Friday, December 25, 2020

In pandemic America's tent cities, a grim future grows darker

By Michelle Conlin


PHOENIX, Ariz. (Reuters) - Nadeen Bender stood outside her home, a tattered two-man tent, surrounded by the re-purposed Amazon Prime boxes she uses to store her life’s belongings. One by one, she checked the cartons to make sure nothing had been stolen in the night.

Nadeen Bender stands outside her tent at a homeless encampment in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S., December 18, 2020. REUTERS/Michelle Conlin

When asked about her Christmas plans, the rail-thin 43-year-old said through a face mask, “to try to avoid it.” Then she burst into tears.

The tent city that has served as Bender’s neighborhood for the past seven months is in the middle of downtown Phoenix, just down the road from luxury high-rise apartments and expensive restaurants.

To deal with an exploding homeless population and encourage social distancing during the pandemic, Marcipoa County officials turned this pair of asphalt-topped parking lots into the area’s newest homeless shelter. The county has more than 7,500 people on the streets, and nearly 5,000 dead from COVID-19.

Inside the crowded encampment, ringed by security fencing and barbed wire, each family has been allotted a 12-by-12-foot lot, marked by paint, to separate people as much as possible.

Phoenix is just one example of a slow-motion disaster unfolding in many large U.S. cities as homeless numbers, already growing in recent years, spike during the global pandemic.

The virus presents a compounding threat. Not only are these populations some of the most vulnerable to the coronavirus, but by destroying millions of jobs, the pandemic threatens a wave of evictions that experts warn could lead to a catastrophic housing displacement and even more people living on the streets.

With cities facing a steep hit to their tax bases due to lockdowns aimed at curbing the virus’s spread, homeless advocates say the federal government must step in, and estimate another $11.5 billion is needed immediately.

New funding for the homeless is not included in a $900-billion pandemic relief package passed by Congress on Monday. The fate of the bill was thrown up in the air the next day after outgoing President Donald Trump threatened not to sign it.

Meanwhile, the $4 billion provided earlier this year through the March CARES Act bailout and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is running out, advocates say.

“It’s not just the pandemic, it’s the financial fallout from the pandemic and the complete lack of a comprehensive response to the pandemic from the federal government,” said Diane Yentel, who advised the transition team of President-elect Joe Biden and is the president of the Washington-based National Low Income Housing Coalition.

Biden’s transition team did not respond to requests for comment. But fixing the affordable housing crisis was a pillar of his campaign platform, and included a pledge to spend $640 billion over 10 years to create affordable housing and “end” homelessness.

“Addressing homelessness remains the most pressing health equity challenge of our time. And it’s about to get worse,” said Dr. Howard K. Koh, a professor of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who chairs its new initiative on health and homelessness.


As the coronavirus began to ravage the United States in the spring of 2020, federal, state and local governments issued temporary bans on many evictions, with an eye on the economic and health consequences of increased homelessness.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in September followed up with a nationwide ban that the stimulus deal would extend to Jan. 31.

Still, since the pandemic began, more than 162,000 evictions have been filed in the 27 cities tracked by the Princeton University Eviction Lab.

So far, Congress has no clear plan to deal with the expiration of the CDC’s ban, when up to 40 million people will be at risk of eviction, according to the Aspen Institute. Overnight, more than $70 billion will be owed in back rent and utilities, said Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness estimated the U.S. homeless population at nearly 600,000 in 2019, before the pandemic hit. The potential health repercussions of a significant increase in that number due to evictions and joblessness are enormous, made exponentially worse by the pandemic, academics and health experts say.

Already, homeless families with babies in New York City shelters live amidst mold, mildew and vermin, according to an audit released on Monday by the city comptroller. Subway closures between 1 and 5 a.m. for COVID cleanings have forced many of the city’s homeless who go there for warmth to burrow deeper into the system’s tunnels or freeze in the tarp encampments and grocery-cart hovels that have become a feature of the city’s sidewalks.

New York City’s homeless die of COVID at a rate 78% higher than the general population, according to the Coalition for the Homeless.

In Los Angeles, several members of the city council want the city to use the convention center as a homeless shelter. San Diego already did that - and now its convention center is suffering a COVID-19 outbreak, with 190 residents and staff testing positive.

Another homeless shelter in Chicago is reeling from an outbreak just as freezing temperatures fuel demand.

Twenty-seven states that let local moratoriums on evictions expire over the summer, before the CDC ban, had a 5.4-times higher COVID mortality rate, according to a report released on Nov. 30 by researchers from Johns Hopkins University and other four other universities.


Phoenix’s unshaded tent city is called “The Zone” by its inhabitants. Some of them call it “Trumpville,” an echo of Depression-era shantytowns named “Hoovervilles” after President Herbert Hoover, who was accused of not doing enough to keep people sheltered.

The Zone’s hundreds of residents are packed together - often not wearing masks, with many living just in sleeping bags or on a tarp. Without running water or plumbing, simple pandemic health protocols, like handwashing, are difficult. Although the city has posted portable toilets and washing stations along the perimeter, feces and garbage litter the property. In some spots, the stench is overwhelming.

COVID is a constant worry. Those who test positive for the virus can check into a 136-bed hotel provided by a nonprofit — if they can get a spot. If they prefer to remain on the streets, there’s a “shelter-in-place duffle” that contains food, water, hygienic supplies, masks and a tent.

Bender, a former foster mom with the leathered tan of someone who lives outside, said the homeless population has become more varied since the pandemic hit - she’s met a former doctor, paralegal and even an opera singer.

“A lot of us want to work, we want to get off the streets,” she said.

But the pandemic has made that seem even more impossible, she said.

“I can’t even get online” to apply for jobs, she said, “because the libraries are closed.” Her congressional stimulus check? “How would I even sign up for that or get that without a computer, or an address?”

“I didn’t think my life could get any worse,” said Bender. “But it did.”

(This story corrects paragraph 11 to make clear Diane Yentel advised Biden’s transition team rather than Biden)

Reporting by Michelle Conlin; Editing by Tom Lasseter and Sonya Hepinstall
'Grave risk:' Advocates say inmates should get speedy access to COVID-19 vaccine

Advocates say inmates should have speedy access to the COVID-19 vaccine, given how susceptible prisons and jails have been to outbreaks and how prevalent chronic disease is in that population.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

"I don't think they should go to the front of the line, but I certainly don't think they should be denied their rightful place in the priority line simply because they're prisoners," said Catherine Latimer, executive director of the John Howard Society of Canada.

The Correctional Service of Canada said that, as of Tuesday, there were a total of 276 active COVID-19 cases in federal prisons. The bulk were at Joyceville Institution near Kingston, Ont., Stony Mountain Institution near Winnipeg and the Saskatchewan Penitentiary near Prince Albert, Sask.

There have also been several outbreaks in provincially run jails.

Martha Paynter, a registered nurse in Halifax who provides reproductive care to inmates, said hygiene and ventilation in correctional institutions are issues at the best of times.

There is also high turnover in remand centres and staff are constantly coming and going, she added.

Inmates are "living in this incredibly restrictive experience, but also facing very grave risk of illness transmission," said Paynter, a doctoral candidate at Dalhousie University.

Inmates 50 and older account for one-quarter of the federal prison population. Advocates note people age faster behind bars and are in poorer health than the general public.

"Of course this population should have very quick access to the vaccines," said Paynter, who added that some might not trust the shots due to bad experiences with health care behind bars.

