Tuesday, December 29, 2020


A Life of Aleister Crowley

Lawrence Sutin
St Martin's Press, 2000

Paul A. Green

The Whole of the Law

Aleister "666" Crowley
Charge: Edward Alexander Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) stands accused of the standard crimes - Satanism, murder, reefer madness, hi-jacking the Rituals of the Golden Dawn, riding the Scarlet Women to death, whipping a minor poet with nettles, inspiring Black Metal cultists....

Scene: The High Court of the Supreme Sanctuary of the Gnosis. Shafts of dusty light from high windows slant across the ancient scarred mahogany Bench, inlaid with battered carvings of Graeco-Egyptian godbeasts. A air of stale incense and musk. On the walls, faded bas-reliefs depicting Pan in various tantric couplings with voluptuous Edwardian ladies and/or saturnine youths.

Exhibits before the Bench: vast piles of of yellowing newsprint and torn album covers ; daggers; robes; jewelled rings; a syringe ; an alpenstock; some grubby tweed plus-fours; and the scrawled manuscript of Liber Al Vel Legis Sub Figura CXX which is the Book of the Law.

The Court will rise. Enter the Magister Templi and Scribe of Thoth, Brother Paul, his Ibis-feather headgear a little askew. He is sweating. This is going to be the Trial of Trials, the Trial of the Aeon.

He boots up his iMac to review the Akashic Record.

Magister: Read the charges.

iMac: Edward Alexander Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) stands accused of the standard crimes - Satanism, murder, reefer madness, hi-jacking the Rituals of the Golden Dawn, riding the Scarlet Women to death, whipping a minor poet with nettles, inspiring Black Metal cultists, abandoning his comrades to the snow demons of the Himalayas, failing to settle his bills at the Cafe Royal, and being a British gentlemen who should have known better than to become a bogus magus perpetrating bombast and buggery -

Magister: (wearily) We have heard all this before. Mr. John Symonds and his King of the Shadow Realm, Mr. Colin Wilson and his Nature of the Beast, Mr Alexander Hutchison's The Beast Demystified, and all these ancient scandal sheets and psychedelphic papyri...is there any new evidence?

iMac: Our learned friend Professor Lawrence Sutin, an expert in jurisprudence, has prepared an appeal.

Magister: Very well. I suppose Mr Crowley had better materialise for us...

Magister Templi draws a pentagram on his screen and slowly intones the Cry of the Tenth Aethyr. His garbled syllables of Enochian reverberate down the corridors mingling with the cries of the Court Ushers: "Bring Forth the Beast!" A great wind fills the Court.

Through a vortex of whirling dust and sand Crowley rises from the well of the dock. He is sallow, flabby and priapically naked except for a bedraggled frock-coat and top hat. He coughs and curses as the hat slips off, revealing the familiar phallic dome of his skull.

Sutin: With respect, your honour, I don't think this icon is a wholly accurate representation of my client.

Magister: There are others?

Sutin: Indeed your honour. In the pictorial archives of the OTO -- Order of Oriental Templars -- we may behold the young Swinburnian poet, the smiling Edwardian paterfamilias, the hardy explorer trekking in the Himalayas, the Adept with his consecrated sword, the wispy-haired pipe-smoking guru approaching the transparency of death -

Magister: Yes, yes - we have dealt with the polymorphous nature of the accused in an earlier judgement. I refer to our Document 666. And we acknowledge the traumas of his childhood, the death of his father, the repressive mother. But you cannot deny that he has frequently appeared in Court. He is an inveterate Breaker and Maker of Law -

Crowley: Do What Thou Wilt shall be the Hole of the Whore...

Magister: The Oath of the Magus is the Will to Silence!

But the Court has suddenly filled up. Across the benches and galleries Witnesses for the Prosecution bob up and down in the foggy murk, shouting over each other. Crowley acknowledges each one with a wave or a sardonic grin.

Witnesses: Crowley trespassed in the Vault of Christian Rosenkrantz - Golden Dawn won damages and costs! Crowley blacklisted by the Trades Protection Association for extremely bad debts! 100 Rupees Reward for Information on Mystery Calcutta Shooting! Crowley in 1910 injunction against Rosicrucian rivals! Crowley refused to testify in 1911 Sodomite Libel Case! Sinister Scandals of Aleister Crowley - Varsity Lad's Death! A Cannibal at Large! A Bogus Suicide! An Undischarged Bankrupt! Expelled from Sicily! Deported from France as a Spy! Crowley fined for feloniously receiving stolen letters! Crowley sued Constable & Co in 1934 for libel and lost - notorious summing up -

On the screen a red-nosed and bewigged Mr. Justice Swift purses his lips and shakes his jowls.

Swift: I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the Law . I thought I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness... wickedness... wicked...

The clip loops into jerks and stutters, then freezes. The Witnesses continue to mouth noiselessly.

