Saturday, June 10, 2006

Secret Society Not So Secret

The most infamous of the secret societies of the ruling class the Bilderberg Group is meeting in Ottawa this weekend.

This is the ultimate global old boys club.

And they are getting well deserved attention from the blogs and the MSM.

Not so secret anymore, eh boys.

Ok not all of them are boys.

Ontario: World's elite meet
Global luminaries such as Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands began arriving in Ottawa yesterday for the annual gathering of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group. Over the next three days, they and political and business leaders from North America and Europe will discuss issues such as the security threat posed by Iran and the oil markets.
And the dummies managed to get more publicity by using their government connections to ban one of the alternate press reporters, who has been documenting them for years, from coming into Canada. Opps dumb move.
Police State or Overzealous Border Patrol? Alex Jones Incident

Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group
15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming

Free Market News Network, FL - 18 hours ago
Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and ...


Bilderberg-bound filmmaker held at airport Ottawa Citizen
Filmmaker says Immigration agents detained him Ottawa Citizen
all 5 related »

Call this my Carnival of the Bilderberger


Bilderberg Coverage Starts Rolling In

"Ottawa: Bilderbergs at Brookstreet Report"

azerbic - Antonia Zerbisias - Toronto Star Blog: If You Can Read This I Still Have A Job

Grandinite » Bilderberg In Ottawa


Bilderberg is coming to Ottawa?

FSME: Bilderberg Conference 2006

International Forecaster June, 2006 (#1) - Gold, Silver, Economy + ...

Bilderberg Masters of destiny - Gold & Silver Forum

root.cellar - Robin Bloor - Microsoft Agonistes

David Corn

The Bilderbergers - Masters of Our Destiny? - Share The Wealth :: View topic - Bilderberg Group Meeting: Ottawa

The Randi Rhodes Show -> Bilderberg Annual Meeting

indoctriNATION » Blog Archive » The Bilderberg Comes To Canada

Loco Locass :: Voir le sujet - Les Bilderberg à Ottawa!!!

TURMEL: Social Credit Matriarch at 3rd Bilderberg picket

Home -

You won't find any Bilderberg stories here, though.


Debating World Domination: Bilderberg Meets in Canada's Capital

Bilderberg 2006 and the Killers of Freedom

Bilderberg to discuss destruction of Americas Free Trade Agreement ...

Bilderbergers meet secretly today in Ottawa

Bilderberg mafia comes under scrutiny of Canadian media


Infowars Coverage of Bilderberg Conference

Bilderberg 2006: Bilderberg to Meet in Canada


Ottawa Independent Media Center

Neocon Prince of Darkness Sighted at Bilderberg Meeting

The New World Order, it's their party! (Part 3)

Bilderberg In Ottawa In 2006

Bilderberg à Ottawa!! - CMAQ -

GNN Should Cover Bilderberg

Bilderbergers Coming to Ottawa? | Mostly Water


A Deeper Look at the Bank for International Settlements


Kanata hotel hosts high-level power group

Shadowy group meets amid secrecy in Ottawa

VIPs' arrivals marked by a discreet 'B'

US Sen. John Edwards at Bilderberg - (United Press International)

The New Brunswick connection

MuchMusic Message Board: Bilderberg Group Meeting: Ottawa, June 8 ...

Secretive set converges on Ottawa

Elite firm to guard top-secret meeting in Kanata

Bilderberg lands in Ottawa

Elite are ever elusive

World's elite gather to brainstorm in secret

'These guys love secrecy'

Bilderberg holds secretive meeting

Secretive, powerful Bilderberg group meets near Ottawa

Secretive meeting of powerful society a conspiracy theorist's Woodstock

Secret meetings set?

Bilderbergers head for Canada

A conspiracy with no limits

Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?

