New York City and Seattle, which until days ago had recorded the highest death rates since the beginning of the pandemic.

Rural areas, where 46 million Americans live, are prone to outsize impacts from the virus. Compared with urban hubs, residents there are older, more likely to suffer from underlying chronic illness or disability, and their hospitals are smaller and more sparse. Many of those facilities were at risk of closing even before the pandemic.

Over the last week, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa reported some of the highest death rates when scaled for population. New cases were worst in Tennessee, Texas and Oklahoma.

Nationally, the U.S. posted 194,988 new Covid-19 cases, Covid Tracking Project data show. There have been at least 317,684 deaths attributed to the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

According to Covid Tracking Project data:
Tennessee, Oklahoma and California had among the highest new cases per million people.
Tennessee also reported a single-day case record on Sunday.

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