Thursday, March 25, 2021

US report: Bald eagle populations soar in lower 48 states

WASHINGTON — The number of American bald eagles has quadrupled since 2009, with more than 300,000 birds soaring over the lower 48 states, government scientists said in a report Wednesday.

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said bald eagles, the national symbol that once teetered on the brink of extinction, have flourished in recent years, growing to more than 71,400 nesting pairs and an estimated 316,700 individual birds.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, in her first public appearance since being sworn in last week, hailed the eagle's recovery and noted that the majestic, white-headed bird has always been considered sacred to Native American tribes and the United States generally.

“The strong return of this treasured bird reminds us of our nation’s shared resilience and the importance of being responsible stewards of our lands and waters that bind us together,'' said Haaland, the first Native American Cabinet secretary.

Bald eagles reached an all-time low of 417 known nesting pairs in 1963 in the lower 48 states. But after decades of protection, including banning the pesticide DDT and placement of the eagle on the endangered species list in more than 40 states, the bald eagle population has continued to grow. The bald eagle was removed from the list of threatened or endangered species in 2007.

“It is clear that the bald eagle population continues to thrive,'' Haaland said, calling the bird's recovery a “success story (that) is a testament to the enduring importance of the work of the Interior Department scientists and conservationists. This work could not have been done without teams of people collecting and analyzing decades’ worth of science ... accurately estimating the bald eagle population here in the United States.''

The celebration of the bald eagle “is also a moment to reflect on the importance of the Endangered Species Act, a vital tool in the efforts to protect America’s wildlife,'' Haaland said, calling the landmark 1973 law crucial to preventing the extinction of species such as the bald eagle or American bison.

Reiterating a pledge by President Joe Biden, Haaland said her department will review actions by the Trump administration “to undermine key provisions" of the endangered species law. She did not offer specifics, but environmental groups and Democratic lawmakers criticized the Trump administration for a range of actions, including reducing critical habitat for the northern spotted owl and lifting protections for gray wolves.

“We will be taking a closer look at all of those revisions and considering what steps to take to ensure that all of us — states, Indian tribes, private landowners and federal agencies — have the tools we need to conserve America’s natural heritage and strengthen our economy,'' Haaland said.

“We have an obligation to do so because future generations must also experience our beautiful outdoors, the way many of us have been blessed,'' she added.

Martha Williams, deputy director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, called recovery of the bald eagle “one of the most remarkable conservation success stories of all time" and said she hopes all Americans get the chance to see a bald eagle in flight.

“They're magnificent to see,” she said.

To estimate the bald eagle population in the lower 48 states, Fish and Wildlife Service biologists and observers conducted aerial surveys over a two-year period in 2018 and 2019. The agency also worked with the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology to acquire information on areas that were not practical to fly over as part of aerial surveys.

Matthew Daly, The Associated Press

People downwind of atomic blasts renew push for US payout

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — In the desert northeast of Las Vegas, residents living along the Nevada-Arizona border would gather on their front porches for bomb parties or ride horses into the fields to watch as the U.S. government conducted atomic tests during a Cold War-era race to build up the nation's nuclear arsenal.

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About 100 of those tests were aboveground, and U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton of Arizona testified during a congressional subcommittee hearing Wednesday that residents at the time marveled at the massive orange mushroom clouds billowing in the distance.

“They had no idea. They were never told that they were being exposed to dangerous cancer-causing radiation,” Stanton said. “As a direct result of the radiation exposure from these tests, thousands of Arizonans have suffered from cancer, entire families have suffered from cancer and far too many have died.”

He and others testified as part of a renewed push for compensation from the U.S. government following uranium mining and nuclear testing carried out during the Cold War.

Lawmakers from several Western states, advocacy groups and residents have been urging Congress to expand a payout program for years, and advocates say the latest push takes on added weight because the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act is set to expire next year. Wednesday’s hearing was the first on the issue since 2018, advocates said.

In New Mexico, about 40,000 people lived within a 50-mile (80-kilometre) radius of a military range where the world’s first atomic bomb was detonated as part of World War II's top-secret Manhattan Project, said Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium.

The advocacy group has been trying for years to bring awareness to the lingering effects of nuclear fallout surrounding the Trinity Site. She told the committee that the bomb, being the first, was inefficient and sent a fireball of plutonium into the atmosphere.

“For days, radioactive ash fell from the sky and settled on everything — the soil, in the water, in the air, on the plants and on the skin of every living thing. It was a public health disaster of grand proportions,” Cordova testified.

The rural residents who lived off the land were never told about the test or warned about the potential dangers, she said.

Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez testified about the environmental and health effects of decades of uranium mining on tribal land. He said more than 30 million tons of ore were extracted from Navajo lands to support U.S. nuclear activities, with many Navajos working in the mines without knowledge of the dangers.

He also pointed to a massive spill in 1979 that spewed radioactive tailings and wastewater onto tribal lands in the Church Rock area in western New Mexico.

A multibillion-dollar defence spending package approved last year included an apology to New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and other states affected by radiation from nuclear testing over the decades, but no action was taken on legislation that sought to change and broaden the compensation program.

U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, who sponsored the bill to expand the program when he was in the House, recalled how a Navajo woman previously asked lawmakers whether they were waiting for the people who were exposed to radiation to die so the problem would go away.

“It's just not right,” Luján said, pointing to those on the Navajo Nation as well as people downwind in New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Guam who are not eligible for payouts. “These people deserve justice.”

The compensation program covers workers who became sick as a result of the radiation hazards of their jobs and some of those who lived downwind of the Nevada Test Site, where the federal government conducted several hundred nuclear explosive tests over four decades. Excluded are residents near the Trinity Site in New Mexico, others who were downwind in Nevada and Arizona, miners who worked in the industry after 1971, veterans who cleaned up radioactive waste in the Marshall Islands and others.

The program has paid out nearly $2.5 billion on more than 37,000 claims since 1990. If Congress doesn't doesn't renew the program, no more claims can be filed after July 2022.

Congressional analysts and others could not answer the committee's questions about the potential number of new claims that could be filed if eligibility were expanded.

U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson, a Democrat from Georgia, said payouts so far amounted to a pittance when compared to the half-billion dollars the country expects to spend on maintaining its nuclear arsenal over the next decade.

Susan Montoya Bryan, The Associated Press
Three previously-unknown microbes discovered aboard ISS

Cheryl Santa Maria 

Three strains of bacteria previously unknown to science have been discovered aboard the International Space Station (ISS), according to a new paper appearing in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology.

The team, comprised of researchers from the U.S. and India in partnership with NASA, isolated four strains of bacteria belonging to the family Methylobacteriaceae from different locations on the ISS.