She said the bigger issue is why there are so many people incarcerated in the first place.

"What are we choosing to police? What are we choosing to criminalize?"

Anita Ho, associate professor in bioethics and health services research at the University of British Columbia, noted Indigenous people are disproportionately represented in the corrections system.

"In general, health among Indigenous peoples in Canada, because of various social determinants of health, are poorer to start with," she said.

Video: Alberta health-care workers, paramedics concerned with COVID-19 vaccine prioritization (Global News)

The National Advisory Committee on Immunizations recommends adult Indigenous communities be included in Stage 1 of vaccine delivery. It recommends congregate settings, including correctional facilities, be included in Stage 2.

The Correctional Service of Canada, which is responsible for providing health services for inmates in its care, says in a statement it is aligning its strategy with the national guidelines.

"CSC has worked very closely with the Public Health Agency of Canada to respond to every aspect of the pandemic, including the provision of vaccines to inmates."

Priority groups such as long-term care residents and health-care workers began receiving doses earlier this month.

Dr. Joss Reimer, medical health officer for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, said criteria for who gets the vaccine in Manitoba in the new year will be expanded to include “correctional facilities," but did not specify whether that would be inmates, staff or both.

Other provinces have not detailed their plans.

Ontario's Ministry of the Solicitor General said it will be looking at the availability of doses and would carry out immunizations "based on the latest medical advice and scientific evidence."

Saskatchewan Health Minister Paul Merriman said: "We will consider based on what the needs are at that specific time and ... the amount of vaccines that we have flowing into the province."

In Alberta, chief medical health officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw said, "We'll have a clear ethical dimension that we need to make sure we're considering."

University of Toronto bioethicist Kerry Bowman said there was a consensus about who would receive the first batch of vaccines, but determining who should be next is trickier.

He said it's not clear whether the goal of the second phase will be to boost the economy or to reach more vulnerable people.

In the United States, there has been some pushback against inmates getting dibs earlier.

"There’s no way it’s going to go to prisoners before it goes to the people who haven’t committed any crime," Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said after the state's vaccination rollout plan was criticized.

Bowman said that kind of argument is neither scientifically nor ethically sound.

"It's a very dangerous precedent in any society when you start saying these lives are more valuable than those lives."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 24, 2020.

— With files from Fakiha Baig in Edmonton and Shawn Jeffords in Toronto

Lauren Krugel, The Canadian Press
Prisoner advocates call for intervention, CSC defends approach as Sask. Pen COVID-19 outbreak grows

By Michael Bramadat-Willcock, 
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The Northern Advocate
Thu., Dec. 24, 2020


Prisoner’s advocacy group Beyond Prison Walls Canada sent a letter to the Office of the Correctional Investigator on Wednesday saying that the rights of inmates at Saskatchewan Penitentiary are being violated as COVID-19 spreads in the facility.

The group also says inmates, having ended a hunger strike, have entered a “suicide pact” that has not been taken seriously by staff.

“As of last night when I received a call from a prisoner there were men who have prepared their rope to hang themselves. They have not indicated when but this suicide pact has been mentioned for two days now,” prisoner advocate Sherri Maier wrote.

She alleged that guards are being unprofessional towards the inmates. She also alleged that in one instance, a guard assaulted a prisoner with his food tray.

The allegations of guard misconduct are unproven. The union that represents penitentiary guards said in an interview Tuesday unrelated to Maier’s letter that correctional officers are doing everything they can to keep people safe and to minimize the spread of COVID-19. They said keeping inmates happy and active is in their best interest too, as it helps to reduce tension on the range and make their job safer.

Maier said prisoners on one unit have asked to be let out in groups of four or six for “a couple hours” rather than one at a time for 30 minutes. She said they would practice social distancing “but the guards refused and said they will not facilitate or babysit that.”

She said CSC has failed by not preparing for COVID-19 to enter the institution and because the inmates are contemplating suicide, but are allegedly not being taken seriously.

Maier said that on Tuesday she received a message from a mother whose son was transferred from the Regional Psychiatric Center in Saskatoon on Dec. 6 to Sask Pen. She said he now has COVID-19 and that the night prior he attempted to take his own life.

COVID-19 'running rampant' in Saskatchewan Penitentiary as calls grow for inmates' early release
1 day ago

“These men have rights and they can not continue to be locked up this long and have no access to mental health services. Clearly the staff there are unable to handle what is going on. Medical staff are doing COVID tests but do not inform prisoners of the results, this makes no sense,” she alleged.

She called the amount of time allotted to inmates outside of their cells “ridiculous“ and lambasted living conditions at the facility.

She said some units are “very dirty.”

“There are men who are bathing in their sinks, because they only get 30 minutes out and want to use that for the phone to update family as to what is going on. These men are unable to do their laundry so some are washing their clothes in the sinks in their cells,” Maier wrote.

“This is unhealthy for prisoners and staff.”

Maier said there is “no excuse” for the COVID-19 outbreak and “no excuse as to why there was no preparation for this other than pure negligence on Sask Pen and CSC.”

She said that the mental health of inmates is deteriorating as the lockdown continues, and asked the CSC to take action before Christmas to avoid prisoners taking “drastic measures.” She called the situation “inhumane.”

“This is not right. It’s close to Christmas and the grim reality is that these men are going to spend Christmas in their cells alone, unable to contact family. This is upsetting,” Maier wrote.

“These men’s rights are violated and there needs to be a better plan of action made, they can not continue to be locked up 23.5 hours a day with no contact with family.”

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples national vice-chief Kim Beaudin pointed to disproportionate numbers of Indigenous people incarcerated at Saskatchewan Penitentiary and likened the conditions to a “death sentence” for inmates.

On Tuesday, Beaudin called on CSC to release all inmates held for non-violent offences, implement immediate testing for COVID-19 for all inmates and staff and to ensure any infected inmates are given separate living quarters from other inmates.

“I also urge that those kept caged in Canada’s colonial federal penitentiaries be given access to the programs, contact with loved ones and volunteers, and supplies required to come out of this crisis alive,” Beaudin said.

“Inaction will signal to Indigenous peoples that our lives do not matter and that the federal government remains unable to move past colonialist legacies.”

He pointed a finger at CSC commissioner Anne Kelly who he said should resign along with those deemed responsible for failing to contain the outbreak and called on the Government of Canada to take action.

“No segment of society has gone untouched by COVID-19. Our government is focused on protecting and supporting all Canadians, including inmates and correctional staff,” Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair’s Press Secretary Mary-Liz Power said in a written response.

“We know the unique vulnerabilities facing correctional institutions during this public health crisis. In response to COVID-19 cases in federal institutions, Correctional Services Canada (CSC) has put in place extensive infection prevention and control measures across all institutions, at all security levels.”

She said those measures include mandatory masks for inmates and staff, physical distancing measures, active health screening of anyone entering an institution, contact tracing and increased and enhanced cleaning and disinfection at sites. She said rapid testing is also in use for both staff and inmates.

Since the beginning of March, the overall federal custody population has declined by over 1,300 inmates. Those transferring into Saskatchewan Penitentiary are screened for COVID-19. Inmates transferring into the institution are medically isolated for 14 days after arrival, Power said.

“They have the support of medical staff as well as unit staff during their isolation. They are housed in a separate unit during their isolation. CSC works closely with local public health experts to guide their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have already strengthened their infection prevention procedures to protect staff, offenders, and the community.”