Crowley: The blaggard nobbled the jury. But outside the Old Bailey a young woman was so moved she offered to bear me a magickal child. I availed myself of the opportunity immediately and proceeded to -

Magister: Please assume a silent god-form, Mr. Crowley. Mr Sutin, I must ask you to present your brief.

Sutin: Your honour, I wish to establish certain key concepts - that my client is not a crude Satanist but a scientific illuminist, a dedicated explorer of altered consciousness via his re-invention of Western gnostic and qabalistic tradition, via his exploration of Eastern mystical practice in the field, via his pioneering experiments with psychotropic drugs. My client has sought to establish a magickal and libertarian religion, the Law of Thelema, based on a central revelation contained in a holy text, the Book of the Law.

Magister: A curious parallel with his father, a lay preacher of the Plymouth Brethen, who believed in the absolute authority of the Holy Word.

Sutin: Indeed, your honour.

Magister: Are you a Thelemite?

Sutin: No, sir. However, I believe that the accused has been sincere in his conviction that the Law of the Thelema offers the post-millenic world an authentic path of spiritual development. His sexuality has been a sacramental quest. He is not a common con-man or vulgar libertine.

Magister: He has written some very coarse limericks, usually to or about his mistresses.

Up in the mists of the Public Gallery a be-medalled figure in khaki leaps to his feet, brandishing a smoking revolver.

Major-General J.F.C Fuller: Don't be a damned fool, man. He also wrote some of the greatest lyric poetry since Shelley or Baudelaire.

Crowley grins like a naughty schoolboy. General Fuller salutes him and sits down.

Magister: Can't you stop Mr. Crowley evoking all these random phantoms?

Sutin: Such manifestations only demonstrate that my client's energy and flair attracted the comradeship and love of distinguished men and women. He has travelled around the Earth and climbed two of the most difficult peaks in the Himalayas - there never was any truth in the rumour that he murdered his sherpas in the brave but doomed assault on Kanchenjunga in 1905. He is a world-class chess-player, a sportsman whose happiest moments have been in a dug-out canoe drifting down the Irawaddy or marching across the Moroccan desert. He has subjected his body to extreme privations and dangers. He is a man of action who has embraced life, a forceful and incisive prose stylist who does not flinch from the complexity and dark ambiguity of experience.

Magister: No cosy vapid channelings from Uncle Aleister. We will allow you that.

Sutin: He has now become an icon of the counter-culture, an influence on Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Robert Anton Wilson -

Magister: Graham Bond was so influenced by Crowley that he threw himself under a subway train - or so the legend goes. He wasn't the only one. And you will not deny that "Do What Thou Wilt" can been used as a murder mantra by every psychopath in the City of Chorasin.

Sutin: Too many people forget the antiphon: "Love is the Law. Love under Will." And the aim of the Magus is to find his True Will - his destined orbit...

Magister: So - has your client ever found his True Will?

Crowley stares across the Court. Witness and spectators shimmer into smokey transparency.

Sutin: In his Autohagiography he tries to suggest that the process of self-integration was straighforward, a logical progression from his discovery of magick at Cambridge to assuming the role of Ipsissimus in 1920. But he has often bluffed and bullied himself into god-hood to conceal a profound abyss of self-doubt and self-loathing. I can also show through close examination of his writings and his actions -in particular his relationship with Herbert Pollitt and Victor Neuberg - that he was wary of admitting his bisexuality, especially in a passive role. He has also found it increasingly difficult to reconcile his moments of visionary consciousness, and the exalted status they appear to confer, with all the chaos of his daily life and his apparent inability to deal with mundane details of money or the demands of ordinary relationships. Or control his increasing intake of heroin.

Magister: We find it difficult to reconcile his moments of visionary consciousness with his anality.

Crowley squats defiantly in the Dock and sticks out his flickering tongue like a large toad.

Sutin: Quite so, your honour. Anecdotes about Mr.Crowley defecating on the carpet at literary salons are unfounded. I admit a coprological element in certain of his relationships, notably with Sister Alostrael. Let me cross-examine my client...

Magister: We don't seem to have any choice.

Crowley: ( huskily) It was a frightful ordeal of cruelty and defilement...she stood above me hideous in contempt...

Sutin: Why did you partake in such activities?

Crowley: Magick transcends all material distinctions. There are no differences.

Sutin: Yet you describe these experiences as an ordeal. What did you hope to learn from them?

Crowley: (whispering) That some supreme violation of all the laws of my being would break down my karma or dissolve the spell that seemed to bind me...

Sutin: You see, your honour, even my client's grossest excesses were an attempt to loosen the girders of the soul.

Magister: Well, I suppose they were consensual. Personally I prefer his frolicks with the Ragged Ragtime Girls. Couldn't we invoke one of them? There was that charming violinist, Leila Waddell -

Sutin: This is no time for frivolity, sir. May I remind you that Mr. Crowley faces a more serious charge, which I would like to repudiate.

Magister: Yes, in Magick in Theory and Practice, a lucid and enlightening manual of the occult. But there is this little problem of Chapter 12, the paragraph about sacrificing children. Where he claims to have "made this particular sacrifice about 150 times per year..."