Ottawa braces for Bilderberg fever

Halifax Live - Powerful Men Who Meet Secretly and Plan

Cyprus represented for first time at secret Bilderberg meeting

Older Bilderberg Research

(I have attempted to exclude the wildest of the conspiracy theorist fringe from these links)

Steven Harper and the Bilderbergers Secret Meeting : Thunderbay IMC

Daniel Estulin: Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005

Bilderberg strikes again

Bilderberg 2005 attendees - Webmaster Forum

2005 Bilderberg Guest List

Bilderberg's Secret Agenda 2005. May 12, 2005

FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL: The Bilderberg Group 2005

Canadian Politicians in League with the Bilderbergers

Hidden masters of the world

Lord Black the Canadian Bilderberger

Vive le Canada - Unification the real Canadian Bilderberg agenda

CNN admits the existence of the Bilderberg Group.

New York Times: Edwards passed Bilderberg muster

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory

BBC NEWS | Americas | Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group

Guardian Unlimited | Today's issues | The Bilderberg group

Counterbias: Open Letter to the Bilderberg Steering Committee

Where is the media at Bilderberg?

Bilderberg media blackout

Media Blackout on Trilaterals

Media Moguls who attended Bilderberg meeting in 2005

Intelligence: 52nd Bilderberg Meeting

SchNEWS: The Bilderberg Papers

The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Door

Bilderberg - SourceWatch

Bilderberg Group

2003 Bilderberg Meeting: Information From

The Bilderberg :: Daniel W. Drezner :: I'm off to join another secret cabal

The masters of the universe


Ming the Mechanic: Bilderbergers

WorldNetDaily: Bilderberg group meeting near DC

Bilderberg group wants vigorous Atlantic alliance -

A-Infos (en) Bilderberg-group meeting in Stenungsund, Sweden.

National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger Remarks to the Bilderberg Conference 1999

Bilderberg Meeting 1999

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 4 Jul 2000 (pt 1)

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 7 May 1999 (pt 2)

Bilderberg Propaganda Rules the Planet

Enigma Issue 16: An investigation into the Bilderberg Group

Bilderberg 1996: A close call for thwarting a scheme to partition Canada


PMag v12n4p06 -- An Elite Pow Wow

Bilderberg Group
Whos Who

The Bilderberg Group- Wikipedia

Bilderberg Group - Demopedia

Bilderberg Origins - The Biggest Secret Forum

Browse Subjects: B -> Bilderberg Meetings

Secretive Bilderberg Founder Dies

Bilderberg Conferences Collection

Bilderberg Club

Bilderberg and the West

by Peter Thompson
excerpted from the book
edited Holly Sklar
South End Press, 1980

Mary Rawson / The Trilateral Commission

Read the actual Bilderberg meeting report of the 1973 Conference. The report comprises approximately 70 pages and includes the Introduction by H R H Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

Them: Adventures with Extremists by Jon Ronson, reviewed by Michael Walker.

news |

The Secret Rulers of the World - Entire Chapter about Big Jim Tucker and the Bilderberg Group from Them: Adventures with Extremists. (46 page .pdf)

Guardian Unlimited Books - Who Pulls the Strings? Extract from Them: Adventures with Extremists

Them: Adventures With Extremists

Sec. 1, Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions

Bilderberg Part One - bilderberg-history-channel.rm @ ZippyVideos

Bilderberg Part Two - bilderberg-p2.rm @

Bilderberg Hotels

The Bilderberg Group

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Corporate Score Card

How do corporations operating in Canada score on the Corporate Social Responsibility Score Card?

Check it out here

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Prove It

Each year, 16,000 Ontarians die from tobacco use and roughly 3,000 die from exposure to second-hand smoke. Peter Goodhand, Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Division, Canadian Cancer Society, Toronto

Oh really prove it. Like a magician pulling rabbits out of the hat the anti-smoking lobby, who have their hand out for more of your money for their failed cancer research, pull these stats out of their hat of tricks. I say prove it. Prove the deaths were from tobacco smoke and not oh say smog. Or heavy metals in the air. Or air pollution from cars. Or toxic chemicals that poision us every day at work and now in public.

