Monday, June 19, 2006


I didn't know that the penalty for meglomania, stupidity and self delusion was death.

Iraqi prosecutors ask death sentence for Saddam

Must be the American influence in Iraq.

Of course whats good for Saddam should be good for the White House gang for their illegal war. The White House War Criminals

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Whose Priority?

Firearm Centre Abatement Minister Vic Towes was on QP today.

Tories confident that gun registry bill will pass

"The long-gun registry is by far and away the biggest issue in many ridings in Western Canada," Toews said.

Uh huh, oh really...could have fooled me. I thought the environment and health care were the top priorities. Vic Toews is lying again.

Of course the P3 failure which is the Federal Canadian Fire Arms Registry is an issue for Vic and the folks he talks to, cause thats all they talk about. He goes to carefully staged rallies, ala George W., with the political faithful. He admit that on QP this morning. Went to some rural BBQ's (can you say fundraiser?) and he was approached by folks whose main concern was the Long Gun Registry.

"We know that it is important to a lot of our constituents. What our constituents want us to do is make an honest attempt to repeal that legislation."
Really because polls show just the opposite:

Nearly half, or 49 per cent, of those surveyed said they want the government to maintain the hand gun and long-gun registries and put more money toward hiring police, while 45 per cent said they want the long-gun registry dismantled and greater funds put toward hiring more police officers.

Oh yeah and he is lying when he says this;

"I think people understand it has been an incredible waste of money, that it hasn't helped police forces"
Really someone should tell the police associations that. The Tories have selective hearing, sort of like Saddam Hussien, when it comes to the Firearms Registry. And crime in general. It's the contradicition of being the party of law and order. Civil libertarian issues are squashed unless they are embraced by the social conservatives like the issue of firearms. Of course as the party of law and order they can't take libertarian positions on marijuana, sex, same sex marriage, etc.

And of course arms sales by Canada makes it the fourth largest arms dealer in the world. Now that wouldn't happen to have anything to do with this would it?
Gun lobby trading favours with the feds?

Diemaco - Canada

Para-Ordnance Manufacturing Inc - Canada
Lessons From The North: Canada's Privatization Of Military Ammunition Production

And besides gunrunners who don't have to register themselves, well there is always those other rednecks who lobby against the Firearms Registry but put out bucks for hunting licenses.

Robert Pye, communications co-ordinator with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, said Wednesday’s announcement was a huge step for law-abiding gun owners. Prime Minister Stephen Harper had previously promised the federation he would repeal the registry. “They’re setting the table for legislations that going forward will ultimately kill the gun registry,” Pye said.

In the Orwellian speak of the Conservatives the Long Gun Registry is apparently not to be confused with the Federal Firearms Registry. Some how through the use of legislation the Tories will make a precision surgical removal of the long gun/shot gun portion of the registry while keeping all the rest and transfering it lock stock and barrel to the RCMP. Whose sense of sharing knowledge with other police departments is only out down by CSIS.

Along with lying Vic likes to besmirch Vancouver and B.C. as the criminal Sodom and Gommorah of Canada. Nothing better when you are making up facts then to point the finger somewhere else. And social conservatives know that Vancouver is a virtual Dante's Inferno of sinners and leftists.

The Fire Arms Registry legislation as well as legislation overturning Same Sex Marriage will be put forward in the fall. Only to go down in flames. Leaving political pundits to speculate on a snap fall election.

Oh joy not only do we suffer the stupidity of a Minority Government determined to follow through on its political PR; their five priorities (The Contract On Canada) including those which they know will fail. But they insist on acting like they are the majority in the House, arrogance shared by the previous government.

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Bllderberg Redux

Greens Issue Wrap-up On Bilderberg Conference
"Any meeting in which U.S. government leaders are gathering with other nation's leaders, corporate honchos, political thinkers, and other powerful world leaders needs to be reported in the media," said Bob Levis, Green candidate for Congress in Wisconsin (5th District) >. "If the major media refuse to report on Bilderberg because they're part of the same cabal, then something truly ominous is taking place. This isn't conspiracy theory. It's conspiracy."

