Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Study shows children who self-identify as sexual or gender minority more likely to be obese than peers

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

A team of researchers at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, has found that children who identify themselves as belonging to a sexual or gender minority are more likely to be obese than their peers. In their paper published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, the team describes how they analyzed data supplied by 12,000 children filling out online questionnaires sent to them and what they learned from it.

The questionnaire created by the researchers featured blunt questions such as, "Are you gay or bisexual?" I WOULD SEPERATE THOSE QUESTIONS

Or "Are you transgender?" 



Those filling out the survey promised that they were  (they also had to have permission from their parents). Other questions on the survey asked those responding about their , race, , their BMZ score (a body mass index score the children could calculate by taking measurements of their bodies and comparing them to averages for other children their age.) The researchers also asked the children if they had any , and if so, to specify which.

In analyzing their data, the researchers found that 190 of the respondents (1.6 percent) answered either 'yes' or 'maybe' to questions about their sexuality or , making them part of a Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM). In comparing the number of them that reported having higher than average BMZ scores, the researchers calculated that they were 64 percent more likely to be at risk of being obese than non-SGM children. They also found that SGM children were approximately three and a half times as likely to have an eating disorder (five of the children who responded had at least one eating disorder). In a related finding, a team at the University of California last year reported that bisexual men were more prone to having an eating disorder than either gay or straight men.

The researchers were not able to say why SGM children were more at risk of being obese or of having an eating disorder but noted that SGM identities in most children are not well established until they reach an older age. In a related finding, the researchers also found that responding children of color were twice as likely to be obese as the white children who responded.

Explore further

One percent of children aged 9-10 self-identify as gay, transgender

More information: Natasha A. Schvey et al. Obesity and Eating Disorder Disparities Among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, JAMA Pediatrics (2020). DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.5152
Journal information: JAMA Pediatrics 


Using economic data to create

predictive models of anticipated antimicrobial resistance levels across countries

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

A team of researchers at the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development has developed a way to model anticipated antimicrobial resistance levels across countries using economic data. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes using the average income for a country, average out-of-pocket health care expenses for those living there and the degree of government corruption to create models that could accurately represent anticipated antimicrobial resistance levels for a given country.

Over the past decade, it has become apparent that the antibiotics that doctors use to treat patients with infections are not working as well as they once did. Prior research has shown that this is because many of the bacteria behind such infections have, through mutations, developed resistance. Prior research has also shown that the development of antibiotic resistance has been aided by the overuse of antibiotics.

 For that reason, medical researchers in developed countries have begun to track bacteria and the therapies that are used to treat the infections that result. These efforts have led to better targeted therapies, less overuse of  and slowing in mutations in bacteria. Improvements have not been observed in many third-world countries, however, because they lack the funds to implement such systems. In this new effort, the researchers working in the Netherlands have developed an alternative approach—using economic data to predict resistance levels.

The work involved first looking at the relationship between antimicrobial resistance and  in a given country, through which the researchers detected patterns. They used these patterns to reverse the process—using economic data to predict antimicrobial resistance levels in different countries.

To test their models, the researchers restricted the number of pathogens to just the nine most common and compared what their models reported with health statistical data for a few select countries. They found their models to be 78 to 86% accurate for six of the nine pathogens included in the tests—high enough to track global resistance to the most common types of antibacterial agents.

Low antibiotic concentration in the environment enough to increase antimicrobial resistance in laboratory conditions

More information: Rik Oldenkamp et al. Filling the gaps in the global prevalence map of clinical antimicrobial resistance, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2020). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2013515118
Provided by Science X Network

Japanese pairing looking into using wood to build satellites

Japanese pairing looking into using wood to build satellites

Japanese company Sumitomo Forestry has announced a joint development project with Kyoto University to test the idea of using wood as a component in satellite construction. As part of the announcement, officials with Sumitomo Forestry told reporters that work on the project will begin with experiments designed to test different types of wood in extreme environments.

Some of the major components in most satellites include aluminum, Kevlar and aluminum alloys, which are able to withstand both temperature extremes and constant bombardment by radiation—all in a vacuum. Unfortunately, these characteristics also allow satellites to remain in orbit long after their usefulness has ended, resulting in constant additions to the  junk orbiting the planet. 

According to the World Economic Forum, there are currently approximately 6,000 satellites circling the Earth but only 60% of them are still in use. Some in the field have predicted that nearly 1,000 satellites will be launched into space each year over the coming decade. Considering their lifespan, this suggests there could be thousands more dead satellites orbiting the planet in the coming years. 

This  poses a significant threat to other satellites (they all travel thousands of miles per hour) and also to manned space missions. Most in the space community agree that  is becoming a serious problem. And there is more bad news—the aluminum used in satellites has been found to break apart when a satellite returns to Earth, creating hundreds or thousands of tiny alumina particles that wind up floating in the  for many years, possibly posing an environmental problem. For all these reasons, the researchers with this new project are looking to replace these materials with wood.