New tests find poisons in children's blood, urine
Minister accepts challenge to have blood and urine tested for contamination

On Thursday, the group released results showing that the bodies of seven children tested are contaminated by a cocktail of toxic chemicals ranging from PCBs to flame retardants. The study found an average of 23 known or suspected toxins -- including carcinogens, hormone disrupters and neurotoxins -- in the bodies of the children tested. The researchers tested 13 individuals from five families, six adults and seven children. The families live in Vancouver, Toronto, Sarnia, Montreal and Quispamsis, N.B. "Our children are being poisoned every day by toxic chemicals that surround them at home, school and play,'' said Rick Smith, executive director of Environmental Defence.

Our dirty little secret
Capital's sole air monitor in Sandy Hill not enough to keep up with our car-driven toxic soup

Milking It:
Moms find industrial chemicals in their breast milk an outrage -- and a call to action

The Walrus Magazine | Everyday Poisons
Are fire retardants actually a toxic hazard? by Paul Webster

Toxic exposure

professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rochester

Martin Mittelstaedt's Toxic Shock series (May 27-June 1 Globe and Mail) on chemical safety strikes a long-neglected note. As he points out, the list of potentially harmful chemicals is so exhaustive there's really no one among us who has not been exposed to at least a few of them. Chances are, we've been exposed to a great many.

The chemical industry often plays down the risks by saying individual exposures are so minimal we should not be concerned. But they fail to take into account that low-dose exposures are often most harmful, and that exposures to chemicals simply do not occur in isolation. Thank you for staying on top of this critical public-health story.

Yep prove it wasn't these that caused the cancer.

Sure bars that have smoking are polluted, but if they also have cooking they are polluted from the deep fryers and grease, as well as the chemicals used to clean with.

If the politicians were concerned about workplace health and safety of workers, which is what these anti-smoking laws claim, they would demand proper ventilation in the work place. They would enforce existing laws around WHMIS and hazardous materials in the workplace. But they don't. They could make workplaces really safe by enforcing the laws on the books now.

You see its easier to ban a social pyriah than to admit that work kills. Which it does. Smoking is a symptom not the problem. Capitalism is the problem.

Ontario goes smoke-free this June
The ban includes all indoor-smoking in public places such as restaurants, casinos, bars and bingo halls. But many are calling the government's move one filled with hypocrisy. "If politicians really cared about our health, they would ban the production of polluting vehicles with poor gas mileage. They could do so many things that would reflect a serious purpose, but banning tobacco — even from places where only smokers concentrate — is a little too farfetched," adds Nidhi Mehta, who is often seen taking a puff outside her Bay Street office in Downtown Toronto during break and lunch time.

Also See: Smoking

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Friday, June 09, 2006

The Evil North

Canada is being described as the home of Terrorism.

Terror Land North: Canada Becomes America's New Next Threat
Terrorists are supposedly creeping into the US from Canada. This is being proposed not only by wacko US congressmen but by our own homegrown self appointed experts.

In this case a low level former CSIS agent who is making a living as a so called security expert. The reason to justify the passport and border laws the congress has passed.

Alienation at home, criticism from abroad

WASHINGTON -- A U.S. congressman warned yesterday that Canada, and in particular the enclave of "South Toronto," was a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists and that the United States will be under threat as long as passports are not required of all Canadians crossing the border.

"South Toronto, like those parts of London that are host to the radical imams who influenced the 9/11 terrorists and the shoe bomber, has people who adhere to a militant understanding of Islam," said John Hostettler, chairman of the House of Representatives subcommittee on immigration and border security, noting that Toronto has a very large South Asian community.

Mr. Hostettler's views were backed by several witnesses to the committee, including David Harris, an Ottawa lawyer and senior fellow at the Canadian Coalition for Democracies who used to work for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. He was the only Canadian asked to appear before the committee.

Mr. Harris described Canada as being "heavily infiltrated by terrorists" as well as "a recruiting, planning, financing and launch point for international terrorism."

Sorry to dissapoint youse guys but everyone already knew that Canada was the source of all evil south of the border years ago.

Anyone who watched Twin Peaks, knows all the truly twisted evil that happened in that Northern Washington State town always came from 'across the border'.

And these dweebs;
Hostettler and Harris have about as much credibility as the log lady.