It appears that as I predicted when you fail to report on secret meetings of secret societies then the American tendency is to cry 'conspiracy'.It's in their blood, they have seen conspiracies since the founding of the Republic. In fact as a conspiratorial political culture they can't help themselves. They know the conspiracy exists because they used it to overthrow the British. After that each fundametalist Protestant religious revival in America created its own conspiracy of Anti-Masonic, Know Nothing, Nativists. A phenomena that gives rise to fascism. Pearsall's Books: Religious Revivalism and Lower-Middle Class Man


Secret Society Not So Secret


Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

Conspiracy Theories

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Caspian Oil

A Polish Green blogger linked to one of my stories. As I cruised through his site, which yes is in Polish though most of his stories link to English language sites, I came across this;

Read between the news: Manufactured Supply and Demand

Chevron opens Caucasian pipeline
Oil Prices Jump Amid Instability in Iraq

This is the real reason for the invasion of Afghanistan. To secure the region with its Northern neighbours for the sake of the Baku pipeline. It really had nothing to do with 9/11. It all began with the American expansion into the Balkans under Clinton with their 'humanitarian war' in Kosovo. It also is no coincidence that the pipeline also runs through Chechnya.

The West's, including Russia,historic war on Islam is neither religious nor a clash of cultures it is simply a war for oil. Always has been since the begining of the 20th Century and the carving up of the Middle East by the Imperialist nations.

It will only worsen as we come closer to global Peak Oil.

And as Technocracy warned back in the 1940's ( The Sell Out of the Ages 1941 [op] by Howard Scott) these oil wars will lead to increased tendencies to fascism at home and abroad.
As we have seen with the hysterical phoney "war on terror" which is simply an excuse for the creation of the post-9/11 Security State.

“A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.” Howard Scott

Free Trade: Primitive Accumulation of Capital

You will see that the Russian pipeline runs through Dagestan and Chechnya – the regions which the West has been trying to destabilize, so as to squeeze Russia from its soft southern underbelly using the Islamic "freedom fighters" a.k.a. terrorists as their whips. As they did in Bosnia and Kosovo, they used the mostly Islamic Albanian KLA "freedom fighters," a.k.a. drug trafficking terrorists, to cause trouble in Serbia.The Bulgaria-Macedonia-Albania route has already won support in Moscow and from the Chevron-led Caspian Pipeline Consortium that is developing the Caspian-Kazakhstan oil deposits. Turkish authorities have now conceded privately that Ankara had underestimated Russia's capacity to extend its influence in the southern Caucasus states of Armenia and Georgia, thereby dictating a high-risk security environment to the building and maintenance of the Baku-Ceyhan line.BLOOD FOR OIL, DRUGS FOR ARMS

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International News Electronic Telegraph

Friday 25 July 1997
Issue 791

Oil boom slips from Russia's grip
By Alan Philps in Baku

Politics of International Oil

Vertical integration is the process whereby different aspects of a business, "upstream" and "downstream" -- ranging from sourcing raw materials and production to marketing -- are brought together. In the oil business a company whichis primarily engaged in the production of crude petroleum may decide to engage in vertical integration by acquiring downstream refineries and distribution networks. Similarly, a company strong in its downstream operations may try to engage in vertical integration by investing more in exploration and development and acquiring a greater stake in the production process. Vertical integration may also occur when complementary companies make long term contracts with one another or joint ventures, or if they decide to merge.

Vertical integration should not be confused with horizontal integration, or movements toward greater oligopoly or monopoly within an industry. However, vertical integration may encourage tendencies toward oligopoly by offering the integrated companies a competitive edge against their less integrated rivals.

Oil companies in developing countries
Oil is the most powerful industry in the world. It fuels manufacturing, agriculture and transportation. Petrodollar flows shape the global financial system.

Many wars have been waged out and are still being fought all over the world to ensure corporate control over oil. Oil is power and power needs to control oil. Behind the names of presidents and dictators are the names of much more powerful actors: Exxon/Mobil, Chevron/Texaco, Shell, British Petroleum, Elf.