The major benefit of wood-based satellites is they would burn up completely when returning to Earth. But another major bonus of using wood to create the outer shell of a satellite is that  would pass right through it, which means antennas could be placed inside of satellite structures, making them simpler to design and deploy. The researchers plan to look for appropriate wood candidates and then to conduct experiments to see it they could be treated to stand up to space conditions. They predict they will have a product ready for testing by 2023.

Researchers achieve sustained, high-fidelity quantum teleportation

by University of Chicago
DECEMBER 29, 2020
 In a demonstration of high-fidelity quantum teleportation at the Fermilab Quantum Network, fiber-optic cables connect off-the-shelf devices (shown above), as well as state-of-the-art R&D devices. Credit: Fermilab

A viable quantum internet—a network in which information stored in qubits is shared over long distances through entanglement—would transform the fields of data storage, precision sensing and computing, ushering in a new era of communication.

This month, scientists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory—a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory affiliated with the University of Chicago—along with partners at five institutions took a significant step in the direction of realizing a quantum internet.

In a paper published in PRX Quantum, the team presents for the first time a demonstration of a sustained, long-distance teleportation of qubits made of photons (particles of light) with fidelity greater than 90%.

The qubits were teleported over a fiber-optic network 27 miles (44 kilometers) long using state-of-the-art single-photon detectors, as well as off-the-shelf equipment.

"We're thrilled by these results," said Fermilab scientist Panagiotis Spentzouris, head of the Fermilab quantum science program and one of the paper's co-authors. "This is a key achievement on the way to building a technology that will redefine how we conduct global communication."

The achievement comes just a few months after the U.S. Department of Energy unveiled its blueprint for a national quantum internet at a press conference at the University of Chicago.

Linking particles

Quantum teleportation is a "disembodied" transfer of quantum states from one location to another. The quantum teleportation of a qubit is achieved using quantum entanglement, in which two or more particles are inextricably linked to each other. If an entangled pair of particles is shared between two separate locations, no matter the distance between them, the encoded information is teleported.


The joint team—researchers at Fermilab, AT&T, Caltech, Harvard University, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Calgary—successfully teleported qubits on two systems: the Caltech Quantum Network and the Fermilab Quantum Network. The systems were designed, built, commissioned and deployed by Caltech's public-private research program on Intelligent Quantum Networks and Technologies, or IN-Q-NET.

"We are very proud to have achieved this milestone on sustainable, high-performing and scalable quantum teleportation systems," said Maria Spiropulu, the Shang-Yi Ch'en professor of physics at Caltech and director of the IN-Q-NET research program. "The results will be further improved with system upgrades we are expecting to complete by the second quarter of 2021."

Both the Caltech and Fermilab networks, which feature near-autonomous data processing, are compatible both with existing telecommunication infrastructure and with emerging quantum processing and storage devices. Researchers are using them to improve the fidelity and rate of entanglement distribution, with an emphasis on complex quantum communication protocols and fundamental science.

"With this demonstration we're beginning to lay the foundation for the construction of a Chicago-area metropolitan quantum network," Spentzouris said.

The Chicagoland network, called the Illinois Express Quantum Network, is being designed by Fermilab in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory, Caltech, Northwestern University and industry partners.

"The feat is a testament to success of collaboration across disciplines and institutions, which drives so much of what we accomplish in science," said Fermilab Deputy Director of Research Joe Lykken. "I commend the IN-Q-NET team and our partners in academia and industry on this first-of-its-kind achievement in quantum teleportation.

Explore further Quantum network to test unhackable communications

More information: Raju Valivarthi et al. Teleportation Systems Toward a Quantum Internet, PRX Quantum (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.1.020317

Provided by University of Chicago 

Those Space Force Uniforms Orbiting Social Media Are Bogus, US Military Says

A mock-up drawing of Space Force uniforms that began orbiting social media on Tuesday has been debunked.

A U.S. military spokesperson informed that the uniform designs did not come from the actual U.S. Space Force, a new branch of the military founded during the Trump administration in 2019.

"The uniform graphic being shared on social media is not an official U.S. Space Force uniform design concept," Maj. Nick Mercurio said Tuesday. "The Space Force service dress uniform is still in development."

Also read: Space Force Mocked by Everyone for Calling Members 'Guardians': 'How Is This NOT a Joke'

The news comes as something of a relief for the countless Twitter users who criticized the fake uniforms, likening them to a bad imitation of Star Trek uniforms mixed with cross-walk guards.

"They stole the emblem logo from Star Trek. Then they stole the name from Guardians of the Galaxy. They then stole the uniform from Starship Troopers," wrote one user. "No original thought and no clear reason for the existence of this 5th branch of the military! It's a FARCE!"

Others commented that the pretend uniforms are more reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

"Welp. No, crossing guards is not who they remind me of…" one user wrote.

Also read: Steve Carell's 'Space Force' Renewed by Netflix for Season 2

"Can't say I did nazi that coming," wrote another.

But to those saying the uniforms resemble Hugo Boss designs, another user made a correction about the history between the fashion designer and the Nazi party.