Crowley: (mumbling) It was a joke, you numbskulls...

Sutin: An esoteric joke. It is sexual sacrifice, the sacrifice of oneself spiritually.

Magister: But why court such a dangerous misunderstanding? I suspect that inside the Incarnation of Horus the Crowned and Conquering Child there is still a sadistic British public schoolboy shouting for attention.

Sutin: The defendant is a survivor of the sadistic British public school system. It almost destroyed his Will.

Magister: Granted. It is one of the sad facts of the British psyche. He almost transcended it.

Sutin: I would also like to cite the more human - indeed vulnerable - aspects of the Master Therion: his grief and desperation at the deaths of his own children Nuit Lilith, and Anne Leah.

Crowley: (quietly) I was howling like a mad creature all day. I was more helpless than the veriest quack magician.

Magister: What about his politics? - he has been accused of crypto-fascism. Some of his German followers admired Hitler. Did he instigate the Occult Reich?

Sutin: He made some overtures to his German contacts; but his Order of Oriental Templars was suppressed by the Nazis.

Crowley: Poor Karl Germer was sent to a concentration camp. But I always know England could knock Hitler for six. In 1939 I offered my services to Department B5 in British Military Intelligence. Later Ian Fleming wanted me to interrogate Rudolf Hess.

Sutin: He appears to be telling a kind of truth.

Magister: Fascinating. Finally, Mr Sutin, can you shed any new light on the matter of the Babalon Working and Mr. Crowley's relationship with Jack Parsons?

Sutin: Your honour, we can only speculate. I have nothing more to add.

Magister: Then I will sum up. I have been engaged in the study of Mr. Crowley for over thirty years. I have read many accounts of his life and work - Symonds, Cammell, Regardie, Suster, Wilson, Jean Overton Fuller,D'Arch Smith, the excellent Francis X. King, Booth, Robertson et al. You have explored the paradoxes of his career with great clarity and balance. You have stared deep into the Hole of the Beast, removed the encrustations of myth, and allowed us to form an objective judgement. Mr. Crowley, I sentence you to be an icon of the New Aeon. What have you to say?

Crowley: Perdurabo.

Sutin: I advise you to accept the judgement, Mr. Crowley. This is no time for cryptic mottoes...

Crowley: Perdurabo. "I will endure..."

© Paul Green, 12/2000


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Book Court | copyright 2001 | Lawrence Russell

Lawrence Sutin's Do What Thou Wilt (culturecourt.com)

Zeal Crowley Ellume Polarized Horizon Blue Sunglasses, 

M Desert Rose

Our Price $198.86

Zeal Crowley sunglasses bring functionality to fashion with its flawless design and impeccable features

Size:M - Medium Fit - Will fit most faces
Colour: Pink
Brand Colour:Desert Rose
Lens:Ellume Polarized Horizon Blue
Product ID: 290771 11474 685559114745

Inspired by the renowned author, philosopher and occultist Aleister Crowley, these sunglasses are nothing short of innovative and stylish. Crowley's belief in the power of mountains as living, powerful entities went on to influence the 10th century counter-culture, and is where Zeal Optics draws inspiration from for these glasses.

Featuring their top-of-the-line plant-based, petroleum-free e-llume lens, the world around you is brought to stunning life through unrivaled clarity. Whether you’re exploring the mountain ranges of Nepal, or just heading out for happy hour on the patio, the stunning design and practicality of the Crowley will have you covered.

The Lowdown
Frame: Z-Resin Bio-Plastic Frame
Lens: Ellume Bio-Plastic Lens
Polarized: Yes
Special Features: RX Ready & Proflex
Case: Hard case

 ‘In Search of the Great Beast 666’ 

‘In Search of the Great Beast 666’ evokes the chilling life and journey of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), one of the most controversial and mysterious characters of the 20th Century and known to the press as ‘The Wickedest Man in the World’.

Voiced by acting legend Joss Ackland (Watership Down, Lethal Weapon 2, White Mischief & The Hunt For The Red October), this vivid portrayal unearths the barely believable and shocking facts surrounding this infamous Occultist, Spy, Poet, Dark Magician, Hedonist, Writer and accomplished Mountaineer.  Was he related to US President George Bush? How was he connected to Scientology, NASA, Jack the Ripper, Winston Churchill, and Ian Fleming (creator of James Bond)? How did this man come to know so many remarkable people and why did he become the subject of fascination for generations of world-class musical icons?