A government is toppled by armed opposition in a country in the South and coverage of the story only reports on the local hatred between factions and almost never the corporations and foreign governments backing each of the sides. In many cases, the actors behind the scenes are oil companies. In Venezuela, an elected president has had to face a coup and a general strike because he is sitting on top of a sea of oil and is not perceived as being sufficiently friendly to the US oil establishment.

But oil is not only behind civil wars, coups d'etat and presidential campaigns. Oil is also responsible for countless "low-intensity" wars, that destroy entire communities throughout the world and particularly in the tropics. Many indigenous and other local communities have been wiped off the map or have had to face enormous hardship due to the environmental destruction resulting from oil exploration and exploitation in their territories, as well as from the widespread violation of their human rights. From Ecuador to Nigeria and from Indonesia to Chad, "black gold" has been a curse to local peoples and their environments.

Governments of the world have made some attempts at addressing this issue. They signed and ratified the Convention on Climate Change and its related Kyoto Protocol. Similarly to what happened recently in the United Nations Security Council in relation to Irak, one government -representing the interests of oil corporations-decided not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol because it would affect its interests. This one country -the United States- happens to be the world's number one culprit in CO2 emissions and home to the most powerful oil corporations in the world. It is thus responsible for most of the past and present oil wars.
Big Oil also dominates the Bush administration. President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, national security advisor Condoleezza Rice and many other top-ranking officials in the administration have been top corporate oil executives or have longstanding ties to the industry.

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Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Traffic In Women

Canada's Complicity in Human Trafficking
If there's one labour shortage that the Canadian government won't tolerate, it's not having enough strippers.

OTTAWA - The number of foreign exotic dancers flocking to Canada has dropped dramatically since the federal government scrapped a controversial visa program intended to fill a national "labour shortage.''

Citizenship and Immigration Canada documents obtained by CanWest News Service show fewer than 10 new temporary work permits were issued for strippers in 2005, down 82 per cent from the 57 handed out the year before.

Permit extensions for dancers already here also plummeted, down 84 per cent to just 60 last year from 366 in 2004.

Until recently, the federal government granted temporary work visas to nude dancers -- mostly from Eastern European countries such as Romania -- based on a lack of Canadians willing to do the job.

Yep and it seems that Russian strippers are the most popular, via Israel. Of course on the other hand if they got a Canada Council Grant they could deem themselves performance artists.

Once again that infamous excuse for illegal immigration is used, no Canadians would take the jobs. In this case its legal immigration, traffic in women, that is being promoted with this same excuse. Well duh yeah when you pay them crap wages. Which is why all sex trade workers need a union. To keep out the pimps and panders, even if they are Cabinet Ministers.

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Toronto Star Discovers Alberta

The Toronto Star discovers Alberta in a major feature article. But it ain't Ralphs Alberta.

"It's a cliché," says University of Calgary political science professor Doreen Barrie, who says that Alberta's public image is being held hostage by Calgary's world-famous stampede, "when the entire city is transformed into a Wild West theme park."Barrie tries to set the record straight in her controversial new book The Other Alberta: Decoding a Political Enigma.

The stereotype that Alberta, as Barrie puts it, is "a parochial province peopled with right-wing rednecks who wear cowboy boots and hold attitudes to match," is crumbling like a Rocky Mountains avalanche.Barrie is convinced that this explains why most Canadians don't understand Alberta, a province that's come to be known as the new Quebec because of threats by some here to separate. What's more, Barrie argues that the bigger-than-life personality associated with the Calgary Stampede is so pervasive that the hootenanny not only dominates the city throughout the year, it actually unfairly colours the whole province.

Barrie blames Alberta's political elite, particularly leaders like Premier Ralph Klein, for nurturing the cliché, arguing they dampen dissenting voices within the province by making Ottawa the official opposition."Ralph Klein has criticized Ottawa's foreign policy stance on Iraq, threatened to violate the Canada Health Act and opposes the Kyoto accord. These are but a few recent examples of a continuing campaign against the federal government," she says. "Albertans do not share the rather mean-spirited sentiments sometimes expressed on their behalf."