Power said that additional personal protective equipment is also available for offenders and staff, as needed. “As this pandemic continues to evolve, we have been clear that our response will as well.”

Office of the Correctional Investigator Executive Director and General Counsel Monette Maillet said they have no comment on Wednesday.

CSC spokesperson Kelly Dae Dash said in a written response that as of Tuesday there are 123 inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19 at Saskatchewan Penitentiary, medium security unit. Of these, nine have recovered and 114 remain active.

In addition, there are three active inmate cases at the maximum-security unit. There are also 12 active cases of COVID-19 among employees.
Inmate families, CAP vice-chief call for inmates nearing end of sentence to be released as COVID-19 takes hold in Sask. Pen


Inmates housed in the medium-security unit of Saskatchewan Penitentiary are alleging a lack of access to cleaning supplies and growing frustration as a COVID-19 outbreak keeps them confined to their cells for 23 and a half hours per day.

The federal institution announced an outbreak of COVID-19 back on December 15 when 24 inmates tested positive. Now, that number has grown to at least 64 inmates and five staff. Without enough room to isolate infected inmates, they remain housed on their medium security range.

Inmates say they get just 20 minutes out of their cells each day, and only allowed access to the showers and the phones. The situation is leading some to growing despair, with one inmate telling a loved one that some sentenced to life in prison are considering suicide.

“All of us guys think we’re gonna die in here,” he said.

“There are guys in here who are crying. They’re afraid they’re not going to go home to their families.”

He said spending hours a day without time to participate in any activities or recreation is leaving him feeling “empty,” “lost” and “angry.”

“I’m losing all my strength,” he said, adding that he believes inmates would be able to follow social distancing and wear masks if a handful are let out a time to spend time on the range and not confined to their cells, but that they aren’t being given the chance.

He also alleged that the inmates don’t receive fresh masks, and that he hasn’t been able to do his laundry in days.

Inmates can’t access the canteen, he said, meaning they don’t have access to cleaning supplies such as soap to keep their living quarters disinfected.

The lack of cleaning supplies is a concern that’s been raised by other inmates as well.

Tracy Lozinski spoke to the Herald after getting off the phone with her boyfriend, who’s due for statutory release on Jan. 5. He asked to be released early so that he could avoid being stuck in a situation with a growing number of COVID-19 cases. The request was denied.

“They are not allowed any supplies at all,” Lozinski (no relation) said.

“They are just sitting there. It’s really frustrating because he could be released and avoid the whole scare.”

The other frustration, Lozinski said, is a lack of communication, let alone the struggles of communicating for a maximum of 20 minutes per day over the phone. In-person visits were already cancelled and the inmates on the infected range also aren’t being allowed to access the parts of the prison where they would be able to connect with family over video.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s stressful,” she said. “What if he does get COVID? (If he comes here ) am I at risk? We don’t have any answers.”

Lozinski is one of many outside of the prison grappling with these questions as they prepare for loved ones to be released.

Kyle Banks said he’s heard from multiple family members of old friends locked inside Sask. Pen. At least three are preparing for release dates between now and mid-January.

Banks said he hears the same concerns: no access to the canteen, no personal cleaning products and limited time outside of cells.

That’s worse, he said, than the situation was earlier this year when Banks himself served a few months at the federal institution.

He described situations where sanitation guidelines weren’t followed. The inmate whose phone call audio was leaked to media also said that prior to last week, correctional officers weren’t always wearing their masks.

Banks said he’s “not at all” surprised that there’s an outbreak at Sask. Pen.

“I’m surprised there’s not more."


Lozinski isn’t the only one calling on CSC to release those who can go home.

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples National Vice Chief Kim Beaudin is calling for the CSC to release all inmates held for non-violent offences, implement immediate testing for COVID-19 for all inmates and staff and to ensure any infected inmates are given separate living quarters from other inmates.

He pointed to disproportionate numbers of Indigenous inmates at Saskatchewan Penitentiary and across Canada.

Beaudin told the Prince Albert Daily Herald that keeping Indigenous inmates under conditions where they are at risk of contracting the virus is essentially, “the death penalty.

“Our people are now facing a death sentence at Saskatchewan Penitentiary due to COVID-19,” he said. “These are lives being intentionally put at risk, and this is nothing short of genocidal.”

The federal inmate population increased 1.2 per cent since 2010, while the Indigenous inmate population increased by 52.1 per cent.

The rate of Indigenous incarceration within provincial correctional facilities in Saskatchewan is 76 per cent and is 65 per cent at Saskatchewan Penitentiary, which is the federally operated.

Beaudin said the justice system is stacked against Indigenous people and the pandemic has added another deadly element to the mix.

“It is well-known that Indigenous Peoples are mass-incarcerated in Canada. Promises to address this legacy of the intergenerational trauma Indigenous Peoples have endured as the result of genocidal policies and practices enacted by the federal government over several generations,” Beaudin said.

“Commitments to take the necessary measures to end this contemporary manifestation of colonialism have been made, but little has been done.”

Beaudin noted that “during the first wave” there were outbreaks at Mission Institution in British Columbia, several penitentiaries in Quebec, and Grand Valley Institution for Women in Kitchener.

He said CSC “should have learned from the first wave” and implemented a strategy to mitigate the spread of the virus in federal penitentiaries, but has not.

Releasing inmates with sentences that were almost up would have lowered the risk of the virus spreading among prison populations, Beaudin said.

Outbreaks, he said, are now “running rampant” in correctional facilities around Canada and pointed to the situation at Saskatchewan Penitentiary, recent outbreaks at the Stony Mountain Institution north of Winnipeg and the Joyceville Institution in Kingston, Ontario.

“I’m absolutely stunned, but not surprised. Back in March we called for them to release prisoners when their time was almost up. They refused to do that... They had their chance and they blew it,” Beaudin said.

He said that the Correctional Service of Canada, the Parole Board of Canada and the federal cabinet had five months where there were no reported COVID-19 cases linked to penitentiaries to properly prepare for a second wave.

“They knew a second wave was coming and they were ill-prepared. After the first wave, they should have implemented a strategy.”

Beaudin previously worked as a justice of the peace for the Province of Saskatchewan for five years, and later as an advocate for incarcerated Indigenous youth. He maintains connections with inmates as part of his role within CAP.

He said inmates have reached out to him fearful for their lives as cases mount in Prince Albert.

One inmate asked Beaudin to tell his friends and family goodbye in case he should die.

“If something happens to him he said he just wants me to get hold of people to let them know what’s going on and that he might not ever see them again,” Beaudin said.

“There are other prisons that are going through the same thing. But there’s a common theme here and that is the government is not telling the truth. There’s no accountability.”

He said the Government of Canada is failing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 inside Canada’s federal penitentiaries across the board.

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must take control of this crisis and preserve the health and safety of federal prisoners, prison staff, and our communities,” Beaudin said.

He said that “after many months of inaction” and a rise in cases across penitentiaries in several provinces, “it is unacceptable to allow the status quo to continue.”

“On behalf of my people, I am demanding the Government of Canada release as many nonviolent prisoners as possible through the many tools that exist to do so,” Beaudin said.

“I also urge that those kept caged in Canada’s colonial federal penitentiaries be given access to the programs, contact with loved ones and volunteers, and supplies required to come out of this crisis alive. Inaction will signal to Indigenous Peoples that our lives do not matter and that the federal government remains unable to move past colonialist legacies.”

Beaudin reiterated calls for those responsible for the lack of action to be held accountable and pointed a finger at CSC Commissioner Anne Kelly, who he has previously called on to resign.