Through dramatically reconstructed period scenes, this biographical film explores the boundaries of a man who is not only said to have inspired the free-love movement but, through his literature, is notorious for replacing the Ten Commandments with just one “do what thou will"



“Captain Burton's Oriental Muck Heap”: 

The Book of the Thousand Nights 

and the Uses of Orientalism

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  10 January 2014


In the final decade of his remarkable life, the Victorian explorer and linguist Richard Francis Burton made a daring bid to provoke a confrontation with those forces in British society that he identified with moral intolerance and intellectual pedantry. Unlikely though it might seem, the instrument of this provocation was a work widely regarded as children's literature—the tales of the Arabian Nights. In 1885–86, Burton published a ten-volume translation of the tales, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, followed in 1886–88 by an additional six-volume Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. The mammoth scale of the endeavor was matched by its audacity. Burton not only offered an English reading public the first frank and unexpurgated translation of the tales themselves; he also peppered the text with footnotes about esoteric aspects of Islamic culture, especially sexual customs, and closed the tenth volume with a “Terminal Essay” that included a lengthy discourse on pederasty. This quixotic enterprise thrust Burton into the middle of an intersecting network of debates about sexuality and purity, state regulation and personal freedom, the Occident and the Orient. To examine the intentions that motivated Burton's translation of the Nights and the reception it received is to explore some of the crucial elements of the late Victorian crisis of identity.

While the crumbling of a Victorian cultural consensus has long been a matter of interest, only recently has attention turned to the role that non-Western influences played in this process.

Research Article
Copyright © North American Conference of British Studies 2000

This 1950 Ford Woodie 
Is a Barn Find Goodie

The Ford-powered wagon went from stalled Pro Street project to award-winning custom in 16 short years.



© Eric Geisert 001-1950-ford-woodie-tidwell

Before they became valued as cool restos and street rods, woodies were regarded as utilitarian workhorses, popular as shuttle vehicles for hotels or as sensible family cars. It was their practicality that made them popular with surfers—and their popularity with surfers that finally made them cool with everybody else.

That combination of practicality and coolness is the reason why Greg Tidwell of Modesto, California, bought and built this 1950 Ford woodie. His wife, Penni, was pregnant at the time, and Greg wanted a street rod to drive to car shows that was big enough to fit the family and all of the accompanying child gear like strollers. "I decided that a woodie would do the trick," he said. "It was also easier to convince my wife that we needed another street rod." As it turned out, the project took a little bit longer than anticipated and ended up a lot better than expected.

Bona Fide Barn Find

© Eric Geisert

Greg located and purchased a wagon that looked promising but turned out to be farther gone than it first appeared. Ron Wright, a woodie enthusiast and builder, and the owner of Campbell Ford Performance in Campbell, California, had been working on the car and found the right replacement down the road in Gilroy. The 1950 Ford had been sitting in a barn and from the looks of it and was being built as a Pro Street car before progress stalled. Most of the parts were missing, but a brand-new set of wood, carefully wrapped in shipping blankets, was stored near the car.

The car was purchased and delivered to Campbell Ford Performance, where it became the raw material for Tidwell's custom, with the first car retained for parts. The stock chassis was modified with a Fatman Fabrications Mustang II-style front clip, including tubular A-arms and dropped spindles, coilovers, and a 7/8-inch sway bar. The Ford 9-inch rear is suspended with tubular gas shocks and parallel leaf springs.

The overall theme is something along the lines of traditional with a twist and, to our eyes, Greg's wheel and tire choice is right on. Mike Stallings at Circle Racing Wheels came up with the custom design, brought to life by the 17x7 and 18x8 custom wheels. Bridgestone Ecopia tires measure 215/55R17 and 235/55R18. Baer brakes with 13-inch front discs and 12-inchers in the rear have no problem slowing things down.

The Perfect Paint

During his search for a wagon, Greg had met Terri Hollenbeck, whose husband, Darryl, is one of the best-known painters in the country. Darryl's talent has helped earn big awards for many hot rods, in addition to an America's Most Beautiful Roadster award for his own '32 Ford highboy.

At Vintage Color Studio, Hollenbeck's shop in Concord, California, Greg asked for a color that looked stock but a little different—something timeless that would stay in style. "Darryl sprayed out a sample of early Ferrari Burgundy, a rich British racing green, and a special blue that he'd come up with," Greg said. "I took the samples home with me and asked Penni and our son Wyatt to choose. They both agreed on the blue, although there is still disagreement as to who picked it first."

32 SLIDES © Eric Geisert

Ford in a Ford

Under the hood, that blue paint meets Blue Oval power in the form of a Ford 302 engine. A FAST fuel injection system and Inglese 8-stacks provide reliable, up-to-date performance with a retro-inspired appearance. An MSD ignition fires the mixture, with gases drawn out by custom headers and exhaust pipes, corked with Magnaflow mufflers. The Ford AOD transmission delivers torque to 3.73:1 gears in the Ford 9-inch.

South City, Here We Come

By the time the wagon was painted, Ron Wright had retired. Darryl recommended Bill Ganahl at South City Rod & Custom in Hayward, California, for continuing the work on the woodie. "I met with Bill and told him my vision for the car. He gave me a budget and a time line. I stuck to neither." Greg told us.

Ganahl and the fabricators at South City made exterior modifications that retained the classic look, but they also customized it and cleaned it up. They refined the hood trim and swapped the grille for a simpler 1949 version, frenched the headlights, modified the tailgate, and added 1951 quarter windows. Ganahl fabricated a pair of custom taillights, a scaled-down version of the originals, which were mounted on the rear sheetmetal, a change from the stock location on the tailgate.