Methylobacterium species have numerous functions, the study authors say, including "nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, abiotic stress tolerance, plant growth promotion and biocontrol activity against plant pathogens."

Three of the strains were previously unknown and have been given the designations IF7SW-B2T, IIF1SW-B5, and IIF4SW-B5. The team has proposed calling the new novel species Methylobacterium ajmalii, in honour of Indian biodiversity scientist Dr. Ajmal Khan.

Dr. Nitin Kumar Singh of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) says the strains may contain "biotechnologically useful genetic determinants" for growing crops in space, an issue that is becoming increasingly important as we look to send human explorers to Mars.

Learning to grow food in a harsh environment like space can also have implications for life on Earth, as it could help farmers offset the negative effects of climate change. Expanding our agricultural knowledge can also help reduce food security.
© Provided by The Weather Network

And, like many technologies developed by NASA, the ideas may have implications for life on Earth, by teaching us about growing crops in harsh environments and reducing food insecurity.

For the past six years, eight locations on the ISS have been monitored for bacterial growth, with hundreds of samples analyzed to date.

The team will now focus its attention on analyzing the new strains to see what insight they may be able to provide.

Archaeologists identify 3,200-year-old temple mural of spider god in Peru

Sam Jones 

Archaeologists in northern Peru have identified a 3,200-year-old mural painted on the side of an ancient adobe temple that is thought to depict a zoomorphic, knife-wielding spider god associated with rain and fertility.
© Photograph: ANDINA/AFP/Getty Images Experts believe the shrine was built by the pre-Columbian Cupisnique culture, which developed along Peru’s northern coast more than 3,000 years ago.

The mural – applied in ochre, yellow, grey and white paint to the wall of the 15m by 5m mud brick structure in the Virú province of Peru’s La Libertad region – was discovered last year after much of the site was destroyed by local farmers trying to extend their avocado and sugarcane plantations.

Experts believe the shrine was built by the pre-Columbian Cupisnique culture, which developed along Peru’s northern coast more than 3,000 years ago.

The archaeologist Régulo Franco Jordán said the shrine’s strategic location near the river had led researchers to believe it had been a temple dedicated to water deities.

© Provided by The Guardian The mural – applied in ochre, yellow, grey and white paint to the wall of the 15m by 5m mud brick structure in the Virú province of Peru’s La Libertad region – was discovered last year. Photograph: ANDINA/AFP/Getty Images

“What we have here is a shrine that would have been a ceremonial centre thousands of years ago,” he told Peru’s La República newspaper.

“The spider on the shrine is associated with water and was an incredibly important animal in pre-Hispanic cultures, which lived according to a ceremonial calendar. It’s likely that there was a special, sacred water ceremony held between January and March when the rains came down from the higher areas.”

According to the archeologists, about 60% of the complex, which lies 500km north of Lima, was destroyed in November last year when farmers in the region used heavy machinery to try to extend their crop fields.

Related: Huge cat found etched into desert among Nazca Lines in Peru

Jordán has named the temple Tomabalito after the nearby archaeological site known as el Castillo de Tomabal.

“The site has been registered and the discovery will be covered up until the [Covid] pandemic is over and it can be properly investigated,” he told La República.

The spider god is not the only ancient animal artwork to have appeared in Peru over recent months. In October last year, the form of an enormous cat, dated to between 200 BC and 100 BC, emerged during work to improve access to one of the hills that overlooks the country’s famous Nazca line geoglyphs.
Twyla Tharp, nearing 80, isn't slowing down. Next question?

NEW YORK — The new PBS documentary on dancer-choreographer Twyla Tharp is called “Twyla Moves.” In retrospect, that sounds a bit weak.

© Provided by The Canadian Press

It really should be called “Twyla Moves And Won’t Stop As Long As She Has a Detectable Pulse,” a title that might perhaps begin to capture the fierceness with which Tharp, who turns 80 this year, approaches both work and life.

It’s a fierceness that led her at one point to take boxing lessons with Teddy Atlas, who trained Mike Tyson, to get in the best possible condition for a piece she was doing. “I eventually had to stop boxing because I got hit and broke my nose,” she recalled in an interview this week. “I said, ‘OK, your boxing days are over.’”

It’s also a fierceness that greets you the minute you begin a phone conversation with Tharp, whose words tumble out with striking speed and rarely a second of hesitation. She doesn’t need long to formulate fully developed thoughts -- nor does she seem to enjoy wasting time. In a recent Zoom group event, she was asked why she hadn’t done more movies. She proceeded to quickly list those she’d done -- “Hair,” “White Nights” and “Amadeus” among them -- with just a hint of impatience.

Given all that, it would seem obvious that something like a global pandemic wouldn't force Tharp off course, or keep her on the sofa binge-watching Netflix. On a recent afternoon, Tharp began a conversation by explaining why she’d had to postpone a few hours: Since 4 a.m. that morning she’d been choreographing a new work with ballet dancers in Düsseldorf, Germany. Choreography via Zoom, she noted, “is very strenuous — very limited from a sensory point of view.”

And perhaps especially for a choreographer like Tharp, who doesn’t simply sit and instruct dancers — she teaches by showing, even now. To be in that kind of shape approaching one’s ninth decade on earth is a challenge that would elude most of us. Part of Tharp’s physical regimen involves sticking to 1,200 calories a day.

“I don’t like carrying extra weight,” she says. “I like feeling what I call ‘on the bone,’ literally very close to the bone. For one thing the feet have suffered a certain amount of abuse, and I like to keep as much weight as possible out of them."

It’s shocking she hasn’t permanently damaged those feet. To say Tharp’s choreography is merely athletic is to understate the way in which it has stretched her artists and herself to the limits. Billy Joel, who collaborated with Tharp on the 2002 Broadway hit “Movin’ Out,” set to his music, speaks of being in rehearsal and watching dancers “throwing themselves around the stage — I was worried about people getting injured! I felt like, ‘Take it easy! Watch out for the end of the stage!’ They were risking life and limb every night.”

Musician David Byrne, with whom she worked on an earlier show, “The Catherine Wheel” in 1981, felt the same. ”These were top-notch dancers and she was pushing them to the limits of what they could do physically,” he says in the film.

Tharp explains it simply: "Part of the adventure for me has always been a physical challenge." She notes matter-of-factly that at one point in her weight training, she could lift 227 pounds, "and I am 108 pounds, so that's twice my body weight. I go for records and that’s what I do. I think anybody who works with me expects that same challenge.”

Needless to say, Tharp doesn’t seem to care a lot about physical comfort — or comfort of any kind. Ask, for example, whether she was comfortable being the subject of a documentary, and she says drily: “I’m not sure what you mean by comfortable.” Enjoyable? Nah. “It’s work, like anything else. I don’t attach to it commodities like comfort or enjoyment.”

