Saturday, August 17, 2024


Migrant Champions Network condemns outbreak of racist & Islamophobic violence

“Communities up and down the country are bearing the brunt of this race to the bottom on migration policy, and the open Islamophobia expressed by some politicians and parts of the media.”

The Migrant Champions Network have released a public statement condemning the Racist and Islamophobic violence sweeping the UK in August. You can read it in full below:

The violent, terrifying scenes we have seen on our streets over recent days must serve as an urgent wake-up call. We need action, accountability and fundamental change.

As local councillors from across the UK, and across the political spectrum, we know that these racist, Islamophobic and anti-migrant attacks do not represent the strength and solidarity that exists in our communities.

But this violence is very real, and it does not come from nowhere. For decades, the far right has been emboldened by politicians from various parties, who have scapegoated and demonised people who move. Migrants are at the heart of all our communities – yet when the chips are down, those in power know they can always score some quick, easy votes by targeting people who move, whether they are people seeking asylum or people who have lived here for decades.

Now, communities up and down the country are bearing the brunt of this race to the bottom on migration policy, and the open Islamophobia expressed by some politicians and parts of the media.

This is an emergency. While these scenes aren’t unprecedented – communities across the country have fought back against the far right countless times before, and won – the events of recent days must serve as a wake-up call. The Government must ensure that local authorities have the resources to protect their communities. We must end the use of crowded, substandard hotels and instead resource local authorities to provide asylum accommodation in the community.

And everyone, but especially those in elected positions, must show leadership and speak up for the values of solidarity and justice. Members of Parliament and local councillors have a responsibility to stand firm in the face of far right hatred, and act as a mouthpiece for the messages that matter.

We have more in common than that which divides us. These violent and racist attacks must mark a turning point, and an end to the emboldening of the far right by those seeking to profit from division and hate.  

  • The Migrant Champions Network is a network of local councillors from across the UK – and across different political parties – working together to fight for the rights of all migrants. You can follow the Migrant Champion Network on Twitter/X.
  • This statement was originally published by the Migrant Champions Network.
  • If you support Labour Outlook’s work amplifying the voices of left movements and struggles here and internationally, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon.

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