Exotic Timber

© Eric Geisert

The wood that had come with the car was no longer up to the standards of the project and needed to be upgraded. A replacement set was built, but not to the expected quality. Ultimately, Rick Mack at Rick Mack Enterprises in Tacoma, Washington, came through with some outstanding exterior and interior wood. The exterior combines bird's-eye maple frames, with pommele sapele panels from Africa. The dark brown pommele sapele continues on the interior. The wood was varnished by Bob Johnson for a golden patina, then taken to Joe Compari at Compari Color for the final sanding of the varnish and a coat of PPG clear.

Interior Attention

With the wood finished and installed, the wagon was delivered to Plante Interior in Santa Rosa, California. Chris Plante built the custom seats, using a Glide Engineering split-back bench frame for the front, and upholstered them in beautiful double top-stitched leather. The upholstery is a similar in color to the pommele sapele wood and has the rugged but elegant look that Greg was after. Oatmeal-colored high-quality square weave carpet covers the floor. The instruments in the 1951 Ford dash have been converted to 12-volt and updated with modern movements. Leather pouches were added just rear of the doors. Those, along with a 12-volt plug and USB ports provide more of the practicality that Greg always wanted. A vintage heater box was added that houses vents for the Vintage Air A/C plus more USB ports. A Bluetooth Harmon Infinity Kappa 5 amplifier is located out of sight underneath the front seat, with JBL coaxial speakers installed in the rear seat. Back at South City Rod & Custom, Bill Ganahl added the finishing touches with some low-key chrome trim for the interior panels and a reproduction Ford Crestliner steering wheel mounted on an ididit tilt column.

About 16 years had passed between the day that Greg bought his work-in-progress woodie out of a barn in Gilroy and the day that his beautifully finished 1950 Ford wagon started grabbing up car show prizes, including Outstanding Custom awards at the Grand National Roadster Show and Sacramento Autorama, Builder's Choice at the Goodguys West Coast Nationals, and the Woodie Owners' Favorite trophy at the Woodies on the Wharf show in Santa Cruz. By then, practical considerations like space for a stroller were no longer a priority. If the street rod gene has been inherited by Greg's son Wyatt, the next practical consideration might be another set of keys.

10 Details That Got This 1950 Ford Woodie Into the Hot Rod Photo Studio

Custom Washington Blue-inspired paint
Beautiful exotic wood panels
Elegant heavy-duty leather upholstery
Frenched headlights
Custom wheels
Sanitary body lines
8-stack injected Ford engine
Ford Crestliner steering wheel
Vintage heater box
It's a woodie


Several little clear orbs called sea gooseberries were seen at Crystal Cove State Beach on Dec. 19, 2020, a rare sight off Southern California beaches. (Photo courtesy of Crystal Cove State Park) 

By  | Southern California News Group


By LAYLAN CONNELLY | Southern California News Group
PUBLISHED: December 28, 2020 .

It’s not often the sandy beaches turn into a winter wonderland in Southern California.

A cold storm that blew through Sunday night and into early Monday morning brought a rare sight to South Bay beaches on Monday: hail that pelted down and created what looked like a blanket of snow on the sand.

Pono Barnes, spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department Lifeguards, noticed the icy sand early morning in Manhattan Beach and El Segundo, taking images and posting them on social media.

Los Angeles County Fire Department, Lifeguard Division
16 hours ago

Snow Day at the Beach?! As a coastal storm moves through the Los Angeles area today, we have already begun seeing impacts at the beach. The overnight precipitation left us with a rare site of slush/hail on the beach. With precipitation we also see significant beach erosion happening as storm water from all over the county makes through storm drains onto the beach and into the ocean. With the storm water comes pollutants, debris, and trash that all adversely impact our beach ...

See More
Image may contain: car and outdoor, text that says 'LG16.2 LOS ANGELES COUNTY LG16. LIFEGUAR TOYOTA FIRE DEPT.'

“It wasn’t technically snow, but it’s snow to us at the beach,” he said.

It wasn’t the first time Southern California’s coastline has turned into a winter scene. Back in 2015, a cold winter storm in March blanked the sand in areas such as Huntington Beach and the South Bay with hail, which stuck around for hours, long enough that beachgoers made snowmen just steps away from the ocean.

By late Monday morning, the clouds were parting for blue skies and the “snow” on the sand quickly melted away.


Back on track: Sales of vinyl records hit levels not seen since heady days of Britpo

Tuesday 29 December 2020, 
Not just a Rumour: Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac has driven vinyl sales.Credit: PA

Vinyl sales grew to their highest level since the Britpop era this year, as consumers turned to the format during the coronavirus pandemic.

Some 4.8 million vinyl albums were purchased in the UK over the past 12 months, up nearly a tenth on sales in 2019, according to figures from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI).

This marks the 13th consecutive year of growth for the format since 2007.