Indeed, the theme itself is work. In one old clip, TV host Dick Cavett asks Tharp what she does to relax after a long period of work. “Work more,” she replies. You believe her.

Tharp didn’t want the film, directed by Steven Cantor and part of the American Masters series, to feel like a biography. She wanted a lot more present tense in there. “Often when you’re dealing with something that has as much history as I do or backlog, you can get lost in the past,” she says. “One of my conditions was that I’d be doing new work.”

So we watch her creating a new Zoom version of her work “The Princess and the Goblin,” with several prominent dancers handpicked for the film, including Misty Copeland of American Ballet Theatre, Maria Khoreva of the Mariinsky Ballet in Russia, Herman Cornejo of ABT, and Charlie Hodges, a longtime Tharp dancer. “Part of the mission here was that dance is always about getting the job done, that even under the most difficult of situations — no physical contact, good luck with that if your'e a dancer! — we can still deliver something, because we’re dancers. We’ll do it!"

But the jewel is her archive, which spans her career, beginning with her experiments in modern dance from the '60s. She's shown dancing with Mikhail Baryshnikov, or working with him on “White Nights” with Gregory Hines. There are snippets from gems like the hugely popular “In the Upper Room,” a ballet set to the propulsive music of Philip Glass. Tharp began videotaping her work in 1968. “I have many many many thousands of hours of tape thoroughly documenting every piece I’ve ever made," she says, “because I am an art historian.”

There's nowhere near enough time to include her vast repertoire. About half the show is on the Zoom project -- 41 minutes, she notes with a choreographer’s precision -- “and that leaves you with 20 from when you were born to grew up and you're not not quite dead yet, then another 20 for 150 works and four books...”

And she’s not near done. Asked in the film whether she's achieved her mission, she says: “Not quite.” Asked by this reporter when that might be, she offered: “When I die?”

“There’s nothing that could hold Twyla back from creating — it feeds her,” says Copeland in the film. “We’re all trying to keep up with her, is the moral of the story.”

Jocelyn Noveck, The Associated Press
New 'Lord of the Rings' edition to include Tolkien artwork

NEW YORK — An upcoming edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy will include paintings, drawings and other illustrations by the British author for the first time since it was published in the mid-1950s.

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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books & Media announced Thursday that the new version will come out Oct. 19. Deb Brody, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's vice-president and publisher, noted that Tolkien was already known for his illustrations which appeared in “The Hobbit" and that his artwork for “The Lord of the Rings” had been exhibited in 2018 in New York, Paris and in Oxford, England

‘Yet the author himself was characteristically modest, dismissive of the obvious and rare artistic talent he possessed despite having had no formal training," Brody said in a statement. “This modesty meant that relatively little else of his artwork was known of or seen during his lifetime, and generally only in scholarly books afterwards.”

“The Lord of the Rings” books, which include “The Fellowship of the Ring,” “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King,” are among the bestselling fantasy novels in history. They were adapted into a blockbuster trilogy of films by director Peter Jackson.

The Associated Press
Winnipeg’s New Inuit Art Centre, Qaumajuq, Is Astounding And Ambitious

Siku Allooloo
© Provided by Chatelaine A photo of Qaumajuq, the new Inuit art centre in Winnipeg.
(Photo: Lindsay Reid)

In my father’s community of Mittimatalik, Nunavut, spring ushers in the return of the sun after several months of darkness. It’s a fitting season for the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) to debut its new Inuit art centre, Qaumajuq. Emerging from a long colonial legacy that still shadows Canada and the world, this astounding new building redefines the very function and possibilities of cultural institutions. Qaumajuq (pronounced kow-ma-yourk or sometimes heard how-ma-yourk) means “it is bright, it is lit” in Inuktitut, and it heralds an exciting new era for Indigenous art.

Since the mid-19th Century, Inuit art has been shipped thousands of kilometres away from our people and where our stories take place, to be primarily shown (and housed) in spaces that are largely inaccessible to us. This month, a big change in accessibility and relationship to community arrives with the opening of Qaumajuq, along with an array of transformative ideas several years in the making.

At 40,000 square-feet, Qaumajuq is also one of the biggest exhibition spaces for Indigenous art in North America. Architect Michael Maltzan’s design was “inspired by the landscapes, light, and peoples of the North, and reflects the forms and spirits of Inuit art.” Connected to the WAG by four glass bridges, the monumental four-storey centre houses nearly 14,000 pieces of Inuit art—the world’s largest collection.

© Provided by Chatelaine An interior photo of Qaumajuq
(Photo: Lindsay Reid)

The grandiose scale is matched in innovation. This was led by the WAG’s Indigenous Advisory Circle, which challenged the gallery to completely rethink its use of space and artistic values in 2017. Thanks to the Circle’s exceptional co-chairs, the visionary curators Heather Igloliorte and Julie Nagam, as well as the willingness of the WAG to pursue institutional change, Indigenous knowledge holders, artists, curators and linguists from across Manitoba and Inuit Nunangat were able to guide staff in the decolonization and restructuring of a prestigious 109-year-old art institution.

Collaboration like this is embarrassingly rare. Canadian institutions often pay lip service to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, or the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, but are slow to implement structural change. For art galleries and museums, moving from exploitation to respect means shifting the focus from objects to artists, and the communities we come from. It is, as Indigenous peoples have always asserted, about centring relationships–and actions that invite good relations. This includes dedicating resources, space and opportunities to Indigenous artists, and making way for cultural innovation that generates abundance for all.

Video: World’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit art goes on display in Winnipeg (

One of the Circle’s successful suggestions was permanent, free admission for Indigenous peoples. “We want to send the message that you’re important here,” says Igloliorte. Indigenous staff are also being hired at all levels of operation, from security to management. “It is exciting to witness these changes going forward even before the new building has opened.”

Last fall, the entire WAG was transformed by Indigenous naming processes led by the Circle, along with a group of elders and language keepers. Following Qaumajuq, the existing WAG building also received a new name, Biindigin Biwaasaeyaah, which means “Come on in, the dawn of light is here” in Anishnaabemowin. Gallery spaces inside both buildings were renamed in Anishnaabemowin, Nêhiyawêwin, Dakota, Sayisi Dene, Michif, and four dialects of Inuktitut—reflecting the presence of all Indigenous nations across Manitoba and Inuit Nunangat. All staff are trained in the proper pronunciation of each name, so they can guide and welcome visitors through this reimagined space, which, in effect, prioritizes land acknowledgement above wealthy donors.
© Provided by Chatelaine 
A photo of the glass exhibition vault in the entrance way of Qaumajuq.
(Photo: Lindsay Reid)

The centre of the entrance hall at Qaumajuq holds an exquisite three-storey glass vault showcasing the gallery’s entire collection of 8,000 Inuit carvings. “It’s exciting that the WAG is bringing these out of the windowless vault, and into the light!” says Igloliorte. This space is named Ilavut (“our relatives” in Inuktitut), honouring both the artworks and the artists as relatives, as well as all people whose cultural heritage is housed within Qaumajuq. Entry to Ilavut and the whole main level of the WAG is free to everyone.

