Friday, September 27, 2024

Video: Green leader booed and silenced by Canadian parliament for calling Netanyahu ‘enemy of peace24

Telling the truth isn’t popular in Canadian parliament, just like in the UK

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024

Canadian Green party leader Elizabeth May has been booed by MPs and silenced by the Speaker of Canada’s parliament – for stating the obvious fact that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘the enemy of peace’.

The Netayahu regime has killed as many as 200,000 people – overwhelmingly civilians and mostly women and children – and maimed far more in Gaza and has tried to threaten the International Criminal Court into not issuing warrants for his arrest for war crimes; it has committed massive terrorist attacks in Lebanon in an attempt to provoke a regional war that will force the US to save his skin – at the very least he faces trial on corruption charges in Israel if he is ousted and Israeli generals have warned that Israel has lost its war on Gaza.

But to most Canadian MPs and the Establishment they serve, calling Netanyahu what he is is beyond the pale:

Canada is beginning to mirror the UK, where Keir Starmer suspends MPs who vote against starving children and is engaged in the intimidation and criminalisation of journalists and activists who expose what Israel is doing in Gaza, to silence dissent and enable genocide.

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