Vinyl sales boom on back of surge in streaming

It is also the highest total since the early 90s, when bands such as Blur and Oasis dominated the charts.

Sales initially dipped during the first lockdown but by September had began showing positive year-to-date growth.

Campaigns such as LoveRecordStores, the postponed Record Store Day and National Album Day also helped rally sales for independent record shops and specialist chains.

The end-of-year figures, released by industry body BPI using Official Charts Company data, indicate vinyl albums now account for nearly one in five of all albums purchased (18%).

Back in the 90s, Blur featuring frontman Damon Albarn, shared a rivalry with Oasis.Credit: AP

The BPI expects to announce classic albums Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, (What’s The Story) Morning Glory? by Oasis and Back To Black by Amy Winehouse as among the year’s best-selling vinyl albums as part of its annual report.

It also projects that some 157,000 cassettes have been purchased in the past 12 months, double the total of the year before and the highest number since 2003, when 243,000 tapes were sold and Now 54 was the biggest seller on the format.

This would mark an eighth year of consecutive growth for the format, which has returned to fashion in recent years and is now available on many major label album releases as standard.

Geoff Taylor, chief executive of BPI, said: “In a year when all our lives have changed, music’s power to inspire has never been more evident. The immediacy and convenience of streaming make it the go-to audio format for most of our listening, but more and more fans choose to get closer to their favourite artists and albums on vinyl.

“It’s remarkable that LP and audio tape sales should have risen at all given the challenges we’ve all faced. The surge in sales despite retail closures demonstrates the timeless appeal of collectable physical formats alongside the seamless connectivity of streaming.”

The BPI will report its final music consumption figures on January 4 2021.

Dividends still went out even after soldiers marched in to long-term care homes

© Provided by National Post A staff member escorts members of the Canadian Armed Forces in to a long term care home, in Pickering, Ont. on Saturday, April 25, 2020.

OTTAWA – In the spring, Sienna Senior living needed military support in two of its overwhelmed long-term care homes where COVID-19 was surging, but even though soldiers were marching in, the company still paid out $45 million to its shareholders.

na is a publicly traded company that runs dozens of long-term care homes and retirement residences in Ontario and British Columbia. During the spring, two of its homes required military support; Altamont Care Community where 53 people have died and Woodbridge Vista Care Community where 31 people died.

In a report that was made public in the spring , military officers detailed appalling conditions at Altamont, including patients receiving meals late and not receiving three meals a day. When the military first arrived, they reported, some residents had been bed bound for weeks. Staff were overworked and under-resourced with personal support workers expected to cover 30 to 40 patients each on evening shifts.

The military pegged the overall cost of its COVID operations at $418 million, but that includes support for the public health agency’s warehouses, as well as the deployment to dozens of long-term care homes, seven in Ontario and another 47 in Quebec.

According to a spokesperson, for the complete operation the forces called up 9,711 reservists, at a cost of $207.8 million. The military spent another $34.2 million on travel, medical equipment, PPE and training.

Some of the costs would have been paid regardless of the pandemic, like the salaries of military doctors and nurses. Some operations that had been planned were cancelled leading to savings, but the forces’ estimate for the additional costs is still $255 million.

When the crisis hit, Sienna’s stock price plummeted, losing nearly half its value in early March. Since then, however, it has regained about half of its losses. It has also continued to pay out dividends to shareholders. The dividends were $15.6 million in the first three quarters of this year and it is likely to continue into the final quarter.

In a response, the company said the dividends were necessary and it has invested $20.5 million above and beyond any government support to improve the care homes.

“Dividends are similar to interest costs on loans — dividends are paid to shareholders who have provided the capital necessary to invest in the maintenance, upgrading and building of new long-term care residences,” the company wrote in a statement to the National Post.
 “At no point has the payment of dividends taken away from front-line care.” BULLSHIT

In addition to the military’s support, Sienna’s fiscal statements reveal the company received $21 million from the Ontario government for staffing and PPE and $4 million for capital spending to improve infection control.

The financial statement mentions the company has also applied to the government to expand the Altamont Care facility, redeveloping the 159 beds and adding 161 new ones.

Three of the company’s homes were overseen by hospitals during the pandemic and Sienna paid those hospitals $1.9 million in management fees. Long-term care homes are generally paid on an occupancy basis, but the provincial government is covering lower occupancy rates for now. Sienna is also facing several lawsuits, from patients and their families, over its handling of the pandemic.

The company said it’s offering more employees full-time hours to keep them. But a note in the financial statements reveals, while it brought on 1,400 full-time and 1,100 part-time workers between March and October, it has also lost 1,700 people for a net increase of 800 people.

The company said staffing was an issue across the long-term care sector and it struggled just as other companies did.

“Given the intensity of the pandemic, many front-line workers chose to leave the field. At the same time, COVID-19 created an intense demand for registered staff across the LTC sector, as well as from hospitals, schools and other workplaces.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked about the company’s decision to pay out dividends, but didn’t weigh in on the issue.