Beaudin had also called for Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair to bring fresh blood to the CSC leadership. Ideally someone with a background other than corrections, he said.

Neither the CSC nor the office of minister Blair provided direct answers in regards to a COVID-19 strategy by press time.

Blair’s Press Secretary Mary-Liz Power said in a written statement in September that the government has made commitments to expand programs to keep at-risk youth out of the criminal justice system, make drug treatment courts the default option for first-time non-violent offenders, and introduce legislation to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Power said an investment of $448 million for new staff, infrastructure and mental healthcare that would “support enhanced assessment and early diagnosis of inmates at intake and throughout incarceration, enhanced mental health care, support for patient advocacy services and 24/7 health care at designated institutions.”

CSC spokesperson Marie Pier Lécuyer said in September that a critical component of addressing systemic racism at CSC lies in “our ability to listen, learn and take action by working in partnership.”

“We recognize that there is an overrepresentation of Indigenous offenders in our correctional institutions, which is a reflection of the disparities within our society that we must all work to fix — here at CSC as well as within our criminal justice system,” Lécuyer said.

“Addressing this systemic issue takes time and we know there is more work to do. We are committed to ensuring that Indigenous, Black and other racialized offenders are afforded the same protections, dignity and treatment as others, consistent with the Canadian Human Rights Act, and CSC’s policies,” Lécuyer said.

The CSC said Commissioner Anne Kelly personally met with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and has had ongoing correspondence with them this Spring about ways to work together.

“We have a positive relationship,” Lécuyer said.

Beaudin, however, had something more to add.

He likened the conditions at Saskatchewan Penitentiary to the colonial practice of giving blankets laced with smallpox to Indigenous people so that they would die.

“It’s like they tore a piece of history from the colonial handbook… Instead of poisoning blankets with smallpox, they’re poisoning the prisons (with COVID-19),” Beaudin said.

“If they can’t step up to the plate, they should just resign.

“All of them.”


While Beaudin had strong words for senior leadership, the union representing correctional officers said spread to the penitentiary was “inevitable” given the consistent transfers of inmates in and out of the facility.

Union of Canadian Correctional Officers regional president James Bloomfield said the focus now is ensuring the rest of the facility can remain free from the virus.

“It’s a reality of how this system works with the amount of movement from provincial to federal (facilities) and the number of people involved,” he said.

“We know where this came in as far as common sense. What really matters is what happens when it gets in. We have taken every precaution you can imagine coming in that door.”

Sask. Pen houses about 800 inmates, Bloomfield said, and at any given time has about 360 correctional officers. That’s a lot of people all in one, confined space.

One staff member who spoke to the Herald on the condition of anonymity said the facility has strong sanitation requirements in place, but that all it would take is one mistake for a virus like this to spread.

The staff member said they are concerned for the health and wellbeing of the inmates as the virus spreads. Inmates have shared similar concerns about shared spaces such as recreation areas, showers and phones.

While some inmates believe staff don’t care and would rather the institution lockdown, Bloomfield says that’s not the case.

“Everybody is doing their best and I don’t believe there is malice,” Bloomfield said.

“No matter how many bad mistakes have been made along the way. In this situation, we, fortunately, haven’t had any big mistakes. We’ve got everything under control the best we can right now. We don’t have other options here.”

The situation has been hard on guards as well.

Saskatchewan Penitentiary staff won’t be able to spend Christmas with their families but will still be required to go to work after a self-isolation order was sent to all of the facility’s employees Monday.

The order is in place until after Christmas, though one staff member who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity indicated it was until Dec. 27.

“We’re on a cruise ship on land. That’s a way to look at an environment like that,” Bloomfield said.

“You’ve got a building that is very old,” he said.

“It has … all open bars and no doors, which makes it very difficult to isolate. The air currents are designed to go through the cells.” All of that makes containing the spread that much more difficult.

While CSC has faced outbreaks before, the public health order to self-isolate is a first.

“All correctional officers that work there have been asked to self-isolate … from their families, from everything,” Bloomfield said.

“This came from absolutely nowhere. Nobody’s happy about this. It’s the first time it’s ever happened to us … across the country, this kind of order. We don’t really have much clarity as to why.”

Employees are also expected to keep working through the isolation order. They suit up in complete PPE.

Bloomfield said that the only relief staff members have had since COVID hit Canada in March has been to go home and spend time with their families.

“That’s now been taken away from them,” he said.

“They’ve been going at this since March with no break. Their stress levels are right through the roof. It’s the most stressful time of the year … and you can’t hug anybody else for the next number of days. The timing could not be any worse.”

With inmates cooped up for longer periods of time, their stress levels are rising, too. That makes what can already be a tense environment more volatile.

“There are two groups this affects the most,” Bloomfield said, “the correctional officers and the inmates. As officers, we know exactly what happens when we keep people closed up for longer periods of time. The reality is everybody is stressed right out. It is extremely volatile. You add this kind of stress on both sides of those bars and you end up with a lot of situations that are stress-related. We’re doing the best we can to get through this while trying to make sure we don’t lose any lives."

If you are or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, help is available at all hours. Support can be found at the Canada Suicide Prevention Service website. If you are in immediate danger, you can call 911. You can learn more about suicide prevention in the province at

Michael Bramadat-Willcock, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter and Peter Lozinski, Prince Albert Daily Herald, The Northern Advocate
138 Sask. Pen inmates, staff positive for COVID-19, CSC says
© Don Healy The Saskatchewan Penitentiary in Prince Albert

A COVID-19 outbreak at Saskatchewan Penitentiary has grown to 138 cases among staff and inmates.

As of Tuesday, 123 inmates and 12 staff had tested positive at the penitentiary’s medium-security unit and there were three reported cases in the maximum-security unit, according to a statement from the Correctional Service of Canada.

Nine of the inmates in medium security have recovered and the remainder are considered active.

The first case at the prison was identified on Dec. 12 in the medium-security unit. The Saskatchewan Health Authority subsequently declared an outbreak there and the Canadian Red Cross is now on site advising staff, according to the CSC.

The SHA issued a public health order to all staff at the institution on Dec. 20, asking staff to avoid mixing with others — including people in their own homes — and advising them not to stop anywhere on their way to and from work. The letter stated the order was to continue until at least Dec. 27.

“Obviously when you get an order like that a few days before Christmas, everybody gets extremely upset and tries to figure out what the hell happened,” said James Bloomfield, the Prairie regional president of the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers, which represents officers at federal institutions.

Bloomfield said similar letters have not been sent to staff at other federal institutions, including Stony Mountain in Manitoba, where more than 250 inmates have tested positive for COVID-19 and nearly 80 cases are active. He said the union wants to know what aspect of the outbreak at Saskatchewan Penitentiary triggered the letter.

Correctional staff also want clarity on whether the letter is an order or a recommendation, since the wording of different parts of the letter implies both, Bloomfield said.

“At this point, it’s being viewed and assessed as an order.”

The CSC says mass testing is being offered to all staff and all inmates in the maximum-, medium- and minimum-security units, including asymptomatic people. Contact tracing is underway for those who have tested positive.

How the virus got into the institution has not been determined. Transfers between provincial and federal institutions continue despite the pandemic; Bloomfield said he wonders if the provincial transfers in particular could be a contributing factor.

The SHA has declared COVID-19 outbreaks at the jails in Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert .

In an effort to curtail the spread of the virus, only one inmate at a time is allowed out on each range; inmates can’t borrow books from the prison library, and in-person personal visits are suspended.

Advocates such as Sherri Maier with Beyond Prison Walls Canada are expressing concern about the extended period of time inmates are confined to their cells.

In a letter to the Office of the Correctional Investigator, she described the situation as “inhumane and deteriorating their mental health.”

She said inmates are asking to be let out of their cells four to six at a time, instead of one at a time.

Maier has written to the ombudsman for federal inmates, asking for an investigation.

“Sask Pen should have been proactive, they saw places like Mission (Institution in British Columbia) get hit with covid and that should been their wake up call to do something and be proactive,” she wrote.

Maier suggests the CSC request help from the local fire department, paramedics and the military and is calling for the federal investigator to look into sanitation measures in the units. She said she’s been told by inmates in one unit of Saskatchewan Penitentiary that garbage is piling up outside their cells because there’s no cleaner to take it out.

According to the CSC, with only one inmate allowed out on a range at a time, cleaners are working in the morning, which means garbage is accumulated on ranges in order for large batches to go directly to a garbage truck, based on a Canadian Red Cross recommendation. The goal is to prevent a clean area from being “contaminated” by range garbage, the CSC says.

Contractors have been hired for “enhanced” cleaning, and cleaning supplies and products are “readily available” for inmates in each unit, including sanitizing wipes for high-touch surfaces such as shower handles and telephones, the CSC said.

About 705 employees work at the penitentiary, which has close to 750 inmates. As of Dec. 23, there were 473 inmates in medium security, 139 in maximum security and 109 in
Some Sask. Pen prisoners have entered into suicide pact, advocate says

Saskatchewan Penitentiary is pictured in this file photo.

Jayda Taylor Video Journalist 

Thursday, December 24, 2020 

PRINCE ALBERT -- A group of prisoners serving life sentences at Saskatchewan Penitentiary have entered into a suicide pact because of a COVID-19 lockdown, according to an inmates advocate.

Sherri Maier of Beyond Prison Walls Canada has been speaking over the phone with Sask. Pen inmate Bronson Gordon whenever she can. Maier said the pact is among about eight inmates on his unit.

"I know you think I'm super strong, but I'm losing all of my strength,” Gordon told Maier in a recorded phone call she shared with CTV News.

Gordon was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years after being convicted of first degree murder in 2018.

Maier said it’s unlike Gordon to feel like there’s no way out. She said the pact shows a sense of hopelessness and a means of resisting how the outbreak is being handled at the federal prison.

"Bronson's a very strong man. He prays quite a bit and now he's 'I just gave up on that. What's the point?' I know that's not like him to talk like that, that's definitely not the kind of person he is."

She said a group of inmates also went on a hunger strike.

“Following a meeting with institutional managers to discuss their concerns, several of the inmates ate lunch. We are working in close collaboration with these offenders to resolve their concerns,” said Correctional Service Canada (CSC) in an emailed statement.

Maier said inmates are being held in their cells except for about half an hour every second day.

"He's in his cell, and it's been over a week already,” Maier said about Gordon. “He reaches his arms out on both sides, he can touch both sides of the wall.”

She said inmates have asked to be let out for at least a few hours daily while wearing masks and physical distancing.

Sask. Pen deputy warden Lee Anne Skene said she’s not aware of any hunger strikes or suicide pacts among inmates.

“Offenders’ mental health and those threats are reviewed and taken very seriously,” she said, adding that staff follow a commissioner’s directive when an inmate is considering suicide.

“They would be assessed by a mental health clinician to determine what their level of need would be required or intervention need would be and then a plan would be put in place to safely address and meet their needs.”

Skene said staff conduct wellness checks twice a day. Psychiatric appointments have continued throughout the pandemic.

She said a chaplain and elders are also available to speak over the phone with offenders.

Employees at Sask. Pen. told to self-isolate through Christmas, as COVID cases climb

(File photo/paNOW Staff)
By Nigel Maxwell
Dec 21, 2020 4:13 PM

Employees at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary have received a huge lump of coal for Christmas in the form of news they will have to self-isolate away from families, including the people they live with until Dec. 27.

A letter dated Dec. 20, from the Saskatchewan Health Authority, explained all employees have been identified as having had a higher risk of exposure.

“Please note that isolation end dates can be fluid and may extend past this projected end date. All individuals under mandatory isolation orders will be instructed as to when that isolation can be ceased,” the letter from the health authority stated.

This comes as positive cases at the prison climbs to 64 inmates and five staff members.

James Bloomfield, president of the Prairies region for the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers told paNOW stress is already really high among staff who are dealing with testing and strict containment procedures minimizing movement.

“The stress is through the roof and it’s really starting to wear on everybody. The only relief you’ve got is your family when you go home and they get told they can’t even do that,” Bloomfield said.

As per the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) protocols, self isolation at home can mean anything from staying in a garage or sleeping in a downstairs bedroom and having food left outside the door, just so long as there is no contact between family members.

Bloomfield explained the spike in cases from 24 to 64 in less than a week can be attributed to all the testing being done, following the first case at the prison on Dec. 12.

“We find everything at once and then we’ll do a second round of asymptomatic testing to make sure we didn’t miss an infection,” Bloomfield said.

Letter from an inmate

Stress continues to rise too within the inmate population at Sask. Pen and a letter written by an inmate from Southern Saskatchewan has been shared recently on Facebook. Bronson Gordon described the prison as a ‘complete disaster’. paNOW obtained a copy of the letter.

“We have a guy on the unit who is positive for COVID but they do not move him into quarantine like they report to the media they do, rather they just tape off his cell,” he stated.

“CSC is supposed to be watching over these guys”– Sherri Maier, Beyond Prison Walls Canada

Gordon claims inmates have asked for cleaning supplies to disinfect their cells, but are told “they don’t need it.”

“I’ve seen a guy with bad anxiety have an anxiety attack and pass out. We banged to get guard’s attention but no one came,” he said.

Adding to the stress around the transmission of COVID, Gordon explained many inmates have had difficulty contacting family. Requests to purchase more minutes on their phone accounts have not been processed, he claimed, meaning many family members of inmates have been unable to communicate.

Reaction from the advocate

Sherri Maier is an advocate for the inmates through the organization Beyond Prison Walls Canada and told paNOW inmates in the medium security unit have described to her a situation that is a “living hell.”

“One guy told me it reminded him of them being caged up like animals, like at the pound,” she said.

Maier said what is happening to the inmates is inhumane, explaining they are only allowed out for 30 minutes every other day

“Thirty minutes to call family and have a shower, that’s pretty bad. Most guys are not even taking a shower because they want to try and call home,” she said.

Maier said the CSC needs to come up with a better plan and added if the CSC was so well prepared, then there should noy be any cases at the penitentiary.

“CSC is supposed to be watching over these guys and I don’t care what they did to get them to jail, they still shouldnt have to go through this kind of crap,” she said.

Maier said she has heard that as many 50 inmates in the medium security unit have been on a hunger strike for three days.

Over the weekend Maier sent a letter to the Office of the Correctional Investigator. She told paNOW she is also aware of at least two First Nation’s chiefs from Southern Saskatchewan who plan to contact the Correctional Service of Canada.

Response from CSC

According to a statement Monday night by the CSC, all “reasonable efforts” are being done to provide the inmates with opportunities to be out of their cell for daily activities such as showering, yard time, access to telephone calls, and said inmates are able to request telephone visits with Elders and Chaplains.