The real politicks of last weeks terrorist bust is far more mundane, but no less sinister;

Canadian government, media use alleged terrorist plot to push right-wing agenda
'Cause our Chief Harpocrite can't do anything without asking Daddy first.

One of the first things Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper did after the weekend arrests of 17 suspected Islamic terrorists in Ontario was to pick up the phone and thank President George W. Bush for American assistance in tying the alleged plot together.

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Damn Fine Cup Of Coffee

FEATURE-Bolivian organic coffee farmers target niche markets

I drink organic Bolivian coffee, along with other organic and Fair Trade coffees. This is a fruity and piquent coffee with a touch of choclate to the flavour.

My pals at Earthson coffee in Edmonton roast their coffees out of their home. And they deliver their product to your door, at a price below those of more commercial companies in town. Email me if you want to contact them.

Over the past year I have been one of their coffee tasters testers. I didn't know I had the knack. I just like to drink coffee. Turns out I am a coffee gourmand.

The Bolivian organic is one of the new ones on the market and it is a damn fine coffee. To really get the full body, grind it fine, use cold water, and draw a cup off after your pot has about two cups in it. This is the full expresso flavoured version of the coffee, giving you its real full body taste that weakens as you add more water. Delicious.

And of course as with all Fair Trade coffees you know the farmers that grow and harvest these aren't being exploited unlike the real life poor farmers portrayed by real life Juan Valdez.

For news from Latin America See:

Latin America News Review

Narco News

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Child Labour In Alberta

Oh joy the dark old days have returned. No longer limited to developing countries the Alberta Advantage is now Child Labour.

AFL Posts List of Employers Using 12-14 year olds on Website

EDMONTON, June 7 /CNW/ - Nine months into new rules allowing restaurants
to hire 12 and 13 year olds it is clear they are failing to protect young
workers says the Alberta Federation of Labour today. The AFL released the list
of employers who have submitted the paperwork allowing them to employ
adolescents. The AFL also announced its intent to post the entire list on its
website ( and update it regularly. The AFL received copies of the
forms through a FOIP request.
Between July 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006, the first nine months of the new
rules for hiring children, only 160 forms were submitted to the government.
This is a fraction of the number of applications the government received
before the new rules. According to government figures, 552 permits to hire
kids under 14 were granted in 2004, and 359 permits in the first four months
of 2005.
Oh and the charges have upset MacDonalds. Those nice folks who are advertizing dates for their staff on bus ads in the city. Pimping I think is the term.

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Just In Case You Forgot

'Terror' suspects: Innocent unless proven guilty

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Suplus Value

Here is the Stats Canada confirmation of that old Marxist theory of surplus value:

Canadian workers are more productive than ever. And they are cheaper, too
Canada's economic output is rising three times faster than the number of hours that people are working, helping to push Canada's labour productivity up by 2.3 per cent over the past year.

There is another side to the economic numbers, however. Canada's productivity is rising because the cost of labour is slowing.

Hourly compensation rose by 0.8 per cent in the first quarter, half the increase in the fourth quarter of 2005, keeping a lid on unit labour costs.

Whenever you hear the word productivity that simply means techology and cheap labour producing more profit. The watchword of capitalism. For workers it means you are getting screwed and paid less for it.

Productive labour is therefore labour which reproduces for the labourer only the previously determined value of his labour-power, but as an activity creating value increases the value of capital; in other words, which confronts the labourer himself with the values it has created in the form of capital."

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Diamonds and Rust

While Miners in the North are on Strike at the Ekati Diamond Mine, Craig Kielburger of Free the Children puts Northern Development under the gaze of development elsewhere in the Diamond Fields of the World.