"Hugo Boss did not design Nazi uniforms, he did manufacture them, was a war profiteering Nazi scumbag who used forced labour, but he did not design the uniforms," the Fake History Hunter account tweeted.

Others criticized the existence of the Space Force altogether.

Also read: Trump Breaks Social Media Silence With All-Caps Tweetstorm

"People are starving and dying, but not to worry-we have Starship Trooper uniforms we'll never use!" one user wrote.

At least when the Space Force releases their real uniform designs, the bar will have been set very low.

For more information on the Space Force, click here

See more tweets below.

They stole the emblem logo from Star Trek. Then they stole the name from Guardians of the Galaxy. They then stole the uniform from Starship Troopers.
No original thought and no clear reason for the existence of this 5th branch of the military! It's a FARCE!
- A Blue Dot in Oklahoma December 29, 2020

Bruh these straight up look like n*zi uniforms
- December 29, 2020

The Space Force Guardians look like they work for the Empire. h
- Leslie – 22 to 46.December 29, 2020


Corbella: Police brutality must be stopped

Licia Corbella 
© Provided by Calgary Herald In this still from a court exhibit video, Calgary police Const. Alexander Dunn is shown after he body-slammed a Black female suspect, Dalia Kafi, face first to the floor.

Next to COVID-19, arguably the biggest story in 2020 has been the public outcry against police brutality.

The videotaped killing of George Floyd — a 46-year-old Black man who died after having his neck kneeled upon for almost nine minutes in Minneapolis, Minn., on May 25 by a white police officer — was the final straw, the catalyst that caused growing rage to erupt against the seeming impunity with which police the world over are able to harm the citizens they are sworn to protect.

Black Lives Matter protests, as well as many rallies calling for the defunding of police, took place across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia and in many countries in Africa , decrying police brutality and the lack of accountability for officers who commit crimes or use excessive force.

It’s important to point out that the vast majority of police officers are honourable people who became officers to help others and aid in the delivery of justice. They are, very often, heroic, courageous, compassionate and helpful. But even though bad cops are in the minority, the power entrusted to every sworn officer means the amount of damage one poorly trained, power-hungry, or unstable cop can cause is immense.

The Calgary Police Service is not immune and with the ubiquitousness of video — since the proliferation of smartphones and closed-circuit TV cameras — ordinary citizens have come to realize that a police officer’s version of events (as laid out in notes, in police news releases and even in court) often doesn’t match what the video shows.

On Dec. 10, Alberta Provincial Court Judge Michelle Christopher found Const. Alex Dunn guilty of assault causing bodily harm in connection with his Dec. 13, 2017 assault on Dalia Kafi, a petite Black woman, whose hands were cuffed behind her back when she was thrown to the cement floor of the Calgary Police Service’s arrest processing unit, causing her head to bounce on the floor.

Staff Sgt. Gordon Macdonald testified that he not only witnessed what Dunn did but heard the unmistakable sound of the woman’s head hitting the hard ground.

“I advised him that it was the worst use of force that I had seen,” testified Macdonald, a police officer with 30 years of experience.

Despite that, Dunn was at first suspended with pay for one year and then was brought back to work at a desk job.

Why wasn’t he fired immediately or at least when Calgary’s current Chief Mark Neufeld was sworn in, in June 2019?

In a written statement , Neufeld stated: “In general terms, when it comes to relieving a police officer with or without pay, I am required to follow certain legal procedures outlined in the Police Act. This Act also outlines that an officer can only be relieved without pay in ‘exceptional’ circumstances and there is limited guidance in case law to determine what meets that threshold. We are encouraging the provincial government to provide further clarity around when an officer can be suspended without pay in the upcoming Police Act amendments.”

Why, one has to wonder, is Neufeld getting paid the big bucks — about $300,000 a year — if he’s incapable of determining an exceptional circumstance? And if not him, whom?

© Brendan Miller/Postmedia Mark Neufeld, Calgary Police Chief, speaks to reporters after a day of discussion at City Hall on future policing budgets in Calgary. Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020.

Staff Sgt. Macdonald certainly testified that what Dunn did was exceptional in his 30 years of policing. Now that Dunn has been convicted (he’s awaiting sentencing), he has at long last been suspended without pay. No more fully paid one-year-long vacations for him. But he’s still a police officer, technically. Perhaps it’s time our police chiefs showed some courage and started making case law.

This all begs the question, if Dunn can assault a 120-pound woman with her hands handcuffed behind her back in front of witnesses, under glaring lights and CCTV cameras, what was his conduct like in the shadows?

Is the boldness with which he criminally assaulted Kafi indicative of just how widespread the assaulting of civilians in police custody is?

“There’s not more police violence; there’s not more excessive force situations or abuse of authority misconduct by police officers in the last three or five years; it’s just being exposed,” says Tom Engel, a criminal defence attorney in Edmonton and the chair of the policing committee of the Criminal Trial Lawyers’ Association.