“Meals and medications are also delivered to inmates. CSC provides its own health care to inmates and has dedicated health care professionals in its institutions, including nurses and doctors, who would closely monitor anyone in medical isolation,” the statement said.

With respect to the hunger strike, the CSC confirmed it was aware that some inmates advised Saskatchewan Penitentiary staff on December 21 that they were beginning a hunger strike.

“Following a meeting with institutional managers to discuss their concerns, several of the inmates ate lunch. We are working in close collaboration with these offenders to resolve their concerns,” the CSC said.

The CSC also acknowledged in its statement the pandemic has been difficult for the inmate population and explained they continue to provide them with updates as the situation evolves, including weekly updates directly from the Commissioner.

“These are also posted on our website for their families to see. The ongoing cooperation of inmates in keeping up with our infection prevention and control measures has been key in helping us reduce the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor this evolving situation closely and work with our partners, staff and inmates to enhance and adapt our approach, as needed.”

Editor’s note: this story was amended Monday evening to include comment from CSC.
Stopping a 'virus': Alberta judge again rebukes woman who claims Magna Carta invalidated Canadian law

© Provided by National Post Jacquie Phoenix.

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In an unusual ruling three months ago, an Alberta judge made it clear Jacquie Robinson was on thin ice.

If she continued to threaten the courts with her bizarre, “pseudo law” claims about the Magna Carta and treasonous judges and governments, the legal system would not sit idly by, promised Justice Robert Graesser of the Court of Queen’s Bench.

As a first step, he banned the woman from continuing to represent a mother embroiled in a bitter child-custody dispute.

It seems Robinson – who likes to go by the pseudonym Jacquie Phoeni x – was unmoved.

She responded by sending additional hostile letters to court staff, likening them to war criminals and suggesting that they could be tried and face life in prison.

Meanwhile, some of her movement’s thousands of followers have been peppering other police and government agencies in Canada and the U.K. with similar oddball claims and threats.

Now Graesser has issued a second ruling , one that’s particularly topical as conspiracy theories like QAnon and false claims about the pandemic, vaccines and U.S. election fraud spread widely.

The judge warned generally about the perils of various “fakery” being broadcast over the Internet, where “there are no filters to distinguish between fact and fiction.”

Then he imposed fresh sanctions on Robinson, barring her from representing anyone in the province’s legal system or sending correspondence to the courts claiming authority based on her strange Magna Carta theory.

The judge also suggested she may have broken criminal laws against intimidating justice officials, and threatened to cite her for contempt of court if she didn’t heed his cautions.

“This may appear to be the use of a sledgehammer to crush an ant,” wrote Graesser. “I would instead use the analogy of an inoculation to stop a virus.”

“These schemes are nothing more than cons, led by people who rely and feed on the oft-quoted statement attributed to P.T. Barnum (of circus fame): a sucker is born every minute,” the judge added. “(But) the Courts are not suckers. And the Courts will not be intimidated.”

Alberta’s legal system, though, is not alone in being targeted.

The Magna Carta group’s Facebook page, which claims 34,000 members, includes letters from various British and Canadian government entities responding to members’ challenges. One U.K. municipality says a follower’s assertions did not allow the person to avoid paying property tax. Another voices disappointment that “you continue to write in an intemperate manner, specifically threatening to arrest me.”

Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman , who has long fought extremism online, said it’s time law enforcement investigated what he called Robinson’s “psychotic attacks” on the courts.

The danger is that someone acts on Robinson’s rhetoric in a violent way, he said, as happened with a different brand of “sovereign law” proponent who murdered an Ottawa tax judge and two other people in 2007.

“You’re threatening a judge with the gallows, and now you’re threatening court clerks, arguing they’re comparable to Nazi war criminals. And that’s not OK,” Warman said. “The police need to step in to defend the integrity of the judicial system.”

Robinson, who’s in the U.K. meeting with other followers of the movement, was unrepentant when reached Friday, calling the courts a “criminal corporation.”

“My notices are not threatening,” she told the National Post via text. “They state the Law and the penalty for breaking that Law.”

On her group’s Facebook page Robinson warns that her “grand fannaly” (sic) is coming soon. “Greasser are you ready for your arrest?” she wrote about the judge. “We sure are.”

Robinson is a proponent of “Practical Lawful Dissent,” a convoluted theory the court ruling describes simply as “nonsense.”

It revolves around the Magna Carta — the 13th-Century accord between England’s King John and noblemen — and specifically its article 61. That provision said a committee of barons could strip John of assets if he violated the agreement.

The section was removed a year later, in 1216, and Canada adopted its own, independent constitution almost 40 years ago. Even in the U.K., the Magna Carta is a mostly historical document today, a great symbol of democracy whose specific content has been largely replaced over the centuries.

But 28 British lords invoked defunct article 61 in a failed, 2001 attempt to prevent the ratification of a European Union treaty. As a result, the movement claims, all governments and laws throughout the Commonwealth are now invalid.

The concept may sound too absurd to be taken seriously, but the Alberta woman has already done tangible damage, the judge notes.

The mother Robinson represented had wanted greater access to her daughter. Now she’s charged with abducting the girl to the U.S., and is wanted for failing to appear in court.

“After joining with Ms. Robinson and her group, (the mother) no longer has any access to her daughter,” the judge noted.

The movement has gained little traction elsewhere, either. One of the letters posted on its Facebook page is from the federal Justice Department , responding to a member’s missives demanding that the Canadian military be made available to “protect the realm” against a treasonous regime.

The author politely rejects the request, noting that the Magna Carta is of no force or effect in Canada and the letters “reflect no legal process known to Canadian jurisprudence.”
Canadian Foreign minister raised troubling U.S. report on ‘Havana syndrome’ with Cuban counterpart
© THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Desmond Boylan A man walks beside Canada's embassy in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Five Canadian diplomats and their family members who became mysteriously ill while posted to Cuba are suing Ottawa for more…

Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne says he raised with his Cuban counterpart a troubling new report by leading U.S. scientists that found the most plausible cause of ‘Havana syndrome’ is directed, pulsed microwave energy.

In a year-end interview with The West Block’s Mercedes Stephenson, Champagne said he takes seriously the duty of care he owes to Canadian diplomats serving the country abroad and that suggested he hasn’t ruled out further action if Canadian officials advise it.

“One of my first duties as the minister of foreign affairs is the duty of care to our diplomats around the world, and certainly I take that very seriously,” he said, adding the conversation with the Cuban foreign minister took place several days ago.

“Obviously this was raised. I'm still waiting for our Canadian officials to assess that report, which was commissioned by the United States, which points in one direction.

"Certainly in light of that, we will take appropriate actions.”

Read more: ‘They need to take this seriously’ — Diplomats urge action after Havana syndrome report

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences issued a long-awaited report earlier in the month that determined "directed, pulsed radio frequency energy appears to be the most plausible" cause for the strange, lasting symptoms reported by dozens of Canadian and American diplomats who served in Cuba.

Global News has confirmed officials from Global Affairs Canada briefed the scientists leading that report three times, and focused on research from Dalhousie University in 2019 that suggested pesticide exposure was one possible cause of the symptoms.

Read more: Canadian officials warned staff bound for Cuba to stay silent on ‘Havana syndrome’

The American report dismissed that as a possible cause, saying the symptoms and the circumstances just didn't line up, and that directed, pulsed microwave energy was a more plausible fit with the reports of strange, sudden noises and sudden onset of feelings of pressure experienced by diplomats.