This month’s opening exhibition, “INUA” is a landmark in Canadian history and an unprecedented celebration of Inuit art, led by a curatorial group representing all four regions of Inuit Nunangat. Joining Igloliorte, who is an art historian from Nunatsiavut, are Krista Ulujuk Zawadski, curator of Inuit Art for the government of Nunavut; artist and sculptor Kablusiakq (of the Inuvialuit Region); and Sobey Award-winning and multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker Asinnajaq (of Nunavik).

INUA showcases art of all media by Inuit artists from across Canada, as well as a selection of work by Indigenous artists from across the circumpolar world. I am fortunate enough to be one of the artists. To be showing my sealskin poem, Akia (2019), alongside other Inuit work in a momentous exhibition celebrating past, present and future of our art, in a space designed to uplift all peoples is a deeply wonderful reality I could not have imagined.

Qaumajuq, at long last, has arrived. Let us welcome the sun!

Virtual opening ceremony, March 25 and 26. Open to the public with limited capacity, March 27.

The perils of wandering wolves: M2001, a lone male from Banff, shot dead by Montana hunter

Tyler Dawson 
© Provided by National Post File photo of a grey wolf Kootenay National Park. Research indicates the mortality of wolves increases significantly once they leave the relative safety of national parks.

A grey wolf from Banff travelled around 500 kilometres, across the Alberta-British Columbia border, and into Montana — all in just five days — where it met its end at the hands of a Montana hunter, a stark reminder of the perils faced by animal populations once they leave the protective borders of national parks.

Wolf M2001, a lone male, made the journey down the spine of the Rockies, starting from Kananaskis Country, just east of Banff National Park, through Fernie, B.C., and then crossing into the United States — likely in search of a new pack or mate.

He was shot dead on March 8, Parks Canada officials confirmed, saying they tracked the wolf with a GPS collar as it made its journey.

“It is legal in Montana for landowners to remove wolves that potentially threaten livestock, domestic dogs or human safety,” said a Parks Canada statement.

Such trips are not unusual, especially for young wolves, that leave in search of new packs, hunting and living territory, most commonly when the wolves are between one-and-a-half and three-years old.

But research indicates the mortality of wolves increases significantly once they leave the relative safety of national parks, although even within park borders, they risk being hit by vehicles or trains or euthanized should they become too used to humans.

Once they cross park boundaries, however, they’re at risk of being killed by hunters and trappers, both in Canada and the United States.

Hunters killed more than 200 grey wolves in Wisconsin, 82% more than the state's limit

A 2020 study, which tracked 72 wolves between 1987 and 2018, found that wolves that left Banff National Park were 6.7 times more likely to die. Those that left the park had a 44 per cent chance of survival, compared to 84 per cent for those who lived within the park.

“Indeed, the greatest risk factor in our study was whether wolves left the protection of the park in winter during the hunting and trapping season on adjacent provincial lands,” the study says.

Most the deaths outside the park were caused by hunting — 18 per cent — and trapping — 36 per cent. In some parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan, municipalities pay bounties on wolves, coyotes and other predators, according to a 2015 research paper.

For example, Big Lakes, Alta., a county located northwest of Edmonton, offers $250 per wolf pelt, according to the municipality website. Wildlife advocate suggest these municipal programs have paid out hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to hunters and trappers over the years. Other areas have hosted “kill contests,” where teams compete to see how many animals, often coyotes, can be killed in a period of time.

The perils for wandering wolves isn’t just a problem for the animals in Canadian parks. In February, Greg Gianforte, the Republican Governor of Montana, trapped and killed a six-year-old wolf. It had travelled more than 16 kilometres away from Yellowstone National Park, and so was fair game. Gianforte hadn’t actually done the requisite training to trap wolves, and received a written warning.

As it happens, the wolves in Yellowstone are actually wolves that were relocated from Banff and Jasper National Park in the 1990s.

The death of Wolf M2001 also comes shortly after Wisconsin hunters killed 20 per cent of the state’s wolf hunting quota in one 60-hour period at the end of February, resulting in the death of 216 wolves. This wildly exceeded the state’s quota of 119 dead wolves in a hunt that also happened during the breeding season of the grey wolf.

The cull came after the U.S. administration under former president Donald Trump removed the grey wolf from the endangered species list.

With additional reporting from the Washington Post

• Email: | Twitter: tylerrdawson

After The Mass Shooting In Colorado, Advocates Ask: Will We Ever Have Gun Reform?
Sarah Midkiff 

Ten people were shot and killed on Monday when an unidentified gunman opened fire at a grocery store in Boulder, CO. According to authorities, a suspect is in custody after being injured during the shooting, but they are still unsure of what prompted the attack.

© Provided by Refinery29 BOULDER, CO – MARCH 22: Police respond at a King Sooper’s grocery store where a gunman opened fire on March 22, 2021 in Boulder, Colorado. Ten people, including a police officer, were killed in the attack. (Photo by Chet Strange/Getty Images)

Around 2:30 p.m. yesterday, shoppers and employees ran for cover and some escaped through the back of the King Soopers grocery store, which is part of a large shopping center a few miles south of the University of Colorado campus. A witness who posted a live video from the scene not long after the shooting began said he heard about a dozen shots and three people injured. Two of the people injured were in the parking lot, while one was inside the supermarket. The first officer who was on the scene was also shot and killed.

“These were people going about their day, doing their food shopping, and their lives were cut abruptly and tragically short by the shooter, who is now in custody,” Boulder County district attorney Michael Dougherty said at a news conference on Monday night.

Investigators have revealed few details about the gunman other than that they have a suspect in custody and he has been injured. Videos of the massacre show a handcuffed man being escorted from the building by police officers. His right leg appears to be covered in blood, but the nature of the suspect’s injuries was unclear.

Among those who were killed, Eric Talley, a Boulder police officer, is the only person to have been identified so far. Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold credited Talley for his bravery as the first on the scene, calling his actions “heroic” during a press conference. “My heart goes out to the victims of the incident and I’m grateful for the police officers who responded,” she said. “I am so sorry about the loss of Officer Talley.”

On Twitter, Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado said he was following the events as they unfolded. “My prayers are with our fellow Coloradans in this time of sadness and grief as we learn more about the extent of the tragedy,” Mr. Polis said before the death toll was announced.