“Most cops can’t stand this kind of behaviour from their fellow officers,” says Engel.

“Reports show that one of the worst things to destroy morale in a police service is police seeing that misconduct from fellow officers goes unpunished and there’s no accountability. They see these officers being promoted and they know that they’re powerless to do anything about it, because if they say anything their career will be over — not the bad cop’s career, but their career,” says Engel.

Sure enough, officers interviewed about Dunn’s behaviour were relieved that he was convicted and won’t be patrolling Calgary streets anymore.

As for promotions, Pat and Irene Heffernan — the grieving parents of 27-year-old Anthony Heffernan — are “dismayed and disgusted” that one of the five officers who attended a wellness check on the youngest of their five children on March 16, 2015, at the Super 8 hotel in northeast Calgary, has been promoted even though he is yet to face a disciplinary hearing into the matter — almost six years after the fact.

“Police Chief Mark Neufeld promoted Sgt. Lon Brewster to Staff Sgt. effective Nov. 18 ,” they complained in a recent letter to the editor — a fact confirmed by the Calgary Police Service.

“As Anthony’s parents, we find it egregious that Brewster has been promoted before the disciplinary hearing has taken place,” they wrote. “In what other organization would somebody be promoted while facing a disciplinary hearing? How can this hearing be unbiased when the chief is the person in charge of the hearing process?”

Excellent questions; lousy answers are forthcoming.

© Provided by Calgary Herald Anthony Heffernan at age 27.

Reached at their Prince Albert, Sask. acreage, the retired school teachers say their son “was an extremely hard worker” — an electrician who was studying towards becoming a master electrician when the pressure of full-time work and studying got to be too much.

Their “bright, generous and loving” son relapsed into using cocaine.

Anthony Heffernan worked mostly in Fort McMurray, but when he was in Calgary he lived with his best friend and older brother Grant, who would not have approved of his brother using drugs. So, Heffernan checked into the hotel off of Barlow Trail and 32 Avenue for one night.

Heffernan was minding his own business, not making any noise and not hurting anyone but himself, when five fully armed Calgary police officers — performing a “wellness check” — kicked in his door, Tasered him twice and shot him four times — all within 72 seconds of first breaking into his room.

Heffernan had been unresponsive to phone calls and knocks on the door, while also missing his checkout time, so a hotel clerk had called the police to see if he was okay.

He was shot three times in the head and once in the torso by Const. Maurice McLoughlin — who discharged his firearm six times, because a disoriented Heffernan was said to be holding a lighter and a syringe. The syringe, as it turns out, didn’t even have a needle — something that should have been easily visible in that small hotel room.

The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT), which investigates events where serious injury or death may have been caused by police, recommended that criminal charges be laid in the case , but the Crown prosecutors’ office declined to do so, saying “there was no likelihood of conviction.”

The other officers involved — Const. Carl Johns, Const. Sandeep Shergill, Const. Robert Brauer and Brewster — still face a disciplinary hearing, that has shamefully still not been scheduled almost six years after the shooting. This is described as “due process” by the CPS.

McLoughlin resigned from the CPS, which means he avoids the disciplinary hearing and as a result will maintain a clean record should he want to apply to another police service.

A little more than 10 months after killing Heffernan, McLoughlin was one of three officers involved in the shooting and killing of partial quadriplegic David McQueen on Jan. 25, 2016.

So, how is it possible that the senior officer present when Anthony Heffernan was killed was promoted, even though he hasn’t faced his disciplinary hearing?

“Previous and ongoing conduct matters weigh heavily into promotion decisions and are considered in the context of the officer’s overall performance history,” the Calgary Police Service said in a written statement. “We consider factors like when the incident occurred, what their role was in the incident, whether there is a pattern of misconduct or incompetence, and whether they have demonstrated a commitment to our values over their career.

“In this case, the officer has demonstrated a strong commitment to policing and the community over his 14-year career and has not faced discipline before or since this incident.”

Sadly and tellingly, the Heffernan family — which is suing the CPS in a civil suit — is no longer surprised by any of this.

“There has been zero accountability for our son’s killing,” says Irene. “There’s still no date for the disciplinary hearing.”

© Gavin Young Family members of Anthony Heffernan speak to the media following an ASIRT announcement that there will be no charges in his death at the hands of police.

The 94-page ASIRT report, obtained through a Freedom of Information request by Engel, concluded: “What was evident from the interviews with the first responders is that there was little conversation relating to the formation of a plan as to what they were going to do once access was gained into the suite.”

No plan, but three of the five officers had their guns drawn on a wellness check. At least 23 Canadians have been shot and killed by police in the first six months of 2020, many during wellness checks. Clearly, police are poorly trained in this area .

“ASIRT investigators learned that two of the bullets fired from (McLoughlin’s) pistol travelled in a downward trajectory through Mr. Heffernan’s head and into the floor.”

The report goes on to say: “It was learned . . . that McLoughlin was pointing the muzzle of his pistol in a downward direction as Mr. Heffernan was falling to the floor.”