Those sudden noises and feelings of intense pressure were an area of focus for the U.S. scientists as they weighed possible causes, but the report's leading scientist told Global News they were told those largely did not happen to Canadian diplomats who reported symptoms.

"They told us that in a few cases there were such manifestations, but in most cases, by and large, this did not happen," said David Relman, a professor of microbiology and immunology with Stanford University and chair of the standing committee of scientists commissioned by Congress to advise on the issue.

Documents obtained by Global News show, though, that in June 2017, Global Affairs Canada officials who were briefing diplomats being posted to Cuba amid reports of strange symptoms specifically noted that Canadian diplomats on the ground were reporting "strange sounds" and "feelings of pressure."
© Provided by Global News

So far, Global Affairs Canada has said only that it is "assessing" the report.

Officials have so far refused to provide updates on the state of the ongoing investigation into what's become known as 'Havana syndrome,' or explain why -- if the cause is pesticide poisoning -- Canadian diplomats posted to Cuba remain prohibited from bringing spouses or dependents with them.

"I'm very concerned for them and what they have gone through," Relman said of the Canadian diplomats who continue to suffer unexplained and lasting symptoms.

"I'm also concerned about the possibility that there will be future cases, and that we won't have solved the problem of how to identify and address and respond quickly and effectively to cases like this when new cases arise."

Champagne said he shares some concerns about sending Canadian diplomats to Cuba.

"Until we know the causes -- if there's a risk, that is concerning to me," he said.

"That's always a tough decision that you have to assess. But fortunately, I think we have some of the best experts, people here who advise me on security and health and safety to make sure that -- with the deputy minister -- we make the right decision when it comes to deployment of diplomats abroad."

Champagne also addressed questions about how the government is dealing with the risks posed by China as the regime continues its arbitrary detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, which officials in Beijing have repeatedly linked with the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.

He suggested the federal government recognizes a need to shift its approach to China as it increasingly ignores international rules and attempts to use coercive diplomacy to get its way.

"China is changing. So our foreign policy needs to evolve," he said.

"China 2020 is not the China of 2018 or '16. It's not just a metaphor -- it is the realization of colleagues around the world. I do speak with foreign ministers on a daily basis, and everyone is facing the same issue ... We've seen a more coercive diplomacy."

Champagne said the government is focusing on finding ways to work with allies and partner nations to make it clear to Beijing that this approach will not succeed.

He also added the incoming Biden administration south of the border will be "good for Canada."

"I think we'll see more stability and predictability in that relationship."
Regina Food Bank in need of cash donations as it sees more first-time users, fewer volunteers

© Matt Duguid/CBC
 The Regina Food Bank has given out 60 per cent more food this year compared to last year.

The Regina Food Bank is "getting squeezed on all sides", according to its CEO John Bailey.

The food bank has given out 60 per cent more food this year compared to last year, according to Bailey, but it has fewer resources to handle the increase.

He said the food bank is seeing 30 per cent more first-time users and many of them are depending on the food bank for longer than expected.

In addition, the food bank has had to make some adjustments due to COVID-19 protocols.

Bailey said his food bank has spent $100,000 on boxes alone to make pick-ups and deliveries safer, and there is also the added expense of masks and other PPE supplies.

There are also fewer volunteers due to pandemic-related reasons, which means more money has to be spent paying employees.

"It honestly feels like you're sort of getting squeezed on all sides," he said.
© Matt Duguid/CBC John Bailey, CEO of the Regina Food Bank, said the food bank is need of monetary donations as it deals with more clients and fewer volunteers.

Uncertain future

The food bank is also dealing with its holiday demand, sending out hundreds of the usual food hampers on top of 2,600 Christmas meals.

But it's not just the pandemic and holiday season that Bailey is concerned about, it's the next few years as well.

"It's a time of pretty significant uncertainty, in terms of what the future brings," he said.

To help with increased costs and demand, the food bank is asking for cash donations from residents or businesses.

"The challenge now is making sure we have the dollars to pay for the stuff we purchase to make sure we get it in the community," he said.

"There's still a rush on the funds end of things, but the food piece we're in pretty good shape on," Bailey said.

More people losing jobs

He said there are ongoing systemic challenges leading to the increased demand, but he believes it's also because people are either permanently or temporarily losing their jobs because of the pandemic.

"There's no, sort of, really tight demographic [or] sociographic you can point to. A lot of people are fully employed, some of them have multiple jobs, and are just at that level of food insecurity

"There's, sort of, a really immediate need of making sure there's food in people's hands."

He said the food bank has been preparing for dire case situations, like if the demand continues to spike next year.

"We're in it for the long haul here and everything we're doing now is, yes, getting over that hurdle of the busy time of year, but also making sure we're set up going forward," he said.

The federal government has tried to ease some financial pressure food banks are facing by providing $200 million through an emergency food security fund, much of it going to food banks

However, Bailey says food banks will continue to need cash donations.

"No food bank wants to be bigger, but every food bank wants to make sure that they're meeting the needs of their community. Right now, the needs of our community are probably greater than they've ever been."
Unions see opportunity as new generation of organizers emerge amid pandemic

While "unprecedented" has been the go-to term to describe the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the wave of labour upheaval currently moving across the country is the latest turn in a familiar cycle.  
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Times of crisis have always been linked to labour unrest, says Dimitry Anastakis, who teaches business history at the University of Toronto’s department of history and Rotman School of Management. Labour activity followed both the First and Second World Wars as well as the Great Depression. Anastakis points out the largest strike in Canadian history — the Winnipeg General Strike f 1919 — came amid an influenza pandemic.

“There's something real going on here,” he says.

As the pandemic has dragged on, workers from companies as diverse as Indigo Books and Music, the National Post, Vancouver's Turning Point Brewing and Matchstick Coffee, and Ottawa’s Superette Wellington cannabis dispensary have joined unions this year.

Union leaders say these workers are part of a new generation of labour activists, using creative techniques to get their message out to both management and the general public against the backdrop of COVID-19’s economic upheaval.

Derek Johnstone, special assistant to the national president at United Food and Commercial Workers Canada, says the union has had more new members than usual this year.

“I think that COVID has had a really powerful impact on how service sector workers — how retail workers, how food manufacturing workers — see themselves," Johnstone says. "It's made it abundantly clear not only to themselves, but to the broader Canadian public, and hopefully, to politicians and large employers, that these jobs are important.”

Dollarama and Loblaw employees protested alongside union leaders, and unionized workers spoke out as the COVID-19 pandemic threatened job security for the airline and hotel industries, steel tradespeople and longshore workers.

UFCW initially wasn’t sure how limitations on gatherings would change its organizing efforts, but workers at Indigo were able to run an “inspiring" campaign through social media, Johnstone says.

"What's really amazing is that sense of community that we normally see in an in-person meeting was actually manifesting itself on social media," says Johnstone. "A key part of that campaign was folks being vocal on Facebook, having and planning digital meetings."

One of the labour movement's triumphs of 2020 was the revitalization of General Motors’ plant in Oshawa, Ont., during negotiations with Unifor.

Unifor president Jerry Dias notes that no one could have predicted the demand for trucks would spike because of a global pandemic, pushing GM to look once again to Oshawa.

“COVID has forced everyone to rethink the economy and forced everyone to prioritize … so, for the first time, we really saw a meshing of the minds. Governments have seemingly put the politics aside,” says Dias.