“I know over the coming months there will be many reflections by Canadians and others on that.”

The federal government put no financial conditions on companies receiving military assistance. It also did not prevent companies that received the government’s wage subsidy from paying out dividends to shareholders. Sienna did not receive the wage subsidy, but others in the long-term care sector did.

He said with the situation deteriorating so drastically in the spring, the government only wanted to do what it could to help.

“Our focus from the very beginning, was to just be there for Canadians who needed help.”

Public ownership

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who has frequently called for long-term care homes to be put into public ownership, said the company’s behaviour is reprehensible.

“A pandemic is happening, people are dying, there are horrible conditions, the military is called in all that on one side and on the other they’re paying out dividends.”

The federal government is expected to be asked to spend more money in the coming years on long-term care homes and is pushing for national standards. Singh said all of that should happen, but that renewed funding shouldn’t become profit

”I don’t think many Canadians would feel comfortable that if we transfer money to take care of seniors, which we should, if we transfer more money to long-term care which we should, if that money went to paying shareholder dividends, or if that money goes to, to the bonuses for executives,” he said. “If we’re spending public money to help seniors that doesn’t actually end up caring for seniors, no one would think that’s a good idea.”
are cared for.”

Singh said the government could buy out the for-profit long-term care homes, starting with Revera, a company that is already owned by the Public Sector Pension Investment Board

“If we could do it with a pipeline — which I think was a bad decision — we could absolutely do it to ensure seniors 

Japan’s asteroid probe grabbed a ton of material 
on its second attempt

© Provided by BGR asteroid samples

The asteroid probe Hayabusa2, sent by the Japanese space agency JAXA, made two attempts to collect material from the surface of the space rock Ryugu.

As the now-returned samples reveal, the initial attempt gathered fine particles and sandy material, but the second attempt was much more impressive.

JAXA describes the second sample as including rocks as large as nearly half an inch, and they’re very hard.

Japan’s Hayabusa2 asteroid probe mission took a long, long time. Flying to and from the asteroid Ryugu took many months, and the time the spacecraft spent in orbit around the asteroid was lengthy in its own right. The biggest risk for the spacecraft — and one of the most important objectives of the mission — was to bring asteroid samples back to Earth.

It completed that task just a couple of weeks ago, and Japan slowly began to reveal information about the samples that the probe gathered. The first reveal was somewhat underwhelming, revealing some black, charcoal-like dust and small pebbles from the first sample collection attempt. Now, after JAXA showed off its second batch of asteroid sample material we can say with certainty that the mission was an absolutely huge success.

As Komo News reports, the most recent release of images of the asteroid samples offers us a much clearer picture of what Japanese scientists will be working with in the coming months and years. The second sample in particular looks quite promising, with larger chunks of rock that are apparently very hard, according to JAXA.

The differences in the sample material have been attributed to the very different circumstances under which they were collected. The first sample was snatched when Hayabusa2 made a brief touchdown on the asteroid, so it was mostly dust and smaller pebbles from the surface. For the second sample, the JAXA team actually used Hayabusa2 to launch a projectile at the asteroid, blowing a hole in the surface so that material could be collected from within the rock.

The fact that the second sample includes rocks both large and small suggests that the bedrock of the asteroid varies in terms of hardness, according to JAXA space materials scientist Tomohiro Usui. The asteroid samples are being studied in a somewhat casual way at the moment, with observations being noted, but the much more in-depth studies into the material and what the rocks may contain will happen over the course of many months and perhaps even years.

Meanwhile, the asteroid probe itself isn’t done with its work. after dropping the samples off on Earth, the probe cruised back out into space. It’s headed for another asteroid that JAXA wants to study, but this one will take a bit longer to reach. The journey to the asteroid will take 11 years, so we won’t be hearing much about that for some time.

Feast your eyes on the space rocks 
Japan’s Hayabusa 2 mission harvested
 from asteroid Ryugu

Devin Coldewey@techcrunch / •December 28, 2020

Image Credits: JAXA

Japan’s ambitious second asteroid return mission, Hayabusa 2, has collected a wealth of material from its destination, Ryugu, which astronomers and other interested parties are almost certainly champing at the bit to play with. Though they may look like ordinary bits of charcoal, they’re genuine asteroid surface material — and a little something shiny, too.

Hayabusa 2 was launched in 2014 and arrived at the asteroid named Ryugu in 2018, at which point it deployed a couple landers to test surface conditions. It touched down itself in the next year, blasting the surface with a space gun so that it could collect not just the surface gravel but what might lie beneath it. After a long trip home it reentered the atmosphere on December 5 and was collected in the Australian desert.

Although everything worked perfectly, the team could never really be sure they would truly get the samples they hoped for until they opened the sample collection containers in a sealed room back at headquarters. The materials inside have been teased in a few tweets, but today JAXA posted all of the public images along with some new explanations and discoveries.

For one thing, the “sample catcher” itself had grains of sediment from Ryugu. Perhaps this material, exposed to different conditions than that of the containers, will prove different when analyzed.