Anthony Heffernan wasn’t “lunging” towards them; he was falling as a result of being shot.

Heffernan’s shooting was featured prominently in a recently released documentary called No Visible Trauma , which highlights disturbing cases of Calgary police officers not being held to account even after a serious assault of handcuffed citizens was caught on tape and formal complaints were lodged.

The documentary, directed by Robinder Uppal and Marc Serpa Francoeur, both of whom grew up in Calgary, won the audience award at the Calgary Underground Film Festival (CUFF.Docs) and is continuing its festival and theatrical run across the country over the coming months. A shorter version of that documentary, called Above the Law, ran on CBC , and can be viewed on YouTube. They have started a GoFundMe page, to help fund their legal defence from a police officer who is suing them. The longer documentary is currently available for streaming through the Metro Cinema in Edmonton:

It’s a must-see for citizens who want our police service to serve the cause of justice and not pervert it.

In the meantime, Alberta Justice Minister and Solicitor General Kaycee Madu says he’s intent on modernizing the Police Act.

Madu, the first Black justice minister in Canadian history, has held meetings with stakeholder groups, including cultural communities, throughout the fall. The meetings included discussions about complaints processes, officer discipline and civilian oversight. As well, those topics are covered in an online public survey that’s part of the Police Act review , which is currently open until Jan. 4.

“The Police Act has gone largely unchanged since it was introduced in 1988, and this review will help modernize policing and respond to Albertans’ expectations that police remain accountable to the communities they serve,” Madu said recently.

The Heffernans just want the police brutality to stop and for accountability to occur when it does happen.

“We miss Anthony every day,” says Pat. “Every day is very tough. To lose a child is the most difficult thing. We don’t wish it on anyone.”

Licia Corbella is a Postmedia columnist in Calgary.

Army research leads to more effective training model for robots


Research News




ADELPHI, Md. -- Multi-domain operations, the Army's future operating concept, requires autonomous agents with learning components to operate alongside the warfighter. New Army research reduces the unpredictability of current training reinforcement learning policies so that they are more practically applicable to physical systems, especially ground robots.

These learning components will permit autonomous agents to reason and adapt to changing battlefield conditions, said Army researcher Dr. Alec Koppel from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, now known as DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory.

The underlying adaptation and re-planning mechanism consists of reinforcement learning-based policies. Making these policies efficiently obtainable is critical to making the MDO operating concept a reality, he said.

According to Koppel, policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning are the foundation for scalable algorithms for continuous spaces, but existing techniques cannot incorporate broader decision-making goals such as risk sensitivity, safety constraints, exploration and divergence to a prior.

Designing autonomous behaviors when the relationship between dynamics and goals are complex may be addressed with reinforcement learning, which has gained attention recently for solving previously intractable tasks such as strategy games like go, chess and videogames such as Atari and Starcraft II, Koppel said.

Prevailing practice, unfortunately, demands astronomical sample complexity, such as thousands of years of simulated gameplay, he said. This sample complexity renders many common training mechanisms inapplicable to data-starved settings required by MDO context for the Next-Generation Combat Vehicle, or NGCV.

"To facilitate reinforcement learning for MDO and NGCV, training mechanisms must improve sample efficiency and reliability in continuous spaces," Koppel said. "Through the generalization of existing policy search schemes to general utilities, we take a step towards breaking existing sample efficiency barriers of prevailing practice in reinforcement learning."

Koppel and his research team developed new policy search schemes for general utilities, whose sample complexity is also established. They observed that the resulting policy search schemes reduce the volatility of reward accumulation, yield efficient exploration of an unknown domains and a mechanism for incorporating prior experience.

"This research contributes an augmentation of the classical Policy Gradient Theorem in reinforcement learning," Koppel said. "It presents new policy search schemes for general utilities, whose sample complexity is also established. These innovations are impactful to the U.S. Army through their enabling of reinforcement learning objectives beyond the standard cumulative return, such as risk sensitivity, safety constraints, exploration and divergence to a prior."

Notably, in the context of ground robots, he said, data is costly to acquire.

"Reducing the volatility of reward accumulation, ensuring one explores an unknown domain in an efficient manner, or incorporating prior experience, all contribute towards breaking existing sample efficiency barriers of prevailing practice in reinforcement learning by alleviating the amount of random sampling one requires in order to complete policy optimization," Koppel said.

The future of this research is very bright, and Koppel has dedicated his efforts towards making his findings applicable for innovative technology for Soldiers on the battlefield.

"I am optimistic that reinforcement-learning equipped autonomous robots will be able to assist the warfighter in exploration, reconnaissance and risk assessment on the future battlefield," Koppel said. "That this vision is made a reality is essential to what motivates which research problems I dedicate my efforts."

The next step for this research is to incorporate the broader decision-making goals enabled by general utilities in reinforcement learning into multi-agent settings and investigate how interactive settings between reinforcement learning agents give rise to synergistic and antagonistic reasoning among teams.

According to Koppel, the technology that results from this research will be capable of reasoning under uncertainty in team scenarios.