The shooting comes less than a week after a white gunman shot and killed eight people across three different Atlanta massage parlors. And, on Sunday, another gunman opened fire at a Philadelphia “pop-up” party, killing one man and injuring five others. However, unlike the Atlanta killings — which have sparked a national call to end violence against Asian Americans — it is unclear so far if this was a racially motivated attack. Still, many advocates are calling for immediate gun reform policies as a result.

“This past weekend it was a house party in Philadelphia. And last week it was an armed attack on Asian American women in the Atlanta area,” former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who is a shooting survivor, said in a statement. “This is not normal, and it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s beyond time for our leaders to take action.”

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colorado, also called for a national gun violence conversation and nonpartisan action. “It’s long past time for Congress to take meaningful action to keep deadly weapons out of the wrong hands,” he said.

“People in America shouldn’t have to worry about getting shot while shopping for groceries, working a job, going jogging, worshipping, driving home, watching a movie, walking to school, or sleeping,” Everytown for Gun Safety posted on Twitter Monday. “And politicians owe us #MoreThanThoughtsAndPrayers to end our gun violence crisis.”

NRA bragged about blocking AR-15 gun ban before Boulder shooting

The National Rifle Association (NRA) recently boasted about helping to block a ban on assault-style rifles in Boulder, Colo., less than two weeks before 10 people were killed in a mass shooting at a grocery store in the city.

© Chet Strange/Getty Images Healthcare workers walk out of a King Sooper's Grocery store after a gunman opened fire on March 22, 2021 in Boulder, Colorado.

One person was arrested in connection with the mass shooting in Boulder on Monday. Authorities did not immediately provide details of the weapon used, but a senior law enforcement source told CNN that it was an AR-15-style rifle.

Read more: Colorado supermarket shooting suspect charged with 10 counts of 1st degree murder

The shooting occurred days after a Colorado judge blocked Boulder from enforcing a two-year ban on assault-style rifles in the city. The judge ruled that the ban violated an older state law that prohibits municipalities from making their own firearms rules.

Video: Shoppers inside Boulder, Colorado King Soopers grocery store recall shots fired, scramble to get out

The city said at the time that it would consider appealing the ruling, according to the Denver Post, but police said they would not enforce the ban while the case remained unresolved.

Boulder City Council originally passed two ordinances banning assault weapons and large-capacity magazines in 2018. The ban was a direct response to the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., which left 17 people dead.

The NRA celebrated the ruling as victory on its website and on social media last week.

"A Colorado judge gave law-abiding gun owners something to celebrate," the NRA tweeted. "He ruled that the city of Boulder's ban on commonly-owned rifles (AR-15s) and 10+ round mags was preempted by state law and STRUCK THEM DOWN."

The Colorado shooting has sparked another wave of calls for gun control in the United States, as well as a fresh round of backlash against the NRA.

“What happened in Colorado yesterday was predictable and preventable,” Fred Guttenberg, an anti-gun activist and father of a Parkland victim, tweeted on Tuesday. “This is why we have to stop the NRA,” he wrote, along with a screenshot of the NRA’s tweet about the ban.

“Boulder shooter carried an AR-15,” actor Mia Farrow tweeted before that detail had been confirmed. “No civilian needs to own or carry such a weapon.”

Thousands joined Farrow in echoing the hashtag #GunReformNow.

Read more: National Rifle Association says it filed for bankruptcy in move to restructure

The NRA did not directly address the backlash. Instead it doubled down on its defence of the Second Amendment.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed," the NRA tweeted, quoting the Second Amendment within hours of Monday's shooting.

Critics highlighted the phrase "well-regulated" in response to the tweet, and suggested that it should mean greater gun control regulations in the U.S.

In addition to the NRA backlash, police also faced criticism for their response to the mass shooter.

Many accused police of a double standard after the mass shooting suspect was arrested alive following an extended siege at the supermarket. Some compared the incident to the death of Elijah McClain, a Black man who died days after Colorado police put him in a chokehold in 2019, not far from the site of the mass shooting in Boulder. He was not accused of any crimes, but police had stopped him based on a 911 report of a "sketchy" person near a convenience store.

Read more: NRA sends Nerf guns to boy after mall Santa said no to his wish

Hundreds of police officers from the Denver area responded to Monday's incident at the King Soopers supermarket. SWAT officers and heavily-armoured vehicles were also used to end the siege and save most of the people inside the store.

The suspect faces 10 charges of first-degree murder.

— With files from The Associated Press

Anti-Asian racism in Canada: How to have open conversations with kids

Arti Patel 

Following the deadly shooting in Atlanta that left eight dead, including six Asian women, Asian people across North America have been speaking up about ongoing anti-Asian racism and violence.© Getty Images Anti-Asian racism in Canada: How to have open conversations with kids

While parts of Canada saw a rise in anti-Asian racism -- earlier this year Vancouver police noted anti-Asian hate crimes were up 717 per cent in 2020 -- experts say now more than ever all Canadians should be speaking about anti-Asian racism at home.

Mom Cristina Carpio in Toronto and psychologist Gina Wong in Edmonton recently join The Morning Show to talk about having conversations about anti-Asian racism with our children.

Read more: Atlanta shootings puts spotlight back on surge in B.C. anti-Asian racism

Both experts noted racism towards Asian people in Canada isn't new and as Wong points out, has been rooted in Canadian history for decades.

"There is a long-standing history of hate and racism against Asian individuals going far back as over a century ago," she says.

"Chinese workers were brought in to U.S. and Canada to build the railway and seen as a dispensable race."

Read more: These Asian Canadians are concerned as hate crimes spike in the coronavirus pandemic

Once the railway was finished in 1885, the Canadian government enforced a "head tax" and any Chinese immigrant would have to pay a tax from $50 up to $500. This meant millions of dollars over the next few years.

"In 2006 the Canadian government issued an apology and financial reparation, but there is long-standing history of racism against Asians."

Read more: Suspect in Atlanta spa shootings that left 6 Asian women dead charged with murder

Carpio and Wong, who are both moms, added that while the history can be heavy, it's important to start having these conversations with children of all ages.

Carpio says her 16-year-old daughter is troubled by the ongoing news.

"Teens are on social media and it is very hard to shield them from what's going on and I honestly don't think we should shield them," she says, adding that children need to understand the impacts of racism.

"It is so heartbreaking for her to watch elderly Asians on video getting attacked and hearing about Asian kids like her getting discriminated and bullied."

She says parents have the responsibility to engage in these types of conversations and also find out how their children are reacting and feeling.

Wong says for any parent, Asian or non-Asian, it is important to not be complacent and acknowledge how burned out some parents are.