Fresh off the plane, I stood in a region engulfed by housing development and communities flush with new-found wealth. I wasn't in Sierra Leone or South Africa, where diamond mines have given rise to phrases such as "blood diamonds" and have caused massive social upheaval. On a work-related visit, I was in Canada's portal to the vast and serene north and, with my untrained eye, all seemed normal. We've all fallen prey to the marketing coup of the last century by believing that "a diamond is forever." But the communities that mine these diamonds are not.Since the discovery of Canadian diamonds in 1991, the Ekati and Diavik diamond mines have begun production in the Northwest Territories. The Snap Lake plant is gearing up for production next year and, as of this year, the Jericho project in Nunavut will also be in production. But according to Statistics Canada, these mines will be operational for only the next eight to 20 years.Once these mines shut down, miners can rarely transfer their skills beyond the industry. Diamonds are forever; prosperity isn't

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Pack Up And Move

Here is the authoritarian solution to unemployment typical of Conservatives and other right wing regimes, oh like the you know who.

MP: Help workers move
Alberta Tory says government should help relocate unemployed

Unemployed Atlantic Canadians should be encouraged by Ottawa to go where their opportunities are — namely job-rich Alberta — a parliamentary committee heard Thursday.

The suggestion, that the Conservative government could use taxpayers’ dollars to relocate jobless people from the Atlantic region, was made in Ottawa by Brian Jean — a Tory MP from northern Alberta — at a session of a federal committee studying employability in Canada.

Of course this guy forgets that there are over 2500 tradesmen currently unemployed in Alberta looking for work. Unemployed trades?

Or maybe he didn't. Since they are all union workers, and he is after all a Tory.

Do I smell another form of Tory Union busting.

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Fraser Institute Exposed

Here is an excellent expose on that charitable taxpayer funded think tank of the Right; The Fraser Institute. Who funds the Fraser Institute?

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Made In Cuba Green Policy

On Clean Air day Rona Ambrose assured reporters, again ad naseum, that sometime soon we will have a Made in Canada Green Plan.
My message to you, on Clean Air Day, is that the Government of Canada is working towards a “Made-in-Canada” approach to deliver real change and real results for all Canadians, in our common campaign to clean up our air and to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

So instead of Ambrose the Minister of Do Nothing standing up in the house talking about how the US is ahead of us, ad nauseum;

Hon. Rona Ambrose (Minister of the Environment, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the truth of the matter is that thanks to the Liberal government being in power for 13 years the Bush government has done more on the environment than this country has for the last decad. The Americans are outperforming us on pollution control. They are outperforming us on emission reductions. This government is going to ensure that we outperform not just the Americans but all of our counterparts.

How about we start comparing the Made In Cuba plan with the lack of plan that the Tories have. Because Cuba is way ahead of Canada, and the U.S.

Castro's new soldiers
Richard Gott
03 May 2006 04:59

At a petrol station outside the Cuban town of Cienfuegos, half a dozen teenage girls stand languidly by the pumps, jumping to attention when a car or lorry pulls up. They work the pumps efficiently, take payment and enter the transaction on to a large official form. They are dressed neatly in T-shirts and jeans and a slogan across their backs proclaims their identity as trabajadores sociales, or social workers. They are Fidel Castro’s latest army of guerrillas, deployed in the struggle against corruption, the scourge to which state-run economies have always been peculiarly vulnerable. They are also the vanguard of the generation upon whom the future of the Cuban revolution will depend.

On earlier visits to Cuba I have observed the petrol problem. Driving through the countryside you could always find a willing accomplice to direct you to a tank in someone’s back garden, where petrol would be sold at an advantageous price, or simply off-ration. It had been siphoned off the state’s supplies. The practice seemed harmless enough. Yet it had begun to create a large hole in the economy. Castro complained that “as much petrol was being stolen as sold’’, and last year his government stepped in with a novel solution. About 10 000 young activists, more than half of them women, have taken control of the country’s pumps, while the usual attendants have been sent home on full pay.

The social workers’ jobs do not stop at the petrol stations. They also go from house to house to hand out low-energy light bulbs, to check that everyone has the new electric pressure cookers provided by China and to prompt the exchange of old, gas-guzzling fridges from the 1950s for something more energy efficient. Others will move on to examine financial practices in bakeries and the construction industry. About 30 000 of these revolutionaries, aged between 16 and 22, have been deployed across the country. Identified some years ago as a potentially counter revolutionary class, they are helping to keep alive the revolution’s mystique.