Image Credits: JAXA

For another, sample container C appears to have an “artificial object” in it! But don’t get excited — as the team writes on their blog, “the origin is under investigation, but a probable source is aluminium scraped off the spacecraft sampler horn as the projectile was fired to stir up material during touchdown.”

In other words, it’s probably a bit of the probe that came off during the not-so-gentle process of shooting the asteroid and crashing into it.

Image Credits: JAXA

But the most important bit is all the rocks collected as planned. As you can see by the scale bar, these are little more than pebbles, but they’re large enough to show evidence of all kinds of processes leading to their particular shape and makeup. There’s also plenty of smaller-scale dirt and dust from below the surface that scientists hope could show signs of organic materials and water, the building blocks of life as we know it.

The success of the mission is worth celebrating, and the team has only just begun studying the materials brought back from Ryugu — so we can expect more information soon as they perform the painstaking work of analysis on these priceless samples. The Hayabusa 2 Twitter account is probably the best way to stay up to date day to day.

Stolen jade boulder found and returned, 
says B.C. gift shop owner

© Provided by The Canadian Press

CACHE CREEK, B.C. — The owner of a gift shop in British Columbia's southern Interior says a jade boulder stolen from outside the store earlier this month has been found.

Heidi Roy says the nearly 1,300-kilogram slab of jade stolen from outside Cariboo Jade and Gifts in Cache Creek was spotted by a member of the public who recognized it from the publicity the theft received.

Roy says in an email the slab has a few scars from its "adventure," but she's thrilled to have it back in once piece.

A photo provided by Roy shows the jade slab covered in dirt, lying in a tangle of brush and snow in the location she says it was found.

Roy says details are sparse so far and the RCMP are expected to release a statement Tuesday about their investigation into the theft.

Previously, an older grey and gold Dodge pickup truck pulling a trailer with an excavator was captured on surveillance video carrying the boulder off.

Police later found the trailer abandoned, without the jade, and the truck thought to have been used in the theft was found empty in another location.

Roy says the metre-wide slab has been displayed in front of Cariboo Jade and Gifts since she bought the store in 1985, and while it's become a tourist attraction, it is low-grade jade and worthless as semi-precious stone.

Roy is thanking people who sent words of encouragement from across the country, saying it's clear "this stone meant a lot to many more than we realized."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 28, 2020.

The Canadian Press
 National daycare system will need funding to lower fees, expand spaces, Hussen says

OTTAWA — The federal minister in charge of the government's push on child care says bringing down fees parents pay is a key ingredient in the Liberals' design for a national system.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Social Development Minister Ahmed Hussen also says that just as critical will be to expand the number of affordable daycare spaces across the country for parents who want them.

He says the two issues have come up in his conversations with his counterparts in other countries that have created national child-care systems.

He also says the two issues are key take-aways from Quebec, which is the lone province with such a system.

Hussen said that driving down fees and ramping up the number of spaces would likely require a sizeable influx of federal funds.

He added the government expects the already high demand for daycare spots to increase once the pandemic is firmly in the country's rear-view mirror.

"We have to work hard together to decrease fees substantially, to make it more affordable for parents, but we also have to make sure that there is an increase in the number of spaces," Hussen said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

"Otherwise, we'll have a situation where you make it more affordable, but only for those who can access it. And for those who just can't find a space, they're out of luck."

The Liberals pledged to create a universal child-care system in their September throne speech as a way to help more women return to and enter the workforce as their numbers fell during the pandemic.

Along with longtime advocates, business groups have also become more vocal supports of the idea, something Hussen and other Liberals now cite when discussing child care.

November's economic statement pledged money to help provinces and territories hire, train and retain early childhood educators, as well as build the necessary government infrastructure to guide policy development.

"You can't talk about a national system, more affordability, more quality and an expansion of spaces without hiring more workers," Hussen said.

"Without increasing the number of early childhood educators, then you're not really delivering on those increased spaces."

The total spend on child care in the fall statement amounted to $585 million in new money, some of it spread over five years.

In their consultations with experts, the Liberals have been told that federal funding would be need to make spaces more affordable.

In some cities, a daycare space can cost more per month than rent or mortgage payments.

On the other side, covering the cost of spaces is also seen as a way to help child-care centres rely less on steep fees that dried up when lockdowns forced them to close. Some closed for good and others were pushed to the financial brink because they often run on tight margins.

To build the kind of system nationally that Quebec has provincially could cost Ottawa upwards of $11 billion annually by some estimates once fully in place.

Child care is a provincial responsibility and a change in federal government could also shift priorities away from a plan that would take years to implement.

Hussen said the government will be looking to "generate early momentum" with provinces and Canadians to prove the Liberals are serious about the child-care promise.

He also said the government would bring "resources and political will" to the table in talks with provinces.

Hussen said similar efforts will take place with Indigenous groups to co-develop a daycare system that is culturally appropriate.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 28, 2020.

Jordan Press, The Canadian Pres