See: Alberta

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I Agree With The IMF

No really I do. So do most economists and anyone rational enough to understand that the GST cut was a political ploy. Of course for the Tories rational economics is a contradiction. Since all they care about is power. To bad there isn't a rational economist in the PMO.

The International Monetary Fund has suggested the federal government would be better off cutting personal income taxes and lowering taxes on savings than cutting the GST. In its annual report reviewing the Canadian economy, the IMF said a cut in income taxes instead of consumption taxes would be "more likely to stimulate labour supply, as well as saving and investment, than a lowering the GST rate."

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For Queen and Country

Our black bears die in the service of the Queen and her stupid Royal Guards. Because faux fur hats just lack that glossy look. And who knows how many poached furs are sold to the English Crown while livers and gallbladders are shipped to China. Time to stop ALL BEAR HUNTS.

Hundreds of black bears face slaughter after Army abandons trial of synthetic fur for Guards' ceremonial headgear

As a show of British military finery, the Trooping of the Colour has had no equal for 258 years. Today, the Guards regiments will parade for the monarch and tourists in their spotless regalia, topped with their lustrous bearskins.

But as the Queen takes the salute to mark her 80th birthday celebrations this morning, some 4,000 miles away a group of hunters will be preparing to go into the dense woodlands of Canada and kill an Ursus americanus or Canadian black bear.

Yesterday, the MoD - and by default the guardsmen who will stand to attention on Horse Guards Parade today - were accused by animal welfare campaigners of perpetuating the annual slaughter of 10,000 Canadian black bears, many of whom die in pain from botched kills by fee-paying trophy " sportsmen".

The Army confirmed yesterday it would continue to buy between 50 and 100 bearskins a year after it declared a trial to replace the distinctive headwear with hats fashioned from synthetic fur had failed because they got " waterlogged" on rainy days.

Senior officers complained that the man-made hats lacked the "life" and "bounce" of real bearskin - the focus of millions of tourist photographs every year and, as one MoD official put it, "as much an icon of Britishness as a red telephone box.
Ohh our poor bears suffer so that an icon of Britishness can continue. Gimme a break.

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America: Economic Basket Case

America is an economic basket-case. It is in debt to China, Japan and other cash rich lenders. It is flying high on consumer debt. It is an economic basket case about to collapse. If it does it will take the world economy with it. I have said it before and Toronto Star Columnist Tom Walkom agrees;

As long as interest rates and the U.S. dollar stayed stable, investors were satisfied. But the U.S. dollar has been sinking. And now the country's new central banker, Federal Reserve Board chief Ben Bernanke, is indicating that he wants to push up rates to forestall inflation.That, in turn, means bad news for ordinary Americans. Currently, Americans are in the unusual position of spending more, on average, then they earn. An economist would say they have a negative savings rate. More simply put, they are in debt.They are in debt to buy houses; they are in debt to buy cars; they are in debt to buy groceries and clothes and geegaws. Even more than Canadians (who save a paltry 1.9 per cent of their disposable income), Americans owe money.As long as interest rates stayed low, this did not matter. Now that the central bank is talking of raising rates, it does. If Americans suddenly find their loans and mortgages being called in, they won't be able to afford toasters from China and cars from Windsor. If they are forced to default on mortgages they can no longer afford, the big North American real estate bubble will burst, with repercussions for the entire financial system.


Debtors Nation

The Real Debt and Deficit Crisis

Storm Clouds Over The US Economy

Housing Boom or Bust

Greenspans Legacy

Warren Buffet: U S Capitalism in Crisis

What's good for GM is bad for Workers

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The Key To Canada's Success

Work more for less pay.

Business owners, too, are feeling flush. With wage increases damped down and labour productivity rising, employees are working more for less. What could be better?"

Unproductive Capital

Boom and Bust

Suplus Value

Putting the Boots to Outsourcing

Work Creates Addiction

Work Sucks

Why Am I Not Surprised

Labour Is Capital

The Real Debt and Deficit Crisis

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