Maybe the Tories could mobilize all their Blogging Tories and Fraser Institute student Interns to be Green Social Workers like Castro has done.

Besides both parties share the same intials; CPC. And same style of authoritarian leadership.

And don't forget all the Canadian investment in Cuba. Like Sherritt Gordon.

And we have a long tradition of being business and social partners with Cuba.

Our CPC could learn some lessons from the Cuban CPC.

Other Great Leaders of Canada have.

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Klein Makes Me Feel Safe

Trust Me Says Klein. There is nothing to Fear but Fear Itself.

“There’s no need for Albertans to be concerned,” said Klein, adding should a threat arise, the province is ready. “We do have an emergency plan and a security plan in place.” But how a potential threat will be dealt with or how the province would react to an attack, the premier admitted he does not know.
“I don’t know what that security plan is and they won’t tell me,” said Klein.

Yeah Right. He doesn't know the plan but assures us he has one. I feel secure.

Sounds like Rona Ambrose's Made In Canada Green Plan. Oh yeah she worked for Klein once.

Maybe Klein will sign up to Warren the Moron's I Am Not Afraid Campaign. Maybe Molsons will sponsor it since the logo looks like something from a beer commercial.

I am an Albertan and I am afraid that we don't have a security plan.

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The Beautiful Game

I have watched a few FIFA World Cups off and on over the past few years. Not having a Canadian team in the game sort of makes it hard to feel participatory. No cheers for Canada

And despite the Stanley Cup and the NBA playoffs in North America, the rest of the world is preparing for the World Cup of Football, which unlike 'World' cups in the US of Eh is really a World Cup.
Stop Everything: The World Cup is On!

Like the Olympics it happens only every four years and grabs the attention of millions. Even in Canada.
World Cup brings best out of Toronto

What makes it the Beautiful Game, well it is the least expensive sport, it is a democratic sport anyone can play, as the left wing South American writer Eduardo Galeano noted, and even the poorest of the poor can rise out of the ghettos of the world to make it in the game.

Of course like all sports the FIFA World Cup of Soccer is big business, very big business.

But strange bedfellows are made in the world of Canadian Broadcasting when it comes to this years cup. The result is we get to watch all the games.

Rogers Sportsnet holds the rights for the World Cup, but will share game broadcasts and the studio show with bitter rival TSN. More amazing, the biggest game of all — the final on July 9 — will be on CTV, parent network of the aforementioned bitter rival.
For the game schedules click here. And it will be HD digital for really clear in your face viewing.

Here is a couple of good beginners guide for those who don't watch football (only called soccer in North America to differentiate it from the CFL/NFL game)

Why you should care about World Cup


Certainly the Stanely Cup playoffs have grabbed my attention this year, with unprecidented exciting hockey not seen since the Oilers heyday of the eighties or back during the Montreal Canadians dynasty.

And the CFL was hot this year with Edmonton winning. And the NFL Superbowl was no slouch either. That is the other 'football'.

And of course playoffs in any sport is sweeter and more meaningful when your team is playing.

Which is why I will be watching the FIFA World Cup.

I finally have a team I can
cheer for while I await Canada's day at the Cup.

Yep the Ukraine is in it. Like the Oilers they are an underdog. Making it all the sweeter when they win.

Ukraine Out To Garner Respect In Its First Cup Appearance

They have several star players but none as well known as striker Andry Sehvchenko, who has been picked up by Chelesa.

They have a dynamic coach who has brought the team together, choosing young players for speed and depth. They have made the Cup. Nazdarovev.

Anatolii Tymoschuk has told that Ukraine will command the respect of their World Cup finals opponents.

With Shevchenko reminding Ukrainians of his namesake the Great Ukrainian National Poet and Hero Taras Schevchenko, the spirit of the country is with them.

Will they win the Cup who knows, they played fifth ranked Italy to a draw, but that is not the point. They are in the cup. Lets see how far they get. And as I said now it gives me something to watch and team to cheer for.

The are playing in Group H against Spain, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, and I believe they can take it. And I am not the only one.
Group H shows World Cup balance


Prediction — This is one of the tournaments true sleepers. They could have a potential meeting with France, a country with which their footballing talents are often compared to. And with their defense and finishing up front, it could mean au revoir Les Bleus.