This research, conducted in collaboration with Princeton University, University of Alberta and Google Deepmind, was a spotlight talk at NeurIPS 2020, one of the premiere conferences that fosters the exchange of neural information processing systems research in biological, technological, mathematical and theoretical aspects.

College football players underestimate risk of injury and concussion


Research News

AURORA, Colo. (Dec. 29, 2020) - College football players may underestimate their risk of injury and concussion, according to a new study published today in JAMA Network Open.

Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and member of the CU Center for Bioethics and Humanities, is the corresponding author of the article, "Accuracy of US College Football Players' Estimates of Their Risk of Concussion or Injury."

Baugh and co-authors report on survey results of 296 college football players from four teams in the Power 5 Conferences of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Athletes were surveyed in 2017. The researchers found that between 43 percent and 91 percent of respondents underestimated their risk of injury and between 42 percent and 63 percent underestimated their risk of concussion.

To measure the accuracy of football players' risk estimations, the researchers modeled individual athletes' probabilities of sustaining a concussion or injury and compared model estimates to athlete perceptions. While recognizing that many people underestimate health risks, the authors point out that the risks college football athletes face may be more severe or debilitating than those faced by many in the general population. Given this elevated risk profile, they say it is concerning that athletes tend to underestimate the likelihood of these risks. These results raise questions about informed consent and how much risk should be acceptable in the context of a game, Baugh and her co-authors write.

"That athletes underestimated their risk of concussion and injury in this study raises important ethical considerations," Baugh and her colleagues write. "What is the threshold for college athletes to be sufficiently informed of the risks and benefits of football to make decisions that align with their values and preferences?"


In addition to Baugh, four co-authors are listed. Those authors are affiliated with the University of Washington, the Seattle Children's Research Institute, Boston Children's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, where Baugh completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mental Health Policy prior to joining the CU School of Medicine.

About the University of Colorado School of Medicine

Faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine work to advance science and improve care. These faculty members include physicians, educators and scientists at UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital, Children's Hospital Colorado, Denver Health, National Jewish Health, and the Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System. The school is located on the Anschutz Medical Campus, one of four campuses in the University of Colorado system.

Story tip from Johns Hopkins expert on Covid-19


Research News

In a study that looked at suicide deaths during 2020's first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maryland, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers found that, contrary to general predictions of suicides skyrocketing, suicides in the overall population actually dropped, relative to previous years. However, the researchers also discovered that suicide deaths increased dramatically among Black Marylanders during the same period.

The researchers say that their findings, published Dec. 16, 2020, in JAMA Psychiatry, highlight the importance of timely identification of high-risk groups and vulnerable populations to reduce suicide numbers.

Black Americans have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, underlining long-standing health and social inequities. "Looking at suicide trends by race emphasizes the economic divide we're seeing in America and unfortunately, that divide also is a racial one," says Paul Nestadt, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

According to Nestadt, the increase in suicides among Black Marylanders -- during the period when COVID-19 deaths peaked and the state was locked down -- could be reflective of a socioeconomic divide. In comparison, he adds, the unexpected decrease in suicides in white Marylanders could be due to greater capacity for remote work or benefit from economic relief efforts.

"I think we're all in this COVID-19 storm together, but not everyone is having the same experience," says Nestadt. "Folks who are in places of economic privilege have been able to continue working more or less remotely, to take time off for themselves, reconnect with family, start a new hobby and so on, but it's a very different story for people working in service industry jobs."

In their study, the researchers looked at suicide deaths from Jan. 1 through July 7, 2020. The data were divided into three periods: a pre-COVID-19 period 1 (Jan. 1 to March 4, 2020); a "progressive closure" (lockdown) period 2 (March 5 to May 7, 2020); and a "progressive reopening" period 3 (May 8 to July 7, 2020). Daily suicide mortality was divided by race and compared with the same periods, from 2017 through 2019.

During period 1, daily suicide mortality did not differ from the same period in 2017 through 2019 for either race, and, in period 3, the rates did not differ for Black residents compared with previous years. However, period 2 daily suicide deaths among Blacks increased by 94% and decreased 45% among whites, compared with the same period in 2017 through2019.

"The implications of our findings are more far-reaching than just suicidology," says Nestadt. "It should help policymakers recognize the importance of things like economic relief and increasing access to equal care, so that there's an end to such disproportionate deaths."

Nestadt says further research is needed to characterize these trends. As continuing pandemic restrictions drive public health priorities, he says, policy interventions and targeted resource allocation are needed to mitigate disparities affecting Black Americans.


Scientists turned toxic pesticide into treatment against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Russian scientists from Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg have synthesized nitrogen-containing cyclic compounds that differ only in the relative position of side substituents.