Dias says he sees the unionization rate rising in Canada, as Unifor has noticed renewed interest from workers at other automakers.

"Nobody expected that during a pandemic we're going to bargain $5 billion worth of investments, and one of the strongest economic packages for workers that we've seen probably in 15 years," says Dias.

"So now you'd have non-union workers that work for Honda, Toyota and in the auto parts sectors say, 'Hey ... what about me?'"

Tom Galivan, secretary-treasurer of Service Employees International Union Local 2, says his union also saw some breakthroughs this year. It gained workers in the retail industry, which has historically been difficult to organize due to high turnover, and at craft breweries, an industry that has changed rapidly from the days when a few big, unionized breweries dominated.

But Galivan says at his union, membership is still down this year, as the uneasy transition by regulators to digital systems slowed down the process of voting to unionize.

"Most workers in Canada fall under the jurisdiction of provincial labour relations legislation. It was very uneven province to province, how those labour boards responded," says Galivan.

“In the case of Nova Scotia, for instance, there was a period of time in which the board there just didn't process applications. So, workers didn't have a pathway to unionize."

Galivan says he expects workers and employers to be on a “collision course" set off by the pandemic — a tension he expects will define the next couple of years in the labour movement.

“There is a lot of pent-up frustration in a number of sectors where front-line workers have borne the brunt of the heavy lifting through the public health crisis. And that hasn't been reflected in increased levels of compensation,” says Galivan.

“In fact, what we're seeing is, because the economy is going through so many challenges ... they're now encountering employers that are looking for austerity.”

Anastakis notes that major challenges may lie ahead for labour organizers to keep the momentum from COVID-19 once a vaccine shifts the mood in workplaces, particularly with the rise of precarious “gig economy” work.

Daria Ivanochko, managing director of organizing and regional services at the Canadian Union of Public Employees, says she has not seen major membership growth in her union this year. But she says requests from workers have taken on a more urgent tone.

“I think the pandemic has really created a desire for a collective response in these uncertain times, and at its very core, that's what trade unions are about," says Ivanochko. "I see that as a big opportunity.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 23, 2020.

Anita Balakrishnan, The Canadian Press
Family tied to company with history of hiring unlawful 'aliens' among Loeffler donors

Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has maintained a strong anti-illegal immigration stance during her short tenure in office, has raised tens of thousands of dollars for her Georgia Senate runoff campaign from donors linked to a family owned company that was forced to pay out more than $95 million in fines for unlawful immigration practices and alleged hiring discrimination, disclosure records show.
© Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images, File Sen. Kelly Loeffler speaks at a Defend The Majority campaign event attended by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on December 17, 2020 in Columbus, Ga.

Between late November and early December, Loeffler's campaign received more than $28,000 in contributions from at least 11 members of the Asplundh family, according to new campaign finance reports filed to the Federal Election Commission. The Asplundh family owns and operates the large, privately held Asplundh Tree Expert Company, which has done work for the U.S. Department of Energy.

In 2017, the Pennsylvania-based tree-trimming and vegetation management company had to pay the largest civil settlement ever levied by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after a yearslong investigation resulted in the company pleading guilty to "unlawfully employing aliens." Additionally, in January 2019, Asplundh agreed to pay $55,000 in back wages to settle hiring discrimination allegations stemming from one of its facilities in Georgia.

None of the donations to Loeffler from the family members properly listed their association with the company as required by the FEC, and instead, the Loeffler campaign wrote under the employer and occupation sections: "INFORMATION REQUESTED PER BEST EFFORTS."
© John Bazemore/AP Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., speaks during a campaign rally outside Adventure Outdoors gun store Friday, Dec. 18, 2020, in Smyrna, Ga.

Loeffler is competing against Democrat Raphael Warnock in one of Georgia's dual Senate runoff elections taking place on Jan. 5.

While it's not uncommon for campaigns to fail to obtain their donors' employers or occupation, all of the Asplundh family members that donated to Loeffler have previously disclosed their employers and occupation for their donations to other campaigns and groups. At least three of those family members -- including Christopher Asplundh Jr. -- are current or former executives of the company, while several others were shareholders of the company, according to other disclosure reports.

Asplundh Tree Expert Company did not immediately respond to ABC News' emailed request for comment. Christopher Asplundh Jr., Gregg Asplundh and Brent Asplundh were also contacted via email, and had not responded at the time of publishing. All three men are named on the company's website as having top positions as of 2017.

At the time the fine was announced, Asplundh said in a statement that company officials "accept responsibility for the charges as outlined, and we apologize to our customers, associates and all other stakeholders for what has occurred."

ABC News sent a detailed email to two staffers on Loeffler's campaign that outlined the company's past settlement over its unlawful immigration practices and back pay for alleged discrimination. In addition to asking for a general comment on the donations and the company's past, ABC News also asked if the campaign knew that members of the Asplundh family had donated and intentionally excluded their occupations and employers; if the campaign -- given the senator's stance on immigration and the company's infraction in Georgia -- wanted their support and their donations; and if the campaign did not want their support or donation, if they would refund them.

In response, Loeffler's deputy campaign manager, Stephen Lawson, replied, "[W]e're marking your email as spam. Please don't ever email us again."

In a follow-up email a minute later, Loeffler's press secretary, Caitlin O'Dea, wrote, "And Merry Christmas!"

According to a news release from ICE, and citing court documents, the six-year investigation into the company's immigration practices culminated in September 2017, and found that "the highest levels of Asplundh management remained willfully blind" to a "scheme" where lower-level management hired and rehired workers whom they knew were using fraudulent identification documents.

The acting director of ICE at the time, Thomas Homan, said the "judgment sends a strong, clear message to employers who scheme to hire and retain a workforce of illegal immigrants: we will find you and hold you accountable."

While immigration has not been one of the most talked-about issues during her Senate campaign, Loeffler has made her conservative stance on immigration clear.

On her Senate website, she states, "Tolerating illegal immigration serves only to undermine the law and threatens our national security."

She also introduced a bill with Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., in August that would allow judges to hold undocumented immigrants in contempt if they fail to show up to their immigration hearings and give judges the ability to issue warrants for their arrests.

"I will always put American citizens first & hold illegal immigrants accountable," Loeffler tweeted along with an article about the bill.

The January 2019 evaluation from the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs "found alleged systemic hiring discrimination violations" in the Asplundh Tree Expert Company's Macon facility. According to a press release from the Labor Department, starting in 2015, Asplundh "discriminated against 124 African American applicants in the hiring and selection process for ground person, tree trimmer, and equipment operation positions."

Records indicate that this is the first time the Asplundh family has donated to Loeffler's federal campaign. But over the years, the Asplundh family and Asplundh Tree Expert have been active political donors to various Republican campaigns and groups. In 2016, the company gave $50,000 to Future54, one of the major super PACs that supported President Donald Trump's first presidential bid. In September 2020, the company's political action committee gave $15,000 to the Republican National Committee.

Loeffler and Warnock's race has gained national attention because it, along with Georgia's other Senate runoff, will decide control of Congress' upper chamber. The senator's Democratic challenger has vastly outraised the incumbent, according to the latest campaign finance filings.

From mid-October through mid-December, Warnock's campaign raised $104 million and entered the final three weeks of the runoff with $23 million, while Loeffler's campaign raised $66 million during that period and entered the final three weeks of the runoff with $21 million in the bank. In previous months, Loeffler, fueled by nearly $24 million of her own contribution to the campaign, was outraising Warnock.