Jeez getting old you turn into a sports nut.

Or perhaps its the war times, forcing us all to take out our visceral aggressions in sports, to deal with the stupidity of war and the politics of fear.

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

We Are All Flintstones

Praise the Lord the Christian Bible believers were right. We didn't come from apes.

Yep the Flintstones had it right. We did come from stones, no wonder we rock n roll.

Australian Coastal Mounds May be Fossils of Earth's Oldest Life

The evidence prehistoric ameoba dung.

Others argue that primitive microbes formed the piles. The new study supports this second notion. Abigail Allwood's team trudged a 10-kilometer-long stretch of stromatolites and identified seven different types with exotic shapes. Some look like upside-down ice cream cones, others like egg cartons. Allwood told Nature magazine podcast interviewers that the formations are too complex to be chemical, although she acknowledges that their biological origin is unproven.

"Any one structure, even any one group of structures is not conclusive evidence of life in itself," she said. "The way I approached this was to look at a very large number of structures over a region and as I walked along the outcrops I began to notice that rather than just one type of structure there were actually several different distinct types and realized that they were distributed in patterns so that actually they look very similar to reefs. But they're obviously not coral reefs. They're reefs entirely built by microorganisms."

Also See:



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Teeny Tiny Tories

Scientists have discovered the ancestors of the Harper Conservatives.

Studies reveal pygmy dinosaur species

and of course the discovery was in Germany.

Harposaurus Sr. and Harposaurus Jr.

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666 in the news

Perhaps it is the millipede that is the Great Beast.

666-Legged Creature Rediscovered

Out of the past crawls leggiest bug

Although Illacme plenipes was discovered by a government scientist in 1926 in the same area of San Benito County, it hadn't been seen since. The leggiest female had 666 legs on half a millimetre width

Also See:

TSX 666

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They Bombed Zarqawi Like Saddam

US airstrike kills Iraq terror chief al-Zarqawi

Given the Americans atrocious history of lack of scoring hits using precision bombing I think the partying over this should wait for the DNA evidence.

How They Got Zarqawi

The terrorist responsible for some of the most gruesome killings in Iraq was killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation Wednesday, after the U.S. and its allies had finally located him. A well-placed intelligence source in Jordan told TIME that the CIA was tipped off after Jordanian intelligence learned of a meeting that Zarqawi planned to hold in the town of Baquba, north of Baghdad. His safe house was targeted in an air attack, and, says the same source, the Jordanian-born leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq was killed in the bombing.

Remember they claimed they got Saddam and the Bathist leadership in the same kind of hit back in the early days of the war.

Al-Dura Farm, Baghdad

The war opened on March 20 with an attempted attack on Saddam Hussein. This strike was the beginning of a pattern that would be repeated many times. The U.S. military targeted a facility in the mistaken belief that the Iraqi leadership was there; instead of “decapitating” the regime, this strike resulted in fifteen civilian casualties because of faulty intelligence.

A human intelligence source provided the CIA with information on Saddam Hussein’s alleged location at a farm in al-Dura, a district of southeastern Baghdad.59 Two F-117A Nighthawk aircraft dropped four EGBU-27 2,000-pound penetrator bombs at 3:15 a.m. on a reported bunker at the farm. Moments later, the rest of the farm was hit with up to forty cruise missiles (Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles, or TLAMs) in an attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.60 The U.S. military later acknowledged there was no bunker at the farm, and Saddam Hussein broadcast a television interview days later.61 The attack resulted in one civilian killed and fourteen wounded, including nine women and a child.62

And the US success at using CIA drones to kill Osama bin Laden well I rest my case.

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And while I am at it here is a link to Nazanin Af Shin-Jam's site with three cuts from her upcoming album; Nazanin, to be released in July.

Pop World Beat and call to revolution in Iran. Not bad, for a Former Miss. Canada, Miss. World runner up.

And like all of her sites even this one contains info on her cause celebre;
Nazanin Fateh

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