Research News

N-Aryl-C-nitroazoles are an important class of heterocyclic compounds. They are used as pesticides and fungicides. However, these substances could be toxic to humans and cause mutations. As they are not frequently used, there is little data about them in the medicinal chemistry literature. However, it has been suggested recently that the groups of compounds that are traditionally avoided can help to fight pathogenic bacteria. Yet, to reduce toxic effects, a great amount of work must be carried out at the molecular level, accurate optimization of the molecular environment of the nitro-heteroaromatic "warhead". The validity of this approach was demonstrated in the early 2000s through the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs delamanid and pretomanid, currently approved for medical use. They act like prodrugs, that is, the substance itself is inactive, but acquires new properties when it enters the human body.

In terms of this work, scientists from the Baltic Federal University together with colleagues from St. Petersburg State University, the L. Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, and the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology in St. Petersburg, are looking for new effective antibacterial drugs, studying various nitrogen heteroaromatic compounds with a nitro group which might be used in medicine further. The compound OTB-021 was found to work well against drug-sensitive strains of tuberculosis pathogens, but was powerless against strains of pathogens that belong to the so-called ESKAPE panel. ESKAPE is an abbreviation for the names of bacterial species most often developing resistance to antibiotics: Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter aerogenes. It is a kind of a pun: "eskape" sounds like "escape", and the bacteria of this panel are known to be resistant to most of the known antibiotics, that is, they seem to "escape" from drugs.

To understand how to modify the compound so that it could act on these pathogenic bacteria the scientists constructed two isomeric (identical in the atomic arrangement) series based on OTB-021. Side amino groups changed their position to make the aromatic nitrogen-rich core of the substance more compact, this should reduce the toxicity of the substance. The sensitivity of microorganisms to a new compound was tested via disk diffusion method. Zones of the inhibition of bacterial growth by antibiotic disks and dried solution of the compound in Petri dishes were measured.

It turned out that the ESKAPE bacteria were easily suppressed by the new substances. The minimal concentration of the chemical that prevents the growth of bacteria (μg / ml) for the tested substance shows a result comparable to the use of a ml of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin: for example, 0.3 μg / ml of an antibiotic for Enterococcus acts the same as 2 μg / ml of one of the new substances.

"Starting from the structure of the antimycobacterial OTB-021 which has no activity against ESKAPE pathogens, we developed, synthesized, and tested two isomeric series of novel analogs with an amino group that changes its position in the structure." These compounds can inhibit the growth of all ESKAPE pathogens. Probably, they will help to develop new effective drugs against bacterial diseases which are sometimes very difficult to treat," says Mikhail Krasavin, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor and researcher at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.


Order and disorder in crystalline ice explained

A new theoretical model enlightens the structure and the electrical properties of pure and doped ice


Research News


A fascinating substance with unique properties, ice has intrigued humans since time immemorial. Unlike most other materials, ice at very low temperature is not as ordered as it could be. A collaboration between the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the Institute of Physics Rosario (IFIR-UNR), with the support of the Istituto Officina dei Materiali of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IOM), made new theoretical inroads on the reasons why this happens and on the way in which some of the missing order can be recovered. In that ordered state the team of scientists have described a relatively obscure and yet fundamental property of very low temperature ice, ferroelectricity. The results, published in PNAS, are likely to extend to ice surfaces, a possibility that could be relevant to the agglomeration of ice particles in interstellar space.

"In an ideally ordered piece of ice the hydrogen atoms of each water molecule should point in the same direction, like soldiers in a platoon looking in front of them," explains Alessandro Laio, physicist of SISSA and ICTP. "If that was the case, ice would exhibit a macroscopic electric polarization ? it would be ferroelectric. Instead, water molecules in ice, even at very low temperature, behave like unruly soldiers, and all look in different directions."

This anomalous behaviour, discovered experimentally in the 1930s, was immediately and famously explained by Linus Pauling: the lack of discipline is an effect of the 'ice rule' constraint ? every oxygen atom should at any moment possess two and only two protons to make it H2O. The difficult kinetics created by that constraint causes the ordering process to become infinitely slow, as in a platoon where each soldier had four neighbours and had to keep two hands on the shoulders of two of them.

"Were it not for impurities or defects, which turned out to play a revealing role, one would still today not know whether proton order and ferroelectricity of bulk crystalline ice is a real possibility or a figment of the imagination, since neither experiments nor simulations could overcome the ice rule-generated kinetic slowdown," points out Erio Tosatti, physicist of SISSA, ICTP and CNR-IOM Democritos.

Impurities, such as one KOH replacing H2O, are in fact known to allow the ordering process to nucleate and ice to turn ordered and ferroelectric at very low temperature, although only partly and sluggishly. Once again, the 'ice rule' was suspected to be behind the sluggishness of this process, but exactly how that worked was not really known.

Together with Jorge Lasave and Sergio Koval of the IFIR-UNR in Argentina, both of them ICTP associate members, Alessandro Laio and Erio Tosatti designed a theoretical model and a strategy to explain the behaviour of both pure and doped ice.