She adds we should spend time being positive role models to our children and teaching them when to speak up against anti-Asian racism.

Read more: Calgary seeing rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, incidents, police, community members say

She also adds as allies, education is key.

It's important to learn about sinophobia (hatred against Asians) and understanding self-worth.

"When we teach our children self-worth we are empowering them," Wong says. "They have their own sense of worthiness, they are more likely to speak out."

For the full interview, watch the video 

Anti-Asian racism rises across parts of Canada, the U.S.

Sandra Oh Delivers Powerful Speech at Stop Asian Hate Rally: “I’m Proud to Be Asian”

Ata Owaji Victor 
Sandra Oh at Atlanta Rally
The rally comes a few days after a shooting in Atlanta.

This story originally appeared on ELLE UK

Sandra Oh has spoken out against hate and violence towards the Asian community.

On Saturday, the 49-year-old Killing Eve actor delivered a powerful speech at a Stop Asian Hate rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The rally came just days after eight people, many of whom were Asian, were killed following a shooting at three spas in Atlanta, Georgia.

The shootings further ignited intentional concerns about a spike in violent hate crimes and attacks directed at people of Asian descent, following a narrative that has put the blame on them for the spread of Covid-19 over the last year.

During the rally, Oh took to the street to deliver a powerful speech, in which she stated that she is ‘proud to be Asian’. The actor continued by addressing the crowd of supporters, noting:

“Pittsburgh, I am so happy and proud to be here with you, and thank you to all the organizers for organizing this just to give us an opportunity to be together and to stand together and to feel each other.”

“For many of us in our community, this is the first time we are even able to voice our fear and our anger, and I really am so grateful to everyone willing to listen.”

“I know many of us in our community are very scared and I understand that and one way to get through our fear is to reach out to our communities. I will challenge everyone here, if you see something will you help me?”

The Greys Anatomy alum ended her speech with the rallying cry: “I am proud to be Asian! I belong here!”

© Instagram: @serietv.and.more Sandra Oh at Atlanta Rally

The actor has joined fellow actors Gemma Chan, John Legend, Lana Condor and many others in a recent call to action to end Asian hate and xenophobia following the shooting, which took place last week.

Over the weekend, the BBC reported that a 21-year-old man named Robert Aaron Long had been charged with murder over the killing of the eight people, six of whom were women.

Many organizations are working to decrease violence and provide resources to the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) community’s most vulnerable members, including Heart of Dinner, Stop AAPI Hate, the Asian Pacific Fund’s COVID-19 Recovery Fund, Welcome to Chinatown, and the Asian Mental Health Collectively.

Read more:

Here’s How You Can Support the Asian Community Right Now

Racism Against the Asian Community Is a Beauty Industry Problem

15 Inspirational Asian Canadians to Know

The post Sandra Oh Delivers Powerful Speech at Stop Asian Hate Rally: "I'm Proud to Be Asian" appeared first on Elle Canada.

Asian Americans seek greater political power

There are 160 Asian American and Pacific Islanders in 33 state legislatures, but 51 are in Hawaii alone. Out of 535 members of Congress, just 17 are of AAPI descent. Activists hope tragedy will spur a push for political activism. (March 23)

    Tax agency lacked tools to keep wage subsidy away from ineligible employers: AG

    Catharine Tunney 
    © Erik White/CBC As of March 21, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy had paid out $71.48 billion.

    Canada's auditor general says the Canada Revenue Agency lacked controls and the up-to-date information it needed to properly assess applicants when the federal government launched its wage subsidy program at the start of the pandemic — putting the integrity of the program at risk.

    In a new report released today, Auditor General Karen Hogan said CRA needs to bolster its tax compliance wing.

    Hogan today tabled three performance reports in the House of Commons on the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of those audits looked at the Canada emergency wage subsidy (CEWS) — a program that, when it was first launched a year ago, subsidized up to 75 per cent of wages for workers who were kept on their employers' payrolls.

    To get the program out the door as quickly as possible, the CRA was only able to conduct limited tests before approving payments, said the audit.

    "Without effective controls for validating payments, the integrity of the program is at risk and ineligible employers might receive the subsidy," said the audit report.

    The AG also said CRA did not have all up‑to‑date earnings and tax data when assessing applicants.

    For example, 28 per cent of applicants did not file a GST/HST return for the 2019 calendar year.

    "We noted that the subsidy was paid to applicants despite their history of penalties for failure to remit and other advance indicators of potential insolvency," said the audit.

    "Indeed, the agency held no legislative authority to deny access to the subsidy on the basis of an employer's history of non‑compliance with tax obligations.

    © Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press Auditor General Karen Hogan holds a press conference after releasing a report in Ottawa on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021.

    "It is our view that this situation presented a risk that the subsidy program would not achieve its goal of maintaining the employee‑employer relationships needed to support economic recovery because it may have subsidized applicants that were operating non‑viable organizations."

    Hogan wrote in a press statement that the sprint to get the program launched highlighted existing weaknesses within the CRA.

    Her team reported that the 273 employees the CRA had enforcing GST/HST delinquent filer compliance earn about $27.7 million in total annual salary — but had a fiscal impact of $3.2 billion for the 2019–2020 fiscal year.

    "These amounts represent a return on investment of more than 100 to 1," said the audit.

    "The fiscal impact includes the federal tax, provincial tax, interest and penalties collected. Given the good return on investment, we encourage the agency to do more of this work."

    The CRA has agreed to strengthen the unit.

    Separate audit looked at CERB

    The team of auditors also found the CRA didn't take steps to prevent Canadians from receiving both the wage subsidy — which as of March 21 has paid out more than $71 billion — and the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB).

    "The agency decided that it would not ask employers applying for the subsidy to provide their employees' social insurance numbers, though this information could have helped the agency prevent the doubling-up of financial support," notes the audit.

    In a separate audit, Hogan also looked at the CERB program, which paid $2,000 a month to millions of Canadians who were either out of work or had lost work due to the pandemic. The most recent figures show the program, which was wound down last fall, had spent about $74 billion as of 4 October 2020.

    Hogan said that while the federal government will have to check up on Canadians who received emergency benefits during the COVID-19 crisis, it did well to get the money out the door and into Canadians' wallets quickly.

    Federal departments relied on applicants' attestations — that they did not quit their jobs voluntarily and that they had stopped working because of the COVID-19 pandemic — when the emergency benefits were issued.

    Hogan's team found that the government knew that relying on applicants' honesty and limiting the number of prepayment controls meant some payments would be issued to people who were not entitled to the benefit. She said accepting a degree of risk in order to get help to those in need was consistent with international best practices.

    Employment and Social Development Canada and Canada Revenue Agency said they are working on collecting ineligible payments.
    Neuroscientists discover 'zombie genes' that come to life in the human brain after death
    IT'S TRUE 

    Devika Desai

    Once a human dies so does their body, we might assume. All major systems shut down, muscles gradually atrophy and all organs, including the brain, are rendered obsolete.

    © Provided by National Post A 'zombie gene' grows tentacles and busies itself with post-death clean up work in the brain tissue

    Not quite so, researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered. Turns out some cells in the human brain don’t take kindly to being told their services are no longer needed and instead grow in size and ramp up their activity for hours after death.

    Scientists studying samples of brain tissue collected during routine brain surgery, watched as these cells, aptly named ‘zombie genes’, sprouted tentacles and went on to clean things up in the brain for several hours post-mortem.

    Only glial cells, inflammatory cells that support the neurons, were observed carrying out the post-mortem maintenance, the researchers wrote in their study.

    “That glial cells enlarge after death isn’t too surprising given that they are inflammatory and their job is to clean things up after brain injuries like oxygen deprivation or stroke,” Dr. Jeffrey Loeb, a neurologist at the University of Illinois and corresponding author on the paper, said in a news release .

    Most previous work on neurological gene expression and brain disorders has been done on brain tissues that have been dead for 12 hours or more.

    However Loeb and his team, noticing differences between the global pattern of activity in fresh human brain tissue versus older tissue, decided to run a simulated death experiment to observe the level of activity in the brain immediately after it was declared dead to about a day post-mortem.

    They used samples of recently collected brain tissues, which had been kept at room temperature to “replicate the postmortem interval.”
    © Dr. Jeffrey Loeb/UIC The glial cell is observed coming back to life and growing in size hours after the human brain died.

    About 80 per cent of the genes analyzed in the brain remained relatively stable for 24 hours, researchers reported, which include genes that provide the basic cellular functions of the brain. Another group of genes connected to human brain activity such as memory, thinking and seizure activity, quickly degraded after death.

    However, as the neuronal genes slowed, the ‘zombie genes’ ramped up their activity, researchers found. This pattern in post-mortem changes continued for several hours, peaking at about 12 hours.

    The discovery, Loeb said, could change the way research studies use postmortem brain tissues to research cures for mental illnesses such as autism, Alzheimer’s, and schizophrenia.

    “Most studies assume that everything in the brain stops when the heart stops beating, but this is not so,” Loeb said. “Our findings will be needed to interpret research on human brain tissues. We just haven’t quantified these changes until now.”

    “The good news from our findings is that we now know which genes and cell types are stable, which degrade, and which increase over time so that results from postmortem brain studies can be better understood,” he said.

    Volcanic ash blamed as Biden envoys' Guatemala trip ditched

    FILE PHOTO: Streams of red hot lava shoot into the night sky during an eruption of the Pacaya volcano, as seen from Los Rios

    By Sofia Menchu

    GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - A delegation of senior Biden administration aides has postponed a trip to Guatemala because of heightened activity by the Pacaya volcano, the Central American country's foreign ministry said on Wednesday.

    Juan Gonzalez, one of U.S. President Joe Biden's top aides for Latin America, and Ricardo Zuniga, newly appointed U.S. special envoy for Central America's Northern Triangle, were due to meet with Guatemalan ministers on Thursday.

    "The mission decided to postpone its arrival in Guatemala because of the conditions with the Pacaya volcano," the foreign ministry said, adding that no new date had yet been set for the postponed meetings.

    Shortly after the postponement was announced, Biden named Vice President Kamala Harris to lead U.S. efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to try and stem the flow of migration, amid a sharp rise in recent weeks.

    Ahead of the scheduled visit, the envoys said the Biden strategy would include a focus on improving the rule of law and tackling corruption in the Northern Triangle.

    "They can criticize us for trying to involve ourselves in internal matters, but when Guatemala's justice system works the United States benefits," Gonzalez told Guatemalan newspaper Prensa Libre.

    Pacaya spewed ash and small rocks across Guatemala's capital on Tuesday, causing the temporary closure of the international airport. The airport was officially open on Wednesday morning, after soldiers armed with plastic brooms swept the runway clean.

    "Foiled by Pacaya," Gonzalez wrote on Twitter. "We will be back."

    (Reporting by Sofia Menchu; Writing by Frank Jack Daniel; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and Rosalba O'Brien)

    Guatemala City airport closed as volcanic ash coats planes

    GUATEMALA CITY — A shift in wind blew ash from an eruption at the Pacaya volcano over Guatemala City on Tuesday, and authorities closed the airport as ash coated planes and planes parked at the terminal.

    © Provided by The Canadian Press

    The 8,373-foot (2,552 metre) volcano, just 30 miles (50 kilometres) south of Guatemala's capital, has been active since early February.

    Civil Aviation Director Francis Argueta did not say how long the closure would last. Volcanic ash is highly abrasive and can damage airplane engines and other mechanical devices.

    Tourists frequently hike up to visit Pacaya's peak, but those trips have been temporarily cancelled.

    Pacaya has a clear view of the nearby Volcano of Fire, which erupted in 2018, emitting a fast-moving avalanche of super-heated muck that killed at least 110 people and left about 200 missing. Pacaya had an explosive blast in 2010 that killed a reporter and two local people.

    The Associated Press


    $5K incentive to buy EVs on P.E.I. will be game changer, says energy consultant

    A plan announced last week to have all cars on Island roads be electric by 2030 is not realistic, says industry expert Jeff Turner.  (John Robertson/CBC - image credit)
    A plan announced last week to have all cars on Island roads be electric by 2030 is not realistic, says industry expert Jeff Turner. (John Robertson/CBC - image credit)

    A rebate for buying new or used electric vehicles announced in the P.E.I. provincial budget will make a significant difference for interested buyers, says an energy consultant.

    Last week, P.E.I. Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Action Steven Myers said he wants to see all Islanders driving electric vehicles by 2030 — just nine years from now — to meet P.E.I.'s net-zero emissions target.

    He kicked off a $500,000 incentive program that will give Islanders $5,000 off any new or used electric vehicle purchased from an Island dealership. It's also offering $2,500 off plug-in hybrids and a free Level 2 charging station.

    "That sounds pretty ambitious," said Jeff Turner, a senior research lead with Dunsky Energy Consulting in Montreal, in an interview with Island Morning's Laura Chapin.

    He said he thinks P.E.I.'s incentives are going to be a game changer in convincing Islanders to adopt this type of transportation, because it will help with the higher up-front costs of these vehicles.

    "Even though we know that EVs can save a lot of money over the long run, they can typically save somewhere in the order of $1,500 a year in fuel savings ... that up-front cost is really important, even if they're going to save in the long run," Turner said.

    'Big impact on the potential for sales'

    "I think they're really going to have a big impact on the potential for sales in the province."

    Turner said it's important for targets to be realistic, and that his company has done a lot of research to help governments try to get a sense of the likely pace of adoption of electric vehicles.

    He points out the federal government has a target of 30 per cent of all new vehicle sales be electric vehicles by 2030.

    "We think that target is definitely achievable, but something like 100 per cent of the vehicles in circulation by 2030? That's probably out of reach. In fact, I would say certainly that's out of reach," Turner said.

    Currently there are about 100 electric vehicles being driven on P.E.I., Turner said, but he expects that to increase with the incentives.

    EV plans elsewhere

    Quebec and British Columbia have the most ambitious electric vehicle plans in Canada.

    The Quebec government offers buyers an $8,000 incentive on electric vehicles, in an attempt to reach its goal of 100 per cent of new vehicles purchased to be electric vehicles by 2035. Turner believes it will likely be into the 2040s before all vehicles on Quebec roads are powered by electricity, both new and used.

    Right now about 10 per cent of B.C.'s new vehicle sales are EVs.

    The province will spend $500,000 on the new incentive program.
    The province will spend $500,000 on the new incentive program.(Nicola MacLeod/CBC)

    The federal government has also set a target that 30 per cent of all new vehicle sales in the country be EVs by 2030, and is offering $5,000 in rebates.

    The new provincial incentive can be combined with the federal government rebate — giving eligible Islanders up to $10,000 off the price of a newly purchased electric vehicle.

    Rebate for used EVs 'really helpful'

    Turner offered praise for P.E.I.'s plan to also offer the rebate on used electric vehicles, saying this should help increase the supply of vehicles to the Island.

    "A lot of people just don't buy new vehicles," he said. "So I think it's really helpful that we have cash on the table for that portion of the market as well."

    He points out that Quebec, where there are more than 90,000 electric vehicles on the road, could be a good source for used electric vehicles for P.E.I.

    The P.E.I. government plans to double the number of charging stations on the Island, Minister Steven Myers said last week.
    The P.E.I. government plans to double the number of charging stations on the Island, Minister Steven Myers said last week. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)

    How much does an electric vehicle cost? It depends mostly on how far the battery will take you. Turner said several plug-in hybrid models between $30,000 and $40,000 will typically take you 40 to 70 kilometres, enough for most daily commutes, and a gas engine that'll turn on automatically for longer trips.

    A lot of people just don't buy new vehicles. — Jeff Turner

    For non-hybrid electric battery vehicles, there are a couple options offering a range of about 200 kilometres for under $40,000, then a number of longer range options offering about 350 to 425 kilometres for around $45,000, he said.

    The P.E.I. Automobile Dealers Association said it is also happy with the new incentive program, especially the fact that it is being offered through Island dealerships.

    "It is important to buy local to support our local economy. The automobile industry is a large generator of retail tax revenue for the province," said Adam Toner, the association's vice-president, in a written release.

    More from CBC P.E.I.

    Environmental groups' hopes shaken by N.S. premier's about-face on biodiversity bill

    Wed., March 24, 2021,

    HALIFAX — Nova Scotia environmental groups are saying their hopes in the new Liberal premier have been shaken by his government's about-face on legislation aimed at protecting biodiversity.

    Premier Iain Rankin made environmental issues a key part of his leadership campaign, and his government in its recent throne speech declared the environment one of three policy pillars.

    However, Raymond Plourde, wilderness coordinator with the Ecology Action Centre, said Wednesday the government's plan to remove enforcement provisions from the proposed law shows the province caving in to what he calls a "misinformation campaign" by the forestry industry that stirred fears among private landowners.

    The Biodiversity Act tabled two weeks ago originally allowed for enforcement measures on private lands, which comprise about 70 per cent of the province's land mass, to protect endangered plants and animals, combat invasive species and preserve at-risk ecosystems.

    However, in a news release late Tuesday, the government announced it is planning to remove emergency orders, offences and fines from the act and limit its scope to Crown lands, with some voluntary measures possible for private properties.

    The Concerned Private Landowner Coalition, a group that includes the forestry industry, has published statements stating, "Halifax activists want to be able to control what rural property owners do on their land."

    The group also said on its website in reference to the biodiversity legislation, "Bill 4 will give activists a tool they have wanted for many years to harass landowners and stop all agriculture, recreational activity, forestry, hunting and fishing on private lands."

    Plourde says such statements are not true and echo tactics used in the United States to demonize environmental lobbyists.

    "The reality is they've gutted half the act, which has some penalties, which has been standard issue in these kinds of legislation such as the (federal) Fisheries Act," he said.

    "There's no question this hurts (Rankin's) green credibility, and he'd better deliver something awfully solid and unequivocal for the environment if he wants to regain that credibility. This is a blow."

    Gretchen Fitzgerald, a spokeswoman for the Sierra Club Canada Foundation, says the campaign against the legislation means her group will have to fight harder to protect public lands to preserve species such as hemlock trees, mainland moose, peregrine falcons and Blanding's turtles.

    "I think it means that perhaps he (Rankin) didn't recognize the courage this biodiversity bill would take," she said in an interview on Wednesday.

    "I'm shaken. I was devastated when I saw the news release. I know what courage this takes, and I hope he will gird himself against future miscommunication campaigns."

    Chuck Porter, the provincial minister of lands and forestry, defended his government's actions during a telephone news conference Wednesday, saying it is responding to private landowners' concerns.

    "We as members of the legislature received a variety of feedback. The premier thought it was worthwhile to make some changes, given that was his intent to begin with," Porter said. "When you look at the emergency order (provisions) in the bill, people thought that we could come on their land, and this idea of fines made people nervous." That was not the intent, he added.

    The original bill tabled on March 11 had made it an offence for a person to engage in an activity that resulted in the killing or harvesting of a species beyond what was permitted in regulations. It also prevented the introduction, release or spread of an organism or pathogen prescribed in regulations.

    In addition it said no person should engage in an activity that would result in the loss of "at-risk habitat or ecosystem prescribed by regulation." The maximum fines had been set at $500,000 for an individual and $1 million for a company.

    It had also allowed for an emergency order to be issued if a conservation officer had grounds to believe provisions of the law would be violated in a way that would have "serious adverse effects to biodiversity."

    Porter said he thinks some private landowners will participate in parts of the bill that allow to voluntarily improve biodiversity on their properties.

    As for the premier's credibility, Porter said Rankin didn't campaign for the Liberal leadership on details of the Biodiversity Act. "He has an agenda that is important and this is a step in the right direction, and I don't think there's any issue of credibility," the minister said.

    Specifics of the redrafted bill have not yet been released.

    This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 24, 2021.

    Michael Tutton, The Canadian Press