Monday, May 13, 2024



Fight for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people – Louise Regan

“Despite huge attempts to stop our voices, we have not been silenced. We have been called hate marches but we know that our marches are for peace, they are for justice and they are filled with love.”

During an event held in solidarity with Palestine on International Workers’ Day, Louise Regan, Palestine Solidarity Campaign National Chair and NEU executive member, amplified the call of the mass movements for Palestine for an immediate ceasefire and an end to arms sales to Israel.

You can read an edited version of her speech or watch the rally below.

We know that Palestinians are currently suffering the darkest times. What we are seeing and hearing on our screens every day fills us with despair. On International Workers’ Day, we must remember that we have heard the call from our trade union partners in Palestine, the call out for our support, our voices, our actions.

We know that over 34,000 Palestinians have been killed, two thirds of them women and children. We have heard the horrific statistic of ten children a day facing an amputation with no anaesthetic. The new acronym WCNSF, wounded child no surviving family.

Despite huge attempts to stop our voices, we have not been silenced. We have been called hate marches but we know that our marches are for peace, they are for justice and they are filled with love.

We have seen huge protests in London, huge demonstrations up and down the country and people across the country taking part in BDS, boycott, divestment and sanctions actions.

We are also seeing this huge movement growing globally from the student movement in America to the huge demonstrations on the streets across the world.

We know that our calls at the moment have to be clear

  • An immediate and permanent ceasefire
  • An ending of arms sales to Israel
  • A reinstatement of UNRWA funding and for all humanitarian aid to be allowed in to Gaza

However, let’s be clear we know that this did not begin on October 7th Palestinians have suffered decades of oppression and dispossession. We must continue to fight for justice and freedom for the Palestinian people. As Hugh Lanning said – what did you do when there was a genocide in Gaza?

Solidarity and Free Palestine!

  • This article is an edited version of the speech given by Louise Regan at the May Day Rally for Palestine, hosted by Labour & Palestine and Arise Festival. You can watch the rally here, or listen on the Arise Festival podcast.

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