"According to this model," the scientists explain, "once an impurity is introduced inside an initial non-equilibrium low temperature disordered state, it acts as a seed for the ordered phase, but in a peculiar manner: not all the 'soldiers' around the impurity start looking in the correct direction, but only those in front or behind the impurity. Thus, at the end of the process only a string of soldiers inside the platoon will become ordered." This highly atypical process has many of the characteristics that can explain the sluggish and incomplete onset of ferroelectric order in real doped ice.

"Although the study is restricted for now to bulk ice," Tosatti and Laio conclude, "the mechanism highlighted is likely to extend to ice surfaces, where strings of ordered protons could nucleate at low temperatures, explaining a long known small amount of local ferroelectric polarization, a phenomenon also mentioned as possibly relevant to the agglomeration of ice particles in interstellar space."


Imaging the twilight zone

General anesthesia and normal sleep affect brain in an amazingly similar way as consciousness fades


Research News




What happens in the brain when our conscious awareness fades during general anesthesia and normal sleep? Finnish scientists studied this question with novel experimental designs and functional brain imaging. They succeeded in separating the specific changes related to consciousness from the more widespread overall effects, and discovered that the effects of anesthesia and sleep on brain activity were surprisingly similar. These novel findings point to a common central core brain network fundamental for human consciousness.

Explaining the biological basis of human consciousness is one of the greatest challenges of science. While the loss and return of consciousness, as regulated by drugs or physiological sleep, have been employed as model systems in the study of human consciousness, previous research results have been confounded by many experimental simplifications.

"One major challenge has been to design a set-up, where brain data in different states differ only in respect to consciousness. Our study overcomes many previous confounders, and for the first time, reveals the neural mechanisms underlying connected consciousness," says Harry Scheinin, Docent of Pharmacology, Anesthesiologist, and the Principal Investigator of the study from the University of Turku, Finland.

A new and innovative experimental set-up

Brain activity was measured with positron emission tomography (PET) imaging during different states of consciousness in two separate experiments in the same group of healthy subjects. Measurements were made during wakefulness, escalating and constant levels of two anesthetic agents, and during sleep-deprived wakefulness and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep.

In the first experiment, the subjects were randomly allocated to receive either propofol or dexmedetomidine (two anesthetic agents with different molecular mechanisms of action) at stepwise increments until the subjects no longer responded. In the sleep study, they were allowed to fall asleep naturally. In both experiments, the subjects were roused to achieve rapid recovery to a responsive state, followed by immediate and detailed interviews of subjective experiences from the preceding unresponsive period. Unresponsive anesthetic states and verified NREM sleep stages, where a subsequent report of mental content included no signs of awareness of the surrounding world, indicated a disconnected state in the study participants. Importantly, the drug dosing in the first experiment was not changed before or during the shift in the behavioral state of the subjects.

"This unique experimental design was the key idea of our study and enabled us to distinguish the changes that were specific to the state of consciousness from the overall effects of anesthesia," explains Annalotta Scheinin, Anesthesiologist, Doctoral Candidate and the first author of the paper.

Researchers discovered a common central core brain network

When PET images of responsive and connected brains were compared with those of unresponsive and disconnected, the scientists found that activity of the thalamus, cingulate cortices and angular gyri were affected independently of the used anesthetic agent, drug concentration and direction of change in the state of consciousness (see figure). Strikingly analogous findings were obtained when physiological sleep was compared with sleep-deprived wakefulness. Brain activity changes were much more extensive when the disconnected states were compared with a fully awake state. State-specific findings were thus distinct and separable from the overall effects of drug-induced anesthesia and natural sleep, which included widespread suppression of brain activity across cortical areas.

These findings identify a central core brain network that is fundamental for human consciousness.

"General anesthesia seems to resemble normal sleep more than has traditionally been thought. This interpretation is, however, well in line with our recent electrophysiological findings in another anesthesia study," says Harry Scheinin.

Subjective experiences are common during general anesthesia

Interestingly, unresponsiveness rarely denoted unconsciousness (i.e., total absence of subjective experiences), as most participants reported internally generated experiences, such as dreams, in the interviews. This is not an entirely new finding as dreams are commonly reported by patients after general anesthesia.

"However, because of the minimal delay between the awakenings and the interviews, the current results add significantly to our understanding of the nature of the anesthetic state. Against a common belief, full loss of consciousness is not needed for successful general anesthesia, as it is sufficient to just disconnect the patient's experiences from what is going on in the operating room," explains Annalotta Scheinin.

The new study sheds light on the fundamental nature of human consciousness and brings new information on brain functions in intermediate states between wakefulness and complete unconsciousness. These findings may also challenge our current understanding of the essence of general anesthesia.


The experiments were carried out at Turku PET Centre as a joint effort of the research groups of Harry Scheinin studying anesthesia mechanisms, and Professor of Psychology Antti Revonsuo studying human consciousness and the brain from the point of view of philosophy and psychology, in collaboration with Professor Michael Alkire from the University of California, Irvine, USA. Turku PET Centre is a Finnish National Research Institute established by University of Turku, Ã…bo Akademi University and Turku University Hospital. The study was funded by the Academy of Finland and the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation.