Saturday, June 08, 2024

Coal dust pollution in regional Australian coal mining towns: Social License to Operate and community resistance



Volume 151, May 2024, 104008
Geoforum rights and content
Under a Creative Commons license
open access


  • Regional economic dependence on coal mining can disempower communities.

  • Disempowerment can transform community resistance from overt to covert modes of behaviour.

  • SLO is an unreliable community acceptance metric in the context of regional economic dependence.


The mining industry’s generation of environmental risks has galvanised increasing social upheaval worldwide, leading to its Social License to Operate being called into question. The coal mining industry is no exception. Nonetheless, the industry remains a crucial supporter of many regional Australian economies, providing communities with employment opportunities and vital amenities. However, this support comes at the expense of direct exposure to particulate matter emissions or ‘coal dust’, a pollutant known for its adverse long-term health outcomes. Thus, communities are dealt an intriguing social dilemma: ‘Do you bite the hand that feeds you?’ This paper explores how Singleton and Clermont, regional Australian coal mining towns in New South Wales and Queensland, respectively, have exemplified such a phenomenon. Based on 34 thematically analysed semi-structured interviews, this paper develops its argument that the Social License to Operate, as a metric for community acceptance and approval, may be rendered useless when communities are economically dependent on coal mining. This paper aims to ultimately shed light on the factors affecting the Social License to Operate using regional Australian perspectives, highlighting the malleability of community acceptance.



The socio-ecological impacts of mining on the

well-being of Indigenous Australians: 

A systematic review

 Samy Andres Leyton-Flor * , Kamaljit Sangha 

 Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods, 

Charles Darwin University, 

Darwin, NT, 0810, Australia 

Mar 1, 2024


 Keywords: Mining Ecosystem services Systematic literature review Indigenous well-being Indigenous people Natural systems 


 Mining on Indigenous lands affects people’s well-being and the relationship between themselves and their lands. Indigenous peoples’ sociocultural and spiritual connections to their lands are symbolised in bush food, totems, ceremonial objects, sacred names, and kinship systems representing various provisioning and cultural Ecosystem Services (ES). In Australia, most mine sites are located on traditional lands, causing losses of vital ES due to alterations in the original land cover and the destruction of natural habitats such as woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands. In addition, mining causes conflicting relationships between locals and mining companies, reducing community cohesion and restricting land access. These socio-ecological impacts jeopardise the contributions of ecosystems to people’s well-being and their ability to care for traditional lands. However, studies assessing the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of mining on Indigenous well-being during the mine lifecycle are scarce. Considering the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, this study presents how mining operations on Indigenous lands have affected people’s well-being and ecosystems in Australia. This review aims to address the gaps in current knowledge for understanding the impacts of mining, not just on the environment but also on people living in mining landscapes, to inform public policy and future programs appropriately. We analysed peer-reviewed articles and book chapters published between 2012 and 2022 by applying the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Conceptual Framework using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Various associations were identified between well-being constituents, mining impacts, and ES. From an environmental perspective, the negative impacts of mining were mainly associated with provisioning and cultural ES, while mining operations affected all five constituents of well-being. We suggest addressing these knowledge gaps by applying integrated approaches focused on consolidating the environmental, social, and economic impacts over the mine lifecycle that can contribute to mine management and rehabilitation plans for the environment and Indigenous well-being.

The socio-ecological impacts of mining on the well-being of ...

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